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June 3,2013




SUN., JUNE 20, 1993   10:18 A.M.     YEAR 6, DAY 308

SUN., JUNE 20, 1993


Each year you ones come up with your annual celebrations of this or that in order to aid commerce and focus a hit of attention on a given subject.


I am honored that some of you ones have honored me by ex­pressing your feeling of one with me as Father to my own off­spring manifested as YOU. It is a wondrous joy for any parent who had great love for his children to have a child say, "Thank you, Dad, for the hard lessons for I recognize that you must love me greatly to allow me expression AND walk with me through my lessons."


It gives cause to stop and think upon these things for a while in order to consider that which is and that which may come to be. There is NO FUTURE, there is only the curved universe which shall bring into your attention that which you are expressing NOW. Complicated? No--it only seems complicated and com­plex because of all the incorrect lessons and perceptions. More­over, you have reached a time in cycle evolution where you MUST consider the Spiritual aspects of self more carefully than the physical if you are to continue your journey to KNOWING. The gourd of ashes has been shown in the heavens and time of recognition of plight is at hand. This means the "Day of the Lord" is also at hand for when the student is ready-the teacher will always come for the higher lessons.





There is nothing except electric waves in this universe in which you are experiencing your play. But what you least realize is that the INvisible universe is the one in absolute control of the visible. The INvisible universe dominates and controls ALLMOTION. This is by magnetic division into "cube" WAVE FIELDS OF ZERO (NO) curvature--beyond which no mov­ing thing can pass. It can, however, repeat itself in neighbor­ing wave-fields but always in reverse as mirrors reverse. This in fact (this illusion) is exactly THAT--a reverse reflection mir­ror image in simulation of the cause which offers the effect of "being".


The geometry of the zero universe is based upon the cube and cube sections--no curvature. Their planes are of zero curva­ture and they reflect their forms in MATTER in CRYSTAL STRUCTURES, which are the only forms of zero curvature in nature.


All MOTION in the electric universe is curved. The curved universe of matured form is based upon the sphere.


The sphere is a COMPRESSED cube (OOPS!). The sphere is a series of true circles no matter where it may be divided into sections by cutting through it in one plane, anywhere. All motion is equally compressed in respect to gravity.




Therefore, all motion is in true gravity-centered circles which multiply into spheres and again divide into true circles. And what of the "center" of these circles-what is represented therein? Ah yes, the source of ALL ENERGY is the CRE­ATOR, all motion of every nature, whether of thought or action, spins in the circular spiral control around the om­nipotent creator of that motion and in planes of 90 degrees from a shaft of any extension of motion.


The "time" must come when man MUST KNOW where GOD is at every moment in respect to himself. He must completely understand how God controls every action and desire of all living things from man to the most tiny cells and spores or from galaxy to electron. During their entire jour­neys from their beginnings in HIM to their endings in HIM, these are the unknown things which unfolding man MUST KNOW BEFORE HE CAN BEGIN TO MANIFEST HIS OWN DIVINE INHERITANCE.


May you, my own, be given to come rapidly into this KNOWING.


And now, my precious friends and family, let us speak a bit on the "future", this wondrous concept that allows for dreaming, planning, learning and anticipation worthy of "action" motion.


Your enemy has stalked you and sought to destroy you. He has risen up at goodly works and revealed a very sharp sword and destructive life-destroying weapons. He has hurled these things at your faithfulness and he has made himself quite worthy of the fear instilled within you.


Man has come and gone in equity while seeking out revilements only for the beastly, for the wolves of great massacres, for those who do a wrong and who know wherein they do it. It is indeed confusing and misleading but don't be so perplexed as to miss the truth of it in expression.


Your shields and coats of goodly armor are wrought of far tougher material and fibers than any of you have yet thought. The arenas of your strivings, precious ones, are far higher on the uplands and mountain tops.


I know that you would enjoy comforts of some trivial gossip and speakings but that would only cause you to remain within the perplexed circumstance and indeed your banquet table would remain quite barren. It is that soon will come and go those who do the boasting and oppression. There will come the day when the drums of hate are stilled and the righteous have increase.


Man must rise up and look beyond that which SEEMS TO BE and yonder unto that which is the destiny of expression.


You, in all the wonder of your experience, must become as the child in anticipation of witness and expression in the learning and the testing curiosity. You must be as the lark of the morn­ing time--as the sparrows who look upon their morning as a glory in radiance--another day of experience for they have no "thinking" mind to do other than respond to that which is of­fered. If you dwell in the dreary you shall become an immobi­lized dullard without ability to move on into your wondrous ex­pression of divinity--you will walk on in the bindings of self-­imprisonment.


Take note of those things upon which you allow your mind and physical self to dwell. Is it your resources? Is it your possibil­ity of some LOSS or another? Is it your self-limiting focus on "how bad things are for you"? Do you think of your brother and pray for HIM--or do you ask perfection, luxury, security and "having" for SELF? Ponder these things for wherein lies your thought and heart-there too shall be entrapped and immo­bilized, SELF.


There is coming the sequence of events in which the tauntings and boasting shall be cast down and the Father tells you that you are, "My Beloved! I am he who has proclaimed you! I have given you speakings and writings and I have laid them in your presence and upon your lips that you can know your way. Do you use them or do you turn to that which is already proven crushing upon the very soul?"


You are not just "my lambs"--you are the shepherds. The sheep go before YOU and unto the still waters and meadows of plenty are you beckoned. WHERE DO YOU GO?


I ask you, family of my beloved circle, is it better to be one who goes before the sheep and sees not the mischief performed by the wolves, than to give all vigilance and hear the small plaint of the lamb that is taken? Look beyond the sheep into that which is ahead, having learned the prospects and possibilities--and the probabilities of pitfalls and dangers—THEN, let the sheep go before you so that you can watch over them and hear their cries as if in a wilderness of blindness.


Of course there are comings and goings of perplexing circum­stances. There can be anger in the morning as often as the gen­tle perfection of joy as ever endless scenarios unfold in the ex­pression of manifestation. There can be strife presented in the noon-time and the evening and thus and so--but THE GOODLY COMPANY shall pause, not to be bogged in the mire of that which MAY be. KNOW that you shall pass beyond this inci­dent, this action, this perceived moment and on into that which is REAL and valid. You must keep on valiantly while seeing the splendor of the goal to he taken.


Respond to me, chelas, and I succor you now and forever--my help rests upon you as the down feathers of the eagle but with the security of the flight feathers of the Phoenix. I now and for­ever shall ennoble you to all things wondrous and beautiful as you rise above those things of ugly reflection of soulless evil images borne in places of hell--that place devoid of God and LIGHT. Separate not from the LIGHT for, in your wanderings into the dark reflections and expressions, you shall become lost. I ask that you open your ears to understanding--and eternity in my places shall surely receive you--you shall become holders of true wisdom and you shall flourish as the perfection which you mirror as God in Self--if you but come and walk this path with ME. I can see you home, children--and I shall. For it is my promise that I shall do so. You shall learn and KNOW and we shall go into the wondrous expression of greater and ever greater experience as we reach into that cosmic universe.


Don't dwell in consternation at the lessons--all things need ex­planation that you do not go without "reason" --but full compre­hension does not come until the KNOWING--all else is LEARNING.


The messengers come to you, bringing both triumphs as well as perplexities; they are guided of God in that HE gives them placement and instruction. They shall tell you of the Plan and the beauties of its masterings so that you can learn and know substance. I, further, however, caution to NOT demand that they "give" you this or that. You shall petition for your brethren and for another creature or creation but God KNOWS that which you need for your journey and growth and your only valid approach unto God is, "Thy will be done in your higher knowing, Father." You continually ask for things which, if given as asked, would destroy you for you are yet ignorant as to the WHOLE and would ask for the "moment" and miss the won­drousness of the victory awaiting. You are IMPATIENT IN YOUR GROWING AND YOU WOULD ACT OUT OF EA­GERNESS INSTEAD OF WISDOM.


Man chooses his pathway and makes his own progress.We can show you the way and tread the path-before you and even motivate good to come unto you-I can even convince you of my presence-but I must leave to you your decisions.


Now is the time of cycle, however, wherein in your growth or ignorance I must say to you, "Choose" for it is time to know if ye be of your Father Creator or servants to the darkness. It is not so strange, the vision of man, for it is easy to see that "darkness" needs some radiance to relieve the absence of vision­-but one does not perceive the light readily--it is just "there" and is unseen in its presence.


Well, chelas, a new cycle has performed and opened--the times are ripe on Earth for heavenly manifestings. How much progress has MAN made in his experiencing? He cries out for light and he shall arrive at a point where denial of Truth shall not longer be acceptable to his own senses. Man has gained a whole lot of "knowledge" but not WISDOM. He has used this knowledge to bring utter peril to himself. Man has gone far in learning's application, yet has he threatened himself with ex­tinction.


Man seeks the Spirit as he has never before sought. Life has its mysteries, science has her quandaries, the souls of men arrive at the cross roads of experiencings and a massive cry goes up. Men utter the cry. Where are those who lead us? We are stopped and do not find our leaders! There is none to lead us farther!?!


But men cry out their anguish in error and their mistakes find them out--I, and my Hosts, go before them with great truths. I say again, "Accept the LIGHT!" For lo, we are the lamp­lighters bringing forth light unto searching Man. We are come to flood them with light but they must see for themselves the Spirit moving and behold the results of spirituality and goodness as we lead them. We can push a little and shove or pull a little--­but we cannot make this journey for a single one of you.


I can only repeat that you have the Truth; practice it! You have the Spirit; use it! Goodly gifts have been given to you; now I COMMAND that you employ them!!


You keep running to me with petitions of "Show me" and "Manifest, Master, that we can believe!" Well, precious ones, we will manifest when we are READY to come forth in physical aspect. We are NOT the little gray clones of interplanetary fa­bles and myths--we are the Hosts of God come to attend our people and the things of Creator.


My "words" are but sounds on the waves of energy frequency. My thoughts are the manifestation of that which you ARE. Therefore, you must hear the words and BE them! The call has now come forth for higher things to be revealed and the Bright and Radiant WORD shall be revealed in unfolding manifesta­tion--and from the ugliness shall become manifest the beauty that has been so long hidden.


The "Pharisees" still live, my friends, and man has his scriven­ers (writers) to lay down the laws of MAN to oppress and im­prison, behold your lawyers, but rend the goodly and lift up the evil standards. Ah yes, many dwell, NOW, in goodly places but have great darkness in their hearts. Moreover, to simply come forth in pretense of goodness while practicing in the physical greed of self-gain is not bidden from the presence of God and is not long hidden from the sight of MAN. The Truth is easy to remember--the LIE grows out of bound and changes with the wind. Hold to the Light and in the ending the Truth shall be made known in honor and profit and the evil cheats shall manage to damage and consume themselves. Indeed, it may SEEM to take long--but dear ones--TIME IS REALLY ALL YOU HAVE IN ETERNITY IN WHICH TO EXPRESS AND EXPERIENCE--BE PATIENT. What you see is most often NOT what IS.




I ask that we rerun a section from a small booklet written by one called David Lewis, SURVIVAL OF THE REMNANT. We have shared it before and it needs to be shared again as refresher and reminder that you are in the great time of change which must be confronted. The "Holy" Remnant as well as the human remnant must prevail through these pressing tribulations and you must fight also for the survival of America as well as your own for it is the place of chosen greatness and the place of your manifested heritage of the" Ancients". You must win THIS battle without Man's weapons but by using the greatest power of all weaponry­-the prevailing powers of God.




In the grim years ahead, the time is 2000. The place: Earth-­-now a desolate planet slowing dying by its own accumulated er­rors and follies. Its dying is the end result of man's wasteful years, his growth of technologies in the wrong direction, his fear of being conquered and his inability to cope with the reality that people are a human entity of God and not to be used or misused as a tool of whimsical temperament to deprive, starve or destroy at will.


By man's own choice, the earth in Global 2000 lies barren of its forests while sand dunes rapidly spread over the fertile farm lands that once served us so well. Nearly two million species of plant life have withered on the burned stalks; birds, insects and animals have vanished from sight; the once sparkling rivers that gave life to the world are now dried and the river bottoms are likened to the skin of the crocodile. The fertile valleys, the golden wheat fields, citrus groves and millions of acres of veg­etables are now only a faint recollection or the past. Aircraft no longer fly over our cities and the traffic congested streets are the silent ghosts of an era past. Sidewalks are no longer the foot paths for hurried feet for, although they hardy remain, the memory is now lurking in the shadows of the blackened fog of radioactivity that shrouds the atmosphere.


Nearby and far off structures that once housed a metropolis of activity has changed from the architectural splendor into a dreaded nightmare of man's stubborn attempts to defy God and nature as he changes the atom into weapons of destruction. Yet with this beforehand knowledge firmly planted in the minds of most intelligent men, knowing that this era will come to a close, he is still propagating so rapidly that his momentum is carrying him even faster to a civilization demise.


This bleak and solemn scenario is not science fiction to any degree but a detailed study of the real world's future in Global 2000, which is a prophecy that is merely waiting to be played out. Global 2000 could grow into an even darker picture prior to this great historical event if we continue to speed up the intri­cate acts and threats of wars, thus painting an absolute shocking picture of the world fifteen (Ed. note: and eight years have passed.) years from now.


God did not plan our future but, knowing man as He does, his prophecies will ring true on that day of Global 2000 and 2001. Man has insisted on his own follies and has learned little by his mistakes, thus he has paved his own road to the abyss of hell--taking with him--all of mankind.


Today we live in an era where nearly everything is geared toward armament and destruction. Our guns are in readiness, our attitudes are tense, faces grim with the progressing news of world events. Frustration mounting and nerves frayed to near short circuits. We have approached that time in our society where it is now fashionable to burn all candles at both ends, outwardly demonstrate our greed and selfishness, stimulate riots and discontent and scoff at those who still show some Christian background.


To our deepened regret, government officials throughout the world have planted the seeds of deceit, spoken unforgivable words in their constant wrangling, prepared many guises in or­der to cover the actual intentions, led the masses to complete ig­norance and have aided the communistic parties where they in turn can begin to take over our freedoms within this great na­tion. Yet in a war of nerves to the American people, they lead us to believe there will be no impending dangers--while they silently proceed with their plans toward a One World Govern­ment, a One World Order, a One World Religion, and for a money control--a One World Bank. Is this the freedom promised you under our Constitution? We can no longer back away from the conclusions of this truth anymore than we can continue to sidestep the conclusions of Global 2000. The stakes are too high for the United States and for all mankind.


This then is "the challenge of the century" to all who truly care about God's creation ... the ultimate destiny of mankind and the real meaning of "survival".




I am going to close out this writing with some sobering state­ments from your own claimed books of knowledge and religious teachings. Let this truth be held within your bosom for it will come to pass that it bears great importance.


Just as there is true definition of such as "Khazar", "Gentile", Jew, Gog, Magog, expressed in many languages, as example: In Arabic, "Gog" means China and "Magog" means Russia. Let us not fiddle in such matters to the extent you MISS THE POINT.


I want you to understand that with all the New World Order and other things applicable to changing times--Chinaright now controls its "active" army of a bit over 225 million. The Bible refers to China aggression as the "Yellow Peril"--the armies or 200 million coming out or the East, shielded with armor and swords, riding their horses to battle. Do not let the "horses" fool you--it is all that was available for transporta­tion at the writing of the book. Let us just consider "horsepower" and "weapons".


Ezekiel 38: 1-4:


"And the word of the Lord came unto me saying, Son of man, set thy face against Gog (China) and the land of Magog (Russia), the chief prince of Mesheck and Tubal, and prophecy against him. And say, thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I am against thee, 0 God, the chief prince of Mesheck and Tubal. And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into the jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armor, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords ."


There is something even more important, however, to remem­ber: We speak of those of the Mongol origin. You MUST re­member that the Khazarian "Zionists" are of Mongol, Russ (Russian) and Nordic origin. So what does this possibly mean? Let us consider that the very forces of that which is basically humanistic and atheistic in perception shall have a rising up against each other that shall be as the explosion of the planet it­self.

Does this mean that all Chinese and all Russians and all Ameri­cans and all MEN are evil and against God? No, it means you should learn your lessons so you know what to look for and get your own SELF squared away with GOD so you HEAR your in­structions if you are to be among the remnant. Salu.




"We must make changes because changes are inevitable and the first change we have to make IS IN OURSELVES, as to how we see the world and how we are able to deal with life. That change comes about by releasing the past, releasing the blame, the anger, and frustration for what you feel has been done to you, and to get on with your life.


"Attitude prevails and in order to change what is prevalent around us, we have to be willing to change the attitude within ourselves. Nothing begins if it doesn't begin right here with you, with me. Nothing happens unless it happens with ME."