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SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1990   6:20 A.M.   YEAR 4 DAY 122



Good morning, in the Light of Radiance.  Hatonn at ready.


Rather than “watch” this day, I shall simply give you ones a thing or two to ponder and then we will effort to finish this beginning dialogue re­garding Pleiades.


You desire to argue about my terminology of “invading” and “occupying” Saudi Arabia.  Yes, that is exactly what I said.  Why do you think your major banks are going to arrange to fail and/or have their subsidiaries fail?  I knew you knew; go back to the investment programs set up by the Middle East Oil Producers—to gain control of the money, the banks HAVE TO FAIL! (See SPACEGATE, THE VEIL REMOVED.)  If you nice citizens have to lose everything you have worked for, so be it!  There has to be military “occupation” because the countries are not going to LIKE the news that the U.S. and World Banks have stolen all their money and the only thing that will save those Royal Rip-Off leaders who sold out their countries and the U.S./World Banks (Cartel) is military presence in such massive manner that no one dares make a peep about it.  Do not ex­pect your troops home soon no matter what comes off in Iraq.  I told you long ago that this would happen because there would be some hangings in those countries when the masses found out what the leaders have done.  These nice high-level coalitions are the ba­con-saving measures.


You have allied with the most dastardly leaders on your planet—including Saddam.  Come now, you don’t really believe it is JUST a disagreement over days of meeting to “negotiate”.  There are many things at play here—but money and oil money are the point.  Money and world domi­nation through total force.




How can you as a people denounce Iraq for not meeting Mr. Bush’s schedule of non-meeting.  Mr. Bush, Mr. Baker, Gen. Powell, etc., etc., have announced to the world that there will be “no negotiations”—the meetings are simply to give Iraq no alternatives except to meet Mr. Bush’s demands!  Now, Mr. Bush wants those demands announced on his schedules—what would YOU DO?  I am very serious!  WHAT WOULD YOU DO?  What ARE you doing?  What ARE you parroting?  IS AMERICA REALLY ACTING IN REASON?  WHY ARE YOU OVER THERE?




Why do you think your UN nations are not actually paying the money for support of this adven­ture?  They have not paid even a fourth of that which the US pronounced as “each one’s por­tion”.  Why does not Japan give more participation, “Because Japan receives over 70% of her oil from the Middle East”?  BECAUSE, DEAR HEARTS, IF THE U.S. GOT OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST THEY WOULD HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO SHORTAGE OF FUEL AND THE PRICE WOULD HAVE RE­MAINED QUITE MODERATE!  WHO DO YOU THINK YOU FOOL WITH YOUR “I AM THE GOD OF THE WORLD” ATTITUDE—YOU AMERICANS WHO HAVE TO HAVE SPECIAL RECIPES FOR FAT REDUCTION TO KEEP YOURSELVES FROM OVERWEIGHT?  I promise you—overweight is NOT a big problem for most of your world!  Neither will it be a big problem for you ones very soon now—a morsel of food will be precious indeed.




I have actually lost some readers because I announce that many of your leaders are replicas.  I intend to enlarge on that subject but we have se­quence problems here.  We can only write as much as my scribe can han­dle—so please, do be patient.


I will, however, ask Dharma to reprint a paragraph from one of your own news publications.  U.S.NEWS AND WORLD REPORT: Nov. 19, 1990, from an article regarding the DEATH OF A NATION (RUSSIA) entitled The Last Hurrah:  I suggest that you pay attention to terminol­ogy in sev­eral respects within this statement from a Jewish journal, VESTNIK, by Viktor Yaku­shev, a member of the group, Pamyat.  He denounced “...`Zionists/Masons’—as bio-robots, pro­grammed for self-destruction.  This is a scientifically proven fact, and we have arrived at such evidence through experimental meansIn addition, 6 to 8 times more Zionists are .....”


I simply remind you—THE SOVIETS HAVE LONG HAD THE CAPA­BILITY AND THEREFORE, THEY SHOULD KNOW!  You of the citi­zens of this world have no idea of that which you are up against and most will make death transition never having known.  So be it.  Please allow us to continue on our original subject, chela.  Science Fiction?  Oh, you should be so fortunate!  It is NOT fiction, dear ones.





I suggest you spend some of your time asking God to request to the nice Pleiadians not to aban­don you to your foolishness—for they have the right to do so if you continue in your hostilities unto them.  They have the pre­rogative of simply picking up their brethren on your planet and moving out and watching the rest of the show unfold.  So be it for I would hope a word to the wise might be received as given.  God, the one you recognize as the Messiah (Christ) and the higher energies will NOT abandon any of the entities of their own—I suggest you re-read your books!  NO EVIL SHALL BE BROUGHT FORTH INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD, FROM EARTH!  We are in the process of telling you explicitly and em­phatically that which will be acceptable behavior and that which will not be acceptable.  You continue to confuse idiotic mysticism, false teachings and BS for truth.  We care not which you choose—but to get off of that planet in physical form and transfer is going to require a return in intent at each soul vor­tex—unto the LAWS!  SO BE IT!  We will continue to outlay how it really is, and then you will be in the deciding where you want to put your little tootsies and assets.


You ones keep efforting to place finite limits on everything and then turn about and make your own foolish rules of acceptable behavior against the very thing that allows you infinite and un­limited potential.  Strange in­deed, are you Earthians.  There is NO limit or “end” to the Uni­verse—you only have “barriers” of various energy separations, of Universes which comprise vari­ous aspects and conglomerates.


George, for instance, personally ponders what I outlaid a few days ago regarding the entity, AS­KET, whom I announced was from the DAL Universe.  This is simply recognized as another universe of another po­larity opposed to yours, which counterbalances yours in manifestation.  Ones from that vortex arrived prior to the Pleiadians in this time of en­counter to prepare some of the earlier contacts for the Pleiadian contacts which would be coming shortly—and now, here they are!  The Pleiadians and the DALs have been in contact in association on projects of vari­ous kinds with each other for a very, very long time.


Contactees are ones from past experiencing with beings from the various aspects—they come and function on your planet specifically for contact purposes although this is not readily recog­nized until just prior to need of service.  You of this group desire to go back and use Billy Meier’s con­tact with our brotherhood as a guideline.  It is difficult for so many things came to change the situation as is the case if the opposition can pull down or discount the contact.  Billy was not a Pleiadian in last passage—he was a DAL(ian) and having lost ability to inter-relate to the DAL(ians) got into great trouble with credibility.  You see, the first contacts, even though they worked totally in conjunction with Pleiades Command, were not considered threatening to the Elite—it was anticipated B.M. could simply be discounted as a “nut”.  When Pleiadians en­tered the picture—the entire scenario changed for that was to be the big event of truth-bringing and the discounting and discrediting had to be pushed into high gear.


It is not separation in the Universes as such, for Pleiadian ancestors, and YOURS, come from a common heritage, descended from the refugees, if you will, from the great sun-system—some of whom fled at one time to the Pleiades, some to the Hyades—oops!—and a number of other places where they found hospitable planets in their escape from destruction—oh yes, human en­tities have a hard time getting the point!  But in the ending—the point shall be thoroughly gotten and the lessons of behavior—well-learned!


You of Earth must stop efforting at discounting receivers from this di­mension by errors we might pronounce as regards things such as names, labels and attitudes of various planets, sys­tems, etc.  For instance, allow me to give example: “IHWH-HATA”—what does this mean to you??  I thought not!  It is what we call that energy polarity system which is translated into “The Eye of God”.  As we scan your astronomical books, we find that you refer to this “Eye of God” as being with a constellation called by you, “Lyra”, and you call it “The Ring Nebula of Lyra” or, in more mathematical identification—”M-57".  Now, the next thing is always for you ones to say, “OK, but give me explicit distances and miles and light years and absolutes!”  Why?  You would not know whether or not I speak truth.  If you have nothing upon which to compare or relate—you have been given nothing!  You ones will learn to stop asking me for ex­plicit information for I shall be lessening input of specifics as we move along—explicit information will be given through mind reception and transmission—that which will be technical information.  This is the intent of this mission—security whereby several will hold portions of most criti­cal survival and transition information and ones shall be pulled together to share these portions at the proper sequence of events.  You will not need magic formulas from space.  So be it.


While we are close to the subject of travelers let me clarify a point of contention used as a dis­crediting point against the Billy Meier material.  It has been claimed that the one Semjase was actually a woman seen about the city—and was assumed a model.  No, Semjase made frequent jaunts into the city for various reasons—Munich being a frequent point of contact with other contactees who still remain silent witnesses and busy workers.




Oberli, in monitoring yesterday’s writing, had a most logical question—how could Venus have a atmospheric pressure of some 107-110 AT’s at one statement and then at “sea level” have a pres­sure of some higher than 300 % more than Earth.  It is a difference only in the way you measure vs. how we measure altitudes, for instance.


You can’t know altitudes exactly, for you start from the reason-based premises of that which ap­pears to you to be a starting point from which to measure.  For instance, your scientists count the height of a country or of a given mountain, in “meters or miles or feet above the level of the sea”.  What a foolish starting point.  The starting point for all measurements must be from the center of the planet, which never changes.  This is be­cause planet forms are not exactly round, but tend more towards an el­lipse shape.  For another example, let us say that you say Mount Everest is the highest mountain of Earth, then this is correct only so ar, with re­spect to your sea level.  But in truth it is around 2,150 meters less high than the highest mountain of your world.  When you measure Earth mountains, then the center of the planet is decisive, and measured from that point of reference, you will see, the highest mountain of Earth planet is NOT Mount Everest.  Pressures also vary greatly from one perceived altitude to another just as you have great pressures at the bottoms of your oceans so, if you have no oceans, you have great pressures increasing as you move toward the center of the planet.




We are further developed forms of life, and no longer are able to move in such levels of mind perception as do Earth beings.  This is not a preten­tious point on our part, but simply a law of Creation.  It is the same with all forms of life; also with Earth humans.  They, as well, are no longer able to move within still lower, to them, levels, thus they are not able to integrate in any manner with lower beings.  The concept would be insane.  To adjust to all tasks in the existing laws of Creation each world creates, according to its level of evolution, one or more creatures of advanced de­velopment through whom necessary facts may be transmitted.  These higher devel­oped creatures have been called “Prophets” on Earth who, unfortunately, in their times, were almost without exception persecuted and pursued, which condition still has not changed.  And because this is the way it is, there is no necessity or intention to make ourselves further known to all ones.


Besides us, there are still other extraterrestrial intelligences who move in the Earth realm, but who are in uniquely different positions in evolution than are you, and who are sometimes ad­vanced over Earth humans by only a few centuries.  These creatures may thus come into contact with Earth humans and reach total integration.  Because some of these intelli­gences are not much developed beyond Earth mankind, they may behave like “Commanders” and such, and more advanced creatures may actually participate with humans of Earth to prevent evil conse­quences.


Some Earth humans do have real contacts with such extraterrestrials, and others take such re­ports and elaborate them with fantasy, thus creating new stories.  There also appear lesser de­veloped intelligences who thirst for command and want to keep the scepter over Earth humans and, con­scious of the affinity for religions on Earth, they learn to apply them for their own pur­poses.  These advanced, let us refer to them as negative( for lack of better description) beings who would manipulate the human popu­lace are indeed clever and, being advanced in technical knowledge and abilities, are able to influence and direct your own species.  These ones have be­come great menaces to Earth man’s development for they are ba­sically destroyers.  Earth man can begin to better sort out the tools of these ones by observation at times when wars and catas­trophes befall them.  The powerful leaders of Earth at this time are unconsciously, or con­sciously, or in absentia, led totally astray by such intelligences.


To understand the relationship of Earth beings and your cosmic brothers, you must use logic and the gift of true reasoning deduction processes.  I’m sorry, chelas, but the stories you have been given are simply not even logical and furthermore, they form a mystical aura about God and Cre­ation which is absurd.  Why do you have to couch God in mysticism when there is none?  The wonders of the Universe are so magnificent—why require it to be mystic and magic?


Specifically, extraterrestrials or star-people, whatever you desire to call your cosmic counter­parts, are very much like you.  Knowledge and “WISDOM” are superior to yours, as well as technology—no more and no less—each moving through experience.  Space and time are not overcome by space and time—BUT BY SPACELESSNESS AND TIMELESSNESS, which means that space and time collapse into one another and become equally directional to zero-time.  By that, a few fractions of a second are enough to rush through billions of light-years, practically without loss of time, because the zero-time neutralizes space and time simultane­ously.  We do not even need to discuss “etheric” beings at this point, nor thought transference—good old space and time will do nicely.


Many deceivers pretend they are in contact with other planetary human beings of your solar sys­tem, and even having flown with or in their ships.  That is nothing more than false, as most of the stars (planets) indicated are so desolate that human life is no longer possible on their surface or, as with Venus—the star itself is not old enough or evolved enough to sustain life-forms of human.  It is most unfortunate that the contacts which might well be valid are discredited by lack of understanding of the truth by the receivers themselves.  Of course this is the total intent of the base ener­gies efforting to control your planet.


Our mission is to alert you to the presence of the deceivers and warn you of your declining abil­ity to reverse your negative path—these are not “little gray aliens” from somewhere “out there”—they have become real and in­carnate beings with intent for control and destruction of your planet as you know it.  THAT is NOT mystical.


The time of conflict with these energy forms is coming in imminent expe­rience and you are, by great numbers, at disadvantage if you are IN truth and just behavior.  You have become domi­nated by evil intent and ac­tions, your human spirit is greatly underdeveloped and the lessons of false teachers continues the decline of the overall.


Above all, there remains but ONE that possesses the power of life and death over each crea­ture.  This is the CREATION alone, which has laid its laws over ALL.  Laws which are ir­refutable and of eternal validity.  The human being can recognize them in nature when he trou­bles himself to do so.  They expose for him the way of life and the way to spiritual greatness, embodying the goal of life.  While the human indulges in his religions, and by this a heresy, he pines more and more away—in spirit—which finally leads to a bottomless pit—abyss.


The human being may recognize that a God can never take over the part of the Creation or des­tine the fate of a human being.  God is NOT the CREATION, but as well, only a creature of it, like all Creation-depen­dent creatures.  But the human being hunts for his religious wrong beliefs and affirms God being the Creation ITSELF.  He goes even further and pretends a normal Earthman by the name of “Immanuel”, who is also called the “Jesus Christ”, is God’s “son” and the Creation itself.  Still dif­ferent sects of the new time go on to maintain these same things, which already approach total delusion and the stories get more and more wild in presentation.


It is pathetic for, as already mentioned, deceivers also walk in the same direction and put out in­correct perceptions and total lies unto the world of man—that your cosmic brothers and sisters from other planets of the cos­mos would come at the “order” of God (with whom they actually mean that one, “Christ”) and integrate into one element of definition, those “beings” with that of THE CREATION.  This is total bunk!  Ones mis­project and attempt to allow you unthinking and seeking humans to be­lieve such trash.  There are ones who come with the cosmic brothers who do attend these matters of higher dimension and are a higher integration with The Cre­ation.  These ones come in attendance at this time with the higher teachers in preparation of re­turn of God upon your place in order for the reclamation.


The CREATION itself gives the commands, dear ones, in ultimate mea­sure, because IT em­bodies the greatest power in the Universe, and never is in need of commands or silly religions.  Religion is only the primitive work of human beings, in purpose, quite frankly and honestly, to lead them into suppression—for exploitation—to which only spiritually deficient life can fall.


Our further mission at this time is to bring this truth to the light of the world and make it known.  If this does not happen, then mankind will slowly destroy itself and fall into complete spiritual darkness in separation from God and Truth.


God is one thing, Creation another—it is the total lack of balance with the laws of Creation which has brought you down.  The Laws of Creation as given unto the human species are pre­sented by God of Creation as guide­lines by which you can remain in balance and harmony with that which IS The Creation and you have broken and rewritten them all to suit your lustful, greedy and very base human desires.  So be it.


Dharma, this is a good place to break off this Journal for we have reached the number of pages beyond which the readers will not even “begin” the Journal.  I cannot finish this in properness in this sitting so please allow abrupt interruption and we will simply move on to a second volume re­garding your PLEIADES CONNECTIONS—RETURN OF THE PHOENIX!




I realize this information is a bit difficult to swallow and perhaps two doses of the medicine will go down the easier?  Please be in relief as you come into understanding—it is far easier to be­lieve, change and meet the need of that which is “REAL” than to continue in the lies and decep­tions of those who would simply deceive and mislead you by their false projec­tions.  God and The Creation are totally balanced and very logical, it is time you see Light instead of hazy, mys­tical aberrations.


May we walk together in brotherhood, though this wondrous journey called “life”.  I extend my hand—who will accept of it?  Salu.

July 29, 2011
