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THURS., JULY 25, 1991   12:13 P.M.   YEAR 4, DAY 34


THURSDAY,  JULY 25,  1991



Germain present in the Holy Light of Radiance.  I am present in the Mighty I AM Presence from whence comes my Being—AND YOURS!


As we take this journey, may we be ever constantly conscious that what we do here will change the world as man has known it to be.  Honor the gift given unto us that we might be among the first to share this Truth in its fullest measure.  We also honor all ones who have come before us and brought pieces of the puzzle so that we would have them ready for the fi­nal “key”.  Integra­tion of ALL within ALL is our message.  Blessings upon you ones of our Cosmic Team.  Your contribution shall be engraved in the book of life for all time and se­quence to come for you serve well and WE SHALL PREVAIL for it is decreed by God that we do so.


Future generations of unfolding man must make so great a tran­sition in their thinking that it is as though they were transported from the country of their own language into another country where its language had no meaning for them.


Man first unfolds his mortality as a sensed-body, without any realization of his immortality for long ages.  During these long ages he lives for his body, takes what he wants for his body, creates sensual pleasures for his body emotions, and “educates” his body through the mirages of illusive sensed-observations with what he very mistakenly believes to be knowledge.


Mortal man is unable to obey God’s law for he does not know God’s law.  For that reason he is constantly hurting himself and calls it evil.  He believes in the existence of evil because he is never able to avoid hurting himself and other selves, and must blame his own ignorance upon an existent Satan who is forever punishing him.


During his mortal stage he has but the one language of the senses, but as he becomes aware of his immortal nature he gradually acquires an understanding of the divine language of Light which comes to him from out of the silence.


The human race has now arrived at that point where hundreds of thousands are at the transition point between their mortal, physi­cal, sensual natures and their immortal, intellectual and inspi­rational natures.


Mortal man is beginning to know his immortality.  The sensual in him is being lost in its own dark by his own Self-illumining.  It is for these few of the great many that this is written so that MAN, THE UNKNOWN, can gradually unfold into MAN, THE KNOWN.




The next several lessons will be devoted to giving you a more intensive comprehension of the higher knowledge of God’s in­visible universe and your physical and spiritual relation to it.  These lessons are a preparation for the knowledge of what con­stitutes life, death and immor­tality, and of that unawakened Light within man which utterly transforms every man within whom that Light is awakened into a superior being.


It is a strange fact, but tens of thousands are now seeking higher knowledge of the Light, which indicates a transition condition in the human race during the last three generations; it is just that you don’t see them so clearly as the negative produces of ad­verse actions.  Further, the very terms applied to these ones give them an image of public disfavor and ridicule.  Man, in fact, IS FINALLY seeking real HIGHER KNOWLEDGE—behind the facade of empty catch-words and shouting and performing silly rituals.  Man wants to find God in that perfec­tion of calm con­trol without distractions of silliness and foolish hooping or strange gyrations.  By “higher knowl­edge”, we mean Cosmic knowledge.  You are one of these who seek that higher knowl­edge which lies dormant in all humans for you desire these writings which are awakening that knowl­edge within you as you are ready for it.  As proof of that fact, our writ­ings and teach­ings of higher knowledge are meaningless to fully nine out of every ten people—but that will be rapidly changing, which indi­cates that perhaps less than ten per cent of the so-called “enlightened” peo­ple of the earth are inwardly driven to seek and find that inner Cosmic something which their Souls desire.  That means that fully 90% of humans have not yet begun to awaken their spiritual and intellectual natures.  The few among the many who are truly seeking are intensive and hun­gry for that unknown Light which is awakening in them—but re­maining elu­sive, and one after an­other is sought out for the lessons and the only disappointment comes from the lack of full un­derstanding.  They feel the craving within them and seek it in many, many places, in many reli­gions and cults and in many diverse teach­ings.


Many sincerely believe they have fully found that which their Souls have been seeking even when they have but felt a slight glow of that Light of their own divinity.  These many are in­spired and uplifted as succeeding slight illuminings gradually transform them into Cosmic be­ings who have become aware of their Inner Selves.


It is because the few who seek never know just what it is that they seek that we must make its meaning clear to you so that you will better comprehend the import of the coming lessons.  Very few of the most enlightened people of the world have the slightest knowledge of what higher knowledge means.  They would not understand you if you said to them that higher knowl­edge comes from Cosmic thinking toward one’s inner immortal MIND-SELF as opposed to the con­clusions which is called knowledge which come from outer-sensing by the mortal BRAIN-SELF.  The human race has not yet advanced to that stage where even world intelli­gentsia would com­prehend its meaning.  That is strange but it is demonstrably true for the hu­man race is still in its infancy.


Witness, for example, the many schools and foundations which have been formed for “advanced learning” and “higher knowl­edge”.  All that have so far been formed show by their teachings and curricula that their conception of higher knowledge is lim­ited to finding out more about the MATERIAL universe through sensed observation and deductive reasoning.  They do not even suggest the necessity of reaching out to the Mind-Source of the material uni­verse.  The very facts of the matter are that it is certainly NOT DESIRED THAT YOU COME INTO HIGHER KNOWLEDGE!  They ask only for more intensive and deeper con­centrative obser­vation of VISIBLE EFFECTS rather than INVISIBLE CAUSE.  In other words, their concept of higher knowledge means greater power for arriving at conclusions from sensed-observations through the processes of reasoning and de­duction.  There is not the slightest indication in any of the high institutions of learning of the need of the genius type of mind, even though the greatest mental and cultural progress of man is due to the genius type of inner-thinking, inner-visioning and imagining.  The outersensory thinker of the mathematical and statistical research type of mind is the one who is favored and highly patronized.  In him is the hope for better instruments and machines for human comfort, and better machines to kill man in greater numbers.  This means that physical man, who constitutes your present civiliza­tion, recognizes only the supremacy of physical man and the power to reason and deduce in him rather than to create by inspired guidance as all geniuses do.  Your civilization would progress materially very much faster and with the greater stability of moral character which accompanies spir­itual growth if the paramount purpose of man were to help the omnipresent Mind to THINK and KNOW rather than the present purpose of helping the physical brain to remember and repeat.


Less than two hundred geniuses have appeared among men since the beginning of man and not more than thirty or forty Illumi­nates.  To these you owe what culture the world does possess, yet your whole educational system is opposing their develop­ment and your society as a whole has leaned more to their cruci­fixion than toward glorifying them.  It is most unfortunate that hu­mans do not realize this sorry fact, for as long as mankind neglects to honor its geniuses who are engaged in the arts of peace and glorifies its heroes who are most proficient in the arts of war, the human race will continue to suffer the agonies of its own making.


None of these institutions for higher knowledge gives any indi­cation that higher knowledge means searching for God as the Creator-CAUSE of the effects of motion of which they believe knowledge to consist.


Higher knowledge means trying to discover what the greatest Mind that ever lived meant by saying, “The kingdom of heaven is within,” or “I and My Father are ONE,” or “The Father dwelleth within Me,” or “God is Light” and “God is Love” and all such other teachings of that great Mind.  The fact that such teachings are not of first import in every cultural institution in the world is PROOF of the fact that your civilization is still too young to be ready for them.  The great mass of the human race is still at such a low intellectual level that it even resents the idea of the divinity of man, even though the Christ taught it very plainly when He said, “I and My Father are ONE,” “What I am you also are,” and “What I do, you can also do.”  More­over, the message has been repeated in every language from the onset of man.


The Sacred Circle of the Christ Being, the Pale Prophet, Im­manuel, Buddha, Krishna and Mo­hammed—be them who they might be—all spoke this very clearly and told mankind, in their sepa­rate ages, exactly where to find God and His Heaven, but countless millions of men still retain the concept of heaven as being “up there above the earth somewhere” instead of being within Self.  Many men still think of God as an objective Being” out there somewhere” who sits in judgment over His countless billions of people who come and go upon billions and tril­lions of earths like yours—or believe that you are the only “earth” like yours.  Over nine-tenths of the people of today’s world retain this inherited concept of long past ages of man’s primacy.

As the spiritual in man unfolds so, also, will man’s institutions of science, education and reli­gion.  These three greatest neces­sities of the human race will then unite and become ONE.  While awaiting that day, science will gradually unfold its spiri­tual awareness of God’s invisi­ble universe of Light and know God as CAUSE of the effects of which it makes use.  Educa­tion will make as its highest objective the study of MAN as it, too, unfolds instead of the ma­terial product of man’s body, and reli­gion will some day substitute its God of fear and wrath with the God of Love.


Human institutions progress slowly but they do progress and, like all humans, they progress more through their mistakes than through their traditions.  Religion has made greater progress in the last century than in the previous five centuries.  Hundreds of thousands have eliminated the God of wrath, fear and vengeance which plunged the Christian world into eight centuries of Dark Ages and have substituted the God of Love teachings.


It is so misunderstood—the purpose of the Christ’s visit.  The Christ was sent as MAN to save people FROM A BELIEF in SIN instead of FROM SIN—whatever that might mean.  Sin is only the falling short of perfection—or, being in error.  As the Light of Intelligence unfolds in man, he will gradually know our universe and God’s ways.  GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU, explains clearly that sin cannot exist in Nature and that it is purely a man-made concept.


When mankind does know God’s ways and processes of Cre­ation, he will know that God can­not possibly be sinned against.  Man can sin only against himself by hurting himself or his neighbor.  Imagine, for example, a man sinning against gravity by defying it or breaking its law.  He would but hurt himself for he could not hurt gravity and gravity would have no rea­son for being wrath­ful about it.  Such early conceptions of man gradu­ally disappear as higher spiritual knowledge and God-awareness come into human comprehension, as man slowly comprehends that God is INVIOLATE LAW which no man can hurt or sin against.


The same principle applies to the idea of a wrathful God.  That concept is scientifically impossi­ble.  Wrath is a human emotion.  It is one of many changing physical expressions.  God is not physical and He is unchanging.  His one spiritual, unchanging emotion is the ec­stasy of Love given out from His Light.  It is as scientifically unnatural for that flow of Love to be interrupted by base emotions as it is for the flow of light from your sun to be interrupted by a flow of dark.  Wrath and vengeance are ugly emotions which stem from hate and produce fear.  The more the human race progresses toward a knowledge of our universe and God’s processes of Creation, the more it will comprehend that hate, wrath, fear and vengeance cannot issue from LOVE, which GOD IS .


It is gratifying, and gives much hope, that hundreds of thou­sands of Cosmic thinkers are now coming into the world to leaven it.  These, like you, are the real saviours of the race, if it still can be saved, for they are its seed of Love.


A spiritually illumined civilization will place its highest stan­dards in making MAN, THE UN­KNOWN become MAN, THE KNOWN instead of its present standard in making man a better material-producing machine.  It will then realize the warnings of the great poet who said, “In vain do we build the city if we do not first build the man.”

A spiritually illumined science, which has grown to its present level through gaining knowl­edge from what it can see, feel and measure, will set its standards to KNOWING God’s invisi­ble uni­verse which it can neither see, feel nor measure.  It will have then discovered the omni­science of Mind, the omnipotence of Mind-thinking and the omnipresence of Mind-product in action-reac­tion.  When that day comes, science can then verify God, for humans will then revel in the ec­stasy of KNOWING instead of having but emotion and abstraction as the basis for their devo­tions.


As it thus unfolds, it will gradually come to be realized that Sci­ence knows many things, but the least of these many things it knows is MAN.  The SCIENCE OF MAN is the least known, and most important, of any and all sciences.


We began to give that higher knowledge of WHO and WHAT God is—and WHERE to find Him—and WHAT heaven is and WHERE to find that also—in the prior printings and we will continue to reveal God and His zero universe throughout the remaining writings—may the WORD be blessed.


As a basis of the higher knowledge you are thus receiving, we have given you several “Connections” which is the science of the universe, and GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU if you ask and study diligently while in that connec­tion.  Your brothers, who share with you now in your earthly transition—have come by Truth in this very manner and can raise you to their level of understanding most quickly if you will but allow of it and grant safety unto their passage among you.


Now obviously I, Germain, do not need further of these lessons—so they are for your use.  They are for the sole purpose of helping you to unfold your own spiritual nature to that point of illu­mination when you will either gradually or suddenly become aware of God’s Presence within you.  This is the highest goal any man can attain, and all can attain it in the measure of their depth of desire for its attainment.  They are given in the total of Love of my being that you might come into KNOWING for I can give and share no greater gift in all the universe.  I offer Truth unto you but I force naught and you may do that which you will with it.  But think care­fully before casting this aside and denouncing the scribe and publishers—YOU HAVE NOT DONE VERY WELL TO DATE WITH YOUR WORLD—LOOK AROUND YOU AND SPECULATE AS TO HOW MUCH LONGER YOU HAVE AS YOU ARE GO­ING!  SO BE IT.  As we put forth the lessons I ask the seal of God (Beleis) put upon the promise given.  I as Cohan—you as Sibet (one who presents himself for such revelations), may we enter into the Light, transmute the false into Truth and become greater (OM NI) than that which is the Uni­verse—COME WITHIN THE MIGHTY PRESENCE OF THE I AM!


May you come to recognize me: Dak Noi, Cum Eta, Di Eno, Di Dak—Of the Brotherhood, Of the Council of the Highest order of the Heavens who have come forth with special purpose, Of the Light and All, From the Father.  I AM.  I AM AU DAI PA DAI CUM, OM NI—One that walks in oneness with the Spirit that is the Spirit which is God and Greater than the Universal.  I AM GERMAIN, in service unto the ONE LIVING GOD.


Since becoming aware of God’s Presence within you is the high­est goal any man can attain, and all can attain it in the measure of their depth of desire for its attainment—let us get on with HOW-TO and WHY.


Material and objective teaching through the senses do not give “knowledge”, for the senses can­not acquire knowledge.  Inten­sive reasoning is not intensive thinking, for when people rea­son through sensed-observation they are but repeating brain memo­ries.  Any product of man re­sulting from the assemblage of sensed-memories is not a creation of the Mind; it is an accumula­tion of plagiarisms, such as an automobile and most of your world-products.  These are inven­tions of generations of sensed-observers and are forever changing by being added to by others.  Mind-creations of a Shakespeare, a Beethoven or a Leonardo are not made that way.  Cre­ations of the Mind endure.  They cannot be changed or added to by others and yet even those great genius minds will say that “If they saw further it was because they stood on the shoulders of giants come before them.”


Knowledge cannot be obtained through sensed-observations.  One can merely be informed of effect of motion in that manner.  Information is not knowledge, even it it will help to make a bet­ter television or jet-plane.  Reasoning from such sensed-conclu­sions misleads one into form­ing baseless theories and postulates which have no resemblance to Nature whatsoever.  That is what is the matter with science today.  Well, it is “one” of the things.  It is composed of hun­dreds of theories and postulates which will not only not fit together in one consistent whole but many con­tradict each other.  That is also what is the matter with your civilization as a whole.  Its edu­cational ideal is to stress the physical and ignore the moral and spiritual.  Your entire educa­tional system stultifies the genius who is born with higher knowledge, and many parents of ge­nius children weep because of being thus afflicted.  That is also why the conclusions of mathe­matics are unreliable.


This explanation is necessary for you and other enlightened ones in order to transform you into a higher stage of your unfolding.  It is necessary for you to realize that your civilization is still in its intellectual and spiritual infancy.  It is still hard-bound by in­herited doctrines and bar­barian practices of man-exploiting and man-killing.  Man is still too near the dawn of Con­sciousness which released him from his jungle days of universal fear to make much progress toward univer­sal love by the unfoldment of his spiritual and intellectual nature.  It is these very practices, doc­trines and beliefs which are driving the thousands of more advanced seekers, like you, to escape from their traditional, in­herited bondage of orthodoxy, superstition and worship of the miracu­lous.  Likewise, it is these many thousands like you who will become the seed for saving the world.


This we can know because of the hundreds of chelas who say that they have searched from cult to cult and from leader to leader for decades without finding that which they sought.  Many have even been misguided into seeking it emotionally and have suffered the frustrations re­sulting from the emptiness which follows any other than an inspirational, mental approach.  It is this agony of not knowing just what one seeks and just where to find it, and not knowing what higher knowledge means, that is so disturbing to these many thousands whom God has finally awak­ened into an awareness of His Presence within them.  But, next we hear—”OK al­ready I know that much but how do I get the rest of the way?”  The gratifying thing, chelas, is that if you are seeking Truth—when you find this material you KNOW “this is it”—you recog­nize it at once.  The explanation for that is the fact that only Illuminates can bring that higher knowledge to an­other which they alone possess, and that other must be READY for it before he can even slightly comprehend it.  But we are getting there for MANY are now READY.


It is even more strange that we can tell it to you, for all down through the ages the illumined ones have been unable to tell to others in comprehensible words that which was so clear to them.  This you know without question.  For ages, the great leader mystics have told of the “divided and the undivided” without the slightest success in giving the real meaning of those words to man.  The brilliant thinking of a century of scientists has never even remotely con­nected those words of the mystics—the “Divided and the Undivided”—with the universal zero ful­crum of mind and light-waves which emerge from it.


As far back as the Bhagavad-Gita, you have been explicitly in­formed of that Light which is God, without ever having con­veyed any meaning to man during all these aeons.  You were also told, “God is Light” and “God is Love”.  Man has inter­preted His words as meaning the incandescence of suns, and has built an objective God of limited form while still teaching an omnipresent one.  The time is now close, however, when man will discover and comprehend that man’s Self is as form­less and non-objective as is God.  Now aren’t you glad you stuck with us?  Ah, we have such a grand and wondrous expe­rience to share as we walk right within the hall of God.  Little scribe, thank you—for as with the first recognition of Aton—have you worked to bring the WORD and yet without the explanation in understanding behind the WORD, man only turns the enlight­ened away and crucifies them.  Little scribe—old and ancient friend—thank you.


All of this which we have herein written is for the purpose of telling you that man first unfolds his physical nature during the aeons of body-forming.  His spiritual, mental and inspirational na­ture began its unfolding at the dawn of Consciousness, which was less than ten thousand years ago, if you accept the findings of authorities on the subject—it matters not—some place it as eight thousand years.  From that point of view, it is quite won­derful that the human race has ad­vanced even so far as it has in mental unfolding, even though it is still quite barbarian in its prac­tices and in its beliefs, for man still kills and preys upon his neighbor more than ever in history, and he still believes in a brutal God of wrath instead of a God of Love and Justice.  As long as man kills his own brothers by millions instead of loving and serving his brother as himself, man will be thus.  Also, man will still retain his lesser status as long as he believes it possible that he can “sin against God” and be punished by God for his sinning against his own self.  GOD NEEDS NOT PUNISH YOU—YOU DO THAT NICELY FOR SELF.


These are the things which should be taken into consideration by higher educational and reli­gious institutions, for it is the lack of the RIGHT KIND OF EDUCATIONAL TEACHINGS and THE RIGHT KIND OF RELIGIOUS BELIEFS that is holding mankind back in the dark ages of ignorance.  It has never been easy to come into Truth—from finding that the Earth is NOT the center of your solar system to free electricity.  The ones who control the masses make sure the information is kept from you.


Your Emerson expressed it very well, this primal condition of present-day civilization: “We think our civilization is near its meridian, but we are yet only at the cock-crowing and the morning star.  In our barbarous society the emergence of char­acter is in its infancy.”  This is not to be wondered at in a civi­lization which does not make character growth a part of its edu­cational programs and does, in fact, program the students to have less and less good character.


These things, and more, you must come to now know in order that you can better comprehend the chaotic world situation of today which has been heading toward another Dark Age period for some three-quarters of a century now.  This present fall of man is the harvest he is reaping for the seven thousand years of piracy in national and personal empire and fortune building.  The entire of the world is in the horrendous reaping of that which has been sown in greed and absence of God.

Ah, and so we have been warning you of this decline of man for many, many years and have ex­plained it as the workings of God’s law which will not let man keep that which he has taken from another, and will not allow happiness and prosperity to come to any man—or nation—who has taken happiness and pros­perity from another for himself—or itself.


For many centuries, one part of the world has endeavored to en­slave the other parts of it.  The strong have overpowered the weak, and the weak slave has grown strong enough to slay the master.  That is what Naziism is.  That is what Communism is.  The mighty nations of the earth have created Naziism and Communism and Socialism and Zionism to fulfill the law of equal re­action for every action.  Impoverished and debt-ridden, tax-burdened nations do not realize that Communism, for in­stance, is but a mirrored reflection of piracy and a natural con­sequence of it.


We will dwell upon this subject only long enough to say that these present decades are a fo­cusing point where the repercus­sions of centuries of man’s ignorance of his own spiritual na­ture are coming to a head.  These are the years when man must decide which way he will head for the future without the possible annihilation of the greater portion of the race through atomic war, or a decline of a major part of it into the dark and a renaissance of a minor part of it to a high Cosmic level of civilization be­yond what man has ever known.  The few who may possibly survive such an Armageddon will give rebirth to the race to keep the Light of Love ever illumined—even as the saints and monks of past ages preserved the wisdom of past ages by hiding it in monasteries and caves until world-re­birth brought them from their centuries of hiding.


History ever repeats itself, but each repetition brings man ever nearer to God.  We are facing that kind of transition right now, and our message to man is an endeavor to sufficiently awaken the whole intellectual world to that higher spiritual knowledge which unfolds the Light of genius in man.  Higher knowledge of your universe, which creates cosmic thinkers, is the only rem­edy for transforming this unhappy kind of world you now expe­rience into one which is founded upon unity in the brotherhood of man.  These seem to be very hard words.  So, likewise, do the words of the surgeon seem to be hard words when he tells a man that his knife must cut the entire can­cer out lest the man perish.  Your entire civilization is cancerous and you have been commanded to be the surgeon whose first duty is to tell his pa­tient of his ills and the remedy for them in or­der to avoid death.


This long prelude to the principles of HIGHER KNOWLEDGE FOR MAN has been necessary for what you are about to read is very new thinking to which only the one out of many is at­tuned.  All who read what now follows will better comprehend the rea­son for the dreadful state in which humanity now wallows.


Can anyone who has the courage to look at this civilization of yours squarely in the face say that the world is united into one brotherhood of men who love and serve each other?  Can you actually say that this is the same goal as is offered through the “New World/One World Order” who plans to enslave the masses, terminate millions and rule through Elite horror?  Also, can one rightly say that man’s love of culture and ethical practices indicates that he has arrived at a high state of intelli­gence?  Does the dis­play of homosexual rape and incest in your art galleries and the hard-metal rock music that lauds Satan and evil show growth into deserving fulfillment within the higher cultures of the Cosmos and Universe?


Following this thought a bit further, who dares, with honesty, to affirm that the might-over-right, survival-of-the-fittest principle of the jungle has become obsolete because of the higher educa­tional and spiritual unfoldment of the God-like men of today?  Before answering this question, look well to the east and to the west around your globe.  Look well upon the prac­tices of mass slavery and subjugation of the spirit of man in war-desiring na­tions.  Look even more carefully at peace-desiring nations who are spending untold billions for protections against enemy na­tions—only to find the enemy has eaten your soul from within!  Look still deeper into the hearts of the peace-loving nations who fear their enemies, and ascertain whether they did not themselves create their enemies by being their enemies.  Also, ask deadly enemies why they become friends with their deadly enemies when other deadly enemies threaten both.  Go look yourself in the face in your mirror and see what is REALLY staring back at you.  Does that which you see bring joy or pain to your conscience?


We are painting a word picture of the kind of world mankind has created by its thinking thrust into action.  As man becomes what he thinks so, likewise, does a world of men become what a world thinks.  Is this a true picture or is it not?  If it is a true picture, what right have you to feel that you are a highly civi­lized, highly advanced and cultured people?  And what right have you to as­sume that your civilized world teachings are right teachings?


A highly cultured intelligent civilization would be a peaceful and happy one where each man’s first consideration would be the welfare of every other man.  Is your world that kind of world?  It would be a world where human values would be first in every man’s heart and ma­terial values only incidental to them.  Love would be its dominant note instead of greed.  Friendliness would be universal instead of enmity.  Unity would bind all men to­gether, instead of universal disunity in every one of man’s es­sential institutions.  Is this present world that kind of world?


Everyone who reads and/or hears these words knows full well that every high ideal which you have cherished as a hope for a peaceful world of love has been shattered by man himself until there is but one way of saving the entire human race from an­other plunge into the dark, and that one way is for man to be­come aware of his own divinity by finding the God of Love seated upon His throne of heaven within every man, and discard forever the vengeful God of wrath whom the great masses ex­pect to see coming in a chariot from out of the clouds.


GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU!  The Christ will again come to earth in the Christ-Consciousness within every man, and that coming shall be from the kingdom of heaven within man—which all men will some day recognize and comprehend.  Christ is not going to come in a flaming cloud as you are told will happen—to rapture away the myriads of those who wash themselves in the blood of a man you murdered 2000 years ago.  Christ will not come in a flaming chariot which could but land upon one tiny spot in this whole world of tens of thou­sands of cities and towns, and tens of billions of other worlds of many towns and cities whose people have never heard of Christ but have, undoubtedly, had similar divine-mes­senger “Christ-Conscious” teachers.

It is time to ask of yourself in your own heart where man can really find an omnipresent, om­nipotent and omniscient God.  And it is the first obligation of every learned man and institu­tion of learning to help man find that God of Love where the greatest teachers of the world have taught man to find him.



Ah so!  What a lovely experi­ence to anticipate.


So, let us leave this, Dharma, for it has been indeed a very long day.  We will take up with a dis­cussion of “what is higher knowledge” when we sit to write again.



August 4 2011