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FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1991   11:46 A.M.  YEAR 4, DAY 358




Laotzu never heard of the story of his so-called gestation period during his lifetime for the story was not “invented” until cen­turies after his death; just as with Immanuel, likewise, never knew of His “immaculate conception” nor that his name was “Jesus” during His life for it was not “invented” by Christian Prelates until three centuries AFTER HIS DEATH.


The chief thing which characterizes Laotzu from all other men was his ability to obtain knowl­edge from the Cosmos through meditation communion, as Immanuel (Jesus) and all consum­mate Illuminates acquire it.  He openly declared that the infor­mative knowledge which any man received through his senses was of no value whatsoever.  He claimed that the only knowl­edge of any value to man was the Spiritual knowledge which comes to man by direct commu­nion with the Cosmos itself.


He claimed that Spiritual knowledge was innate in every man.  It did not need to be sought.  He told his pupils that if they rested quietly and serenely, and withdrew from outward sensing to in­ner—or innate—knowing, all knowledge would come to them.  In such manner he taught men to seek the quietness of Tao (God), just as he sought and found it.  At this point I shall interrupt the thought to respond to a frequent inquiry—why do we continually use Sioux terms for God, etc., instead of Hopi or Cherokee or Mayan or somebody else?  Because we work in conjunction with a being given into the task of bringing the Oral Teachings unto the human print.  Since I work with that one and all of the natives understand from that label exactly that which I mean, why use another?  It all means the same thing and if the heart says otherwise then I suggest the dissenting ones look at their ego reasons for chafing about it.


The next question is, “...well, then, why don’t you use Sun Bear, or Black Elk, or Red Dawn, or, or, or?”  Why?  Why would we not use the one appointed by the Great Spirit and our Grandfa­ther, to fill his task?  Earth human has hardly qualified himself, as a mass, to choose the meth­ods used by God nor of the ones which will serve as he directs.  We certainly do NOT NEED ANY MORE SELF-APPOINTED GURUS WHO AC­TUALLY PULL AWAY FROM THE TRADITIONAL TRUTHS TO “FIT” MORE COMFORTABLY IN AN UNBAL­ANCED AND SELF-ORIENTED WORLD IN SEPA­RATION FROM GOD.  If ones of you don’t like that which we choose I suggest you look around at your world and the state of your existence and then tell me that WE ARE WRONG—WE CAN SEE THAT WHICH YOU HAVE DONE THROUGH YOUR “WISE” DECISIONS AND CHOICES.  NO, I THINK I’LL STICK WITH THAT WHICH I AM COMMISSIONED TO DO—THAT IS TO SET TO TRUTH THAT WHICH IS FALSE.  IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THAT WHICH IS BROUGHT FORTH THEN WHY SHOULD YOU DO OTHER THAN TURN AWAY—WHAT COM­PELS YOU TO HAVE TO MAKE GRAND AND LOUD STATEMENTS AGAINST IT?  I suggest if it be wrong—far too many of you protest too loudly for you will find nothing which is not of goodness and Light in the teachings.  I said the “teachings”—obviously there is almost ev­erything of the adversary’s darkness in the world that we must outlay for your attention.  So far to this moment, ALL WHO HAVE SCATHED AND CRUCIFIED THESE WORKS—HAVE NOT EVEN READ THE WHOLE OF THE WORK.  Nor will there be any rocks thrown by ones after reading same if they have any connections with Truth and the Laws of God and The Cre­ation, in reason.  The most vicious attackers and loudest disclaimers have actually read the very least!




You see, I am not interested in what Sister Thedra says, or Bill Cooper, or Ramtha, or Mafu or Saraswatti—I HAVE ONE EAR AND THAT IS TO HEAR WHAT GOD SAYS!!  MINE IS TO PROJECT AND REFLECT EVERY LAW OF GOD AND THAT OF THE BAL­ANCED UNIVERSE WITHIN NATURE.  I NEED NO OTHER QUALIFICATIONS—NOR DOES DHARMA FOR ONLY THAT OF GOD IS PROJECTED.  If you do not like Shirley MaClaine’s books, would you simply not read them a second time—for how else do you know you like them not if you read them not, the first time?  After you have read all the Phoenix ma­terial and you still dislike that which you read—why would you annoy us with your dislikes for it is your business and not ours as to that which you think!  Further­more, it seems most outrageous to me that the world would be interested in your opinion—especially if they take not the time to become informed for selves.  If ones’ truth disagrees with mine—then let us see whose stands the ultimate testing of TRUTH and reason.


We of the guides are amazed that the human gives so little at­tention to the most important things in existence—his immortality and divinity and his freedom.  He treats marriage like an ex­pected failure before embarking and uses murder as birth control and then throws atomic bombs at my scribe because I say these things are against God’s laws and that of The Creation in Na­ture.  Some will stand with a Bible in one hand while writing me with another and telling me to “return to Jesus”??  The Christ travels WITH me and I recognize the energy you tout who can sanction murder, disrespect, hate and theft of everything in­cluding freedom.  I cannot even re­late to ones who expect a man of two thousand years ago to bear all of everyone’s evil.  What are you, humankind?  Then, shouts at me, do you think there should be a law against abortion?  There IS—it is God’s law!  If you ask me if I think there should be a man-law to make it ille­gal, I can only respond “What difference”?  There are laws against murder and yet murder takes place.  There are laws against child abuse and yet it takes place.  There are laws against suicide and yet suicide is committed.  There are laws against what the government practices against you and yet it continues.  What difference??  You cannot legislate morality and character and the world Shan has lost both.  You can argue and object to me all you like—you can burn the books and chant and rave—it will change NOT ONE IOTA OF THE TRUTH OF IT.  YOU CAN TOSS MY SCRIBE ONTO THE PILE OF BURN­ING BOOKS AND YOU WILL ONLY PROVE THAT WHICH I SAY IS TRUE!!


The teachings of Laotzu paralleled those of Immanuel the Christ who, likewise, told men to seek the kingdom of heaven which was within all men, and they parallel our teachings herein when we speak of that divine spark of genius which lies inherent within all men.  They also parallel the teachings of the Christ in respect to His instructions which say that knowledge cannot come to man “through observation”.

I tell you this because you all desire to comprehend the principle of gaining knowledge and power through the awakening of Cosmic Consciousness, as we have gained it and we, there­fore, commend Laotzu to you as one of the few great Illuminates who have known the universe through God’s teachings of it.




There is only one book of Laotzu: THE WAY OF LIFE which is in English and other transla­tions.  The interesting thing is that this priceless book was written at the request of the gate-keeper of one of the exits through the Great Wall through which Laotzu was about to pass on his way to disappearance.  I think you will find the book listed as the Witter Bynner translation and was published by the John Day Company.  You will find it interest­ing in total similarity of teachings.  I will give you a few ex­cerpts as we move along.  But back to the gate-keeper.  As Laotzu started to pass through the gate for his final journey the gate-keeper said: “Master, are you going away?  What will you leave us that your teachings may not be forgotten?”  Where­upon Laotzu tarried a few days and gave to the gate-keeper these im­mortal pages, then passed through the gate and entered the pass to the mountains of the North never again to be seen by mortal man.


Laotzu transformed the entire spiritual bearing of the Orient by insistence upon one idea, and if you can take that idea into your Consciousness it will transform you to the same extent.  He gave to the world a new concept to help people attain cosmic consciousness.  He called it Cre­ative Quietism or Taoist Qui­etism, and explained it by saying that Tao (God) was absolute still­ness out of which came all power and all creative knowl­edge.  He exemplified that princi­ple throughout his life by living in a lonely hut on the mountain side seeking that absolute still­ness in order to become One with the Creator of all things and thus BE the Creator.  By thus doing, he was in no wise a her­mit, for anyone who knocked at his door would be cheer­fully received and taught by him without price.  May I further explain the importance of the “stillness” in commu­nion with God?  It is not so that you can talk TO God—it is required so THAT YOU CAN HEAR HIS ANSWER!!!


Laotzu knew the universe and the processes of Creation through practicing his principle of Cre­ative Quietism.  Did he claim to be the Christed God?  No, he claimed that which he was—Laotzu OF God and a teacher of Truth, no more and no less.  This wondrous being was so studied that he could sever his seat of sensation from its seat of consciousness at any moment and be taught BY GOD.  He consciously asked:  What is God—What is Love—What is Exis­tence—What was the beginning of things—What is Life—and Death—What is Beauty—What is Attainment?


He consciously asked those questions as though asking a teacher, then dissolved his body-awareness into his state of Taoist Quietism—which means God-stillness—and awaited and re­ceived his answers.  In this respect, he was the greatest teacher in the world for he was able to tell others how to attain Cosmic Consciousness, while other great Illuminates were un­able to put it into comprehensive words.  How many thousands of times Buddha had to tell his people that he could not tell them how to attain it beyond telling them how to place themselves into a men­tal condition which invites that attainment.  That is why India is characterized by the men who spend their lives in monasteries or sitting by the side of the road in meditation with­out knowing its true meaning.


These Hindus interpret the Buddhist meaning as inaction and freedom from all desire, while the Japanese Buddhists, who had a deeper comprehension of the powers of meditation because of the Laotzu teachings of it as CREATIVE QUIETISM, filled their meditation with the desire for creation and followed it by ACTION.


You may, yourself, gain a priceless lesson from this one idea alone.  We have told you many times that a man becomes that which he thinks.  The difference between the entire mental and physical habits of Hindus and Japanese is marked by the differ­ence in their thinking.  The more you, yourself, can carry that idea of creative quietism into your meditation by con­sciously asking while consciously desiring, and THEN becoming ONE with God in His One Great Stillness, the more you will be en­abled to sit at the feet of the universal Teacher and become aware that all knowledge and all power are truly within YOU.


May we share a few fragments of the great knowledge which Laotzu gained by sitting quietly in the nothingness of Taoist Quietism while fully knowing that all moving things are born out of it through desire to give birth to them—which is what Laotzu meant by Creative Quietism.


Once Laotzu was asked how he KNEW the INTEGRITY of the universe—he replied:


How do I know this integrity?  I know it because it could all begin in me.


One who recognizes all men as members of his body is a sound man to guard them.


The sanest man

Sets up no deed,

Lays down no law,

Takes everything that happens as it comes,

As something to animate, not to appropriate,

To earn, not to own,

To accept naturally without self-importance:

If you never assume importance

You never lose it.


It is better not to make merit a matter of reward

Lest people conspire and contend,

Not to pile up rich belongings

Lest they rob,

Not to excite by display

Lest they covet.

A sound leader’s aim

Is to open people’s hearts,

Fill their stomachs,

Calm their wills,

Brace their bones

And so to clarify their thoughts and cleanse their needsThat no cunning meddler could touch them:

Without being forced, without strain or constraint,

Good government comes of itself.


The breath of life moves through a deathless valley

Of mysterious motherhood

Which conceives and bears the universal seed,

The seeming of a world never to end,

Breath for men to draw from as they will:

And the more they take of it, the more remains.


The universe is deathless,

Is deathless because, having no finite self,

It stays infinite.

A sound man by not advancing himself

Stays the further ahead of himself,

By not confining himself to himself

Sustains himself outside himself:

By never being an end in himself

He endlessly becomes himself.


If you can bear issue and nourish its growing,

If you can guide without claim or strife,

If you can stay in the lead of men without their knowing,



What we look for beyond seeing

And call the unseen,

Listen for beyond hearing

And call the unheard,

Grasp for beyond reaching

And call the withheld,

merge beyond understanding

In a oneness

Which does not merely rise and give light,

Does not merely set and leave darkness,

But forever sends forth a succession of living things as mysterious

As the unbegotten existence to which they return.

That is why men have called them empty phenom­ena,

meaningless images,

In a mirage

With no face to meet,

No back to follow.

Yet one who is anciently aware of existence

Is master of every moment,Feels no break since time beyond time

In the way life flows.




Be utterly humble

And you shall hold to the foundation of peace.

Be at one with all these living things which, having arisen and flourished,

Return to the quiet whence they came,

Like a healthy growth of vegetation

Falling back upon the root.

Acceptance of quietism has been condemned as ‘fatalism’.

But fatalism is acceptance of destiny

And to accept destiny is to face life with open eyes,

Whereas not to accept destiny is to face death blindfolded.


A leader is best

When people barely know that he exists,

Not so good when people obey and acclaim him,

Worst when they despise him.

‘Fail to honor people,

They fail to honor you,’

But of a good leader, who talks little,

When his work is done, his aim fulfilled,

They will all say, ‘We did this ourselves.’


Before creation a presence existed,

Self-contained, complete,

Formless, voiceless, mateless,


Which yet pervaded itself

With unending motherhood.

Though there can be no name for it,

I have called it ‘the way of life’.

Perhaps I should have called it ‘the fullness of life,

Since fullness implies widening into space,

Implies still further widening,

Implies widening until the circle is whole.

In this sense

The way of life is fulfilled,

Heaven is fulfilled,Earth fulfilled

And a fit man also is fulfilled:

These are the four amplitudes of the universe

And a fit man is one of them:

Man rounding the way of earth,

Earth rounding the way of heaven,

Heaven rounding the way of life

Till the circle is full.



Might be likened to the course

Of many rivers reaching the one sea.


* *

No greater philosophy of life has ever been written than these words of this Illuminate of China.  Take careful note of their similarity to the teachings of Krishna.  Let us quote a few lines in re­view of the translation by Swami Prabhavananda.


What is knowledge?  What is it that has to be known?


Sri Krishna answers him by telling him that this universal body is the FIELD in which seeds of knowledge are sown by the KNOWER.  He explains that nothing exists in the universe ex­cept the KNOWER and the FIELD.  Another name for the Field is Prakriti—which is the Hindu word for Cosmos.


Read these next words carefully for they are among the most valuable words ever written and are the highest teachings, yet not one word of these priceless teachings ever reaches the mod­ern youth for not one educational institution ever thinks of them in any other way than as ex­amples of “ancient wisdom”, with the connotation that they belong to the past and not to today:


Briefly I name them:

First, Prakriti

Which is the cosmos

In cause unseen

And visible feature;

Intellect, ego;

Earth, water and ether,

Air and fire;

Man’s mind also:

The five sense-objects—

Sound in its essence,

Essence of aspect,

Essence of odour,

Of touch and of tasting;

Hate and desire,

And pain and pleasure;

Consciousness, lastly,

And resolution;

These, with their sum

Which is blent in the body:

These make the Field

With its limits and changes.


Therefore I tell you:

Be humble, be harmless,

Have no pretension,

Be upright, forbearing,

Serve your teacher

In true obedience,

Keeping the mind

And the body in cleanness,

Tranquil, steadfast,

Master of ego,

Standing apart

From the things of the senses,

Free from self;

Aware of the weakness

In mortal nature,

its bondage to birth,

Age, suffering, dying;

To nothing be slave

Nor desire possession

Of man-child or wife,

Of home or of household;

Calmly encounter

The painful, the pleasant;

Adore me only

With heart undistracted;

Turn all your thought

Toward solitude, spurning

The noise of the crowd,

Its fruitless commotion;

Strive without ceasing

To know the Atman, (God)

Seek this knowledge

And comprehend clearly

Why you should seek it:

Such, it is said,

Are the roots of true wisdom:

           Ignorance, merely,Is all that denies them.


I could go on here for some great length of time relaying the teachings of great men who have graced your lands but I believe you will only find that they repeat the identical theme.




I would like to urge you precious ones who are coming into better focus in your communion—to flow with that which touches you.  If you feel a nudge to do something which seems alien to your talents—try it.  Ones will be finding that as they reduce the input of the “critical” con­sciousness the truth of the talent held within becomes a bursting flower.  You who are nudged to paint—get a brush and follow your heart—you must ALLOW the talent to flow lest you never realize it is there in waiting.  This becomes a demonstration of the meaning of working knowingly with God and working with God’s hands together with your own—as one.  This, also, is a demonstration of God-awareness.  That is the way inspiration comes—suddenly—for all inspired conceptions are timeless.  Knowledge is a quality of the undi­vided Mind universe in which there is no time.  Thoughts of Mind, however, take time, for thoughts are divided waves and waves are synchronized with the Universal heartbeat which cre­ates the idea of time.


As more and more of you become thoroughly familiar with the practice of working knowingly with God until it becomes a habit, the world will know more and more about it and geniuses will again be produced as they were during the three hundred years following the great Renais­sance which gave you many in­spired geniuses.  But do not do that which is so foolishly fol­lowed by the “New Age Movement” members who dabble into meditation within some medicine wheel and come forth pro­nouncing themselves great artists and reincarnations of great masters—this would be a most stupid attitude for one very im­portant factor is always pre­sent in the great masters—humility and gratitude.  They paint or compose from the soul and treat it as a most wondrous gift of soul—not ever acclaimed for self.  They may become total perfectionists and quite eccen­tric but that is only in searching for perfection of the idea—the imagin­ing.  Anyone who touts his talent in ego gleaning is a bore—not a genius.


Every man is an inherent genius and there should be an ever-in­creasing number of geniuses in the world.  You have it in you and so have your sons, daughters and friends.  And if it comes forth—others will take note without, preferably, your even speaking of it.  The greatest man who ever lived is no greater than you except that within he KNEW that he was and did some­thing about it.


The hope for world culture is through the production of more geniuses and you can only have that when you present ideals worthy of becoming a great culture.  By genius, I repeat: the per­son who has learned to live life gloriously—at the maximum—not just the genius who has ex­pressed himself in the arts or sci­ences.


It is now apparent that you must necessarily KNOW God so that you will see yourself reflected in HIM, or know yourself to be an extension of Him.  The more you do unfold your genius, the more you will be enabled to uplift the world to the level you have yourself attained.


It is wondrous to take note that as God-awareness increases, materiality decreases, and materi­alists are the ones who make wars.


Take time—find time, therefore, to lose your body as much as you can.  When you are aware of your body, you can be lone­some, terribly lonesome and dejected—but you never can be lonely if you can find the exaltation and ecstasy which is in your Soul.  Instead of being lonely, you will rejoice in your aloneness with God.  This is what is meant by “finding” your­self.  This is not found by wandering about the country trying this or that and loving-in and popping in here and there to “experience”—usually at the expense of another because in your searching you have found no time to be self sufficient—therefore, all you have done is diligently work to AVOID FINDING SELF.


Therein is the secret of Self-discovery.  Therein lies the differ­ence between greatness and medi­ocrity, stability and instability, and strength and weakness in man.  The secret—ceasing to think of self as limited when he thinks of himself AS body.  Human must lift the thinking into the awareness of the eternal man, in­stead of the transient body which is but the instrument used for self-expression.


Life is glorious when it is all that way—and it really IS that way when that which is eter­nal in you makes you forget all else but the eternal in God’s universe—the rest of it being mirage which really cannot touch you when you know it cannot.


Remember that which I wrote on the yesterday: You can apply these things, and there is no proof in this World that amounts to anything except that which you prove to yourself.


So stand firm in the glory of the Presence of Life.  Stand in its fullness; stand there giving the full power of its mighty action, and let the Presence and power of Life go forth and bring to you all that you crave.  As you go forth in the Expansion of this Light, in the power of Life, you do not know today that which stands right in the periphery of your world, ready to come forth with dy­namic power and give you that freedom, that happiness which you have craved so long.


There is nothing controversial about this Word and Work which we offer unto you—just the lov­ing kindness and power of Life in action, and we shall never do anything else.  Therefore, I want you to realize that you are dealing with the Power of Divine Love in turning your atten­tion to the Presence of Life, the Mas­ters gone before, the Cosmic Beings, and the Cosmic Light.


You have throughout all teaching heard and believed in the Christ Principle, have you not?  Now, what is this which you have been talking about all through the centuries?  An action of your own Life!  How and why is it the Christ Principle?  Be­cause it is that energy of Life which is no longer contaminated by human QUALIFICATION.  That is what the Christ Prin­ciple of Life IS, and every human being can become as the Christ when they cease using hu­man qualification of discord.  Every one is a Christ Being because the Light within them that beats their heart is God.  It is Mighty Intelligence and Energy.


When you understand this, you will no longer feel the human sense of limitation that so upsets you, and you will find that even in the simple words of calling to your own God Presence, even without further understanding, you will draw into your experi­ence the greater perfection of that Life which will cause you to know that you have touched the fountainhead of Life.

You must further understand that when your attention is upon outer things, it is limited, be­cause that is human presentation.  But when your attention is upon your own “God Presence” and you call upon that Presence for ANYTHING WHATSOEVER—(AND, OF COURSE, WITHIN THAT UNDERSTANDING YOU WOULD NOT WISH TO HARM ANOTHER NOR WISH DESTRUCTIVE ACTIVITY, FOR YOU KNOW THAT WOULD RETURN UPON YOU)—all constructive activity in your Call to the Presence of Life, will find fruition.  The call compels the answer.


As I close I can only urge you ones who enter into the reading of the JOURNALS from your brothers—especially the spiritual sharing of what is identified as PLEIADES CONNECTIONS—at the advanced books you will not find acceptance of Truth so easy to understand.  When you started in school you did not jump from the kindergarten to algebra or calculus or some higher understanding, did you?  You went step by step.  So, you have to begin step by step before you have attained this compre­hension.


We are in a position to not only tell you, but show you the way in detailed outlay.  As you come to understand yourself, you will see that you are dealing with the most natural, beautiful, majes­tic, powerful thing—your own Life and your own won­drous Immortality.  Perhaps it will be easier for you to accept my presence if you think of me as your own greater expansion into KNOW­ING.  For it is only for the guide and teacher to give unto the student than which is given in greater Knowing that that which the student has.  You would not be given that which is beyond ability to comprehend—IF you walk step by step and, students, do your homework—God will walk WITH you, He will not DO IT FOR YOU!  SALU.


Blessings and Love I offer unto you.


Germain to clear, please.


Sept. 26, 2011