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June 14, 2013                                                                                                      


      CHAPTER 10     



FRI., JULY 23, 1993   2:16 P.M.    YEAR 6, DAY 341

FRI., JULY 23, 1993



It is questions of this nature which cause me to have valid evi­dence un MY SIDE that you NEED the information given in the PLEIADES CONNECTION series and the scientific work we presented from Dr. Walter Russell and which is still in litigation to the point that my scribe would stop her work even if mankind NEVER got the needed information to reclaim his world.


You have to understand that "ordinary science" dues not accept Dr. Russell's work--except in the TOP SECRET LABORATO­RIES OF THE ELITE.


One of the must important things given to Russell "by God" was a perfecting of the Mendeleef tables of elements.


First you must realize that the "elements" are arranged in "OCTAVES" which denote frequency (character), etc., of the specific element. In other words, the basis of all "octaves" will be the "keynote" of rest from which the octave springs to ex­press the idea which lies with the magnetic stillness of that keynote. For instance, the fulcrum of the wave of musical oc­taves is its keynote from which all tonal changes in the octave are mathematically calculated in wave frequencies and volume. That keynote is always in one's consciousness whether or not that note is being sounded. In other words, again, it is the bal­ance of its octave.


I do not intend to get into this more deeply at this writing for I simply ask you "What is luminon?"


So, you don't know?




Luminon is no more important than any other element but since I am going to offer a news item on the "thing" then you need to know what it is, for goodness sakes. Further, however, I can­not tell you what is luminon without referring to the work of Dr. Russell at which point I risk court contempt charges against Dharma. 'This is a totally unacceptable situation in which to find yourself as clerk for a professional scientist. So you will simply have to accept my word that "luminon" is an element which is found at the -2 1/2 level in the Fourth Octave with a fulcrum balance point of helium as its inert gas. You must understand that the "Mendeleef tables" NEVER HAD ALL THE ELE­MENTS LISTED FOR THEY WERE NOT ALL KNOWN AT THE TIME.


I would have this to offer my secretary, however, as she feels lost and helplessly caught in between dimensions and arguments­--think how Russell felt constantly, as did Tesla who was consid­ered more "nuts" than reasonable. The interesting thing is that these ones get labeled "eccentric" but Dharma gets labeled a plagiarist in contempt of court.


Since I am barred from giving Russell's work--I can only offer what was printed about him at the time of his sojourn there. Unfortunately, some of the clippings, all (I believe) of which come from the NEW YORK TIMES, have no dates as we only have "copies" of the papers in point and date-headings are not present in most cases but the sender (Dave) has dated the pub­lications for us.


This first article was published July 29, 1923:




New York Artist Wants manufacturer to Turn His Chemists Loose on "Luminon".




"New Element": Would Do a Lot of Other Things if Devel­oped, Says Discoverer.

The discovery of a new principle which should enable scien­tists to find an entirely new element. "luminon," is claimed by Walter Russell, real estate operator and artist, 366 Madison Av­enue, in an open letter to Henry Ford, made public yesterday. [H: Doesn't sound to me like Mr. Russell was trying to hide this information!] Mr. Russell advised the automobile manu­facturer to put his chemists to work to find "luminon," which he says exists in coal and copper and which he suggests should "yield not only a vast fortune for you but give immortality to those of your chemists who find it."


The letter of Mr. Russell in part follows:


"This new element should be abundantly found locked up in coal or copper ore, or wherever zinc, gallium, arsenic, tin, an­timony, lead, bismuth and any phosphoric or nitrogenous com­pounds are found. In luminon lies the solution of the cold light problem which shall be the light of the future. [H: A-hum-n-­n, BUT OUR BOOKS AND EXPLANATIONS ARE BANNED!] The cold light magnetically radiated by means of luminon will make women very beautiful to look upon because of the absence of red and orange rays. Its color will be de­lightfully amber green, that marvelous saffron glow which fol­lows the setting sun, just that color which all women realize en­hances their beauty without the artificial touch.


"The principle involved is an unknown one and involves a high knowledge of the causes of electricity and magnetism be­yond that of even the great experts of today. Therefore I will not confuse this letter by attempting to explain it here even sim­ply.


"The principle is thoroughly familiar to me, and when I make it known it will open up chemical and electrical possibilities heretofore undreamed of. Especially will it simplify long distance communication and lengthen wireless range. [H: Still doesn't sound like he is trying to hide his work from all of you--or even this secretary!]


"This may seem like an amazing statement for a man to make who is professionally known as an artist and who is not even known in science. I am ready, however, to make good on still more amazing statements than this.




"Attempts now being made to produce 'cold light' will fail commercially because they are based on absolutely wrong elec­tro-magnetic principles and the effects produced are deathly and hideous. Cold light produced this way transforms the rosy flesh of a woman into that of a corpse in appearance.


"The new element I shall describe is one of six for which seats await at the family table of the elements between hydrogen and helium. Three of these six elements should be found abun­dantly in coal, also one other, a new inert gas, which I have named 'hydron' because it immediately precedes hydrogen in the table of the elements having an atomic weight of ap­proximately .9, while the hydrogen atom is given as 1.008.


"In all there are 131 to 133 distinct and separate elements, all of which I have charted and found a place for at the family table. Twenty-five are beyond hydrogen, six follow hydrogen and nine are beyond uranium.


"I am not only ready to prove the existence of all these but also to demonstrate conclusively that there can be no more, for the last one, 'omeganon', closes the door to the cycle which has its beginning at absolute zero and in 'alphanon' and ending in absolute equilibrium in 'omeganon' .


"To prophesy the existence of an undiscovered element seems strange to the uninitiated, but to the chemist or physicist the evi­dences of their existence are often as clear as the footprints of animals are to the hunter and woodsman.


"Because hydrogen is the only element which has no alpha particle nuclei it is not considered a 'regular feller' among the elements and the six empty seats have aroused not much con­cern.




'" Luminon' will take her seat four places to the right of hy­drogen at the table, with three intervening. This will bring her in the nitrogen group, hydrogen series, hydron octave. (Note: I name each octave series by the inert gas which precedes it.) [H: This will have "helium" as its fulcrum keynote.] It will be strongly electro-negative. Its atomic weight will approximate 2.90. Its atomic volume will be about one-fourth the hydrogen atom. Its conductivity will be very high.


"You may justly ask what footprints or other indications lead me to believe in the presence of these particular animals in the forest, and more particularly 'luminon'. If a hunter sees rabbit holes and bear tracks near a heap of feathers and bones he will not attribute all three to the rabbit. He will be certain of the presence of three distinct animals whose separate characteristics he is perfectly familiar with.


"The facts revealed to me by the 'footprints of luminon' in spectrum lines taught me the secret of the fire-fly, for the ability of the fire-fly or any other light-giving animal is due solely to their ability to store this gas within themselves and excite its luminosity at will.




"The electro-magnetic process which they use will be made clear when I make known my discovery of causes of positive and negative electricity and magnetism, also when I take issue with the modernists on their electro-magnetic theory of light as being waves in the ether.


"I shall then show that Newton was right in saying that light is corpuscular. I shall then show that ether waves are non-ex­istent because the ether, as understood, is non-existent."


Mr. Russell says it is quite possible to make a complete chart of the trail of "luminon" because "in helium it fairly sings its presence in the green line of wave length 4922.1 which is about 83 on Bunson's chart," and that there are evidences of it in one of the "triply green lines of neon". [H: Here I have an exam­ple and question to ask of the learned lawyers and judges. Mr. Russell utilized Bunson's chart (this is also the man af­ter which the Bunson 'burner' was labeled). Because Walter used this information and printed it, using Mr. Bunson's chart--does this MAKE WALTER RUSSELL A PLAGIA­RIST? Well, the court deemed Dharma a plagiarist because she offered the charts and diagrams of Mr. Russell in sci­ence ONLY. Would this not seem "unfair"? Even the study course available was such that it had no valid copyright and from that ONLY scientific information was offered. No in­formation from the theories of metaphysics as offered by Lao were utilized AT ALL and that was specifically stated in the documents themselves. So be your judicial system and integrity of modern man.]


The real estate operator warns Mr. Ford that the latter's chemists in looking for the new element "undoubtedly will con­fuse it with nitrogen because its strongest character lines in the green have been mistaken for nitrogen."


Mr. Russell says that "luminon" will show weakly in the red or orange and strongly in the blue and ultra-violet, and ends his letter by telling Mr. Ford:


"If I were not engaged in a work of more immediate need for civilization than this I personally would search for 'luminon'."


* * *


Does this not sound as if Mr. Russell was working on things to GIVE TO MANKIND? "If I were not engaged in a work of more immediate need for civilization than this I personally .... " I'm sorry. Dharma, I can give you no explanation as to the in­credible hashing along your journey.



(63 years ago day prior to yesterday)




Head of Society of Arts and Sciences Writing Rook Revising Other Scientific Principles.




Walter Russell Promises to Disprove in Series of Pamphlets Many Accepted Beliefs.


Walter Russell, artist and president of the Society of Arts and Sciences. announced yesterday the publication by him at his own expense of the first of a series of sixteen pamphlets to embody his speculations about the universe and the constitution of mat­ter, which, he says, differ radically from many commonly ac­cepted scientific beliefs. He further announced that he intends to send the first pamphlet, dealing with the "cyclic theory of continuous motion, or the Russell genero-radiative concept," to "leading scientists throughout the world". [H: Still doesn't sound as if he doesn't want his work spread around liber­ally.]


According to Mr. Russell, "The fundamentals of science are so hopelessly wrong and so contrary to nature that nothing but a major surgical operation upon the present primitive beliefs can ever put them in line for a workable cosmogenic synthesis."


Newton's mathematically proved principle that if the orbital motions of the planets were stopped they would fall into the sun is among those challenged by Mr. Russell, who claims that an experiment conducted by him with a "miniature model of the solar system" convinces him that no such thing would happen.


Mr. Russell denies the universally accepted law that "like charges repel and opposite charges attract each other: "If this were true," he asks, "why is it that positive and negative poles of a bar magnet are at its opposite ends, as far as they can get away from each other, instead of being together in the middle, as they should be logically if the law were true?"


Mr. Russell launches into further speculations which he promises to "prove" in his succeeding fifteen pamphlets. "Many new metals," he writes, "of great value to industry can be se­cured by understanding nature's simple but hitherto unknown principles. An ocean steamship like the Leviathan could pro­duce her own fuel at negligible cost from sea water in a machine no larger than a newspaper printing press. Carbon metal could be developed with a tensile strength double that of Bessemer steel. Silicon steel will become an ideal structural steel, with more than double its present strength, and very much cheaper, because of the unlimited supply of sand, than iron ore." [H: Ooops! Looks like we are getting there doesn't it? And what would this do to the big industrial corporations dealing in all the nasty other stuff? Now, I think we may be reach­ing into the can of worms! You-the-people are not SUP­POSED TO HAVE ANYTH1NG, REMEMBER?!]


Several years ago Mr. Russell figured in the news by writing to Henry Ford suggesting that he put his chemists to work iso­lating "luminon" from coal, a substance that, Russell said, would make Ford rich and women beautiful." In 1926, he printed privately "The Universal One", embodying his present theories, which scientists looked upon with disfavor. [H: Ah, indeed, but WE referred to that original uncopyrighted MANUSCRIPT and it is deemed plagiarism and copyright infringement--by a group formed long AFTER the presenta­tion to the public of this information. Lao is credited with the total changes brought about in Russell's life, forming The Walter Russell Foundation in 1948 (Russell was near 80-years-of-age) and in 1957 (Russell would have now been near 90 years-of-age) EVERYTHING CHANGED, the University of Science and Philosophy was formed and the Russell Foun­dation dropped. Lao and her new benefactors from the Elite lineage such as Brookings Institute took control of ALL of Walter's work. As for unfair competition? They state in 1958 that they had "Over 50,000 students and readers in many countries, embracing all races and religions." I find this most interesting that a court of law (Federal Court) would rule "unfair competition" when there have, in this place, been no organized anything--and never even 1,500 subscribers to the paper which does not even break even nor does It accept paid advertising! Yet, this too, is considered "contemptuous" Just by the mentioning of this information.]




The next is from August 3, 1930, New York Times:





Dr. Jackson Sees Something Profane in Mr. Russell's Attack on Laws of Science. [H: In other words, if it "differs" from professed "the way it is"--it Is profane? Yes indeed, the world must still be flat and the universe revolves around planet earth Terra Shan.]


To the Editor of The New York Times:


The TIMES of July 21 contains an article stating that Walter Russell challenges the Newtonian theory of gravitation.


This artist, who is admittedly NOT A SCIENTIST, goes on to say that "the fundamentals of science are so hopelessly wrong and so contrary to nature, that nothing but a major surgical op­eration upon the present primitive beliefs can ever put them in line for a workable cosmogenetic synthesis."


Disregarding all of his other claims it seems to me that it would be more fitting for an artist of Mr. Russell's acknowl­edged distinction in his own field, to remain in it and not go trespassing on "ground which even angels fear to tread."


For nearly three hundred years no one, not even a scientist, has had the temerity to question Newton's laws of gravitation. [H: WHY?] Such an act on the part of a scientist would be akin to blasphemy, and for an artist to commit such an absurdity is, to treat it kindly, an evidence of either misguidance or crass ig­norance of the enormity of his act.


[H: Dharma, right now, says that if she knew all this BE­FORE she would never have scribed for me because it looks like Mr. Russell is some stupid oaf who crosses the accepted norm of the centuries and, right or wrong, would at best, be controversial--something she doesn't like under any circum­stances!  But, to write books on something she doesn't un­derstand, by one she never heard of and end up like this ei­ther represents her total insanity (a pleading perhaps in court?) or TRUTH! She KNOWS that whatever Hatonn may or may not be--he is a busybody with the TRUTH and responding to the prayers of mankind--giving her a gross headache in the process! So be it, chela, rewards ALWAYS flow In "kind" in their proper sequence! In school she did poorly in Physics but was remarkable in Chemistry. How else can it be for you time-travelers--you KNOW the teach­ings are NOT CORRECT! It will all make sense some day.]




There are some things which we, in our profession, hold sa­cred and believe to be unalterable fundamentals, because they are the whole truth, to which nothing can be added nor sub­tracted from.


The Newtonian laws of gravitation and Kepler's three im­mortal laws are considered perfect laws.


The TIMES article states that in his book "The Russell Gen­ero-Radiative Concept", now just issued, and in fifteen more to follow, he is going down the line and rip the other immutable laws up the back. Newton gets his first; then, I presume, he will have the temerity to have a go at Kepler.


I will pass over the other promised reforms, such as his at­tempt to change the fundamental law of electro-dynamics from "like charges repel" to just the opposite. They are not worthy of serious thought, so let him tear at them uselessly to his heart's content. No one will in the least mind or take notice, but when it comes to our sacred laws I say "hands off"


John E. Jackson

New York, July 28, 1930




To the Editor of the New York Times:


Dr. John E. Jackson's letter to you, a copy of which he gra­ciously forwarded to me (a line of print missing) ... Science should be exact, not approximate or inferential.


Just as Newton left out all consideration of the equal and op­posite reaction to the attraction of gravitation, which is the repulsion of radiation, so does Kepler leave the other focus of his ellipses out of his consideration. "The sun is one of the foci of planetary elliptical paths," he says; but how about the other one?  My friendly critics will of course admit that there are two foci to any elliptical orbit. If one of these foci is important, why is not the other equally so?


What is the cause of elliptical orbits if not that some doubly acting force, concentrated at two foci, is exerting its opposite in­fluences on both masses, not on one. For this reason also it is inaccurate, because untrue, to say that the sun is at one of its foci. That infers that the sun's center is one of its foci, which is not true. The true focus, which only happens to be within the sun, because of the sun's huge bulk, is the mutual gravitative center of both sun and planet, or earth and moon.




If a planet happened to be a big fellow, the focus referred to would be a long way outside of the sun. For this reason, the law is purely a local one, limited to a solar system, and would not apply to two solar systems or to two bodies of approximately equal mass revolving around each other, as a universal law should apply.


The neglected focus is the mutual center of repulsion which is the lowest point in the pressure gradient between any two masses. These two oppositely acting foci are the controls which determine the orbits of both masses around each other instead of one mass around the other, which was the apparent limit of Kepler's consideration.


Perhaps Dr. Jackson will explain to me why Kepler and Newton, and all who have followed since then, have shirked this other necessary focus and have given us only the perfectly obvi­ous one.


If Newton had watched that apple compose itself from low potential gases and liquids to high potential solids, saw it fall, and still remained on his job watching it decompose back again into low potential gases and vapors as it arose, we might have had a complete law of gravitation which would have been a great aid in putting a much-needed foundation under the feet of science during these intervening centuries.




I am offering again my contribution to what seems to me the un ... ]H: sorry, a couple of lines again missing]



July, 1930


* * *


Enough for this writing and I believe it is enough for today, we have written at least three times daily for this full week and minds and fingers are scrambled. Save out the copies of the ar­ticles and we will finish them later.


There is nothing sacred about the theories of Newton or Kepler or Russell. Truth is Truth and all the arguing about it won't change a thing about it. Life is sacred, TRUTH is sacred and YOU are sacred--defense of that simply because it is accepted as "sacred" is the most foolish of ALL! Aho.