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THUR., AUGUST 8, 1991   9:59 A.M.   YEAR 4, DAY 35


Germain present in the Truth of that which I AM and so be you.


Hold to the knowing and be reminded that the Scriptures, in which so many of you place your trust, and in those books which give of the great teachings of the great Masters, you will find the following: “Decree a thing and it shall be done unto you”; “Call unto Me and I will an­swer you.”  Re­member that the beloved Christos prefaced everything that He said and did in the World by the Words “I AM.”  “`I AM’ the Resurrection and the LIFE.”  “`I AM’ the Open Door which no man can shut,”—and believe me, friends and fellow students, that one statement in itself is sufficient to set every human being on the face of this Earth FREE; for this Christos meant exactly what He said, and He knew what was in the Power of those WORDS when He said, “`I AM’ THE OPEN DOOR WHICH NO MAN CAN SHUT.”  You note that I use the term “Christos” for you cannot dare to qualify that Presence by your puny labels—this energy is infinite and is the very breathing out and again, in, of the Great Source Himself.


That goes throughout Life and, ever since He spoke those Words two thousand years past, it has been vibrating through the atmosphere of Earth.  Mankind will come to understand this Mighty Power that He gave forth.  Because the preachers of the World—in order to hold the power to themselves—convey to mankind the idea that Jesus was a very Special Being, and that no one could attain the Goal because He was such a Special Be­ing—that is the very thing that has de­prived mankind through­out the centuries—even in the face of He, Himself, stating bluntly that what He could do and be—so be ye!


Therefore, I say to you today, the Christ is a PRINCIPLE, a “state of being”.  Immanuel “Jesus” was but a man, and He be­came the fullness and the understanding of His “Mighty I AM Pres­ence”—became the Christ representative of the World in man presentations and visita­tions by different labels unto mankind—because He became the full ACTIVITY, POWER, and PRIN­CIPLE of the CHRIST, which every man in the world can become.


Everything that that being was, everything every Cosmic Being is, one day you shall be, you shall attain by the understanding and exact KNOWLEDGE.  Therefore, let no one turn you aside from this great opportunity that is yours.  I know because I have gone through every process in Life, from its greatest limitations to the FREEDOM which I experience and have had for a very long time.


In bringing this forth and having the response which allows pro­gression, we shall go on and on until everyone has come to have access to knowing their “Mighty Presence”, their Source of Life—let us say, “God Individualized”.  Then mankind will enter into the great Freedom which every human being, in the Heart, knows is true.

Those who are attaining today have the proof of it.  The Mes­sengers have the proof of it.  Ev­eryone can have it who wants to but if mankind allows human suggestions, human falsehoods, to turn them aside, then the fault is their own.  Then I cannot help them, and you can be sure I am not going to go around and hunt you up and get you by the hair to hold you in the comprehen­sion.  But I do offer you, through the greatest Love that ever poured forth into mankind, that freedom of Life, that true un­derstanding of Life which is absolutely mechanical in its preci­sion or action in, to, and through you.  You are NOT dealing with uncertainties.  You can apply this, and there is no proof in this world that amounts to anything except that which you prove to yourself!





We will move ahead, from the prior chapter, about two thou­sand years, to some five hundred years before Immanuel when Confucius was born.  Confucius and Laotzu were the two out­standing Illuminates of China.  I do not like to lessen the honor unto great messengers by skim­ming along but there are tributes to them in other writings and their honor is not my pur­pose in these PLEIADEAN CONNECTIONS.  Illuminates ALWAYS teach the same things in practi­cally the same words—differing only to the tonal sounds of pronunciation and language symbolic differings.  Illuminates come invariably into the world when they are most needed to uplift a falling civilization with a Mes­sage of Love given in words which always have an ethi­cal basis in practice and never a doctrinal or phenomena basis.


Why, might you ask, would you not simply have another Illumi­nate to personally spread the WORD?  Because we come not just to illumine, but to prepare for a major change and event—the bringing of the spiritual Messengers into integration with you that this transition will be in perfection.  We are preparers of the way and the laying down of TRUTH through which man can again find his divine direction.  You need no more “people” to distract you in following “them” about and hanging on their own physical presence as representative of self responsibil­ity.  No, this time there will be the TRUTH brought forth in this manner so that there are NO ten­dencies to follow a MAN instead of God.


Know, for instance, that hate mail and critical material blasted against the scribe, only hurts the superficial senses of the person who types—it touches in no manner the purpose nor dis­tracts from the service one iota.  The assaults are taken in compassion by we who do the au­thoring for we realize that the one in angry aggression is totally without KNOWLEDGE and will only be­come more foolish as the thrust is continued.  Remember—GOD ALLOWS!  and THE LAW IS INFINITE AND ALWAYS IS!


It must be fully realized that the human race had been gradually falling away from ethical prac­tices, which are the basis of char­acter and righteousness, because of the slow advent of materi­alism, avarice, greed and individualism which crept into human thinking when desire for posses­sions and personal power crept into the first unified social order of history.

Long before Confucius was born, Babylon had become materi­alized into a commercial and po­litical state where individual power grew to its maximum.  Naturally, sensual pleasure and greed gradually drowned the high ideals it began with, as Egyp­tian culture and character crept north­ward into the Euphrates country.  You see, you are tinkering around in the Middle East in the very places wherein the end will come for civilization if left to deteriorate as is now on schedule.  Small wars for power gradually grew, back then, into larger wars and wise men ceased to be honored, as war heroes took their place in public favor.


The same pattern followed into Palestine.  Hebrew tribal wars followed the example of Baby­lon and the northern countries around the Mediterranean Sea where the worst elements of the de­caying Egyptian, Babylonian, Hebrew and Persian civiliza­tions were infiltrating.


We must realize, therefore, that Confucius, Laotzu, Buddha, Krishna, “Jesus” and Mohammed were not born into an ascen­dant civilization.  Their civilization had long been decadent and their Messengership to man was in the nature of being Saviours of a decadent race instead of being new teachers of an ascending one.  Your ancient civilization began with the barbarity recorded in the Old Testament.  You excuse it, somehow, because it was “ancient”.  Blood-sacrifice, bloodshed in the arenas and inhu­man conduct everywhere exemplified a fallen race of men—in fact, I think you might well call it “human conduct” for “inhuman” is not indicative of the action.  You find this type of evil ONLY IN THE HUMAN SPECIES.


These men were once noble and of impeccable character, a race where crime was not only un­known but not understood, for no man desired to act in such a manner as to make himself unloved to such an extent that he would be compelled to walk away into the horizon and disap­pear from his kind.


If that is fully understood, it will better explain the nobility of such a man as Confucius who lived among utterly licentious men and retained his nobility of Mind and cleanliness of body as well as the virtues he taught until his dying day.


The virtues he taught were WISDOM—RECTITUDE—DECO­RUM—SINCERITY and KIND­NESS.  These were the qualities which he listed as the basis of character and right action.


If you wish to have a rather short and “objective” view of Con­fucius I suggest you get a little his­torical booklet called SOCRATES, BUDDHA, CONFUCIUS, JESUS, by Karl Jaspers. It is quite small but gives quite objective outlay of in­formation.


Confucius differed very materially in one respect with the teachings of Laotzu and Jesus.  The latter two taught what Con­fucius regarded as idealism and altruism which were not true to Na­ture.  To “return good for evil” and to “turn the other cheek” was not the way Nature worked.  He taught that whatever a man gave out from himself, Nature inexorably gave BACK TO HIM IN KIND, for that is really the law.  The early Egyptians taught that way.  They taught that any man who did not measure up to the standards of character and righteousness which are neces­sary for a cohesive civilization and, therefore, became a drag-anchor upon the whole of society as well as a disgrace to his family was unfit to be a member of the whole human family and was com­manded to walk away toward an endless horizon.


The father of such a man would coldly say: “He is not born of me, for I am human and could not beget an inhuman.”

Confucius believed that a society which tolerated wickedness would have to pay for the man’s s, whereas the man himself should be obliged to pay for his own misdeeds by being pun­ished for them, even to being obliterated from the human so­ciety which he despoiled.


History has proved that to be the case, for it costs the good peo­ple of every country billions of dollars yearly as the price of misdeeds perpetrated by despoilers of society.  You, of today, even cultivate crime by “turning the other cheek “ and tolerate the intolerable.  So, wasn’t that just a dandy thing to have the Master Teacher say?  Do you really think this is what a Master Teacher who KNOWS THE LAW—would SAY?  Or do you think, maybe and perhaps, there might have been a little rear­rangement of the intent to suit the power-brokers?  You pay for thousands of prisons and cannot even keep up with the need (besides, the REAL criminals are outside the prisons sending the non-criminal to be locked away).  You pay for thousands of in­sane asylums, police forces, houses of correction and other in­stitutions which you would not have to pay for if you compelled characterless despoilers to walk out to an endless horizon of loneliness.  Your laws lean backward toward liberating the criminal to perpetrate more crimes rather than making him reap the harvest of his sowing—you even LAUGH at that which the politicians DO as if it matters not to you and these sleaze-balls CONTROL YOUR VERY EX­ISTENCE!


Confucious held that Nature would let a creature die if that creature refused to perform the work necessary for his own sur­vival, and man should do likewise.  Oh, Germain is a beast?  No, Germain is most practical—if a man is hungry enough he will tend of it.  Charity is mandatory when, and only when, a man CANNOT temporarily tend of self.  If he is unable to walk—he can work with his hands or brain.  Welfare and Charity are NOT THE SAME!  Man should work for his own survival, oth­erwise the workers of an organized society would find them­selves work­ing for the drones, and their happiness would be de­stroyed by those who did not fit into the rhythms which are nec­essary for a unitary, cooperative civilization.  What ex­actly, DO THE POLITICIANS DO AS WORK—FOR YOU, THEIR “MASTERS”—RE­MEMBER, THEY ARE PUBLIC SER­VANTS!  DOES NOT YOUR “MIDDLE-CLASS” OF WORKERS SUP­PLY EVERYTHING FOR THE ELITE AND THE WELFARE RE­CEIVERS?  HOW LONG BEFORE THE MIDDLE-CLASS IS DEAD?  PERHAPS IT IS ALREADY DEAD, DEAD, DEAD???


“If,” argued Confucius, “I return good for evil, what have I left to return for good?”


Confucius first gave the Golden Rule to the world in these words:


“What you do not like when done to yourself, do not do unto others”!!!!!


All of his teachings strongly reflect the early Egyptian teachings in respect to actions, for he con­tinually stresses the fact that ac­tions which cause you to be loved are right actions, and those which cause you to be unloved are wrong actions.


It has been written of Confucius:


It was the teaching of this sage that man should at all times exert the strictest self-con­trol, and he was never tired of preaching this to his disciples.


“The moral man conforms himself to his life circum­stances; he does not desire any­thing outside of his posi­tion.  Finding himself in a position of wealth and honor, he lives as be­comes one, living in wealth and honor.


“Finding himself in circumstances of danger and diffi­culty, he acts according to what is required of a man un­der such circumstances.


“In a word, the moral man can find himself in no situa­tion in life in which he is not master of himself.


“In a high position, he does not domineer over his sub­ordinates.  In a subordinate posi­tion he does not court the favor of his superiors.


“He puts in order his own personal conduct and seeks nothing from others; hence he has no complaint to make.  He complains not against God nor rails against man.


“Thus it is that the moral man lives out the even tenor of his life calmly waiting for the appointment of God, whereas the vulgar person takes to dangerous courses, ex­pecting the uncertain chances of luck.”

[Thank you, Francis Trevelyan Miller]


Dharma, in keeping to my commitment to Hatonn to allow you to leave within the half-hour, I will take up with some maxims of Confucius when we sit again.  I thank you for attending my needs in such a rushed schedule.  Know, dear ones, who give so much of your precious time unto our work—the rewards are in­deed great though the load seem heavy.  Peace be unto you, pre­cious “MAN OF LIGHT”.  This is inclusive of ALL, not in­tended in the singular for—though it seems all uphill at this mo­ment of transition—God shall prevail in total circumven­tion.  Salu.



Sept. 21, 2011