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Feb. 28, 2012



TUE., JANUARY 21, 1992   3:21 P.M.   YEAR 5, DAY 158



Hatonn present with a bit of thought provoking inquiry for you.


We have a nice new attack going on in most disagreeable form—from Canada.  Do not misun­derstand me—I think the advertising is extremely helpful and attention getting.  George and De­sireé (America West Publishers) are on their way to Canada to have some interviews and have a seminar or two.  I am embarrassed for Mankind and the foolishness projected in igno­rance.


The ADL and other Jewish League “clubs” have the press, sta­tions and hotel in a state of ter­ror over the visit.  The newspaper headline reads like something out of the KKK—referring to ET’s and Anti-Semites, etc.




In speaking with reporters and ones from the hotel, etc., it be­came very clearly recognized (by them) that no one even knew what they were talking about.  Further, we are not interested in taking on any political party and that is what the World Zionist Organization is: a political party.


If everyone wants to be completely “Hung-up” on such things as space-cadets and political party arguments—then I suggest ones don’t truly desire ANSWERS to current, past or future in­quiries.  I can’t communicate at all if you refuse to look at problems and are already predis­posed to not believe anything anyway.  I do suggest, however, and especially in Canada that you THINK MOST CAREFULLY—YOU HAVE ALREADY ALLOWED LAWS TO BE PASSED TO MAKE IT ILLEGAL FOR YOU TO SO MUCH AS QUESTION ANY PRE­SENTATION REGARDING THE HOLOCAUST OTHER THAN THAT WHICH ISRAEL PRESENTS TO YOU.  THIS, OF COURSE, IS FROM AND THROUGH GREAT BRITAIN WHO PASSED THE LAW IN ENGLAND FIRST.  WHY?  WHAT ARE THEY HIDING?  AREN’T YOU CURIOUS TO NOTE THAT THERE ARE MORE “JEWS” RE­CEIVING RESTITUTION THAN WERE EVER IN GERMANY?  THIS IS BY “THEIR” COUNT—NOT MINE, BUT IF 6 MILLION (NOW THIS YEAR: 6.5 MILLION) WERE KILLED IN CAMPS—HOW CAN IT BE?  THE NUMBER IN POINT IS MORE THAN WERE IN ALL OF EUROPE AT THE TIME OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR—BY THE COUNT OF THE JEWISH COMMITTEE.  I have no notion about the facts other than it seems to me mankind would like to have those numbers justified and as long as you in the Americas are pro­viding full funding for these people in Israel that you should have a bit more clarification.  I would expect it myself—but it is your business what of your questioning rights you are will­ing to toss out the window.  I can only say that for Greens or myself to be anti-Semitic is like saying the Canadian white Englishman is Anti-White!!!  It has absolutely no meaning—NONE!  It cannot be relevant because we both have lineage from both the Shem Semites and Judaeans.  It appears that the ones beginning these wars of hate-mongering have not bothered to find out the his­torical truth involved here and, therefore, it has to be assumed—the INTENT IS TO CAUSE CONFUSION AND DISCORD—NOT GLEAN INFORMATION ABOUT POSSI­BILITIES OF YOUR SPACE BROTHERHOOD CONNECTIONS.

No one is going to find “magic” attached to Space Command—we are more REAL than are you and our communications sys­tems far more advanced—not strange nor mysterious.


I can only remind you that in MY command we come as Hosts within the Brotherhood of Lighted God to get HIS people into safety when it becomes necessary and the information we bring is for your input to do with what you will.  You are people of a massive lie and it would seem logical and reasonable to me to find out about it.  I would start with WHY WOULD ANYONE BOTHER TO STOP YOUR PRESENTATION IF THEY WERE NOT IN KNOW­ING OF THE TRUTH YOU BRING?????


Jews and ADL members are most welcome to come and make full presentations to our people any time they wish to do so.  I am, further, as Commander of this fleet, ready, willing and able to meet with them publicly but I am at this time restricting my presence to and through translators.  I have been shot at too many times to make stupid errors and/or put any of my Earth crew members at risk.


It is most important to note, however, that it is not the alien connection which causes ones to want to stop America West from speaking—IT IS FOR EARTH-BOUND REASONS.  There are many publications at the level of OTHER LOSSES by Bacque, for instance, which had to be published in Canada to get published at all.  It is the information brought forth from the dark hidden secret places (such as the cover-up of the murder of President Kennedy, etc.).  The in­formation is already available to the public now and it would seem most wondrous to be among the KNOWING citizens.


To you who discount what I say about our purpose and our presence as being “evil” because we come from “space” and you are so-called “good Christians” and deny our presence—WHO IS THIS CHRIST??  IS HE AN EARTHLING HUMAN OR AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL??  HOW IS HE RETURN­ING??  OH?  And can he just take all 6 billion of you on his feathered wings?  Do you have feathered wings?  How are YOU going to fly?  To where will you as­cend?  To where will you fly?  To the clouds?  Is that what you believe?  What are you going to do then?  Now I hear—”God went to prepare a place for me!  And, He will take me where I need to go!”  Oh?  And what about Us?  We are sent to get you home to those “places” safely without losing you through the vaporous clouds!  Where do these preachers and “authorities” say you are going?  I think I would find out a little more, if I were you.  There would seem to be a great deal missing from the presented story and yet we bring reason and logical answers as to how we plan to help you and we are called Satanic!  You can have it either way you per­sonally want it—BUT YOU CAN’T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS.  If you, however, are going to work with physical bodies and beings—wouldn’t it seem worth-while to have some help in that same format?


There are some real big problems facing the humans of Earth and it would seem only logical that if the Elite “enemy” is going to depopulate the planet and has started to do so—that you need to find out how to get some help and stop playing in fantasy-land.


Now all of you readers can deny, stomp the paper, throw it out, scream and rant—even shoot the publisher—but I suggest it will be you who is the fool for denial will not change one iota of the truth of it.  My job is to bring Truth unto you who desire it and that is exactly that which I shall do to the best of my capability—which, by the way, is quite sufficient.  ’Tis not Me who will be the “fool”, my foolish and uninformed critics.


I “offer”, I do not “force” and I don’t “have-ta” do anything to you or for you.  I need prove NOTHING; I need do no miracles to suit YOU—you are the ones at disadvantage in every as­pect of my perception—denouncing me or my friends will not change any of it—NOR GET YOU CLOSER TO SAFETY OR FREE­DOM.  FURTHER, IF YOU HAVEN’T READ ALL THE MATERIAL OFFERED—HOW CAN YOU JUDGE IT?  HOW CAN YOU EVEN HAVE AN OPINION AT ALL IF YOU HAVE NOT PERSONALLY STUDIED IT ALL?  Does this seem logical to you, this judging and denouncing without any knowledge at all?  Is that not how you have gotten into this mess on your globe in the first place?  Is your life ex­actly like you want it? 


Do you not see economic problems?  How did they get so bad?  Did Space Command do it to you?  How about the so-called Anti-Semites?  How about the Establishment Government?  How about the international big business and banking interests?  Seems to me that just this day there was a major announcement about Dow Chemical closing plants—in Canada as well as in the U.S.A.—did Space Command do that to you?  Did George Green?  Did the Anti-Semites?  How about the Khazarian Elite from right out of your new Ally—the Soviet Union?  I ask you again—are the anti-Semites, as you call them, and Space Com­mand your friends or your enemies?  Who told you so?  Might it not be wiser to look at who is throwing the rocks??  Who contin­ues to cover the Kennedy murder?  Ah yes, the same ones involved in the cover-up and con­spiracy to assassinate in the first place.  Evil always calls his opponent that which HE IS!


There is great contradiction which might well be put to clearing.  There are by far more funds go­ing out to produce this informa­tion for you the people than is brought back within.  But, there is something you ones should know about God and His Hosts.  Our mission is to offer information according to HIS promise—not stuff it down your unwilling throats—in other words, “Here it is, do with it what you will!”  George presents it to you and that is all that is asked of him by God and/or the Hosts and Command.  The fact that he is willing to risk his very life and Desiree’ hers, speaks the truth—they are dedicated and commit­ted to their mission and love you greatly—BECAUSE THEY DON’T OWE YOU.  THEY DON’T HAVE TO DO ANY­THING AND/OR SPEND ANOTHER FIVE MINUTES BE­ING INSULTED AND BATTERED BY THE MYRIADS WHO HAVEN’T ANY IDEA THERE ARE OVER 55 BOOKS (WHICH HE PRESENTS,—49 OF THEM FROM HIGHER COMMAND) YOU NEED TO READ—MUCH LESS HAVE READ THEM.


If a man says, “I don’t want to pay for Canada’s government or military,” and he comes from Texas, U.S.A., is he necessarily anti-Canadian?  Perhaps, like many Canadians, he has no job and can’t feed his own family!  Then what is this incredible blaming and accusing when the same man says he is tired of paying Israel and setting Israel up as one of the major nu­clear na­tions—who threatens the entire world’s peace?  How have these foolish accusations flourished?  Do the Canadians want to foot the bill for the entire U.S. Government, school system, damages for losses during the Gulf War—and go fight the next one?  Well, that is what the U.S. has to do and, if it might seem anti-Semitic to object, then I wonder JUST WHO is complaining??


Perhaps you are Catholic or Baptist—how about Methodist or Mormon—do you get the same as Israel?  The “Jews” say Israel is a Jewish State and Jew means religion.  This is what “they” say, not me.  Every cent donated to the cause of Israel is tax ex­empt as a “religious” organiza­tion and yet I don’t hear about a State of Baptist or United States of Methodist.  Would the Is­raelites pay the Baptists?  Do they make huge donations to the Catholics and Methodists?  Then why are ones who object to paying a foreign state more than claimed by selves—made out to be hor­rible anti-Semites?  What exactly does the term mean?  It is time you ones stop your frothing and rock-throwing and use some reason with these questions.  Further, is it not time that you-the-people started finding out WHO—EXACTLY “WHO”—is behind the demon­strations and street problems—who sets these things into motion to CAUSE all the chaos?  It would be wise to find out and, worse, you are going to find it to be the SAME GROUPS over and over and over again.  This is why—ONLY KNOWLEDGE IN TRUTH CAN BRING YOU FREEDOM!  YOU MUST KNOW YOUR ENEMY!


Dharma, enough of this for we must get on with our work.  Please, readers, be reminded that I am giving you information from Dr. Coleman’s CONSPIRACY TO CREATE A HOLY WAR.  I will not repeat so I have to ask you readers to get the prior material.  We are going to pick up exactly where we left off yesterday—on page four of his bulletin.


I further remind you that this is several years past in the original writing and was partially up­dated in pertinent portions in 1990.  Therefore, if it appears to have errors, realize that fact in con­sideration.  We haven’t time to update to current, all numbers, etc., for it is the overall plan and concept which is important.  Thank you.  I promise you that it will be name, dates, places and numbers updated in his forthcoming book, CONSPIRA­TORS’ HIERARCHY: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300.  I can only suggest you contact America West right away because, when that comes into print, it will be extremely hard to find a copy.  He has been kind enough to share with us some timely commentary and it gives you ones confirmation of that which I bring which seems so difficult to accept from un­seen resources—but then, how many of you have ever SEEN John Coleman?  I thought not!


I also have inquiry regarding the medical/surgical facilities and other military and M.A.S.H. types facilities which are being placed at various places around the globe, several of which are in the Aleutian Islands.  Well, chelas, I don’t know how to tell you other than that which I have already given you.  Plan 2000 is under way in full blossom.  You are GOING to have war and you are going to have very large internment camps where you-the-people will be placed.  I witnessed you ones watching “60 Minutes” on this past Sunday and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at your shock at equipment, food, shoes, medical sup­plies, etc., being stockpiled (I believe in Pennsylva­nia).  This shown and used as example was literally covering miles of huge warehouses and hun­dreds of thousands of tires and such things—including baby diapers.  Some of the over-supply was from 1952.  The military refuses to cut back—new “stuff” went to the war and, yet, the ques­tion was asked over and over again—what for?  What do you need all those unneeded supplies for?  Dear ones—they need it for the internment camps in which you-the-people are going to be placed!  I do not know how to cause you to comprehend the truth I bring and yet you are des­tined for a very unholy year this year.  Eight years to pull-down world nations and gain total working control is not very long—indeed, you are in serious trouble NOW.  There is going to be a war in the Middle East and it WILL BE NUCLEAR!  NOW, YOU CAN SAY WHAT YOU WILL, BUT YOU ARE IN SERIOUS TROUBLE AS A PLANET.


Israel is already planning, openly, a war.  She pushes and plun­ders and bombs and “takes” in oc­cupation that which is world recognized as not hers to take but denouncing does not stop the pain and misery.  Iran is ready and ably matched militarily to Is­rael and it is awaiting the igni­tion process.  The U.S. is by treaty agreement obligated to fight the war FOR Israel and that is sim­ply the way IT IS.  To you who denounce us—GO LOOK AT THE FACTS FOR THEY ARE NOT EVEN HIDDEN—THEY ARE OPEN AGREEMENTS IN YOUR CONGRES­SIONAL RECORDS AND SOME ARE PUT RIGHT INTO YOUR CONTROLLED PRESS.


In protection of a corespondent I shall only refer to a story re­garding “beer” being sent to Rus­sia.  Since the person resides in the North East fairly close to New York, I must take a bit of care in relaying the story—but you will enjoy it and I will com­ment on the “purpose” in point at another time.  You readers might well take note for what seems quite frivolous is in fact, very deadly serious.


“..... on a transportation contract to move a certain American Beer product to a shipyard in New York for shipment to Russia.  The shipments are so large that it is estimated that it will take at least a year before the entire quantity of beer can be moved: truckload upon truckload moving every day for a year to load onto ship after ship.  If the people are starving, what is this ur­gent need for excessive amounts of beer?”  Well, at this point a bit of humor is not what you re­quested but just accept that it is in part—grain payments.  I jest not!  A large portion of the so-called “grain” agreement is being handled in this manner so that no-one will realize it is beer.  It is simply processed through the brewery and disguised.  The Soviet Union promised to take America without firing a shot and they could and would if Israel would leave the Mid­dle East alone.  It is also planned to set up a massive introductory push for the product.  I would not like to drink very much of that brew, myself.  The recipe is quite inter­esting indeed.  I have to leave this subject now for we are so late to begin our writing this evening.







Speaking in Congress, Senator Rudy Boschwitz said that de­fending Israel was a real bar­gain in terms of the money it costs!  We always thought a bargain was supposed to have something in it for both parties.  What is at the heart of this sudden “coming together”, this “finding common ground” between the Zionists and Christian fundamental cultists?  First, let me remind you that some time back I did a special report which discussed the agenda for the Inter-Religious Peace Colloquium at Bellagio, Italy in 1975, under the auspices of Philip Klutznick, Sol Linowitz and Cyrus Vance.  For those of you who have not seen that report, the conference was ordered to devise ways and means of using fundamentalists of all religions to destabilize tar­geted countries, more especially, the Middle East countries.

Iran was the outcome of the Bellagio conference, and what we are witnessing today be­tween Zionist fanatics and the Chris­tian “fundamentalist cultists” is also an out-growth of poli­cies laid down at Bellagio.  What the new-found alliance will do, or what it is expected to do, is support the crazy Temple Mount take-over by Zionist extremists.  Under the direction of million­aire Terry Reisenhuver of California, every effort is being made to extract $100 million from Chris­tians to finance the building of “Solomon’s Temple” on the present site of Islam’s second holi­est place, the Dome of the Rock Mosque in Jerusalem.  Allied with Reisenhuver are the Christian fundamentalist cultists.  [H: I suggest you not get up in arms as with anti-Semitic when the term cultist is used.  It is a very good English word meaning “group” or “church” of a specific indoctrination.Tied in with this is the British plan to destabilize the Saudi Royal family through another “oil price shock”.  The price of oil, once it falls to the British-Iran price level of $20 per barrel will be a disas­ter, not only for the Saudis, but for U.S. economic and political in­fluence on Saudi Arabia.  Even if the price of oil goes to $25 per barrel, the Saudi deficit would immediately hit $22 billion.  Libyan oil is already being dumped, recycled through refineries in Jamaica, and sold in the U.S. as “spot market” oil.  [H: Please bear with us as we move along here.  There was a “Gulf War” called Desert Storm just last year and since this document was written.  Surprisingly enough, as with all po­litical wars, the facts of the elements involved, as with oil pricing, does not change.  You are watching the bank fore­closure of a world and perturbations only occur as politi­cally designed—as with the phony coup in the Soviet Union.  The design and blueprint does not change in the least bit.  The real subject in point is the massive assistance to the Israeli cause from the U.S. fundamentalist “Christians”.]


Rank and file “fundamentalist” Christians and Moslems alike do not realize that they are the dupes of international forces which care little about their beliefs.  They do not realize that they are being set up to bring about a Khomeini-style revolution in Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Egypt and Algeria, and that the cat­alyst to precipitate these revolutions (which could very well lead to the third world war) is the Dome of the Rock Conspiracy hatched by the Temple Mount Foun­dation.


In Israel, Interior Minister Josef Burg is strongly opposed to what the Israeli press calls the “Temple Mount crazies”.  Burg is opposed to messiahism becoming a part of the official pol­icy of the Israeli government, for which he is much hated by the Jew­ish “fundamentalist” group inside Israel.  Burg’s son was the intended target of a grenade attack on a crowd of “Peace Now” demonstrators who were demanding the resignation of Sharon following the Shatila massacre.  Burg’s son was wounded and a man was killed in the attack, said to be the work of Kahane’s Kach party of the JDL.  Its leader, Rabbi Kahane, fled to New York fol­lowing the issue of an arrest warrant for his part in the grenade attack.  He was not detained by U.S. Immigration offi­cials on arrival in New York, and is walking around New York with­out any attempt so far having been made by New York D.A. Morgenthau to arrest him on the Israeli warrant.  (Editor’s Note: Kahane was assassinated in New York City.)


In Israel, as I mentioned, several newspapers have picked up on the Dome of the Rock story, which I first disclosed in November 1982.  As far as I am aware, no national paper has yet printed the full story.  Nehemiah reincarnated is what Reisenhuver says he discovered he is some twelve years ago.  Since then he says he has devoted his life to the cause of re­building Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.  He says this is strictly in accordance with the Christian Bible.  The Christian “fundamentalists” are showing the same kind of blinkered reac­tion as the Moslem fundamentalists in Iran.  I have long warned that Christians would be used as a desta­bilizing force, for which I was severely critized by some of the fundamentalists.  The Is­raeli press re­ported on the Greater Israel Jewish Fundamental­ists, and its connection with Sharon.  It has confirmed what I said last November (1988), that the plan is to annex the land upon which the Dome of the Rock Mosque stands.  Unfavorable press coverage was given by the newspapers Kol hai’r Maa’riv, and Davar Yediot, while in the U.S. the Yiddish language Al­gemeiner Journal, also picked up the story.  Although none of them said anything about the complicity of Haig and Kissinger in it, (in fact the Jerusalem Post denied it) there is a strong sus­picion that they are.  Reisenhuver had close ties to the Begin government, through Haim Druckman and the nuclear physicist, Yuval Neeman.


The “fundamentalist” movement was exported to America from England, following the Bel­lagio conference.  Queen Eliza­beth was involved in this plot against Christianity.  The whole project is being run by British intelligence, just as it ran Iran’s mullahs.  Tavistock In­stitute is closely involved through Stan­ford, which has persuaded Christian fundamentalists to fall for its “zero growth” ideas for U.S. industry.  The U.S. steel, auto and housing industries have been shut down by the same people who planned the destruction of Iran’s industries and nuclear power station using Moslem fundamentalists, which they are now doing to America’s industrial base using Christians.  Iran’s fanatical Moslems did close down the Iranian industrial plants and development projects, and Aspen hopes to achieve the same results here in the USA.  [H: If you think this is outrageous and that NO FOREIGN nation could do such a trick or a thing—look out!  You are “shocked” that a Japanese indus­trialist and govern­ment person would make snide and in­sulting remarks about American business and workers—WHY?  WHY ARE YOU EITHER SHOCKED OR EVEN SURPRISED?  YOU HAVEN’T THE PRODUCT AND YOUR OWN PEOPLE DON’T BUY YOUR CARS BE­CAUSE OF PRICE, ETC.  IF YOU CAN’T SELL THEM AT HOME—WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU EX­PECT ANOTHER COUNTRY TO BUY THEM?  Let us say that the Japanese build Honda, like Honda and want to sell Hondas to you.  Keep in mind that the Honda is more ex­pensive than, say, Ford Mustangs.  Now you like Ford Mus­tangs, you build Ford Mustangs but the government and Japan says you now have to buy Hondas.  What would a good American like you say in this case?  Further, let us say that America exported and Japan imported so many of your American cars that Hondas stopped selling—in Japan.  Would you stop shipping Fords to Japan?  I thought not.  You cannot enforce morality nor fair market business in a truly demand-basis capitalistic so­ciety.  Besides, chelas, the cars in point are the ones you might be able to afford in the depres­sion—but you won’t have jobs and neither will you have access to the less expensive autos.  It is truly a very hard challengeIndeed, indeed—the Japanese were truly laugh­ing at your visitors to Japan.  Worse, a major, major incident was planned—like assassi­nation of your American President and that really angers the Japanese.  It was a most foolish trek in the first place.]


As a result of ideas formulated by Aspen and executed by Moslem fundamentalists, Iran is in the Dark Ages.  Fundamen­talist cult preachers are telling their flocks that the apocalypse is at hand; Gog and Magog will soon launch their assault in Israel and, at that point, all of the Jews will be converted to Christian­ity.  And do you know that millions of fundamentalist cult Chris­tians actually believe it?  Doesn’t that place them on the same level as the peasants of Iran who were misled by the mullahs?

There are some who doubt that Begin would have had any­thing to do with Christian funda­mentalism [H: As with Shamir and Sharon—but he knew exactly where to go to get what he needed—support, support and money!]  Begin has had a long time PERSONAL friend­ship and working relationship with Fal­well.  Isn’t that long-time friendship with Jerry Falwell suffi­cient proof?  [H: Remember, also, that Mrs. Begin had huge holdings in property and bank accounts in the U.S.A.—at the time of Begin’s power in Israel.  You didn’t seem to like Imelda Marcos having holdings in the U.S.  Is there not something unfair about this?  In fact—YOU send all the money to Israel—Marcos at least did not use your tax­payer dollars for her special and se­cret accounts.]  Of course it ap­peared that Begin was co­operating with the Christian fundamen­talist cult, but it was for strategic short-term gains, in exactly the same way that he cooperated with Khomeini against Iraq, and why Sharon was co­operating with certain radical elements in the PLO.  Sharon was the de-facto leader of the Zionist fundamen­talist faction which was clam­oring for open annexation of the West Bank, while Begin was quite happy to annex the West Bank, piece by piece.  In 1987 alone, over 30,000 Arabs lost their land on the West Bank.  It is this Zionist land-stealing fac­tion in Israel which the Christian fundamentalists support; the same lawless faction with its witchcraft that caused trouble for ALL Jews in Spain during the 12th cen­tury, whether or not they were part of it.


Although the American Christian fundamentalists will have it otherwise, there is nothing of the Old Testament in the crowd around Sharon, who is a false leader.  The Christians are just as wrong as was Khomeini, who killed and murdered while doing it in the name of Moslem funda­mentalism; yet Khomeini is not a true Moslem, in fact he was against many of the teachings of the prophet Mohammed.  [H: Sharon is intended to come to power in Israel very soon now as Shamir is pushed aside—you will very soon be in war!  Sharon was a terrorist in the Stern Gang and he fully intends to build in all occupied ter­ritories with or without permission of any United Nations and he has flatly told you so.]  I would like to touch very briefly on the similarity of conditions in Israel in the last few years, and those just prior to the Six-Day War in 1967, and what was taking place in a general way in the mid-1980’s.  In 1967, then KGB leader Andropov worked with Eshkol and Dayan to upset Nasser and dump him.  The British worked on the Arabs doing all they could to provoke them into acts which would give the Israelis reason to re­taliate.  Both the British and the KGB worked through Kim Philby, son of St. John Philby, per­haps the greatest of all Arabists.  Just as later, the Soviets shared Philby with the British.  The famous Dayan victory in the Six-Day War was the outcome of a joint British-Soviet enter­prise backed by the Israeli government.




With this information in hand we can understand just how important is the Dome of the Rock conspiracy in the plan to destablize the Middle East.  Any provocation by the new Chris­tian fundamentalist-Zionist alliance will bring instant retaliation from the whole Islamic commu­nity.


Sharon was supposed to resign from the Israeli government.  So afraid of him was the gov­ernment that he was allowed to stay on without a portfolio.  Israel knows that American influ­ence in the region is a spent force.  That is why Sharon met secretly with Andropov and the British, as both were working to edge the Americans out of the area—except for the support money.  Begin had also been making approaches to Moscow, using Edgar Bronfman and Ar­mand Hammer, plus direct contact through Foreign Minister Shamir and Gromyko.  Andropov had been stepping up contacts, not only with Israel, but with the Gulf States as well, because the Arabs became willing to talk after the U.S. failure to stop the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.  The U.S. lost a tremendous amount of face over the invasion, and if Andropov could have had his way, the U.S. would never have regained the lost prestige it once had.


The Arabs were saying that the U.S failed to act like a super-power because it could not con­tain Iran and Israel.  The U.S. was completely discredited because not only could it not get Be­gin out of Lebanon, it had demonstrated that it was unable to stop the creeping annexation of the West Bank and Gaza.  Begin had already started to make contact with the Soviet Union through Shamir and Gromyko who met at the United Nations.  It was one of the reasons why the Israelis had defied President Reagan.  When President Reagan sent his well publicized let­ter telling Begin to “get the hell out of Beirut”, it was simply ig­nored, and the Soviets let the fact be known all over the Arab states.  [H: It was well known that the Israelis not only knew of the planned bombing against the U.S. Marine Barracks in Beirut but actually planned the entire event.]


Another factor which caused loss of face for America was the British alliance with An­dropov.  Philby, although a General in the KGB, was shared by British and Soviet intelli­gence.  The British were using the Soviets and the Israelis to destabilize the Middle East.  The prime spy scandal was a case in point and it caused a serious rift in British-U.S. relations which never healed.  This was reflected in statements made by Francis Pym, Foreign Secre­tary, and the So­viet leader in which both criticized U.S. Middle East policy in strikingly simi­lar terms.  In fact, the magazine Middle East said openly that the British had staged an intelli­gence coup against the U.S. in the Middle East.  Accord­ing to Reuters there were other signs that Israel and the So­viet Union were rapidly mending fences.  On April First, 1983, Be­gin said that he felt sure that restrictions on Jews who wished to emigrate would soon be lifted for “religious reasons”.


Andropov had promised Israel, and Sharon particularly, a big slice of the “New Yalta agree­ment pie”, when the Middle East would be carved up after the big battle would be over.  Amer­ica would have been eliminated from the area, and be the big loser.  That is the scenario against which the Dome of the Rock Mosque conspiracy must be viewed.




Dharma, I’m sorry chela, but we are going to have to leave this writing.  We will try to get at the subject more quickly in the morning.


Due to the immediate crisis in Israel and the probability of Sharon regaining “the throne” I feel we must continue with this topic prior to moving on with the CIA subject.  Things are sim­ply happening so rapidly in your world this day that projections cannot be made accurately in all arenas.  You must have what backup information, names and places as we can lay on you.  You must begin to know the players.  You must realize your own political players—i.e., re­member I told you the other day—”Clinton” is a member of the Bilderberg Group, CFR, etc.  A full blown puppet of the Committee of 300 One World Group.  The ones put up for election in both par­ties are wholly orches­trated and hand placed by that Committee of 300.  You are be­tween a rock and a very hard place.  If you watched “Larry King Live” just yesterday with Tip O’Neal you would have heard a statement from Tip saying that Clinton, “for some rea­son is picked by the press,” and, “I don’t know why.”  Well, I just told you WHY.


By the way, Tip also said that he had direct input proving that the Assassination of Kennedy was a conspiracy and the FBI told various ones to not testify as to what they knew and saw.  You are working your way pretty close to the top of the line with Tip O’Neal—are you not?  He said he could not watch the JFK mo­tion picture by Stone—not because of the contents but rather, be­cause he simply could not watch it for, “Jack was my close, close friend and he had told me that he was going to wind down Vietnam.”  It is time to pay attention, America!


I ask that you make time this evening to witness BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY by Stone re: Ron Kovic.  You will be working with these people and you had best get familiar with their human aspects, Dharma.  Thank you.  I also remind you to keep those dark (with darkener shield) goggles at hand all the time now as these horrific political conflicts in Israel unfold.  Iran is ready, willing and able to go to war today and the ground is very, very shaky.  Just stay “ready” and you will be fine.  Good evening.


Hatonn to clear, please.  Adonai