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June 25, 2013






TUE., JULY 27, 1993   4:24 P.M.     YEAR 6, DAY 345


TUE., JULY 27, 1993




As you ponder in your mind, the things which flow in ceaseless streams through consciousness--one looks at that which is sup­portive, destructive and obvious misrepresentation.


Not only did problems begin with the University of Science and Philosophy for the Ekkers, EJ. and Doris, for well over a year ago--the slings and arrows are ever present.


How would you feel if your very life was being drained away and the following came to you PERSONALLY from ones at US&P:






1992 was a fabulous year of growth and change for the Uni­versity. We had four new additional books published; we es­tablished The Crystal Blue Group whose main function is to as­sist in environmental rehabilitation and help create a peaceful and sustainable civilization; we started The Fulcrum, a Science Newsletter with its second issue containing a report on the suc­cessful re-demonstration of Walter Russell's principles of Trans­mutation; we had many dedicated volunteers and additions to our staff; we built a brand new road to the PALACE; the high point of the year was our annual Homecoming, a great success, with everyone enjoying the speakers, the food, the music, and each other.


We want you to know that we are all here to support your growth and help you in any way we can. Every organization is the combined energy of its founders, directors and the people drawn to the work. You are very important to us!


May this holiday season bring you a wonderful awareness of the inner presence of Light, Love, beauty, joy, harmony, and true self-expression and result in the fulfillment of your heart's desire. We KNOW the secret of Life is sharing our light and love with each other and the world. Bless you!


With our combined Love to you,


Dr. Timothy A. Binder, President

Shirley Calkins Smith, Director of Student Affairs

Board of Directors And Staff.




Would this not seem most interesting--with ongoing aggressive litigation against these "Treasured Friends "? At the very time this was sent--there were surveillance teams following these people everywhere they went, intent upon suing for "contempt of court". What went wrong do you suppose? The PLEIADES CONNECTION series was long prior to this writing. Would it not seem contradictory, this action and these words: " ..... Light, Love, beauty, joy, harmony, and true self-expression and result in the fulfillment of your heart's desire. We KNOW the secret of Life is sharing our light and love with each other and the world .... " In prison perhaps--62 years old and in prison for contempt of court? This "Treasured Friend" feels she needs no enemies if these be friends. Does the right hand have any idea of that which the left hand does?


This is perhaps an error? Sorry--It is addressed directly to Mr. E.J. Ekker at his home address!


I do also request that excerpts from the writing called "LAO RUSSELL" be shared. Lao was a remarkable woman--beautiful, talented, and perspicacious. You must understand that in considering the University of Science and Philosophy and possible errors of ones such as ourselves who long have honored such as WALTER RUSSELL, and further back prior to US&P was The Russell Foundation as we are told. At onset, we KNEW NOTHING OF EITHER! Why might this lack of human knowledge be resting with my scribe? Because the material offered her came BEFORE US&P and as for the Home Study Course--the "authors" came after the volumes were an uncopyrightable edition--and more material came from The Universal One MANUSCRIPT--long prior to Lao Russell or any Foundation and was never copyrighted! We do not quibble over this but it is most interesting that SOMETHING had to have happened to precipitate such animosity against our work--would it not seem?


Russell did NOT found the Russell Foundation. How do we know? Because it says right here in their own material: "Well knowing that our present destructive basis of human relations was not solving personal, national and international problems, LAO RUSSELL FOUNDED THE WALTER RUSSELL FOUNDATION IN 1948, WHICH IN 1957 BECAME THE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPIIY ....."


"Performing a herculean task from which many strong men had turned away, Lao Russell restored a 52-room Italian Renais­sance Marble Palace that had been the prey of the weather and vandals for 20 years and transformed it into a mountain top par­adise with sculpture gardens that is visited annually by thousands from all over the world."


Well so far, it doesn't match much of anything Dharma and "we" do here--no students, no group, not even a home any more, no profits, no nothing but work. How could we be such an adversary OR "Treasured Friend"?


Ah, now perhaps we will see who this person is and why, just perhaps, there is dislike for Commander Hatonn--not to mention his lowly scribe without title or nobility.


"For additional information concerning Lao Russell, who is a member of "The International Platform Association". see "Who's Who of American Women". and "The National So­cial Directory". She is also listed in the 1963 Coronation Edition--which is the First Edition--of the "ROYAL BLUE BOOK" of England. This is an international social and genealogical register with a key to present-day leaders who have achieved distinction on the regional, national or international scene as contributors….”


How much input might Walter have had in the formation of US&P considering his age of near 90 YEARS? Is it not possi­ble that some of Walter's intentions may well have not been recognized and usurped by ones coming AFTER? I have no great bones to pick--but IF WALTER RUSSELL'S WORK IS TRUTH IN SCIENCE--IT WILL BE PRESENTED SOMEWHERE BY SOMEONE! I cannot believe that a late coming home-breaker has the right to take a man's most precious possessions and garner unto herself all claims to self and HER FOLLOWING. If my opinion is misinterpreted as "contempt", then I no longer have any understanding of your narrow imprisoned world at all.


Lao Stebbing (Russell) made many very talented contributions to human consciousness through her writings on romance, mar­riage and LOVE as she called one of her books. Perhaps we again mistake the flower blossom FOR THE TREE?


Chelas, as with Newton: "If I see further, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants who came before me!" Well, I stand on the shoulders, students, of giants such as Walter Russell who could see farther and beyond even Newton! So be it.