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Oct. 15, 2012

------"Man has lost the capacity to forsee and to forestall.  He will end by destroying the earth itself if left unto his own devices.

So, you are not left to your own devices past a given point where the higher Truth shall intervene and the cycle will end and the new begin.  The word is being given unto you now.  The messengers are at hand and the higher ones are arrived to show you the way home.  We do not come in the form of flapping winged spirits.  We come in a form you can relate to.  We come as your brothers of higher knowledge.  This school is closing, chelas.  You are in the itme of chaos and the play will be finished whether or not you are prepared.  It is time to heed the truth of the word for you shall not be in the surviving of these things unless you awaken and get with the task at hand. 

The hosts of heaven are at hand and the brothers of the cosmos stand ready.  So be it." ---Hatonn

Phoenix Journal #11, "Cry of the Phoenix", Chap. 11.