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REC  #3    ATON

SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 1991   4:23 P.M.   YEAR 5, DAY 009


Aton present to share with you briefly as you move into this book of information.  You are coming into the great Truths of the Cosmic Universe and actual Creation and order.  What you glean from this information is solely up to you for you are given to experience as you choose.  It is given, however, that those of you who wish to find your path unto your Source may know how to find the way and KNOW.  There are no secrets kept—only now are you ready for the next step in growth so that dis­cernment and judgment of actions can be valid.  When the world asks, “What of the teacher, what message has he for us that is greater than all others,” you may an­swer: “Behold, every LIFE, no matter how humble, no matter how tragic, no matter how broken and thwarted, has a meaning and an inner glory and is precious in God’s sight.”


You who will come into knowing shall do goodly works such as few of My servants, and your brethren and friends, have been able to ac­complish; you shall have the TRUTH and the WAY.  You shall, further, reach that maturity wherein you shall live it and give weight a thousandfold to every word and precept that comes from the tongue—for you shall grow in the knowing that giving forth Love in­stead of a biting confrontation in discord brings the reward and abil­ity for the regiving.


There have been many artists within the chronicles of men but few there have been, capable of conscious communion with Me; yet I tell you it is a responsibility that does crush the weaker brethren.  All must learn to come within communion for each is precious and each IS an artist of great value unto My needs.


Go with heart that is high from adventure to adventure and walk al­ways knowing that each day must render its accounting to Me.


My Love shall ever guide you and guard you so that you falter not—I am with you and with KNOWING comes your comfort.  You can only come into the KNOWING by first sharing and partaking of the “knowledge”.


How can you fail to go forward, sure and calm and free?  Use all that has been given unto you—Mind and Soul—Spirit.  If you have your responsible education you will find failure leaves of your pres­ence.  You can dwell ever in the plane of perfect inspi­ration and still func­tion exposed to Earth’s vibrations for the Laws are given which will, if followed, keep you ever in bal­ance and harmony with all that is Nature in The Creation’s per­fect order.


It is My work that you do and the power of the Spirit pours upon you and no power on Earth or in the heavens can do more than help you at the moment’s instant—if you but KNOW.


My work shall be done...when you are prepared in the fullness of time, then the harvest will be reaped.  At this time the lives of the world are lived in narrow little places: romance offers es­cape from reality.  I tell you that we bring them transfigured re­ality that shall move them and win them.  We shall bring Truth in such simplicity that each can KNOW and then deci­sions shall be left unto the indi­vidual being for the choosing.

I keep My promises made unto you—all will be kept; none have been bro­ken; I give you strong loyalty; I shall be worthy of your alle­giance.  When the wracked spirit CAUSES you concern, re­member My words of promise and be strong and remember that you are not made strong by having all de­sires grati­fied—even unto your communion with ME.  You shall learn properly so that you can remain in MY PRESENCE and not turn away at your whims of physical indulgence.  For as a child must grow and a twig must be trained to be straight and tall as the perfect tree—so shall you learn.


There are yet principles at stake of which men have no knowl­edge, there are policies in progress that have no explanations, great works do manifest but men’s eyes see them not.  Only I see the ultimate, only the Wise Ones know of the attainings, only those who have con­quered their own Spirits behold the vast pattern by which men are made perfect.  Let the world’s dead be buried by those who are dead: verily there are no dead save of the mortal but there are those refusing wisdom and might better be dead.  As I make it known to you in wis­dom of that which tran­spires, you shall clearly know that which causes you to stumble—it will behoove you to work My com­mandments!


Lo, those come to you who have been the spirits of the great in ev­ery age; they come to you sus­taining you; they come to you be­seeching you; they say in their beseeching to heed.  Not all of them are with you for many come again, yet in your future, and some you know not ever; others you have knowledge of; they come and go in your affairs, unseen as well as seen.  They come that they might share in the Knowledge as you unfold into wis­dom.


Lo, these blessed ones come not in their olden roles at present; some come to you as artisans and yea, of humble callings.  If you be­stowed upon these ones in your prior experience see that which re­turns compounded.  The times are upon you when those you have known as hum­ble persons shall stand forth as marvels, challenging your intellects; you have known them verily as an­gels of radiance, now you behold them as drawers of water.  Verily do you see them as hewers of wood—well, they are actu­ally hewers of men’s eternal destinies.


Many of you walked with My son upon your own place and have come again to attend His re­turn in His own growth and honor.  Do not deny the memories of your own pathways unto ex­cellence lest you miss your own graduation.  Have you not said, “Father, allow me to walk again and serve with this Mas­ter, let me manifest with Him again in that you love me,”—have you not said it?


Take that which is given and know from it profit.  I say it shall fill you; the spirit of holiness shall break bread with your wis­dom; there shall come a great brilliance; you shall sit within the heart of it.  You have walked with Myself by many still waters and you have talked in many wheatfields with Me—rise up and greet Me now that in memory we might abide together, you and I.




I now speak to your intellects.  I take you with me into wis­doms—I give you a shepherding into sheepfolds of mysteries....


Men will ask proof: What is size?  What is time?  What is space?  Harken to My logic; I be­queath you a reasoning.  Know that the Father’s universe has no such thing as size for size has a quality of measurement by comparison and that which is great seems large to the earthly.  It has no meaning but you shall have the wisdom to give that perspective and definition unto your brother.  Know that I think only in projection of Thought—I need no time and I need no space.


Space transcends size, yet I say it comes not alike to all created or­ders.  You perceive that you are “men”, that your stature has a “size”.  Some perceive your “size” to be “small”, but I ask you if you would greater profit if you stood high as the mountains?


Know that you are greater than mountains in that you have power to manifest in Thought, and it bears you out among the planets; you can know the far stars and you can see them in their shining.


Men say, “We think, therefore we ARE!”




You ascend unto visions.  You have concepts of Reality; they who come of other orders as­cend to no such vision; their con­cepts are but instincts.  Great minds are greater than great moun­tains.  Worlds are less than great Truths: man knows him­self, thereof is his divinity.


Man has concepts of himself and he makes mysteries in his thinking—he shall need come into KNOWING.  HE THAT THINKS GREATLY EVER SURPASSES THAT WHICH HE THINKS.  I think in terms of that which comes to pass—thereof is Spirit manifest.  Only Spirit matters, beloved.


That which is perceived is like the mustard seed; perhaps it sprouts, perhaps it blossoms; is not the blossoming more tran­scendent than the blossom?  You breathe, and move, and have your mortal beings; therein are you mortal; behold Spirit func­tions and Thought goes out—it makes you to see worlds in new bornings.  Are you not a part of them, in that you discern them?  Sight has a transcendence to en­compass its creatings; it becomes the particle of that which it per­ceives.  I say to you to look, per­ceive, witness, discern, lift your faces up; behold the mir­rors of the infinite are but lodestones for your intellects.  You do dwell on Earth a little while; presently you go forward, verily you go outward; he who goes outward sees that which is be­neath him for it is ever upward; behold is it not true that he who journeys “upward” ever sees life in more smallness beneath him?  Think on these things.


I dwell in heavenly mansions; I look on all creatings; I arise in the mornings and behold many mountains; I say to the moun­tains: “Increase and bring forth young.”  Lo, they are moved and universes shudder and tremble.


Man is part of it, but only is he part of it in that he sees Me de­ploying in himself.  I speak these things to you so that you may be wise.  Be not cast down by little men who say, “Spirit is conjec­ture, we breathe, thereby we are” - - -  They are as lights in many wicks that presently know a snuffing; the universe shall snuff them for they cannot encompass it.  Lift up your heads, beloved!  Perceive a great radiance for the Spirit I send works in you, and I in it; be­hold we are one essence—that which is cre­ated comes from My bosom.


Man has had a blindness to neglect his own destiny; he has said to his brothers, “We are crea­tures of confusion, of doubt and of dread as we come from our fathers, whither we go is not for our wisdom.”  He looks on the Earth and thinks it a mystery, it speaks a tongue whose lan­guage has long since been forgotten save by the few.


It shall be beyond him until he comes to that place in Spirit where the beasthood drops away from him, where he leaves his earthliness behind him forever.  He looks to the heavens and cries out con­stantly, “Almighty Father, bestow on us wisdom.”  Lo, wisdom is in his heart, it lies all about him; he walks in its richness and he em­braces it not.

Man asks of Me to save him.  You are given that which you need in the wisdom projected if you would but listen and act.  I have made no mischief in the hearts of you earthly men.  You have made your own mischief and continue to do so.  Man goes about marveling at his handi­work; he thinks himself omnipotent; he cries in a vaunting, “Behold our achievements, life comes in and goes out in that which we manifest.”  My, my—man cannot fashion one hidden violet, nodding by a brook’s edge in the silence of a wilderness.  Lo, man must come into knowledge and out of the evil ignorance—for evil IS lack of intelligence.  Evil has empti­ness; it cannot construct; it ignores the ways that lead unto hap­piness; it seeks out no goodly situation but takes the world and gives it a sorrow.  Evil has no crown; it has no staff; it has no divining rod that points out riches; evil has only confusion and ignorance and manifest impoverishment; it has short­age of com­passion that you call intolerance.  Evil is man’s enemy above all other enemies in that it seeks to do him no improvement, naught has it to do for man but to pull him down to vomit; it pro­claims his smallness; it makes a god of his ignorance and humbles him before it.  Ignorance is evil and evil is ignorance—and it is birthed of the physical and only has existence in the physical.  There is no other god of darkness before Ignorance.  That which comes of Me has a radiance; behold it is tolerant and beauteous and tranquil; all things making for good, for happiness, for de­light, for peace, for alms-giving, for benediction on others, these are the diadem stones in the crown of MY eternity.


I say to you now that you may harken.  The Path is bright and pleas­ant for those who journey with us and whose voices blend in har­mony and, yea, shall they ring throughout the mountains and the valleys.  The call has come; the valleys take note of it and those on the uplands await your strong fellowship.  I tell you a new Godhead comes to Earth; you are in fellowship; you scat­ter its uttering; you sit and sup with it—is it not meet that you know your honorings?


Walk in uprightness before kings, beloved, that in the last high hour it shall mark you to sit gracefully with the King of Kings and see the glory.  I bestow upon the goodly workers the bless­ings in gratitude, that there were reapers who stood by their sickles when the crops were threatened and the forces of Nature would send them to a hid­ing.  My peace is upon you until the harvest is gathered and the la­borers stand about for their reward—they shall be richly paid—for thus have I written.


Blessed is he who hears the WORD and heeds his call, for the masses of MAN has lost his way.  So be it and beleis.  It is My will that the work might be done through you, and yours will be to fulfill the Word for the seal is put upon the promise and the lesson given.  DAK DI SEM.



Oct. 3, 2011