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FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1990   3:31 P.M.   YEAR 4 DAY 120




I come forth in service unto God, unto the Creation and unto you—my broth­ers in higher Uni­versal human form.


A book has just been published by UFO Archives and Genesis III Pub­lishing Co. by Stevens—Elders—Welch.  This book is supposedly pub­lished documen­tation, Vol 2, of the Billy Meier notes from Pleiades.  My preference is simply not to respond to inquiries for I have absolutely no interest in further cover-up, conjured-up and literally made-up, material.  I am saddened for Billy Meier who was a valid contact and who does not in any way sanction use of his material.  This volume is published in spite of his request to be left alone and not publish any further in­formation in the United States.


“Well, Hatonn,” you will ask, “How can we know what is truth and that which is not?”  Easy!!  I will give you clues to look at and then you be in your decid­ing.


First, let me say that the material is in great part factual.  However, I will herein tell you at onset of the discussion that Pleiades Command does not in­ter-work with ones who utilize material for personal gain on the market which would ever deceive the public in any manner what-so-ever.


Many things went “wrong” with the original contacts with Billy Meier and Billy stated that he had stopped the contacts.  He later said that he was informed Semjase has been killed—these are not so and there is abso­lutely nothing wrong with Commander Semjase except that she is com­pletely overworked.  There reached a refusal to participate with ones who entered into contact (from Earth) with Billy Meier and who now utilize his material, fabricate more and give incor­rect information.


There will be found a portion in this volume in which supposedly Semjase gave information “FOR THE EYES OF WENDELLE, LEE, BRIT AND TOM ONLY”.  This entire outlay of in­formation is totally fabricated.  The in­formation deals with the massacre of the Jim Jones cult group.


I have given you detail by detail description of that which happened in Jon­estown.  This will be listed as a contact with cosmic brothers prior to the Jon­estown happening.  I merely state the fact that this is false infor­mation, fabri­cated by these ones to mislead you the public and make gain in material man­ner from you innocent, trusting public.  I suggest that the entire section called Contact 115, “PROPHECIES”, are total nonsense and foisted upon you the unsuspecting for reasons of deceit.  The ones who have brought this particular set of documents forward do so without permission and with full intent to de­ceive.  This is an affront and deliber­ate assault on the credibility of one Billy Meier, who had forfeited his connection to higher source prior to this sup­posed transmission and, more importantly, becomes a deceiving discredit to one of my most respected and revered Commanders.


George, I am pained to bring this to your attention for these ones have been at some point reckoned among your friends and colleagues.  Son, they do you great dishonor and disservice.  They have practiced in ill-be­havior in the past and continue the deceiving unto the public.  Their intent is a point of personal gain but the result is far more treacherous—it dis­credits the very truth of that for which we stand.  Morally, these ones would never come into our sphere of con­tacts and, quite frankly, but for the pure deception perpetrated in these latest volumes—I suggest that all but a fragment of that which has come before is absolute hogwash!


I realize, George, that your own intent (don’t be embarrassed) of the ma­terial was to test as to the credibility of one, Hatonn.  It is fine, son.  To fulfill our mission we must have total under­standing of truth between us for neither of our tasks are easy but, instead, filled with great pit­falls and direct attack.  None-the-less, it pains me greatly for you have paid enough at the hands and whims of these ones who would call themselves your friends and then stab thine backside.  As you ones riffle through the pages I warn you of another false projection.  You will find refer­ence to ones working with George Hunt Williamson.  I believe that our beloved Sister Thedra of ASSK can enlighten you on the projection habits of GHW and Brother Philip.  Not that all the in­formation is untruth—but any volume projected to the public as truth—must be truth in all manner of presenta­tion.  This volume is one major discredit from beginning to ending.


Are there valid inputs?  Yes, but the information had been given in prior “contacts”.  I speak now regarding metals and vibrational cold fusion of the metallic craft skins, etc.


In view of continuing events we shall set records to straight and honor Billy for that which was given in truth and the public shall have to use the discernment of truth as God gives insight unto them.  I find that almost forty dollars for a book of trash is a bit steep, however.  George and De­siree’, simply hold the original notes in tight security—get them away from your selves and into third party lock-up.  We will bring justice unto the truth regarding those contacts when the time is appropriate.  I know that you find it difficult to confront that which has occurred, espe­cially Desiree’, for her trust is so tested already—please know, son, that we are right on top of it and that which is put forth comes back a hundredfold in kind.  Test me all that you will, son, for I believe you will find that I shall stand the testing.  I hold you in my trust and in my love for your missions are great and I am honored to serve with you.  So be it. 


Did the errors come from Billy or from the Group as mentioned—you be the judge for you know both parties involved in the deception!  It has been ever thus, dear ones.  Ones play at games in magnitude that they give no thought unto the consequences.  Is it deliberate deception—yes!  Why?  Many reasons and none of which matters greatly for truth always stands in the ending.  Blessings unto you who stand and dare to counter the lies and demand truth.




The Pleiadians brought forth samples of metals which have been analyzed from every direction and the method of melding the minerals has been totally elusive to you of Earth.  The method of blending is absolutely sim­plistic in technology.  It can be compared to that event called liquefac­tion in your Earthquake situations.  Vibrations of proper frequency impacting substances simply break them into component atomic particles and, when they are merged with other substance, become fused as an amalgamation.  The pro­cess is cold in nature, simple and can be formed into shapes im­pervious to penetration.  As I mentioned yesterday—our ships simply can­not be opened by you ones if we do not intend that you do so.  The shell will simply absorb and neutralize every known laser cutter that you have.  That, dear ones, can be confirmed right on your good old hard Earth!  Ask someone who has tried—and surprisingly enough, there are several ones around who have been there and tried.


An amusing side story in this procedure of metal production is quite fun to share with you.  Lead in your air is most polluting and dangerous to you.  To begin to gather our substance for a de­sired metal, for instance, we utilize the atmosphere.  We begin with a substance which begins to gather and condense lead particles from the atmosphere—this eventually gives a product of so­lidified lead.  The second process extracts from the resultant metal all dan­gerous radiations.  Then the lead is fed into heat-converters, which, without the addition of metals, but exposure to various minerals, converts the lead, through several processes, into an alloy.  Therefore, you can see that lead is a rather dandy item to have around for it can be converted into almost any metal known.


First you have liquefaction and then the alchemy is achieved.  I am not going to give you for­mulae and “how-to” instructions.  We also have a rather “old-fashioned” manner of alteration of metals and substances which converts through heat-converters, and the end result is achieved af­ter some seven pro­cesses.  The metal becomes liquified in what I suppose you would call fur­naces—we would more clearly recognize the term Kiln—then the liquid is sub­jected to specific and distinct oscillations until a spe­cific desired frequency of the material itself is attained, next the final product of each segment is pressed by great pressure through a cooling “spiral” and at this point the metal comes forth in small pieces.  These can now be put into components for what­ever alloy is desired and put into what you ones call bullion or “dore” bars.

The cooling spiral contains water which is quite pure and obtained by a method of condensation, which you call “distilled”, so that no impurities are introduced and therefore specific “frequencies” can be utilized to “roll” the metal.  The metal bars are simply liquified again by pulses and basically “molded”.  The finished product—say a craft—appears to have no skin seams.  This is a fact for our connecting, or “welding”, apparatus is based on oscilla­tion techniques which liquifies the metal in a cold state and allows the sub­stance to simply flow together and thus merge, by which it is completely with­out seams for a single piece is thusly formed.  We use no “grinding” operations for we have no joined seams of demar­cation from one part of the pat­tern of the craft from another.


Once the method is understood and the proper oscillation frequencies iso­lated, it is quite easy to further understand the total operation of dissipat­ing matter and reassembly of same.




Depending on the use of the substance, many varieties of alloys are in use.  I gather what you are most curious about are the craft skins.  Some portions of the craft are Mercury-steel and another consists of a nickel-silver-copper-gold alloy.  We utilize a lot of gold for we are able to easily convert base metallic substance into gold.  It then is easy to manage, malleable, harmless to the touch, beautiful and very conductible as for electricity transmitting.


We gather the components from many things, as for example, from lead-con­taining atmospheres of stars, from water in different places, from dif­ferent plants and thus and so.  We utilize the de­cay of different ore-stones of stars in the process of destruction.  Through the process of collec­tion, as I have men­tioned, we convert the lead substances assembled into the soft metal, lead, which is then changed later by the further mechanical-chemical-electromag­netic processes into a hardened substance.  This hard-metal is harder than any substance known to Earth—it is much harder than the substance you call steel, or carbide steel.


To further utilize the substance, as for starships for instance, the alloy must then be polarized.  The final product is an alloy of tremendous strength, beauty and smoothness.


The question, of course, is always—”Do we have the necessary stuff on Earth?”  Yes, but you continue to gather your minerals in a most primi­tive manner—you continue ore-mining which is so destructive in many ways.


Ore mining or other mineral mining on a planet or another star is done by us only in extreme emergency, because this process is basically equal to the de­struction of the star itself.  All miner­alization exists in natural placement for specific reasons.  For instance, to move uranium from its proper placement causes inability of the mineralization in the original placement to continue break-down in its natural sequence.  Further, the stockpile of misplaced ore is then dangerous in its own right.  You ones simply do not understand the un­balance you cause by your senseless and foolish alteration and destruction of your own planet.


We never exploit a planet or star in a form as does Earth-man.  What you Earth human beings do is equal to the total destruction of the foundation of the planet itself.  The first effects of this destruction began to show massively several decades ago as you moved into your technical rev­olution.  The Earth human then began to exploit the Earth by taking petroleum products, min­erals and all manner of different ores and re­moving the under structure of wa­ter and oil leaving tunnels which cave-in and can literally cause shifting by ac­tually triggering quakes and fault al­terations—either by the blasting entailed or simply the evacuation of the underlying substances.




By far the most damaging and dangerous activities which you ones play at, is the underground testing of atomic devices, hydrogen devices and particle beam projections.  Thusly, you now have products of nature, life substance it­self, which effects an explosion of many thousand times greater than what you refer to as the Atom bomb.  Brought to explosion in the suited circum­stance, a chain reaction can be induced by which the Earth falls within only some seven to eight minutes into a total firestorm and is atomized.  If the chain re­action is started and runs uncon­trolled, rescue attempts would be useless—for if a chain-reaction of such nature gets beyond even our ability to control, there simply is not time enough to evacuate all.  This is a constantly monitored pos­sibility—moving into probability as your factions face off each other as if you were playing at mumble-peg with your primitive pocket knives.


How can you change your future?  Well, we have spoken of many ways and we find that mankind desires not to give up those things he considers his birthrights—sex, automobiles, televi­sions and beer.


For far too long you have been deluded by beings of human form who rule by force and power and deceit.  Man has allowed himself to be fooled by those responsible so he can now achieve nothing more by peaceful means, it ap­pears.  On your placement the force is embodied in poli­tics, religions, and the sciences.  It is this power that must be broken, otherwise you march di­rectly into the path of the end, not only by war and eradication, but as well by the atomization of the planet if this current direction is pursued.  You are going to simply have to return to living ac­cording to the natural law, that of God and balanced Creation.


There will be consequences to be paid, at any rate, for the Earth, herself, is sorely damaged and she is boiling and writhing within her very being.  Re­gardless of man-made damages there will be natural upheaval, great quakes, volcanic eruptions, climactic alterations, storms, tidal waves and accidental events which will make their world appearance in these im­pending days.  Whole countries will sink down into the seas, and numer­ous human beings will find an evil ending.  Most of all, you must realize that war is basically irrevocable—if not this month or year, then later—and later comes with the more heinous forms of killing.


6  6  6


Your prophecies and Biblical stories relate the numerals 6 6 6 and this be­comes a common term to cosmic brothers as well as Earth projection.  Just as the number represents that which will be on your Earth plane, it also repre­sents that which came from off your Earth—which, of course, by definition in­dicates “extraterrestrial”, but don’t get crazy, for anything off terra is extraterres­trial.  The symbol 666 will continually and more fre­quently come into your attention as you move along.  The “anti-logos” represents the “lie”, the “untruth”.  This lie is given forth from deceivers, religions, charlatans and greedy, power-hungry ones.  In this instance the number 666 does not actually equate with an actual person, and the thinking and doings of this long-sepa­rated Earth “human being”—but the delusion, which he represented and still represents in your cultures.


You ones already recognize this symbol as being of what you refer to as the Anti-Christ.  You always seek a name, a single being or person.  You must think beyond that which would be shown as obvious for you are captured by the beast and yet you still see it not.  It is indeed diffi­cult to see where to begin your climb from the pit for you have been taught that that which is lie is truth and you recognize not that which you must do.


Mankind must re-arrange his thoughts and actions for himself.  He has to find the truth himself, to liberate himself from all mystic nonsense.  In this respect, man has a most difficult way to walk, because he is still very much imprisoned in his cultic-religious and mystical matters for which reason in these last months and years he has joined more into base and cultic beliefs and rituals.  I ask that you ones not get entangled in the “what if’s” and the distraction of sorting out the symbols—if you turn unto the truth of God, recognize that which you are up against in this moment—then we can isolate a resolution into action.  If you continue in the tending and pon­dering of the tiny fragments of the puzzle—you will be still work­ing at the puzzle after the game is finished.


It is interesting that as your world spins ever closer to destruction you still quarrel over whether or not you evolved from apes.  The human form of life accords to a special act of creation, and in consequence is unable to degener­ate by any natural or unnatural metamorphical process.  You ones ponder upon the large ape/human creatures of which stories are birthed and propa­gated.  These entities do indeed exist in certain places.  They are not creatures of “human” kind as you recognize the human Earth species.  They are faunic creatures whose origin traces back to the flora-world.  They indeed reached the highest developed animalistic forms of this type on Earth, but they are not that which you call hu-man in the definition of “higher” “universal” “man”.  You most certainly DID NOT evolve from apes and monkeys—the difference?  God!  God is the differ­ence in all instances—you were given the gift of free-will reasoning capa­bilities and the ability of creation—a gift given unto man as a reflection of God Himself.  The animals and plants were given unto you for your plea­sure, balance, nurturing and survival needs—all stemming from Cre­ation and Nature Herself  As Creator, what have you created, little chelas?  Are you pleased with that which you have created?  Do you realize that your only lasting form of creation is that which is gifted in the re-creation of self—the child, and you mass-murder your own wondrous creations by the truck­loads.  Are you pleased with that which you have done as caretakers unto your wondrous gift of Earth planet?  How long will you turn from truth and unto the lie while your world goes into destruction?  So be it—for so shall it be—ex­actly as you decide it shall be.


It is time to close this segment.  Hatonn to stand-by, please.  Good evening.


July 23, 2011