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SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1990   6:25 A.M.   YEAR 4 DAY 114




Please take note of that which is presented unto you.  Note care­fully that nei­ther Russian nor Israeli spokesmen so much as declare desire for this new “One World Order” of Mr. Bush.  In fact, watch what Israel is do­ing—listen to what Shamir and Sharon are saying.  Shamir is in the U.S. to STOP any poten­tial council meeting of the UN regarding the Middle East and, specifi­cally, any reference to Palestine.  Note further, that the U.S. has recanted any reference to posi­tive potential to such a meeting and the press says it is “ not anger our closest ally, Israel”.  What have we here?  Perhaps you ones had better lis­ten to the non-news a bit more closely.


Know that CNN was set up to suck you all in and has now become the prime producer of mis-in­formation!  You must look beyond the obvi­ous but the real news is within and behind the fa­cade.


These ones tell you that Saddam is increasing his numbers of troops—HE IS NOT!  They show you troops—they are the same parade troops shown on ev­ery newscast for weeks and weeks now and have nothing to do with this cur­rent situation at any rate.  They say that Saddam is calling up the “reserve” “farmers” to come to imme­diate service within the next two weeks—phoo!  The college young­sters of proper military age are not even changing their dating be­havior, much less dropping their school classes.  If you do not look, chelas, you will not see.




Now you have the barrage of “help the Russians” who are hungry.  Yes, the countries of the So­viets are in terrible circumstance—however, note again—the pictures.  The workers do not show up in the fields to even gather in the har­vest.  The people walk across the fields covered with root vegetables and crush the grain which would sustain them.  The cattle of the dairies are be­ing fed fodder of mixed cellulose and mud which actu­ally kills them because there has been none of the grain stored for their use and the workers will not come to work to do of the feeding.  The people raise their voices against Gor­bachev.  What do you take away from these mes­sages?  It is important.


The underlying note is that the Russians under Gorbachev have bla­tantly de­stroyed the people while the government continues to build an incredi­ble war ma­chine!  They decry the lack of discipline and state they would go back to Stalin.  I can only urge you ones to pay attention most dili­gently and carefully to the propa­gandi for you cannot have it ALL WAYS at the same time.  What do YOU think is going on?  You do not need me to tell you everything which is in front of your own eyes to see and hear.  If you only absorb the lies then you are destined to live and then die by the lie.  I urge you to seek within into your coffers of wis­dom and see that which is being projected upon you and then the mess can be straightened into order.


Stop this praying to “My Father which art in heaven”!  Go within into the places where our Father dwells—within the temple of self—stop looking for HIM out there somewhere—in some “heaven”.  Your Father would not leave of you to reside sepa­rate and apart from you—in some kind of heaven.


Remember that the Master Nazarene—the young teacher from Galilee was called the Master of Wisdom.  He told you to go within into the temple wherein God can be found and seek truth.  He said he was but the Wayshower — the bringer of truth of the WORD.  How many times do you need hear this message before you follow the instructions?  Or, do you just continue and con­tinue to babble your prayers so that someone ELSE can do of your work in your stead—and stand re­sponsible, beaten and slain to spill blood for your pu­rification—WHAT ABOUT HIS PU­RIFICATION?  IF HE HAD TAKEN YOUR RESPONSIBILITY FROM YOU HE WOULD HAVE BEEN IN DIRECT OPPOSITION UNTO GOD CREATOR WHO GIVES UNTO EACH OF CREATIONS THE CHOICE AND FREE-WILL TO ACT—RESPONSI­BILY OR IRRE­SPONSIBLY!  Do you still desire that the one you called Jesus, or what­ever, move against his Father’s will and Laws to take up your cross FOR YOU?  He came to tell you truth and HELP you find the way and will help you bear that which is given, but never to do FOR YOU.


What do you ones celebrate at Christmas-time?  X-mas time?  Santa?  Buying and getting?  Singing of mindless carols?  Could you not give a bit of thought unto Christ—could you not, for a refreshing change, shorten the term given to Christ-X?  What have you allowed to happen to your generations?  And for you ones who believe not on the “Jesus” Emmanuel as Messiah (teacher), to whom DO you have al­legiance and faithfulness?  Is it of the world, or is it of Divine God?


Where do you place The Creation in this time of mass-murder of your young, healthy trees of evergreen?  You take their lives to bear ornaments of tinsel and gaudy strips of trash in order to “beautify” that which is be­yond beauty in its perfection, and you call it “celebration”.  Celebration of what?  For what do you slay all those millions of trees just reaching their prime—or for the show of shows—a giant statue of a hundred years to stand on a po­litical pot on a politi­cian’s lawn—under guard lest you the people touch of it!  To what do you bend in worship, my chelas?  What do you sell and buy at Christmas?  Perfumes to seduce?  Expensive gifts to seduce?  Gifts which “purchase” something or an­other?  WHAT, DEAR ONES, ARE YOU DOING?  WHAT DO YOU TEACH OF YOUR CHIL­DREN?  WHAT DO THE CHILDREN EX­PECT AT CHRISTMAS?  PERHAPS IT IS THEN THAT YOU SHOULD USE THE TERM X-MAS FOR ’TIS A PITY TO ATTACH THE NAME OF GOD UNTO THE HYPOCRISY AND CONTRADICTION OF TERMS AND ACTIONS.


Things given in love and remembrance of shared joy and appreciation are wondrous indeed and a special time triggers the thought—but you ones have turned it into scenes of greed and glut­tony of senses.  I believe it is fine to leave God out of it and call it that which it has become—Sa­tan’s greatest time of celebration!  A card of touching and sharing a thought is wondrous, warm and car­ing—a magnificent temple dedicated to lies is of less than value of the item.  If the heart and pocketbook can afford of both, then it is wondrous in­deed when the heart and hands give forth and blessings are unlimited upon thine gifts.  But what happened to the widow’s mite—the gift of that which she had, in secret, in love and in no expectations of return?  Oh, how God longs for the widow’s mite—or less; the desire is magnificent without the mite.  Blessed are ye who walk with me for I shall bow unto you and serve you and give unto you all that God has given unto me and, dear ones, it is ALL—it is the Universe, the very light of soul and all the wondrous manifestations of Creation—won’t you come and walk with me?  I am your brother——I KNOW THE WAY!  I can teach you to fly as the eagles and soar as the gull; I can show you the wondrous trappings of the Cosmos and bring you among the stars—but we must ever move in the Lighted places for only in so moving can we es­cape the bindings of your physical shackles whether it be within your bodies of physical format or without.



Let us turn again to the subject of the Journal at hand which is to give you the understandings and teachings of higher brotherhood—i.e., the Pleiadi­ans, at this instance.  I do this because it is important that you be given in­formation in increments which can be understood so that you can build a stairway into un­derstanding while at the same time removing the mystical and magical thought streams.


Let us speak of precious stones, gems, semi-precious stones, crys­tals and such.  Let me outlay, again, the facts.  They bear great influence and you of earth toy with them, uproot them and generally abuse them.  You seem to not under­stand the value of these items—THEY CAN BE PRO­GRAMMED, DE­PROGRAMMED AND REPROGRAMMED.  They can be trinkets of adornment or deadly weapons and you ones seem to have no discernment of which is which.  These “minerals” of Earth origin (or any origin) are receivers and transmitters of human emo­tional feelings and thought energies.  Each, according to its kind, stores more or less ofhese ener­gies which their owners discharge, concen­trating them again and influencing the owners to some con­siderable extent—even if the pro­cess is unfocused in intent.


The Earth sphere, especially in this current time of cycle, is vi­brating with the energy of much evil influence for it is the time of chaos upon your place.  The cloak of compressed energy in evil, worldly format sur­rounds you like a fog.  These negative forces arise and are further devel­oped by the vast negative thought-ener­gies of the Earth-human creatures, which place the whole world un­der the spell, if you will, of dangerous and deadly radiating pulses of energy waves.  Crystals, as a general clas­sification, just as with your micro-chips for computers, are pro­grammed easily.  Some more easily than others.  Crystals of every type, as well as precious stones and different minerals, are strong re­ceivers and absorbers of such energies and it is un­avoidable that these nega­tive human energies and thoughts, which are extraordinarily charged with evil character, be­come a quite dangerous source of projecting negative response.


Each mineral, according to its type and character, becomes “middle-men” of all sorts of focused intent—sickness, lethargy and espe­cially mental distress and depression of emotional well-being.  In this day and age you ones cling to them, sell them, program them and adorn yourselves with them with incorrect intent.  You buy them, steal them, find them and pro­gram them with magic hoopla for self-charisma, drawing unto you the opposite sex, giving you power over another, etc.—read the literature.  They are touted to heal, restore, bal­ance and baloney—it is like giving sharpened knives unto a two-year-old and suggesting he not get blood on the carpet.


Crystals and precious stones of every kind—even the stones (rocks) of the hills and deserts, are extremely sensitive receivers and collectors of hu­man thought energies and emotions—both neg­ative and positive.  But they are usually “programmed” by non-informed touters of greedy use and are, therefore, neg­atively unbalanced.  They begin by being strongly influ­enced by their origi­nal places of growth before they are imprisoned and displaced by humans.  The Creation utilizes these little computers as points of focus but as man has spread unbalance, so has the unbalance spread throughout the natural king­dom.


If the human being wants to have crystals and precious stones in his posses­sion, to own them as valuable assets, use them as decora­tion, or as a bringer of health through mental focus of intent, then he must first re­lease the dan­gerous radiations which exist in preprogramming as oscilla­tions (vibrations), because otherwise they are capable of being utilized in a harmful manner.  More­over, the stones must be cleansed and freshly “neutralized” at regular inter­vals.  This is because there is so much nega­tive thought being pro­jected that these bits of data storage containers be­come contami­nated.


These wondrous systems can easily be cleansed by thought clearance but most ones do not have the foggiest notion as to how to do it.  These are items which focus attention of the mind and if given the negative focus will allow the being in point to compound the nega­tive aspects.


The human also has a great tendency to wear talismans as good luck sym­bols—but you see, they do nothing in themselves and work only in conse­quence to the “belief” held within by the user.  These “things”, however, can also bear the negative input and should also be cleansed with in­tent.


The native Indians have methods of cleansing stones—one of which is the smoking of same with sage.  The facts are, dear ones, that the most ef­fective way to destroy a computer chip is through oily smoke.  It becomes quite “physical” in actuality.


I do not enjoy this subject, at all, because it is so ill-under­stood.  There is nothing of magic about rocks or gems.  It is what is placed into them and, therefore, that energy must be cleansed from them—no more and no less.  Some things conduct “electricity”, for instance, far better than oth­ers and so it is with program-bearing substances.  Secret formulas, conjurations— by water or other means of this nature are ridiculous—it is the focused “intent” of thought pulses which re­program and/or neutralize the data.


Now, I caution all of you.  I do not wish to be misunderstood nor mis­quoted.  Most of the BS given unto you regarding this or that crystal, spe­cial cleansing materials, pre-programmed crys­tals for whatever and thus and so are mere sleight-of-hand tricks to get you separated from your money!  Some well-meaning ones have even at­tributed these “methods” and “secrets” to space brothers for one reason or another and thus you can locate the very point of time when the re­ceiver began to manipulate and be manipulated.


It will be stated that “ones from Sirius, Pleiades, Orion” and so forth, have brought these stones and given special instructions for use and for the selling of such to gain funds for your “wondrous and holy work”.  I tell you they lie and a good con game is being perpetrated upon you.  The best way to foist off upon a receiver is to give unto him/her an item of programmed security.  If the thought focus moves from God onto some piece of drivel—the human is al­tered by the belief placed thereon.  A gift is a gift is a gift—YOU GIVE IT ITS POWER!


If the petitioner for, let us say, funds to further work of any na­ture—asks for methods of acquir­ing those funds, and clears not his space and mind of nega­tive energies of Earth-physical bind­ings—he will be “had”.  The first to show up in any inquiry regarding phys­ical material-matters—is physical material-beings of negative in­tent as to God’s business.  You will always be able to read within the pages at which juncture the scribe or re­ceiver or contact—was first allow­ing of nega­tive energy input—there will be compromise of lessons, truth and “how-to”.  If any entity utilizes a physical “thing” instead of full intent of mind intent—God is put aside!  This does not mean that these “things” are not good and utilitarian items—it means the intent of truth is not present.


Every “thing” emits radiations and vibrations—some dangerous and deadly in­deed—however, EVERY pulse and wave can be countered by the all-power­ful, all-ability—mind.  Do not be fooled for one mo­ment as to what is doing what to what.  In the presence of God shielding, there is not pulse or radiation which can transgress.  There are, indeed, few humans who can bear and pro­ject such protec­tion for as the entity believes it to be—so shall it be.


All contactees have been approached and caused to experience both the per­ceived negative AND the positive teachers.  It is imperative that a scribe and/or receiver be capable of discern­ment and know that anything that moves one from God unity and truth is evil in intent.  Not good nor bad—evil in in­tent—for that energy will pull one from the path of truth and God-ness.  It has nothing to do, really, with good and bad—it has to do with physical desire, needs and ac­tions.  If the receiver fails to shield self from the encroaching negative energies—so shall they impact first because they are of the physical plane and you are of the physical plane.  To counter these barrages—the being must move into the higher un­derstanding where the protection abides.  Herein and only herein, can the “attack” be neutralized for the attack is actu­ally against your higher uni­versal self—soul.  If you give away your power then you can expect to fall—but often, you will not be the one to real­ize you have deviated from the original path.  Does Dharma stumble and fall?  Of course, constantly—but she always calls unto God in perfection and He al­ways re­sponds and picks her up and sets her again unto the proper direction upon the tracks.


I am often asked questions regarding Dharma as we move along through the brief months of joint venture—” she a robotoid?”  Does it matter?  Perhaps in the higher sense of direction and jour­ney, we all are God’s created robotoids and if we continue to func­tion according to His Laws within bal­ance—is it important?  Ones given to experience in your density—are none-the-less humanoid.  I suggest that all who are pre-programmed into the totally physical aspect of ex­perience—are but humanoid robotoids of the negative as­pect of experience for you place finite limits upon expe­rience and being.  There are ones among you who are in great positions of lead­ership, however, who are projected from human manipulations and represent genetic hu­manoid robotics without soul compassion and/or life essence of Creator.  These are the ones you must attend.




Let us change our thought attention to another aspect of experi­ence—what you do in the name of guilt.


I suggest, however, that you not cast off those twinges of con­science as simply unnecessary “guilt”.  It is one thing to feel guilt which is not valid—it is another to “feel guilty” regarding that which you perpetrated against another and did not set to cor­rectness or deliberately foisted off to pain another.


Then comes the barrage of the human to “change the old laws”.  It will always come with an ar­gument that it needs to be so for the “modern” man for “times have surely changed”.  Dear ones, only per­ception of “time” has changed—not the human.  Why should the laws be changed?  Hu­man, when he changes in fact, will have no problem with the laws of God nor The Creation.


“Well”, then you say, “...but surely not regarding the laws in re­spect to sex and matrimony—they surely are not valid today as eons ago, while we have moved into a `modern’ world!”


Come now, chelas—have you become modernly responsible for all of your ac­tions—or do you pass out condoms in the schools?  Have you come up with “modern” rules and methods which have brought peace, balance and harmony in love to all mankind—or, have you overpopu­lated, taught mur­der through abortion and other various things of unrest and unbalance?  So be it—pigs is pigs and laws is laws!


Surely, when an entity burdens, against better knowledge, quite con­sciously, a guilt upon him­self, then he pays an atonement, be­cause that is the law of jus­tice.  If the consciously self-laden guilt is too great, then a punishment in bal­ance of such guilt is suited, where the concerned crea­ture is unworthy of life and loses its justification for existence.  The hu­man creature is birthed with the inner knowledge of that which is right and that which is basically and im­morally wrong—all the lessons do not wipe out the inner knowing that that which you do is right or it is wrong.  It is not “good” nor “bad” as such—just right or wrong.  What happens in your “modern” society is an uprising against elders who have ef­forted to teach and accept “wrong” as “right” and the new life-forms (children) are angry, guilt-ridden and filled with rebellious resent­ment to the so-called adults who mis-teach and mis-lead.  They kill and they do suicide against self in total resentment against you who have set the exam­ples of ill-erro­neous intent and actions.


Atonement always follows at some point in experience—a rebirth if you will, in which the ill-formed and uncompleted perfection then completes the formerly eliminated life.  It is always a path of growth.  There always must be a rise in spiritual development.  In a strange twist of expe­rience—it is often perceived to be through quite negative means that spiritual growth is given great strength and positive development.


Let us look at that which becomes prevalent upon your placement.  You call it freedom of choice and “human rights” but you accomplish some­thing which you miss entirely.  Let us look at the “homosexual” move­ment for a moment.  The “homosexual” movement and participants do not ask for equality in LOVE EMOTION.  They demand sexual ex­pression in the physical for­mat as a “birthright”.  Now, what are they actually ac­complishing?  They are basically “sterilizing” selves—castrating self in ba­sic concept.  What is happening is ba­sically that which is accomplished through other means on other placements having ability to utilize other planets, etc.  In other societies in your Universe, ones who do not follow the laws are simply separated into separate sexes and placed in other “worlds” and islands for the remainder of their current life ex­perience.  Lacking the opposite sex which is necessary for the human to repro­duce—there is no reproduc­tion and therefore the species cannot multiply as is.  The ones placed elsewhere are usually most con­tented in the experience and are not continually in search of “equality and acceptance” within a so­ciety which is based on pro­creation as is Earth Human, for example.  The Earth hu­man might well be in a good position for such at this present time if he were not so blinded, cor­rupted and disunited.  This arrangement solves so many various problems that you would be amazed.


Now, do not misunderstand anything that I say herein—THE LAWS OF THE CREATION ARE ETERNAL AND UNCHANGEABLE.  But, the laws of expe­rience on given placements are different according to the size, life ability, soul growth ability and what you would call evolu­tion, of a given species.  The guidelines are different—the LAWS of balance are ABSOLUTE.





As we speak of these laws, we must remember that there were and are laws applicable to a given placement—a planet upon which human ex­periences.  These laws are of human origin, so to speak, and meant to regulate Earth creatures experiencing within that particular mani­festation.


These laws are given forth by that which you would consider the highest leader of the human races, Governor of the Heavenly Sons, so to speak,—BY GOD.  His prophets and mediators and selected hu­mans announced these laws among the races which observed them, un­fortunately, for only a very short time and confounded them later, which was a further step in the direc­tion of the abyss of later mankind.


Do the aliens (Pleiadians) have “humans” making laws?  Wherever there are “thinking” life-forms, there are established laws—every­where.  Each, from the position of spiritual development of the tribe’s leaders, has taken laws from the true natural law and ex­pressed them in responsible form within human-natural law.  In con­sequence these laws are of natural logic, and are not il­logical and primitive, such as ones established on your world.  Humans upon your place, in your governments, still exercise purely world-ori­ented, physi­cally based and lust/greed based—worldly-material POWER and call the pro­jections “laws”.


Are there degenerates and criminality on other placements, say Pleiades?  It is total nonsense to think that a brother/sister planet of humans are su­per-men and no longer need law.  As we progress through the stages of higher di­mensions we then cease to function in physical format to which all of the basic physical hu­man attributes are attached.  However, on the planets housing hu­manity in species there is always need for rules and laws.  Only there where the Creational law becomes self-evident do ex­pressed laws fall away.  This only occurs at very high spiritual lev­els, in pure-spiritual spheres, where mate­riality is a thing of the “past”.  Material forms of life are still afflicted by too many mistakes, than that they can simply neglect laws appropriate to their level.




I suppose we are going to discuss this until we understand it and therefore I request that, until we finish this document, you under­stand that we speak from the position of Pleiades—and even at that, not specific planets thereof.  This is, however, to separate higher energy existence from that of which you inquire.


There is established a “punishment” to suit given “crimes”.  While with you of Earth, punishment is exercised in a most primitive way, which is no more the case with your brothers. 


Dharma, leave this computer instantly and stand-by.  There is trou­ble afoot, chela.  Set this to print and get out of this room—NOW!


July 5, 2011