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March 3, 2012



THU., JANUARY 23, 1992   10:54 A.M.   YEAR 5, DAY 160



In Israel the leader of the Jewish fundamentalist cult is an ex-Lehi leader, a left-over from the Stern gang.  He built an elabo­rate base in Israel from which the assault on the Dome of the Rock Mosque can be launched.  He is supported by Yuval Nee­man and the Gush Emunim party.  But there are others in Israel who see the plot as a danger to Israel, and in an interview with La Nouvel Observateur, Navon, the president of Israel, said that the activities of the Tem­ple Mount group could bring on “civil war” and that the possibility increased since the death of a “Peace Now” demonstrator.  The Israeli Mapam party in par­liament was seeking to ban Ka­hane’s Kach party which was blamed for the grenade attacks on the “Peace Now” demonstra­tors at that time.


[H: I see the continuing question marks regarding the Stern Gang and ex-Lehi leader???  Let me give you an interrup­tion and note some information.  First I want you to realize that your Henry Kissinger’s mother’s name was Stern so Henry came by his devious and terrorist tactics quite natu­rally.  As to the Stern Gang, it (Avraham Stern, pronounced Abraham) is the one to note first.  His underground name was Ya’ir.  He was born in 1907 and died in 1942.  He was the leading underground fighter in Palestine, founder of the organization later called “Lohamei Herut Israel (Lehi).  He was born in RUSSIAN POLAND(Sulvaki).  He studied at the Hebrew high school there.  In 1925 he went to Palestine and continued his studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.  Active in the “Ingun Zeva’i Le’ummi (IZL) from its forma­tion in 1931, he collaborated with David Raziel in compiling a Hebrew manual on the use of the revolver and wrote underground poetry, including Hayyalim Almonim (Anonymous Soldier, 1933).  All of you would rec­ognize it if you heard the music accompaniment, which became the an­them of IZI and later of Lehi.  When IZL split in 1937, he did not join the Haganah, but be­came a mem­ber of the IZL command.  He went to Europe to acquire arms and to es­tablish con­tact with the Polish authorities for the organiza­tion of courses for IZL instructors in Poland.  In August 1939 he was arrested together with the other members of the IZL command and was imprisoned until June 1940.  While in prison, his opposition to a suspension of the anti-British attacks for the duration of World War II caused a new split in IZL and the formation of a separate group, which, after his death, called itself Lohamei Herut Is­rael (and which was also known as the STERN GROUP).  He composed a mani­festo for the new organization enti­tled Lkkarei ha-Tehiyyah (The Principles of Revival)Early in 1942, the authorities of­fered a re­ward for his capture, and on Feb. 12 the Palestine Police traced him, forced an entry into the house in Tel Aviv in which he was hiding, and killed him outright.  The house now contains an archive in his memory established by ex-Lehi members.

Stern was notable for his fanaticism in the armed struggle for Jewish independence, which, he contended, could suc­ceed only if conducted by an underground force indepen­dent of all “legal” bodies (even that of Jabotinsky and his move­ment).  Because of his doubts that the Allies would win World War II, he tried to establish contact with the Italians and the Germans and to persuade the Axis to adopt a pro-Jewish policy in Pales­tine.


This was a notoriously ruthless terrorist group from which Begin, Sharon and Shamir were launched.  It was, and in some places still is, considered the most brutal terrorist or­ganization in the world—and from it comes the larger “Mossad”.  I apologize for the in­terruption in story in pre­sentation but it is most important that you have facts with which to back up information given herein.]

On March 6th, 1983, the Jerusalem Post, which is partly-owned by U.S. labor leader Lane Kirk­land through family con­nections, confirmed, “Christian fundamental sects working to­gether with Jews seek to rebuild the Temple of Solomon.”  It scorned the idea of Kissinger being involved.  Stanley Goldfoot, Temple Mount Foundation’s Israeli representative, was quoted by the paper as saying, “The real Zionists in the U.S. are not the American Jews but the Christian evangeli­cals, since these Christians feel that we are coming closer to a critical pe­riod in history, and they want the Jews to fulfill prophecies and thus hasten the second coming of the messiah.  The evan­gelicals af­fect 20 million people a day in America.  They are a great asset and must be used as such.”  [H: Their words, not mine!  But as to Kissinger not be­ing involved is a more humorous story—Kissinger became an operative in the very branch of the KGB which included the radi­cal Zionist “Stern Gang” agents and operatives in coalition which has now become recog­nized, eventhough not labelled—the KGB/Mossad/CIA.  It is only you-the-people who don’t know that!]


To those with any intelligence training, the whole scheme smacks of the handiwork of British in­telligence, is a typical Tavistock plan, in fact is a carbon copy of the successful opera­tion which toppled the Shah of Iran.  Stanley Goldfoot actually confirms this, although he does so inadver­tently.  Goldfoot said, “Reisenhuver is in the oil business and believes there is enough oil in the U.S. to dispense with Arab oil (which would then of course pass to the control of Is­rael and the British).  [H: i.e. British Petroleum owns Alaska.  It is also mandatory for you readers to go back and read what I gave you on “British Is­rael” because you are going to find that the ma­nipulation of the world in the name of Zionism and Anti-Semitism is di­rectly from the British Committee of 300.  In fact, this very day, Greens are in Canada and are being, by Law, forbid­den to even respond to public questions about the Jews and/or any reference to the Holocaust.  They are warned that “the Jewish Zionist have a strangle hold on the Cana­dian Government and Business community and the laws are stringent and totally enforced.”  U.S.—pay attention, this law is already in force in all British colonies and YOU ARE UNDER THE GUN RIGHT NOW TO HAVE THOSE IDENTICAL LAWS RUN THROUGH CONGRESS—THEY ARE AL­READY PASSED IN THE UNITED NATIONS!!  It doesn’t have ANYTHING TO DO WITH JEWS—IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH FREEDOM AND CONSTI­TUTIONAL LAW!]


The most remarkable of the American evangelicals (and one who is not as well known, for in­stance, as Copeland, Falwell, etc.) is Lambert Dolphin, a senior scientist and archaeologist at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI)[H: Ah yes, I see the bells ringing—thank you.]  The pa­per also mentions a certain tax exempt foundation run out of Santa Ana by the Rev. Ray Sted­man and Chuck Smith as working very closely with the Temple Mount Foundation.


[H: How many of you remember the Protocols?  Do you not recall that instructions, among other professions, was di­rectly given to Jews to “...go forth and make our people clergy in the “Goyim” churches and religious places whereby we can bring down all other religions into our own control.  We can gain totally control of the nations by controlling their religions and thereby they will destroy themselves.”  In the “addendum” to the original Protocols (manifesto of Adolphe Cremieux) it states three major intents: 1. that the Jewish Nation is the enemy of ALL nations; 2. that Jews claim that they are a people “Chosen” to dominate the whole earth, and take possession of all the riches of ALL peo­ples; 3. that the power of all nations is already in their hands, and that Jews think they are on the eve of their complete con­quest of the rest of the human race.   This portion of the Protocol was released publicly in 1860.  You will please check for selves where you might be now in this scheme of things to come.]


Of course none of this important information is disclosed in what passes for the “nightly news” on TV.  Not even the March 10th arrest of 40 armed men belonging to the JDL who were seized as they tried to tunnel into the Dome of the Rock Mosque was reported, not even when Kahane fled to New York.  The Jerusalem Post stated on March 13th that it was, “An act of ter­ror by religious national fanatics which could have resulted in international disaster.  The very idea of trying to take over the Temple Mount in the heart of Jerusalem on the eve of Fri­day’s Moslem prayers, is so crazy and objectionable that it defies un­derstanding.”


Stanley Goldfoot tried to purchase some land in Jerusalem from the Armenian church.  When the Israeli press let the cat out of the bag, the Armenian church backed off in a big hurry.  Ap­parently it did not know with whom it was dealing, and for what purpose the land was to be used.  There is a strong suspi­cion that Henry Kissinger Associates had a big hand in the deal.  Kissinger has been deeply involved in land grabbing on the West Bank, which is netting him a very large amount of money.  Per­haps there are some who doubted that he could be involved in something so shady.  [H: Oh, I think now that you can KNOW that Henry Kissinger and Associates Cor­poration has just opened a branch in Moscow and put Gorbachev into the seat of President—that you might begin to be able to ac­cept possibilities a bit more easily.]  Many of you doubted it when I (John Coleman) told our readers that Kissinger was charged by Aldo Morro’s wife and a close political associate of the late Morro with threatening him, and that Guerzoni had given evidence to this effect in a Rome courtroom and reported on TV there.  Then recently, the newspaper Spotlight confirmed the story.  So it is with this in mind that I am again mentioning Kissinger Associates’ land grabbing on the West Bank and its possible connection to the Arme­nian land sale.


There are indications of high-level persons inside the Israeli government being involved in the Dome of the Rock Mosque af­fair.  Doug Kreiger, one of Reisenhuver’s inner circle, said as much.  I myself know that the Foundation is in touch with the Gush Emunim sect, which has members of the party in the par­liament.  According to the Jerusalem Post, Kiryat Araba Yeshiva is part of the Temple Mount fundamentalism, in the person of Rabbi Dov Lior, a man who was fully protected by Begin.  The Jerusalem Post refers to the rabbi’s followers as “Itinerant terror­ists, with full and free access to all sorts of weapons and military equipment, apparently without any con­trol.”

It is such self-styled settler followers of Rabbi Lior who have been shooting up West Bank Arabs.  Seven Palestinians were wounded at Beit Sira village near Ramallah.  They were try­ing to protect their homes against a group of “settlers” who arrived on bulldozers to make a road through the middle of their village.  It is to such acts of terror which the Jerusalem Postwas re­ferring, and it is the kind of action which American fundamen­talist Christians are de­fending!  According to the Jerusalem Post, most of those arrested in the tunnel to the Mosque came from this group of followers of Rabbi Lior, from the Kiryat Araba settlement.  Rabbi Dov Lior is a close friend of Ariel Sharon which might account for his brash behavior.


One of the fanatics of the fundamentalist Jewish sect is the same man who was a colleague of one of Khomeini’s funda­mentalist Moslem terrorist, Mustapha Chamroun, as we told our read­ers in our special report on Iran, and our tape report in March 1983.  I am referring to Yuval Neeman, the “father” of Israel’s nuclear bomb project.  Neeman called for the Israeli govern­ment to pass a law allowing Jews to pray on the Temple Mount.  This is the type of provoca­tion which the British were so good at engineering prior to the Six Day War which, then as later, British Freemasonry is directing.  Neeman also called upon the government of Israel to embark on a “massive settle­ments policy” on the West Bank and other occupied Arab lands.


Neeman is the main backer of the Jewish fundamentalist movement involved in the Dome of the Rock Mosque conspiracy in Israel.  But as I said, he is a Massada Lodge member of British Freemason activity, which is typified by the highly secret visits by members of the Royal family to places such as Israel and Saudi Arabia in which publicity is totally absent.  The royal representa­tives will usually be other than the most prominent family members; for instance, a lot of these “business” trips are handled by ones such as Michael, Duke of Kent, cousin to Queen Elizabeth and head of the Scottish Rite Freemason lodges.

To return now to those directly involved in the day to day af­fairs of the Jewish-Christian funda­mentalist cult conspiracy against the Moslem holy place.  A real extremist is Rabbi Goetz, as is Moshe Arens, Israel’s ex-ambassador to Washington.  Moshe Arens is a hard-line Zionist who favors complete annex­ation of the West Bank—preferably sans all Palestinians.  He is alleged to have said that the Arabs should be threatened with the “Bomb”, unless they get out of the West Bank immediately.  Arens was careful to keep a very low profile while he was his country’s am­bassador in Washington, but that did not convince those who knew his past.  He has always been an extremist, ever since he joined BETAR, the youth brigade of the Irgun ter­rorist gang, whose ex-leader became the Prime Minister of Is­rael, Mr. Begin.  It was Arens who taught Meir Ka­hane all the tricks of the trade.  So now you know just what kind of a diplo­mat Moshe Arens is!  Yet Arens was accepted by the Reagan administration without questions about past activities.  One wonders where Reagan got the nerve to call the Libyans “terrorists” while allowing people like Arens diplomatic status [and total freedom of move­ment without legal repercussions of any kind].


Let me now expand my comments on the role of British Freemasonry in the Temple Mount Foundation.  Ever since I began my series and special reports I have never failed to men­tion by name the British agents and institutions, both here in the USA and elsewhere, which were di­rectly involved in the down­fall of the Shah and the return of Iran to the Dark Ages.  I have ex­plained in some detail the chokehold which the British have always had on the Middle East through such Arab specialists as Sir John Glubb Pasha, T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia), Lord Curzon, Bulwer Lytton, Lord Cromer, Wilfred Blount, and of course, the top man of them all, St. John Philby and later his son, Kim Philby.  Another name which I would

be re­miss to ex­clude is that of the famous historian Arnold Toynbee.  Philby is said to be the “third man” in the “Cambridge Apostles” spy affair when Burgess and McClean were tipped off and fled the coun­try to live in the Soviet Union.


I have explained how the British, acting through such diverse organizations as the Arab Bureau and the Oxford Group, set out to “neutralize” the great teachings of the prophet Mohammed, and how the Freemasons established the Sufi and Bahai move­ment, using particularly the Ox­ford Group to spread the Sufi “gospel”.  I have explained how the Scottish Rite Freemason lodge was involved in diverse projects in the USA such as the MK Ultra LSD experiment, Rock and Roll “music” (introduced by the Schizophrenia division of the Scottish Rite of North America.  This same group funded Hinckley’s psychiatrist).  It is nearly impossible for me to repeat the in­formation previously given in reports, yet for the serious student of Middle East af­fairs, it is a “must” to have this information.


And so it is that the British Freemasons are involved with the Dome to create provocations which will spark off a war over the Dome of the Rock Mosque when the Temple Mount Foun­dation tries to take it over.


There is no doubt that a war will begin if Israeli-Christian sects attack this, the second most holy of Moslem places.  The conspiracy of Temple Mount is ongoing, even though Reisenhu­ver has taken to a low profile.  The conspiracy reached into high places and continues to do so, and may well be the catalyst which will sweep the world into the Third World War [Nuclear War I].


The Dome conspiracy is the work of the Grand Mother Lodge, the Quatuar Coronati Lodge of London.  Not even the most knowledgeable students of Freemasonry know this name, the most secret of all lodges.  It is a name to note and remember always.  The name came to light through lengthy investigations which were carried out in the British Museum in connection with the cult murders in London’s East End, the Jack the Ripper murders.  One of the founders of the Quat­uar Coronati Grand Mother Lodge was Sir Charles Warren, who was Chief of Po­lice in London at the time, and the Freemason who “failed” to solve the cult mur­ders.  [H: No! You don’t suppose there to be a connection between this “Warren” family and your own Jus­tice Warren?  Do not be “slow”, chelas!]  More about Sir Charles Warren later.  Quatuar Coronati is said to be involved in the execution of Roberto Calvi, as a Masonic ritual; his pock­ets were filled with bricks before he was hung on Blackfriars Bridge in London.  British Prime Minister Thatcher made a spe­cial trip to Italy to plead with the Italian Prime Minister not to publicly involve the name of the Duke of Kent with the matter, which the in­vestigating magistrates were bent on doing.


The Grand Mother Lodge Quatuar Coronati backed the pub­lication of an article “Where was Solomon’s Temple—New Evi­dence Where it Stood” which was to be published in a magazine called Biblical Archaeology Review.  Supposedly it was written by professor Asher Kaufman.  This is standard practice for Tavistock, since the work is actually that of Sir Charles Warren, who prepared it while he was British Administrator of Palestine in the 18th century.  The princi­pal is the same as that which was used by Ferguson and “her” book,THE ACQUARIAN CON­SPIRACY, which was the work of Dr. Willis Harmon of Stan­ford Research Center under the ti­tle CHANGING IMAGES OF MAN, Contract Number URH (489) 2150, Policy re­search Re­port NO. 4/4/74.  It is a time-honored procedure, but the gullible Christian funda­mentalist cultists can be counted on to fully accept the account as Kaufman’s original work.


Professor Kaufman is not an archaeologist, but a nuclear physicist in the plasma field.  One of his mentors was Professor T. Allibone who was one of a number of scientists who worked on the “Manhattan Project”—the Atom Bomb—the secrets of which were then transferred to the Soviet Union through an air­lift out of Great Falls, Montana under direct supervision of Al­ger Hiss.  (The spy story of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg was simply a cover story, although of course the Rosenberg’s did pass secret papers to the Soviets.  But they were only the second string, back-up team in case everything wasn’t included in the Montana airlift, which even shipped out 1000 pounds of ura­nium salts, which the U.S. was desperately short of at that time.)


Professor Allibone is also a trustee of the British Intelligence Center in London, the British Mu­seum.  The Head of the Quat­uar Coronati Lodge is the Reverend B. Cryer of the Church of England.  Recently Cryer expressed the view that a war would break out if unrestricted access at all times for Moslems to the Dome Mosque was in any way interfered with.  Sucha war is, of course, the aim of the conspirators.  Billy Graham preached a sermon on television at that time which was actually interpreted as a call to take over the Dome of the Rock Mosque ad­dressed to the Jewish-Christian fanatics in the Temple Mount Founda­tion.  Graham is leading his fun­damentalist followers to the slaughter without even realizing it and can only be com­pared with Khomeini in his ignorance of the truth of what he does.  [H: Let us assume he simply knows not that which he does for he bears truth in so many instances only to move into the pit with the vipers.  Use perception and discernment for these ones become tools without their knowledge.  Actually, Graham blew his own cover during his visit to the Soviet Union.]


The war over the Dome of the Rock Mosque will prove to be genocidal for the Arabs, and mil­lions of Christians and Jews will also perish.  Moshe Arens will probably get his chance to wit­ness the dropping of the H Bomb on a few Arab capitals.  In the aftermath, the U.S. will have lost all credibility, but as far as the Arabs are concerned it will no longer matter, since they will have ceased to exist as nation-states if the Israelis have their way.  Please do not doubt that the same organization and the same people who were so successful in bringing down the Shah of Iran, have declared their intention to restructure the Middle East and they are de­termined to carry out their plan, no matter what the costs.  Richard Faulk, who as you now know through my report on Iran as the executor of the Iranian plan, said re­cently that people and religion is the mix which will bring about the necessary changes in the Middle East.


The first country to be destabilized will be Saudi Arabia.  As mentioned earlier, the Duke of Kent paid a visit to Saudi Arabia and now, look what happened with the Gulf War.  Saudi Ara­bia is still in dangerous destablization.  The British visit of course was to undermine U.S. influ­ence so that Britain would have more control over events which were intended to unfold later—such as the Gulf War.


The Queen herself is paying very, very close attention to the Dome of the Rock conspiracy.


[H: This is becoming very tedious because the contents of the writings are so out-dated as to events which have recently happened (within the last couple of years).  The players re­main the same.  So, too, does the point of the writing—the fundamentalist Christians, so-called, are the very ones giving the most fuel to the fire of massive conflict and world con­trol.  The Israelis know this and fan those flamesBegin even stated: “I would rather have the 40 million Chris­tian fundamentalist cultists as a political force along with Jerry Falwell than the American Jewish population working with me—but we have BOTH.”




To make the above point as to relationships, be it noted that the Zionists have long ago recog­nized that Christian fundamen­talists are a valuable asset.  World Zionist member Jacques Tor­cyner said, “We have first of all come to the conclusion that the right-wing Christian fundamen­talist reactionaries are the natural allies of Zionism”.  Dr. Falwell was presented with the Jabotin­sky award at a most sumptuous banquet in Falwell’s honor by Dr. Samuel Co­hen who, in a laudatory speech said, “We are glad that you are such a staunch supporter of the state of Is­rael.”


* * *


Mainstream Christianity does not subscribe to Falwell’s views but few speak out just as few speak out to stop the insanity going on in the moral degradation of your nations.


Do you realize that it is now shown on TV that the use of con­doms —with explicit pictures of wearing and using—HAVE MADE IT TO MANDATORY CLASSES IN GRADE-SCHOOL IN MANY PARTS OF YOUR COUNTRY.  IN L.A., NOW, CONDOMS CAN BE OB­TAINED FREE FOR THE ASKING.


It is so sad for Mainstream Christianity does not subscribe to Falwell’s anti-Saudi, anti-Arab po­sition.  It recognizes it as fa­naticism and cult worship which has no place in the teachings of Christ, any more than the Moslem Brotherhood has a place in the true teachings of the prophet Mohammed.


Be it known, however, that infiltration into the Moslem main­stream has also taken place with its head infiltrator being a fa­natical Moslem cultist, Maarout Dawalibi (who, by the way, has ties to the Saudi royal family).  Dawalibi is head of the World Muslim League and is associ­ated closely with Islam-in-the-West, an organization founded by the Club of Rome.


Fahd, of Saudi Arabia, came under massive pressure because the Kohmeini followers had a plan ready to overthrow the Saudi royal family if Fahd would fail to ally himself with radical Moslem fundamentalists in a holy war against the Zionist-Chris­tian conspiracy to take over the Dome of the Rock Mosque.


British Freemasonry is still doing everything it can to provoke the extremist elements of Moslem fundamentalists to react strongly against the Zionist-Christian fundamentalist conspir­acy aimed at the Dome of the Rock Mosque.  Why?  Because if anything happens to abrogate the rights of the Moslems in Jerusalem, it may well be the spark which will start the planned conflagration.  Much of what happens rests squarely on the in­put of the fundamentalists in the U.S. who blindly push forward without any notion of how or why.


The British have a strong hold on the Middle East affairs through the Palestine Exploration Fund, and the British Foreign Bible Society.  On the Israeli side, they have the Massada Lodge which is connected to Yuval Neeman.  In the U.S.A. what is called, by Dr. Coleman, the Ar­mageddon-Apocalypse group is working very hard to persuade Christian fundamentalist cults that the hour is at hand through Hal Lindsay’s work.  The Reli­gious Round Table and a host of fundamentalist preachers are saying that the final battle of Armageddon is due to begin any day now, and that it will be fought out over Jerusalem just like the Old Testament says.  They say it will be the Zionists AND Christians on one hand against the Communists and the Arabs on the other hand.  Fortunately they also said it would be in 1984 that this would happen.  I make no further comment about possibilities but I assure you that this is the very way fortune-tellers work.  If enough people believe the lie—they will cause it to become truth no matter how heinous the outcome.




Dharma, I think we have beat this subject sufficiently to even cause John some discomfort.  It, however, needed to be laid forth as foundation for more current information.  When we write next we shall take up the players in the Temple Mount Conspiracy which will give you the par­ticipants up to and into 1990.  You need to look at the happenings in Israel to better under­stand what was happening with Israel in the so-called Desert Storm war.


Then, I guess we may be backed into a corner in needing to run a separate JOURNAL which bears nothing but the Zionist Pro­tocols with addendum Manifesto update in addition to the Ben­jamin H. Freedman document which bears so much fundamental historical data—docu­mented.  Perhaps if we had that special vol­ume we could save our readers a lot of repetition by simply sug­gesting that they obtain that selected volume.


It does not mean, however, that I shall stop repeating the Proto­cols for they are the blueprint which has been followed and al­most ALL things in the plan have been completed!  Plan 2000 is intended to finish the gaining of total control over the globe.  Facts are facts and wishing it to be different will not change an iota of the Truth of it.  We of the Hosts extend our hands to awaken you and pull you through the darkness—but it is all that we can do.  The rest is up to you.


Hatonn to close this portion.  In love I take leave.  Salu.