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March 7, 2012



SAT., JANUARY 25, 1992   9:48 A.M.   YEAR 5, DAY 162



Dharma, in view of the earlier writing today from Aton, I sug­gest we simply take up with the subject in point.  Thank you.  Rest assured, chela, that as with yesterday—I am never away from you even though the terrorists seem so unrestricted.





As we begin where we left off, I remind you that we were speaking of Hiram who was thought to have built the Temple of Solomon according to the Freemasonry projections.


There is ample proof, however, that—as with David al Roy and King David—so are Hiram and Hiram different people.  The Hiram so beloved by Freemasonry is NOT the Hiram who was involved in building Solomon’s Temple, but rather Hiram of Tyre, king of the Sidonians whose kingdom stretched from the Euphrates in the northeast to the Gulf of Aqubah in the south­east, a great commercial empire.  It was with this Hiram that King David made a treaty.  King David (1000-961 BC) was Is­rael’s most successful ruler.  Again, note that due to evolv­ing terminology, we find it necessary to use terms such as “Jews” and “Israel” although at the historical time in point—NEITHER TERM EXISTED!  We are caused to utilize that, how­ever, to which you readers can relate in order to make distinctions in groups and loca­tions.


He did however breach the neutrality of Jerusalem, which he made his capital.  It was during his reign that literary activity flourished.  You can include “JUDGES” in this category which was in collected form from the “Yahwistic source” in the Pen­tateuchal tradition.


When David died (see, everyone does), his son Solomon turned Israel into a genuine Oriental monarchy.  He built the dynastic temple, which was a copy of Canaanite temples in decoration and design.  Of course there were no cult statues; the Ark in the cella replaced that.  Solomon’s Canaanite-style temple was de­stroyed in the first three months of the reign of Je­hoiachin.  Neb­uchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem, which fell to him in Jan­uary 588 BC.  Note the use of the term Canaanite—this does not even SOUND like Shemite (Semite).  The lies were poured upon you so long ago that you are totally blinded if your mind refuses to remember truth.


The KINGDOM OF JERUSALEM, (which had the most com­plete feudal laws ever devised) FORMED AN ALLIANCE WITH VENICE, GENOA AND PISA, the motive being to tap the Red Sea trade; this being facilitated by the country of Edessa, the principality of Antioch and the county of Tripoli, all fiefdoms of Jerusalem set up by Baldwin, Bohemund and Ray­mond of Toulouse.  With the departure of the Franks, the city was recaptured by the Moslems in 1187, and Jerusalem ceased to be an organized state.

The role of Venice as a commercial power and a spoiler appears again and again throughout the eight Crusades, particularly in the Fourth Crusade 1201-1204.  A glaring example of the power of Venice (which it retains to this day) came at the Meeting of Hagenau, where feuding Cru­saders were supposed to come to an agreement under Pope Innocent III (Lotario de’Conti di Segni).  Now, doesn’t this just smack of “Honest Dude” the used-car salesman?


Instead of carrying out the agreement reached by all parties to the Hagenau Meeting, Venice demanded 85,000 marks and that the Christian city of Zara be attacked.  (Personalities don’t change a lot over the generations do they?)  In spite of Inno­cent’s unbridled opposition, Zara was taken and sacked.  Venice gained materially, while the Crusade was excommunicated, which of course had no effect on Venice.  The Crusade was then diverted to Constantinople which was taken and sacked in 1204 in horror and unsurpassed brutality.


So all you so-called Christians cannot point the finger at anyone; in fact President Bush’s lies about Iraq sacking Kuwait, even if they might have been true, which they most certainly are not, would pale into insignificance next to the horrors of the sacking of Constantinople.  A Venetian, Morosini, replaced the Greek patriarch.  Venice got possession of more than a quarter of Con­stantinople, plus Adrianople, Galiopoli, Naxos, Andros, Eu­boea, Crete and the Ionian Islands.  Pope Innocent was power­less to stop the Venetians, notwithstanding his out­raged opposi­tion.  It reminds one of Pope John Paul II who appears to be powerless against the Venetian Black No­bility steering the Catholic Church in the wrong direction.  You who doubt all this, that is—you who still have capability of reading, GO LOOK UP THESE THINGS FOR THEY ARE THERE IN THE HISTORY ANNALS FOR THE ENEMY KNOWS SO FEW WILL BOTHER THAT IT ISN’T WORTH THE EF­FORT TO DESTROY EVERYTHING—THAT MIGHT MAKE YOU SUSPICIOUS.  IT IS EASIER TO BRING FORTH IGNORANT AND DEGENERATE PEO­PLE TO GIVE YOU LIES.  JOHN JUDGE, OF “JFK” RESEARCH SAID IT MOST SIMPLY ON WEDNESDAY OF THIS WEEK—GO LOOK UP THESE THINGS IN THE RECORDS!  THE IMPORTANT PIECES ARE THERE FOR YOUR SEEING.


Herman Von Salza, of the Teutonic Order, was the first and only  Crusader to deal fairly with the Moslems.  He established relations with the Moslem leader, Malik al Kamil and, in the terms of the treaty agreement they signed, Von Salza was able to secure a corridor from Jerusalem to the coast for Christians.  Unfortunately he was undermined by the Venetians (non-Chris­tians), and forced to return home, after which Moslem merce­naries took over Jerusalem in 1244.


British Army General Allenby recaptured Jerusalem in 1917, using the celebrated Lawrence of Arabia to marshal Arab sup­port to defeat the Turks, in exchange for which the Arabs would gain complete autonomy, especially in the land of Palestine, where there was to be no more Jewish immigration.  Allenby totally betrayed the Arabs and Lawrence was murdered.


Henceforth the flow of Jews to Palestine was accelerated ac­cording to the treasonous Balfour Declaration drafted by the Freemason Arthur Balfour and signed by Lord Rothschild with­out consultation with the Arabs and without their consent.  In spite of the gross betrayal they had suffered, Moslems and Christians as well as non-Zionist Jews shared Jerusalem without much friction until the Israeli-Arab wars which started in 1946.  Jerusalem, up until the time of King David was always regarded as a neutral city, but major violations of its status occurred through­out its history.

The role of the Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon throughout the Crusades was marked by treachery and violence.  Because of their Masonic-type oaths and initiations, they were or­dered disbanded by Pope Clement V (Raymond Bertrand de Got) in 1312 and declared heretics.


From the Knights Templar sprang modern Masonry and, in 1717, the United Grand Lodge of England was founded.  It be­came the Lodge of British royalty.  Its present Grand master is Ed­ward the Duke of Kent, cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. George, appointed to his post by Queen Elizabeth II in 1967.  Edward takes the position of Counseller-of-State whenever Elizabeth is out of the country.  He received this position the same year that he was appointed to head the United Grand Lodge of England, thus publicly estab­lishing the link between Masonry and the royal family.


The United Grand Lodge of England, the “Mother Lodge”, es­tablished the Scottish and York rites of Freemasonry, the former so named after Robert Bruce, the son of a Venetian merchant banking family who went to Scotland following a family quarrel, and once established there, usurped the throne.  It is important to note the connection between Venice, the Scottish rite of Freemasonry and Jerusalem.  [H: If you don’t know your en­emy you cannot hope to ever set your path about.]


The Scottish and York rites are taken directly from the Templars whose leader, Guy de Molay, was executed for his satanic be­liefs and anti-Christian heresies which included Rosicrucianism and Gnosticism.  (Go look it up!  Throwing stones at these his­torians won’t change anything—it is YOU who have been “had”!)  Queen Elizabeth and the entire royal family put Gnosti­cism far above Christianity.  In fact even loosely related TRUE CHRISTianity is in no wise re­spected nor followed.  The prac­tice of that which is called “Christianity” in England is but a rit­ualistic charade of Christ-teachings turned into acceptance of all the broken laws of God.


The United Grand Lodge played a leading role in the “rediscovery” of Solomon’s Temple.  It is strongly believed by intelligence circles that the United Grand Lodge of England was deeply im­plicated in the attempt to assassinate Pope John Paul II.  This is absolutely true—but not for the expected reasons for the Elite elements set him into power.  However, the world situ­ation was getting out of control as factions within the Elite orga­nizations were in serious conflict.  The Lodge was completely involved in events that led up to the Temple Mount massacre and the temporary closing of the Al Aska Mosque by the Israeli military on October 9, 1990.


It is a well established fact that Edward the Duke of Kent had strong links with the notorious Italian P-2 Lodge through its Grand master Lucci Gelli.  The Masonic-ritual hanging of Roberto Calvi in London remains intentionally unsolved to this day, but intelligence sources know the purpose of Calvi’s flight to London was to meet with Edward the Duke of Kent, a meet­ing which was not allowed to take place and instead, Calvi met with death.


One of the most important assets of the United Grand Lodge of England was its British Arab Bureau which played a key role in deceiving the Arabs under the command of Colonel T. E. Lawrence.  Its most important Arabists were St. John Philby, the father of the notorious spy, Kim Philby; Wilfred Blount, T. E. Lawrence and John Baggot, “Glubb Pasha”.  With the excep­tion of Lawrence, all were wittingly involved in setting up a Jewish homeland in Pales­tine.  All were Freemasons of the Scottish Rite.


The Temple Mount Conspiracy had its origin in the United Grand Lodge of England.  Perhaps its most important member was Sir Charles Warren, holder of the Grand Cross of St. Michael and St. George, Knight of Justice of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, founder of the Grand Lodge of Israel, and a founder member of Quator Coronati Lodge Number 2076, which lodge has always played a leading role in fomenting the Temple of Solomon plot.


Warren was a member of the Palestine Exploration Fund estab­lished by Edward, Prince of Wales (a Freemason).  In 1862 Edward led a British delegation on a tour of the Holy Land, os­tensibly to establish links between Solomon’s Temple and the Bible, but in reality to start the project of rebuilding the Third Temple of Solomon.


One of the most prominent members of the Palestine Explo­ration Fund was Sir Moses Montif­iore from the ancient family of court Jews of the same name.  The Montifiore dynasty is old Venetian Black Nobility.  Montifiore was the instrument used to get a toehold for Jews on Haram-al-Sharif.  Queen Elizabeth II is the present head of the fund.


It was Warren who wrote RECOVERY OF JERUSALEM based on the Knights Templar es­says, UNDERGROUND JERUSALEM and THE TEMPLE AND THE TOMB, which con­tains a lot of spurious “data” about the location and purpose of the Temple of Solomon.  From this point on the Freemason “bible” contained 20 or more pictures of Solomon’s Temple.


The most powerful families of the Venetian Black Nobility joined in the plot to rebuild Solomon’s temple.  Among these were the Luzzattos, Byzantine Jews, headed by Moses Haim Luzzatto, who moved the family from Venice to Safad in Pales­tine in the 18th century.


In the 19th century, part of the Luzzatto family moved back to Padua in Italy, where they estab­lished the first of many rabbini­cal academies teaching Judaism.  One of its teachers was Rabbi Samuel David Luzzatto.  The Volpi di Musurati family are an­cient Black Nobility from Sicily who settled Venice, and they also joined the plot to rebuild Solomon’s temple.  The Luz­zatto’s powerfully supported Theodor Herzl, their choice to head Zionism.  Count Piero Foscari, head of yet another power­ful ancient Black Nobility family of Venice, got very much in­volved in Freemasonic plans to rebuild Solomon’s Temple. These families were committed cabalists who embraced Freema­sonry.


The Quator Coronati Lodge number 2076 is very important  in that you note the role played by this super-secret lodge in the Solomon’s temple plot which began with the Knights Tem­plar.  Quator Coronati Lodge is the home of the “Nine Men”, also known as the “The Nine Unknown Men”, believed to be the originators of the “cycles of disturbances” which result in wars, plagues, famines, weather disasters and so on.  Does this sound something like the Horsemen of the Apocalypse?  So be it.


Dharma, allow us to close this portion as I need you to be else­where.  May the Light be given to penetrate into the dark re­cesses that you of Light may be given into seeing for your time of re­newal is so very short.  In love and care I move to stand-by for I am never from ye ones.


Hatonn to clear the circuit, please.