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MONDAY, JULY 29, 1991   2:10 P.M.   YEAR 4, DAY 347



As these lessons move along, I must state that I deeply know my responsibility to you who are seeking to awaken the Light of all-knowledge and power within you and to the world of men who are seeking to build a unified civilization which is only possible when MAN, as a whole, shall have found that Light within him­self.


The moral world is fast sinking because all of its institutions base their beliefs upon the educa­tion of man’s body instead of upon his Mind.  You, and all mankind, will be caught in that mael­strom of world-degeneration and immorality whether you will it or not.  Our responsibil­ity to you—and yours to the world—hangs heavy upon your beings as we put to print these lessons.  We can give you the key to the door of heaven, but it is for you and the world to turn the key and enter into its Light.  That key is KNOWLEDGE, for ignorance alone keeps man imprisoned within his body and compels that body to ever walk the treadmill of a physical ex­istence under the lash of its slavery.


The world is grossly ignorant of its greatest essential—CHAR­ACTER.  You are continuing to build a criminal, immoral world of fear and licentiousness because your concept of values is “material”.  The Soul which ties man to God is not only al­lowed to sleep, but is forced to sleep by a civilization which is forever trying to “gain the whole world at the price of losing its own Soul”.



I ask that you stamp these next words upon your Consciousness with indelible ink:



1.   The MOST IMPORTANT THING in life is what you do to your neighbor.


2.   The LEAST IMPORTANT THING in life is what you or your neighbor believes.


3.   He who gives of himself to his neighbor enriches his Soul and builds character, but he who takes from his neighbor seals his Soul in its tomb and enslaves his body to the world-treadmill from which there is no escape other than the awakening of his Soul.


4.   The most important and noble attribute of man is CHAR­ACTER.


What are world institutions which are endeavoring to build a stable civilization doing about the building of character in the world?  What are education, religion, science and government do­ing to build the character in man which is a necessary prereq­uisite for a unified civilization?  This is the need for some 25 of the prior JOURNALS—so that you can see that the intent is not only to NOT build character—but in fact, to tear it down com­pletely.  In every facet of your life—per­sonal and social—you have been betrayed and pushed into deeper ignorance.


EDUCATION is entrusted with the unfolding of Mind-aware­ness which alone unites man with God.  The primal necessity of education is the building of character in man through giving him knowledge of the arts and skills of man’s produce and of the in­terchanges between men which make better neighbors and citi­zens.  It is, instead, creating machine men, robots and parrots who remember and repeat instead of geniuses who think and know.  Education is training bodies in­stead of illumining minds.  Our schools and universities have teachers for everything but CHARACTER.


RELIGION is entrusted with bringing love into the world in or­der to unify mankind into ONE WORLD.  Religion is the most disunited organization on Earth.  It consists of over 400 dis­united sects which are divided one from another by unnatural pagan beliefs in miracles, super­stitions, creeds, dogmas and doctrines which have bred disunity, intolerance, fear, ignorance and licen­tiousness throughout the world for long centuries.  DISUNITY CANNOT UNITE.


The Christ who founded Christianity told the world of a God of Love, Unity and Brotherhood of Man.  The many religions teach fear, sin, evil and a God of wrath whom man must fear.  They teach GOODNESS as a reward for virtue.  They teach many things which Immanuel did not say—things forged into the New Testament by those who wished to keep fear alive in man for their own profit.


Religion has fought science and the acquisition of knowledge since its very beginning to keep fear of eternal damnation and freedom to think alive in him.  Its history is written in the blood of martyrs who suffered the tortures of the Inquisition.  The eyes of thousands of “heretics” have been gouged out for refusal to believe the excesses of its creeds and doctrines.  Even unto this day the charge of heresy rises quickly to the tongue of one churchman who believes a shade dif­ferently from another one, for freedom of religion is not a characteristic of church­men.  That one thing which the Christ deemed most necessary in His teachings—brotherly love and unity—is impossible in a dis­united system of many religious beliefs and faiths as it is for the dark to illu­mine with light.


SCIENCE, which is entrusted with the responsibility of verify­ing God by acquiring knowledge of God’s processes of Creation and other qualities of the Creator and Creation, has denied that re­sponsibility on the ground that God cannot be verified in the laboratory.  Instead of being the equal mate to religion which, together, could lead mankind to a comprehensible God, science has severed itself completely from the responsibility of having anything to do with man’s Soul and has relegated its offices en­tirely to the multiplication of the product of man’s body, and draws no line between the production of implements which man needs for body comfort or which nations of men need for body destruction.  There is not one-quarter of an inch provided for in the platform of this great element of social welfare for the de­velopment of the most needed element of the social order—CHARACTER.


GOVERNMENT, whose very essence is unity—and whose very purpose is to serve its people in order that their complex and di­verse interests can be resolved into one harmonious working whole—does not fulfill that purpose and never has.  Government governs; it rules now as it al­ways has.  Governments and rulers have built empires by slaughtering and exploiting other na­tions of men.  They have spread hatred and fear throughout the world and created enemies which have impoverished them and caused them to tax their peoples for generations to come as the fruits of their RULING.


Governments started as the expression of power and might of ONE MAN OVER ALL MEN.  Pharaohs, kings, emperors, czars and other absolute rulers of nations governed justly or un­justly, brutally or kindly, but in them was all the power of “might-over-right” which each po­tentate chose to exercise.  Wars began that way.  One king desired more power and wealth and got it, or lost his own by descending upon his neighbor with his sword.  It has ever been thus since the dawn of history.  The lust for power has always crushed the desire for spiritual un­folding of man which built character in him.


No greater element of your social order is so tainted with the qualities which foster a criminal growth than politics.  The very word is tainted with the connotation of corruption and bribery.  Like other elements of your present social order, government standards are fast declining.  The statesmen of today have not the standards of dignity which were characteristic of your first presidents.  Empires have ennobled pirates, conquerors and magnates, but God ennobles only those whose characters have made them like unto Him.


As far back as your counting of 35th century B.C., represented by monuments erected through­out the world, is evidence of man’s search for power in which the machinery of human govern­ment became the organized expression of the thirst for power—the appetite for the exer­cise of force.  Practically every war ever fought has been a political one in which one man, or one na­tion, sought for power over other men or nations and/or to gain of their wealth.  Up to this very MOMENT in this gen­eration today, one man in many nations had the power of life and death over every man in his country.  In no other organiza­tion of human life has the thirst for power been so drastically exercised, and by might-over-right methods which are the oppo­site of all that is morally “christian” or ethical.


Religion and government have persistently fought each other for power supremacy since the dawn of history.  That power, which both church and state fought for, was the power over other men, and such power was always based upon self-motives.  We are not criticizing any world insti­tution—I have no purpose nor intent to do so.  We are telling YOU what is the matter with YOUR WORLD, just as a physician must diagnose an ill patient.  It cannot be said of the doc­tor that he is criticizing a patient by telling him he has a cancer.  Must it always mean that if we tell Truth we are somehow less your friend?  The human race is still primate intellectually and barbarous physically, and that includes your institutions.  If we, who are teachers of God’s ways and processes, cannot diagnose world faults and thus help to cure them, the world will still suffer from its ailments without know­ing what those ailments are.  The world needs lead­ership, but when the church or government desires power, leadership then means dominion over men.  However, it should be guided by the teachings of one of God’s Messengers who taught that the leader is best who works WITH men in such a manner as to make them believe that they DID IT THEMSELVES!  SALU!


I offer unto you these things so that you will know what is the matter with the world and offset it by the one and only thing which will offset it, the development of character in man.  Previ­ously, we said that a certain statesman said that we might cure the ills of the world, “If we only knew what they were.”  In the foregoing pages we have told you what they are.  The question now is shall you remedy them, or have you time to remedy them?  Has the world fallen too low to rem­edy them?  Every symptom which existed as cause of the fall of other great civilizations exists to­day in your whole world.  En­mity, fear, greed, lust for power, hatred, a fast lowering cul­ture, a fast increasing sex looseness and promiscuity including teen-agers, trea­son, slavery, crime in­crease and race hatred, and the killing of an average of a million brothers of men by other brothers of men, have lowered the standards of world morality, honor and character more since 1900 than the world has gained in eight centuries prior to 1900, and with it world culture has de­generated in like measure.  This does not, you must know, in­clude mur­der through “legal” means such as abortion.


We are now to the point where we can paint the whole world picture of the struggle of man very simply and briefly.  For at least a million years, man has been able to make implements for his domestic and war purposes, but not until about 8,000 years ago did he know right from wrong.  He led an instinctively controlled life supplemented by primal reasoning ability for sur­vival only.


Reduced to its ultimate simplicity, the fight for survival of body means TAKING what one needs for survival of body.  To take from others means the development of the physi­cal power and strength needed for taking.








The Dawn of Conscience came into the human race about 8,000 years ago, and with it simulta­neously began the Dawn of Char­acter and Righteousness.  We mean by that, that man began to know right from wrong and began to govern his actions accord­ingly.


Two thousand years of increasing ability to think and create gave to man a language and an ability to carve that language into words, symbols and forms on the stones of his tombs and tem­ples.  Thus began the ages-long fight between the physical de­sires of primal man as ex­pressed by TAKING and the slowly dawning spiritual man as expressed by GIVING.  Even the giv­ing of justice, consideration and friendship until then was un­known.


The fruits of the TAKING principle are the exercise of might-over-right for acquisition of power and material possessions.  The fallacy of the taking principle is that what one takes from another to enrich one’s self with possessions and happiness will impoverish him instead and bring anguish to his house in the measure of his taking.  The law respecting the taking principle is that the exercise of might-over-right by the strong over the weak will strengthen the weak to destroy the strong.  The slave will always rise to slay the master.  He who slays by the sword is slain by the sword.  The richest and most powerful empire builders in the world have been reduced to living on rations be­hind barricades of armaments lest they be de­stroyed by the de­scendants of those whom they have destroyed.


The fruits of the GIVING principle are love, happiness, inspi­ration and the exaltation which comes only to those who have become aware of the Inner Light to some extent.  The law re­specting the giving principle is that what one gives he always has whether or not he is regiven, but he who gives is regiven in kind.


There you have it, precious ones, the story of the rise of man from his jungle to his high heav­ens.  It is the story of ages-long learning the lesson of love through countless experiences in which the unfolding of the spiritual in man gave to him more and more awareness of the Light of his own divinity and One­ness with God.


Now returning to the meaning of higher knowledge.  If what you do to your neighbor is the most important event of every moment, can you not see, therefore, that you either TAKE or GIVE to him in every action?  If you TAKE, you are exercising primitive physical practices which will react against you.  If you GIVE, you are storing up the most valuable attribute a man can ac­quire-CHARACTER—and you are on the road to making the supreme discovery of your Self, which is the goal of all mankind.


Is it not plain to you that the Creator of forms for His IDEAS has as distinct a pattern for the unfolding of world destiny and your part in it as He has for an oak tree or a butterfly?  Is not all Creation patterned in the form of its IDEA?  Do you not truly realize this glorious fact?  If you do, we can now return to the statement made in other pages that God sends illumined teachers among men during every period of man’s unfolding to reinspire in them the inspira­tions He has given men.  This has been so since the beginning.  You know of them as far back as around the 34-35th century B.C.  You have known about two of the greatest of these, Im­manuel “Jesus” and Krishna.  We have re­cited their basic teachings to you, teachings which were for the sole purpose of awakening the Light of God-awareness in man and the develop­ment of nobility of character in man.  We will now tell you about many of the hundred to two hundred lesser teach­ers whom God has illumined down the ages, in differing measure, to give you the great gift of character which is the fruit of those who have become transformed from one who TAKES to one who GIVES.


These names are those of the immortals who will never be for­gotten to the very ends of his­tory.  The reason for and the mea­sure of their immortality lies solely in the fact that they have learned to walk and talk with God, and because of that fact they have learned to give priceless gifts to man which will endure forever.  These mystics, prophets, poets, creative geniuses of the arts, and wise sages, are what they are solely because they have transformed themselves through knowl­edge inspired within them directly from God, instead of acquiring only the sim­ulation of knowl­edge through their senses.  These are the Messengers of God to man who give of all they have and enrich themselves and the whole world by their giving.


Do you know what we mean by this?  If not, think of a Beethoven or a Leonardo.  These men cannot help giving all they have of themselves, whether they are regiven or not.  They cannot be impoverished by thus giving for they are like unto wells of living waters.  The more they give, the more they have to give, and God’s law works as surely for them as it does for the lily in the field which gives no thought of reward for its per­fume, and it will work equally for you in the mea­sure of your awareness of the Light of your divinity.


Previously, we told you that immortals from every age left her­itages to man for the building of character in him.  There has been no interval in all history in which messengers thus pre­pared have not been among men to transform them and awaken in them that Light which will make of one man out of ten mil­lion.  We wish to leave with you one other thought before we give you the greatest teachings the world has ever known, teachings which have had no meaning as yet to the human race which is still in its early barbarous stage of TAKING by man-killing, teachings which are the basis of character but ignored by your educational institutions.


That one thought is that every illumined Messenger ever born to Earth for the purpose of up­lifting the moral standards of man brought only one message, and that could be put into these words—LOVE YE ONE ANOTHER.  Their teachings were limited to telling people how to live to manifest the Love princi­ple upon which this universe is founded.  In reviewing these teachings since recorded history began about 60 centuries B.C., you will find that one golden thread run­ning through all divine Messengers’ teachings.  We will now search for that golden thread of the master poets’ and mystics’ thinking to tell you why that which they have given to the world should become the source of higher educational teachings for the building of a moral and righ­teous civilization, and why their omission from human educational teachings is the cause of the present growth of crime and degeneracy which will inevitably plunge all mankind into another long Dark Age.


It is difficult for people who ride in luxurious motor cars and live in comfortable homes to be­lieve this for most of the world believes that you are in a high state of civilization.  The poets know better, however.  Listen to what Emerson said to the world in the 1870’s:


“We think our present civilization near its meridian, but we are yet only as the cock-crowing and the morning star.  In our barbarous society the influence of character is in its infancy.


Herbert Spencer said at that same time:


“Our civilization is based upon piracy.  Until we be­come a moral and ethical people no civilization can en­dure.”


James H. Breasted also said:


“The more pressing need of America at the present critical juncture is not more mechanization but more char­acter:


Your greatest Minds of all time gave their messages to mankind in vain.  They have been ig­nored because man was not ready for them.  The physical man is still dominant and he wants only a physical world with more comforts for his body, more machines to multiply his physi­cal productivity, and more and better explo­sives with which to kill.  Man has not yet discov­ered that such a world breeds crime as well as wars.  We do not mean the un­derworld crimes alone.  We lay stress upon the inevitable in­crease of treason and that kind of disloyalty which leads to re­bellion and governmental overthrow by war-made enemies bor­ing within.


Empire building and colonialization have furnished the cause for the state or world hatred which exists today, and lack of teach­ings which build character and righteousness was the cause of em­pire building.


If it is not too late, there is still hope for the reversal of world degradation if the educational and religious organizations would even now build character and righteousness in man by giv­ing him the knowledge of the higher teachings of God’s few Mes­sengers who He illumined for that pur­pose.

In conclusion, we have now laid the foundation for your full comprehension of what higher knowledge means, and have clearly shown why mankind will continue to fall in eternal se­quences of Dark Ages until man as a whole, and all of his insti­tutions as his working parts, real­izes : “In vain do we build the city if we do not first build the man.”


Next we will go back to the earliest known Messengers to man, about 8,000 years ago in Egypt where the Dawn of Conscious­ness and Character began.  We will trace the essence of their teaching down to this day.  It is my hope that the inner knowl­edge will begin to become apparent within each of you.


Remember, as we close this chapter and allow digestion and a bit of rest for the scribe—BAL­ANCE.  The other words were added to help man comprehend that one word.


Another thought is to ask you to give deepest thought to the word UNITY and realize what that word means to your physical and spiritual manifestation of God in Action.  Fully realize that unity is impossible if the pairs of a transaction are not equal.  We have told you that you can trace all of your ills and the world’s terrible troubles to that inequality in the transactions of Man in Action, which leaves a residue of unbalance which has not been able to be united with its mate.


Learn to think of the two equal hemispheres of the sun as a per­fect mating.  Each half is equal, and each half cannot func­tion without the other.  Think of yourself and your mate that way.  Say to yourself, “I have no intellect of my own, or body of my own, or thought of my own.  The other half is my wife/husband and I cannot fully function unless both halves are as equally bal­anced as the two hemispheres of the sun.”  If you can think and act that way, you multiply the power of both im­measurably.  Likewise, every transaction of life is between pairs, and the pairs must balance with each other in order to become united.  Will you take this thought into every moment you can give to meditation for it is the BIGGEST THOUGHT IN ALL CIVILIZA­TION.  If you can master it, all else will be added unto you.


Thank you for joining me.  We will continue on the morrow.  Good-day.




August 24, 2011