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TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1991   1:43 P.M.   YEAR 4, DAY 362



Everything in Nature which is strong and substantial is SIM­PLE.  Complexity always weak­ens.  Your life, your business, your home, and especially your thinking are strong and sub­stantial when simple.  The beginning of unnecessary complexity is the beginning of the un­dermining of the structure which it is erected upon.  We shall en­large upon this idea to vastly aid you in re­moving all limitations from your life by making you KNOW how you can build it to any height of power you desire without being handicapped by the lack of knowledge from which doubts, fears, pessimism and other negative effects retard your growth.


We will look at the principles of this idea, both scientifically and philosophically.  All science textbooks contain a universally ac­cepted law which is as follows: “Action and reaction are equal and oppo­site.”  We have added to that the fact that action and reaction are si­multaneous in their expression as well as equal.  That is something which has not yet been recognized even though it is the very basis of polarity.


You do not know your power.  Proof of this lies in the fact that you have not used more than two percent of your power at your stage of unfolding.  What you desire will not only be granted to you but it is already yours, and always has been, even though you have not yet known it.


Bearing in mind the statements made in previous lessons and as­suming that you fully compre­hend them, we shall now modify the above law by clothing it in other words as follows:  EV­ERY AC­TION IS ITS OWN REACTION.  This means that when you per­form any action, you have al­ready created its equal and op­posite re­action.  If, for example, you have just hurt someone, you are also EQUALLY hurt yourself.


Actions are necessary to give physical bodies to Mind-desires.  The DESIRE must precede the ac­tion but the thought-body of a mind-desire can never have a physical body without being followed by physical action.  If your action is in balance with your desire, the reaction will also be.  Likewise, if your desire is of majestic mea­sure and your action is in the measure of your desire, you will pro­duce a material body of majestic mea­sure.  You cannot help doing so for the reaction to your action is as cer­tain to be the image of your majestic desire as that day follows night.


If you have allowed this idea to sink into your Soul until you KNOW it—not just BELIEVE it—you will now be ready to com­prehend an­other modification of this wonderful promise of our Fa­ther-Mother now following.  EVERY DESIRE OF MIND IS ALREADY MEN­TALLY FUL­FILLED.  When you actually know this, you are equipped for any achievement, whatso­ever, which is within Univer­sal Law.  KNOWING this within your Soul makes you able to see it ful­filled with your inner vision be­fore your body has started doing it.  You will then start doing it at once with the knowledge that you can complete it, for that in­ner vision will teach you how to do it in the doing of it.


The lesson that you should learn from this is that your desires and your actions should be BAL­ANCED.  They must both ex­press the life principle.  The slightest unbalanced note in your de­sire lessens it and then can negate it.


If your knowledge is strong, your desire can be without mea­sure.  If your desire is to move mountains, the mountains will be moved, but the slightest doubt, or fear, or the picturing of in­surmountable hur­dles, or pessimism arising from past failures, or hesitating because of lack of money, or any other species of doubt, whatsoever, means that the negation of your desire lessens the measure of your POSI­TIVE DESIRE WHICH IS BASED UPON KNOWING.  As God’s law is absolute, you cannot possibly evade distorting the pattern of your desire by even doubting the certainty of its fulfillment.  Strong men have no doubts or fears when they know their strength.  I would also suggest that you stop the foolish perception that if you want to move a mountain that all you should do is sit upon your backside and wait for God to move it for you.  Your own inner self will not allow you to believe such a thing—for God works WITH you and not FOR you.  I suggest you take the ideas as they come and possibly even get a shovel or a tea­spoon and begin to move the mountain—better ideas will come as the desire for better is strengthened and then you will find a way to get large earth­moving equipment, etc.  If there is no need to move the moun­tain in the first place—then why choose such a stupid thing upon which to test your faith?  Obviously, hardly any of

you will ac­tually wish to move a mountain—much less really DE­SIRE to have it moved!


But if you have a deep seated and REAL desire for a thing—such as becoming a pianist and you can not afford lengthy lessons by a mas­ter teacher—ask yourself, “Do I have enough to af­ford to strike the first note?”  If so—strike it and by that time, if your desire remains, you will be able to strike the second and third and so on.


When you have arrived at this stage of your knowing, you will have no desire which is for self alone.  That would be impossi­ble.  When you have become fully aware of your cosmic-Self, your very nature will be cosmic and will NOT be focused on SelfYour desires will be for the WHOLE and never for a portion, so will your creations be balanced like unto HIS.  The more you fully comprehend the in­finitely multiplied power you are bestowing upon your­self by losing your personal ego in your newly found UNIVERSALITY, the more you can dis­card past ages of body-sensing and glory in the ecstasy of your KNOW­ING.


The great Illuminates of all times have tried to give you this secret of their power in such words as: “He that findeth his life shall lose it, and he that loseth his life for My sake shall find it,” but their mean­ings have not been understood.  Not until the coming of Cos­mic Man could these teachings of Cosmic Conscious Messengers be even faintly understood.


These things we know—you should also know—that you cannot rise to the great heights of your own omnipotence until you know the true relationship between The One Light, which Mind IS, and the two lights, which bodies are.


Bear with us, therefore, for your own sake, when we tell you in great detail about such seem­ingly unimportant things as the vi­bration of a harp string.  As every effect of motion in the uni­verse has the same basic foundation in The Divine Trinity as every other effect, it is as important that you un­derstand the principle of multiplied and divided motion which lies be­hind the simple vibration of a harp string, and which lives and dies thousands of times in one second, as that you know about the same principle in a nebula which has but one life in hundreds of billions of years.





To point out the sameness of principle which lies back of every ef­fect of motion—and of the law which governs the making of material bodies from conceived thought-bodies—and of the princi­ple of desire which is already fulfilled at the moment of concentration upon de­sire—and the se­quential fulfillment by the action of giving your de­sire a material body—we will continue to am­plify the above by still continuing to use the example of the desire to give a material body to the musical tone of a silent harp string.


Let us, therefore, build the body of the idea of a musical tone, step by step, and as we build it let us fix within our Conscious­ness the fact that we build all other bodies in exactly the same man­ner.  That manner is God’s way of doing it and there is no other way—no variation of the process, whatsoever, whether it be a solar system built by God, a top which a boy builds for spinning, or an in­dustry built by man.


1.   First comes desire of Mind.  Desire is timeless.  Desire of Mind to create comes like a flash of inspired Light from knowing-Mind.  Desire to create always means a desire to give out from the centering Soul.  Desire to create is spir­itual and a spir­itual creation always gives out from a centering point of Omniscient, Omnipotent Light.  Do not confuse the spiritual desire to create bodies with the physical de­sire to TAKE something to continue the growth of a creating body.  Desire of the senses for the sur­vival of sensed-bodies is the process of lawfully receiving that which is regiven or of un­lawfully taking it for self alone.


2.   Desire of Mind to conceive an idea of Mind is imme­diately fulfilled for every sep­arate idea is a part of God’s One Whole Idea.  Therefore, you KNOW that your desire is already ful­filled as a mental conception because the WHOLE IDEA, of which your idea is a part, is already existent in the undivided universe of Mind.


3.   You now divide the idea by setting your concept in motion.  To set it in motion is to THINK it.  To think it is to sepa­rate what you want from the WHOLE.  You do not desire the WHOLE—you want only a part of the WHOLE.  All you want, and have asked for, is to pro­duce a musical note from the stillness of the whole uni­verse by building a body of sound for senses to hear with outer ears and Souls to hear with inner ears.


4.   The moment you extend what you KNOW to your di­vided lights which THINK what you know into thought-forms, you begin the WORK of building a body for your de­sire.  Remember always that God works WITH you and not FOR you.  You are a unit of His Creation.  Your Soul is God’s Soul.  Your hands are God’s hands.  To the extent of your awareness of this fact, you are either manifesting God by being UNIVER­SAL MAN and UNIVERSAL SOUL or just manifesting your own sensed-body.  Whichever you are shows in your work.  The thought-imaged bod­ies you create in your imag­inings have in them YOUR IMMOR­TALITY or your MORTALITY.


5.   Your concept now has a pattern, a thought-pattern which is a thought-body.  It is like the formless seed of a rose from which the full blown flower unfolds.  You must now give your idea a material body and that can be done only through ac­tion.  So I repeat: Your desire has already been fulfilled for that which you have de­sired already stands before you.  God has created it for you by creating the fir­mament which is His own body.  It is al­ready existent, awaiting you.  But you must reach forth and receive that which He has given you to fulfill your desire for “thy de­sire shall not walk the way to thee unaided by thy strong arms”!


6.   Now comes the necessity for bodily action.  You reach forth for the material to make your harp string.  From now on, the more you will keep before you a real­ization that EACH ACTION BORNS ITS OWN RE­ACTION, the easier becomes your task of building a body for your mu­sical tone or for the moving of a moun­tain.  The simul­taneity of ac­tion and reaction may be likened to a light projected into a mirror which is simulta­neously reflected from the mirror.  Every parti­cle of matter is a mirror which reflects its reverse im­age into another mirror—a per­fect holograph in every fragment.


The recoil of a gun is the simultaneous reaction to its explosive ac­tion.  A powerful discharge has a powerful recoil.  Powerful thoughts of men, likewise, bring powerful reactions.  Every re­flection or reaction is in reverse of its action, for it is by the si­multaneous action-reaction of desire that the universal equilib­rium is divided.


Just as you cannot polarize one end of a magnet without polar­izing the other end simultane­ously, you cannot perform any ac­tion which divides the undivided without creating both the ac­tion and its reac­tion simultaneously.


To walk, you must divide your balance.  You lose it to find it for again losing it, but that which you have lost is always awaiting you for you created both action and reaction simulta­neously.  That which you have lost is already yours.  “All down the ages it has been thine without thy knowing even though thou hast but just asked for it.”


You may walk to the ends of the earth WITH God; WITHOUT Him you can do nothing.  He will not do it FOR you WITH­OUT YOU.  That is what is meant by working knowingly WITH God.  He has prepared the way for you.  He has made the path for you up your own mountain but you must work with Him for the fulfillment of your desire to reach your mountain top.  The first step mo­tivates you for the next step by reborning desire for you for the next step.  If you look to the top of the mountain which you desire to climb, you may have much fear and doubt about sur­mounting it but you do not fear to take the first step, and many first steps taken without fear will take you gloriously to the very top of your own high mountain.  You only have to take one step at a time.


And so you put the material together, action by action given and re­action by reaction regiven, until you have created a body for your harp and a string for the tone you desire.  There it is.  You can now see it and feel it—but all down the aeons it has always been there awaiting your DESIRE, followed by your ACTION, to bring it into seeming being.  Do you realize this fact?  If you do, you can KNOW that anything else which you wish to bring into seeming being by giving it a transient body is within your limitless power.  There is your harp with one string on it of the tone you desire.  One string is one step toward completing all of the octaves of strings.  There it is, completed, BUT SILENT.


7.         Now you are ready to fulfill the last step of your de­sire, that of building a body of many sounds from your harp.  Again we repeat the fact that that de­sire is already fulfilled, for you KNOW the sounds and rhythmic tones that are within the si­lence of those strings.  You not only KNOW them but can imagine them as thought-bodies to life.  Until you act to give your idea a ma­terial body, it will still be existent as undivided IDEA but will not be ex­pressed in the di­vided universe of moving bodies.



Much meditation on the above thoughts will lead you to great con­clusions.  The fact that God will immediately grant your de­sire seems unbelievable.  And it IS unbelievable to those of you who misunderstand His way of working with youIf you inter­pret it to mean that whatever you deisre will come to you full grown and without effort on your part, then you do not un­derstand how it is that God works WITH you and not FOR you.  If you do understand His manner of working WITH you, step by step, then you must take that first step WITH Him in order to be given the power to take the next.  He whose desire has built a body for one harp string can be­come a master harpist if his desires are of that measure, and then be­come leader of a symphony or master composer if his desires and his knowing are sufficiently intense.  If you have any limitations, what­soever, you have yourself set them for yourself.  The universe is in­finitely extended and you are the universe.




When you look up into the heavens with a telescope, you see many nebulae which are like, or approximately like, the per­fectly balanced spiral nebula which you see edgewise in Fig. 23.  An edge view of another perfectly balanced nebula of the same type is the one in Fig. 24.  If you could see either of these from a direct side view, it would resemble Fig. 25.


The amazing idea which we wish to convey to you is that the little swirling sound bodies which you see indicated on the am­plitudes of every vibrating wave of a simple harp string are identical in every re­spect, except duration and volume, with these giant nebulae of the heavens.  Electrical engineers call them loops of force.  They appear at every wave amplitude.


Your own Milky Way is one of these giant nebulae.  Your solar system is as a speck of dust within it.  Hundreds of millions of stars constitute your Milky Way nebula, all at such vast dis­tances from each other that the farther ones resemble milky clouds.  Even from where you stand upon your little Earth and look out into your neb-ula, you see such brilliant stars as Sirius, Vega, Capella, Arcturus and hundreds more just like them, all separated from each other by trillions of miles.


It would seem incredible that the little spiral “pinwheels” which bal­ance—and complete—every sound vibration are the same in principle and construction as those of solar and nebula wave-vi­brations, but that is the amazing fact of Nature.  Nature has but one system of mechanics for “dividing the undivided” and “conditioning the un­conditioned” and that is the same in mi­crocosmic waves or macro­cosmic ones.  All matter is wound up tight by concentrative think­ing and unwound by decentrative thinking.


The journey from rest to rest and back again is always a spiral one.  Centripetal force com­presses in­ward from without to cre­ate hot suns, and centrifugal force thrusts outward from within to expand them into cold gases.


The same forces which create the stars of the heavens create the cells of your body.  For this reason, what we shall be telling you as we continue, for which I am now laying a founda­tion, is of vast import in knowing how to create a per­fect body for yourself, a per­fect busi­ness or perfect social rela­tionship—as well as to create masterpieces of perfection in whatever you give out from yourself to the world.  The more you comprehend the principle of BAL­ANCE in Nature, the more you can control it in vi­talizing your own body and the products of your Mind.


Figure 23[SEE BELOW]

Figure 24 & 25 [SEE BELOW]



The reason I have stressed this one balanced form of the spiral neb­ula of the wave in the heav­ens and in the harp string is be­cause that position in the wave is one of perfect polarity and per­fect spherical form for all the suns in such a perfected system whose equators co­incide with the plane of its nucleal giant sun.  This is not true of any of the planets of solar systems within any nebula, for planets are born from rings which extend from the balanced equatorial planes of their father-mother suns and soon lose their perfectly spherical forms and begin to oblate.


Mercury, for example, is the only planet which revolves very nearly in true plane of its solar equator.  Very soon after planets mature to true spheres, after the prolating process of winding them up has been completed, they begin to die by the opposite process of prolating, which is to oblate, as all of your planets are doing in progressive stages the farther they spiral out into space.


Your earth Shan has spiraled so far away from its balancing plane of gravity—which the sun’s equator is—that its axis of ro­tation is tilted some 23 degrees from the plane of the solar axis.  You can best vi­sualize this by remembering how the hoop you may have rolled in your child­hood wobbled unsteadily if you did not keep it rolling steadily at an angle of 90 degrees from the ground.  That is the way planets die and, also, as all other bod­ies die.


When axes of rotation are not 90 degrees from the planes of their equators, such as the axis which runs through your partic­ular Earth at 23 degrees from its pole of rotation, the planet is dying just as a wobbling top is dying.  That pole which always wobbles on a spin­ning top, or hoop, when it revolves out of bal­ance with it equatorial plane is GRAVITY expressing its func­tion of division of force by the process of expansion of direct bodies to their planes of rest, which is the unwinding process of Nature.  The winding process is just the opposite.  Compression increases the angle of gravity from the plane of rest, as the ground is in relation to a hoop or top, and compression multi­plies speed and power for the hoop or top to stand up­right.


That principle of balance which gravity controls by multiplying mo­tion into high potential, or cold into white-hot heat, is the same prin­ciple you make use of in generating your nebulous ideas into per­fectly matured and balanced workable forms.  When you cease con­centrating upon your desire to create formed bodies to manifest YOU or your IDEA, gravity then ex­pands and formed bodies wob­ble in their unsteady spiral paths to the zero from which they sprang.


Let us take a rest break for our next subject is the most difficult of all subjects—the idea of rein­carnation and I would appreciate close attention and understanding about that which we shall speak.  Thank you.


Germain to stand aside.  Good afternoon



FIGURES 24 and 25


Oct. 7, 2011