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MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1990   8:00 A.M.   YEAR 4 DAY 116




Hatonn present in the Light of Radiance.  First, I would have a personal nota­tion please.  Oberli, please attend Salliotte this day.  Further, I would have a COMPLETE set of books for each of Dharma’s children—along with any oth­ers that you so decide but this has gone too long unattended.  You must real­ize that Salliotte is the best and most meticulous bookkeeper and of­fice detail person you have or will ever find—allow us to begin to meet obligations for these are the ones who stuck with you through the very leanest of times and still do not wish to work with you for the burden it might impose.  So be it.  I cannot ask Dharma to give unto me her life to write these Journals if she con­tinues to feel she may have them not when published.  We must come to bet­ter balance regarding publication of the these books.  There is something wrong with the “plan” if the author has no access to a few to be utilized as he or she deems appropriate.  She is emotionally classifying herself as a mere printing machine and that is most unacceptable.  She holds the whole of truth in her head awaiting the printing thereof and ex­ploitation by any name is un­acceptable.  So be it.




Pay attention to what this man now does.  He came back from a trip to South America, had a full day of jogging and tennis and yet could not join with his family and/or his nation at the Christmas festivities of the evening.  This is al­ways a sign of negative in­fluence—the things that are representative of the Light are placed to the rear of the cooking places.  He will begin to again give you the SHOW but watch closely how he han­dles the subject and how One World Order will have replaced “God”.


What of Shevardnadze?  He is making sure that he gets from America that which the Russians want at this time—in exchange for co-oper­ation.  He needs food supplies for his cities because of the poor management, black market and other things of poor government ac­tions within the So­viet Union.  Believe me, if it were not that POWER has its rewards, Mr. Gorbachev would be well out on his ear—you will note that his only roots this day are within the Com­munist Party—you ones had best take a good clear look at that situation!  It is NOT as presented unto you.


Allow us now, to move on with our Journal lest we loose thought conti­nuity.  We must keep you alive and in some manner of freedom, but spir­itual growth is ultimately the only experience of real and enduring merit.  Lessons WILL be learned but you must begin to come into under­standing of truth instead of the ridiculous lies given unto you from the mis-direc­tors who long ago lost their own truth in repetition of the lessons handed down without ability to ques­tion whether or not truth was involved with the handed-down edicts of churches and false perpetra­tors—whether in ig­norance or intent of destruc­tion, the ending can be the same except in magni­tude of “reward” for actions.




There is always a logical chain of command—not as you utilize it as “right of passage” but ac­cording to learning and true knowledge.


Wherever there are thinking forms of life, there are established laws every­where.  Each, from the position of spiritual development of the tribe’s leaders, has taken laws from the true natu­ral law and expressed them in responsible form within human-natural law.  In consequence these laws are of natural logic, and are not illogi­cal and primitive, such as ones established on your world.  In your governments, pure worldly-material power casts the laws—usu­ally to render you ones who must follow the laws helpless to stand against that which the rulers put forth.


In any given society at whatever level of understanding, laws ex­ist.  As I stated prior to this, it is only where the Creational laws become self-evi­dent do ex­pressed laws fall away.  This only oc­curs at very high spiritual levels, in pure-spiritual spheres, where materiality is a thing of the past.  Material forms of life are still afflicted by too many mistakes, than that they can simply neglect laws appropriate to their level of existence.


As a society, however, becomes advanced to the extent of foisting off their own behaviors upon other species and other planetary placements which bring evil and destruction upon the inhabi­tants, things are taken to a higher level of authority and Cosmic law comes into the picture.


Growth, in general, in the Pleiadian sense for the most part, is of a more spiri­tual level and con­sequently more humane, which cer­tainly cannot, at this time, be stated regarding your form of law.  You have almost no form of equality of justice.


When we speak of “heavy” crimes in the Pleiades system, for in­stance, there is no longer pun­ishment by elimination and injury to the physical body, as is your barbarous habit—either that or a buy/sell justice system.  The higher energy forms require that the fallible creatures be exiled to other worlds used exclu­sively for this purpose.


To such worlds are exiled only creatures of the same sex.  In that way propa­gation is prevented and no descendants are produced.  The exiled ones are left to their own means on these worlds and have to care for themselves with their own hands.  No machinery or appara­tus is left at their disposal, and they are forbidden to produce such things.  To assure this objective these worlds are controlled and secretly produced means are eliminated for long periods of re­training time.  In addition, any contact to any others is closed off—the in­habitants are locked into the planet system.


On some worlds, the fallible creatures are also exiled to great is­lands, if the grade of fallibility on the concerned world is very low.  This manner of pun­ishment assures security, and at the same time the fallible ones are no burden to the natural society.  More­over, this form of punishment is humane and suitable because the fallible ones are not obstructed in their development.  Does it be­gin to bring memories of your own beginnings, perhaps?  Could it be that you are a “prison” planet?  Of course, for God always gives unto his creations a place to reform, restructure, recre­ate and “serve their time”, so to speak.  Teachers and guides, wardens and guards are always sent to guide and effort at rehabilitation—then there is a graduation and if rehabilitation into truth and right­ness of action is ac­complished, the “inmates” move on and the nega­tive unlearned ones are placed into other suitable accommodations until they DO learn Universal behavior.  Most of Earth real crimi­nals never see the inside of a prison for the real criminals of hu­manity are the ones who set up the false teachings and the heinous laws which create injustice, force and degrada­tion unto the soul.


In very ancient times different fallible creatures were exiled from different worlds in this Uni­verse to your Earth, as well as from our race also.  We do not keep “dates” and “calendars” as do you so let us consider it was “a long time ago”.  Since in our Plieades star system, there is inter­planetary travel and interchange, the laws are very similar on all inhabited orbs and will do for general purposes of discussion at this time.


Our races are monogamous, after a thorough clearing up of facts in re­spect to belonging to­gether.  Mistakes, of course, can not be ex­cluded for the life-forms are not very far advanced of your own races, but these, if necessary, are still later eliminated.  De­scendants are regulated by the highest council, meaning that a def­inite amount of births within a defined amount of time and space is observed, so as to preserve the race without overpopulating.  It is to­tally controlled by responsible “ACTIONS” and not “control” by artificial means, devices nor destruction of “accidents”—there simply are no “accidents” through total dedication of self-respon­sible actions.


Married couples remain in that alliance during their life-experi­ence cycle.  When you have care­ful pre-union understanding and friendship, then you have no problem with irresponsible behav­ior for a marriage represents friend­ships within the boundaries of Law of balance and harmony and to­tal respon­sibility to the planet upon which all must reside.  Since the physical greed, power and social needs of the procreation act are evolved out of the picture, pro­creation is with intent and great planning in respon­sibility.  Since Pleiadi­ans live to be hundreds and hundreds of years of age, it requires this same dis­cipline over a period of many centuries.  Pleiadians do have one of the highest forms of human civilizations for the needs of the balanced planet are strictly ad­hered unto and ones who refuse the responsibility are given homes in places such as Earth.  When ones who have broken lesser obligations are placed, it is often that the “prison” if you will, becomes inappropriate for their deviation of behavior—or re­habilitation is fulfilled, and then “graduation” day arrives and/or the planet becomes so un­balanced that the darker forms of ex­perience are placed elsewhere—as with your planet.


There will be evolution into higher dimensional values and density and fully developed ones will transverse with her.  The totally negative life-forms will be separated away and placed in suitable “classrooms”.  The guides and wardens will have served their time of duty and will be al­lowed to further experience according to growth levels—or simply return to God-Source.  Many of you will desire returning to Pleiades to experi­ence awhile in that goodly environment; many will wish to move with Earth into Radiance of Shan and many of you will wish to return, or re­main, with the heal­ing planet to nurture and re-create a habitable place­ment.


I specifically used the term “monogamous” because we do not use without re­sponsibility, the sexual act and, therefore, there is no need of multiple part­ners.  Persons in need of care and life-nur­turing assistance are cared for prop­erly and not in any way USED for the personal experi­ence of lust, greed and/or sexual misbehav­ior.  Marriage and creation are most highly esteemed and most care­fully regarded in all respects.  This is why we denounce the “behavior” of deviant groups—not the love and energy exchange of people.  A friend can be as or more dear than a spouse but there is no physical sexual ac­tions intruded into the relationship.  Chil­dren ARE NOT ACCIDENTS! FROM IRRESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR—NOR ARE THE BASE DIS­EASES STEMMING FROM THESE UNIONS.


Divorce as you know it is insufficient and admitted in only the worst cases, such as when one of the union is exiled.  This is most rare indeed.  Our laws have worked in harmonious balance for mil­lenniums.





So what of such a love?  Do you mean as perhaps I might LOVE Dharma?  I, representing mas­culine and she representing feminine?  What of it—we, espe­cially one of higher dimension even than an­other planetary system, have no need for such expressions!  Love as you express of it is not even entered into the picture of higher dimension.  Love is all inclu­sive and I love Oberli even as much as I love Ranos, Ilsie, Daylene and/or Dharma.  Further, ask any one of these ones—once touched by the Love of higher understanding, there is naught of Earth experience to match the experience.  Love is an emotional experience—untouched by any human physical being­ness—you simply have forgotten.


What you usually refer to as Love is a simple infatuation for an­other—ex­pressed in a totally physical manner—missing the wondrous beauty of the emo­tional fulfillment for you place plea­sure in the place of emotional ful­fillment.  When you merge two souls—that, dear friends, is LOVE!  One can merge with every body in the system and you will find yourself only worn out and disease ridden—not fulfilled, at peace nor content—you will only have formed a bad habit and will search for even one more with which to tamper.  Ah yes, Earth mankind has forgotten the difference in LOVE and love.  There is no LOVE to be expressed in any manner as I feel for you of my children in journey—I, at thousands of years of age in your counting and you, as babes and toddlers.  But you must understand that many of you have walked with me through the eons of time and have only FORGOTTEN!  This is why you are pulled to me as a magnet to the iron filings—for we are of the same essence and THAT, dear ones, IS THE TRUTH OF ETERNAL LOVE IN ITS WHOLENESS—I WOULD GIVE ALL THAT I AM AND HAVE UNTO YOU, FOR YOU AND WITH YOU—AND NOW, SOME RETURN THAT GIFT UNTO ME AND UNITED WE CANNOT FAIL TO ACHIEVE OUR GOAL—FOR THAT KIND OF LOVE IS THE TRUTH OF THAT WHICH IS GOD!  Man is the creature who is envious of any relationship which he perceives ex­cludes self—and therefore, it is a singularly exclud­ing of self.  When man loses his self-orientation then, and only then, can he enter into such a relationship as God-LOVE, for all is in behalf of the OTHER.  However, in fact, the LOVE OF THAT KIND OF NATURE only returns to self, the fullness of the relationship for neither is TAKING from the other—BOTH ARE GIV­ING ALL THAT CAN BE GIVEN—EACH MORE THAN HIS WHOLE.


Each and all have the ability by mind power to pull unto self any desired “thing”.  So, I suggest you be most careful regarding that which you de­sire—for you may be unfortunate enough to pull it unto self.  It is when you rise above self of the physical that you find truth and all knowledge and then, only then, is peace and tranquil­ity achieved.  It can only come through the “giving” and proper “accepting” and “exchanging” of emo­tional equality and not physical experience, that truth of life meaning is understood.  THIS IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT: FREE-WILL THROUGH CHOICE AND THE RETURN UNTO THE ONE­NESS WITH GOD!  ALL OTHER IS SIMPLY “THE JOURNEY” THROUGH THE LESSONS UNTIL TRUTH IN GOD-NESS IS ACHIEVED.


Wherein the physical only visualized that which is physical—higher essence sees only that which is spiritual.  I see you ones as the soul essence which you are and the physical falls away.  I can see beyond the ego of the physical expe­rience and understand the impact of the human physi­calness—but it is the soul I see as I look within your places—so you are actually quite safe from prying eyes in the bath.  My communion is with soul—not the physical.  I un­derstand the physical impacts of living—but those are for YOU to have conquest; they are not of my business—ex­cept as they impact that which is within my jurisdic­tion or group of com­mitted workers within my Command.  Then, neither do I have control—only in re­quest for separation until direction is iso­lated and de­cisions are made for I, nor my brothers, have any intent to ever intrude other than to speak warnings and give guidelines for participants in this mission.




Ones who have intent for participation in the transition with com­munion with higher brothers of the Cosmos or, and more especially, in relation­ship to higher energies of other dimensions—agree to abide by God’s laws and The Creation’s laws in that example is to­tal as regards “actions”.  There will be the lusting and greeding as long as there is physical—how the human “acts” in the given scenario is that which is ultimately impor­tant.


Do not go about saying we “kick you out” or “isolate you” if you are acting in behavioral ways de­viant from Cosmic law, for YOU will have made that choice—not we!  YOU may change your actions at any time but you cannot “fool” us!  We see only soul intent!  Past er­rors?  So be it; in God’s realms past ignorance is all points of the law—it is important when it is “deliberate actions in defiance to those laws”.  If you do not approve of those laws, it is your choice, but I promise you—you who continue in Satan’s trappings will not find your next journey through the gates into Godness for learning of the laws and abiding therein is the price of that lovely transition.  For instance, the Pleiadi­ans want no irrespon­sible, mis­behaving humans cluttering their life of bal­ance.  There will be no “sleeping around” to introduce envy, self-gain and/or base human be­haviors accepted.  You had all better rethink the “RAPTURE SCE­NARIO”.  If you are ill-using physical-ness, you aren’t going to “rapture” to anywhere physical that I recognize as “higher” di­mension—and most cer­tainly not unto God!  NO EVIL IN­TENT SHALL ENTER INTO THE HOUSE OF GOD!


Now, when you speak of inter-planetary beings of human format, much changes in perception.  Ones of higher learning often make changes into what would be considered “lower” vibrations and often join with the “lower” fre­quency being in what you might loosely refer to as a “love” re­lationship—but it is not handled as a physical mat­ter at that level even if it entails physical ac­tions.  This means that the “lower” being will grow rapidly or there will be a lot of pain borne by both for the “higher” being will be unable to compro­mise soul truth—it happens frequently.


Sometimes ones, say from Pleiades, come for rotations of duty upon your placement and then there is subjection to your own environment with the con­sequent loss of memory data and often these ones are lost to the envi­ronment and activities of Earth plane.  Often good “receivers” of higher energy forms are lost to the Earth environ­ment and ego state as surrounds the dense cap­sule of your planet.  It is indeed hard to keep those conduits open and as such, many are only opened in these recently current times to allow for purity of communication.  They simply were not opened at the earlier time in order to serve in proper sequence.  Each fragment serves at its given proper sequence of experience—the students then must discern the changes for it is part and whole of the learning requirements.  YOU EACH MUST LEARN THE LESSONS PRIOR TO TRANSITION AND THE OLD MUST BE CAST ASIDE.  FOR INSTANCE—YOU MUST RELEASE THE LIE THAT ANY ONE BEING COULD ABSOLVE YOU OF YOUR SINS AND ERRORS.  NO ONE CAN DO ANY SUCH THING FOR ANOTHER!  YOU WILL STAND RESPONSIBLE AND ANSWERABLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS IN THE PHYSI­CAL EXPERI­ENCE—NO MORE AND NO LESS—YOU!!




We, serving in the Pleiades Command for instance, are only allowed to speak of certain things and explain only so much.  These neigh­boring planets have been priorly occupied in former times by our races, and are by minimal mea­sure still today important as bases and other ex­traterrestrial homing centers for starship attachment—usually of higher dimensional “rating”.


I, for instance, effort to carry somewhat current information re­garding your solar system in my mind in respect to the level of my experience at the current time; however, I do not have inter­est in other than your evo­lution and my command at the present experience.  I simply have no in­terest at this time, in the other systems.  You ones are not destined to be placed on these other planets when evolved from this Earth plane and, therefore, I spend little time inputting other data that can be garnered from other teachers if the interest and curiosity abounds—I am interested in changing your truth and knowledge and getting you into safety and se­curity—pre­pared and ready for transposition.  My thrust, and the thrust of Sananda “Jesus”, Korton, etc., is to bring as many as possible into awak­ening and full decision in Godness to move into other responsi­bility—ours is not a sojourn to philosophy and speculations of how it may be next door.  If your only intent is on such trivia—go unto another for your lessons for ours is far advanced of trivia not applicable directly to your transition.


We are come to awaken ones to their purpose, bring truth and pre­pare for the reclaiming of the Kingdom unto God.  I am not, for in­stance, con­cerned with that which might be going on on Venus or Mars except as Earth bases thereon might impact you as World citi­zens—specifically within my Command.  Truth is truth is truth—but in addition, ones of my Command must HEAR THE CALL TO PURPOSE!


Dharma, write this document immediately—did you not note the en­ergy wave that struck this dwelling?  It is fine, chela, your at­tention is removed but we will lose the document if you do not at­tend it.  Thank you.


We have you very well shielded now and it is very difficult to get through the web to vulnerable attack spots—we can deflect quite efficiently now with little damage sustained—however, there is continual barrage against the computers and electronics systems and any electric interruption can wipe out the pro­grams and data stor­age systems.  Simply take care.


I suggest you ones who come into writings by ones who claim physi­cal behav­iors with extraterres­trial beings—be most careful indeed—for the in­ter-change would be exaggerated according to the percep­tions of the ego of the writer.  No celestial being would ever even be tempted to pull an Earthian from his path by such dalliance for the discipline would be great on his own level and especially at this time of sequence; an extraterrestrial of higher understanding such as would be a teacher or speaker—would simply never partici­pate in such behavior—check with former con­tactees such as Billy Meier for confirmation.  Semjase is a most beauteous crea­ture in Earth perceptions and I believe she gave Billy quite a good and grand, unmistakable lesson regarding such matters as Earth-type be­havior and LOVE.  Misbehavior of higher brotherhood from other star-systems would be met with severe discipline and would be to­tally unacceptable.


Further, for “Space-beings” to respond to personal, egotistical de­mands to be­come “visible” to “prove” something or another is equally unaccept­able.  Re­gardless of who believes otherwise, it is most often totally de­structive behavior to become visible—espe­cially on such cause and de­mand.  Most ones are quite honest and relate that “I” need to see or touch—but many will place it as “we” and “for our good” and “so we can better serve”, etc.  No, it is always for “me”, “I” and “self”—if not, it will be left to the discernment of the higher being for the better good of the whole—without exception.


Does this mean that each will not desire “for me” “for I” for “self”?  Of course not and the desire will be always at the fore­front—however, the ac­ceptance of “higher truth” will always pre­vail and the thought will always return to “for the highest Cause” and “not my ego will, but thine higher truth” shall always pre­vail if given in truth of higher Cause.  The ego will always seek satis­faction and the quicker the better—”instant Patience” and “undelayed gratification of whatever is the point of attention”.  Remember the obligation of the higher resources unto you at this time and bear with their limitations as given forth unto them—THEY ARE TO ACT WITH TOTAL DISCERNMENT WITHIN HIGHER KNOWLEDGE AND THEY MAY NOT PLAY YOUR GAMES ON DEMAND.  IF THEY FALL INTO THE TRAP OF RE­SPONDING FROM EARTH “DESIRE” STANDPOINT—THEY WILL BE RELIEVED AND RE­TURNED HOME.


I would clarify another point however, in some instances—and you ones will know of the one or two circumstances of which I speak—a joint intent will have been established through two energy forms and then the separa­tion will be caused whereby there is one in one plane of experience and the other in an­other—FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTER-ACTION AND TASK PER­FECTION AT THE PROPER TIME OF TERRES­TRIAL/EXTRATERRESTRIAL JOINT ACTION.  I believe that one, Gabriel, shall recognize of that which I speak.  The loyalty and communica­tions have never been severed and there is no misunderstand­ing of intent.  The pur­pose always becomes quite obscure with the one left on Earth sphere for the density reduces ability to retain memory patterns.  It is true trust and ego allowance to maintain that won­drous communion through such dimen­sional changes.  Many of us walk together but in sepa­ration be­come unable to recall—it is now the reawakening unto those con­nections in a most unphysical manner—the higher energy will never allow reverting unto the human behav­ior patterns.  The human involved may have very vivid memory visions of such interchange—but that is exactly that which it will be—recall visions—dreams.  It depends totally on intent of purpose within the mis­sions as to whether or not there will be actual physical vi­sualization.  I do not mean to compli­cate the subject; it is just that the contacts are so misperceived and humans are so eas­ily de­ceived and duped by ones claiming this and that status.


Always you can discern in truth according to the laws of God and The Cre­ation—truth will al­ways move you in soul unto the Lighted God; evil will pull you away from the God-ness: no more and no less.  If there is anything in the projections of so-called energy voices or projections, that diverts physically or in intent from the God-truth, get away from the en­ergy for it is not of God.  The laws are most succinct without maybes or sometimes—the laws are al­ways!  Therefore, it be­comes indeed easy to discern he who gives false teach­ings and that which does not.  It does indi­cate, how­ever, that you must know the Laws and I remind you that EVERY EN­ERGY BIRTHED UPON YOUR PLACE—CARRIES THAT PARTICULAR KNOWLEDGE WITHIN.  It does help to brush up on them into your consciousness.


Allow us to close this segment as it grows long and we cannot cover the entire of the subject matter herein so allow us a break.  Thank you.


Hatonn to stand-by, please.  Good-day.


July 13, 2011