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TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1991  9:53 A.M.  YEAR 4, DAY 355



Greetings in the Light of the Mighty I AM Presence.  Germain, here to serve.


Since we must utilize the afternoon for a meeting, I suggest we postpone discussions of current affairs and simply move on with the book discourse.  There are instructions necessary in other areas of activities and we must be prioritizing your time effec­tively.


The inquiries regarding corporations are piling up and ones coming into recent JOURNALS and Expresses do not know the value of the information.  We will do an Express very soon covering advantages, etc., and then, dear ones, you will simply have to get the information from the past writings.  There is MUCH information outlaid in SPIRAL TO ECO­NOMIC DISASTER, PRI­VACY IN THE FISHBOWL and YOU CAN SLAY THE DRAGON.  We cannot impose upon our readers with items which have been so thoroughly covered, to rewrite the books.  We will ask that some “examples” be shared for a bit better understanding.  Also, I would personally suggest that ALL ones who wish to inquire—direct your ques­tions to Cort and E.J. for that is their area of expertise and by going through them you will garner more benefits than if you sim­ply go directly to Nevada.  (805 822-0601)  It is like utilizing an in­finitely technical piece of equipment.  You need instruc­tions or it is worse than worthless—you will get yourselves into trouble.  We are only giving you some alternative measures to use for privacy and security—not to suggest you do something against the law.  We are speaking solely of “shelter”—and an ability to minimize your visibility to the taxing giant through use of legal tools—not to “evade” anything.


Moreover, the point of setting up a “family” corporation is that you can set up your estate and business in such a manner as to totally negate need for probate, attorneys, etc.  Old corpora­tions never die—they just get a new President! and business goes on.  Stocks and agreements can be distributed in such manner that—immediately upon pre-planned contingencies—activa­tion and distribution takes place and thus and so, so that division of es­tates is EXACTLY ac­cording to the desire of the person(s) in point and the family assets are run as a business through mem­bers being on and making decisions as would any corporation through a Board of Directors (only ONE member if YOU so choose).


We are not in the corporate giant game—we expect any corpora­tion which we assist to remain very small for we are not in the business of doing-in anything—only in “saving” you person­ally, something.  It is a “tool” and like any “tool” you must learn how to properly use it and maintain it.  If you go ask your accountant or tax person about such—I tell you now, THEY DON’T KNOW VERY MUCH OF ANYTHING ABOUT IT, MUCH LESS IF THEY ARE NOT IN THE STATE OF NEVADA.  YOU ONLY COMPLICATE YOUR OWN AFFAIRS BY EVEN INQUIRING—YOUR MONEY IS THE WAY THEY MAKE THEIRS—THEY CER­TAINLY ARE NOT GOING TO TELL YOU TO DO SOME THING WHICH TAKES THEM OUT OF THE MONEY-MAKING LOOP!  THINK ABOUT IT!


George/E.J., it is also time that a more instructive and under­standable explanation be given to the public regarding the Insti­tute and collateral, etc.  There is gross misunderstanding in cir­cles who have not made themselves privy to the procedures.  Many think, somehow, that you are in the gold purchasing busi­ness or “something”.  No—not so and moreover, as you move into back­ing anyone for the Presidency—all monies will be most carefully covered so that there are no ar­eas to be found which can be attacked.  Further, remember carefully, that speakers and profes­sors are to be within the circle of the Institute.  Even if they are “guest” lecturers—that is the purpose of an Institute of Education and Research; especially if they volunteer their time, which most will be doing in the immediate days ahead.


All of you need all of the protection possible so let us utilize the tools effectively, also.  You will especially find the Center for Constitutional Law in building case references and re­searching the Constitution—needs the shelter of the wings of a “mother”.  The MOTHER will be the entity upon whose Board of Directors we sit!  I do not wish to pull rank—but you have a very high level Board of Directors at the Phoenix Institute and we insist that decisions always include our input and the resolutions re­flect same.  God is on the team; He has laid down the Laws and we will use them to the very best of our ability to function.  You can function very effectively according to and totally within His Laws in balance with the Natural Laws of Mother—EVERY TIME!  Thank you.  Now let us return to our Journal.




In the Egyptian civilization the fathers passed on to their sons, in their daily lessons, some won­drous character-building require­ments.  In reading some of these, may you not regret that the fathers of this day, or the educational institutions which repre­sent the fathers’ relations to their children of this day, do not give heed to them as the most important part of their educa­tion.


Again I am going to utilize the writings of James Henry Breasted for I feel he is the most insight­ful historian of that por­tion of history.  I honor greatly, this wondrous and devoted his­torian.


How worthy it is when a son hearkens to his father!  If the son of a man receives what his father says, none of his projects will miscarry.”  [How wondrous to simply be able to work under the total ASSUMPTION that a father will only teach his son that which is within the laws of God, Nature AND Land.]


“Instruct as thy son one who hearkens, who shall be suc­cessful in the opinion of the princes, who directs his mouth according to that which is said to him....  How many mishaps befall him who hearkens not!


The wise man rises early to establish himself, but the fool is in trouble.  As for the fool who hearkens not there is none who has done anything for him.  He regards wisdom as igno­rance, and what is profitable as useless.

A son who hearkens....reaches old age, he attains rever­ence.  He speaks likewise to his own children, renewing the instruction of his father....  He speaks with his chil­dren, then they speak to their children.”


Ptahhotep (yes, you will recognize this, Ptaah, of Meier’s con­tact) wrote down many of these maxims and teachings during the 27th century, B.C., even as to right conduct in the presence of older people, or when at dinner with one’s elders.  Even these were three or four thousand years old when he wrote them down.  We quote one of these teachings to a young man who was about to dine with an elder.  The following is also quoted from James Henry:


“Take when he gives to thee what he puts before thee, but do not look at what is before him,look at what it before thee, and bombard him not with many glances.  Turn thy face down­ward until he addresses thee, and speak only when he has addressed thee.  Laugh when he laughs, so shalt thou be very agreeable to his heart and what thou doest will be very pleasant to the heart.  It is very impor­tant on any occasion not to be over-communicative and no­ticeably aggressive conduct or bearing is to be avoided.


“If your chief is one who was formerly of very humble sta­tion, have no knowledge of his for­mer low estate, . . . be respectful towards him because of what he has achieved; for sub­stance cometh not of itself.


“Never repeat injudicious words uttered in heat by someone else.  Be silent, of it (silence) is better than teftef-flow­ers.


“It is a craftsman who speaks in council and speech is more difficult than any craft.


“Let the mind be deep and thy speech scanty . . . . Let thy mind be steadfast as long as thou speakest.  May the princes who shall hear it say, `How seemly is that which comes out of his mouth!


“If thou hast become great after thou wert little, and has gained possessions after thou wert formerly in want. . . .be not unmindful of how it was with thee before.  Be not boastful of thy wealth, which has come to thee as a gift of the god.  Thou art not greater than another like thee to whom the same has happened.  Moreover the career of a civil servant is hazardous, therefore, beware of the days that may come hereafter.


“It is well to make large investments in good will.  There­fore satisfy thy intimate asso­ciates with that which has come to thee, which comes to one whom the god (that is the king) favours. . . .  There is none who knows his (future) fortune when he thinks of to­morrow.  When some­thing happens in (royal) favour, it is the intimate associ­ates who (still) say `Welcome’!  But, as we shall see, `when thy fortunes are evil, thy virtue shall be above thy friends.’


“A man should give attention to the character of his friends.  If thou searchest the character of a friend, ask no questions, (but) approach him and deal with him when he is alone. . .Disclose his heart in conversation.  If that which he has seen comes forth from him, (or) he do aught that makes thee ashamed for him, . . . do not answer.


“If thou art a successful man establish thy household.  Love thy wife in the house as is fit­ting. . .  Fill her body, clothe her back.  No luxury is too good for her. . . . Make her heart glad as long as thou livest.  She is a profitable field for her lord.”


Let us take note herein that Mohammed made this same state­ment thirty-five hundred years later:


“Be not avaricious in a division, nor greedy (even) for thy (own) goods.  Be not avari­cious towards thy own kin.  Greater is the appeal of the gentle than of the strong.  Im­poverished is he who overreaches his kin; he is lacking in effective speech.  A little for which one practices guile en­genders enmity even in the cool tempered.  Avarice is the greatest enemy of whole­some family relationships.  If thou desirest that thy conduct be worthy, withhold thee from all evil, and beware of avarice.  It is an ill and in­curable disease, wherein is no intimate associ­ation.  It makes bitter the sweet friend, it alien­ates the intimate friend from his lord, it es­tranges fathers and mothers and the mother’s brothers, it sunders wife and husband.  It is a bale of evil things, it is a bundle of all unworthiness. . . . There is no tomb for the avaricious.”


Once these early Egyptian teachings ennobled works and the worker.  One happy maxim which we print here is strongly in­dicative of this.  It follows:


Happy are the bearers of the palanquin!  It is pleasanter (for them) when it is occu­pied, than when it is empty.”


[Now I know this is unnecessary for most of you but for the uninformed youngster: “Palanquin”: a conveyance formerly used in eastern Asia esp. for one person that con­sists of an enclosed litter borne on the shoulders of men by means of a pole.]


Attain character . . . make righteousness flourish and thy children shall live.  Precious to a man is the virtue of his son, and good character is a thing remembered.


“A wise man is recognized by that which he knows.  His heart is the balance for his tongue, his lips are correct when he speaks, and his eyes in seeing; his ears together hear what is profitable for his son, who does righteous­ness and is free from lying.


“Established is the man whose standard is righteousness, who walketh according to its way.”


Ah, for you earth-bound modern man: this appeared again two thousand years later in its essence in the Old Testament.



All that has been written regarding that wondrous early civiliza­tion has been for the purpose of deeply accentuating the fact that the first men within whom God-Consciousness resulted from the ability of man to hear those silent whisperings within his Soul fully realized that a broth­erly existence—which means the ability of men to live together in unity—was possible only by coopera­tion and MUTUAL SERVICE.  There was also personified, one of the most important Com­mandments: Honor thy father and thy mother ....  Thousands of years were spent in learning how to thus live.  Age after age passed, perhaps for as long as six thou­sand years, be­fore the great triumph occurred which gave you that marvelous pre-Pyramid Age of purely co­operative commu­nal Age of Justice, Character and Righteousness.


During all of this period, the concept of God was the sun.  He was known as The Great God, Lord of the Sky.  He not only gave all that was GOOD to the people of earth, but ruled them—most justly.  Those who refused to work with “the great God who watcheth over every action of every man” punished them­selves by their own hands.  Thus it was made clear that every man could have an abundance of GOOD given to him, but he must give service which is GOOD else he would deny for him­self that GOOD which he might have had.  The entire un­derlying struc­ture of this civilization, which had its highest peak between the years 4,500 B.C. and 2,500 B.C., was the principle that one must do that which would make him to be loved.  The one word—MAAT—covered that entire principle.  In that one word was the entire connota­tion of the meaning which is con­veyed in the words “truth”, “beauty”, “righteousness”, “character”, and “justice”.


Very seldom, indeed, did the sons and daughters of men dare to, or care to, violate the teach­ings of their revered fathers, but when one flagrantly disobeyed, thus disgracing his family, the father said to him, “Thou art not of my blood”, and condemned him to walk his lonely way among men who refused to greet him or befriend him.  The way of such a one was so ter­rible that delin­quency beyond a forgivable limit was very rare indeed.  Such a delinquent would have no place to go, no institution to take him in, for there were no such institutions as with which your coun­try abounds to  take care of those who break every law of life and thus saddle the cost of it upon their neighbors.


You who await the wondrous ancient “ORAL TEACHINGS” of Little Crow—Eagle of the Great Spirit—what do you expect his lessons to be?  I think you might reread a bit of the pre­ceding and all that is coming forth—you see, truth does not vary in con­cept—not one iota!  In fact, WHO DO YOU THINK THE AN­CIENT EGYPTIANS TO BE?  YOU HAD BETTER GO LOOK AT SOME HISTORICAL PAINTINGS IN ADDITION TO YOUR RESEARCH READING.


Your civilization prides itself upon its charitable institutions, its insane asylums, its maternity homes for delinquent young girls, its clinics for venereal diseases, its prisons and other institu­tions which are supported by the normal people of the world for tak­ing care of the abnormal ones.  It would be impossible in these days to have it otherwise, but it still remains a fact that if those who defy righteous living were made to walk unrecognized to­ward a lonely horizon, there would be less departure from righ­teous living.


In closing this lesson, try to imagine how much better your civilization would be if the par­ents of your children emulated the practice of the parents of the pre-Pyramid Age and gave of their wisdom and character to their children as regularly as they gave them food.  The tragedy of such a thought lies in the fact that a very few of the parents of today have that character to give, for they, in their youths, were not given wisdom from their fathers.

It must be realized that this process of slow degeneration, be­cause of the lessening desire of parents to give character to their children, has been going on for over five thousand years.  It has kept pace, in reverse ratio, with the increase in desire for mate­rial possessions, material power and individualism which has slowly but surely created a MIGHT-OVER-RIGHT race of hu­mans whose basic principle of life is to TAKE rather than to GIVE.


Once again we say that the human race cannot possibly survive a continuance of this principle.  A notable example of its work­ings is that of the Empire Builders who sought wealth, prosper­ity and power by taking, and found themselves impoverished—even unto having to ration their scanty food.


I again say to you, therefore, that the only way for the human race to survive is to rebuild character and righteousness into it, and inculcate into each man a desire to give service to his fel­low man in or­der that his fellow man will give equal service to him.


It may well be that mankind must be made to suffer more than it has ever suffered before in or­der for it to finally sink in despair, as the wounded boy in the trench sank in despair and cried out for help unto God.  We hope that such a day may not have to come—but what do you think???  The signs of the times point strongly toward the necessity of it.  Just as long as every man has a comfortable bed to sleep in and a luxurious car to take him to pleasant places, and high wages to make that possible, he pays little heed to such signs of the times as 14-year-old preg­nant girl members of local junior high school sex clubs wherein morals are not argued, only the advent of abortion and birth control and “safe” (there is none) sex!  Or of the hundreds of other flagrant evidences of a rapidly deteriorating social order in which crime, treason, in­trigue, bribery and the continued threat of man-made war forever hangs over this “don’t care” “playboy” world of ever cheapening and violent entertainment.


You can see your culture dying a rapid death right before your eyes.  Your great musicians must first be clowns in order to be acceptable for audience.  A popular sexy crooner can draw ten times larger audiences than a Caruso and a five piece hard metal rock bank will garner thou­sands while a symphony will draw the few.  Topping this is the known fact that a really good painter or sculptor would starve if he aimed at producing masterful work, for great art and great artists have no place in your world of to­day—except to “copy” for resale the “masters’” paintings to fool the purchaser.  Dignity has gone out of art as it also has gone out of the highest courts of justice in the land.


It is useless to say, “What are you going to do about it?”  The only thing we can say is, “What am I GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?”




You must become informed of that which is “wrong” and then you must become filled with the desire to bring character back into the world by becoming one of the seeds of character which will spread from you gradually into the whole world.  The more you realize this and become a working member of this Science of Man movement for the building of character into the world, the more hope will come into the world for the ulti­mate “saving” of the hu­man race from its now threatened downfall.

Can you accomplish this?  Of Course!!  All you have to ponder is the accomplishment of the ONE—YOU!  Furthermore, dear ones, if you accomplish it with YOU—YOU HAVE THEN PURCHASED YOUR TICKET, HAVE YOU NOT?  SO BE IT!


Isn’t this convincing evidence that character and destiny are like cause and effect?  Destiny be­comes what character IS.  Charac­ter is the rudder in the sea of life, but destiny is the direction within the sea of life.  Smooth sailing is ahead for one who de­sires smooth sailing, but if one prefers the collision with the rocks he may have that also—but it is of his own choosing.  Both are his.  Remember that universal love is limitless, and you ARE the universe.


Every man who has ever become great became so only because he desired to, planned to, and made the effort to become so.  There are no accidentally great men.  All great men build them­selves in their own image.  That which they become, they first desired to become.  They thought out, and planned the steps upward to their own high mountain-top.  The great differ­ence between all people lies not in their abilities but in the intensity of desire to express their abilities.


It must be remembered that desire of Mind is the sole source of universal energy.  The greater the intensity of desire in the Mind of any man, the greater power he has to express his ability.




GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU!  Every man determines his own des­tiny by that which he thinks and does every moment of his life.  You can become what you want to be only through your thoughts and actions, but the measure of your desire must be great in order for you to become great.  Hitch your wagon to a star and fasten its bolts with deep desire to manifest love and, behold, its wings will carry you to those heights.


No one who has ever reached those heights has done so by him­self alone.  He who loves is aware of Love working with him.  God is Love.  Love is the foundation of the universe.  He who deeply loves is deeply humble and giving.  The greatest men in the world are those who are most humble.  An arrogant man is one who asserts his personal ego, while a humble man is one who suppresses it and is, therefore, without arrogance.  The quality of humility is that which gives to one the gentleness and tenderness of spiritual strength.  When the human indi­vidual changes his attitude to total GIVING—THE WAY WILL HAVE BEEN WON!


Let us leave this now for there is a meeting at which you are needed.  We will take up the ele­ment of “death” of “character” when we sit to the keyboard again.


Do not lose faith or hope as we outlay that which is Truth for it is only the original necessary step to accomplishing transmuta­tion into Glory.  You must define the symptoms of the disease, diag­nose the disease and THEN AND ONLY THEN—CAN YOU SEEK THE CURE! 


You ones are totally and absolutely beloved of me and my brethren come forth to serve WITH you.  You are indeed blessed among men, though you may not even know of it.  The journey be­gins with the first step and the accomplishment of change begins with the one and ends with the ONE!  I HOLD TIGHTLY AND UNFLINCHING ONTO THE HAND OF MY TEACHER AND GUIDE—THEREFORE, IF YOU TAKE MY HAND WE ARE ASSURED THE PROPER PATHWAY.  SALU.




Sept. 19, 2011