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FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1991   8:26 A.M.   YEAR 5, DAY 007

FRIDAY,  AUGUST 23,  1991


Ah, children—beloved and wondrous.  You demand “proof”?  What gives you proof?  Let me help you—proof is that which comes with KNOWING “within”.  You are in a time in in­creased illusion where a holograph scene can literally be placed on your balcony by your own beam sys­tem.  You must under­stand, little ones, that we are sent forth from God to assist if we can.  Our purpose is to set TRUTH out of the lies to allow you to fashion TRUTH for self and thus have “proof”.  Some of the brothers come aboard our craft have been birthed and matured aboard the craft while awaiting our need for service unto you for the higher “brothers” grow in their own progression by that ser­vice unto you.  In the finer/higher frequency physical expres­sion the knowledge is greater and it is their responsi­bility to be your guides—this is WHY the information is coming from the level of KNOWING in the Pleiadian Constellation for they ARE you—your ancestors.  Ones come from all over the firmament but the human species as you recognize form—is from the Constellation of Pleiades and those of you grown in Knowl­edge and yet not fulfilled in KNOWING to be literally in the oneness with God—will be brought home again—to Pleiades.  God went forth to prepare a place for you and so He did.  BUT NO EVIL IN­TENT WILL BE AL­LOWED IN THAT PLACEMENT.  IF THE INTENT REMAINS IN EVIL DI­RECTION AGAINST THE LAWS AS LAID FORTH BY GOD AND THE CRE­ATION, PLACEMENT WILL BE ELSEWHERE IN SUIT­ABLE LOCATION TO MEET THE FUR­THER GROWING OF YOUR BEING—INDIVIDUAL BY INDI­VIDUAL—NONE OTHER CAN BEAR YOUR LESSONS.


I tell you that God has sent transportation for you if it needs be and it DOES need be for the Planet is not going to be suitable for life-forms if the activities of present, are continued.  You think the Rus­sian situation is settled and you will all live happily ever after?  Nay—not so.  The stupid facade was to cover the REAL COUP which was under way.  The missiles were aimed and ready to fire.  The CIVIL WAR IN THE SOVIET UNION IS NOW ABOUT READY TO BEGIN—YOU HAD BETTER CAREFULLY LISTEN TO WHAT MR. GORBACHEV (THIS NEW ONE) IS SAYING.  HE HAS NO INTENTION OF LEAVING COMMUNISM, AND WHERE WERE ALL THOSE MILITARY ALLIES?  Where WAS the General who NOW heads the military?  Oh indeed—you will need some good transportation before it’s all over.  In addition the government plans to blast a few of your cities and blame space brothers—mark it today for the plan is already UNDER WAY for they can no longer hide the PRES­ENCE.  To discount God they will pro­duce some of these little gray aliens and spacecraft shaped vehi­cles and kill a bunch of your own people.


The hope is to work a deal with the Russians to utilize the Cos­mospheres—but Russia is not so stupid—yet.  Note that Russia is still taking out your sensor satellites which monitor nuclear det­onations.


I do give you this—Gorbachev was in bad trouble for his song has only changed since his “return”.  This functions around Pamyat I and Pamyat II and deals with how the Russian na­tionalist anti-Bol­shevik forces have been consolidating their strength under the PAMYAT and SOYUZ um­brella.  Soyuz is the organization of high-ranking Soviet army officers who joined Pamyat in a struggle to rid the Soviet Union of Bolshevism. This has all been well outlaid to you by one of your own brothers—John Coleman in report after re­port to all who would listen and regularly to consumers who read INSIDER REPORT, WORLD ECONOMIC REVIEW and WORLD INTELLIGENCE RE­VIEW.  How do I know?  I know because I know John Coleman and we are bringing him within our umbrella of security at this very moment.  It re­ally IS NOT so bad to be associ­ated with GOD and TRUTH.


This Gorbachev that is speaking to the world after his horrible “ordeal” is not the Gorbachev which was on vacation.  So, you had better look again, world—you are closer to war than you can imagine in your wildest dreams.  While a coup was planned and your bunch sidetracked and turned it into a world farce—the real coup took place in high places—it is all done except for the blood letting and that will come when you least expect it!


Proof?  I need prove NOTHING to any of you.  Why do you desire that I prove something to YOU?  Why do you not make the ones who feed you lies—PROVE SOMETHING TO YOU?  Why do you not make them show you a place in the “good book” that even men­tions the word “Rapture”?  Oh, you say, well, it was mistranslated?  Oh?  What are you going to do up there in the clouds?  They will be radioactive, surely you know!


Well, why would a coup be thwarted or changed or anything?  Be­cause your Congress is on vaca­tion and a budget is coming and ev­erything dirty has to be done while Congress is asleep.  So, in a few words—Bush wants to conclude a big sell-out of United States secu­rity before Gorbachev is toppled.  The CFR knows that when the Soviet military takes over Russia, there will be a far lesser chance of rapidly bringing about the much desired One World Government.  Bush be­lieves that the top leaders of the Soviet Union will keep their promises and the hope of the New World Elite is that the Soviet Armed Forces will be bound by agreements signed at the summit.  You are trapped, why not Russia?


Even your non-news press and media are beginning to grumble that there is rotten fish afoot in all this maneuvering and while you are all buying Gorby dolls and shouting how wonderful it all is—the enemy is working as fast as they can and you keep trying to launch a sensor satellite so you can blast these poor souls into oblivion—BUT, THEY HAVE EXCELLENT SUR­VIVAL SHELTERS (YOU DO NOT!) AND THEY HAVE EVERY MISSILE PINPOINTED AND A RE­TALIATION MISSILE AIMED—EVERY SITE WHERE THERE IS AN MX MISSILE WILL GET “IT”.  Russia does not want to sign these treaties because they have a dandy space capable system that will bring the payload to your door yard and struck or not by de­fensive mis­siles—will immediately scatter their own payload which is made up of many nu­clear pow­ered/nuclear war-headed scatter mis­siles which can travel in every direction and have indepen­dent guid­ance systems.  If you intercept one of these to blow it up—you only assist in the distri­bution of the payload.


Then why would the Elite start such a war with the Russians?  Be­cause they know the ONLY HOPE for anything called “survival” and success, is to have a surprise first strike against them and hope­fully knock out these installations and bases.  You won’t fare well even if that hap­pens for the Russians have a massive submarine fleet with huge craft that fire many nuclear missiles and THEY SUR­ROUND YOUR NATION OFF SHORE.


No, dear ones, what you “see” and think YOU can “prove” will be shown as illusion far too soon for your adequate preparation as a na­tion.  The person you watched in Maine was NOT the one who you have “even recently” seen at the Capitol or at Camp David—that one, who heads the rest, was safely tucked away in a bunker city in total security.

Now, if you ones desire “EARTH TRUTH” of this information from ones with the informa­tion—and a continuing source of in­side infor­mation—FROM EARTH, I ask you to get the above men­tioned re­ports.  It will do two things—it will allow you to have truth which you can confirm at your level of understanding and I CAN GET ON WITH OUR WORK OF TELLING YOU ABOUT GOD AND CREATION. 


I will “prove” nothing to anyone and, further, I am going to cease answering the letters which only badger, insult and de­fame my peo­ple.  All of you have total choice of free-will action and belief.  I ask you to do nothing, go nowhere nor believe me and/or God.  I am simply here to tell you “HOW IT IS”, no more and no less.  If you think it better to blame evil of 2,000 years past and dump your re­sponsibility and “sins” onto a mur­dered God—so be it.  If you think a nice nest in the floating clouds is the way to go—so be it.  I will cer­tainly leave you alone if you will leave mine alone.  But remember something—THERE ARE MIGHTY FEW ATHEISTS IN A FOX­HOLE WITH A NUCLEAR BOMB HEADED THEIR WAY!  You-the-people have been deceived, lied to and stolen from—from your heritage as an immortal being to your very bank account.  Is it not time you looked around?


Did you not notice them flashing the term: “Armageddon”?  These past few days it was in most common use—you see, the planners had planned for a massive blood-bath and the REAL COUP PLANNERS SHUT IT DOWN AND GAVE YOU NO CAUSE TO INVADE.  Note also that the whole bunch of play­wrights calculated that Sad­dam Hussein would give excuse to bomb him to oblivion, also, and save the face of the ones who have $250 BILLION split with that gentle­man and the world wouldn’t find out until after the fact when you are hog-tied and cannot do a thing about your national plight!


I am asking America West to please see what they can do to lo­cate and somehow make avail­able the Insider Report, World Economic Review, andWorld Intelligence Review as well as all in­dividual“Subject” documentsThese MUST be made avail­able to our PHOENIX readers.  You need confirmation as the blade comes down across your necks.






Let me quote from a flash bulletin to the readers of the above men­tioned publications.  You of our readers will already have the infor­mation but perhaps you do need a bit of confirmation that I bring TRUTH!


“....The crisis of dual structure in the USSR has become a full-blown crisis, every effort by the Bol­sheviks to stop it having failed...This is what threatens Gorbachev and his cozy relations with the U.S., and particularly with Bush, whom PAMYAT’S Dimitri Vasiliev describes as “the embodiment of a typical Zion­ist lackey”.  If Gorbachev does not heed the “advice” of his mili­tary men and break with Washing­ton, GORBACHEV WILL BE DITCHED BY THE END OF 1991 OR IN 1992, and the world could be headed for the Third World War...If Gorbachev chooses the latter course, then we can be certain that the Second Russian Revolution, already begun will gather mo­mentum, and this time it will be a genuine Russian revolution.

“Right now Pamyat and its allies are accusing Gorbachev of `restoring the cancers of capital­ism, rapid economic growth fol­lowed by inflation, higher prices, unemployment’...Certainly the army does not trust Yeltsin, whom one Pamyat member de­scribed as `a self-seeking money-grabbing op­portunist who will have to be carefully watched’.”


The foregoing is only a small portion of the information con­tained in these Reports.  Presidents Bush and Gorbachev knew that the hour was fast approaching where Gorbachev would be ousted, not by “hard line communists” but by Russian nationalist forces.  It was critical to Bush to have Gorbachev remain in power to preserve una­nimity at the United Nations.  The very progress of the One World Government would be threatened if Gorbachev was ousted.  The arms treaties would go by the board, especially the critical START treaty.  Having seen what Pamyat and Soyuz did to She­vardnadze, Bush ordered the CIA to formulate a plan to counter the impending move to oust Gor­bachev.  Such a contingency plan was readied shortly before the Group of Seven summit in Lon­don.


This plan called for a pseudo coup to be launched against Gor­bachev by “hardline commu­nists”.  The stage was set for August 20th when the world was informed that Gorbachev had been ousted.  The truth is that the CIA was not “caught by surprise”, such a statement is patently absurd.  More­over Gorbachev would not have been “ousted” while he was away from the Kremlin.  Soviet tradi­tion has it that deposed leaders are seized IN THE KREMLIN.  The plan was to glorify Gorbachev who would be hailed as a “savior of the Rus­sian people”.  His status in resisting the coup would be greatly en­hanced and ensure that nobody in the USSR would ever again be able to challenge him.  The second benefit would be that PAMYAT and SOYUZ would be divided by the defection of Gen­eral Moisiyev to the Gor­bachev camp.  The head of the KGB, Vladimir Kryuchkov, would be greatly undermined.  (The impact of this was lessened by Kryuchkov refusing to go along with the plot.)  And so the great coup that never was, was sprung upon the people of the world.  Un­happily, Gorbachev did not get the blood­shed he wanted, SOYUZ ordered troops not to fire on the people and countermanded Gor­bachev’s orders.  In this manner, too, Boris Yeltsin’s brave resis­tance lost some of its shine.  We have not heard the end of this mat­ter, but for now, Gorbachev emerges as a great hero, the Russian nationalists and “hardliners” are dis­credited and the New World Or­der is stronger than ever, Yeltsin’s status enhanced.  But this is only a lull in the storm.  Those of you who saw CNN and wondered why Bush’s national Security Advisor was grinning so widely as he and his boss en­tered the White House, now know why!


[I, Hatonn, interrupt this dissertation prior to the next paragraph be­cause I want to tell you that the plan executed puts you into water so deep and so hot that you should be boiling by now.  I want to write the next paragraph and then comment.]


So well executed was the “coup”, that even my expert sources were taken in for a few hours before they let me have these amazing facts.  Full details will appear in World Intelligence Re­view and In­sider Re­ports August (3) and (4), which will be mailed out shortly.

* * *


The “coup” was NOT well planned and the flaws are blatant.  It does seem good enough to dupe most of a world—BUT, what is the outcome is as bad for the world as you can get.  Mr. Gor­bachev emerges (a new one or a very battered old one) who will put into power the very ones YOUR LEADERS DO NOT WANT IN POWER.  He is now programmed to do exactly that and you will see the malcontent in the press and media very quickly now as “Mr. Bush’s adminis­tration is not happy with the new appointments,” etc.  But YOU CAN’T DO ANY­THING ABOUT IT EXCEPT NOW MEET THE BLACKMAIL PAY­MENTS—WITH MONEY AND FOOD.  WATCH THE “WORLD” RALLY RIGHT OUT OF ENGLAND AND ALL THE UNITED NATIONS—AND “YOU”, WHO CAN’T EVEN PAY YOUR UNEMPLOYED WORKERS AND/OR MEET YOUR WELFARE NEEDS.  YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN IN A WORSE POSITION THAN THIS DAY, AMER­ICA—WORLD!  WELL, THAT ISN’T SO—IT WILL WORSEN EVERY DAY NOW UNTIL SOMETHING “BLOWS”.  If you are alive to read this, I suggest you pause and thank God for that blessing!




I will finish the analysis of the teachings of Humanism against the traditional Biblical system.  I am going to quote so do not take all the Biblical teachings or accepted views as higher Source affirmations.  This comes right out of a very Earth-based author’s book and I do not have space herein to further com­ment.  This portion is taken from a book titled: GLOBALISM America’s Demise, by William M. Bowen Jr., Huntington House Inc. (1984).  The designa­tion of “Biblical” will be “B” and the designation of “Humanism” will be “H” in efforts to save time and space:




B: God, creation, morality, the fallen state of man, and the free-en­terprise system.


H: Humanism teaches—total hostile rejection of traditional be­liefs and substitution of man, evolution, amorality, basic good­ness of man, and one-world system in its place.


B: God has written His values (the Bible) and if man follows he will be prosperous and have life, (love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, dependability, goodness and self-con­trol).


H: Humanism teaches—man to follow his own changing values and be responsible for the conse­quences of his actions (abortion, illegiti­mate births, lesbianism, homosexuality, murder, hatred, strife, con­tention—in general—let it all hang out).  Read Romans 1:22-32.


B: God has made man in His image—spirit, soul and body to be in fellowship with Him.


H: Humanism teaches—Man is an animal (soul and body) and needs only to be rightly related with himself.


B: God is Supreme Being.


H: Humanism denies existence of God.


B: God is the Supreme Being, therefore faith and trust are in Him.


H: Humanism teaches man is Supreme Being, therefore faith and trust is in Man.


B: God does not change (there is certainty) therefore this system in­cludes law which defines cer­tainty.


H: Humanism teaches—there is no certainty because there is constant change (evolution), there­fore law must be continually changed to the whims of man who is the Supreme Being.


B: God is a supernatural being, omnipotent (all powerful), om­nipresent (present everywhere), omniscient (knowledge of ev­erything).

H: Humanism teaches psychic phenomena to give man (Supreme Being) the sense (feeling) of being supernatural.


B: We have to ultimately answer directly to God for our actions.


H: Humanism teaches—the individual need answer only to him­self.  He is his own judge.


B: Life after Death.


H: Denies life after death.


B: Lying is wrong.


H: Lying is a relative term and therefore doesn’t exist if the per­son thinks it is OK.  (The end justifies the means.)


B: There is a devil (Satan).


H: Denies existence of a devil (Satan).


B: God’s name should not be profaned.


H: Humanism allows profaning God’s name since it is just an ex­pression.  God does not exist.


B: Man is basically evil, separated from God and God has to deter­mine a set of values for him.


H: Humanism teaches—Man is basically good and therefore is able to determine his own best values by himself.


B: The law is the authority that establishes the boundary of con­duct.


H: Humanism teaches—no man need recognize ANY authority be­yond himself.


B: God has freely given, (by grace) the law (so that we might not sin) and Jesus Christ (so that man can be reconciled by God).


H: Humanism teaches—there is no sin and man needs to be rec­onciled only to himself, (self-ac­tualization, self-realization).


B: Man is able to receive the benefits of God’s grace by faith and enjoy all of its privileges.


H: Humanism teaches—Man’s faith is in himself and he must stand up for his rights over and against others.


B: Where there is jealousy (suspicion) and strife there is disor­der and every evil thing.


H: Humanism teaches—question the decisions of those in au­thority (teacher, parents) and role play strife and contention.


B: God has established an order, a framework, within which there is a governing authority which provides peace and tran­quility.


H: Humanism teaches—Man’s peace and tranquility is within himself and therefore he is his own authority.


B: Men and women are different.


H: Humanism teaches—men and women are the same.


B: The family is the basic unit of society.  The family has re­sponsibilities to fulfill physical neces­sities.


H: Humanism teaches—the individual is the basic unit of society.  The society has responsibili­ties to fulfill the individual’s physical ne­cessities.


B: The legal age of majority is twenty-one years-old.


H: Humanism teaches—a child is able to determine his own best val­ues at any age. (Efforts are now being made to lower the age of statutory rape to 14 years old.)






B: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  (Forgiveness is required here.)


H: Humanism teaches—we are over populated and must stop having babies.  (Zero population growth and Planned parent­hood.)


B: Sex is a beautiful relationship between husband wife who have become one flesh.


H: Sex is a physical animal need that must be gratified in any way that the person deems best.


B: The sovereignty of each nation to govern itself.


H: Humanism teaches—one-world system ruled by an intellectual elite.  (The Humanists.)


B: There are absolute rights and wrongs, therefore:

A. Guilt and shame result when a person does something wrong (sin) according to that which is written (the law).

B. Forgiveness and/or punishment relieves guilt and shame.


H: Humanism teaches—there are no absolute rights and wrongs, therefore:

A. No guilt and shame exist because no one can do any wrong (sin).  Wrong (sin) does not exist, therefore guilt and shame should not exist.

B. No need for forgiveness and/or punishment.


B: Certain, absolute moral values: Incest is wrong.


H: Humanism teaches uncertain, amoral values: Incest is OK.


B: Prostitution is wrong.


H: Prostitution is OK.


B: Abortion-on-demand is wrong.


H: Abortion-on-demand is OK.


B: Homosexuality (sodomy) is wrong.


H: Homosexuality (sodomy) is OK.


B: Lesbianism (sodomy) is wrong.


H: Lesbianism (sodomy) is OK.


B: Sex outside marriage (fornication, adultery, etc.) is wrong.


H: Sex outside marriage (fornication, adultery, etc.) is OK.


B: Masturbation is wrong.


H: Masturbation is OK.


B: Public nudity is wrong.


H: Public nudity is OK.


B: Sensuality and sexual intercourse should be in private.


H: Sensuality and sexual intercourse in public is OK.


B: Pornography is wrong.


H: Pornography is OK.


B: Use of drugs is wrong.


H: Use of drugs is OK.  (Working to change narcotics laws.)


B: Suicide is wrong.


H: Suicide is OK and is encouraged.


B: Killing of old people and sick persons (euthanasia) is wrong.


H: Killing of old people and sick persons (euthanasia) is OK and is encouraged.


B: Masochism and sadism is wrong.

H: Masochism and sadism is OK.


Continuation of quoting: This is by no means the complete list.


In Humanist Magazine (Nov./Dec. 1980) author Riane Eisler says: “It is absurd to say...that one is a humanist but not a femi­nist...feminism is the last evolutionary development of human­ism.  Femi­nism is humanism on its most advanced level.”  Riane Eisler wrote THE EQUAL RIGHTS (ERA) HANDBOOK.


Karl Marx’s own definition of Humanism reads: “Humanism is the denial of God, and the total af­firmation of man...Humanism is really nothing else but Marxism.”—Karl Marx, ECONOMIC POLITIQUE ET PHILOSOPHIE, VOL. I, PAGES 38-40.


“Soviet society today is the real embodiment of the ideas of pro­letarian, socialist humanism.”—On the Policy of the Soviet Union and the International Situation by Leonid Brezhnev, pre­pared by the Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, Moscow—Doubleday & Co., Inc., Gar­den City, N.Y. 1973, page 27.




Does all this mean that you are going to have to change your at­titudes before God will lift you off your place in time of extreme change?  YES.  INDEED YES!


What you are being given in the current PLEIADIAN CON­NECTIONS series is the Truth of how life WORKS.  You will find that the physical is only related to that which is SENSED.  Spiritual is that which is KNOWN.  The two are hardly con­nected except that the physical body is an exten­sion of the eter­nal Mind—for use of that mind in a physical environment—to serve.


Attitudes such as those considered “OK” in your slang terminol­ogy are simply not acceptable be­haviors in the higher experience where the “body physical” is a most unimportant portion of ex­perience.  SENSED existence is a very “primal/primitive” state of Being.


To my beloved writer who feels me to be cruel and harsh be­cause I question that her work is solely that of a projection of Sananda:


There are many passages which are incorrect and Sananda makes no errors except in the “testing” of the writer.  It cannot pass into the public.  There is, for instance, where Sananda pro­claims that mas­turbation is not only wholesome but necessary.  NO, that is an atti­tude of MAN.  Is masturbation evil?  It de­pends on the intent!  It is certainly NOT SOMETHING MANDATORY TO GOOD HEALTH.  I cannot sanction such a projection as coming directly from God for it simply is not so!  Does this lessen the writer?  NO, only the perception.  It is very hard for mankind to come into clarity and accurate perception.  Does this make the book evil and the au­thor unworthy?  No, it only means that the author is a human and that the book must not be published AS GIVEN DIRECTLY OF GOD—THAT, DEAR ONES, IS WHAT IS IN­CORRECT ABOUT YOUR BIBLICAL REFERENCES—THEY HAVE BEEN TAM­PERED BY MAN TO SUIT THE BELIEF OF MAN.


Any Earth person can publish anything they please and many are worthy of great note—how­ever, if publishing is IN THE NAME OF DIRECT STATEMENT AND RULES FROM GOD—NO.  It, fur­ther, is my responsibility to sort the two.  Does this make the human author less my friend?  Do I become cast out as a friend because I stop the flow of erroneous mate­rial?  Would you consider me a friend to allow publication of material which is NOT correct to go forth and the soul of even ONE be misled?


The point is not in worthiness of either the writing or the per­son.  The point is that no informa­tion which deviates to the iota from that which is the Truth of God is not of God di­rectly.  Those are errors perpetrated by the rest of us.  Moreover, it has naught to do with the subject in point in actuality—it has every­thing to do with growth and understanding of the au­thor.


Speaking FOR AND AS DIRECT DISCOURSE FROM GOD (and that is who Sananda IS) can only be brought through a willing non-participant writer.  I say non-participant because it must be someone willing to write that which THEY MAY OR MAY NOT SANC­TION—AC­CORDING TO THE LAW, NO PREFERENCE OF HOW YOU WISH IT TO BE OR AS MAN HAS WARPED IT.  We are not speaking of afternoon tea time reading material—WE ARE GIVING YOU THE LAWS OF HIGHER PLACEMENT WHEREBY YOU WILL BE AL­LOWED TO JOIN THE HIGHER BROTHERS IN SECURITY AND SAFETY—FOR IN THE PLACES PREPARED FOR YOU, LITTLE BROTHERS—YOU WILL FUNCTION BY OUR RULES OR YOU WILL NOT COME ABOARD!  THAT IS INCLUSIVE OF PLAN­ETS, STARS, HEAVENLY REALMS AND MY STARSHIP—WHICH BY THE WAY—IS FAR LARGER THAN IS YOUR PLANET EARTH!  I care not what YOU think about the “hereafter”—I KNOW what is there and I know about the prepared places and little human of Earth will abide by the Laws as laid forth and practiced by those where and with whom you will be placed—OR, you will be left to your own demise.


This simply is the way it IS and I cannot change it to suit your hurt feelings or arguments—WHAT IS—IS!  WHO ARE YOU TO DE­MAND ANYTHING?  So be it—however, your Earth Shan gets in worse and worse condition, run by total chaos and insanity so, if I were you, I would begin to consider these points most carefully in­deed.


In the Oneness with God, I am Hatonn.


Nov. 9, 2011