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March 5, 2012



FRI., JANUARY 24, 1992   10:30 A.M.   YEAR 5, DAY 161

FRIDAY,  JANUARY 24,  1992


Again, I wish to thank Dr. Coleman for allowing us to use his document on the above subject.  I need confirmation for my scribe—that she is not alone in the outlaying of intelligence informa­tion.  I make careful efforts to prevent her being tar­geted by making unwise revela­tions.


We are going to move forward from the prior writings of the past few days and on to material written in 1990 and consider the shooting deaths of Palestinians at the Haram-al-Sharif on October (8th).


Again, we will quote and my interjections will mostly be in brackets ([H:]).  I say “mostly” because sometimes I simply forget to distinguish self from the writings.  The author is most gener­ous with my liberties.  In fact, if allowed to simply update, it will save us all a lot of time—espe­cially you in your reading and Editors in their correcting punctuation, etc.  Thank you.


With the shooting deaths of 22 Palestinians at the Haram-al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary) on the grounds of the Dome of the Rock Mosque Al Aska on October 8, 1990, by a large force of Israeli border guards, police and soldiers, Temple Mount (the Israeli name for Haram al-Sharif) became the focus of world attention.  The Temple Mount massacre placed the govern­ment of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir under severe pressures and, for the first time in decades, the U.S. joined in the demands for a full and free investigation into the events of that October day.


Why the sudden seemingly about-turn in U.S. policy toward Israel?  It was not a genuine change of policy—but merely a subterfuge to force Mr. Shamir from office and get him re­placed with the “King of Israel”, former defense minister Ariel Sharon—now Housing Minis­ter.  The U.S. administration is persuaded that when the time comes to attack Jordan and force the Pales­tinians out of the West Bank and Gaza, Mr. Shamir would not be strong enough to carry out the task.  Hence the ongoing ef­forts to undermine his government.


Although responsibility for the deaths of almost 700 Pales­tinians since the “Intifada” (resistance) began rests with the Is­raeli Government, there are other players in this drama who need to be exposed for their role in fomenting discord which threatens the lives of Palestinians and Israelis alike and promises to plunge the world into a most dangerous war.


Thus far these players have gotten away with their crimes which have brought the world to the brink of catastrophe in Kuwait and Iraq, a catastrophe which President Bush appears to be determined to make happen.  We shall share the identity of those who are the string-pullers of their front men.  Never be­fore has there been such a compelling urgency for you to know truth and begin your regaining of freedom from the propaganda mills grinding out what passes for “news” in the electronic and printed media.


Ah, but you continue to deny that such things can exist—how so, chelas?  Let me just give you a tiny portion of the beginning of a prominent first-page article of The Wall Street Journal (Established media press) of Monday, January 20, 1991The Money Trail.  U.S. FIRMS ARE LINKED TO AN ISRAELI GENERAL AT HEART OF A SCANDAL. Funds for De­fense Contracts were Diverted, but Why?  Investigations Broaden—Bundles of cash (found) in a Mer­cedes:  TEL AVIV:—A young star in Israel’s Air Force, Rami Dotan, came up fast—and went down the same way.


Last spring, the brigadier general was stripped of his rank and packed off to prison for getting caught skimming millions of dollars in U.S. military aid.  His confession to theft and fraud was the biggest scandal in the history of Israel’s elite military[Also most unusual.  The facts are that the unraveling came from the United States corporations working with him—who got nailed for participation.]


But the Dotan Affair will prove to be as much an American scandal as an Israeli one.  An investi­gation by The Wall StreetJournal has traced more than $11 million diverted from General Electric Co. contracts and then passed through an ob­scure New Jersey front com­pany to bank accounts across Eu­rope.


Aircraft engine division of United Technologies Corp. and General Motors Corp. also complied with some of Gen. Dotan’s demandsconcerning the use of favored subcontractors or distributors.  And smaller U.S. firms that got military busi­ness from Israel paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to a trio of Panamanian shell corporations in the general’s enter­prise.


I believe that is enough of the article.  Does it not smack of Noriega and/or Oliver North tac­tics?  A real one man crime ring of duping and stealing and clandestine “demands”.  Come, come—check out the “innocent” file.




Thus far those players got away with their crimes which brought the world to the brink of catastrophe in Kuwait and Iraq, a catastrophe which President Bush appeared to be deter­mined to make happen and surely enough DID! So who are those main players in that Temple Mount Conspiracy?  Well, like the broken record repeating and repeating: They are British Freema­sonry, (whose origins go all the way back to before the Crusading Templar Order) and who run and control Jewish fun­damentalist fanatics such as Gush Emunim; British intelligence, drafted into the arena to instigate religious wars and block all peace efforts between Arabs, Jews and Palestinians.  The non-Zionist Jews will be as much a victim, however, of the plot­ters as the Muslims and Christians.  In fact, as I, Hatonn, have said over and over again: They will be the first to be throttled and trampled.


Beginning with the Crusades, the Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon occupied the al-Aska Mosque in the year 1099.  To understand the Temple Mount conspiracy to create a holy war, one must examine the history of the eight (8) Crusades.  We haven’t time to do more than take a brief look for background information.  In spite of Christian overtones in the Cru­sades, it was always obvious that commercial gain played a far bigger role than did any kind of religion or doctrine—and surprisingly enough—VENICE keeps popping up over and over again in the his­torical documents of events.


The two Orders who had controlled Jerusalem were the Knights of St. John (the Hospital­ers), whose uniform was (and still is) a black mantle bearing a white cross.  The Order of St. John was always an arm of British Intelligence and remains so to this day.  The Order (Masonic) of the Knights of St. John was founded in Jerusalem in 1070 by a group of Amalfi­tan mer­chants.  Only men of “noble blood” were allowed to join the Order.  Dr. Coleman herein speculates that the ACLU would have filed a racial discrimination suit against the Order had it existed at the time.


The Knights of the Temple.  (Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon-Knights Templar) were more militantly Masonic than the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem.  The Templars uni­form was a white mantle with a red cross.  It was founded in 1120 by Hugh of Pajens.  Its job was sup­posed to be to guard and protect pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem, but everywhere was found dedication to Masonry.  Bernard of Clairvaux drew up their rule based on the canons regular.  They took vows of chastity, poverty and obedience.  Only men of “noble blood” could join the Order.  Organization was by commanderies under a grand master.


With the advent of Guy de Molet, the Knights Templar be­came an openly Masonic Order whose members took anti-Christian oaths and vows of the vilest nature.  The Knights Templar became a prostituted Order carrying out commerce for Venice.  By the time Philip the Fair, King of France, destroyed the Order and had Guy de Molet arrested, the horrible excesses of Knights Templar and its open Gnostic Masonry posture had disgusted most of Europe.


Starting out as penitentiary pilgrimages to the Holy City of Jerusalem, the eight Crusades turned into a scramble for posi­tions that would bring commercial gain.  As mentioned earlier, the Black Nobility of Venice and the Guelphs were in the fore­front of this unseemly trading, using pious Christians as a pre­text to further the commercial position of Venice.  Now please don’t go crazy—GO, INSTEAD, AND READ HISTORY—EVEN THAT WHICH IS TAM­PERED WITH WILL GIVE YOU THIS INFORMATION.


In fact, by 1087 AD they had captured African coastal cities and gained command of the Western Mediterranean.  The Venetians were even able to persuade Pope Gregory VII (Hildebrand of Soana) to launch a “holy war” against Con­stantinople.  This was a classic exam­ple of all wars being eco­nomic in origin; the Venetians were bent on crushing their rivals in trade with the Orient.


In the Second Crusade, commercial gain and greed played a leading role.  The Norman, Roger of Sicily, made a fortune by seizing the Greek islands.  In the Third Crusade King Richard I of England seized Cyprus which he sold for a small fortune to Guy de Lusignon.


This is seen throughout the Crusades, starting perhaps with Peter the Hermit and his tales of Moslem atrocities (reminds ones of George Bush and James Baker III and their tall tales of Iraqi “atrocities” in Kuwait).  It is quite safe to state that it was these utterly fabricated ac­counts of Moslem atrocities that mili­tarized the pilgrimages to Jerusalem, and made the Cru­sades largely a French affair.  (Lorrainers under Godfrey of Bouillon, the Provencals under Count Raymond of Toulouse (1096-1099) and so on.)  Men were recruited to join these armies by promises of great profits to be made.

Actually the Moslems were not an organized force at the time.  The Seljuks only gar­risoned Syria and were religiously divided (Sunni and Shi’ite).  The Fatimite capture of Jerusalem was carried out in 1098 by Shi’ites.  Stories of Moslem “atrocities” sprang forth from violent incidents between these ri­vals and were grossly blown out of all proportion, as continues to this day, by ones such as Peter the Hermit of Lorraine, France.


The REAL AND MOST HORRIFYING atrocities occurred when a Genoese-Venetian backed Crusade led by Godfrey of Bouillon laid siege to Jerusalem, captured and sacked it with in­describable horror.  In the face of such barbarous conduct, Bouillion’s title “King and De­fender of the Holy Sepulchre” was totally inappropriate.  The role played by the Knights Tem­plar in these atrocities is well recorded.  The Knights Templar lived near to the alleged site of the Temple of Solomon and stabled their horses within a very short distance of where the south wall of the Temple allegedly had been.  The Templars were devoted and loyal to the oath they had taken to Hiram, the alleged builder of Solomon’s Temple (a purely Masonic oath).


What Hiram had to do with Christianity, which the Templars were supposed to be defend­ing, has never been made clear.  It was the Templars who occupied the Al Aska Mosque in de­fiance of the long-standing rule of equality between Christians and Moslems in the Holy City.  Perhaps the Israelis who attacked the Al Aska Mosque on October 8, 1990, had a very definite prece­dent.  Jerusalem became a feudal kingdom.


(Ed. Note: A loud “boom”, complete with concussion enough to shake the house and really rattle the windows interrupted the writing at this point.  Two jets, side-by-side, with attendant con-trails had made a U turn over Tehachapi and headed back to­ward Edwards; a black heli­copter was seen just leaving the im­mediate area.)