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SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1991   1:04 P.M.   YEAR 4, DAY 346

SUNDAY,  JULY 28,  1991


Dharma, listen up please.  The items for which you are search­ing have been removed.  To uti­lize that item—especially on the opposing side of your body from the direction of the pulse beams—is deadly.  That thing will intensify the beam power at whatever frequency being uti­lized.  That is why we keep the other little one in front of you for it actually can reflect or be­gin the recycle di­rection.  I remind you ones that you do not know of that with which you play.  For most it will be an energy en­hancer and was certainly given with that in mind.  Never mind more than that—you simply may not utilize any devices in the area of the computer and electricity lines as relative to you.  You do not understand your own circuitry nor your particular frequency change as we have worked with you in this format.  That which will give assistance to another will be deadly to your system and we prefer to not continually have to override the systems for it does great damage to the equipment.  Ones mean well but I remind you—you are not of the same frequency or mag­netic structure and that which helps another greatly damages your system.  God most adequately takes care of you.  Keep all those weapons and toys away from you, please.  Let us move on.


While you are in my service, I am responsible for your care, chela, and I, Germain, am an al­chemist—not a magician.  We work solely within the law of universal physics and you ones tinker with things which are presented as worthwhile which are useless and other things which are so conducive to ultimate death to the organism that it is startling—all of which seem to elude your attention.  Be gracious in accepting the items but do not ever use them near or around this computer for elf beams are funnelled at you through this electronic equipment.  If you become grossly weary—we will simply have to stop and give you rest.  So be it.




You humans on earth Shan look about you and see how very enlightened you THINK you are.  You have air travel, a wee bit of probe into that which you call space (it isn’t really), won­drous motor cars, television, radio, microwaves and thousands of comforts unknown even a half-cen­tury ago.  You admire yourselves as a great people of a great age—you in the U.S. call yourselves humanitarians (oh nausea) and enlightened people.  You look back upon those “unenlightened” people of yesterday and say they are old-fashioned.  Those people of yester­day were but your­selves.  There were many great minds among them, many immortals who enriched that age and who could, if you would allow of it, enrich this age.


You look back a thousand years—two thousand years—three thousand years—eight thousand, nine thousand and you now say that the civilization of that day was archaic.  They thought this about Earth and that about the stars—and one tribe slaughtered another and took over its herds—and one king took away the lands of other kings.  That was long ago, you say, when the Earth was peopled with barbarians, but those people of that far yesterday were yourselves.  There were many great minds among them, many immortals who enriched that age.


Shall we forget that tomorrow is a concept and is not far away when people shall look upon you as archaic barbarians who had learned how to kill by millions instead of by ones?  Will they judge your standards by the planes and motor cars of a material age of archaic reasoning in your sci­ence, disunity in your many religions, and parrot-like memorizing in your educa­tion?  You claim to be most of a religion who accepts a ONE GOD.  BS—you now accept RELIGION and there are thousands of them—that means, dear ones, that you are more pagan than any Ro­mans with their dozen or so “Gods”.  If you believed in the One God—there would be ONE RELIGION AND IT WOULD BE TRUTH.  So let us look at it as it IS.


You go about killing in the name of God, Christ and Goodness—while all state in the LAW and in the WORD—”Thou shalt not kill!”  Oh, you say, “...but in self defense is OK”, and I re­spond “Aye”, however, if man lived according to the Laws there would be no need of “self-de­fense” for another man would not tread upon thee.


What do you really think tomorrow will think of you?  As of to­day they would see you with punk haircuts, stupefied zombies, noise of incredible decibels—a pit of vipers.  They see you now as writhing serpents in dens of dark confusion awaiting death and yet knowing no escape in death.  At BEST do you not feel that another age ahead would be justified in thinking of this age as being in its intellectual and spiritual infancy?  You would un­doubtedly resent this as men of Plato’s age would resent your concept of their standards—and yet Truth was there in Plato’s age—right from the Master’s mouth—presented through Socrates.  But Plato interpreted according to Plato’s desires and you all were off again on a merry-go-round of ignorance hav­ing thrown away the golden ring in favor of the brass. 




Those people of “TOMORROW” will be YOURSELVES.  I care not that which you BE­LIEVE to have been or not been re­moved from your listings of rules and regulations for oper­ating pro­cedures—YOU WILL BE IN THE AGE OF THAT WHICH YOU CALL “TOMORROW”.  Man WILL learn and that is precisely the way man learns—through mani­fested experience and when he grows sufficiently—he moves on into higher place­ment and ex­perience—like helping lit­tle fledgling men try their wings and learn to fly.  You haven’t even learned to crawl, little ones.


Yes, these people of tomorrow will most certainly be your­selves, yet there are many great minds of this age, many im­mortals of today who will have enriched mankind of tomorrow.  And so it is that man forever seemingly unfolds without realiz­ing that it is not man who un­folds but Mind-awareness which forever transforms man throughout the ages of Mind-mani­festation through the body of man.





You MUST KNOW what we mean by higher knowledge that I stop here to again give defini­tion.  A clue to your greater under­standing lies in the one supreme fact that THE GREATEST MIRACLE WHICH CAN HAPPEN TO ANY MAN IS THE DISCOVERY OF HIS SELF.


When we use the term SELF as applied to man, we mean the DIVINE SPARK OF GOD-AWARENESS which severs the physical body from the Cosmic Light of Mind.  The discov­ery of one’s Self, therefore, means the discovery of one’s divinity which unites man with God.


Human educational institutions have quite a different concept of man, however.  They base their study of man upon the premise that man is body.  The study of man for that reason has never passed beyond the science of psychology which has kindred terms to describe it, such as psychoanalysis, functionalism and structuralism.


The entire principle of psychology is misunderstood, misrepre­sented and misnamed.  Its dictio­nary description stems from the word psyche—meaning the human soul.  There is its claim and right of name.  Its own definition is far from that and is abso­lutely unrelated to soul.  Here is psychology’s own definition of itself, and this definition is substantiated by its practice.  These are the words of that definition:


Psychology is the study of man’s (meaning body) adjustment to his environ­ment, of the instru­ments he has evolved to aid him in adjustment, and of the ways he can improve his adjustment through learning.


This very palpably means BODY—both as to man and as to envi­ronment, for all adjustment of man to his environment means SENSE-adjustment, not Mind-adjustment.  The Mind needs no adjustment.


Psychoanalysis is still more physical in its connotation.   Also, it is based upon a condition which is non-existent in Nature—the condition of unconsciousness.  When one sleeps, his senses are unaware of his body simply because of the weakness of the de­polarizing current of his body.  In other words, his senses can no longer vibrate sufficiently to THINK, just as a harp string can no longer produce sound when its vibration frequencies lower beyond a certain point.  Psychoanaly­sis tries to cure per­sonality defects which have their cause “in the UN­CONSCIOUSNESS”.  It endeavors to make the patient bring the UNCONSCIOUS part of his personality into CON­SCIOUSNESS.  This basic misconception of the meaning of CON­SCIOUSNESS places the en­tire science upon a purely physical basis and does not touch the mental or spiritual.  What the above sentence means could be more properly stated as fol­lows, “It endeavors to make the patient recall his forgotten dor­mant brain records by stimulating his REMEMBRANCE OF THEM.”  Moreover—it is not the “UNCONSCIOUS” by ANY descrip­tion—it is the SUB-CONSCIOUS!  So you see, you do not have the right definition of action nor even the right term of definition for the state of consciousness.


Psychoanalysis is engaged solely in “behaviorism” and endeav­ors to straighten out abnormali­ties by restoring normal behavior rhythms.  It is as purely a clinical and physical practice as the doc­tor’s practice is.  It endeavors to do for the brain what the doctor does for the heart, and that is all.  It succeeds in doing that in many cases and contributes value to medical and criminal prac­tice because of that, but it is not any more entitled to claim its relation to Mind or Soul than the heart specialist or obstetri­cian is entitled to make that claim.  Perhaps an Oph­thalmologist has better claim if he can fix the “eyes”.  It is merely one de­partment of body-re­pair service and that is all it is.   Proof of this fact lies in the acknowledged lack of power to explain (1) thenature of the learning process, 2) the explanation of thought, (3) the or­ganization of creative abilities and (4) the explanation of genius.  Oh, and we think we can do better?  YES.  WE CAN EX­PLAIN EXACTLY HOW AND WHY IT ALL WORKS!


These acknowledged dead ends of psychology and psychoanaly­sis and the fact that they mis­take low brain potential for a Mind-condition which they so unscientifically, and unnaturally, call UNCONSCIOUSNESS should lift such a science entirely out of the right it has AS­SUMED as a Mind-science and the assump­tion that psychology is HIGHER KNOWLEDGE.  It is purely a HIGHER SKILL or another TECHNIQUE which is being made use of by in­creasing the ability of the senses to reason from ob­served EFFECTS and assemble those ob­served effects with the very small amount of MIND-POWER of which the human race has thus far become aware.


Psychologists build a very untrue representation of their science and their powers, as well as their teachings and practice, by their frequent quotation of Socrates, who said: “Man, know thy­self.”  Man’s Self is his immortality.  Psychology does not even touch the rim of immor­tal Man who is ONE with God.  It is concerned only with the body of mortal man while de­ceiving itself that it is dealing with Mind.  When your brother, Alexis Carrel, coined the term SCIENCE OF MAN, he meant MAN-THE IMMORTAL MIND, not MAN-THE MOR­TAL BODY.  Therein lies the difference in our teachings and that of educational institutions.  There is not one educa­tional institution which searches for the immortal in man or bases its conception of education upon the unfolding of the Mind.  Some religious schools claim to do so—NO, they DO NOT.  They teach exactly the doctrines as presented for that God of which ever religion they claim—er­rors and all.  In fact, most especially the errors.  Most of those schools claim that all you have to do to find sal­vation and go home to God is—NOTHING—EXCEPT BELIEVE ON JESUS.  Funny thing, the name Jesus was applied by an apostle in error and the words were not printed in any fashion for 300 to 500 years after this “Jesus” was departed.  No one will get within the place of God on another man’s blood—espe­cially that which was spilled at the hands of the very men trying to skate by on another’s passage.  Now, I suggest all you reli­gious evangelists begin to open your eyes lest a lot of souls in torment be resting on your back through disinformation.  Now, please do not tell me I need to come back to Christ—Christ is right here in my presence.  Do not do me the favor of praying for my soul, either—God is here in my presence and within my being—there is nothing amiss with MY SOUL—but I am con­cerned with YOURS.


In your institutions brilliant children are suppressed and genius is not even recognized.  Many geniuses have been sent home with recommendations to their families to seek schools for sub­normals for them.  Your educational institutions are stultifying the mentality of the whole hu­man race by their misconceived belief that the child who can tell you who stabbed Julius Cae­sar and when, what was the date of the battle of Waterloo, or what was the cause of the sec­ond Punic War (and not one in 210,000 can tell you that one) is far more intelligent than the child who can interpret the rhythms which lie hidden in the silence—you lock those away.  Now it is far worse—the schools deliberately brain-wash with misinformation and cover-up while destroying great portions of history in hopes of burying same.


Your government gives billions in relief to help the indigent and the moron to survive, but al­lows its Beethovens and Leonardos to starve rather than to help them.  It WAS better in Eu­rope and other countries but it has become the same there as in your na­tion, now.  The garbage from your New World is now sifting into those once great nations and it is a deliber­ately intended move to bring the world down and into slavery.  Remember—ig­norant people are helpless peo­ple.


I must continually interrupt to reclarify definitions and make ex­planations to allow that you are understanding.  You must know what higher knowledge means if you are to attain it.  The only teachings which can be considered HIGHER KNOWLEDGE are those which awaken the spark of divinity which lies dormant in every man.




KNOWLEDGE and IDEA are GOD QUALITIES.  They ARE.  They do not BECOME.  They are within you.  You do not LEARN them.  You RECOGNIZE and REMEMBER them when they awaken from their dormant state within you a little at a time.  No teacher can teach you these things.  No book can give them to you.  The divine teacher can but reinspire you with his own inspiration.  He cannot GIVE it to you from himself.  He can but AWAKEN it from its dormancy in you.  That is what we are endeavoring with all our might to do.  Our words have their limitations, however.  What is written between the lines of those words is what we “feel” in our inner Selves.  We cannot write that down, but you can feel it within your own Self if you seek the silences in sufficiently deep communion to be­come one with our thoughts.


I have permission to quote the late Francis Trevelyan Miller, poet and historian.  I want to share with you what he says about man, after reminding him that he has had 60,000.000, or more, years to develop his physical body and only 6,000, or less, years of recorded history to evidence his awakening into Mind-aware­ness.  Several thousand years passed after the first dawn of con­sciousness before he could even record his growth from sav­agery.  I quote him:


Down through the centuries of human progress, we have come to the World’s Greatest Adventure—Man’s Search for God.


And what do we find?


We have followed the trail of man’s evolution from the four ages when the World was in its making: The Archaic—Paleozoic—Mesozoic—Cenozoic.  We have seen man blaze his way out of the jungles of the Stone Age—Bronze Age—Iron Age—until he steps out today in the Scientific Age.


We have watched him as the first gleam of intelligence is ignited in his eyes; and he sev­ers the link in the chain that binds him to the beast; as he begins to stand erect—a human endowed with the power of Reason.


We have seen him as he laboriously gains knowledge by experience in the slow pro­cess of time; as he combats the elements and subjects them to his use; as he conquers the wilder­ness; explores the Earth on which he lives; as he evolves from savagery into tribes and na­tions; and he dis­covers the elemental laws of living; and sets up great sys­tems of civilization with his genius.


And what have we found?


We have found that the first and oldest fact in all human creation is man’s instinct for God-powerIt has existed since the beginning of time.  It took root in the intelli­gence of man from the day he became a human being.  It has persisted through the ages as surely and as positively as his appetite for food or his instinctive gasp for breath it­self.


It is so deep-seated in human consciousness that it never has ceased for an instant—never has been eradicated since the world began.  It is the most persistent fact in all life.  It is elemental.


This Search for God has covered the range of all hu­man instincts, intuition, emo­tion, superstition, imagina­tion, creative genius—every form and substance, real and un­real, that the mind of man has been able to conceive.


Just as man himself has come up from the primeval, from the primordial, so have his God-conceptions been equally primitive.  They have grown and expanded with his own mentality.


When man is barbaric his gods are barbaric; when man is ignorant his gods are igno­rant; when man is intelligent his gods are intelligent.  He has worshiped every­thing—from Anythingism to Fou-Fuism.


As a scientific fact his gods are always beyond the hori­zon—beyond his intelligence—su­perior or supernatural be­ings.  He creates them out of his hopes and aspirations—his spiri­tual nature—like evolution, itself, always in a higher form.  If, on occasions, the gods have deteriorated, it will be found as a fixed law that the race itself has deterio­rated.


We have found this—


The blundering of man disproves nothing—except his own competence.  The hideous concepts of man prove nothing—except the blackness of his intelligence before the dawn.


We have followed the evolution, the unfoldment and growth of this God-idea since its first inception, through to the present day, watching the cumulative processes of its unfold­ment.


Like science, itself, its revelations have been slow, but inevitable.  Like invention, dis­coveries and explorations on the earth, it has been a series of adventures in Un­known Realms.


It has kept pace with the increase of human knowledge, slowly divesting itself of super­ stitions, until it has come out into the clear, open field of science—with which it stands par­alleled today and must eventually converge and prove its laws.


We have found that—


Strange and weird as may have been the rituals of the human race in its emergence from the primordial swamps and jungles, appalling as may have been its practices, it has at all times been consonant with its mental state—an exact parallel and complement of the devel­opment of the mind. [Does this not strike terror into your hearts?]


Just as man has explored the earth and mapped out its cosmography, so man has ex­plored the cosmic and built up his cosmology.  It has been a constant adventure into the Unknown.


We have seen the savages searching for a God of hope to dispel their fear in their fights against the elements—the fight to exist; we have seen the pagans search for God in sensuality and materiality in Assyria, Babylon and Egypt; the ancient Grecians and Romans seeking God in intellec­tuality.  We have followed through India and Persia in their search for God in Mysticism and symbolism; we have seen the Moslems searching for God through philoso­phy.


We have indicated how Judaism set up the rule of One God and the ethical system of the ten Commandments - and how Christendom is founded upon the principle of man’s di­rect contact with God through the spiritual laws.


It has required prophets of indomitable faith and courage to blaze the way for this world-old search—the spirit of the martyrs, willing to die for an idea or a princi­ple: Zoroaster—Moses—Guatama, the Buddist—Mahavira and Janism—Confucious—Lao Tze and Taoism—Jesus, the Nazarene—Mohammed.


Let us again affirm the historical fact: No people have ever lived who did not be­lieve in some kind of a god—no race has ever perpetuated itself without this elemental faith.


Today, the World is seeking more ardently than ever before the solution to this high question: What is God—and is there a life after death?”


** * * *


I know that you cannot read this without great enlightenment—if you got none—GO READ IT AGAIN, THIS TIME WITH YOUR INNER EYES AND EARS OPENIt plainly tells you that God has always been made by man and in man’s im­age!!!!  Two thousand years ago, the pagan mind of that day created a god of fear and wrath, a god who loved blood slaugh­ter and the vengeance of human emotions.


They made Him in their own pagan image.  Today two-thirds of the world still conceive of and believe in that pagan god of fear, for this is still a barbarian civilization of fear and people must have a god who is like unto them.  They must have such to the extent that groups will gather and by “majority vote” vote in or out the laws of God.  Even if the practice of the “thing” about which the law is written will disease and kill the body.  Then the same group turns its venom upon the very group that they de­manded make the vote.  AND, ALL THE WHILE “THE REAL GOD” WATCHES AND WAITS.


Two thousand years ago, the people of that day also steeped themselves in the sensualities of sex and made a vile thing of it.  They could not then see that God’s plan of mating was His one perfect process of creation.  They could not see sex as mother­hood—and fatherhood—which they understood emotionally, for their vile abuse of sex was the foundation for their belief in sin.  Where are you today?  Well, Man created SIN by crucifying LOVE on the cross of bestiality.


Two thousand years have passed and men still crucify love in the same sensual way.  Now it is even more bestial for the or­gies are as often and you have added homosexuality to your games—and strangely enough, you do these things while still proclaiming that sex is the basis of original sin, and keep sin-belief alive by sex-sensuality and define that as “making love”.  Does not any of this seem strange or contradictory to you?  Per­haps you can begin to see why LOVE HAS NOT YET EN­TERED THE PORTALS OF THE HUMAN RACE to any who have not known mental as well as physical MATEHOOD.  You treat mating and marriage with less attention than you pay to where you will have a special luncheon.  These alone know what no one else can know who has not thus been exalted.  Not even the unity of two physi­cally balanced mates can give them that knowing, for the union of a pair which ceases at physical union is not a consum­mation of love until motherhood and fa­therhood become ONE IN MIND—whether or not there are off­spring.  There is no need for the physical act for unions of bal­ance in mating are an en­ergy flow—not a fluid exchange.


We are laying down a foundation for your comprehension of the one great fact of life, that man is ever searching for his divine Self and in thus searching he will some day find his Self and God as ONE.  Higher knowledge consists of only that which will lead to the Light of man’s divinity.  All else is but for the body and is as unreal as the body is unreal.


Please allow us a break, for we need to be refreshed as there is much remaining in the lessons.  Thank you for your service and thank you readers for your attention.  THIS IS YOUR LIFE—HUMAN!  YOU FORGOT TO READ THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR YOUR OP­ERATION.  WE HAVE GIVEN YOU A MANUAL FOR OWNERS OF LATE MODEL PHOENIXES—THIS CAN BE YOUR HUMAN OPERATORS’ MANUAL—IT BEHOOVES YOU TO STUDY IT WELL, IN­DEED.




August 15, 2011