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MONDAY, JULY 29, 1991   12:08 P.M.   YEAR 4, DAY 347


We have painted a symbolic word-picture to exemplify our meaning.  Because of it, can you not see that the world is still so primate that it has not yet learned how to live?  It has not yet ac­quired a LIVING PHILOSOPHY which is sufficiently related to Nature’s processes to even be­gin to find the happiness and peace which all men seek.  If the world has not yet acquired knowl­edge of how to live in peace and happiness between neighbor and neighbor, or husband and wife, except for the small per­centage of the rare few who have acquired that knowledge, do you not plainly see that the world concept of higher knowledge has got to change from an in­crease in the ability to express one’s self physically by creating a better material product to ex­pressing one’s self spiritually by knowing how to UNITE WITH ONE’S MATE IN EVERY HUMAN TRANSACTION?


This is the point we have been leading up to.  Because of it, we are now enabled to reduce the whole principle of life to a very few words which give full meaning to the teachings of Jesus Im­manuel and Krishna which have been so long ignored because of ignorance of their mean­ing.  Without the preparation given in the foregoing lessons and in this lesson, you would be no more prepared to comprehend the few words which we will now use to picture the whole purpose of the drama of Creation than you and your ancestors were able to comprehend the words of Im­manuel and Krishna quoted on previous pages.


The following few words are a basic formula for what all people are doing all of the time, during all of their lives, whether awake or asleep.


All people, and all Nature, are continually and perpetually try­ing to DIVIDE THE UNDI­VIDED ONEinto equal pairs and UNITE those equal pairs into one.


Note that I say that all things are TRYING to do this perfect thing, but the state of the world is indicative of the fact that such EQUAL dividing and EQUAL mating is rare in the human race.


An illustration of the meaning of EQUAL dividing and EQUAL uniting can be found in one’s breathing.  That is an action-reac­tion interchange of Nature and takes place without a mental de­cision.  Such an interchange MUST be balanced, lest you die.  The same results of EQUAL dividing and EQUAL uniting are demonstrated in your pulse, in your walking, or in your waking and sleeping interchanges.  These you cannot avoid.  You do not “cheat” in any of them.  You cannot.  Your “free will” does not extend that far.


You have an interchange of dealings with your husband or wife, or with a neighbor, or with your servant or customer.  Each such interchange is the result of a decision.  Equal GIVING and REGIVING in all such human decisions is rare.  Inequality gov­erns the great major por­tion of all human interchangings.  All failure, rustrations, illnesses and wars, and all delin­quency and crime are due to whatever RESIDUE OF UNBALANCE is left over in most all human transac­tions in which the right of “free will” is exercised.


If you DIVIDE the UNDIVIDED unequally, these two cannot MATE EQUALLY.  Polarity in Nature is always balanced.  The “electric” current polarizes EQUALLY.  Nature is a multi­ple “electric” current.  EQUALITY and BALANCE are the most conspicuous characteristic of au­tomatic Nature, but IN­EQUALITY and UNBALANCE are an equally conspicuous characteris­tic of man-controlled “free will” interchangings in Nature.


In practically all human dealings, one mate—or both—in every transaction is “CHEATING”.  That is what is the matter with the world.  Human beings have not yet begun to learn how to DIVIDE the UNDIVIDED EQUALLY.  Therefore they can never UNITE them, for bal­anced unity is impossible with un­equally mated pairs.


Until individuals and nations learn how to DIVIDE and UNITE in accordance with the infalli­ble law of RHYTHMIC BAL­ANCED INTERCHANGE, there will always be strife, unhappi­ness and the ills which man himself makes through his ignorance of how to live.


The above stated facts bring us to another high point of compre­hension regarding what HIGHER KNOWLEDGE MEANS.  We will state it simply.  Which is the most important of the follow­ing: (1) whether a man knows how to build a better machine than was ever yet built or (2) whether a man is a good friend, citizen and neighbor or a bad one?


We unhesitatingly state that the most important element in the building of a civilization is the manner in which man deals with man, yet no educational institution on Earth has any depart­ment in which moral character is even considered to be a part of man’s education.  This ma­chine-age has grown out of the brain of the machine-man.  Perhaps you are now better equipped to understand: “In vain do we build the city if we do not first build the man.”


Of what use are better techniques in the making of a better engi­neer, doctor, inventor, mathe­matician, historian or industrialist if in so doing we also build greed, avarice, lust for power to conquer, or desire to take more of the fruits of such techniques for one’s self?


Can you not see, therefore, that if the most important thing in the world is the manner in which one person deals with another, it is plainly obvious that the highest knowledge man can obtain is the knowledge of his UNITY WITH ALL MANKIND AND WITH GOD?




We have talked long about divided pairs and the uniting of those pairs.  The greater portion of mankind thinks of those sex-di­vided pairs as males and females of the human and animal species.  They do not even think of mineral and vegetable life as sex-divided males and fe­males.  We have now reached the point where we desire to have you think of all Creation as divided pairs of males and females.  This includes light itself and the wave.  This also in­cludes all of the elements of matter in the mineral kingdom and all of the gases and vapors of matter.  It includes also all of the colors of the spectrum.  Red and or­ange are as much male as man is, and blue and green as female as woman is.  In other words, this entire universe con­sists solely of male and female bodies which unite to live and to create life and divide to die and be reborn again into life.


Let us help your visualization of this by arrang­ing six of the nine octaves of matter in their true marital rela­tions as equal pairs.  See Fig. 8.  These six octaves are re-ar­rangements of the Rus­sell Charts which will be reprinted later.


Please study these charts in their octave arrangements.  The symbol of Fig. 8 (+) means one of an equally divided pair, and this symbol (+) means a united pair.  Science deeply errs by using symbols like these (+ -) to symbolize equally divided pairs which have equal power and call­ing one positive and the other negative.


Each of these pairs in Fig. 8 will unite as stable, balanced mates.  They are perfect marriages in Nature.  If you will think of them as seesaws and their centering zeros as fulcrums, they will be like the example given on a previous page in which many children played seesaw with each other.  Being fully bal­anced and equal, they demonstrate the fundamental principle which Im­manuel and Krishna taught, each in His own words but each being the essence of true sci­ence.  Each of them, therefore, demonstrates the EQUALLY DIVIDED AND EQUALLY UNITED principle which completes a wave cycle of God’s cre­ative thinking.


To further illustrate the meaning, there are three of these bal­anced pairs below the diagram.  Take note of them.  When the upper pair, lithium and fluorine, marry, they form the very sta­ble element of lithium fluoride.  They will abide together hap­pily forever.  Likewise, sodium and chlorine will abide together as a united pair known as sodium chloride, which is table salt.  If you examine a crystal of this salt, you will see that it is a true cube, which is the perfection of balance in crystallitic Nature.  Now look at the third pair—potassium and bromine.  United as potassium bromide they will lead a happy, rhythmic, balanced life.


Each time we are drawn to the brilliant perceptions of Dr. Wal­ter Russell and Lao, we are hum­bled by the contribution unto MAN.  I gave unto this genius being the information as I relay unto this receiver—but his was total clarification and comprehen­sion and he left a legacy which will now be awakened through­out the planet wherein prior to this it only touched the tiny few.  His charts and diagrams bring to life the word descriptions and become easily un­derstood from out of the fog of words.  When the WORD is put to audio tape, an addition of the diagrams must be made for a picture is truly worth more than a thousand words.  Can you ones see that man never dies—he is immortal?  Walter Russell, as great as he was, was unrec­ognized—buried by the Elite deceivers.  Now in this time after his departure from his last ex­perience in manifes­tations—he shares with the regiving of this Truth and his beloved balanced mate sits with him and oversees that which we do here.  It is the glory and abundance of the universe and such joy will flow into your being as you come into this wondrous miracle of re­giving.  I bow in humble gratitude for a job done in perfection and unto my scribe, now, who tediously receives so that we can more clearly relate to the man of this day.


Fig. 8  (See Fig. 8 below)

Then by putting those halves together to make a whole apple also seems simple, and it works just that way and just as simply in Nature when one cuts the IDEA of the sun into two equal hemispheres and puts them together equally to form the body of the sun-idea, or harnesses an old, weak horse with a strong one to pull a heavy wagon.


If man would but learn Nature’s way of balancing her transac­tions, you could have perfect civi­lization tomorrow, but as long as man divides UNEQUALLY and then TAKES the larger half instead of GIVING EQUALLY, he will never learn the long lesson which is the purpose of Creation.


God sends teachers unto men to help them learn that lesson.  He sends Illuminates whom men call Messiahs, prophets, mystics, geniuses, poets, translators of cosmic rhythms of the arts and the lesser inspired but sincere ones who desire to love and be loved.  These inspired men God sends to leaven the human loaf by in­spiring other men.  The Light they have within them, they can give to other men in the measure of their power to give, while the illumined ones can give in their greater measure.  God per­petually talks with every creature in the measure of its abil­ity to comprehend Him.  Instinct is small measure but inspiration is large measure.  That means that you can uplift the whole world by giving in your measure as we are giving in ours.  That is the way that a united world will some day come to pass.  It is a long road but each newly illumined step in it is another step in the di­rection of the goal of ecstasy which must come before enduring happiness can ever be known by man.


Do you not see by the above how necessary it is that you know the things which bring you to that goal rather than the things which prolong a treadmill existence in the chaotic whirlpool which so many think of as an enlightened civilization?  Do you not see why you should con­stantly seek wisdom, knowledge and power directly from God?  If you do see the necessity and thus desire in your heart to save yourself many reincarnations of more treadmill existence while learning that lesson, you will use every endeavor to transform yourself into a higher be­ing by multiplying your comprehension of the teachings which God gave to give to you by oft and long communion with Him in deep meditation.


This is why I continually insist upon your complete comprehen­sion of the idea of polarity which DIVIDES and UNITES to give and regive.  That is why I continually say to you that if you fully comprehend just one wave cycle of light, you have within you the basis of all knowledge for light waves are God’s language of Light.




Let us make it easier for you to visualize what is meant by di­viding the undivided and unit­ing the divided, by giving you some of Dr. Russell’s drawings.  Fig. 9 represents the undi­vided static zero universe of MIND-KNOWING  and MIND-EN­ERGY.  It is the zero white Light from which Creatio emerges.  Former lessons have made known to you that all of the REALITIES of the IDEA of Creation are within that zero undivided ONENESS.  Understand, therefore, that God’s KNOWING is your KNOWING.  You must now know how the IDEA of God’s knowing and your knowing assume form, for the thought process which creates them is the same.


Fig. 9-A is the first step in telling you how.  You see there two discs which are comprised of four rings of divided Light, one within the other.  They represent the beginnings of God’s spec­trum thinking.  They are the basis of the octaves.  They are His imaginings.  In them is the pattern of His imagined IDEA.  They are IDEA IN CONCEPT—UNCREATED IDEA in con­cept.  Sci­ence calls them the INERT GASES.


Light-waves now begin to divide that concept into pairs and set them in motion to create bod­ies which image the imaginings in form.  That is MIND-ENERGY expressed by thinking.  Thought-waves divide these four rings of white Light into four pairs of rings of the spectrum colors and project them toward each other for the purpose of uniting the FOUR PAIRS INTO ONE.  These four pairs collide and become two hemispheres of compressed spectrum light centered by white incandescent light.  Together they make one perfect sphere.  That is the way that all mat­ter is created.


I am not telling you this as a principle of physics for it is not even known in physics.  I am telling it to you as a universal principle whether in morals, character-forming or invention, or whether in the painting of a picture of trading furs for food.  Every transaction in Nature or in the social, marital or business life of people must follow this octave principle of DIVISION of an idea into its two parts and the uniting of those parts by four progressive steps toward the mature idea.  THE RESULT OF THAT UNITING is what counts for success or failure, hap­piness or misery, peace or war.


If you study Fig. 10 you will see that there is perfect symmetry in the divisions of the pairs which interchange with each other to consummate a oneness in themselves—such as sodium chloride—and then unite with each other as a whole to consummate a unity of the whole idea.


If you will now think of the universe as one undivided Idea and of all the parts of the universe as many IDEAS which are divi­sions of the whole ONE IDEA, you can better comprehend that the divided ideas are expressed in octaves because the wave which divides them is expressed in spec­trum-divided octaves.  Octaves grow.  They become waves.  Waves come and they go.  In “electric” terms, they are called frequencies or cycles.  In terms of growth, we call these cycles life and death cycles.  They come and go.  Everything in Nature comes and goes in or­der that it may come again.


That is the way IDEA is given bodies to simulate IDEA OF MIND which has no body.  We might clarify this also by sym­bolizing it.  The idea of MAN is part of the whole Idea of Cre­ation.  Within the IDEA is the DNA/RNA of the manifestation of the idea.  Let us see how God cre­ates a body form for an idea by dividing the undivided Idea, which has no body, into four pairs which must grow into the matured idea and then uniting those four pairs into the ONE to be­come a complete octave.


Chart 1  Male and Female (See chart below)

Let me do a little concluding here, please.  If you will but give deep thought to this diagram, you will see these comings and goings of what you call life and death as constant repetitions of action with rest periods

Fig. 9, 9A & 10  (See below)

between the actions.  That is what life is.  You manifest it every sec­ond of your life.  If you could but look at your life cycles as you look at the swinging of the pen­dulum, you would have a still clearer idea of the continuity of life-expression in the rein­carnations of your own life.  There is action, reversal and rest in the pendulum’s swinging, but the pendulum for­ever swings.  No cycle ever ends or begins.  Cy­cles are but never-ending pulsings.  There is growth, reversal and decay in the expressed idea of the tree, but the tree forever reappears.  The same law applies to YOU.  YOU DISAPPEAR but YOU FOREVER REAPPEAR.


Can you not see the universal meaning of sex in these explana­tions?  The universal sex princi­ple, like the universal life princi­ple, is a continuity.  It never ceases.  The sex interchange which be­gins life is continuous.  It never ceases.  That is what growth is.  That is what mother-father­hood is.  That is what Love is.


The entirety of all the universe is a continuing expression of the Love principle, which God is.  It is a ceaseless, endless conti­nuity of giving and regiving.  Man’s life is given over to the purpose of learning how to give and regive EQUALLY.  That is man’s problem.  That is civi­lization’s prob­lem.  Man’s entire present life, and thousands of lives before the present one, is spent in learn­ing that one lesson.  Whatever happiness or mis­ery, success or failure, man cre­ates through his experiences during his long lesson-learning, are made by himself.  These are the rewards or punishments which he creates for himself.  As a man thinketh, so is he.  As a man acteth, so he becomes.  Every creating thing in this universe is SELF-created—and that SELF within each creating thing is GOD.


Let us break here for a brief rest and begin a new chapter.  Thank you.


Figure 8


Figures 9, 9A and 10


Chart 1

August 22, 2011