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TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1991   8:15 A.M.   YEAR 4, DAY 362

TUESDAY,  AUGUST 13,  1991

In the wonder of a new day upon your place may we be ever humble and grateful for the oppor­tunity to serve for that which we do is both important and indeed urgent.  I come in the Mighty I Am Presence who has called me unto this mission.  I come only in the wondrous beauty of His Radiance of which no other thing needs more.  I bring those same blessings and gifts unto you, my precious brothers with whom I am honored to share.


As we begin a new JOURNAL I ask that you readers please tarry with the forebrought lessons for it is critical that you UN­DERSTAND that which we bring.


Ones continually ask, “HOW can I raise vibrations?”—”How can I be sure I have passage?”—”How and why is this or that mani­fested and WHAT is evil—WHAT is Satan—What is God????”  Herein are your answers as directly as they can be given.  I am distressed that these books are not being set to audio tape as quickly as I would ask—but you readers, and myself, must real­ize the tremendous load upon these few in this place.  I do, herein, ask that we move quickly in set­ting the “Connections” to audio tape and then, all of the JOUR­NALS as quickly as is pos­sible.  Also, there is great need for the Expresses to be put to tape for man of today has not the time to read such quantities of material.  A person can listen very ably while in transportation or other tasks.  It is imperative that we make this extra effort.  We need no pro­fessional readers as such—just good readers who are fluent and will clear of their space and allow us who author to come within and speak through them.  It is the ENERGY given forth that causes ones to listen—not the words.


This is the ONLY place wherein I see an advanced “education” help­ful—in recognizing words which may not be used in the ev­ery-day speaking conversations.  So be it.  We want no critics—just verbatim as written—directly as written with as little per­sonal opinion as is possible.  If there is a portion with which the reader takes exception—do not allow temptation to “change” a word—there may be a very important message in that one word for a specific one.  You need no fancy equipment or special rooms—you are people living in a world—just a separate room where there are few distractions and a simple duplicating recorder.


I prefer using a male voice simply because the male tonal range is far more easily understood in, say, an automobile and/or where there are other sounds in the place.  I leave it again in your able hands but the longer we do not have the available re­source the longer it shall take to get this information out unto the people.  We have had many offers from ones most willing to give contribution unto God’s work and this may be the very place where they can serve.


It this is done, then it will be necessary for another to “listen”—but that can be done by ones who are practiced of ear but prefer to not speak.  Thank you, for your brethren are waiting.  There are ones such as Dr. Coleman who have remarkably clear and interesting voice accent.  I only ask that we move smartly along for you are a long way behind now and WE ARE NOT GOING TO SLOW THE PACE FOR ANY MAN!  So be it.


We will, herein, again take up consideration of the making of bodies which appear and disap­pear to LIVE and DIE from the point of view of simplicity.  Let us recall, as heretofore stated, that all that God does is make bodies to manifest His all-know­ing.  Also, as we have stated, that is all YOU do.


We again emphasize the fact that all bodies are but states of mo­tion—living-dying states of mo­tion—generating-degenerating states of mo­tion which arise from rest and have to keep mov­ing very fast to simulate the idea of life.  As long as they move fast enough in a centripetal direction, they have living bodies, but as they reverse to the outward, centrifugal direction, they lose their bodies.  Please re-read this.  To increase their speed, they must have energy enough to grow by working.  To stop working is to decay.  It is YOU who gives them that en­ergy—and it is YOU who takes it away.  Take note even as with the elderly of body—the minute you stop your “work”/”play” you become “old”, “senile” and await “death”.  It is just as with allowing the body to stop serving you through indiscre­tion—it degenerates and withers into uselessness.  It will serve you as long as you com­mand it to do so and give it that which it needs to adequately sustain self.


As man grows older he deliberately begins to deplete the body in ex­pectation of death and it be­gins to wear itself out just as a piece of machinery or a motor without oil, water and fuel.  You cannot run a car on dishwater—neither can you run a body with­out fuel.  It can be any­thing which furnishes the proper ingredi­ents—unto the very pill form, but it needs specific things or it perishes for want of them.  How long would your car run with­out oil?  Then why do you expect your physical machine to run without minerals and vitamins, etc., in proper ra­tio?  Does this need be elaborate or greatly “different”?  No, just rounded and inclusive—it is preferable to NOT make a “big” thing of it for then the ritual replaces the deficiency.  Let me exam­ple—if the joints become painful and stiff—they will NEVER heal unless they have some additional substance which is missing.  Let us say that there is inflammation and deterioration of the sheathing struc­ture—try zinc additive and it will heal along with adding some anti-oxi­dant intake to stop over-oxidation of the cells.  This does not mean great changes in the diet nor much added ef­fort, just give the body a reservoir from which it can draw its needs.  I ac­tually prefer that ones do not go on strict and re­strictive diets for the diet becomes the plague and the body is in your command—COMMAND IT!  SUPPLY IT WITH THE THINGS IT NEEDS AND COMMAND IT TO UTILIZE THEM.  IF YOU PREFER TO BE INVALID AND ILL—SO BE IT FOR THAT IS A CHOICE OF THE MIND AND THE BODY IS ONLY OBEYING COMMAND.  THE CHOICE IS ALWAYS YOURS.  Man notably uses disability to gain a ful­fillment of mental needs.  Further, there are very few vitamins and min­erals which can injure by too much quantity—for the body is trained to service those items.  There are some which, like a given food, will poi­son in quantity—surely you can know the dif­ference!  It is as with the tryptophan, however, of a few months back—the prob­lem was not through the tryptophan—it was in the preparation of the supplement.  I ask you to stop your foolishness.  Especially in America you have begun to love your rituals more than wellness.


As you grow in mental command—you will find the body re­sponds to your command no matter what it has for it will even learn to glean substance from the air, but it is YOU who has to come into the knowledge.


There is something you will also discover—the very ones who need this information will refuse to take time, find time or ac­tually sim­ply refuse to read it, much less, use it.  It is the way man hides be­hind ignorance.  I repeat something we have said before—Dharma lives a full life outside this writing and she is the ONLY one writing so that we can guard against pushing material throughoo fast for the readers.  We KNOW, THEREFORE, THAT IF SHE CAN PHYSICALLY WRITE IT—YOU CAN, IF YOU WANT TO BADLY ENOUGH, READ IT!  IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO—YOU WILL NOT NO MATTER WHAT WE DO WITH IT.  It is up to you what else you do for there are hundreds of books for your reading for con­firmation and we urge you to read EVERYTHING and then choose—we cannot help it if YOU do not!


We select no groups, colors, creeds nor places—so it is up to you that which you do.


I would like to use an example to you ones who proclaim that we single out the “Jews” and make references to surnames, etc.  Would you feel the same way if your name would be Goldberg if the Chi­nese were doing the same thing to your world that the self-pro­claimed mini-state of Is­rael is doing—especially to the U.S., and we referred to Chou Ping as being “a good Chinese name” and Chou Ping was responsible for claiming $80 billion from you in Chi­nese Mafia pay­ments because they gave secret information to your gov­ernment?  How about a good Norwe­gian name?  A good German name?  We are here to bring you truth from beneath the cover-ups and, dear ones, in the U.S. it is ones with so-called “Jewish” self-la­bels.  There is no other na­tion nor sect recognized by law as a “religious” power AND state.  It is the inno­cent ones of the so-called group which will be first sac­rificed when the brothers get into power.


By these hands in the past 24 months, has flowed over 9 thou­sand pages of vital information—YOU CANNOT TAKE A FEW PARA­GRAPHS OUT OF ONE EXPRESS AND HAVE ANY KIND OF A PICTURE.  WE CANNOT GO BACK AND RE­PEAT OVER AND OVER AGAIN THESE EXPLANATIONS FOR THE BARRAGE BY THE READERS BECOMES MOST OPPRESSIVE AND ABRUPT AND NEITHER CAN YOU EXPECT THIS SCRIBE TO RESPOND IN DETAIL UNTO YOUR INDIVIDUAL INQUIRIES OF THINGS AL­READY EXPLAINED AND RE-EXPLAINED BY ONE OF US.  SHE IS NOT THE AU­THOR AND IF YOU SPEAK TO THE AU­THOR—YOU CAN GET YOUR RE­SPONSE WITHIN AS WELL AS SHE.  We welcome and recognize EVERY piece of corre­spondence and value it and will respond when and where we can do so.  In the event it is a criti­cal in­quiry effecting the “many” it will be taken up as quickly as possible.  As to “ANTI-SEMITISM”—what happens to anti-semitism as used, if Jews are NOT REALLY SEMITES AT ALL?  Well, THEY ARE NOT!


One of the best short resources which gives exceptional input on the subject is done in a JOURNAL and is a most direct discus­sion in a letter from BENJAMIN H. FREEDMAN to DR. DAVID GOLD­STEIN LL.D.  We have traced the resource for obtaining the mate­rial to Educational Assn. 530 Chestnut Street, Union, New Jersey.  The letter was, however, written in 1954 and we can only assume it is reprinted.  After we utilized the in­formation, we received sev­eral copies and if you cannot find re­production and ours is not sufficient for satisfaction, I sup­pose you may locate it through the Copyright offices (1955).


Those of you who wish to research Khazars, get THE THIR­TEENTH TRIBE by Arthur Koestler and you will find some seven pages of other references and from each of those you will find a dozen more, not to even mention writings such as are be­ing brought forth daily on the subject in point.  As for the Protocols, go to J. Hazel, PO Box 1317, Brookings, Ore­gon 97145 and for $10 you can get them and get references as to their current integration into your “system” as well.  It would behoove all of you to get that confirma­tion for if you question the JOURNALS, you need backup.  We only give you what IS and YOU must do your own proving if that which we bring in confirmation is not sufficient.  All JOURNALS can be backed up with confirming Eearth information.  The PROTOCOLS are so widely available that I ask not to have to give more refer­ences.  Just as you will NOT GET VALID INFORMATION FROM THE ACCOUNTANTS AND LAWYERS OUT OF NEVADA REGARDING NEVADA COR­PORATIONS, DO NOT EXPECT TO GET VALID INFORMATION FROM THE NEW AMERICAN “JEWISH” ASSOCIATIONS—FOR THEY FORM THE VERY LOBBY GROUPS SET UP TO DO YOU IN!  There is a new one organized called the Jewish Demo­cratic something or other that Ha­tonn will discuss, formed to get a Khazarian into the Presi­dency of the US—on the basis of being Jewish in behalf of the Jewish State of Israel.  You good He­brew founded Judaists—how would you feel if it were a Sun Moon projection?  How about a Chinese Buddhist movement?  How about Catholic in the name of Italy?  You ones must pull yourselves out of the stupor for the very ones whom have been stolen from, will be the first sac­rificed on the altar of GLOBAL CONTROL.  Truth is far more difficult to face than is the fan­tasy built for your consumption!


There is something I can point out to you ones who continue to feel, or friends and family claim, this is a “cult” and/or evil.  Reg­ularly these ones and we of the authors—get death threats and reg­ularly we re­ceive (as on the yesterday) actual threats of death in heinous manner from actual recognized Satanic groups who place curses upon curses upon our heads—in sym­bols, actual effort and proclaim them­selves to be wizards, witches, Luciferians, warlocks, astrologers and psychics.  These ones denounce us and plan to take out these workers of Light.  We are the hated, detested and Lighted ADVERSARY TO SATAN.  I hope this speaks of our intent upon your Earth place for evil cannot bear the PRESENCE OF GOD OF LIGHT.  The message yesterday is so terrible that I refuse to even translate it to my people.  It is written in Satanic symbols with only the names in alphabet—written in hi-liter to prevent reproduction (the sender obviously does not know that you can mark over the hi-liter in ink and reproduce it in perfection.  I can only remind these ones targeted that NO THING CAN STAND AGAINST GOD OF LIGHT—JUST STAY IN THE LIGHT AND SHELTER OF HIS HAND AND YE SHALL BE SAFE.


I do ask that ones who wish to attend the location and have spe­cial meetings—you will be asked to identify purpose and WE WILL CHECK PERSONAGES.  We have a lovely one who wishes audi­ence with Hatonn, who is an astrologist.  What would you do this day if you were these ones, after having re­ceived a death threat yes­terday from an astrologer????


Please, we petition you ones to use your intelligent minds and be in understanding of circum­stances.  The WORD OF GOD AND TRUTH are coming forth from this place—no more and no less.  There is no group, no church, no cult and no seminars.  Amer­ica West Publishing Co. moved to the location because of con­venience for outlet.  It has other outlets and even the printing is not done in this place.  The America West Distribution Co. car­ries MANY titles and authors.  THIS IS NOT A “GROUP” ENTERPRISE.  If and when ones who support the work begin in business ventures there will be available some working posi­tions—at this time there are just a few devoted workers who serve God, not even these writers.  But I promise you—GOD PROTECTS HIS WORKERS AND VERY OF­TEN WE LESSER SERVANTS ARE ABLE TO “MAKE OUR DAY” BY INSTANT REBUTTAL TO OPEN THRUSTS UPON THESE LIVES.  HE WHO PROJECTS EVIL IS RETURNED A HUNDRED-FOLD WITH EVIL.  KEEP IT IN MIND!


Back to the subject in point:


Instead of using the words “states of motion”, I will substitute the word “vibrations”.  And I will amplify that word into “wave-vibrations”.  And then let us again amplify this into “thought-wave-vibra­tions”.


All bodies are transient thought-wave-vibrations which come and go to give body-forms to thought-vi­brations.  Vibrations of motion extend from stillness.  The heartbeat of Creation is a two-way pis­ton stroke of vibratory motion which extends from the still Light of Mind.  Mind-knowing is real.  Moving bodies simulate reality.

We will exemplify this idea of vibratory motion by constructing a body of SOUND WAVES which extends from the silent idea of sound as waves of water extend from its calm.  The de­sire to give a body to that idea is manifested by setting a harp string in vibratory motion.  To do that, you divide the silence of the harp string just as you divide the calm surface of water when you throw a stone into it which extends the surface into waves.


What really has happened is that a body of sound was given to an eternally living idea of mu­sic for a cycle of time; then the vi­brations ceased.  The sound then disappeared into the silence of rest from which it sprang into motions to manifest the idea.  The SOUND ap­peared, it dis­appeared and will reappear to manifest life and death, but the silent idea is eternal.  It will again ap­pear when desire causes it to reappear.  The IDEA of music is changeless and eter­nal.  It is its SOUND mani­festation which lives and dies just as only your body which mani­fests the IDEA OF YOU lives and dies—then again lives and dies forever and forever.


Again we repeat that life and death are but opposite states of motion—CENTRIPETAL motion which is compressed toward gravity and CENTRIFUGAL motion which is expanded by grav­ity.  LIFE is a fast winding up of light-waves into bodies of visible matter.  DEATH is a bal­anced un­winding of light-waves into invisible mat­ter.  I ask you to meditate upon this idea.  Your all-know­ing Inner Voice will tell you many things if you will do this.


Before continuing to construct a sound-body for a musical tone, we will give you a thought to transform into KNOWING by prolonged meditation.

Consider the familiar motion picture.  You know that every ex­pression of life on that screen is motion only.  All forms of bodies and all sounds and actions of bodies are but the seem­ing motion of light-waves which have been projected from a still point of rest to simulate mo­tion.  You know, also, that what seems like motion is due to a very rapid succession of still pictures thrown upon the screen one at a time so rapidly that the eye does not detect any single picture before the next one of a slightly changed pattern is projected.  Neither do you detect the black gap which divides each picture where nothing is.  If the projection machine were slowed down very materially, your sense of sight would detect each separate picture and the gap between.  Likewise, your sense of hearing would detect an in­terval of silence between each sound just as you can detect an interval of silence between the explosions of a machine gun, es­pecially an old one such as a Gatling.


The continuity of a steam whistle is due to the intense rapidity of its sequential “explosions”.  If these explosions could be slowed down very materially, you would hear them as separate events taking place sequentially in what we call wave-vibrations.


In order to increase your comprehension of the CONTINUAL IN­TER-WORKINGS between the di­vided universe and the un­divided universe, and of the impossibility of dividing the un­divided, and also for clarifying your comprehension of the illu­sion which makes it seem pos­sible to divide the undivided, imagine the silent harp string as an interval of silence between two musical sounds and relate that ef­fect to the black gap be­tween sequences of motion pic­tures and also to the silent inter­vals between ex­plosions of a Gatling gun.


Take note that there is no sound at all on that equator which is the motionless harp string. (See Figures 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22.) [See chart below]That equator is an area of silence—silence unbroken—undi­vided.  Sound takes place only upon each side of its equator of si­lence, for there is motion on each side and no motion at all on the dividing equator.


If you fully comprehend what I have just told you, you will fully comprehend the relation of the divided universe of motion, which forever repeats its sequences of motion to create illu­sion, to the un­divided universe of stillness from which those se­quences of motion are pro­jected.  In other words, you will be intellectually able to be constantly aware of the two worlds in which you live—the mentally indivisible and the physically di­vided—instead of just the one divided world of the senses which has dominated man’s actions for ages.


The supremacy of man is dependent upon the measure of his ability to live knowingly in the un­divided Mind universe.  The Master makes use of the divided universe


of sensed-matter as He wills—or dismisses it from his Consciousness when He wills.  Until you be­come master of matter, it will master you.  The greatest aim of your life should be freedom from matter and to be able to control it, which also means the control of gravity.  That is why we stress the me­chanics of the divided universe of sensed-matter, which has made man its slave for ages, in order that knowing man can transcend matter and become its master instead of its slave.  For this reason, you must know the me­chanics of it until it is automatic in you.  The small effort of study you give to knowing this principle in your heart is more than priceless to you.


That is exactly what is meant by the transformation which will lift the more spiritually ad­vanced of the human race out of the ages of material man and into the age of cosmic man.  And that also is the reason why you should know the invisible universe of God’s still Light even more abundantly than you can sense the lights of opposed pressures which constitute the vibratory wave universe of divided motion.


Likewise, that is the reason why we are taking this simple ex­ample of a harp string to demon­strate how a living-dying body emerges from the seeming nothingness of space to manifest life and disap­pears into it to manifest the stillness of death.  The SOUND which emerges from the silent harp string is as much a physical body as your body is.  It is a series of light-waves just as your body is a se­ries of light-waves.  The sound issuing from one plucking of a harp string may have hundreds of separate lives, all reincarnations of each other, in a few seconds of time.  The fact that your present body has a time cycle of eighty or more years instead of one-thousandth of a second makes you feel that your body is very different from a body like the sound of a harp string, and that fact makes you lose all sense of cosmic perspective.


You know as a scientific fact that a body of the sound of a steam whistle lives, dies and lives again a thousand times in one sec­ond, but you have much confusion in comprehending the in­evitability of your own more lengthy repetitions of body.  You will more fully comprehend the rein­carnation principle as in­evitable law when you thoroughly understand that the very idea of Mind, without excep­tion, is always manifested by a countless series of bodies which con­tinually change their pat­terns to conform to the changing im­ages of changing thoughts.  If eternal repetition (or reincarnation, if you wish to call it that) is the one most INVIOLATE LAW of all creating things, why should you think that it does not apply to you?

As a step in the unfolding of your greater comprehension of time­lessness in the undivided uni­verse which we are trying to make your foundation for stronger living, we beg that you study the diagrams which fully illustrate the creation of thousands of “reincarnated” bodies of one idea in one second—or even one fraction of a second.


You think of these thousands of bodies as VIBRATIONS, yet you would not think of your present “life” as but just one vi­bration of millions which ages of reincarnations have re­peated in you.


We would like to have you begin to think of your body that way, and as the time manifesta­tion of an idea which is eternal and time­less.  Elevate your Consciousness to the level of full awareness of your Self as The Universal Presence—The Uni­versal Being—rather than think­ing of yourself as a body which has a name and address and personality.


As awareness of Being in you unfolds, the sense of individuality will disappear just as one tone of a harp string loses its separate­ness in the wholeness of the master symphony.  That is the way cosmic man of tomorrow will think of himself.  That is the way you should think of your Self.  When you think of yourself as one individual unit of Creation, you are but that one unit—strug­gling for survival and for self-interest among the countless other individual units.  When you think that way you are weak, for your desires are self-centered and the world will not enrich you with its glory nor its bounty, for you are not enriching it.  When your desires are for the WHOLE—and when you know that you are the WHOLE—then only are you STRONG.


A new race of men is coming into being—a race of men who will be STRONG through hav­ing learned how to lose their bodies to find their Souls in the Universal Soul.


I ask for a break now.  Hatonn requests that the information first shared in the top of this writ­ing be dispersed to the various suit­able inquirers.  Thank you.



REF:  Figures 19, 20, 21, and 22)

Oct. 5, 2011