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Nov. 23, 2012

God promised Mother Earth that she will be cleansed, this time by fire.  Out of those ashes will rise the Phoenix, a renewed Earth born into a "Time of Radiance".  In this 12th volume of the "Phoenix Journal" series you will learn what is the HIGHEST COMMAND of the Laws of THE CREATION and the HIGHEST COMMAND of the Laws of GOD.  Also described in detail are the seven levels of Creation.  The term "Oneness" is explained and clarification of many "biblical" terms is given.  Hatonn also discusses more details about Jesus Christ's Crucifixion, as well as Christ's purpose and focus during the Earth Transition now is process.  Immanuel as "The Pale Prophet" of the Indians is revealed.  The Buddhist manuscript entitled "The Legend of ISSA" is revealed as containing factual information about Christ's travels throughout India and other lands.  Validations of the Fatima Prophecy is presented along with the "secret" warnings were to the Catholic Church.  Also explained, 12 steps to cure addiction.  The Illuminati plan for world take-over.  The origin of the Caste Systems is reveled and Much More.



WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1990   7:30 A.M.   YEAR 3, DAY 140

Hatonn present in light.  We shall simply have to take that which needs re­sponse first and then move on to the Journal as we find time.  There will soon come a point, however, when we shall have to move our thrust from mass in­formation into the arena of responding in “mass manner”.  For these early questions and denouncements I shall leave it up to GG (or whomever for­wards me the question­naires) to do with the response that which they will.  You are go­ing to find that I have less and less patience with the transgres­sors of truth and shall not, in all instances, be very kind.


The same ones who lecture night and day regarding things such as MJ-12 and other “cover-up” operations and bellow loud and long about “How could they?” come right back with in­nocent eyes and say “Now, this is truth”—and “We caught them this time”.  Oh, you pre­cious little blind children—Satan is the most clever ruler of all—in your “uncovering” you are get­ting EX­ACTLY that which it is de­sired you have!  Further, you who go forth in newly-found “knowledge” and “indignation” play right into the hands of evil.




There is a struggle going on for the very capturing of soul energy and it is on a level of being that is so far beyond your conscious imagination as to be in­credible unto you.  You ones touch on truth and in the next breath and state­ment show that you know not that of which you speak.  You back up my truth at the same breath that you denounce me.  Again I shall have to take the cor­respondence sen­tence by sentence and give it back unto the source so that you can look at it.  I do this for G&D-G, because the writer has already pro­nounced his position.

Just as “A sprinkling of conspiracy facts and then a generalization about a cosmic code and abandonment plan for the planet is suspi­cious communica­tions.  So also is the partial and mis­leading use of my previous correspon­dence.”  I had no desire to use “your” corre­spondence in any manner other than to respond to the receivers thereof.  Neither can you take these jour­nals totally out of con­text and form opinions.  That is what is wrong with the entire cir­cumstance—human takes bits and pieces, assembles them in emo­tional re­sponse and pro­nounces conclu­sions—which in almost ALL in­stances are incor­rect.  Then, having made foolish conclusions pub­licly, cannot set aside ego to hear truth—and dear one, that is exactly where you sit—in the misin­formation hot-seat, wherein you become a wondrous tool for misinforma­tion and dis­traction.  Fur­ther, somehow getting some opinion into print the ego goes off wham-bam and suddenly the lie appears as truth and you become an “expert authority” when it is but your ignorance you pro­nounce.  As a matter of fact I go most easy on you in this partic­ular instance because of other ones involved and THEY deserve gentle response for their de­sire for truth is great indeed.


As we move through this series of thought patterns I ask that all who have participation in this communion really see and hear both sides most carefully indeed.  For as an interroga­tor, I can be most simple and blunt—you wish to play games and this is far too seri­ous a mat­ter to simply play little stage I will quote as I go along:


(TD) “Dear G:  Some further thoughts for our correspondence.” 


No, there is no further “thinking” involved—there is simply an­other barrage of misinforma­tion to dissuade these beautiful persons from their work.  You, T.D., spout more insipid “junk” pro­nounced by others to make whatever point you perceive you are making—the point, other than to discredit “The Pleiadean friends” is the only point I could find in the document.


(TD): “If anyone thinks abductions of whole families and especially women of all ages who are sexually mature, by the Reticulians and their Masters, has been primarily a scare tactic, they should talk to the psychologists, psychia­trists, and physicians who have re­gressed and examined these unfortunates.”


Please look at your own words.  “primarily” is a good one to begin with.  What do you mean—”should talk to the psychologists, psy­chiatrists, and physicians who have regressed and exam­ined these unfortunates”?  It seems you prove my point—it certainly works, does it not?  And who are these examiners and regressors?  If they are hypnotists out of the AMA approved schools of hyp­nosis—I pri­marily discount their ability to discern mental status, in most in­stances.  Go on, you further make my case at every juncture, al­though I have no bone to pick with them for that is not the thrust of this particular conversa­tion.


Most of your information is coming forth from writers such as gyne­cologist, Richard Neal and “Dr.” Harry Seagal and I have no wish to credit or discredit their work.  My urge is for you ones to use your God-given brains.


TD: “It is what John Lear, ex-CIA pilot and agent, meant when he said, ‘. . .the Deal, the U.S. selling out on its own people’.  Over 100,000 people with bio­logical implants have been tracked down regularly for primarily a mass cross-fertilization program since 1950.”  Firstly, anyone who is “ex-CIA” and walking around denounc­ing CIA is first suspect.  The CIA is very good at what it does, friends—and ex-CIA agents are most carefully monitored for speech contents and ones pronouncing the “wrong” things are immediately (or more subtly) “taken out”.  I take no excep­tion to one John Lear—he is just not telling any­thing that hurts the “cause”—he is spread­ing the disinformation concept the CIA, FBI and CFR and Tri­laterals want you to have.  THEY DO NOT MIND “LOOKING BAD”, DEAR ONES!


In the decades following the early 50’s, hundreds of experiments are reported and docu­mented as to games your people play—in the winter of 53/54 several thousand animals were brought from Porton Down and tethered to rafts at sea some miles off the Bahamas, which was then a British colony.  The micro­biologists watched through binoculars as from upwind clouds of bac­teria were released to drift over the animals.  The diseases tested were anthrax, brucel­loses and tularemia.  The corpses of the infected animals were burned at sea.


Let’s get closer now: While these tests showed the relative viru­lence of the diseases under ex­amination, they did not solve the central problem of how easy it would be to attack a large city or military base.  Experiments with “harmful-harmless” bacteria soon after the war had shown how easy it was for germs to penetrate the interior of a sealed ship, but now attacks were needed against civilian targets.  Over the next two decades there would be over 200 experi­ments in the United States alone in which military and civilian targets, including whole cities and under directions and full cooperation of the intelli­gence services, would be at­tacked with “imitation” biological weapons.  The tests were conducted in total secrecy.  If in­quisitive offi­cials asked questions they were told the army was conducting experiments with smokescreens to pro­tect the city from radar detection.  The target of the attacks ranged from isolated rural communities to entire cities, including New York and San Fran­cisco, to name two.


One of the earliest experiments took place in San Francisco in 1950.  The Pentagon believed it might be possible for a Soviet sub­marine to slip into an American harbor (that is valid in­deed), re­lease a cloud of bacteria, and disap­pear before the victims of the attack had even begun re­porting to hospitals.  San Francisco, the headquarters of the Sixth Army and much of the Pa­cific fleet, seemed a likely target for such an attack.  Between 20 and 26 September 1950, the theory was tested by two U.S. Navy minesweepers steaming up and down outside the Golden Gate Bridge.  On board the naval vessels crewmen released clouds of a spray contaminated with Bacillus globigii AND Serratia marcescens, two supposedly harmless bacte­ria.  The Serratia marcescens strain, code-named ‘8 UK’ had been developed at Porton Down during the Second World War because when incubated it turned red, making it very easily identi­fiable when used in biological warfare experiments.


There followed six mock attacks on the city.  In their report later the scientists concluded that 117 square miles of the San Francisco area had been contami­nated, and that almost ev­eryone in the city had inhaled the bacteria.  “In other words’, they wrote, `nearly every one of the 800,000 people in San Francisco exposed to the cloud at normal breathing rate. . .inhaled 5000 or more parti­cles.  Any other area having a steady wind and a degree of atmo­spheric stabil­ity comparable to San Francisco is vulnerable to a similar type of attack, and there are many such areas in the U.S. and else­where.’”


The San Francisco test was only one of many.  In 1951, American Navy per­sonnel deliber­ately contaminated ten wooden boxes with Ser­ratia marcescens, Bacillus globigii and As­pergillus fu­migatis be­fore they were shipped from a supply depot in Pennsylvania to the navy base in Nor­folk, Virginia.  The tests were designed to estab­lish how easily disease might be spread among the people employed to handle the boxes at the supply depot.  Of the three infec­tious bacteria, Aspergillus fumigatis had been specifically chosen be­cause black workers at the base would be particularly susceptible to it. 


Now what of the “harmless” aspect?  The entire San Francisco area had a massive “flu out­break” finally labelled some type of swine virus and several deaths occurred.  Everyone who got a good dose of the “stuff” got terribly ill.


Tell me, dear ones, do you truly believe that research has stopped or that techniques have not gotten even more vile?  You, a popula­tion of citizens with a military defense totally unpro­tected with even fallout shelters, think you are not vulnerable to sneaky, se­cret attacks of “fear” mon­gering?  YOU HAVE HAD FORTY YEARS TO IM­PROVE YOUR SYS­TEMS SINCE SERRA­TIA MARCESCENS INTO SAN FRANCISCO!  COME NOW, TD, YOU ARE EI­THER NAIVE BEYOND MY ABILITY TO BELIEVE OR YOU ARE DEADLY TO YOUR BROTHERS.




Funny thing, if you cross a good male jackass with a lovely mare horse—you get a mule—ster­ile and unable to reproduce.  These, brothers, are almost the same species.  Further, you to­tally dis­count any arrangements which might have been made with the “evil” of earth.

(TD): “Not only are the Reticulians ‘PROBABLY’ genetic engineering creations now degener­ating,but the chemical/gene baths, and the ongoing genetic play at these two bases at Groom Lake and Dulce, have been described in detail by MPs risking their lives.”


The word “probably” is highly suspect and indicates “someone’s” opinion vs. fact.  Yes, I am sure that MPs are risking their lives to tell of these things and I do most surely and sincerely appreci­ate their position—however, unless ones have “facts” it is still supposition and often gets dis­torted in the retelling.


(TD): “The abnormal pregnancies and premature end of pregnancies in two months after sub­sequent abductions, the most painful mechanical abortions to save the half-human half-Retic­ulian fetuses, the neu­ral implants, and the sur­gical scars on parents and children have all been verified by physicians!!”


I know of no extraterrestrials so uninformed or technically back­ward who would behave in such manner as to “get caught later” un­less fully intended that it be so!


(TD): “Your Pleiadean friends should be more forthright and honest with you about these things, which are very obvious now.” 


The apparently “obvious” is the most deadly of all, my friend.  GG’s Pleiadean friends are being totally forthright and honest—it is just not what YOU and the misinformers wish to hear!  Now, how­ever, you move on to worthwhile and very valid information which you should study most carefully.


(TD): “As has been forcasted for this battle with evil at this time, there will be so much nega­tivity and misrepresentation, that it will be most difficult to dis­cern who are uprighteous and who are manipulative.  And that comes at all levels as we climb the stairway of truth and higher con­sciousness (wolves in sheep’s clothing).”




(TD): “A sprinkling of conspiracy facts and then a generalization about a cosmic code and aban­donment plan for the planet is suspi­cious communica­tions.  So also is the partial and mis­leading use of my previous correspon­dence.”


I have already responded to this material but I have a question or two re­maining—.  Why do you send correspondence and messages to me (and you did so), unless you want a response?  Fur­ther, did you expect me to sit and feed you back the lies simply because you as­sume “THIS RE­CEIVER” TO BE UNINFORMED AND PLAYING THE SAME OLD GAME OF “DUPE THE PUBLIC”?  THIS RECEIVER KNOWS NOTHING OF THESE THINGS—SO YOU HAVE COME TO THE HORSE’S MOUTH, FRIEND, AND FURTHER—THERE IS NOTH­ING BUT A LONG MORNING’S WORK FOR THESE ONES—NOT STAGE EN­TERTAINMENT SEMINARS OR HEFTY FEES FOR PHONY AND MISLEADING “EXPERTISE” AND NO PERSONAL INTERPRETATIONS OF INFORMATION OR DATA—DOES THAT POSSIBLY CONCERN YOU?


ANONYMITY serves two purposes—one to pass out information for which you will not have to stand responsible.  The other is for the protection of the very life-flow of a writer.  Which is your sta­tus, TD?  There is an old “saying” on your placement—”If you can’t stand the heat—get out of the kitchen.”  A rehash of other’s opinions and interpretations is worthless.  That is pre­cisely why I give none of my scribes opinions and always can back up statements with facts.  You give forth altered information from entertainers who glean at your expense and then wish me to feed it back to you with a pat on the back.  Well, not so—a kick in the back­side is more in order!


Chela, let us take a break—all of you ones are ill with “accidental flu poison­ing”.  I am sorry, dear ones, you are caught in the evil of the times.  I will get back to this as soon as you have had respite—these are most valuable discus­sions indeed.  Ex­cellent opportunity to get our ma­terial forth, however, for contro­versy of evil with truth is excellent for Aton does not of­ten be­come faint of heart!  So be it.     I will stand-by.   SALU,   HATONN