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SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1991  2:58 P.M.  YEAR 4, DAY 345

It is necessary to change the trend of thinking as ones advance into later discussion.  You be­gin this in the language of your traditional training which has always been directed toward the de­velopment of the OUTER-senses.  We must awaken the IN­NER-perception, not the outer.  Our purpose is to illumine the Mind, not to inform the body.  We must come into awareness of your immortality which dwells within your mortal body and is programmed and controls it.


It is necessary to find a new language for such new thinking.  By a new language, we mean other ways of expressing thoughts with unfamiliar words or combinations of them.  You will find your­selves thinking much differently as you advance and the words which express that different thinking become more and more familiar to you as you gradually become transformed from outer-thinkers to inner-thinkers.  However, we are stuck with pre-established words and must use that which is given already so we will move along in explanations as we see inquiries pop­ping up.


I have told you that all geniuses and mystics think, see and hear inwardly, while all who have not yet unfolded spiritually to that stage sense objectively, which is outward through their senses.  Those who do become transformed to inner-thinkers learn how to acquire knowledge from its Source instead of being informed of effect through the motion of their senses.


The ultimate of such a transmutation is Cosmic Consciousness, and that means that your Mind becomes aware of its Oneness with God’s Mind.  Mortal man gradually, or suddenly, becomes aware of his immortality.


The Science of Man is a study which leads up to that awareness of the immortality of the Be­ing which is within every mortal body.  Everyone’s Identity and Intelligence are within that body which you have for too long believed to be your real selves.


It is not surprising that it becomes difficult at times to think or reason it out, but time and medi­tation bring about that transfor­mation until that which was at first mystifying becomes as clear as a bell.


I am asked for a bit more explanation of what I mean by inner vision, inner eyes and inner ears.  It becomes obvious that ones who are involved actually can see and hear what is not there to see and hear and that is very real indeed.  But the explanation is a bit blurred.


The best way to respond is by exemplifying it.  Let us take Beethoven for our first example.  He has eyes and ears on his body just as you have.  Somebody speaks to you, which Beethoven could hear with his ears if he stood beside you as well as you could.  You both hear the sounds equally.


Now, imagine yourself sitting near Beethoven.  Everything is silent, but Beethoven hears sounds coming out of that silence which you do not hear.  He hears glorious, inspiring, up­lifting sounds which you cannot possibly hear.  Pretty soon he takes a pencil and a sheet of music manuscript and writes down what he hears.  Even then you cannot hear it, but he can.  He then sits at the piano and translates the sounds which he heard within the silence into sounds that you can now hear with the ears of your body.


That is what is meant by inner ears.  They are the ears of the Mind.  The same thing applies to inner eyes, or inner vision.  The great painter who sits near you can see a great allegory ris­ing out of that nothingness which surrounds you both.  He can see horses and chariots, and many beautiful figures and brilliant colors on this gray day, colors which are not physically there.  They are spiritually there, however, for he can see them as clearly as you can see the curtains which are waving in the breeze of the open window.


Let us honor Nikola Tesla as an example.  This great man de­signed everything he produced, first, in the dimension of thought.  He was able to relate so clearly to each detail and working part that he could actually operate the apparatus and lit­erally study the “wear” areas.  He was so vivid in his inner vi­sion that he would be shocked that those about him saw nothing.


Think about it a moment—a room full of people who are hearing the same sounds and seeing the same objects with the ears and eyes of their bodies but many of them are hearing sounds which are not in the room, and seeing things and people who are not there.  The engineer in the cor­ner, for example, can plainly see the four arches of a great bridge which he has created out of the silence and nothingness of space.  He is so engrossed in it that he has become what is termed “absent-minded”.  That is not an appropriate term for the fact is just the reverse, for he has be­come “fully-Minded” instead of being “sensed”.  He has for­gotten body to such an extent that when spoken to he is forced to ask that the words be repeated.  The ears of his body did not hear them.  He really became “absent-bodied” instead of “absent-minded”.


You really live a physical or material life and a spiritual imma­terial one at the same time.  The spiritual life is the creative one, and the physical life is the one which works with one’s body to give form to the Mind-creations of those who have inner vision.  Think of that for a while.  If you do, you come to the conclusion that you must either be a creator and have others work to give bodies to your creations, or be one of the workers who makes those bodies.  Or if you are a musician, painter or author, you can have the added joy of creating both the idea and the body of it.  Such creators are the highest of your intellectu­als.  God, Himself, is the great ex­ample of being both Creator and Creation.


This explanation could clarify for you what is meant by devel­oping your innersensory percep­tion until you become wholly Mind at times—which the state of Cosmic Consciousness trans­forms one into being.


QUESTION: Some people claim that an idea must be fully con­ceived in one’s Mind before try­ing to give it a body, and others say that all bodies are created by the process of reasoning, which means one step at a time in which each step you take tells you what the next step should be.  Will you comment on this?


RESPONSE: Every idea must first be conceived as a mind-cre­ation before becoming the body-form of that idea.  Bodies un­fold from their seed patterns.  The whole of the oak is in the seed of it.  The oak does not just start as part of an idea and then add more and more to it; the whole idea is in its conception, and all of it is enfolded in the Mind-record of that idea which we call a seed.


One creates only that which one knows, and he creates through Mind-control over body.  By that we mean that every brush stroke which is added to any unfolding idea is done KNOW­INGLY, and not reasoned experimentally.


One reasons with his senses, not with his Mind.  His senses have observed certain effects.  That is not the creative process.  It is an imitative process which results from remembering and re­peating instead of thinking what one KNOWS.


Let me example.  Beethoven conceived the whole idea and mo­tive of the Moonlight Sonata in his Mind before he wrote a note of it.  He could not possibly have reasoned that motive into be­ing, for his senses could not create.  They could only remember and repeat. If, therefore, a man sits down to the piano and tries to create a masterpiece by reasoning it into being, he only writes down things which he has heard from others.  This was tried by a music publisher in an ef­fort to produce a lot of new popular songs for night club singers and to make records from.  He employed a group of song writers who studied even classical music to see what kind of music combinations produced differ­ent emotions like pathos, mirth, joy, excitement and other such ef­fects which song writers try to produce.  With this equipment, they reasoned and experimented by passing it along through the whole group.  Each tried what the other had done and added to it.  Finally, they played the whole song and sent it through the mill again to fill in the defects which they criticized.  If the song needed more pathos, they gave it to a certain man who was good at that, or another who could give it a little more life in a dull spot.


In this manner, they produced a dozen or two songs a day and made records which sold into the thousands for a month or two, but then they were as dead as last week’s newspaper is dead.  The average life of those songs was not more than two months, whereas a creation as simple as “Home Sweet Home” or “Annie Laurie” outlives generations, and those in the class of the Moonlight Sonata outlive the ages.


Things produced by reason and experiment are plagiarisms, not creations.  A good example of our meaning is the man who reads a hundred novels to get ideas for writing a novel of his own.  His own novel is an assemblage of the ideas he has re­membered in those he read.  In total, it is a plagiarism from a hundred sources instead of from one source which it would be if he copied all of one novel instead of copying—or imitating—parts of a hundred novels.


Do not misinterpret herein as you deal with historic truths.  There is only one Truth in actual­ity and it is given forth in its various manners through various speakers—but do you see, it cannot be different from the original Truth?  In these instances of historical bringing forth of Truth one must use that which is already available and enlarge and explain further so that man can come into understanding.  What your physical senses cannot tell you is that the great Masters who be­gan to perfect their work in a physical experience—next come forth and give that which they had begun and add to and finish their work.  Ones who serve as scribes only present the work as given and the honor and genius remains with the original entity Soul who pro­duced it before.  No greater honor can be given to man than that a Master return to give more unto his brothers.


Ah yes, much rock-throwing has been sent at this scribe and yet, if you have read the myriad subjects and writings—there is no way she could choose the subject matter to this level of perfec­tion.  She claims no greatness nor genius—she writes that which God asks that she put to record for His purposes.  We do not talk of the fantasy novels—we speak of the Truth of Life and it is obvious that all single productions thus far have not been suffi­cient unto the whole of knowl­edge.  Dharma comes by her KNOWLEDGE in the same manner in which you all must learn.


Let us look at something more tangible and familiar to all of you.  Let us apply this idea to an in­vention such as the automo­bile.  In its very beginning, it may be an original created idea or it, too, may be a reasoned production.  You know what the au­tomobile of fifty years ago looked like as compared to what it looks like today.  What has happened to produce that change?  Someone reasons that if you do some little thing to change a carburetor, it will give better ser­vice.  And so all down the line from body to fender, from glass in the doors to the tires upon which the car rolls, and from the springs to the cushions upon which one sits, many men and many factories reason the old shapes and forms into new shapes and forms, but that is not a mental creative process; it is a sensed-reasoned process.


Dharma doesn’t reason these writings nor does she create them—she is one who puts the records to print.  She does, however, have communion with the higher energies in total com­fort and explicit communication.  Perhaps that is her reward for the ser­vice rendered, for she is also a most creative person who will­ingly gives unto us the service and sets aside her own wondrous talents.  Then others take the printed pages and correct the spellings, put them to press, bind them, ship them, record them and on and on—each setting aside his own wondrous talent of cre­ativity to serve where the need is present.  In fact, Dharma, works her way out of a job—and she laughs and does so as rapidly as she can—so she can get on with her own cre­ativity.  You see, what we do here teaches all of you to commune with God and that puts a re­ceiver out of a job!  Blessings and so be it.


George and Oberli, for instance, would far rather be building a wondrous underground com­plex of tunnels and domes with grand botanical gardens—but they read, and teach and support—to give unto you the WORD for that is their first purpose!  This, according to the decree of God working through the Hosts and Brotherhood.  These ones are extensions of us, on the ground.


We speak of inspiration.  What is inspiration?  Well, it is not that which the dictionary tells you as far as speaking with God.  The book says: A supernatural influence which qualifies men to re­ceive and communicate divine Truth.  But is it “supernatural”?  It simply shows through that definition that little is understood of how one talks to God—and that is exactly what inspiration is.  Early writers spoke of the Bible as an “inspired” work.  It meant that certain prophets or mys­tics had supernatural powers which enabled them to interpret God’s commands and instructions—sometimes properly and most often incorrectly.  That is not liter­ally true, then, for it is NOT su­pernatural.  It is natural, for everyone will in time discover his own divinity and be able to talk to God at will from moment to moment.


In the ordinary sense of the word, “inspired” means to be ex­alted mentally into a highly spiri­tual state where the physical in you is forgotten and the spiritual state is predominant.  You feel in­spired when you hear or think beautiful music or glorious art.  That is the Voice of Nature (which God is) talking to you.  It is an uplift from the material to the spiritual.  Anyone who has learned the art of deep meditation can step from the mundane material world into the inspirational world of high mental exal­tation at will.  It is said of Mozart that he forgot his debts that way, which means that he could escape from all worldly affairs by seeking the bliss of inspiration.


I am now going to repeat a question which was so well defined and so typical that it bears repro­duction at every opportunity.  We are grateful when ones bring attention to themselves in ways they find quite negative and embarrassing but these are the hon­est questions all need to ask.


QUESTION : “I have been brought up in a family which be­lieves implicitly in prayer.”  (The word “implicit” tells you much right off at the start for “implicit” indicates lack of explicit defini­tion.)  “My father and mother both spend much time in prayer and I have become as much of a believer as they, proba­bly because I was brought up that way.  I am now a salesman in a branch of a big business and each day I pray that I may ad­vance more and more to the possibility of be­coming head sales­man, yet I do not produce the results which many others pro­duce who do not constantly pray for God’s guidance as I do.  My parents continually tell me that my faith is not strong enough and that I must have more faith as they have.  I am be­ginning to wonder about it all and to look at facts in the face.  My father, for instance, has never really gotten anywhere in his business.  He has been in exactly the same place in his business for over twenty years and keeps up a great faith and belief that he will be promoted, while others who have worked fewer years than he has have been promoted.  My mother is an angel if ever a woman was, but she seems to get nowhere either.  Her house stands as it was thirty years ago.  She has faith that my father will win a promotion and waits until that hap­pens to fulfill her home desires.  I cannot un­derstand it all.  Everybody loves my parents, and me, too, yet we do not get on as others do.  Have you any solution for my problem?  I hope you have for I am be­ginning to develop a fear that I am repeating my father’s experi­ence in my own life.”


RESPONSE: And now we get to the heart of it.  We get count­less letters from dear ones who ask this same thing over and over and over again.  Your perception of God and how things func­tion is incorrect—you are hurting yourself rather than rising to wondrous heights of success and abundance.  We do have a solution for your self-made predicament.  It is very clear, for there are many who pray very earnestly, in long wordy prayers, to ask God to do for them what they should do for themselves WITH Him.  Your faith that He will drop the answer to your prayers in your lap is not God’s way of “doing”.  You should read again what we say over and over: GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU.  God will give to you as much as you give Him, and not an iota more.  We mean by that that the farmer who gives more service to his crops will be given more crops.  It may well be that the farmer may have never issued one wordy prayer in his whole life, but his life demonstrates the power of prayer more than your life demon­strates it, because he LIVES prayer rather than THINKS ABOUT IT.


We will go back a moment and again look at the meaning of prayer.  The meaning you give it is to perpetually request that God do something for you.  Such prayers are requests for fa­vors.  Prayers should not be requests; they should be commu­nions.  They should be moment-to-mo­ment actions and reactions which spring from a desire to give and be regiven.  The farmer works with God and God works with the farmer whether the farmer is aware of it or not.  He is obey­ing God’s law—and that is prayer in action.  He does not rely upon faith that his crop will be big.  He relies upon his knowledge that it will be big be­cause he does those things which God com­mands him to do to make it big.  He fully knows that Nature will do its part, even if he does not think of Nature and God as being one.


Your trouble is that you have created a condition where you must remain static.  If you had no faith at all but had knowledge that work given by you will bear the fruits of your work, you would be better off if you never prayed.  Faith too often means wishful thinking and laziness.  Or it might mean ignorance.  Too often do we hear it quoted that enough faith will remove moun­tains or at the least, move them, but we note that the man who has engineering knowl­edge can re­move mountains, and does, while the man of faith can stare at them with wishful thinking and endless prayers for a whole lifetime and they will not budge one inch.


It is thus true with ones who are going to do great and wondrous things with meditation such as teach ones to ascend as with the Ascended Masters, etc.  I can say right off, that they will never accomplish it for if they are bounded to the teaching of such a thing—they have no no­tion of that which they are doing—which is damage if nothing less.  How many people have you seen simply ascend?  It is like waiting for the rapture—God does not function in that man­ner.  You had bet­ter be figuring a way to get cleared with God so He gets His Hosts to pick you up—and that re­quires cleaning up your actions and intent and living according to the laws of God—prayers from the tongue and lips are naught, for almost all say one thing and live an­other.


When you utter these long, wordy prayers to God, what do you think God is and where do you think you will find Him?  We have found that those who pray volubly with words believe that God is somewhere outside of themselves, like some king on a throne to whom they issue an ap­peal or supplication.  They have a feeling that if they pray long and loudly enough, and with suf­ficient earnestness and piety, He will hear them and grant them the favors they ask.  But He has already told you that He is within so why all the shouting and performing?


When you at long last learn that your Father and you are ONE, you will then know that God is not afar, sitting upon a cloud, listening to the appeals of lazy wishful thinkers.  You will eventu­ally find that God is within you as MIND, His Mind and your Mind being ONE.  You will then know that you are ONE with the one Creator.  Knowing that, you will then know that you, yourself, must CREATE THAT WHICH YOU DESIRE.  You will then know that God is giv­ing you what you desire but you, as creator, must do your part of the creating and know that God will do His part.


All of this boils down to your wrong conception of God and His ways and processes, and also your wrong conception of the meaning of prayer.  Perhaps you will better understand the meaning when we tell you that we remain in constant, moment-to-moment communion and we do not indulge in word prayers.  For one thing, a communion with God is for the ONE of you and not of anyone else’s business—your relationship with God is the most personal and sacred of all your actions and interactions.  If you desire to pray aloud, so be it—but the speech usu­ally turns out to be a performance for the benefit of those present—not yourself.


Further—we do not bow nor do we kneel, for He has taught us to glorify Him by being Him and to never assume the attitude of being “worms at His feet”.  If we are on our knees we only re­quire that He function from His knees and it is a most foolish way to get your work done.  Worse, if you pray to us as some sort of God instead of friend here to assist—you cause us great disadvantage for we shall never place ourselves higher than you and if you lay prone to com­mune with us—we have to work from similar position.


This is the way to lose God, not to find Him.  The moment you put yourself apart from Him in this foolishness, you place your­self apart from Him.  God never leaves you but, my beloved ones, you continually leave Him.  Oneness means exactly that—ONEness, not a superior and inferior, or high and low—ONE­ness.  The more you can cultivate the companionship of God’s Presence as co-worker with you, the more you will be enabled to reach that ecstatic state of Oneness with Him.

Next, the biggie inquiry: Why does God take the baby or the child and allow the old or infirm or drunkard to live?


Well, the presumption is totally incorrect from onset of ques­tion.  And yet the church minis­ters spout the same until you are saturated with it.  GOD ONLY GIVESGOD DOES NOT TAKE.  God is LOVE and the only thing He gives is Love.  God is not merciful, but God is the Law and JUST.  If man de­fies the law and jumps over a cliff, the law of gravity will work without fail.  Any man who does such a thing shows himself no mercy.  Why BLAME it on God?  God gave man the law to work for him.  It is GOOD for it is an expression of His LOVE.  If one works against the law instead of with it, should you ex­pect God to set aside that law instead of allowing man to learn the lesson of it?  What kind of world would you have if God set aside every law that man violated so that man could not possibly hurt himself?  There may as well be no law and that is the way you practice your lives in this day—breaking EVERY law of God and most of those of Creation—to your very destruction as a place and species.  If there were no laws of God and/or Creation then man need never learn any of the lessons of life which Cre­ation intended by being divided into CAUSE and EFFECT.


If that is what you call mercy, you could justly claim that God should be merciful to you and not allow you to punish yourself by eating arsenic or sniffing cyanide.

Every law of God is an expression of Love and if you live by the Law you shall be indeed blessed.  Every action of that ex­pression is an equal interchange between people and things in Nature.  The whole lesson of life is to learn how to obey that law of Love by equal giving and regiving.


If your son has died then it is an effect of some cause which arose in himself, or in you, or in his environment.  It was law being fulfilled in any case.  You cannot compare it with an older and useless man who still lives because he has not subjected his body to a condition for its destruc­tion.  You can as justly blame God for allowing a small oak to die because its roots were in rocky soil while allowing a big oak to live even if half of its limbs have been de­stroyed by lightning.


The point you ones ignore, and must not, is that, in the event of the death of a child, for in­stance, the child’s body disappeared but the identity of the boy is eternal, and his body will as surely reappear as the apple of next August reappears from the same Source as the apple of last August.  Grieve, yes, but the grief is for your own loss—not the one departed.


When you finally learn that a man cannot die and that God is Love only, you will find much more happiness in life.  But that is one of life’s lessons—and there are many lessons to learn.  As with these writings—the one who originally wrote these nearly same messages a generation or more past—is de­parted and yet he lives and today through different hands he, himself, sits as I give them again as I did unto him—that his work may find fruition in Radi­ance.  God gives and gives again—God NEVER TAKES.


This is sufficient unto this day, chela.  We have looked with hope and anticipation to the day when we would have suffi­ciently advanced chelas (students) and sibors (the ones prepared to re­veal the laws) to whom the doors could open to the higher knowledge which mankind must eventually acquire in order to build a UNITED civilization as a whole, or a united home as an individual.

The greatest of all underlying principles of a living universe is BALANCE.  God has said that if He could give one word unto man that he might KNOW, it is the one word—Balance.  And if man requires two words, those two words would be BAL­ANCED INTERCHANGE.  And if man needs three words in­stead of two, those three words would be RHYTHMIC BAL­ANCED IN­TERCHANGE.


So, we have covered other things as we work toward prepara­tion of your learning while we ef­forted to make you know God’s universe and His ways and processes of Creation.  Now that we have done this adequately to arrive at a stage of comprehension which has led into the in­visible as far as it has led into the visi­ble, we now return to those words to tell you that your life and our universe turn upon their comprehension and their practice.


These three words—and more especially the ONE word BAL­ANCE— are the very foundation of every aspect of life.  The higher knowledge which we are giving in these lessons is based upon them.  How well you may comprehend them measures your power to act them.  You are the sum total of your actions.  If your actions conform to the meaning of those three words, you have the whole mighty power of the universe as yours to command.


It may be many generations before a sufficient number of spiri­tually intellectual humans com­prehend these three words suffi­ciently to know that they are obligated to practice them, to af­fect our civilization to become a united one, but the only way your civilization can ever be united is to comprehend and practice their intent.


That does not seem very encouraging for a One World of peace and happiness which people seem to believe is just around the corner “if we could but just stop wars”.  There is more to it than just stopping wars, for the cause of all wars is FEAR, and man is the supreme creator of fear.  In fact, FEAR is man’s greatest product, and it IS man’s product solely, for fear does not and cannot exist in Nature.


Fear and disunity are one, and your world in its present day is more conspicuously disunited than at any time in its history.  Do you not realize that a disunited or divided house cannot stand?  How is it, then, that you expect this civilization to stand against the inviolate law it is defying?


Well, our mission, which we have accepted, is to give answers to these questions so that you may make your own life supreme in order that you may become the seed for making other lives supreme .  This is our purpose of these lessons which will tran­scend anything ever taught in the educational traditions of your world.


My blessings unto you as you enter these doors to the new and higher knowledge which will open as the lotus of the Cosmos unto you INSTEAD OF JUST ITS SIMULATION IN MO­TION.


In the wondrous and perfection of the flame of transmutation all things are possible and the transition is assured.  Salu, Salu, Salu.


Within the violet ray of the Mighty I AM Presence, I humbly offer my service.




August 13, 2011