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May 17, 2013





by Ron Ens


This article was reprinted from The Other Side of The News, February 1994 issue, Trinity County--Big Bar, Calif. 96010.


If one analyzes the tactics and procedures of the modern day police force, they will see that the cops of today are selected, trained, and indoctrinated in a very systematic procedure, that is designed to weed out anyone who does not believe in the New World Order doctrine.


The emerging police state (example) the MJTF, Multi Jurisdictional Task Force, the BATF, FBI IRS, the coming police force, etc. These agencies plus all local sheriffs and police departments are all federally controlled. This is to guarantee that the mind-set of the cops on the street is such that anyone who disagrees with the ideology of the New World Order is automatically an enemy of the government.


If you resist the political indoctrination and the cop/government realizes that they are failing in their attempt to obtain obedience through fear, they will then try to create this fear by terror. A few of the methods are surveillance of telephone and letters through censorship. Establishment of an agent and informer net. Lengthy prison sentences, out of proportion to the offense.


I see these things happening. In our county, telephone taps are a common occurrence. This county is full of informers who will gladly turn someone else in, in order to receive a lighter sentence for their own crimes.


Fishing without a license now costs you $675 to $2,000 per offense. That is definitely out of proportion to the crime.


Night arrests increase the sense of terror. People can no longer sleep in peace. Ask Norm and Jean Brown about night arrests.


The actions of the political police (which is all the cops of today) are rough and do not demonstrate any finesse. What they lack in technical ability, they compensate for by increased brutality and cruelty. If you know anyone who has been arrested in Trinity County, talk to them and get their story first hand.


The government will at least partially write off the older generation as being impossible to convert to their ideology and will rely on terror tactics to keep them in check.


The government will, and has, turned to the youth. They are easier to convert. Here are two of the ways they are accomplishing this. Suppressing traditional youth organizations. Example, the Boy Scouts. A few years ago the government threatened to cut off funding if the Boy Scouts didn't allow homosexual men to be Scout leaders.


Eliminate the influence of the family and church and replacing it with the government's own doctrine. Example: alternative life styles being taught in elementary schools. The elimination of prayer in schools. The military type point-system that is used in schools to teach children to police themselves through peer pressure. Example: if one student in 30 commits an act that is against the rules, the other 29 children are punished along with the one by losing their privileges, or by running laps in P.E.


Sheriff Schmidt claims to be a Christian. Yet he failed his responsibility as a Christian by not resisting the misuse of power in his department, and by not reminding the people that children not only belong to their parents, but should be brought up by them. The Sheriff knows that each of God's Commandments will be revenged sooner or later.


In order to consolidate power, the government will attempt to set one group against another. Example: Farmers against the middle class. To divide and conquer is the government's favorite tactic. If you agree to join the game and are shortsighted enough to permit small groups and special interests against your fellow citizens, you are only aiding the government and exhausting yourself. The government will attempt to eliminate certain classes, or individuals they dislike. The government, by labeling certain groups "religious fanatics", and/or "child abusers", etc., create an image about these groups or individuals to justify their actions through media-brainwashing. These are the same tactics Sheriff Schmidt has used against people who disagree with him or his deputies.


Just look at the Branch Davidians and Randy Weaver. The Branch Davidians' only crime was they had different religious beliefs, and they were not afraid to fight for their God-given rights to worship as they saw fit. Randy Weaver lost his wife and son by United States government assassins. His wife was shot in the head while holding her nursing baby in her arms by an FBI agent. The government prosecuted Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris for murder. But they were acquitted by a jury of their peers who realized they were acting in self defense of their home and family.


What does this all mean to Trinity County residents? It means it's time to start using common sense, and to judge critically, the actions of the elected officials and the people that work for them. Realizing that the heads of these departments are responsible for the actions of the people who work for them.

NOTE:  This concludes Journal #91.  The next Journal to be posted is "MYSTERIES OF RADIANCE UNFOLDED" #74