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SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 1991   10:28 A.M.   YEAR 5, DAY 009



SUNDAY,  AUGUST 25,  1991


Germain present in the violet ray of God—may His Grace always shine so abundantly upon us.  You are not yet into KNOWING enough to measure the wondrous personal gift of His sharing with you in such a personal communion.  Perhaps, however, you become too familiar with His Presence to continue the rev­erence for His Being.  As integration begins to flow ones be­come unbalanced and the adversary pushes harder and harder at your emotional human­ness.  It is not to “fear” the Father but to certainly never fail to un­derstand and give reverence to the ALL-KNOWING ONE.  I think our immediate workers some­times overlook the stature of the ones who work so closely with you in this journey.  You still allow the adversary entry far more often than do you allow the fulness of God within to give function to your projected manifes­tation—it would be great wis­dom to sort of this, commune about this and effort to move within balance for the unbalance shows, dear ones, as brilliantly as a sore and bandaged thumb!  Per­haps it is as the burned-out light bulb in the string of Christmas lights—the focus cannot be on the whole if the attention is on the one which is void.  It is certainly fine if you wish not to function within the game—but if you are not of the team then it is not your game!  Ponder it.




All vegetable and animal bodies are mechanical instruments which are made for the sole pur­pose of manifesting God THROUGH AC­TION.  That is all that bodies do.  They do nothing else than express the reactions of their centering Mind which motivates their actions.


Bodies are composed of light-waves.  One half of every wave is concentrative and centripetal.  It is thus polarized in the positive di­rection of increasing vitality.  It is the builder of bodies.


Positive polarity multiplies power in the measure of desire of Mind to express action.  Positive polarity expresses LIFE.


The other half of the wave is decentrative and centrifugal.  It is thus depolarized in the direc­tion of decreasing vitality.  Depo­larization expresses death.


One half of every wave, likewise, is alkaline in its chemistry.  The alkaline elements are posi­tive and multiply vitality in the di­rection which expresses LIFE.  They compress in the direc­tion of the equa­tor which centers the spectrum.


The other half of the wave is acid in its chemistry.  The acid el­ements are likewise positive but expand toward the two blue ends of the spectrum.


For every acid element, there is a balancing alkaline one.  Both are necessary but each must al­ways balance the other, else the body is thrown out of balance and becomes ill or develops the destructive growths and malignancies which are so rapidly in­creasing in the un­natural lives of great cities.

Centering the body is the undivided Consciousness which rules the body through its divided ex­tensions of thinking-Mind.  The wave vi­brations of thinking-Mind are, likewise, divided into op­posite sets of emotions.


The emotions which express happiness, joy, ecstasy, love and good will polarize the body posi­tively in the direction which ex­presses LIFE.  These emotions multiply the positive ele­ments to vitalize the body and to destroy any destructive tissues or malig­nancies in the body caused by an overbalance of acid supremacy.  Poisonous toxins which are not deep-seated will thus be voided, but long-developing, deep-seated growths, due to unbalanced conditions and to inherited mal­formations in seed patterns, may be retarded and often are not possible of healing without the aid of the surgeon.


The emotions which express anger, fear, worry, jealousy, cyni­cism and hatred depolarize the body in the direction which ex­presses DEATH.  These emotions multiply the acid elements and devitalize the body by developing toxic conditions which, if sufficiently sus­tained, pro­mote the various destructive growths which gradually de­cay the body until it is utterly de­stroyed.


As I have so often said, you build your own bodies by the thoughts you think as well as the food you eat.  God’s Mind is forever ec­static.  The more you reflect the ecstatic condition of God’s Mind, the more you vitalize your bodies, prolong your lives and lengthen their maturing points.


That is what you mean by the need for constant communion with God in order that His Om­nipotence shall be extended to you in the measure of your ability to recognize it in you.  That is why your own lifetime habits of working knowingly with God pro­long life and keep it free from maladies which constantly affect those who worry, fear, dissipate or indulge in emotional distur­bances or permit frus­trations to enter their lives.


The great effort of life is to so live, mentally and physically, that you forever maintain a per­fect balance between all of these pairs of op­posite conditions.  To allow tensions to multiply in one means paying for them in illnesses.


While affirming to your cancer patient that God made all men per­fect, are you taking into con­sideration all of these attributes which are so far out of balance in every living body that it is al­most hu­morous to assert or affirm such an impossibility in Na­ture?


I again remind you that there are no perfect living bodies of any kind in Nature.  Their very growth under so many varying con­ditions makes perfection for all of them impossible.  The per­fection lies in the law which makes bodies, not in the bodies.


That oak over in the open meadow seems perfect.  A squirrel planted it on good ground.  That other oak over in the shadow seems far from perfect.  A squirrel planted it on barren ground in the crevice of rocks where its roots could not spread.


That man over there seems to have a fine body even though one would not call it perfect.  He has injured its shape by overeat­ing.  Next to him is a much finer body.  He inherited it from long-lived ancestors.  But over to the left is a misshapen body given to him by parents who where syphilitic.


In the hospital up the street are rooms full of bodies with twisted feet, hunched backs and other deformities.  Surgery is reclaim­ing many of these to a semblance of perfection.  Could you bring happi­ness or cure to any of these by telling them that God made them per­fect?  We think not.  But there are ones who come into understand­ing and recognize what is meant by the phrase, “God made man per­fect.”  These ones may

be hopeless cripples, paralytic, who can only barely move a head—perhaps blind as well.  But spiritually—these ones are giants.  These ones would say: “Yes, God made meperfect—but Nature, or my par­ents, or something did not work in bal­ance with God’s Law to give me a perfect body.  But I AM PERFECT.”  It is THAT under­standing and KNOWING which gives you the gift of gifts.


Remember the passage of scripture which says that the unbal­anced acts of parents will be vis­ited upon their children unto the third and fourth generation?  There are millions of imperfect bod­ies, even badly malformed bodies, which are the inherited malformations of distorted seed pat­terns.  It is not to “blame”; it is to “understand”.


Disease is not alone the cause of all of these malformation of de­scendants.  For several genera­tions, women distorted their inner or­gans by tight lacing of that corset they thought made them beautiful.  Hundreds of thousands of female descendants of these tight-lacing ancestors have suffered great and unnecessary agony in giving birth to children, or in their normal menstrual periods, because of these “sins” of their mothers and grand­mothers, and thousands of them have had to undergo major op­erations because of those “sins”.  Faith and belief would never have re­duced this suffering for the “pattern” was altered.


When you tell these women who are always in the changing of Self—into some perceived im­age of ideal presentation according to human social desires—that God made them perfect and all they have to do is to see themselves as that perfection, and they need to remind God that He has, perhaps, overlooked them in letting something so hurt­ful happen to their bodies, you are for­getting that God did not do the tight lacing, fat suction, abor­tions, medications and birth con­trol methods, substance abuse, etc., which caused these agonies.  Their parents and grandpar­ents did these things in a very HUMAN delib­erateness.




It must be remembered that bodies are the product of thought of Mind.  Mind is perfect, so that part of the building of man which God does is perfect.  When man’s thinking is unbal­anced, his body is also unbalanced because his body is built in the im­age of this thinking.


No one should ask God to remedy man’s own failure to do his part in working with God.  All the faith and belief in the world will not induce God to balance man’s own unbal­ancing, for that would take free will from man and reduce him to the status of an au­tomaton, and that is not in the scheme of Nature.


Faith and belief have great emotional value in healing bodies for, like other positive spiritual emotions such as reverence, ec­stasy, happiness, beauty, love and kindred emotions, they re­verse the op­posite emotions of fear, hate, worry, discourage­ment and other neg­ative emotions and thus repolarize a depo­larizing body.


When you have thus substituted such constructive emotions for de­structive ones, it is not your faith and belief in God which has healed you; it is you, yourself, who have healed yourself by balancing your body electrically and chemically.


It is your own obedience to God’s Law that has healed you.




God is LOVE.  The foundation of love is BALANCE.

God’s universe is balanced by the two opposite pulsations which manifest love.

When man learns to balance all of his human relations and all of his human emotions, he will have a perfectly balanced body.  Normal bodies are balanced.  Everyone may have as balanced and as normal a body as he is able to practice the principles of balance from moment to mo­ment of his life.


If you could keep in balance all that God has already given you, you would never have any ill­ness of body whatsoever, for it would be impossible.  God’s balanced laws are always fulfilled with balanced manifestations.  It could not be otherwise.  Con­versely, unbalance between the two opposing forces will always result in unbalanced manifestations.


Tumors, cancers, headaches, heart disease, and every other body ailment are the result of un­equal interchange between God’s two constructive-destructive forces.  Likewise, all infec­tious diseases and all malignancies are similarly caused, for ab­solute balance between the two would insulate each from the other and allow the complete cycle of appearance and disap­pearance to consummate itself in an orderly and normal manner.


The more you can live and work knowingly with God from mo­ment to moment, the more your body can approach the perfec­tion which complete balance alone can give.




God created His dynamic universe for the sole purpose of mani­festing the ONE IDEA OF LOVE—which constitutes His Being—in human extensions of His Being who slowly and gradu­ally become aware of their Oneness of identity with Him.  For this reason, every human on Earth is perpetually seeking God whether he knows it or not.  For untold ages, man has sought God outside of himself.  The human race is just beginning to be­come aware that, when it does find God, He will be found within man.  It is to this end that this new knowledge of the long hidden secrets of space is now given herein in order that man will be enabled to transcend himself and his works for the bet­terment of the whole human race.


By this time you will have discovered that there is a trend and a pur­pose between the lines of these lessons other than the build­ing of knowledge upon which a scientifically provable philoso­phy of life can be founded.


You must come to FEEL that trend and purpose.  To actually touch that invisible knowledge—you must reach out for it in your quiet place.  We have given you a first “overview” in a cou­ple of the JOURNALS so that you might get a bit of foundation and we also have spoken in generali­ties, telling you, for example, that it was a transition from sensing to knowing or the unfolding of the Cosmic Man.  These terms must have intuitively con­veyed the meaning to you and awak­ened in you the desire for cosmic knowledge but you did not have so dynamic an under­standing of what lay behind those terms as you do this day.


You must understand by this time that we are trying to make you live and work KNOW­INGLY in both the undi­vided invisible uni­verse and the divided physical universe of bodies in action.  The transition from sensing to knowing ac­tually means living in the Light of inspired knowing all of the time and extending your in­spired knowing to your thoughts when you wish to create thought-bodies to image your thoughts.


Thus, living in the high heavens, the body is but secondary and to be forgotten as much as possi­ble when not needed for the manifestation of your knowing through action.

This reverses the rule of both body and Mind by the senses which make continual demands for pure gratification of senses.  The senses are important, vitally important, for they are a door­way to the soul if the door to the soul is kept wide open by de­sire of the soul in you.  But when de­mands of the senses close the door, or never let it open, and the senses dominate you, you then but live in an objective uni­verse of sensed bodies which in­sulate the soul and drown out the In­ner Voice which would reach the soul if it could.


The most wonderful thing in all the world is within every man—the genius knows it for he is close to it—the mystic knows it better for he has touched the hem of it—and the cosmic thinker is reaching out eagerly for that kingdom of heaven in the Light which that won­derful thing IS.


All mankind has known of it in his heart from the beginning and started his search for it way back in the dark aeons, but many are now opening the door wider and wider which leads to a new dwelling place—the REAL dwelling place of man who has for such long ages thought that his body was his dwelling place.


To live knowingly in the Light where MAN is—where GOD is—where all knowledge, power and presence are the fulcrum for ex­pression in the divided universe—to make that kingdom of heaven which lies beyond the doors of your senses your dwelling place—to know the ecstasy of it—the inspiration of it for your interpretations into silent rhythms, into motionless forms un­born as yet, unborn till you want them born—THAT is what I mean by making the transition from sensing to KNOWING.


I want you to live in God’s universe and look out from its Light into its divided extensions when you will, and thus looking out to find them wonderful and good—reflecting the glory of the Light of their Source strongly here, weakly there—but all of it being GOOD, for all are seeking that door which you have found and some are near enough for you to reach forth your hand and help them over the threshold.


And that is what we are giving our very lives for, working to­ward just that end.  Hours upon hours we and our own exten­sions are di­rected toward giving you that which will help you to un­derstand.  Always our intent is to keep the door open wide unto the Light for your dwelling place from where you may work knowingly with God from moment to moment and be ever watchful for those who are reaching out to you to help them across the illumined threshold into the glory of the all-knowing Light.


For that purpose, God has sent us to this place from where the mes­sages can flow and spread throughout the world when there are teachers enough to multiply our ability to spread it as de­sired by God.  Ones will come and add to the numbers and we shall unfold Truth unto the brothers for the great transformation of man and the dawn of a new day in human relations.  We serve in the deepest love and caring.




I have always given unto my human counterparts the tools which will hopefully further the growth of each and allow KNOWING to come within the individual and within the whole.  We have used af­firmations, decrees, etc., in an attempt to allow you to see what power is within but man begins to rely on the simple mouthing of words and forgets to seal these de­sires within his Soul.


I wish to outlay the difference, for instance, in the perception of various identifications of the above statement.  The difference be­tween a prayer as mankind has understood it and the issu­ing of a Decree is that most prayers are supplications.  Please harken back to our prior discus­sion of this very subject.  A De­cree is the ac­knowledgment of God the Almighty “I AM PRES­ENCE” as the only Presence and Intelligence acting.  You see at once the difference in the power re­leased to produce the results and the difference in the individual’s feeling.

Mine is not to condemn nor criticize prayer as such.  If you know HOW to pray you have won­drous power gleaned, but you see it does not always produce what you anticipate.  You have come to know it is not only the Law of God, but the Law of Life of which you are a definite part—that brings the power and desire into fruition.


As you ones work within the Brotherhood of Light and the teachers speak, sometimes quite firmly, you ones go and per­ceive yourselves somehow wounded.  It is beyond that percep­tion, dear ones, for we are compelled through the feeling world to prompt you not to repeat of unbal­ance which you so unsus­pectingly create.  We are compelled by the Law of your Life to keep reminding you of these things, until you no longer allow them to act in your world.


There is no use giving forth Deeper Teaching until individuals utilize what they have and you have used only a fragmentary part of what is before you.  If you do not use this material to bal­ance and offer Love—then WHO shall do so?  If the very ones who first take the writings cannot comprehend and practice them in fullness—why shall we dump more unusable material upon the masses?  How dare any of us claim to be participants within the highest CIRCLE of that Mighty I AM ONENESS and not project the teachings as the Lamp bearer.  You are re­sponsible only to your own Life, UNLESS YOU ARE EX­PRESSING DISCORD; then you become responsible to ALL mankind.  You are adding to the burden of mankind by what­ever discord you express.  In the understanding of your God Pres­ence, you cannot do this without penalty because you have called forth a tremendous charge of energy from your Presence into your feeling world.  Then, if you continue to allow discord to clothe that energy and send it forth, you become more and more responsible to the Great Law of Life and to your fellow man.  The individual, who does not understand the Presence, cannot release the great volume of energy that you can.  It is not possible.


Therefore, beloved ones, stand guard!  Call the Presence to stand guard over your world!  If vi­cious things are acting in your feeling world, stop them instantly—I plead with you.  Do not have an opin­ion about another.  If there is an appearance which seems to need correction, call to their Presence and then be in the forgetting of the incident.


It is the only way you can be free.  We love you so greatly, and We see the enormous progress which is being made by the great num­bers .  We want to give you the encouragement and the strength to stand more firmly on guard, that you may more quickly enter into your Glorious Freedom permanently.


I assure you, beloved ones, the Victory is yours for the “Mighty I Am Presence” which beats your heart is your certain Victory!  If you slip occasionally do not be discouraged—but with a firmer de­termination than ever demand of Self not to do it again.


Never think that the Mighty Presence is not ready for every de­tail so call it forth into action for every detail.  Do not worry nor think that your Presence is too Great to handle little things.  It is the little things, dear ones, just a little thing here and a little thing there, which finally get to whirling in your feeling and make a disturbing activity.  It is the listening to—”I won­der why such a thing got started; I wonder why this got started over here.”  Such a subtle sug­gestion is just an opportunity to get your attention on some discor­dant thing which will finally pull you into it.  Do not allow it.


The messengers find, dear ones, the only means of keeping them­selves free from the gossip of human beings is to instantly say: “You have no power! You cannot enter my world!” and it does not do it.  Everyone must do the same.  You are the only one responsible for your world.  Do not feel any concern about the other person’s world, except to bless it and praise it.  Oh praise and pour out blessing.  What a wonderful thing.

Do you know, precious ones, how important it is to bless every­one and give all courage?  Take yourselves today, how many are there who do not appreciate with all their hearts a kindly word?  Someone lays his hand on your shoulder and says: “I am grateful you are win­ning your Victory”.  Is there anyone who would not appreciate such encouragement to its fullest extent?  That is what mankind needs.  It does not mean, dear hearts, at every little appearance out here—”that person has gone wrong”.  Do not misunderstand what I am going to say to you.  The Mes­sengers have always pled with you to turn wholly to your “Source within” for EVERY­THING.  We have watched a cer­tain activity and note that problems are magnified through the needs of this one or that one—be careful how you let oth­ers know of your need.  If the knowledge of your need touches someone who is discordant, you have just that much more to handle .  Oh, you WILL come to this place where you will meet the con­dition; when you MUST stand wholly with your Presence, not looking to a single thing out­side.  The mo­ment you REALLY do that, your trou­bles will cease, precious ones.  I assure you that the moment you can turn wholly to your Pres­ence and say: “I am look­ing to you and my call compels the answer.”  You cannot fail to have positive results.


Precious ones, as you keep calling upon your Presence, it will choose.  Your Higher Mental Body which is the discriminating se­lective Intelligence will choose who shall give assistance, if it be through human channels.  Then no mistakes can be made.


You see how easy, how simplified it all is, when once you get this clearly?  YOU are the fo­cus on Earth of the Light from your Source of All.  As you hold yourselves, your feelings har­monious and call your Presence into action, It does pour out a Mighty Radiance, like the heat from a great furnace all the time.  Then you MUST feel Its radiance, for you are the most wonder­ful focus of Light in the world.  Will you feel your individual responsibility to keep your­selves so harmonious, that this Light can keep pouring out, pouring out, and every one who touches It will feel the uplift and not dis­cord?  This is really your responsi­bility in your understanding of the Presence.  You have become a mighty radiation Center of Light.  There­fore, if you allow dis­cord to clothe the Light from your Pres­ence, are you not re­sponsible for the discord you spread to another?


I am trying to make this so definite and clear, that in the intellect you will no longer have the slightest excuse nor have any desire to feel or express discord of any kind—because that is imper­fection in your Life.  If you have brought pain through discord or retort and ex­pressed your own annoyance and unbalance—perhaps you might set it to peace for to function in dis­cord only magnifies discord, and our work is to present the harmony and LOVE through TRUTH unto our brothers—not simply more dis­cord.  Discord attaches itself through the vi­brations unto every­thing you think and touch and is borne out to the ends of the universe.  Perhaps you will better under­stand the power you have to project the goodness or the discord and take more care in your dealings one with another throughout the brotherhood which you touch—which is ALL.  The silence in Love and Truth is greater than all the flattery given in discord.


May we attend our Selves that our journey may bear the Lamp which honors God at every mo­ment of our existence and experi­ence for we must learn that control of Self is the greatest POWER OF ALL.


Thank you for your attention.  Dharma, thank you for your ser­vice.  May we gather in unity and oneness of direction so that our work can be done in the perfection of Truth given unto each of us to share.  May the blessings of understanding be our re­flection in honor and in­tegrity which gives uplift from the mirror of God who gives nothing save perfection unto us.






Nov. 16, 201







Figures 26 & 27

Nov. 14, 2011