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FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1991   2:13 P.M.   YEAR 4, DAY 351


The time has come now when we are ready to comprehend what the trouble is with the world and the only remedy that is possible to reclaim it from the chaos which inevitably faces you.  It is not wise to ignore the handwriting on the walls of the world-struc­ture.  I wish to paint the pic­ture of the present rapid fall of man so vividly that everyone can plainly see that your civi­lization is doomed to self-destruction if world leaders will do nothing to reverse the conditions which are causing your fall into another age of bestial dark.  I am told that I am optimistic for it appears it is too late for bestiality has become the modus operandi—the rest has simply not caught up with the massive misbehavior.  We shall see, for it appears to be the time of awak­ening when man is nearing a low to the point he will turn to God and then the reverse will come very quickly.


When the high moral and righteous civilization of about four thousand years ago fell into degra­dation because of its lowered moral condition, its people, great and small, said: “Woe is me for the misery of this time.  I would that I might die.”  Little children said: “Would that there were none to keep me alive.”  Universal despair settled down upon that highly intellec­tual and moral civilization in which righteousness, justice and morality had developed charac­ter in man as has never since been equalled.  That is what happened to the Old Kingdom in Egypt at the end of the Pyramid Age, and that is what will happen to the human race before your newborn child shall have reached another five years unless the present system which is now the basis of your human rela­tions is reversed.


You do not believe this because you now have a comfortable home and a motor car.  But, there are now over 3 million homeless in this once flourishing nation.  People are being laid off in great numbers daily, businesses are closing or moving to other countries—and there is no evi­dence of new business nor startup again of the old.  How long will YOU have a home and other property?  The Elite have planned to take it ALL from you so that you will be too helpless to rise against them—you are nearing the point of having only months to take action rather than even years—there are no more “decades” to consider in the waiting.


You cannot picture your own son slaying you, his own father?  How about prostituting wife or daughter?  What about turning your back while another man slays his brother as men like you and your son are doing in this day—and even passing out honors and having parades for the ac­tion.  It is only that you cannot be­lieve it has happened to you—you cannot believe that it ever could happen to you.  Do you forget how quickly degradation and wholesale prostitution over­took the little peaceful, moral German villages of home-loving, church-going people immedi­ately after the first World War?  What of the second World War?  What of the atrocities in Viet Nam?  Even with the gang wars and drug related crimes and killings you cannot believe that this can happen here and to YOU—this prosperous young nation being plunged into the very dregs of debauchery and mis­ery in less than one generation.  It has happened, brothers, and while you slept the Elite would-be rulers stole your Constitution, set up drug trafficking centers in your own military installations and your children are killing each other in the streets of the cities.  You who are young will see it, however, for you are in it and you will yourself sink to the lowest levels along with the rest, or kill all you love and yourself, too, to escape it.  You will then find that the present civilization is only a thin veneer which will strip itself off from its base in a few short years after morality and character have reached a certain level to­ward which it is now al­most at crescendo.  One more World War will create this dread chaos within only days or weeks as millions of homeless city refugees flee the cities to desecrate the country­side for very survival.


The most conspicuous symptoms which have accompanied every FALL OF MAN for thou­sands of years are these: Lowered ide­alism with resultant lowered culture, character, moral­ity, righteous­ness and justice—disappearance of sex-idealism with resultant promiscuity and homosexuality—greed and lust for possessions and power—crime and youth delinquency—and fear of wars arising from inter­national disunity.  These causes you have with you this day in greater intensity and measure than ever before in all of human history.  A CAUSE cannot exist without being followed by its EFFECT.  It is time to admit that the CAUSE is here.  You must also know that its EFFECT IS ALSO HERE AND CANNOT BE LONGER AVOIDED.  Yet few seem to be concerned and refuse to look at the proof be­cause it seems unbelievable that it could have happened to YOU.  Socrates did not believe that the high civi­lization of Greece could fall—but it did.


The great artists and idealists of 1900 would starve today.  En­tertainment has grown vulgar and pornographic.  Character, morality and justice are all but GONE.  Crime, even unto TREA­SON, is fast consuming the last portions of your nations.  Sex-idealism is gone and sex-looseness is blatantly present at every turn from the lower grades on.  Diseases associated are wiping out great numbers of your citizens—including your ba­bies.  Abortion is rampant and not only sanc­tioned but de­manded.  Promiscuity is destroying the sanctity of an increas­ingly larger percentage of homes—it is remarkable to have an intact family of origin.  Above all this is FEAR—fear for loss of security and fear of war.  Fear of the Truth and fear of the igno­rance.  Terror sweeps the nations like wild fires out of control.  There is a reason for this, and that reason is that the basic un­derlying CAUSE of this world disaster to the human race lies in gross ignorance of balance in hu­man relations and its con­sequent malpractice.  You have not kept watch and the wicked have stolen all while you noted it not.


The world has not yet realized that the only way a civilization can endure is by practice of the LOVE PRINCIPLE of GIVING instead of TAKING.  When man learns how to serve man rather than to exploit or enslave him, morality, justice and character will then come again into the world.  Former JOURNALS tell you why and how greed and fear came into the world and caused man to “gain the whole world at the cost of his Soul”.  We wish to show you that civiliza­tion has advanced technically for thousands of years but has retarded spiritually to the point where none of your great institutions gives any thought to the development of character in spiri­tual man, while the develop­ment of character and righteousness during the Age of Charac­ter, when God was thought of as Light and symbolized by the sun, was paramount.  Ever since that day of high standards of righteousness and culture, which men then valued, there has been a gradual tendency to create machine-men who could pro­duce material wealth for an ever in­creasing material-minded world.


By thus giving you this knowledge of all of WORLD HISTORY boiled down to that spoonful so you can see it as a whole, you will then readily see that the only chance for human survival and growth into a united and cohesive one-world of cooperative man is through rhythmic bal­ance in industry, for Industry could be the greatest and most powerful institution on Earth—the only one which can unite mankind into its ideal of ONE-WORLD, which Government, Edu­cation and Religion have all failed to do.  Where nations have conquered nations by might-over-right and spread fear and hatred in so doing, Industry could gradually conquer the whole world through friendly service which binds men together through the giving and regiving to each other of the needs of the other.  All mankind has to trade with all mankind and loves to do so.  This ne­cessity for mutual trading would gradually become more ethical, and character is the product of ethical interchange.  That is the secret of the greatest opportunity for ex­pressing unified power the world has ever known.  This great unifying power is hardly awak­ened as yet, for it is new.  It does not yet know its own long-sleeping Soul.






To understand man and to know what is the matter with man and man’s world of today, it is necessary to go back to the very be­ginnings of his awareness that he is a man.  That period was the dawn of his Consciousness, which means the very first aware­ness of his immortality.  That was probably about eight thousand years ago, but two or three thousand years of twilight pre­ceded that dawn of a sufficiently conscious awareness of morality, character and righteous­ness to form a social order where justice and a philosophy of life were strong enough to unify man’s in­terests into what you call a civilization.  During all of this period a language slowly grew, to­gether with a way of writing that lan­guage in word forms and symbols.  The Age of Character then began in Egypt.  Its rulers and its people considered character building as of first import.  All else was secondary, as we shall see.


Then came into being an intellectual, moral, righteous, cultured and scientific civilization such as the world has never yet equalled in its spiritual standards, with the qualities which are es­sential to an enduring civilization.  Man of the pre-Pyramid Age has never been surpassed as a moral intellectual during all of these thousands of years.  The reason for that is because indi­vidual greed for physical possessions and power had not yet come into the world.  People’s de­sires were collective for the good of the whole.  In man’s discovery of man, he valued man above all things for he discovered that every man working to­gether in unity could produce wonderful things.


Greed came gradually and did not gain force, to the detriment of character, until about the 25th century B.C.  From that time forward, man set the product of man before man himself.  For this reason he has now become a part of his machine and is so considered.  In appraising the value of any laborer, his ability to produce more output from his machines than another man is the mea­sure of his worth.  In the upper brackets of industry, the man who can produce more profit for his employer is the man of greater value.  This has been the slow growth of centuries dur­ing which time man has forever thought of his civilization as highly advanced over the barbarous ages of the past.


We can point to the airplane, the motor car, the telephone, tele­vision, radio, computers and a thousand other inventions which stand as proof of great human progress over even the horse-and-buggy days about which you still make movies from only a cou­ple of generations past.  We do not, however, point to the great advancement of man in the art of killing in which he has been supreme.  The stone hatchet, the arrow, then the sword and bullet, could kill only one man at a time.  During the past cen­tury of what man calls his “greatest” era of human progress, man’s advance in the art of weapon building has made it possi­ble to kill thousands and thousands of men and wipe out whole cities with just one discharge of his new weapons.  As a matter of fact, with the weapons now available, man can wipe out the entire planet and civilization in about 15 minutes or less.  Man’s only really great advancement has been in the art of killing other men and destroying his own character as a consequence.


Today you think of a civilization of five thousand years ago as savage and primitive, yet if a high intellectual of the Pyramid Age could be escorted through your country he would be highly shocked at the workings of justice and the low standards of your educational and reli­gious insti­tutions in creating machine men of low ideals and no departments in them for the development of character.  Such a man would instantly say that you are devel­oping a criminal race which must eventually destroy itself, and he would be quite correct for most of your in­stitutions breed fear, evil and disunity by the “every-man-for-himself” policy of TAKING what one wants by the power of might-over-right.  It is rampant in your sports arenas to no longer have integrity—right where a child used to could look unto heros.  Even the teachers and police go on strikes for money and leave the chil­dren loose and confused as to values.  Governments practice this principle in their empire building, which is the same thing individu­als do when they want something, but they call it STEALING.


Fear—especially after-death fear—did not enter the Conscious­ness of man during the great Age of Character.  Fear gradually entered human consciousness, fear of after-death punish­ment for the wrong actions of men.  This sense was delayed in early man for he did not at first have a sense of right and wrong even when character was at its highest standard because he did not sense the idea of evil for thousands of years, and that sense of evil is a necessary precedent to a sense of right and wrong.  This very strange element in the unfolding of the spiritual na­ture of man is dif­ficult to understand by present-day man because evil and a satanic god for evil, and after-death punishment, have been in­grained into man for long centuries.  We will devote a great part of the next section to an explanation of this high mental state which pre­ceded the concept of evil and trace the CAUSE of the growth of the beliefs of sin and evil to man, himself, and to his institu­tions.  We shall look at these beliefs which are man-structured and have no existence in God’s universe of Nature.


Oh yes indeed, I have heard your retort that Hatonn said evil was alive and well on planet Earth and that Satan is considered a real entity—NOTE: HE SAID, “ON PLANET EARTH—AMONG HUMANS.”  HE HAS NEVER SAID WITHIN THE PLACES OF HIGHER EN­ERGY FORMS IN THE UNI­VERSE.  HE HAS, IN FACT, SAID THAT NO EVIL NOR SATANIC INTENT WILL BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE PLACES OF GOD OF LIGHT!


The Golden Rule, Proverbs and the Ten Commandments were born in Egypt thousands of years before the Hebrews REVIVED them, together with the principle of brotherly love and unity.  This we will show you to make you more and more aware that there has never been a time since man first became aware of God when the standards of character, righteousness and sense of the GOOD were as high as they were 5,000 years B.C.

We will also show you that the principle of brotherly love and the necessity of uniting mankind into oneness was born in Egypt thousands of years before the Hebrew civilization rewrote it in revised forms.  The purpose of acquainting you with these facts is that there has never been a time since God first revealed Him­self to man that He has not illumined a Messenger, or Mes­sengers, to reinspire other men and help to awaken the Light in all men.  Further still, we tell it to let you know that every di­vine Messenger who ever dwelt among men as genius, Illumi­nate or Christ-Conscious mystic, always spoke words with the same meaning as those first ut­tered by pre-Pyramid Age man.  These few words which portray the Love Principle upon which the uni­verse is founded have been repeated all down the ages in the inspired word of ev­ery mystic, from Ikhnaton (Akhnaton) to the one you call Jesus (Immanuel), and from Jesus to Baha’u’llah—ev­ery poet from Homer to Emerson and Whitman—and every sage from  Confu­cius to Franklin.  They all have but one purpose, that of making man know God through the awak­ening of the Light of his own divinity.  The important thing for every man to fix upon his consciousness is that a RELIGION of RIGHT PRACTICES exalts him.


No civilization can grow which is founded upon unnatural and supernatural beliefs.  These be­liefs divide and disunite mankind and breed hate and intolerance in him.  Mankind still must learn that the most important thing in life is what one does to his neighbor.


Religion did not come into the first civilization for a long time, for religion is a system of be­liefs in spiritual beings—according to the Encyclopedia Britannica—which takes time to de­velop.  Moral character was most essential to a race of men who were trying to live together coopera­tively as a social order, and so it was that early man began his civilization by realizing that what one does to his neighbor was the most important thing in ev­ery man’s life.


We will describe later the mental and objective process of ar­riving at the conclusion that the universe was founded upon GOOD and that human practices must be GOOD.  Out of this grew a code of ethics which became a working practice based upon a philosophy of GOOD.  Religion did not come into the Egyptian life until much later, but from that moment of building religious BE­LIEFS into men’s minds instead of ethi­cal practices, FEAR came into the world and moral character and righteousness began their decline and have continued so unto this very day.


Take rest, please, and when we continue we will note the reli­gion of beliefs in spiritual beings soon added supernatural beings and magic and caused a movement into a big thing of FEAR.


Thank you for your attention.




August 29, 2011