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March 16, 2012



FRI., JANUARY 31, 1992   8:38 A.M.   YEAR 5, DAY 167

FRIDAY,  JANUARY 31,  1992


In the beauty of the morning comes the illusion of proper se­quence and seasons and I am in such longing to simply speak of wonders and won­drous things which can be yours for the ac­cepting.  However, our jour­ney through the veil is not yet com­plete.  Even Dharma petitions me to “...please, not more, oh God, please, no more.  Can I not be allowed to dream of sugar-plums and fairy-godmothers and a world in order (as they tell us it will be?  Can’t we rest a bit for the mind is in overload and the sadness great.”  I watch and my own longing for your peace and contentment overwhelms my own senses for I feel your anger, re­sentment, frustra­tions and hopelessness.  But I come to wipe away the hopelessness for in Truth and under­standing there is naught save HOPE.  No, I cannot allow even one day of ma­lingering for what if this be the day of your transition?  What if any one of you makes transition this day from this physical plane?  Your work, if not finished, goes unfin­ished into the space of infin­ity.


Sandy asks as she reads early writings of this week and is stunned by the use of “hate and de­spise” and “I shall strike them with an iron rod and shatter them as potter’s pots...” and she cries out: “Does God of Total Love have such feelings?”  In­deed!  Perhaps the terms be ill-ad­vised for your balanced under­standing of intent but the blind assump­tion that God is only a positive, passionless and passive entity of some sort is to only blind selves further.  You have no language terms to de­scribe the perception and/or Love of God.  Let us, however, speak in parable:


If you have a child of God, say Dharma, and she has followed faithfully and trustingly within our circle of care and she serves to the best of her ability—along with being one to bring forth the WORD as given and she is stricken by the evil brought against her—what think ye?


Let us further note that the evil ones have come and lied as to the in­tent of God and in her in­nocence she believes them and the lies pre­sented.  Say, she has pain and stiffness in her joints to the extent of being unable to write, which is coming to be in fact.  Now, ones come whom she trusts and says to her: “God told me that if you allow us to have a scorpion sting you, the venom will act as a antidote and you will be healed”—and she accepts that.  Now, the liars bring forth a thousand scorpions and set them upon her—WHAT THINK YE GOD OF LIGHT WOULD DO?  Let me tell you—he would hate and despise the actions and callous emotions which precipitate those actions and he would strike them as a crystal goblet ‘neath the ham­mer.  When God has taken leave of a being and they serve only evil—they will be left to the fate of the evil planners and they will be stricken as surely as night fol­lows day in your per­ception.  Evil is the total opposite of Love and if you are unwilling to stand against evil actions and loathe and despise (yea, even hate them) then you are not in total service unto God.  IT IS THAT WHICH YOU DO WITH THOSE EMOTIONS WHICH IS THE TEST OF A BEING AND STRENGTH OF A MAN.  You ones perceive only one avenue of action in the “sense” of, say, hate: REVENGE.  God allows; revenge is not present.  Further, He respects His own enemy and KNOWS HIS EN­EMY—but nonetheless—the enemy is real in opposition to the Godliness which must be attained in order to turn about the steady march to doom of a planet and civilization.


What you ones desire is the father who allows you to GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU DO—EVEN IF IN DIRECT OP­POSITION TO THE LAWS OF GOD.  NO—YE ACT, WHICH IS “CAUSE” AND THE EF­FECT OF THAT ACTION WILL COME AGAIN UNTO YOU AS SURELY AS YOU EXPERIENCE THE THOUGHT OF EXIS­TENCE—IN KIND.  Remember, chelas, as the sequence comes to pass and the mi­grations are complete—God shall move on with His people in check and security and the place of experi­ence shall be left to those choosing of the evil ways to live out their experience.  You have been given the lies to keep you imprisoned by those projections of “MAN” which confuse, con­found and mislead to keep you helpless as the lambs to slaugh­ter.  You further forget—the very adversary is God’s rod of iron!  YOU JUST DON’T YET RECOGNIZE THE INFINITE GOD!!




I need to ask you ones who wrote to us almost a year ago and have had no response as to sub­ject nor inquiries—you must know that mail from farther back than a year past has been held by the Post Office.  There is, for example, urgent information regard­ing the Ekker property case, etc., and Tom Valentine of Radio Free America in the pile of unre­ceived letters.  I men­tion this because the dear ones who sent informa­tion that Valentine was looking for these peo­ple feel that their efforts are unappreciated.  No—our people were not in the receiving of the cor­respondence.  We retrieved a large packet of such material only yester­day.  Both the corre­spondence and the circumstances will be turned over to the Constitutional Law Center.  A most valuable docu­ment was the cause of the holding but I am not free to speak of it openly.




We are plied with inquiries regarding John Coleman and his circum­stance.  As the word has spread forth of his death ones seem to feel it appropriate to inquire of America West.  Well, if you use your thoughtful reasoning—you will not do that, please.  I have asked them to cease and desist speaking of his situation.  He was brought into protection in or­der to write informa­tion for you-the-people and beyond that—YOU WILL NOT BE TOLD MORE.  It matters not if he writes from your placement or MINE.  He will be presented where it is appropriate.  The secu­rity of a person often entails that little time is actually spent on your dimen­sional plane of experience.  You will come to know as much.


More important—you who receive such calls and interrogations will be silent lest you be con­sidered among the enemy.


There is so much clandestine activity in the Area of Tehachapi, Ed­wards, Northrup and such places that there will be recur­rences of actual military soirees against our people just as there were against Dharma Friday last.  I speak now of deliberate military attack by laser weaponry.


Linda, who asks about sounds from the “bowels of the earth” in your location.—You are near natural

caves and will note more and more clo­sure of public access to the public area in point.  What you are hearing are the tunneling machines making open travel grid connections.  If the park service takes your living fa­cilities—you will not be able to stop them, chelas—don’t be fool­ish for town meetings will not stop it, in this in­stance for very long and it becomes very dangerous for you ones abid­ing there.


Hear me, Chelas: IT IS OVER!  YOU MUST NOW COME UP THROUGH THAT WHICH ALREADY HAS BEEN EF­FECTED FOR YOU WILL FIND THE POWER ALREADY IN THE HANDS OF YOUR DEADLY ENEMIES—RIGHT IN YOUR OWN NATION.  YOU MUST REALIZE THAT BY MY TELLING YOU THIS OR THAT OF THE ENEMY’S “SECRETS” WILL DO NOTHING EXCEPT MAKE YOU DISCOUNTED!  You are simply experi­encing personal and specific assault and the overall scenario must be considered and not just your local and isolated circumstance.  Use this for your confirmation and you gain strength for when you ones take back your GOD POWER, you can prevail but you have reached the time of “either”-”or”.






I cannot wait for you to simply stumble into important points of his subtle two-sided speech in point on Tuesday last.  I wanted you to ponder the total seriousness and finality of his infor­mation to his own groups.


He referred to his “program” already being accepted and ap­proved by “30 states”.  He also simultaneously referred to “Constitution”, etc.  That point was missed by you-the-people: HE WAS SPEAKING OF THE “NEW STATES” AND THE “NEW STATES CONSTITU­TION”—ALREADY IN PLACE AND IN EXPERIENCE BY FEDERAL DISTRICTS.  (Go read RAPE, RAVAGE, PILLAGE AND PLUNDER (RRPP).)


The “announcement” was projected to the “inside Elite” that things would be according to his planning—soon.  He further told you bluntly and succinctly that he was in control and that you will do whatever you are ordered to do through Executive orders.  Now, how do you know this?:




TODAY IS THE OFFICIAL BIRTHDAY OF GLOBAL NEW WORLD ORDER BY FORCE AND COALITION.  TODAY BASICALLY BECOMES THE DAY THAT YOUR CONSTI­TUTIONAL GOVERNMENT HAS FALLEN AND THE NEW HAS TAKEN OPEN AND PUBLIC CONTROL.  THINGS WILL NOW GO TICK, TICK, TICK ACCORDING TO THE NEW WORLD ELITE.  To­day in America at the UN is the first official meeting of the NEW GLOBAL GOVERNMENT.  You will notice, also, that the presiding per­sonage is Ma­jors, OF BRITAIN!  You will also note that there are 15 na­tions attend­ing but only five in­volved actually. 


Now note further what Yeltsin talks about, along with new agreements, etc., missiles and nuclear weapons.  The intent is to form a coali­tion through the UN to: “have a shield about the planet which blocks and contains all missiles”.  That, dear ones, is the system just hooked up and now totally operational with U.S. headquarters right at Edwards Air Force Base and ar­eas attached.  These alien “listening stations” are nothing but total monitoring stations to monitor every last one of you con­stantly.  The guillotine has fallen.  Fall on your knees and thank your God, chelas—that Yeltsin is a nothing and the higher POWER is above that grid shield and not in his control—YET!




Another airlines bites the dust?  TWA goes under?  NO—total control of the airlanes is under­way.  Planes from these defunct airlines are stock­piled right at places such as Mojave airport—where they are totally con­trolled and orderly in arrangement by the Elite One Government.  This is a remarkable method—al­ready successful—for monitoring and curtailing citizen travel.  There will soon come the time when you will not be able to travel across state lines, district lines and/or national boundaries.


Your right of free speech is also now on a time schedule of ex­tinction—you heard it from the horse’s mouth: Bush insists on a New World Or­der “without racism and/or anti-Semitism be­ing allowed!”  “Crime will now be brought under control”—but what of his “war on drugs”?  No mention?  How strange?!?


Major demoralization and depopulation are now under way as the manda­tory immunization pro­grams are stepped up.  New types of weapons will be issued to the new police forces of the UN whereby you will be brought under control and weapons will be retrieved without your even realizing it.  Soon there will be no effort to conceal the defiance to your Constitution—for you now have a new form of Government and it has NONE of your old Constitutional RIGHTS.


Today is filled with subtle projections which might well bring chills unto your very central beings if ye be of God and for na­tion and freedom.  You are seeing it being unfolded in your very presence and still, you seem to see it not.  Peace through unit­ing, the Puppet-Masters will shout to you and raise their glasses in celebration over “peaceful” co­existence and neighborly coali­tion.


Please note, too, that Kissinger has surfaced with his robotic grunting and gravel speech to tell you that China will surely be brought into compliance, he is quite sure.  Of course he is sure—but the entire group undersells the Chinese.  The puppet at the meeting is only in exampling what will happen to dissenters EVERYWHERE—not just in a square in China.  Your nations are set to go to war.




One of the letters received from the P.O. contains a copy of an adver­tisement from the New York Times of April 22, 1991. (One of the rea­sons the mail was NOT DELIVERED!).  It was run in the paper by Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews.  It is worthy of reprinting and scatter­ing about your nations like chaff in the winds.  You of the “Jews” are first and most fiercely tar­geted for destruction and, yet, you seem blinded by the false information.  Dharma, please copy the writing:







We Jews became a nation on Mount Sinai where G’d (written correctly) gave us the Torah.  Only the Torah and its believers constitute the Jewish nation.  Only those who scrupulously ob­serve the Torah and serve as spiritual guides can qualify as lead­ers of the Jewish people.  The founder of Zionism, AN ATHE­IST, abhorring and rejecting Judaism, wrote in his Diaries that first he planned to convert all the Jews.  Later he decided to change the identity and belief of the Jewish people by in­venting Zionism.  By creating a state the Jewish religion would be downgraded and non-observance of Jewish law would not only be en­couraged but even forced.  Notable is the abduction in the early fifties of Moroccan, Yemenite and Teheran children and the brainwashing of these and other observant Jews lured by the Zionists.




Zionism denies that a Jew is a Jew by virtue of the Torah and that G’d gave us the Holy Land and sent us into exile because of our sins.  Zion­ism says that Jews are a nation like any other na­tion and the reason they were exiled was because of a weak army.  Even if the Zionists ad­vocated religious observance, it would still be an ATHEIST state be­cause our belief is that only G’d alone without any human effort or in­tervention will redeem us from exile.  At that time there will be univer­sal peace.  This will be after the coming of Moshiach and the prophet Eliyu’.  We have been foresworn by G’d not to use human force to bring about the establish­ment of a state, not to rebel against the na­tions, not to leave exile ahead of time (Talmud Tractate Ksubos III).




*    Creating anti-Semitism as a rallying point.

*    Shedding blood.  Their slogan has been “only by blood will we have the land.”

*    Brainwashing, bribery, deception, pressure tactics, trickery, threats, provocation.

*    Assassination, notably the murder 67 years ago of the dedi­cated Jewish statesman, Pro­fessor Jacob DeHaan, the right-hand man of Grand Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld (Yiddish symbols have had to be deleted due to inability for printing), the greatest fighter against Zionism in Palestine at that time.











P.O. Box 1030, New York, NY 10009








George, it is time to contact these brothers and see if there is workable coalition possible.  You will have to go through the Box number “probably” for in the long run it will be faster than tracking the location.  You who have felt the attacker’s knife in your back can appreciate the plight of your brothers who speak out in Godness.


As our own new book is here and available: DESTRUCTION OF A PLANET—ZIONISM IS RACISM, we, too, come under heavier attack.  I am sorry, chelas—ye were never promised the bed of rose petals.




This is simply to acknowledge receipt of the letter regarding the subject in point.  I cannot take time to respondand, further, I would not give di­rect information regarding other researchers without further input.  I only herein wish to acknowledge that the letter has been received and was among the documents held by your Post Office.  For your own confirmation, the inquiry came from Florida and was written on May 8, 1991.

I can tell you, however, that capability of developing images on the new film is deliberately negated.  The company involved, of which you speak, is totally in the control of the adversary.  There will be ways around the problem but not with that avail­able film and I cannot speak of it herein.  Thank you.




Confirmation time, please.  The following is from a very recent Wall Street Journal.




“Boris, Give us Bread!” reads the headline of an article in the Decem­ber issue of Ogonek.  Boris Yeltsin assured Russians that they would not starve this winter.  The West has chipped in with large-scale food aid, both from government and private chari­ties.  But there is significant evidence that the former Soviet Union is flush with grain, if only Mr. Yeltsin can get at it.


On Nov. 30, the daily newspaper Izvestia published a table listing Western credits received over the previous 11 months for the purchase of food.  The U.S., the European Community and Germany, separately from the EC, provided almost $8 billion; six other countries gave $2 bil­lion more.  Ivan Silayev, then chairman of the Inter-Republic Economic Committee, an­nounced that those funds would buy some 50 million metric tons of grain from the West as well as much more.  In addition, ac­cording to the same source, the government purchased 42 to 43 mil­lion metric tons of domestic grain during 1991, which amounts to ap­proximately eight or nine million metric tons above annual consumption by the population in all 15 re­publics of the former Soviet Union.


There are even more compelling reasons to believe that Rus­sia may be overflowing with grain.  The “granaries of the moth­erland”—the state storage facilities—may hold huge quanti­ties.  According to some calcula­tions, storage capacity exceeded 240 million metric tons in the early 1970’s and increased to 290 million metric tons by 1981, with a target of 362 million met­ric tons by the end of that decade.  MOST OF THAT HAS COME FROM WESTERN IMPORTS, ABOUT HALF OR MORE FROM THE U.S.  A LARGE PART IS STORED IN UNDERGROUND SHELTERS DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND A NUCLEAR BLAST AND FALLOUTUniversity of North Carolina economist Steven Rosefield has as­serted that these supplies could feed the entire population of the former U.S.S.R. for three years; it may actually be four[H: But your silos are empty, you have food reserves for less than a week and YOU HAVE NO SHELTERS AT ALL.]


Then there are special military-related peacetime stocks. Mr. Silayev revealed the existence of a Centralized Food Fund.  Last year it added almost 14 million metric tons of grain to a stock­pile that is large enough to feed the armed forces, Moscow and the so-called closed cities—where nuclear weapons and their components are manufactured—in case of war.  There are 87 such closed cities in Russia alone, each guarded by a regiment of Interior Ministry troops.


According to the most recent Soviet Military Encyclopedia, edited by former Chief of Staff Marshal Nikolai V. Ogarkov, state reserves in­clude—apart from food—fuel, materiel, capital equipment, spare parts, and other supplies to fight and recover from a war.


Vitaly V. Shlykov, deputy chairman of the Russian Defense Council, revealed on Ameri­can television last fall that the mili­tary-industrial com­plex also stockpiles enough supplies to last at least three months.  These can be opened only on orders from the highest authority.  Mr. Shlykov was quoted by the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun on Oct. 25 to the effect that, if all materiel were transferred from such state reserves to defense plants, industrial pro­duction would increase by 50%  This could mean that the stockpiles of materiel for the mili­tary-industrial base total more than 200 million rubles, or one-fourth of the current GNP.


As Commander in Chief, Mikhail Gorbachev, must have known about these vast expendi­tures for backup supplies, which had grown from 4% of annual national income after World War II to 5% or even 6% today.  Such huge reserves would have permitted the Red Army to fight 90 days in Western Europe and 180 days in China.


.....The existence of these stocks may well be the reason why Mr. Yeltsin seems so certain that Russians will not starve.....






We get so many inquiries about Lyndon that I am stymied as to how to answer you.  Inquiry after inquiry comes as to how much and “should I” continue to support his campaign, etc., etc.  I can’t tell you what to do.  I only point out that he is in prison because the big-boys want him there.  Do you really think that they are going to allow him out—much less run for, and possi­bly win, a Presidency?  I make no comment as to the man in point—I DO suggest you think about what you are doing and how apt it is to be the best and most useful focus of your sup­port.


Would it not possibly be better to give support to the Constitu­tional Law Center and get him first, OUT?  Then, and only then can consider­ation be given to his position if indeed there is to be one.  The push is misguided as it is now directed and only fur­ther divides and dilutes vot­ers who might otherwise contribute to unification of voters.


I am amused and appalled at what is happening with the Repub­lican Party and David Duke.  It, again, has nothing to do with candidates—do you not see the total negation of Constitutional Law?  So why struggle against the monster—go unify and all support a central candidate (preferably one with NO EXTEN­SIVE OR EXTREME POSITIONS TO DIS­TRACT), go with an Independent Party and get SOMEONE ON YOUR SIDE—ELECTED!  The only one strong enough to pull it off is Gritz, at this time.


This becomes obvious by that which the adversary is doing.  He is be­ing denied even “900 numbers” and every effort is being thrust forth to stop him even entering any state ballot.  In other words—if you ones can’t find him to support, you can’t do any­thing.  He is the only “unknown” in the crowd and therefore be­comes the most dangerous to the Establishment for they can’t bury him in lies and controversy.  I be­lieve America West is working with James at a very fundamental level so you who in­quire of me as to how to find “Bo” are speaking to the wrong individual—I am not the proper contact.  However, if you wish to participate—the Phoenix Institute can accept and redirect your participa­tion correspondence.  I, Hatonn, will not give forth in­formation nor tar­geting.  My people, will however, forward anything you send—to him.




You wonderful friends who have buried us in letters and appre­ciation to Terry (Vietnam vet­eran).  I have permission to give a P.O. box whereby YOU CAN CONTACT HIM DI­RECTLY.  I am asking him to come to visit with me at his earliest conve­nience so that we can identify possible service.  Terry’s father translated and serves with me, at the time of our first contact.  Please be as gracious, readers, and send your letters to him di­rectly, for ’tis so much more meaningful to realize your gift of simple sharing—personally.  I think each would be as­tounded at what gifts of understanding are gleaned from the simple act of sharing of self.  It is a time when your enemy has divided in or­der to conquer—more of you have identical and lonely feelings than you can imagine.  It is through this kind of love by which this world can be turned about—and it shall be far more easily accomplished than you can imagine.  He can be reached by ad­dressing to Terry (I choose to not list his last name—he may share as he chooses): P.O. Box, Sun City, AZ 85372.




Your letter and information have been received.  I honor your opinion and you may do that which you wish; however, please do not consider me to be one of your group in any manner what­soever.  I realize that is not ikely since you feel my opinion and writings regarding the Zionists and Israelis is of “very little value”.  Your accompanying literature and pro­jections are as nearly those which can be considered “hate mail” and “hate crime” as I have ever seen in one claiming to enlighten free Man.  The point, friend, is to inform the people, not shout in­sulting and horrendous distortions upon a beloved people.


You suggest that your information might “enlighten” me as to the insidi­ous behavior of the Is­rael/Zionist conspiracy.  So be it.  I am already quite informed and consider you to be a most dan­gerous tool of the ad­versary you claim to assault.  You ask me to join in your “CRUSADE”.  I JOIN IN NO CRUSADE OF ANY KIND—THE VERY TERM INFERS AS­SAULT AND WAR BASED ON NOTHING SAVE “OPINION” AND BIG­OTRY.  THOUGH YOUR INFORMATION IS PERHAPS CORRECT IN CONCEPT—THE MODE OF PASSING KNOWLEDGE IS QUITE DAS­TARDLY AND DAMAGING.


You, for instance, have inferred a quotation by Shamir: All you Stupid American Goy better give Israel our $10 Billion Plus or I am going to blow you away just like I have blown away over 1,000 unarmed chil­dren.. HEILThe greater eretz Ysrail.  We are the Chosen Ones and it is our destiny to rule the world.”  The facts are bad enough—to state such a thing as being a state­ment from one such as Shamir is most unfortu­nate—he is not foolish enough to utter any­thing so sinister publicly wherein you could get at it.  If you deceive and project hate instead of infor­mation—then you become no better than they.  Further, when you invoke God as your bedmate in terror—you deceive your brother, self, and insult God of Light.  You have such a gift of sharing truth that I would ask that you consider bringing outrage into control and work within “reason” that you would be heard.  What you are sending out is representative of a group “out of control” and this is exactly what your enemy wants of you.  Ponder it.


Dharma, allow us to close this so that it can be placed in the pa­per at the earliest possible time.       Hatonn to clear, thank you.