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FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1991   7:47 A.M.   YEAR 4, DAY 358


FRIDAY,  AUGUST 9,  1991


Germain present in the Light of the Mighty I AM Presence.  I feel a bit of nagging discomfort regarding the pictures which have been presented by ones who believe themselves to be pre­senting my likeness.  Remember that each one who paints, paints that which they enjoy seeing—not necessarily a likeness of myself.  No, I would not attire myself in purple robes—at the most I would dress with some trim on my garment, perhaps, of violet in recognition of my color presen­tation.  Purple is a color of false “royalty”—nor would I trim my being with gold for our “ray” is not represented by “things” but by the LIGHT within which makes up our BE­ING.  Further, as we each speak with you, scribe, we will present on a very near frequency as that of Aton so that your identification is easy and immediate.  People misunderstand the meaning and use of the re­fractions (rays).  It is fine for physical beings to represent us as they choose; it is for each indi­vidual to perceive the substance, however.  We come representing the Light of God in our teachings—we will use the Light of that Source in presentation.  The violet flame (ray) is one of transmutation and herein we are transmuting nothing—just pro­nouncing TRUTH which is rep­resented by the white or golden light.  The reason ones of my students interpret violet is that they are usually asking for some form of transmu­tation or healing.  It would be so wondrous if MAN could find his way to the closeness with God and put aside the toys which he feels he must have to attach to or accept Presence.  So be it.


Note that there is always a lot of “royal” purple and blue associ­ated with that one who heads the Ashtar Command.  The strange thing is that we only label the individual who heads the Com­mand by the label OF his Command.  Ones, for instance, on physical planes wish to make the energy forms into your own images and imaginings—i.e., Ashtar becomes His Royal High­ness—Ashtar as presented by Tuella, for instance, to allow for the illegitimate son, Vegan.  This is all ridiculous and heinous trickery of a friend and receiver.  The one CLAIMING to be Vegan has been spending a bit of time under arrest for taking funds from various groups.  ’Tis indeed sad and is the reason we must keep our work without blemish or blot.  LET THE TRUTH SPEAK FOR ITSELF—WITHOUT TRAPPINGS OF MAN’S PERCEPTIONS—FOR AS YOU TOUCH WITH GOD YOU NEED NO “LIKENESS”.


Back to Confucius:




Confucius was primarily a moralist.  He bent his energies to so­cial reform and the building of CHARACTER.  Let us enjoy some of the “sayings” which constitute his wisdom:

Make conscientiousness and truth your guiding princi­ples, and thus pass on to the culti­vation of your duty to­wards your neighbor.


The ordinance of God is what we call the law of our Being.  To fulfill the Law of our Being is what we call the Moral Law.  The Moral Law when reduced to a system is what we call Religion.


The Moral Laws form the same system with the laws by which the seasons succeed each other and sun and moon appear with the alternations of day and night.


It is this same system of laws by which all created things are produced and develop themselves, each in its order, without injuring one another; by which the opera­tions of Na­ture take their course without conflict and con­fusion, the lesser forces flowing every­where like river cur­rents, while the great forces of creation go silently and steadily on.

It is this one system running through all that makes the Universe so impressively great.


How unflinchingly firm is he who has moral strength!  He is independent without any bias.  When there is moral social order in the country, if he enters public life he does not change from what he was by retirement.  When there is no moral social order in the country, he holds on his way without changing even unto death.


It matters not what you inquire into; but when you in­quire into a thing, you must never give it up until you have thoroughly understood it.


It would be well to imitate the men of old who spoke lit­tle—for those who talk much are sure to say something it would be better to have left unsaid.


Do not forget to rectify an evil because it may seem small—for though small at first it may continue to grow until it overwhelms you.


A great body of wisdom has been written by Confucius and many of his disciples, notably Men­cius, Chuang Tzu, Yang Chu, Kang Hsi and Ye Tse Tse Chan.  Yes, I know you don’t find the ones you are looking for on the list—those ones you seek out are modern and speak not whole truth but color it to please the people receiving their teachings.


The influence of these writings of Confucius has been strongly felt in China for 2,500 years, for they permeated all Chinese thinking and are an excellent example of the fact that “people be­come what they think”.  We will quote some of these maxims which were either written or taught by Confucius whether writ­ten by others or not.  You will note that every one of them has to do solely with the ethics which govern character building.  Not one of them gives any concern to re­ligious beliefs or doc­trines.


Maintain a love of harmony, that throughout your families the common speech shall be: Let us help one another.  Then shall the world be at peace.


The above maxim is the very heart of an enduring civilization.  It is the brotherhood-of-man principle taught by the Christ pre­sentation and every one of the great teachers or Illuminates, of all history.  It is that which the Nagi Wakan (Wise Spirit) would teach to the “ancients”.  It is the very basis of character and righteousness.  Giving consideration to this fact, ask yourself to what extent this principle is practiced in your human relations, or taught in your institutions.  Industry is fast learning that it should have observed and practiced this very principle.  It ulti­mately must do so, for it is now so vast that ethics and honesty have become absent from the working heart of the industrial complexes.  The Elite have garnered so much of the “small” business and de­stroyed it and run the others out of business through their great power and control through poli­tics and crime that the nations are doomed through their lack of moral ethics if all else served well.  It is Truth to KNOW that failure to obey laws bring quick and unerring punishment.  (“That which you sow so shall ye reap.”)  If civilization could reflect such a high state of ethics as the old Chinese philosophers taught, as exem­plified in the fol­lowing quotations, the world would have taken another great step toward its goal of unity.


I have three precious things that I hold fast and prize.  The first is Gentleness—the second is Frugal­ity—the third is Humility, which keeps me from putting myself before others.


It is a notable characteristic of these teachings that wealth was measured by these qualities which cost nothing, while he who had great material wealth, without the qualities which make character, was considered poor indeed.


The following paragraphs amplify this idea:


Be gentle and you can be bold—be frugal and you can be lib­eral—avoid putting yourself before others and you can become a leader of men.


A dog is not supposed to be a good dog because he is a good barker.  A man is not consid­ered to be a good man because he is a good talker.


If a man wishes to attain the excellence of superior beings, let him first cultivate the virtues of humanity; for if he is not perfect in human virtue, how shall he reach immortal perfection?


To starve is a small matter—to lose one’s virtue is a great one.


In these speakings from the wisdom of a great Illuminate whom God sent into the world to help man to awaken the Light of Love in him, you can see an example of the continued strug­gle of the divinity of man for recognition but resisted by the mate­rial senses of the bodies of men for sensation, wealth and power.


In this stage of it, at 500 B.C., man had reached a low moral stage.  He once had an aware­ness of his Soul but had been smothering that awareness for three thousand years in favor of his de­sire to gain the whole material world.  That process of gaining material wealth and sen­sual plea­sures at the price of character, honor, righteousness and dignity had so lowered man that utter licentiousness was common and local tribal and sec­tional wars for the acquisition of wealth and power were quite the order of the day.


Confucius had succeeded in creating a moral region around about him which was noted all through China for its high state of character.  His district became so crimeless, so peaceable and so honest that the Duke of Lu, who controlled his district, made him Minister of Justice.  In his new position, he punished wrongdoing swiftly and rewarded virtue so conspicuously that his province became so reformed that one could leave his goods by the side of the road and no one would molest them.


This fact gave rise to jealousies in adjacent provinces whose people and leaders did not wish to give up their licentious and characterless ways of life.  The neighboring Duke of Tsi plotted to overthrow this model province by tempting the Duke of Lu, by presenting with 180 of the most beautiful young girls in his land, together with 120 fine race horses.  The Duke of Lu suc­cumbed to the temptation, and Confucius resigned with about seventy followers to look for another prince who might favor a reform, but all of them preferred the licentious way of life, and he was forced to wander for the rest of his life attempting to find that which he could never again find.


He lived to a ripe old age, traveled in many States, maintained his dignity and honor through­out his life and won the reverence and love of all who knew him.  His life was a living exam­ple of the first Egyptian idealism which commanded that every man should do only those things which make him to be loved by all men.


In this example we find the answer to the peace and happiness which all men seek but never find, because materialism and sen­sation are stronger in man of today than character and righ­teousness.  Your civilization has sunk much in character since then, but has gained more in ma­terialism and technology.  You have learned so much more of the art of war from Gengis Kahn to Napoleon, and from Napoleon to Hitler—not to even mention the total evilness of ones such as Winston Churchill and Eisen­hower, Stalin and other military adversaries of goodness.  Ah, but the Elite tell you to worship at the statues of these pro­claimed great “warriors”—these men have been responsible for the murder of more people than was Gengis Kahn and/or Hitler com­bined.  This very day there is remembrance of an atomic bomb being used on Nagasaki.  The in­teresting thing in point is that the Japanese leaders are telling the people to pray for peace for it appears there will be more atomic war—in the Middle East.  America, wake up, please.  You MAN of today have come from the ability of one man to kill someone with a stone hatchet into the ability of one man to kill twenty million or more men and destroy a whole city in a few sec­onds and a whole planet in only a few short minutes.


Small provinces in China with petty princes, and small tribes in the desert countries, conducted insignificant raids upon each other to acquire herds, slaves and concubines, but your Empire Builders conducted these war raids upon a huge scale basis and thus built this present world of fear and hate which is so in­evitably destroying itself that its changing pattern is now as evi­dent as the daily rising and setting of the sun is evident.


The only hope now for saving this civilization is by restoring a system of ethics which will rebuild character, honor, dignity and righteousness into the human race.  The greatest op­portunity for ac­complishing this result is through the growing mammoth power of Industry which MUST trade upon an in­creasingly greater ethical basis than it has ever done before during the days of caveat emptor (a principle in commerce: without a warranty the buyer takes the risk of quality upon him­self. [“buyer beware”]).


Industry cannot do this by alone building Industry.  It must also build man, for you must remem­ber Markham’s dictum in this respect, which I again repeat: “In vain to we build the city if we do not first build the man.”




I ask you to pause here for some introspective thought.  Where do YOU fit into these action patterns?  What do you do with YOUR ego?  Are you the tyrant who demands or are you one who GIVES?  Do you speak of others as a part of some Elite band when, in fact, they are only different in job responsibility?  DO YOU TREAT THE OTHER AS YOU DESIRE THEM TO TREAT YOU?  Are you ACTUALLY being treated as is de­serving through the return cy­cle of that which you have pro­jected?  Better look again!!!  What EXACTLY do you expect?  Do you treat the other in the manner which elicits the kind, gen­tle and loving re-giving?  Do you demand that you be the recipi­ent of abuse in some self-punishment need through lack of self-es­teem?  Do you hide from the truth of it while proclaiming an­other has all the attributes you have just sent forth?  Are there not a lot of you who should possibly be sent into the “forever” horizon to clean up your attitudes?


How many times will you who must be “in charge” allow others to come who have no intent to “follow” but rather to “restructure” the so-called group?  Why do you allow another’s evil and greedy moods and rampages to cause you to play into the force rather than take a stand and refuse such behavior.  Are all things which are projected (also from this so-called group) reflec­tive of GOD?  I can tell you now—NO, and moreover, it is painfully damaging to the re­spect and Truth of that which we bring.  Yours is not to judge a MAN—yours IS to judge ac­tions and that which is reflective of the adversary in character rather than the God of Truth and Love in AL­WAYS GIVING, MUST BE CONFRONTED.  You all know the laws and the golden rule—why would you expect Hatonn or Germain or, or—to come and handle your earth personality ego rampages?  You ones have two or three massive and very earthly jobs to attend and I see not how you can get them done with personality conflicts as they are now entangled!


If ones who have these problems of inter-relationships cannot see their own errors, does this mean that all others must some­how tolerate such behavior?  God will work THROUGH AD­VERSARIAL SITUATIONS—HE WILL NOT GET INTO BED WITH THE ADVERSARY.  Perhaps you ones should begin with yesterday’s lessons wherein I pronounce that “turn the other cheek” as projected by the would-be controllers to ensure their power over you—had best be restudied within the laws of sowing and reaping—a Natural Law which is never in variance!  If you send out unrest—you shall have it——immediately!  If you send forth gossip and prat­tling—so shall it come against you.  If you send out Love—it returns unto you—instantly!  It will be­hoove all you ones to look at that which you are and that which you do lest the horizon be a most lonely one.  How dare you hand over that which is God’s because another demands to TAKE IT.  If you serve in a “team” in which God is the focus—how dare you do that which brings em­barrassment upon the team by your egotistical tantrums and moody indulgences.  NO ONE IS INDISPENSABLE!  ALL ARE NECESSARY TO THE WHOLE BUT IF ONES REFUSE TO MOLD THEIR PIECE OF THE WHOLE INTO ONENESS BUT CONTIN­UES TO SET THEMSELVES ASIDE AS PUT-UPON OR UNACCEPTING IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN SELF STATUS—IT IS INDEED SAD FOR THE BROTHERS WILL GROW WEARY AND YE SHALL FIND SELF QUITE ALONE AND UNWELCOME—IT HAS NAUGHT TO DO WITH LOVE.  AS WITH THE CHILD HAVING A TANTRUM—HE SHALL STOP IF HE HAS NO ONE TO ATTEND HIS BAD BEHAV­IOR.  SO BE IT.




In our efforts to give the lost qualities of character and righ­teousness back to the world of men, we believe that Laotzu fol­lows Immanuel and Krishna in value for your study.  So highly did his followers value him that the prelates of the religion which they formed—strongly against the will of Laotzu himself—tried to clear him of the stigma of being born through sex, as the prelates of the Christian religion tried to do for Immanuel (Jesus).


Now let’s look at a rather strange and humorous comparison.  The Christian Prelates conceived Jesus as being “immaculately” born by being fathered by the “Holy Ghost”.  Chinese Taoists were a little more spectacular, to say the least: They conceived Laotzu to be fathered by a shooting star and carried in his mother’s womb for sixty-two YEARS, THEN BORN FULLY MATURED, WITH WHITE HAIR.


So, how is it you ones have such trouble with DNA duplication and gene splicing?  This is noth­ing compared to a conception via ghost or a sixty-two year pregnancy!  How can you be so gullible in your acceptance of things so totally against the Laws of Nature?  Can a man not be “son of God” AND “son of Man”?  I believe the Masters told you exactly that!  How can you ac­cept the total blatant contradictions?  So be it.


Dharma, I would like to close here for I ask that ones give more thought to this closing in this lesson.  It is of no value to have Truth if you ones do not see fit to practice it—only scatter it about among OTHERS.  We witness much which is needing at­tending within the small groups—how can you expect to reach out and touch the world with Love, if you cannot find peace and Love within?  If you perceive that you are somehow “left out”—perhaps you have isolated self—a gift must be accepted to be a gift!  Ponder it.


Allow us a short break, please.




Sept. 23, 2011