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May 18, 2013




In the wondrous manifestation of physi­cal expression comes the need to "finally" understand that which IS and that which you ARE. It is the coming into knowing of the truth of your expression and the ability of your manifestation which allows the passage on to higher and greater expression and experience. May you walk ever in LIGHT for therein is ALL.






 REC  #1         HATONN

WED., AUG. 4, 1993,   9:06 A.M.    YEAR 6, DAY 353

WED., AUGUST 4, 1993


As we again open unto the subject of "Light" being ALL and from Light comes forth ALL, I am required to reference other material than that marketed by Walter Russell through the later ­to-be-established (when Russell was near 90-years) University of Science and Philosophy.


 Since we are not able to determine exactly WHAT is the US&P objection to our work in periodical format sharing the scientific realization of Walter Russell we must find other avenues of bringing to your attention the material on the scientific subject. We have no right nor wish to encroach on that which is an­other's property but scientific FACT is difficult to describe ex­cept AS the FACT. Truth is singular but the avenues of arriv­ing at that Truth is myriad. However, when you are in the "funnel's neck" and as Truth in fact is narrowed down to pre­sentation--it is impossible not to utilize the pre-offered bits and pieces. I have no wish to offend nor to usurp-but Truth is Truth is Truth--and ALL is LIGHT. YOU and YOU and YOU ARE the manifested thought focus of GOD who is LIGHT! Through eons of "teachings" God ends up presented as some "white" being. No--GOD IS LIGHT which is ALL colors be­coming ONE. If there was not present the red-bronze of the Native, the brown-bronze of the "Black", the golden hue of the Oriental and the blue-pale shades of other spectrum colors of the "White" and thus and so-there would be missing in the WHOLE. NOTHING is missing from the "whole" and there­fore ALL are a part of the ONE Creator Source--SPIRIT-­GOD!


 How that ONE CONGLOMERATE fits into all other expression as YOU PERCEIVE it to he is the MYSTERY OF THE AGES AND THE UNIVERSE. In explaining it in such a way that can be understood by an unenlightened hut awakening civilization of human expression--it is difficult indeed to start at void-point and reach apex of the WHOLE without being able to utilize that which you MIGHT understand. CAN we do it? Of course. Our prior offerings through the PLEIADIAN CONNECTIONS and "Master's" presentations was for the very purpose of bringing FORTH the very ones who would ultimately thwart the information's reaching you-the-people. Who is guilty'! No one­-for it is exactly as it had to be. The  who first gave the false information to the US&P are the ones who hold the re­sponsibility of misrepresentation and damage assault--to bring down another--not even us. We were the prime target but even the workers did not know it.


US&Preacted exactly as they were TOLD to react in effort to silence ME, HATONN. Interesting? Indeed--since I had little input into the volumes in pertinent point. It was somehow al­right for Russell to get HIS information from God--it was NOT alright for Dharma to get hers from GOD, much less "E.T.s" which, by definition blunt and total--IS GOD! IF GOD BE NOT AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL--THEN WHY DO YOU LOOK FOR HIM TO COME BACK FROM THE EX­TRATERRESTRIAL SPACES? INDEED GOD IS VERY MUCH AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL HAVING CREATED THE VERY PLANET WHICH APPEARS SO "REAL" TO THE PHYSICAL EXPRESSION--BUT IS BUT THE STAGE FOR GOD'S PURPOSE. YOU ARE BUT AN EXPRESSION OF GOD'S THOUGHT MANIFEST!


So, what have we? We have a whole civilization who doesn't know what IS God or "realization". You have become shackled into a blinded, bound people without ability to find Truth for TRUTH IS HIDDEN FROM YOU BY YOUR BROTHERS WHO WOULD HAVE YOUR VERY SOUL IN DESTRUC­TION. THIS IS BUT THE COURSE OF "LIFE" PHYSICAL. BUT, TO BREAK THE CYCLES AND BINDINGS YOU MUST LEARN TRUTH--NOT MYSTICALLY OR IN MYSTICISM SOMEHOW BUT THROUGH UNDERSTANDING THE GREAT MYSTERIES OF FACTUAL PHYSICS OF THE COSMIC UNIVERSE. Through the coming into knowledge will come all other things added unto you--in abundance, be it on these places you now experience OR elsewhere as shall be the fruits of your participation in "creating".


 It is becoming more and more that man can communicate with the Universe in a universal tonal-light language. Less and less will translators be necessary as refinement and understanding and INTENT unto SOURCE is recognized and nurtured. HOWEVER, the myriads of "speakers" now flaunting their ad­vice and instructions are most PROBABLY not receiving from a Lighted Source. Remember the "game" and know that a thou­sand "false witnesses" only makes ONE massively false witness. It is fun to get confirmation-but that too is the game of reaching GOAL-- for the adversary.


If a man claims to be God returned-or the Christ returned--in physical expression NOW, that one is false for that "being" is NOT ON YOUR PLACE IN PHYSICAL EXPRESSION. Those are sent, most "meaning" well, to distract you. You will find that "I" fit NONE of the categories claimed by "channels", prophets, and/or psychics. I come into your attention as a teacher, a messenger, a way shower and simply as a "Host". If we walk upon your place, we do so in holographic form SO THAT YOU CAN KNOWTHE DIFFERENCE IN THAT WHICH "CLAIMS TO BE" AND THAT WHICH "IS". We IDENTIFY individually, our energy and we DO NOT COME AS A CONGLOMERATE OF ANY KIND! If you are re­ceiving from a "Cosmic Group" of some kind and they refuse to give more-you are getting, at least partially, false testimony. It simply IS the way it IS. I have no exception to those who pre­sent--some in great truth (almost all in fact)--only clouded by the errors and ego. GOD KNOWS HIS TEAM, CHELAS--and He doesn't need many resources FOR SOON ALL WILL BE ABLE TO COMMUNICATE AND NO LONGER WILL THE OCCASIONAL "SPEAKER CHANNEL" BE EVEN NO­TICED. YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE RESPONSIBILTY FOR SELF--OR YOU SHALL BE DRAWN INTO THE SNARE OF "ANOTHER'S" RECITINGS AND OPINIONS.


How can you know the difference? By studying the Truth instead of the lies-end you will recognize the Truth from that which is birthed within as the LAWS OF GOD AND CRE­ATION. YOU KNOW! YOU simply refuse to act properly on that which you know-through a preference to REMAIN IGNO­RANT IN THAT YOU WON'T HAVE TO TAKE RESPON­SIBILITY FOR THAT WHICH IS.


Ah, indeed, many of those "teachers" will preach, "come to me and we will learn to ascend". B.S.--even ascension is a very PHYSICAL ability and it is NOT sitting on your duff WAIT­ING for a RAPTURE! Most are buried to the neck in confusion and pain of inability to cope in this time of chaos--so you search and search and FIND only that which tells you what you want to hear-but it brings not peace nor contentment--for the MIND knows the presentation is at least 50% total garbage. GOD TELLS YOU AND HAS ALWAYS TOLD YOU THAT YOU MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR SELF OR YOU WOULD REPEAT UNTIL YOU LEARN THAT LESSON. SO BE IT--YOU HAVE LITTLE TIME LEFT IN "THIS" EX­PRESSION--HE HAS ALL THE TIME IN INFINITY TO WAIT FOR YOUR GAMES TO TAKE ON HIS RULES.


Who am "I" to pronounce these regulations and rules upon you? I am probably that KNOWING VOICE within which reminds you OF WHO YOU ARE! I think I will request that our print­ers do that which a beloved brother has done with his writings:


"Edited by - - - -". David Hatcher Childress offers great infor­mation to you and then offers himself as a compiler and selector of that information which, to him, is valid. That is all "I" do-­bring you my selections of material which is Truth and valid and necessary for correct passage--If YOU WISH TO HAVE IT. I do NOT have disciples as you now define "disciple" for that in­dicates a "following of a MAN". Are there ones on your place worthy of followers? Yes, but I am not on your place--I await the proper "time" of arrival. These other ones claiming to have been sent--may well have been--I do not discern for you nor judge actions for you. Those who are rooted, however, in the ego of physical presentation are DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH IN PASSAGE. They may well teach many truths and do great miracles and magic--but it is the WORD OF TRUTH which is that which will give you passage ticket.


Ones often come who reinterpret the Holy Books--WHY? Why do you dawdle in that which WAS or MAY BE when you HAVE TRUTH IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES AND EARS? Why would you turn only to that which is proven tampered and reconstructed as MAN translates and perceives--WHEN YOU HAVE THE TRUTH WITHIN YOUR VERY BEING? If a thing is WRONG a thousand Bibles will NOT make it RIGHT!


Each of you will either deny God, wonder about God, believe in God, look for a "Hereafter" expression, HOPE for one or sim­ply don't give a damn. What of the latter category? Well, I suggest they may wish to continue reading our presentations for their understanding of their experience and that of the adversar­ial forces may allow some semblance of a better PHYSICAL time of it. You will note that the ones who DENOUNCE our work as evil or tell you "Do not read that evil garbage" are only protecting THEIR POSITION ON THE THRONE OR PULPIT. IF THERE IS SUCH DAMAGE IN OUR WORDS--WHY DO THEY FEAR YOUR REALIZATION OF IT SO GREATLY? WOULD NOT THE VERY EXPERIENCING OF THAT WHICH WE OFFER PROVE THEIR POINT IF INDEED THEY BE CORRECT? We ask that you read and hear EVERYTHING--AND THEN JUDGE THE WORK. WHAT PROOF DO "THEY" OFFER OTHER THAN CHANTINGS FROM A BOOK WRITTEN BY MEN? LOOK AROUND YOU AND YOU HAVE YOUR PROOF OF THAT WHICH WE OFFER UNTO YOU. SO BE IT.


God promised to "SEND HIS MESSENGERS OF LIGHT"-­-REMEMBER? He also promised to send the WORD--that ye might KNOW! He did not say you had to believe it, live it or even READ it. He promised to SEND--BOTH. Again--so be it.


As we again effort to bring that which is scientific fact, proven within the laws of universal physics-we shall do that which we can to give "understanding" to that which is offered. It requires that the so-called "educated" sector have open minds and realize that MAN, prior to self-was fallible and could err-even the great Newton, et al. Interestingly enough-those great scientists would be the FIRST to say, "I was not quite right for I did not have that which you have today to KNOW the truth of the whole of it!" Even Newton stated: "If I have seen further, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants who came before me!" He would never have claimed to be able to see BEYOND even to the extent that as with all the great scientists-he could not be SURE OF GOD AS SOURCE--only realizing SOMETHING FAR GREATER WHICH ORCHESTRATED A PERFECTLY FUNCTIONING UNIVERSEI Groveling and slithering before a perceived icon doesn't cut it--honest appraisal that "I don't re­ally know," does very nicely. True "ignorance" is the most ac­ceptable plus in the Kingdom of God--deliberate refusal to know and deliberate turning from that which is Truth--is the greatest negative action in Kingdom of God. Intent and knowledge are EVERYTHING. Both intent and knowledge are light energy of "emotional" category and are separate from that which is PHYSICAL. "Thought" is etheric--action is physical--guided by the "thought". So, you have come "a long way, babies"-- your thoughts are now controlled and given to you and thus your actions move with control by the "thought"--so you have LOST YOUR WAY. You march to drumbeats set forth by another-­just as PLANNED by those who would physically control, en­slave and USE your world for THEIR own purpose-you are forfeit!


If I can cause just ONE to fully and totally understand the POWER in KNOWING--it is all that is required. If many of you come into KNOWING--then the game is over for the big dark brother who would bind your soul-you would put the bindings on him and toss him out of your realization! Why do you not do it now? Because you DO NOT KNOW FOR SURE WHAT COMES AFTER THIS EXPERIENCE--once you do--­the game is up for him--for it is so wondrous a venture that none would stay in "Satan's" game. The adversary is the testor and, being the testor--he can only affect the physical which is already manifest--he cannot CREATE. Therefore it is fact--all souls can be bound by him save ONE and STILL GOD WILL WIN! How? Because that ONE within GOD shall create all else-and cast out the adversary in expression.


Do "I" test? Indeed--but I am not "THE Testor". I am a guide with the WORD who can lead the march with God's drumbeat­--against the enemy of your soul journey. YOU WILL MAKE THE CHOICE--IT IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS.


In the unfolding of the MYSTERIES OF RADIANCE shall come your ultimate understanding. May we do our task well that you may find KNOWING.