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SATURDAY, AUG. 24, 1991   8:34 A.M.   YEAR 5, DAY 008


Germain present in the Mighty I AM.  May the violet flame of Truth and transmutation bless us each that understanding may flow as the living Spring of Life Waters.  I AM.


Hatonn is a very “hard act” to follow because I know that his mes­sages are the news which you long for and insight unto your every day of experiencing but, nonetheless, it will be lessons of higher un­derstanding which shall give you “freedom” and ability to change and move into that higher Presence and experience.


In the JOURNAL structure we were going to speak, at this writing, of transient matter and the omnipresent zero.




To know our universe it is absolutely necessary to know Self.  A philosophy teaches you how to live, but you must live in an en­vironment which is filled to the brim with laws and condi­tions which will control you if you do not have the knowledge to control them.  For that rea­son, we devote as much earnest en­deavor to give you knowledge of your universe as we do to give you knowledge of your spiritual zero-Self and physical body of motion.


The more you become aware of the two universes of Mind and mo­tion which you constantly in­terchange with every second of your life, the more you will reach that high estate which all mankind must some day reach, which is God’s intent in the very creation of man.


The more knowledge you acquire of Creation’s secrets, the more you will comprehend what Immanuel meant when He said, “My Fa­ther and I are One.”


The textbooks tell you that there are two kinds of electricity.  I have laid this impossibility out to you prior to this but let us con­sider this a “workbook” course and “work” through the in­formation more “hands-on” as we go more carefully through the explanations.

It is totally impossible to have TWO kinds of electricity and we will show you how “out” of keeping it is with Nature to project such a foolish thing.  The light-waves, which science erro­neously calls electricity, do only ONE THING; they COM­PRESS divided pairs and force them into collision, then they cease to compress and ex­pand to their zero beginning.


It does not require two forces to compress or expand anything.  If you wish to compress air into your tire, you compress it with a force exerted in one direction which is inward from the out­side—the same as with a child’s balloon.  The greater the force that you use in that direc­tion, the greater the multiplication of pressure within your tire as compared with the pressure outside of it.  That is the way God creates all matter.  His force is ex­erted from the outside-in to create matter, which then returns to zero by an inward-outward expression of the same force without the aid of another kind of electricity to help it escape from its bondage.  It will seek its equilib­rium level without another kind of force to help it.  The universal vacuum is that uni­versal equi­librium.  Any departure from that state is a forced departure which causes a tension or strain.


The zero universe is without strain or tension.  All of the wave uni­verse of motion is under con­stant strain.  All matter is im­prisoned by compressed motion.  It is in exactly the same con­dition as your tire is which you have compressed into a strained tense condition from which it con­stantly exerts its own strength of desire to escape from its prison into the universal equi­librium.


It will help you to better comprehend our meaning if you stretch a piece of elastic from its nor­mal equilibrium condition of rest.  It takes force for you to stretch it but it will return to its nor­mal condi­tion without another kind of force being necessary.  In stretching the elastic, you have the created strains and tensions of an abnormal, unbalanced condition.  The zero universe is balanced.  Everything in Nature which becomes unbalanced by the exertion of any force will eventually find balance because of the force of vacuum which is the one normal balanced condi­tion of space.


If you fully comprehend this, you can now comprehend the great mystery which Einstein thought to be insoluble, the mystery as to how matter emerges from space and how space swallows it up again, which will be explained in the last lessons.


You may wonder how it was that earlier investigators decided that there were two opposite kinds of electricity instead of one.

It was because the two opposite conditions of living and dying—growing and decaying—heating and cooling—polarizing and de­polarizing, and all other effects of motion are expressed in oppo­site directions by seemingly opposite forces.


Their thinking was influenced by their senses.  They did not take into account the fact that mo­tion is an abnormalcy which has been created by a disturbance of stillness.  Motion is a cre­ation which emerges from the Creator’s vacuum and returns to it.  Likewise, life is a creation which emerges from the Cre­ator’s eternal life condi­tion and returns to it.  So, also, heat emerges from the eternal cold, and sound emerges from eternal silence and returns to it with­out any aid from an opposite kind of force.  The return journey to zero is a relaxation of the com­pressive force.


Let us make sure that you understand this vital fundamental of Na­ture which has so grossly de­ceived the greatest minds of centuries.  We will return to the tire that you compressed, by us­ing force, into a very much higher pressure than that of its en­vironment.  That pressure is held in the tire by a sealed casing, but it is difficult to entirely seal it against slow leakage from some part of it.


That leakage is the same effect as radiation from matter.  Your tire is sealed by a casing, but all matter is sealed by freezing.  Every particle of matter is either solid or liquid because it is frozen by the vacuum of space.  To be frozen means that it must first be com­pressed into dense solids or liquids, and compression heats.  Heat helps matter escape from its prison just as heat helps air to leak from your tire.


Your tire wants to explode outward.  That you know.  So does the battery in your car.  It also wants to explode outward.  We do not use the word “explode” for that effect, however, for we now use the word “discharge”.  Leaking, radiating, discharging, depolarizing and exploding are all the same effect.  So, also, are decay, death and combustion.  So, also, are radioactivity and fis­sion.


When you compress your tire, you at once begin to create an explo­sive condition, for you are creating rings of motion around a resist­ing hole.  The increasing pressure is first collected to­gether on the inside surface of the casing, just as a wave current does likewise when com­pressed into a wire.  The more you compress the tire, the more you close up the hole.  The re­sistance to that compression causes heat, so if you compress long enough, and fast enough, to close up the centering hole, you will generate enough heat to explode that tire even if it were made of steel.


Remember that every action you perform causes motion—and all motion is wave inter­changing which moves spirally—and every spiral is a series of rings around holes.  Re­member, also, that you cannot cut a section through any wave current anywhere without producing rings which spin spirally around holes.


To prove this to yourself, pass a current through an evacuated tube with sufficient air or vapor in it to aid visibility and you will see the rings which the current creates.  You will see them as rings of light spinning around black holes.  Those rings you see are the “ultimate particles” of Creation, for there is no other form in Nature than opening and closing rings.  They are the ba­sis and the substance of all form.  When they appear, mat­ter appears.  When they multi­ply, form appears.  When they disappear, matter disappears as do all ef­fects of matter with them such as sound, color, heat, form, density and dimension.  When compression is maxi­mum, the holes close and incandes­cent suns appear.


Once again I repeat that this universe of motion consists en­tirely of light-waves which thrust outward from their ful­crum in pairs.  They do not pull inward from within.  Again I say, “electricity” does but one thing—it compresses to di­vide into pairs for the pur­pose of manifest­ing the control of gravity, and all that it does is performed against the resis­tance of the univer­sal vacuum which finally conquers every effort of compression to simulate cohesion in matter.


Remember, also, that every action which is recorded in Nature, like the growth of a tree or the throwing of a stone into water, produces rings with holes in them.  The young tree starts that way, as a tube, but it closes its holes by compression to become a solid, and every solid is a series of ring layers which eventu­ally open to let “space” in gradually until space becomes all and the tree disappears entirely into it.


Cut your own body into sections and you will find it is com­posed of rings around holes—your chest—your skull—your bones, arteries, heart, windpipe, nerves and every cell of your body.  Light-waves work that way.  They try to close up the holes but very few our of millions of ef­fects succeed in doing so.  Organic life has not one ex­ample of body building which has suc­ceeded in becoming a solid, not even the ivory of an elephant’s tusk.  It is centered by a hole and its cells are porous.


All Nature, everywhere, cries out its protest to such an unnatu­ral and impossible concept as the nucleal atom, which holds it­self to­gether by a force exerted from within.


These words all tell of the way compressed matter tries to es­cape from its compressed impris­onment.  Every one of the these many-named but similar effects expresses the demand of the eternal vac­uum to cease moving and become still.


In order to become still, they have to expand.  The one force of Nature has to be unwound like a watch spring which is in a tense condition from being wound up tight.  Every molecule in that tense watch spring desires to be relieved of its tension.


These are conditions which attend the return journey from sound to silence, from heat to cold, from motion to stillness, from po­larization to depolarization, from compression to expansion and from generation to radiation.  You know that they cannot pre­vent their conditions of com­pression from expanding.  They just cannot hold their heat nor their com­pressed conditions.  If you will demonstrate our meaning by trying to hold your com­pressed breath in your body, you will find that it will explode outward in spite of every effort that you can exert.  That compres­sion of your inbreathing has heated your body beyond its av­erage normal.  It would explode if for no other reason.  This effect of expansion which we have just pictured is what science erro­neously terms nega­tive charge in­stead of radiative dis­charge.  Briefly, it covers all expanding bodies.


It would be well to examine the reasoning process which led ob­servers and research workers to determine that there must be two kinds of electricity.  The idea of a universal vacuum never en­tered into the thinking or reasoning of early observers of EF­FECTS of motion.  Lacking that concept, they lacked their first essential premise .  Secondarily, they conceived heat to be the reality which caused motion, and considered cold to be less heat.  Instead of that, cold is the eternal unchanging reality from which heat emerges and into which it returns, just as sound emerges from eternal silence and returns to it.


Now it so happens that the early concept of electricity provided for a one-way flow which com­pressed to multiply potential which simulta­neously produced heat.  The opposite flow was theo­retical but a nec­essary one, for there are two poles and two opposite conditions in every wave effect.


Science has not yet discovered that there are four pairs of poles in a wave and not just the two which it calls positive and negative on opposite ends of a bar “magnet”.  That is because it has never yet related the octaves of the elements of matter to optics as we will do in the last lessons.


The sex-divided condition did not occur to these early observers.  Such an idea never entered their thinking.  To them, sex was a func­tion of organic life only, and not of atomic life in the el­ements of matter.  Nor did the red and green divisions of the spectrum ever become a part of their considerations.


Nor did the idea of spectrum tensions ever enter into their thinking in relation to the electric current—the tension of the spectrum divi­sion which desired unity by the disappearance of the colors of mo­tion into the White Light of universal stillness, or the tensions of sex division of Fa­ther-Motherhood into father and mother bodies which desired unity in sexlessness.  Nor did they take into consideration that the two opposites of compres­sion and expansion coincided with concentration and decentra­tion—growth and decay—life and death—or the polarization and de­polarization principle.


Then at the turn of the century, Rutherford and Bohr conceived the idea of atomic construction being based upon the firm belief in the Coulomb Law which says that matter attracts oppo­sitely “charged” electrical matter and repels similarly “charged” mat­ter.  Nothing could be more con­vincing for one pole of a magnet “attracted” its opposite and “repelled” its like.  It never occurred to them that gravity, not “electricity”, is the divider of sexless­ness into sexed pairs.  If so, they would have realized that two like males do not mate for procreation, nor do two like females.  If the sex idea in relation to “electricity” had occurred to them, there never would have been a Coulomb Law nor a nucleus in an atom.


Nothing could be more convincing to sense-reasoning than the very self-evident fact that there must be two kinds of electricity—even if the electric current did run only one way, but with an un­proved suspicion that it ran two ways.


Then some new and important discoveries were made which proved that the current ran two ways and that fact was misinter­preted as being proof only of their theory.

I will recite a discovery which clinched the belief in two kinds of electricity—one kind for each way, in case you ones don’t remember it from a prior writing:


“T. Edison observed the passage of electric current in one di­rection from a hot filament to a cold metallic plate in an evac­uated enclosure, as if `negative electrical’ particles were emit­ted from the filament.”


This is from the Encyclopaedia Britannica under the heading “Electron Tube”.


Let us see how this fact was misinterpreted.




There was nothing in the above experiment which merited the atten­tion it received.


The electric current Edison observed was the radiation from a heated condition seeking the cold equilibrium of space.  It did not need to be in an evacuated tube.  It is the same effect which your hand feels from the rays of the sun, or which your body feels from a hot stove in a room.  It has always been known under the name of RADIANT ENERGY.  Radi­ation creates “electric” cur­rent.  Radiation is deduction.  So does generation.  Gen­eration is induction.  One compresses, the other expands, but it is the same light-wave current.  Any movement of any kind creates a light-wave current, even the movement of your little finger.


A hot iron at one end of a room and a block of ice at the other end will cause a current to flow both ways until the iron, the ice and the room are all equal in temperature.  That will also hap­pen if you put two red hot irons or two blocks of ice at opposite ends of a room.  Warm water rising into cold space creates a flow of current, but that does not mean that there is one kind of “electricity” to make the wa­ter rise and another to make it fall.  One might as reasonably say that there are two kinds of water, one kind which rises and another which falls.


Such a claim is like saying that one kind of electricity makes a man live and another kind makes him die.  All motion is cen­tripetal when it multiples its potential by increasing its speed, and it is centrifugal when it decreases its potential by decreasing its speed; but centrifu­gal force is but an escape valve for cen­tripetal force.




Waves are motion—any kind—or stages of motion.  When motion ceases, waves cease.  When you breathe in,  you cause an in­crease in the speed of centripetal motion.  When you breathe out, you de­crease the speed of motion.  It is then centrifugal.  Motion is the same kind of mo­tion whether it is fast or slow.  Air is the same air whether it is hot or cold. Likewise, force is the same kind of force whether it is compressing or expanding.


A charged body is still a charged body until the last vestige of mo­tion leaves it.  Your car bat­tery may be discharged to the last mile, but as long as it can produce motion it is still charged.  You might properly say it is then in a negative—or negated—or voided condition, but one can­not properly say that a discharging body is negatively “charged” under any possible condition.  The same thing applies to life.  As long as a man is alive and can move even one finger, he is still alive.  There are no such con­ditions in Nature as negative electricity, negative charge, silent sound or dead life.



Gravity is the force used by the Creator to create bodies.  Bodies are disturbances in a vacuum.  Gravity causes those distur­bances, for gravity both compresses and expands.


The principle of electronics is a miniature example of what the grav­ity cycle does in a vacuum.  A vacuum tube with no wave motion dividing it is the normal rest condition of the universe.  It is the con­dition from which matter emerges—matter being the light-waves which science calls the electric current.


“Electricity” emerges from the omnipresent vacuum.  It does not return to it.  It merely seems to do so.  When an electronic tube is evacuated, it means that the electric commotion and ten­sions which have been pumped into it by Nature have “escaped” out of it, leaving it in its normal state of rest.  Two wires are then attached to it to cause the kind of patterned commo­tion within it which it records from outside of it.  The vacuum condition in­sulates the new pattern of motion which is caused within it from any other patterns of mo­tion which would otherwise occupy the tube.

That tube is a correct miniature zero universe of stillness which is creating a multiple universe of motion.  If you will but study that ef­fect, you will learn more of Nature’s processes.  The more that sci­ence develops this principle of creating its own patterns by starting from zero without in­terference from other pressures and patterns, and then multiplying them by gravity control within them, the more progress you will make in sci­ence.


The practice of electronics will grow to enormous proportions as electronic engineers begin to know more about light and the re­lation of its pressures to the spectrum-divided universe which controls those pressures.


The one great lesson that you can now learn from electronics, with­out being technical, is the fact that whatever patterns you put into those tubes in the way of sounds, pictures or move­ments, come out of them in the same patterns as those you put into them.  THAT AP­PLIES TO YOU ALSO.


Let it be fully understood what I mean in this respect.  The sounds and motion you make do not go into the tube.  It is not necessary to tell you that, for you know that nothing goes into that tube but the wave recording of the patterns of light and sounds of the events which waves record.  Now here comes your lesson.  You can hear and see what you put into that tube coming out of it again as many times as you wish to turn on the current.  That means that light-waves are the recording principle of Nature.  The electronic tube might well be likened to a seed of man.  The pattern of man is in the seed but the man is not in it.


That also means that all matter is but thought-recordings, for all matter is wave motion.  It necessarily follows that your body is but a thought-record of your Mind-thinking which is op­erating within the Cosmic vacuum tube just as long as you can keep it vital­ized sufficiently to create the im­age of you whichyour thinking is making.  That means that matter is but pure thought, for all matter manifests idea.


That includes every creating thing and its pattern as being thought-recordings which act for a while, then refold into Na­ture’s little electronic tubes, which you call seeds, for intervals of rest.  When you turn the generating current of the sun’s rays onto those elec­tronic tube seeds, you can see and hear the record all over again and change it if you like, whether it be your­selves, a tree or a solar sys­tem.



Is not that a lesson of immortality?  Within the eternal elec­tronic vacuum of Nature, ev­ery thought and action that has ever taken place during all time lies enfolded there in non-dimen­sional space.


There is one more lesson that the electronic tube might clarify for you—the lesson of dimen­sion.




Some day during your spiritual unfolding of innersensory per­ception, you will become aware of the fact that dimension is but an imagined effect.  It might help you to take the first step in gaining this aware­ness if you will but realize that when you look out upon a fifty-mile expanse of land, buildings, people and events, you see it all within a dimensionless pinpoint of space within your eye.  The whole uni­verse is thus reducible to the non-dimension of Mind-knowing which has caused the imagined universe to be extended from its eternal zero which never ex­ceeds zero in CAUSE but seems to exceed it in EFFECT.  God did, in fact, create His uni­verse in His im­age, but dimension is as much a part of His imaginings as form and events are a part of it.


Yes—the above is a wonderful lesson for one who is mystified by the vague idea of immortal­ity, but a still greater lesson of universality awaits deep meditation by you upon the thoughts above given.


You have, undoubtedly, wondered much about the unfolding of a tree, or a human body, from a microscopic seed.  Many years are consumed in the process after you have put the seed in your own yard to generate a wave current for again unfolding the record con­tained in that pat­terned electronic tube.  The elec­tronic tube seeds of Nature have their film patterns enfolded within them.  Man has to carry his patterns separately—also his projection machine—whereas Nature’s projection machine is the womb of earth.


Now give thought to that little seed which you call the electronic tube which is planted in Africa, ten thousand miles away from your yard.  Within that seed a terrific conflict is being enfolded, a conflict between men, planes and guns.  It is taking place NOW—this instant—and is being simul­taneously unfolded from its recording seed into another seed in your very room.  You ones just experienced this very example within only the past few days.  You can see and hear what is hap­pening ten thousand miles distant.  You can see their ac­tivities against their African setting of desert, palm trees and a broiling sun.  You can hear the agonized and fren­zied shoutings of peo­ple who are ten thou­sand miles away from you.  Likewise, fifty million people like you can hear and see the same events from fifty million different pinpoints of space upon your planet.  Does not that teach you a lesson in the universality of all things?


Where, therefore, is dimension or time?  If that event is hap­pening within your room right now as an unfolding from an electronic seed, and that dimensionless seed is almost simultane­ously unfolding in fifty million rooms, how can you say that it is ten thousand miles and weeks of time away from you?  If you place a yardstick upon a mighty oak and measure its many di­mensions, and then the oak withdraws those dimensions into its concept as recorded in the seed, how can you say that the di­mensions you measure with a yardstick and weighing scales have any reality in a universe in which the real­ity you believe in disappears before your very eyes.


We find it interesting to note that in the contacts of the brothers with Billy Meier there was a tree which was photographed with the ships—many times.  The brothers then reversed the pro­cess and folded the tree within its seed which removed the standing tree into the seed and thus was thought to have been removed.  Moreover, ones who could not account for the absence of the tree simply stated it had never been there!  This is exactly what happens when you demand miracles and magic to “prove” a thing.  We die and it didn’t, over and over again.




Where, then, is REALITY?  Is it the Idea which forever appears and disappears in the motion picture universe every time the current is turned on to reproduce it from its invisible store­house, or is it in that eternal zero which is its Source?


How long will it be before man seeks that reality which is eter­nal within him?   How long will it be before he even begins to com­prehend the meaning of that command to seek the king­dom of heaven within?


As we look out upon your world of strife, seeing fear in the Soul of man instead of love and happiness, and seeing greed there for worthless quantities of moving matter, and seeing also de­sires for body-sensation rather than Mind-inspiration, we can but conclude that man as a whole is still far from knowing that Light within him which One Man, whom man crucified, knew when He said, “I and My Father are One.”


Let us take rest, please.


Germain to clear, thank you


Nov. 11, 2011