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WEDNESDAY, AUG. 14, 1991   4:31 P.M.   YEAR 4, DAY 363



Germain present—allow us just to “bite the bullet” and get on with this subject.  This is one spe­cific Truth which was in the Holy Bible and removed in later translations.  This is WHY I find it difficult for people to fail to appreciate that there are changes which have been rendered throughout the years to your accepted Holy Books.


I fail to see HOW one can claim the Christ “Jesus” by any name can have been crucified, go somewhere to prepare a place for you, as­cend and come back—AND YOU ONES REFUSE TO EVEN CON­SIDER REINCARNATION—YOU CANNOT HAVE ONE WITH­OUT THE OTHER!!!  Further, what do you plan to do with those bodies which will be “raptured” as pro­claimed by the evangelists?  To have bodies in another “space of dimensional” placement means incarnation someplace and since you are already incarnate in one place, to move to an­other in­dicates RE-INCARNATION.  Truth shall be given herein and you will simply do with it that which you will.




Reincarnation is incredibly difficult to explain to people of this age because the concepts of this age in the unfolding of man are still too primitive for anyone to comprehend many facts of Na­ture which are beyond their limited range of sensing.  That ex­tremely limited range of sensing of this early stage of man’s un­folding is his great handicap to comprehension of this principle.  When people say casually to us: “Do you believe in reincarna­tion?  Please tell me about it,” we shud­der at the task for it is impossible to explain reincarnation to any­body whose concepts of bodies, and life and death of bodies, are what people of the present age think they are.


Many of the previous lessons were written to build new concepts of Nature’s workings which would make this most obvious fact of Na­ture understandable.  In these lessons, we made it clear that all bod­ies, whether thought-bodies or material bodies such as sounds, ani­mals, suns or galaxies—are but light-waves.  All previous lessons were devoted to the purpose of building new concepts, such as the duality of bodies, as a basis for a better understanding of the as yet un­known facts of reincarnation.  These new concepts of the polar­ization of bodies into con­centrated and decentrated, visible and in­visible mate pairs which interchange their polarity forever in repet­itive cy­cles, are the first steps in peering behind the scenes of God’s work­shop where the making of bodies takes place.  You are begin­ning to know how God builds visible bodies by compressing long waves of low potential into short high ones and then re­verses that process so that visible ones again become invisible.  Science has practiced that method of compressing waves but does not KNOW that it has been practicing it.  Science merely says, “Matter seem­ingly emerges from space and is then swal­lowed up by space, but it may be that man will never be able to solve this great mystery of the creative process of mat­ter.”  We will slowly build up a complete ex­planation of this process of Nature.  Please bear with us.






1.   Consider this thought.  Place a glass of water on your gar­den wall some sunny morn­ing.  When you go to see it in the af­ternoon, that body of water is not there.  You do not say that the water is dead.  You say it has disappeared, and you know WHY it has dis­appeared and WHERE it is.  You know that it has but changed its potential from its dense visible con­dition to its expanded invisible condition.  That visible body of water which occupied six cu­bic inches has evaporated into a much larger body of invisible vapors which now occupy a space of six thousand cubic inches.  You know that even though that body of water has dis­appeared, it does not cease to exist.  You know that it still has a body—not the same kind of body—not one which you could drink or wash your hands in—but still it has a body.  It might even become visible as a cloud and dis­appear again.  You might also breathe in part of it mixed in the air you use.  You don’t think of it, however, as having ceased to be, for you know it will come again when cold air contracts it to its dense concentrative polar condition.  When rain fills that empty cup, you can say that it has repeated its condition as water.  Then when it again becomes vapor, you can again say that it has repeated its con­dition as vapor.  That is what polarization and depolarization, or concentration and de­centration, mean.


If you totally disregard the thought of repetition of its two oppo­site conditions and sub­stitute the thought of the eternal continuity of that body of water which forever appears within the range of your vision, then disappears beyond that range for an interval be­fore it again reappears, you will have taken the first simple step to­ward a comprehension of the se­quential in­terchange of visible bodies with their invisible counterparts.  That realization is what we must now impress upon you until you fully re­alize that each interval of time between the disap­pearance and reappearance of any body is not a discontinuance of the body—it is merely a “blackout” of your senses.  When things disappear from your vision or your hearing, they have not ceased to be.  They are not “dead”.  And when they reap­pear within your vision or hearing, they are not reborn to life.  They have but again come within your range of vision and hearing.


Together with the above realization, you must fix in your Con­sciousness that the Soul of that disappeared body still IS—and in that Soul is the same desire that created the disappeared body.  That de­sire of the Soul to unfold the form of an idea will cause it to reap­pear, again to unfold, forever and forever as a continuity which is forever changing but never ceases.




2.   We must exemplify this thought to make it a part of your knowing.  Consider, there­fore, a body of sound that you create by talking.  When the sound ceases, it is not “dead”.  You no longer hear it—but if there is a cliffside up the valley and you have talked loudly enough, your voice will again be heard as it condenses into small waves by impacting against the cliff.  It is the same voice and the same sound continued out into its spatial coun­terpart.  It is still living.  It is a con­tinuity of itself.  It is the same sound extended from the point of desire where its body-form was created.  You call it an echo.  It is just as appropriate to call it a mirror, for sound-waves are light which reflect light.




3.   Consider this same sound being again brought into appear­ance three thousand miles away by the condenser of your radio which shortens the lengthened waves to the dimensions created by you when you spoke them.  Again we say they were not “dead” when they disap­peared three thousand miles away from their birth.  They but disappeared from the range within which your senses were able to perceive them.  No matter where upon this Earth you set your condenser to restore the dimensions of those sound-bodies to their original wave lengths and frequen­cies, you will hear those sounds again in their original pattern and identity.  Let us say that the words were spoken by Bush or Reagan at their point of desire, then Bush or Rea­gan’s identity was “reincarnated”—or “reborn”—or “repeated”—wherever they newly appeared.  It was the same voice—same pat­tern—same characteristics in every respect wherever re-con­densed into reappearance.




These facts are true to Natural Law, and you are not correct when you use the terms death—birth—disappearance—repetition—reappear­ance—or reincarnation.  How can you be correct in the use of such terms when you know that there is a continuity of such bodies—and that noth­ing has changed in them but their di­mensions and their po­larity?Likewise, if their recognized identity and pattern were that of Churchill who spoke them—or Paderewski who played them—or Caruso who sang them—why, then, should you question whether or not you lose your indi­viduality when the body which you call John Doe refolds into its seed, as all bodies do, whether mineral, veg­etable or animal, as you shall be shown a bit later.  The seed of min­eral life is the zero element known as the inert gases.


All bodies are the result of desire of Mind to create bodies.  Desire of Mind is eternal—there­fore all bodies are eternal in their continu­ity.  We should not even say that they are eternally repetitive—for “repetition” is suggestive of discontinuous inter­vals between each repetition.  When night comes, you no longer see the distant moun­tain.  Your range of vision does not permit you to see through the dark.  In the morning, the mountain reappears within your range of vision—but you do not think of it as another mountain, reborn—nor do you think of it as a repeti­tion.  You think of it as a continuity, for the mountain has never ceased to be.  In fact if there is an earth­quake in the night which changes the mountain it is not a different “thing”.  You must see that the same is true of the flower which dis­appears into its inert gas seed.  It is a continuity, however, for it again unfolds from its seed to relive.  How can you say that it has stopped living?  You can only say it has stopped manifesting life by RESTING.

All dynamic bodies manifest life through action, but who can say that you, and even myself whom you cannot visualize, are not mani­festing life while resting—or simply because you can­not see me?


If you desire to know what happens to your bodies after death, and if you wish to thoroughly understand the illusion of reincar­nation, you must first thoroughly understand what we mean by the term “reversal of potential”.  And you must also know what is meant by the term “cycles”.





POSTULATE NO. 1:All bodies are continuous.  They never cease.  They merely re­verse their potential TWICE in every CY­CLE of their eternal journey within and beyond the range of your sensing by compressing into visibility and then expanding into their in­visible seed-recordings.


POSTULATE NO. 2:All bodies are expressed in cycles.  A cycle is a continuous two-way spiral journey from the ex­panded condi­tion of a body to its opposite compressed condi­tion and back again to its expanded condition.  A most fa­miliar example of a cy­cle is DAY and NIGHT.  Each is the op­posite half of the other, such as one’s breathing.


You will understand these postulates better by exemplifying them.  The disappearance of a glass of water into vapor and its return is one kind of an example which you will find diffi­culty in har­monizing with reincarnation.  Let us take an entirely dif­ferent type of example which you should more readily associate with reincarnation but they are the same in principle.


Instead of the glass of water, let us substitute a tree, an oak.  It does not evaporate in order to disappear; it decays by heat and decay is just another word of exactly the same meaning but with a different connotation.  Both demonstrate Nature’s manner of disappearing by expand­ing.  The element of time also makes it difficult to see both effects as one.  The water returns quickly.  It may rain the next mo­ment, but the oak tree which has disap­peared will not stand there again as the tree you saw for fifty years.  Now comes the question, “Where is the water after it disap­peared and where is the oak?”  That is equivalent to the old, seemingly unanswer­able question: “Where do I go when I die?”  Further, as the seed (acorn) is again planted and grows, it does not grow into a rose bush, nor a frog or dog or rock—and neither will you for your seed is of human and you will be re­born in the same format in whatever level of dimensional growth is suitable.  If the acorn is transported to Mars and has facil­ities for growth—it will pro­duce the oak of itself with the same ge­netic DNA as it was in its original tree.


Let us consider this.  The glass of water rose up into the heav­ens as vapor.  What do we mean by the word “heavens” in this respect?  We mean the low potential gases into which all high poten­tial bodies disappear.  The glass of water did not go all the way to absolute zero for it was not fully dead.  It had lowered its potential and sought a balancing position of lower po­tential in the direction of zero potential which we have diagrammed in a later portion.  Now, what about the oak?  Wherein lies the dif­ference?  The oak has expanded com­pletely into its own iden­tity-record in the zero universe which is its Soul-seed.  Can you not see that the oak had but re­folded in its zero record to rest from the long years of action of body building?  And can you not see that its reappearance as rebirth is but a re-emergence of the same oak?  If you plant an acorn from the oak which died in your garden, you will again see it there alive.  In your medita­tion, ask yourself if death is what you thought it was.  Did the oak die?  Did it “go anywhere” af­ter it died?  Do you “go any­where” when you die each night to rest, or at the end of a life cycle to rest?  Do you believe that the oak ever discontinued?  How could you when you have seen it come back?  Moreover, if it had strange character­istics, so shall the new growth from its acorn.  You know it was the same oak for you planted the folded up seed of it in your garden yourself.


In the same sense, how do you know that the child playing in your neighbor’s garden is not your own grandmother or even your own daughter?  When you know more about the oneness of man, you will more clearly comprehend the possibility of such a happening.




Daylight is but light compressed.  Can you logically say that in­visible night-light is dead?  Can you truthfully say that only those things which respond to your senses are living and those oth­ers which are beyond your sensing are dead?


Why, then, do you even have to ask yourselves if you believe in reincarnation or do not be­lieve in it?  A human being is one unit of an imperishable, eternal idea.  His body manifests that idea.  When his body disappears, it passes beyond his sensing but his identity, as IDEA, is as continu­ous as eternity is continuous.  I can take you one step further and tell you that the form is just as visible to us in this dimension as it was to you in yours.  It is never changed in the vi­sion or idea of God, its source.

In August, you can pick apples from a certain tree.  In October, you cannot, but when August again comes, you can again pick apples from that particular early fruiting tree.  Nature refolds everything which has unfolded from it back into its seed but Nature again un­folds it forever and ever, on planet after planet, throughout eternity.  Where, then, is that thing which we call death and rebirth?  Are they not just two points in the same journey?


You think of life as beginning at birth and ending in death.  You have not yet learned to think of it as a continuity such as the cy­cle of a piston stroke in an expansion-contraction engine—yet one is as continuous as the other.  At middle life, your genera­tive power re­verses.  You then BEGIN to “die” just as you BE­GAN to “live” forty years ago.  At that reversal point your visi­ble bodies BEGIN to manifest their invisible halves.  They are still visible for another thirty or forty years before they pass be­yond your range of visibility at that point which you call “death”.  Likewise, they are still work­able as mechanical bodies for many years after the power to pump your visible bodies into their dense forms weakens to the point where you have to give back to Earth and space all that you have BORROWED from it.


Another big question is what happens if one is not allowed to live his life through, such as dying in childhood or being killed in war, if such a one is deprived of the advantages which those have who have completed their life cycles.  Nature balances all of her divided cy­cles.  If the visible body “disappears” at twenty years of age, it means only that the whole life cycle is short­ened.  The in­visible half of the body shortens its rest period to balance the shortening of the “work” period.  The youth who is killed “reincarnates” sooner than he otherwise would.


Remember, always, that the time element in every cycle of ev­ery kind throughout all Creation is equally divided between its opposed halves.  The two reversal points are equal.  Action and reac­tion of compressing and expanding halves of bodies are equal.  Your in­breathing period is equal to your outbreathing pe­riod.  If a man gen­erates his concentrated body toward “life” for ten—twenty—thirty or fifty years to manifest God by “work”, he must decentrate the other half of his body for an equal period to manifest God through rest.  That is law.  The compression pe­riod of every cycle must be fol­lowed by an equal expansion pe­riod.  There is no exception to this law, so that any shortening of any life cycle by destruction of one half of it is balanced in the other half.  The next couple of subjects will make this prin­ciple more clear to you as we proceed with fur­ther unfolding of the continuity of the opposite expressions of life which you wrongly call “life” and “death”.  These are NOT TWO; they are ONE.


I would like to point out the purpose of devastating famines and abortions and the like which take the babies.  These are not only allowed but are encouraged by the evil adversary for the facts are that the Godly “seeds” are seeking reborning into the dimension of the physical in order to serve their growth purposes.  The point of the Elite anti-God factions is to prevent as many making entrance and killing off massive numbers is fully visible if you but look at it.  You have overpopulated a planet by 5 and 1/2 billion (minimum) and yet, these energies are often of the masses already “captured” by the physical in­tent adversary.  It is very little different than Herod killing all babies to prevent the Christ from liv­ing.  It is known that the children of God through the cosmic brotherhood are coming forth and the point is to STOP THEIR SURVIVAL!




Both halves of your bodies eternally live.  They never die.  There is no death in the universe anywhere nor in anything.  God lives.  God’s universe is a living universe.


You might say, well, do we always rebirth the same?  Yes and no.  The spirit or refolded seed is absolutely the SAME—the presentation may be, say, male or female—which is only a fabri­cation of the physical manifestation as are other changed dy­namics of the body it­self depending upon impacts of physical measures.  Let us say you plant a hydrangea plant in acid soil—it will produce pink blossoms.  If you plant it in alkaline soil is produces blue and yet the seed will be of the same plant and may even bear deformities of the parent.  That does not mean it changes into a rose or a poppy.


Your bodies “work” for a while, then they relax and rest before working again.  But relaxation is not “death”.  The cyclic heart­beat of this living universe works for one-half of its pulsebeat.  It relaxes during the other half—but each expresses the continuity of life.  Your bodies “work” at manifesting God during the pos­itive half of their body cycle.  They then relax—decentrate—into the negative half of their bodies to RENEW THEIR POWER again to manifest God through work.  Your bodies are thought-wave recordings of God’s thinking through your thinking.  God’s thinking is continuous—therefore, the recording of God’s thinking is con­tinuous.


Please look back at our first book speaking of your Pleiades connectionsand you will see a whole chart breakdown of these phases, or cycles.  There comes one void­ance point where ALL IS AT REST.


There is no gap, no void, in any other portion of the cycling, to in­terrupt the absolute continu­ity of every effect of motion into its op­posite effect.  The CAUSE of all EFFECT is eternal.  If there were any gap, or void, or discontinuity in EFFECT, CAUSE could not be eternal.


Your present limited range of perception has borne the idea of dis­continuity in you.  Your con­cept of “death” is one of the re­sults of that gap in your range of perception.  But you MUST re­consider and come into understanding of this cycling before you can move into the next dimen­sion of experience.




The Soul is the fulcrum from which the polarized lever of mo­tion extends to manifest a polar­ized body.  All bodies are di­vided; there­fore, all bodies are polarized.  A polarized body means a body which is divided into two seemingly separate male and female parts because of two oppo­site conditions which cause that seeming sepa­rateness.  The whole universal body is polar­ized into mate pairs.  It is also multiplied into compressed light-waves of matter which you can see and into ex­panded waves which you cannot see.


A good example of a polarized body is a storage battery.  When it is being charged with light cur­rent, it is compressing.  When it being discharged, it is expanding.  To compress is to po­larize.  To expand is to depolarize.  Man’s storage batteries can be­come depolarized, or at rest, but they can be awakened in the morning fully charged with dynamic energy.


Nature’s storage batteries can become depolarized but cannot die in the sense that they have come to an end.  Nature’s stor­age batteries are bodies.  They automatically recharge as you automatically re­breathe.  Every body in Nature is a permanent live storage battery.  Every body consists of dense matter sur­rounding a center of gravity which controls its density.  Ev­ery body periodically disappears into the zero of space and reap­pears into the visibility of matter.


God is LIFE.  In Him there is not death.  Bodies manifest that which their Creator IS.  Bodies are as eternal as the ideas which they manifest are eternal.  That still point fulcrum of de­sire which moti­vates every body is eternally present in every body.  It is the Soul which centers every body in the universe from giant star to a speck of dust on a butterfly’s wing.





I believe you will find this easier to digest if we break it into two sit­tings at this point.  When we write again we shall take up the supreme mystery of the ages which will continue on the subject.


Thank you.



OCTOBER  9, 2011