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May 15, 2013






The following report on Outcome Based Education was received anonymously in the CONTACToffice. No author or publisher was shown in the material received. We reprint it as it is. If someone can provide us with the author's name, we shall be happy to give credit.


Confirmations on much of the information in the article can be found in Dr. John Coleman's Book, Conspirators' Hierarchy:  The Committee of 300, 2533 N. Carson St., Carson City, Nevada, 89706, as well as Antony C. Sutton's book, America's  Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones.


John Dewey was a prominent member of Skull and Bones. Mr. Sutton's book can be obtained from Liberty House Press, 2027 Iris, Billings, Montana, 59102. The Freemasonry/Secret Soci­ety "connections" of ADL/B'nai B'rith have been researched in the book, Occult Theocracy, by Edith Starr Miller, pg. 73, 465, first published 1933, by The Christian Book Club of America. I quote a paragraph from Ms. Miller's article on the Independent Order of B 'nal B'rith: "There is but little doubt now that the B'nai B’rith" seems to be the supreme body, shaping and di­recting, for the attainment of its own ends, the policies whatever they may be, of all Freemasonry beginning with the Grand Lodge of England, the Grand Orient and Scottish Rites, and ending in the O.T.O. , which is Illuminism under another name. "





The parent or teacher alarmed about Outcome-Based-Education (OBE) today runs into an immediate jungle of acronyms, and in­stitutions, many of which appear obscure or locally based. The reality is quite different: all of these programs are nationally coordinated and come from a nexus of evil, which reaches from the United Nations to the National Education Association.


Officially, the push for OBE began in the early 1980s, and was fostered by the Department of Education, the Carnegie Corpo­ration, the Business Roundtable, the Department of Labor, and now a national agency called America 2000, which set up a national coordinating body. There are innumerable other corpora­tions, like Xerox and RJR Nabisco also involved.


The on-the-ground enforcer of Outcome Based Education and other brainwashing programs now claiming the nation's children as their victims, is the National Education Association. But the NEA itself is the product of a much higher level of social engi­neers whose self-appointed task has been the destruction of the American democratic republic. Today, these people exist as an invisible army of brainwashers, of psychological warfare ex­perts, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychoanalysts, and social workers who have for more than half a century fought a battle for the control of the minds of the American people. The "mother" institution of this network is the London-based Tavis­tock Institute of Human Relations.




Since its creation in 1921, Tavistock has served as the psycho­logical warfare arm of the British monarchy, and has benefited from the patronage of that monarchy and other allied oligarchi­cal networks. It has always enjoyed a close working relation­ship with the highest circles of Freemasonry: Its current chair­man of the board of directors is the Duke of Kent, the top Scot­tish Rite Freemason.


Tavistock, on behalf of its oligarchical masters, seeks to destroy Western Judeo-Christian civilization. At the center of its decades' long fight is the battle to wipe from the minds of men a view of man as born in the image of his Creator, in the unique sense that each individual is endowed with the potential for cre­ative reason. If that power of reason can be destroyed, then men can be reduced to easily controllable beasts.


The man who shaped Tavistock and who developed the brain-washing techniques that are referred to as the "Tavistock Method" was Brig. Gen. John Rawlings Rees, who became the director of the then Tavistock Clinic in 1932. It was Rees who first proposed in various published locations to deliberately induce controlled forms of neurotic behavior and even psychosis, for the purpose of mass psychological control of society. Rees displayed an open hatred for minorities, placing them in what he called the "psychopathological tenth" of the population or the "dullard". Writes Rees, "Aldous Huxley in his book Brave New World was planning to produce a section of subnormal men who do the dull jobs of society; we really don't need to produce more of them, for there are far too many already."


Rees proposed to create an army of "psychological shock troops"--psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and the like--who would become the controllers of a society "where it is possible for people of every social group to have treatment when they need it, even if they do not wish it, without it being necessary to invoke law."


Under Rees's encouragement, teams of Tavistock personnel developed methods to bring about this vision of a fascist world order, including the use of mass media to create what was dubbed a psychologically controlled environment. Carrying on the work of Sigmund Freud and his followers, the Tavistockians paid particular attention to work on the destruction of the family and on child psychology. The point of attack was focusing on "infantile sexuality" and its effect on the development of the personality, and seeking to produce an adult population whose intellectual and emotional development was that of neurotic children.


The Second World War provided Tavistock with a means to test its mass brainwashing techniques under the sanction of Anglo-American intelligence, not only on "enemy" populations, but on both the American and British soldiers and the public. These "tests" tended to corroborate the evil theories of Rees and his followers that both small and large groups of people, under conditions of induced and controlled stress, could be made to become more infantile, and would give up even held beliefs under "peer" pressure to conform to perceived popular opinion. These "outcomes" could be steered by a Tavistock-trained controller or group leader, or as it is now called in our schools a "facilitator."


Throughout this period, Rees remained committed to his project of creating his invisible army of psychological shock troops. That was first done by recruiting directly to Tavistock itself. Then, those "recruits" started fanning out to other institutions, including major hospitals and universities in the United States. In addition, new institutional centers from Tavistock operations were established at such places as the Wharton School of Finance and Business Administration at the University of Pennsylvania, the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan, the Stanford Research Institute's Center for Advanced Behavioral Sciences, the Sloan School at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, among others. In 1947, Tavistock, with the help of funding from its royal patrons, was converted from a clinic to an "institute" to be more capable of directing its now far-flung operations. These new centers, in turn, recruited more individuals to the "Tavistock method" and from them it was possible to launch a larger operation to take over control of major government, labor, educational, and corporate institutions from within.




One of the key institutions established for this purpose in the United States was the National Training Laboratories (NTL). Founded in 1947 by members of the Tavistock network in the United States and located originally on an estate in Bethel, Maine, NTL had as its explicit purpose the brainwashing of leaders of the government, educational institutions, and corporate bureaucracies in the Tavistock method, and then using these "leaders": to either themselves run Tavistock group sessions in their organizations or to hire other similarly trained group leaders to do the job.


The "nuts and bolts" of the NTL operation revolves around the particular form of Tavistock degenerate psychology known as "group dynamics," developed by German Tavistock operative Kurt Lewin, who emigrated to the United States in the 1930s and whose students founded NTL. In a Lewinite brainwashing group, a number of individuals from varying backgrounds and personalities, are manipulated by a "group leader" to form a "consensus" of opinion, achieving a new "group identity". The key to the process is the creation of a controlled environment, in which stress is introduced (sometimes called dissonance) to crack an individual's belief structure. Using the peer pressure of other group members, the individual is "cracked," and a new personality emerges with new values. The degrading experience causes the person to deny that any change has taken place. In that way, an individual is brainwashed without the victim know­ing what has taken place.


This method is the same, with some minor modification, used in all so-called "sensitivity groups" or "T-groups," or in the more extreme rock-drug-sex counterculture form, "touchy-feely groups," such as the kind popularized from the 1960 onward by the Esalen Institute, which was set up with the help of NTL.


From the mid-1950s onward, NTL put the majority of the na­tion's corporate leaderships through such brainwashing pro­grams, while running similar programs for the State Depart­ment, the Navy, the Department of Education, and other sec­tions of the federal bureaucracy. There is not a firm estimate of the number of Americans who have been put through this pro­cess in last 40 years at either NTL, or as it is now known the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences, which is based in Rosslyn, Virginia, or its West Coast base of operations, the Western Training Laboratories in Group Development, or in various satellite institutions. The most reliable estimate is in the several millions.


One of the groups that went through the NTL mill in the 1950s was the leadership of the National Education Association, the largest organization of teachers in the United States. Thus, the NEA's outlook has been "shaped" by Tavistock, through the NTL. In 1964, the NTL Institute drafted the programs for the training of the nation's primary and secondary school teachers, and has a hand as well in developing the content of educational "reforms," including OBE.




The role of the Carnegie Corporation (in an earlier incarnation, the Carnegie Institute) in both dominating and subverting U.S. public education shows how private corporate funds are im­planting a one-world New Age agenda in our schools.


Through its virtual monopoly over the Department of Education and its predecessor since at least the 1950s, Carnegie--together with a handful of other elite foundations such as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Aspen Institute, the Brookings Institute, and so forth has succeeded in dominating all debate on education curriculum, testing and teacher training in the United States.


An insight as to why Carnegie decided to get into the "education" business can be gleaned from its sponsorship back in 1918 of the Eugenics Record Office in Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, which had been set up with a grant from the Har­riman fortune as the active center of all organized eugenics re­search, propaganda and political activity in the U.S.A. The Eu­genics Record Office, later known as the Carnegie Institute's Department of Genetics, continued to promote immigration re­striction quotas and compulsory sterilization of human beings with "inferior blood" until it was finally shut down on the eve of World War II.


The eugenicists became unpopular in this country after Ameri­cans witnessed firsthand the consequences of a state eugenics policy under Nazi Germany. But they by no means disap­peared. Instead, they took their pseudoscience into the realm of behavioral psychology, where mad doctors like Kurt Lewin and Hilda Taba were trying to create a new species of man through psychotropic manipulation of the human mind. Kurt Lewin's National Training Laboratories, in collaboration with the Na­tional Education Association, went on to spawn many of the New Age monstrosities being foisted on our children today in the name of education.


Hilda Taba, an Estonian psychologist who emigrated to the U.S.A. in the 1930s where she conducted her infamous "reward and punishment" experiments at child guidance clinics and psychological research institutes in California throughout the 1940s-50s, became the mentor of psychologist Ralph Tyler. Tyler went on to become the founder and director of the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences in Stanford, California, from which position he was invited to join a high-level education task force under President Kennedy, and later under President Johnson, to craft the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965. The ESEA pumped federal funds into education "innovations", and spawned a series of education "laboratories" which came up with hundreds of psycho-behavioral instructional programs. Those programs in turn, were written and "validated" for dissemination to the schools by educational consultants like Ralph Tyler.


In 1966, Tyler chaired the Exploratory Committee on Assessing the Progress of Education (ESCAPE) under the sponsorship of U.S. Commissioner of Education Francis Kerpel, (son of a Carnegie Corporation president). Financed not by the federal government but by Carnegie Corporation and by the Ford Foundation's Fund for the Advancement of Education, Tyler, together with then Carnegie Corporation President John Gardner, formulated the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), which was formally implemented in 1969.


NAEP's prototype was Pennsylvania state's Educational Quality Assessment (EQA) test, written by Ralph Tyler in 1964 through a contract with a Princeton, New Jersey firm called Educational Testing Service (ETS). The EQA, as of 1989, when it was temporarily pulled in the face of parent opposition, contained 385 "attitudinal" assessment questions, and only 30 academic ones! The ETS, it turned out, was a wholly owned subsidiary of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching; the ETS and CFAT boards of directors were virtually interchangeable. Tyler was later to become a president of CFAT himself.


ETS had also created and owned the college boards--the Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SATs)--and the National Teachers' Examination'. ETS not only writes most of the country's education assessment tests, on both the state and federal level, but scores and maintains data banks of all test results, down to the micro (individual) record level.


In 1976, President Carter created the Department of Education. Ernest Boyer, an ardent advocate of "globalist education," became the U.S. Commissioner of Education and, by 1983, an-other CFAT president.


In 1980, the Department of Education's National Institute of Education (NIE) issued a working paper which declared that "along with the work toward a centralized computer bank and the funding arrangement to make it all happen...achievement data are not the primary focus of the studies, which also collect data on educational attainment, student characteristics and attitudes, parent attitudes, and school programs."


The NIE and Carnegie have a virtual "Revolving door" between them, sharing projects and, sometimes, personnel. In 1988, CFAT/ETS's three computer banks of test result data were integrated into one large super-computer, the Elementary and Secondary Integrated Data System (ESIDS), which was brought on line by the U.S. government to meet precisely those guidelines of the NIE.




The institution probably most responsible for the destruction of American education in this century is the National Education Association, or NEA. Although founded in 1857 first as an organization of state teachers' colleges to effect public policy on education and later as a teachers' membership organization, by around the turn of the century it had become the leading purveyor formed of the issues at stake so that much that now is un-thinkable may at least become thinkable.


In 1969, Dewey's student, Arthur Wellesley Foshay, who had held the post of director of UNESCO's Institute for Educational Study, wrote the NEA's "Curriculum for the 70s." It predicted that educators would assume responsibility for children when they reach the age of two; that enforced or mandatory foster homes would be created for children whose own homes were said to have a bad influence; that children would be given drugs on an experimental basis; that teachers would become "learning clinicians"; and that the schools would take on the function of providing "individualized psychosocial ' treatment' for the stu­dent."


The man who drafted the NEA's "Curriculum", is Dewey's stu­dent Arthur Wellesley Foshay, who had also held the post of di­rector of UNESCO's Institute of Educational Study. Part of Foshay's proposed new curriculum included the teaching of "self-awareness and self-development." Writes Foshay, future schools would give "full attention to the curriculum of social ex­perimentation": and would "be run by the students."


The document concludes, "education and schools, as they exist today, will change drastically during the 1970s, and will be modified almost beyond recognition by the end of the century."


In 1973, the NEA's Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development published a book titled Education for Peace: Fo­cus on Mankind. One essay, called "Ethical Concerns for the Future," lays bare the underlying philosophy behind the NEA's curriculum. The essay applauds the fact that "traditional beliefs are being questioned, including the notions that: a) scientific progress is automatically good, b) what is medically beneficial for one man is necessarily good for society, and c) scientists know how to improve humanity."


Shortly thereafter, NEA official Sally R. Williams, who also served on the board of directors of the Sex Information and Ed­ucation Council of the U.S.(SIECUS), which introduced sex ed­ucation into the schools, testified to Congress on the need to use drugs as "useful tools" in "stabilizing the brains of children with learning disorders."




In 1962, the NEA formally took over the National Training Labs (NTL). NTL was directed for years by psychologist Abraham Maslow, creator of "humanistic psychology" and of the term "self-actualization," a concept later used by behavioral psychologist Carl Rogers (1964 Humanist of the Year) to found so-called sensitivity training. Carl Rogers is the intellectual godfather of most of the psychotherapy programs used in public school "guidance counseling" around the country.


In January of 1968, Carl Rogers addressed a symposium spon­sored by the NTL-linked Esalen Institute in California, at which he predicted that, by the year 2000, "The teacher or professor will have largely disappeared. His place will be taken by a fa­cilitator of learning...focusing his major attention on the prime period for learning--from infancy to six or eight. [The stu­dent's] unhappiness with parents or with other children--all these will be an open part of his curriculum, as worthy of exploration as history or mathematics."


The NEA is also the "enforcer" against those who will not con­form to its agenda. In 1971, the NEA's Commission on Profes­sional Rights and Responsibilities proposed "to gather informa­tion about the various individuals and groups who criticize or oppose education, and make resumes of their activities."


That same year, in the NEA's "Schools for the 70s and Beyond: A Call to Action," we find that "teachers who conform to the traditional institutional mode are out of place. They might find fulfillment as tap-dance instructors or guards in maximum-secu­rity prisons or proprietors of reducing salons, or agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation--but they damage teaching, children and themselves by staying in the classroom."




A review of the enforcers of OBE would not be complete without identifying the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL). The ADL is a freemasonic entity, which was set up to protect "Jewish" gangsters like Meyer Lansky, and to wage war against Judeo-Christian values. This is lawful, since many of the leading ADL/B'nai B'rith spokesmen, of which Sigmund Freud was a representative, served as transmission belts for Communist Party ideology.


The ADL has not only supported the infamous 1947 Supreme Court decision proclaiming the "wall of separation" between church and state, but has brought innumerable other legal actions to drive prayer, and even the Bible and the Ten Commandments, out of schoolrooms. Over 30 percent of the ADL's amicus curiae briefs have been written on this topic.


In 1992 The ADL published a guidebook on "Religion in the Public Schools: Guidelines for a Growing Changing Phenomenon," to serve as a handbook for challenging any religious expression in the public schools. As simple observation shows, the ADL has shown no such concern about pagan religious expression in the schools.


The ADL sees itself in a virtual "holy war" against the "religious right," as it fights for "tolerance" of homosexuality, abortion, and other New Age degradations. Through its infiltration of law enforcement agencies and other government agencies, unfortunately, the ADL may well be in your school already--although you don't know it.


*        "preparing for change and evaluating its implications for learning";

*        "adapting to change as needed";

*        "analyzing conflicts to discover methods of cooperative resolution";

*        "using the environment responsibly";

*        "expressing insights, feelings, and perceptions through a variety of creative processes, performances or products";

*        "functioning effectively within multicultural environments";

*        "respecting individual differences, points of view, and the works of others"; and so on.


The underlying concept to these "outcomes" is the belief that many children attending public school cannot be taught academic subjects. One of the top psychological gurus cited extensively in the Ohio Board of Education Vision 21 OBE draft plan is Howard Gardner of Harvard University, who created the racist theory of "multiple intelligences." According to Gardner, most African-American, ethnic Catholic, and eastern European heritage children are genetically unable to learn reading, math, and science, but are genetically gifted at other "intelligences" enabling them to be "singers," "dancers, athletes" (kinesthetic intelligence). No matter which intelligence they are, all children, says Gardner, must develop their "interpersonal" and "intrapersonal intelligence."


Assessment of "learning outcomes", or behaviors and attitudes, requires evaluations that go beyond objective tests: personal interviews, group evaluations, and anecdotal records are all used to maintain electronic "portfolios" on each individual child, a record which follows the child through graduation and beyond. Your child is already being politically "tracked."


What is the difference between such "portfolios" and the files of any Gestapo or secret police? The "portfolios" are psychological profiles which are regularly evaluated and fine-tuned through the administration of state assessment tests like the Bettendorf Survey.


One parent in Pennsylvania who objected to test questions her daughter was required to answer and wanted to pull her child from the program was told it was federally mandated and that there was therefore no "opting out"!




It is frightening enough that a profile of the attitudes, beliefs, and behavior of one's child from pre-school through adulthood can constitute a life-time "report card" that is permanently accessible by the federal government. But already, any child now subject to an OBE curriculum is already in the same position of a captured prisoner-of-war who is forced to undergo brain­washing.


OBE's stated objective is to shape and control attitudes, beliefs, and behavior through state-mandated curricula written by be­havioral psychologists! In psychological warfare terms, that is called brainwashing.


According to OBE, one's child can be repeatedly "remediated" by "facilitators" (teaching is no longer an approved activity un­der OBE, as the onus for learning is now on the child!).


Remediation means that the child who refuses to demonstrate "mastery" of an OBE learning outcome--that is, to conform to the state-mandated goal--can be trapped indefinitely in a remedi­ation loop, despite his/her progress on any other learning goal.


No child can be failed in any subject, since failure is considered damaging to one's "self-esteem." Instead, the child is given an "incomplete" or "not yet" status.


OBE has been accused of "dumbing down" education, forcing the quicker kids to spin their wheels. A Minnesota high-school freshman with a 3.9 average complains that, with OBE, she has to "sit through three or four days of reteaching and reteaching. The content is very basic. We'll go over the same thing day af­ter day....I've become so much lazier this year."


Children who master the OBE goal must either wait for the rest of the class to catch up, or become a "peer tutor" for the others. An elementary school teacher in a Pittsburgh OBE program re­ports, One of the things were trying to stress is that they (the children) don't ask me for help. They ask their neighbor. We believe there can be a lot learned from their peers." This is called "cooperative learning" in OBE language, but are we sending our children to school to be "facilitators"?


Computers also aid in the "remediation" effort. The computer program used to "remediate" your recalcitrant child will be individualized--tailor made not only to his personal performance data and "learning style," but also on his personal medical, psychological and cultural profiles, information on the family (including income, educational levels achieved, etc.), and non-school activities.


"The computers we have here are not the type where the kids program the computer; they are the type where the computer programs the kids," admitted one employee of the Cleveland board of education on the OBE program.


Teachers are also victims of OBE. According to new laws be­ing passed in Washington state as part of OBE, those who do not demonstrate "accountability"--i.e., whose children are not ade­quately mastering the OBE goals--are themselves "remediated" by so-called "mentor teachers" placed alongside them in their classrooms. If they resist such "accountability" procedures, their contracts are subject to immediate termination.


Teacher certification procedures are simultaneous undergoing major changes, to weed out those who want to teach from those willing to enforce "politically correct" guidelines being hatched by the psychological gestapo. OBE teachers admit that since their jobs depend upon showing a high outcome mastery rate among their students, their tendency is to lower standards and expectations, also thereby reducing the amount of reteaching and retesting they are otherwise burdened with.


It may not be long before teachers are replaced completely--per­haps in the name of "cost-cutting"? As OBE guru Howard Gardner wrote in his book Frames of Mind: "Still, it is worth noting that among the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of the schools are the personal qualities of the principal and the teachers. Despite the promises of a microcomputer alongside (or, in place of) every desk, these individuals cannot be replaced (at least not yet)" [emphasis added].


Don't be lulled into believing that OBE is an overlay upon stan­dard education. It is a revolution against everything America stands for. Why else would it be necessary, in the view of the OBE implementers in Washington, for instance, to repeal all the standard laws on the books concerning education, in order to implant OBE?


As reported by Jed Brown, who is fighting OBE in Washington, 218 laws are now up for repeal in Washington concerning education:


"There is a law on the books that requires all of our students in this state to be taught the U.S. and Washington state constitutions....There is a law that requires the teaching of morality and patriotism in the schools. Let me read it. ' it shall be the duty of all teachers to endeavor to impress on the minds of their pupils the principles of morality, truth, justice, temperance, humanity, patriotism. To teach them to avoid idleness, profanity, and falsehood. To instruct them in the principles of free government and to train them up to the true comprehension of the rights, duty, and dignity of American citizenship. That law is on a list that is targeted for repeal. We were told that these were just the laws that they needed to repeal so that Outcome Based Education would work in this state."


The OBE brainwashers also want to repeal the law that establishes the school year, the law that establishes the length of the school day, and the law that establishes on which days school shall not be taught. Those days are currently listed as: Sunday, Martin Luther King Day, 4th of July, Veterans Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day. In Puget Sound, there is a proposal that such "traditional, religious holidays will be replaced with seasonal activities or common underlying concepts and values."




Anti-OBE activists be warned: If you find yourselves accused of anti-Semitism, or homophobia, or religious extremism, you should immediately suspect the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B’rith as the source of such smears!


The ADL is not a Jewish organization, nor is it a civil rights' organization. It is a Freemasonic entity which, since its inception, has waged war against Judeo-Christian values through such activities as: promoting the international drug trade, honoring Playboy's Hugh Hefner with one of its First Amendment awards, supporting homosexual and abortion "rights" and using the courts to drive religion out of all phases of public life.


The ADL has now turned its sights on the public school system, where it has become deeply involved in promoting OBE-type programs, as well as such OBE offshoots as the obscene Rain-bow Curriculum, which aims to turn children into perverts by pushing homosexuality and sexual promiscuity.


The ADL is carrying out this filth largely through a program it launched in 1985, called "A World of Difference," which it is selling to school systems, preschools, youth groups, church organizations, police departments and corporations across the country, as a "prejudice reduction" program.


The ADL boasts that A World of Difference has thus far trained more than 100,000 elementary and secondary school teachers, "impacting more than 10 million public, private and parochial school students."




Funded by convicted felon Michael Milken of Junk-bond infamy, "A World of Difference" is a thinly veiled effort to foster vicious racism and divisiveness, under the rubric of multiculturalism.


The vast array of teaching materials which the ADL has produced through its A World of Difference Institute deliberately seeks to emphasize racial and other differences, rather than the idea of a "melting pot" which enabled the United States to assimilate vast waves of immigrants in the past, "Teachers should affirm rather than deny differences, " A World of Difference instruction manual proclaims.


The program's teaching materials, in effect, deny the concept of universal man, a concept derived from die Judeo-Christian belief that all men are created in the image of God, and promote in its place the antithetical view that it is the differences which exist among people that are more important than that which binds them together.


Like all such "multicultural" programs, "A World of Difference" is a prescription for the rapid dissolution of American society.


The methodology employed by "A World of Difference" is a prescription for the rapid dissolution of American society.


The methodology employed by "A World of Difference" bears a striking resemblance to the behavior modification program known as OBE. That is hardly surprising, given that key ADL officials have been deeply involved in developing and promoting OBE in various parts of the U.S.


(In fact, parts of the ADL curriculum were developed by Gordon Allport, a social psychologist trained at Britain's Tavistock Institute, a leading center for the development of various social profiling and brainwashing methods, who later teamed up with the National Training Laboratory, an affiliate of the National Education Association.)


One of the program's basic tenets is that "all of us harbor some biases and prejudices against others." Based on that highly questionable premise, the ADL program encourages teachers to involve their students in all sorts of New Age-style activities, such as "role-playing, video vignettes, and action planning."


Teachers and parents who have been lured into participating in the program are subjected to training sessions in which an ADL "facilitator," employing social engineering techniques such as small-group dynamics, to convince participants that they are inveterate racists if they refuse to bow to multiculturalism.


These efforts are designed to subtly channel participants into thinking of themselves as part of competing sub-groups. In the Minneapolis program, for instance, students are presented with a graph (a series of inter-connected circles), called the "Personal Identity Molecule," and are instructed to write in the circles "the five groups with which you identify."


Through "A World of Difference," the ADL is not only trying to push its own "multicultural" political agenda. It is also attempting to infiltrate the country's school system for the purpose of carrying out spy operations against people it deems to be political enemies: i.e., parents, religious leaders, community activists, students--anyone who opposes the particularly vicious child abuse program known as OBE.


Illegal spying is nothing new to the ADL: it is already under investigation for running a decades-long surveillance and intelligence-gathering operation targeting over 1000 organizations and individuals.


It is a supreme irony that the ADL should be pawning itself off as experts in "tolerance."


Item: The ADL has devoted over 30% of its legal efforts to write amicus curiae briefs on behalf of Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black's infamous 1947 decision proclaiming the existence of an unbridgeable wall of separation between church and state. The ADL has brought legal actions to drive prayer out of the school, shut down Christmas pageants, and even prohibit the posting of the Ten Commandments. According to the November/December 1992 issue of the ADL newsletter On the Frontline promoting "The wall of separation between church and state guaranteed in the Constitution's First Amendment establishment clause has long been an ADL concern. The League believes that any organized religious practice of instruction should take place in the home or place of worship rather than in the public school or other government institution."


Item: The ADL has filed numerous amicus briefs to support abortion rights, and spokesmen have even gone so far as to maintain that abortion opponents are anti-Semites because they are attempting to impose their religious views. This despite the fact many Jews believe abortion to be prohibited by Jewish moral law.


Item: At a conference in Montreal in 1991, the ADL identified "black intellectuals" as main enemies of the Jewish community.


Item: The ADL's 80th anniversary National Commission Meet­ing this June featured an address by Skip Poreous, president of the Institute for First Amendment Studies, in which he called for a virtual "holy war" against the "Religious Right."


Item: The ADL published a guidebook on "Religion in the Pub­lic Schools: Guidelines for a Growing and Changing Phe­nomenon," last year to serve as a hand-book for challenging any religious expression in the public schools--long a target of ADL activity.


Commenting on the book's purpose, Ruth L. Lansner, chairman of the ADL National Legal Affairs Committee, said: "Compliance with the separation of church and state must be most vigorously enforced in the nation's public schools."





The scene is a ninth-grade classroom in New York City. A young 17-year old woman is writing on the blackboard. She is the "guest teacher" of the day, sent into the schools by the non­profit Hetrick-Martin Institute, which seeks to aid young homo­sexuals. This is her ninth peer-training class. She asks every­one in the class to say what words come to their minds when they think of homosexuality. Ninth-graders volunteer such words as "AIDS," "dyke," "homo," "weird," "disgusting." "These aren't nice words, are they?" says the "guest teacher." And such words would not be used to describe African-Ameri­cans or Latinos, she says. Therefore, we should not use derogatory terms for homosexuality.


Is this an attempt to break down "prejudice" or is your child being sexually assaulted in the classroom, and actively recruited by sex perverts?


Here are the instructions for the Grade 1 teacher in the Rainbow Curriculum:


"Teachers of first graders have an opportunity to give children a healthy sense of identity at an early age. Classes should include references to lesbians/gay people in all curricular areas."


Under the Rainbow Curriculum and similar mandatory classes on homosexuality, the very idea of the family is being erased from the minds of our children. The textbooks for the Rainbow Curriculum are Heather has two Mommies, and Daddy's Room­mate which idealize lesbian and homosexual couples' "parenting" of children.


This filth is now being shoved down the throats of young chil­dren, pushed through school boards by the National Educational Association and the Anti-Defamation League.





The Rainbow Curriculum resulted in the forced ouster of New York Schools Chancellor Joseph Fernandez in early 1993, but the curriculum is still taught in many city schools. In May 4, 1993 school board elections, a record high voter turnout of 450,000 gave victory to more than 60 candidates who cam­paigned on a "pro-family-issues" platform, including returning to the board people who had been kicked out by the perverse Fernandez. A week after the elections, Carol Gressner of Queens, who had cast the swing vote to oust Fernandez, was elected president of the Board of Education.


Opposition to the Rainbow Curriculum's child molestation was led by a coalition of Protestants, Jews, and Roman Catholics, including the New York Catholic Archdiocese. The coalition distributed 500,000 copies of a voters' guide which reviewed the candidates' positions on Rainbow. On the other side were the American Federation of Teachers, The New York Times, the National Education Association, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. A spokesman for the tax-exempt ADL said the ADL supports Rainbow as "Multiculturalism."





Organized Satanism had its hand in the creation of Outcome Based Education, through the United Nations-sponsored Lucis Trust, a.k.a. Lucifer Trust. A special U.N. Design Team for OBE, one of eleven design teams in the country, was active in formulating the program, run through the University of Peace, whose Chancellor Robert Muller, a former deputy secretary of the U.N. was a prominent member of the Lucis Trust. Muller boasts that his 1986 "World Curriculum" is the basis for OBE. The Lucis Trust, which likes to think of itself as a "spiritual United Nations," is headquartered in Washington, D.C. at a so-called "Temple of Understanding," and has been granted an of­ficial "meditating" room at the United Nations itself. Prominent Lucis Trusters have included former Defense Secretary and World Bank President Robert Strange McNamara.


The conceptual basis for Lucis Trust interest in education is a book published by its founder Alice Bailey in 1954, Education in the New Age. Ms. Bailey was a member of the Theosophy Society, where the leadership succeeded from Okhrana agent Mme. Blavatsky to British SIS agent Annie Besant. Self-avowed witch Bailey, foreshadowing Marilyn Ferguson's Aquarian Conspiracy, indicates that her education curriculum is designed to usher in the Aquarian Age:


"The Piscean Age dealt with the details of the endeavor to mea­sure up to a sensed ideal. The conquests of science, the con­quests of nations, and the conquests of territory are all indicative of the Piscean method, with its idealism, its militancy, and its separativeness in all fields--religious, political, and economic. But the age of synthesis, of inclusiveness, and of understanding is upon us, and the new education of the Aquarian Age must be­gin very gently to penetrate the human aura."


This emphatically means the eradication of morality as a param­eter for human behavior or thought, as Bailey later writes in the same volume:


"It is the older generation who foster in a child an early and most unnecessary sense of guilt, of sinfulness, and of wrongdo­ing. So much emphasis is laid upon petty little things that are not really wrong but are annoying to the parent or teacher, that a true sense of wrong (which is the recognition of failure to pre­serve right relations with the group) gets overlaid and is not rec­ognized for what it is. The many small and petty sins, imposed upon children by the constant reiteration of no. by the use of the word naughty, and based largely on parental failure to under­stand and occupy the child, are of no real moment. If these as­pects of the child's life are rightly handled, then the truly wrong things, the infringements upon the rights of others, the en­croachments of individual desire upon group requirements and conditions, and the hurting or damaging of others in order to achieve personal gain, will emerge in right perspective and at the right time."


In short, the only discipline children require is discipline that forces them to bow to peer pressure. OBE and its accompany­ing sex and hypnosis curricula-Rainbow and the Pumsy guidance program--have made satanist Alice Bailey the schoolmarm of America.





Your young son does not return home from school on Friday afternoon. In a panic, you call the police, who initiate a man­hunt, which continues throughout the weekend. On Monday morning, when police contact the boy's school, they are in­formed by a guidance counselor that the child protection author­ities removed the boy from school on Friday, and placed him in foster custody. The authorities refuse to discuss the matter with the detective investigating the case, citing confidentiality laws.


Sound like fiction? It's not. This actually happened to New York City resident Carol Rockhead, in May 1993.


What happened to constitutional protection? Due process? The opportunity for the parents to argue their side of the story? The state's child welfare agency rules only require that, when a child is put in custody, the parent be notified by certified mail, return receipt requested.


It's not limited to New York City. In Kentucky and Missouri, pilot projects have begun to assign social workers from birth to families accused of being "at risk" for child abuse or other problems. There are 12 criteria in Kentucky for judging whether a parent is "at risk" for being a child abuser, including: Does the parent smoke? Is the parent overweight? Does the child have too many or too few toys? Did the child have low birth weight? On the basis of criteria such as these the social worker is empowered to remove the child from the home.


Forty states now have a "home visitation" program known as "Parents as Teachers" (PAT). A state-designated "parent educator" comes to your home a minimum of eight times a year to monitor whether or not you are a "good" parent.


According to Bettina Dobbs, R.N., former consultant to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the program "will result in state control of the children and reduce parent to the status of breeders and supervised custodians. The child is given a personal computer code number by which he can be tracked the rest of his life. There are 12 computer code definitions which label the child "at risk." Since the expectation is that every child will be found "mentally ill", there is no code for "normal."


The aim, of course, is to eventually eliminate parental influence altogether. That is why the National Education Association in recent years has dedicated itself to strenuously promoting the concept of in loco parentis--the school replace the parent. They have floated--and are already experimenting with--numerous proposals (modeled, by the way, on Mao Tse Tung's Cultural Revolution precepts) for turning schools into all-day child-rearing center, including pre-school and post-graduate services ranging from daycare and pregnancy counseling to sex-education and drug rehabilitation.