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WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1990   8:15 A.M.   YEAR 4 DAY 104



Hatonn present within the Light of God, with perspectives and no­tices from the lighted perspec­tive.  May God grant understanding within that man can again find freedom.




You who seek continual and continuing proof and confirmation of that which I give unto you, please obtain the FRONTLINE, Public Broad­casting System transcript of the program aired yes­terday evening called HIGH CRIMES & MISDEMEANORS hosted by Bill Moyers.  It gives factual, documented statements which prove everything that I have told you regarding the sce­nario and, moreover, gives you the proof you need to realize that you remain totally encapsu­lated in the lies and secret on-goings and cover-ups of your elite reform­ers.  It is shocking indeed if you have not been following the Journals and Expresses—confirmation if you have!


Video information of the above: PBS Video, 1320 Braddock Place, Alexan­dria, VA 22314.

Transcript: Send $5.00 to: FRONTLINE TRANSCRIPTS, Journal Graphics, 267 Broadway, New York, NY 10007.


If demand is high for further information, I can give coverage in an Ex­press but I feel you ones would prefer other pertinent infor­mation.  I do ask that a copy of the transcript be obtained by the Editor hereof and we shall give it forth in an upcoming Journal.  Thank you.




As your government sends your young men and women off to die in a desert far distant from home, let me point out some misinformation.  You are, and the children are, told that they march off to defend Humanity, American In­terests, Freedom and Democracy.  Allow us to look at this in truth.


What you are defending and again raising to power is a slaveholder, Jaber el-Sabah, the Emir of Kuwait, who was Bush’s honored guest at the White House, and who appealed to the UN Gen­eral Assembly to re­store the “legitimate government” of Kuwait.  This includes restor­ing the Emir to com­mand over his household servants, many of whom are BLACK SLAVES.  These black slaves and their children will be destined to live and die in chattel bondage, thanks to the sacri­fices of the U.S. armed forces acting under the orders of Bush.


Another slaveholder is King Fahd of Saudi Arabia.  One of the an­nounced goals of Bush’s Gulf buildup, which will soon reach over half million troops, is to defend the Saudi Arabian monarchy against the alleged dan­ger of Iraqi at­tack.  King Fahd and many of the other 6,000 members of the Saudi royal family also own black slaves.  King Fahd keeps his in a special slave com­pound in the precincts of his palace, now shielded by the U.S. Army.  And be­yond this, the rulers of Qatar, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Oman are also owners of black slavery there.  But Bush demands that the U.S. sacri­fice blood and treasure, courting possi­ble World War III, in order to restore black chattel slavery to Kuwait by driving the Iraqis out and putting the slave­holding Emir back on his throne.  Now, dear ones, this “Fahd” of Saudi Arabia is also the same one who gave $2 MILLION PER MONTH to the Contra ef­fort through the Bush Vice Presidency.  If you obtain the transcript listed above, you will find that Bush knew and partici­pated completely and then LIED OPENLY TO YOU THE PUBLIC ON NUMEROUS OC­CASIONS WHICH WERE ABSOLUTE LIES AND NOT EVEN “HEDGES” RE­GARDING THE MOST HEINOUS OF ACTIVITIES.  WHY DO YOU BELIEVE HE SPEAKS TRUTH UNTO YOU NOW?


Many of the black slaves of the Gulf trace their origin to Ethiopia.  A slave trade between Ethiopia and the Gulf states was in existence until about the time of the Second World War, al­though it declined somewhat thereafter.  A League of Nations report of some years past con­firmed the persistence of black chattel slavery in the Arabian peninsula.  Today, slave quarters and slave com­pounds are commonly adjacent to the luxury palaces of oil-rich princes, emirs, and sheiks.  Slaves are slaves for all their lives, and their off­spring are also slaves and are the property of the slaveholder.  Many of these slaves speak very little Arabic, and commu­nicate with those they serve through signs and gestures—of course, they are kept illiterate and totally unin­formed.  The native language of the slaves is often a dialect of Ethiopian, passed along in the closed so­ciety of the slave quarters and the harem.


The institution of slavery in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states is officially de­nied, of course, by the feudal-monarchial regimes in question, but the exis­tence of black slaves is an open secret that can easily be verified in any street or market.  Groups of black slaves go to the souks or bazaars to do the shop­ping for the house­holds which they serve.  These slaves re­ceive priority service from merchants as a sign of respect and deference to the princely mas­ters whose slaves they are.  Every larger town and city in the Gulf has a public square that served as a slave mar­ket until quite re­cently when the activity went under cover, and the names have been changed to deflect attention from the continuing presence of slaves, who continue to be bought and sold by princes privately and behind the scenes.


You will note that in a prior Journal I referred to the Israeli Zionists making incredible efforts to bring “their” JUDAIC believ­ers out of Ethiopia in the mid­dle of nights by private plane and rounded up and forced aboard—herein you have the real reason and resource for a very large money-making operation on human life.


Black slavery has a long history in the Gulf.  In the Arabic lan­guage spo­ken there, the word “abed” signifies black and slave at the same time.  It is consid­ered less a term of notoriety than a simple statement of fact.


Any American politician, black or white, who protested against apartheid in South Africa must find the existence of actual chattel slavery in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states far more abhor­rent.  And all the more so be­cause Presi­dent Bush has ordered the biggest buildup since Viet­nam in or­der to defend the Saudi slaveholders, and will soon order American troops into actual com­bat, with hor­rendous consequences around the entire world, in order to re­store the Kuwaiti slaveholders to power.  If American troops invade Iraq, they will be bringing black slavery with them.  Cer­tainly many black GI’s would rather use their guns to free their fellow black men, women, and children from slavery in Saudi Arabia than at­tack the Iraqi defensive positions in Kuwait.  If Saudi slaveholding be­comes widely known among the U.S. forces in the Gulf, it is highly doubtful whether they will share in the Bush-Thatcher-Kissinger war-psy­chosis against Iraq.  WHERE IS JESSE JACKSON?  WHY HAS JESSE JACK­SON JUST JOINED THE CONSPIRACY ELITE OF THE COUNCIL OF FOR­EIGN RELATIONS????

Slavery was “officially” abolished in open forums in 1962 in Saudi Arabia by King Faisal as a QUID PRO QUO (funny thing about Quid Pro Quos, as Bush denied any such thing in the Contra crisis, also—he said (again), “ my lips—there is no Quid Pro Quo” and yet, he personally deliv­ered the money `Quid’ to the Central American Dealers for American military assistance against the Egyptian regime of Gamal Abdul Nasser).  The Saudi reforms were never imple­mented.


Recently the slave trade has been maintained by kidnaping African Mus­lims who came to Mecca for the religious pilgrimage of the hajj.  Many of these very poor African Muslims sold their chil­dren into slavery, or were themselves enslaved, because they could not fi­nance their trips home.  The primary sources for the slaves have been the hardest-hit parts of Africa: Senegal, Su­dan, Chad, and Ethiopia and Eritrea.  Preference has been given to African Muslims because the Saudi elites were reticent to have non-Muslim slaves in the holy places of Islam.




More recently, there has been a flow of Filipinos, who come to Saudi Arabia with the promise of high-paying jobs.  When they ar­rive, they are deprived of their passports, made to sign contracts in Arabic (which they do not under­stand), and prevented from ever leaving the country.  These ones are further prevented from speak­ing in any language to anyone out­side the compounds.  The Emir of Kuwait has had the most lavish life-style of any Royal Emir and the practice of slave holding is widespread—as a matter of fact, the Filipinos who were recently released from Kuwait were fortunate in­deed for the so-called “invasion” by Saddam.


These slaves come mainly from populations which are Muslim, from war-torn areas.  They come from Ethiopia, Eritreia, from Tanzania, etc.  It is an old tradition.  The painful thing about it is that the British not only know about it, but it is done with their con­sent.  It goes back to the end of the Second World War.  In Mada­gascar, since that new socialist regime came in, it has been done much more strongly.


As late as your 1966, some four years after the “official” aboli­tion of slavery for public consump­tion, even the United Nations has been, for political rea­sons, somewhat reticent to deal with the slavery issue in the Arabian Penin­sula.  I guess that figures to be because you must realize that the five perma­nent members of the UN Security Council run the UN and the world.  There is even a recog­nized slave route from Dubai, Mus­cat, Buraimi, Al Hasa, Riyadh.  Merchants make seasonal trips to Dubai and Muscat, returning with a group of 50 to 60 slaves at a time.  They are first put up for sale at Al Hasa and later, if unsold there, sold through brokers at Riyadh.  The slaves are of­ten kidnapped from towns and vil­lages in the Qatar and Buraimi area.  The slaver contracts groups of enter­tainers and musicians, who give performances outside the village or town, arranging for a dancing party on a particular day.  The slaver then gets in touch with the tribe living in the vicinity to arrange for a raid on the dancing party and to kidnap the girls for whom an agreed sum is paid per head to the sheikhs of the tribe—the slaver then takes over.  Funny thing about the involvement of the Mossad in the kidnapping—oh yes, they are right there training the slavers.


Here is just one common example of how commonplace the practice is: a group of Italian busi­nessmen boast openly how, because of a lack of easy ac­cess to women in Kuwait, they buy slave girls who do all their bidding.  When the business is finished and individuals leave the country, the girls are sold to a fellow-businessman or sold back to the original owners—these business ar­rangements made at original point of sale.  And so it goes!  IS THIS THAT FOR WHICH YOU ARE WILLING TO LAY DOWN THE LIVES OF YOUR FAMILY AND RELATIONS—OIL, GREED, SLAVERY AND CONTROL EVEN OF SELF???  Then, it would behoove you to awaken your eyes for the take-over is underway and speeding toward an irreversible finale.




Well, he has been efforting to get China to join with the UN Secu­rity Council to declare war—by whatever name you label it.  The Chinese, however, give indecision as an open projection—don’t be sucked into the subterfuge.


Now, he will testify this very day before the Senate Armed Services commit­tee—WHY?  Kissinger holds no office and is no longer openly ac­cepted even as an advisor to the President—how is this new im­portance to world affairs?  Could it be that he is one of the most powerful humans in your world?  I think you had better pay attention for he is and he is about to have the world brought down—through YOU!


Turn on your TV and you will likely find Kissinger spouting off, or look into any newspaper these days, and you will find Henry Kissinger pontifi­cating on the Persian Gulf crisis.  Kissinger is demanding that President Bush follow the same “balance of power” prescriptions that the Nixon administration carried out in Vietnam, when Kissinger was Secretary of State.


It doesn’t seem to matter that the Vietnam policy Kissinger master­minded not only resulted in needless butchery of both American and Vietnamese, but also left Southeast Asia in the com­munist sphere of influence.  Kissinger, worse yet, is accepted as the foremost “expert” on such mat­ters.


The gist of Kissinger’s thrust is that Bush must act soon against Iraq be­cause waiting for sanc­tions to work would likely destroy the ability for the U.S. to strike at all—and hence the unrelent­ing push on Bush’s part—to pull this off immediately, in secret upstart and while Congress is on re­cess.


At the same time—he urges that a ground war be avoided, in favor of air strikes which would cripple Iraq, but keep it around as a power in the area.


When questioned openly, Kissinger won’t come up with much.  He ar­gues that since the U.S. has already deployed troops into the area, it has to go ahead and use them.  This is what you call “circular reasoning” and ab­surd to say the least but proves the intent.


Would you like a little Freudian slip of the lip?  At times it is not clear that Kissinger realizes what part of the world he speaks about.  On ABC’s “This Week with David Brinkley” on Nov. 11, Kissinger vigorously de­nied that there was any parallel between the Persian Gulf situation and Vietnam.  “Unlike Vietnam”, he insisted, “our demands in the Gulf have been clear from the be­ginning: imme­diate and total withdrawal FROM VIETNAM...UH, AH, KUWAIT...”  So be it!


In total arrogance and disregard for the U.S. Constitution, he maintains the same situation vis-a-vis the Constitution of the United States as he al­ways did.  Just as he himself took orders from Britain, so he wants Bush to follow British Prime Minister Thatcher (and it matters not that Thatcher has stepped down, believe me), and not listen to Congress.  Congress, of course, has the constitu­tional responsibility to declare war—that, therefore, is why there cannot be a declaration of war—it would botch the whole fa­cade of UN substance.




Just last year (1989), Former Secretary of State of the United States of America, Henry Kissinger, commented publicly on the dic­tator of Syria, “God may punish me, but I rather like Hafez al-As­sad”.  Well, he now has the blood of thousands of Christian martyrs on his hands!  Those Christians, who died as Kissinger’s Syrian friends murdered Lebanon, had followed Gen. Michel Aoun in trying to free their country from an occupation and de facto par­tition between “Greater Syria” and “Greater Israel”, an insane policy crafted and or­chestrated by none other than Henry Kissinger.


First-hand accounts continue to come out of Beirut on the continu­ing slaugh­ter of Lebanon’s Christians.  Eyewitness reports and tes­timony from credible first-hand experiencers report hun­dreds of corpses of Christians—in military uniforms—killed with shots in the head and on whose chest the assassins had drawn a cross with the shots of machine gun bursts.


The martyrs were the officers of Gen. Aoun’s army, who were massa­cred after their surrender to the Syrians.  Further, family members of the mur­dered are publicly raped by the Iranian Hezbollah, who ran throughout the Christian quarters of Beirut purposely to rape, pillage and murder after Syrian troops crushed Christian resistance —”to give example to resisters and Chris­tians”.  Does this sound like something out of ancient times?  So be it.




The set-up witnesses who are currently testifying at the UN are pa­thetic in­deed.  How is it that ones who “are free” are able to pro­duce pictures and video-tapes of atrocities when they, them­selves, were supposedly so ill treated?  Come, chelas—one man testifying regarding lying next to a dead body while awaiting dialysis treat­ment speaks the truth of the lies—if a dialysis patient misses dialysis—he is a dead and gone duck!  The fact that he is alive to testify belies the story he gives!  Please keep your eyes and ears open—again, the stories are being read from pre-prepared scripts and the pictures heinous indeed, but not atrocities committed by the Iraqis.  The Iraqis are severe enough—these lies are  worse, for the atroc­ities are perpetrated by your own support­ers to bring the proper results to the UN councils—so you the people will not speak out.  Pre­cious ones—look about you, for you are all but out of time to stop this slaughter of your own children.


There are no cries of outrage from President Bush’s administration in the U.S. against Assad—in fact you have now joined forces with this killer.  The inci­dents in Lebanon are not even given first headline on the news­breaks—simply underplayed and always with the emphasis that Lebanese are out to attack and kill Israelis.  What are the Israelis doing in Lebanon, at any rate?  That seems to be missed in the reporting of any of these in­cidents!


Since the Lebanese “civil war” in 1975-76 the official U.S. foreign policy has been to welcome, as then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger did, Syrian occu­pation of Lebanon.  While this evil, im­moral policy originates with Kissinger, nevertheless, every single top official of the Bush adminis­tration is culpable for Syria’s latest bloodbath against Lebanon’s Christians.


There is a widespread blanket of cover-up of the martyrdom of hun­dreds upon hundreds of Lebanese Christians by the Bush administra­tion.  De­fense Secretary Richard Cheney, in Paris, stressed that, “...most reports I have heard so far have been unconfirmed through government sources, and I would want to have confirmation before making any comment re­garding these matters.”





The word from Amman, Jordan is that the American media’s coverage of the Middle East is to­tally biased and propaganda inserted in gross misinforma­tion.  This comes from editors and cor­respondents efforting to bring truth forth in order to stop this insane march to war.


There is total effort to corrupt every statement made by Saddam even if the actual footage of film is shown—it is always slanted grossly toward the Israeli point of view.


As a good example, in reporting on the Israeli police shooting of the Pales­tinians in Jerusalem outside the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the U.S. media continually referred to the area and use the word which has been coined by the Israelis: the “Temple Mount”.  This is a NEW WORD which has proliferated in the Western media, to emphasize that this particular place is actually where the temple used to be, al­though, scientifically speaking, no excavation has re­vealed that this mount was actually the site of the temple—I would suggest you consider this most carefully for God may not like usurpation of His property for Evil reconstruction at any rate, manner or form and herein you might find clues to Zionism’s thrust, vs. that of the Jews!


When the U.S. emphasizes “Temple Mount, Temple Mount, the Pales­tinians are demonstrating at the Temple Mount,” you are actually stress­ing the “fact” that this is the site where the temple used to be—so that one day when you de­stroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque, then this was on the “Temple Mount” and some­how it is perfectly alright, ex­pected and correct.  This is the kind of technique which the Ameri­can media tends to use at every turn.


Saddam Hussein is not correct in his behavior, but you must learn that an at­tempt to paint a black picture of the man, and his power and country as well as ambitions are to make war palat­able, attrac­tive, and the sacrifices accept­able—through eliminating a “monster”, and this is the whole intent of the con­trolled Estab­lishment media.


You must realize, dear hearts, that the Elite and the spoon-fed Es­tablishment papers, are pro-Israel in every issue and this shall ever in­crease in publication attitudes.  The effort is to hecti­cally and chaotically use the buildup against Saddam Hussein in or­der to destroy Iraq for rea­sons which have absolutely nothing to do with Kuwait and nothing to do with peace but EVERY­THING TO DO WITH ISRAEL AND CONTROL OF THE MIDDLE EAST AND OIL.  THE GLOBAL 2,000 PLAN MOVES EVER ONWARD, A BIT AHEAD OF SCHEDULE!





Well, let us look at that which you call “cold-fusion”, remember that?  What did the Establish­ment do to those nice young scientists from Utah after they were ridiculed and denounced?  Let us honor them.


At Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, at the end of October, cold fu­sion scientists from around the world discussed new experi­mental re­sults that confirm once again the startling an­nouncement of room temper­ature fusion made by scientists Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons back in March 1989.


Most spectacular, a University of Hawaii cold fusion team announced that it had produced a significant amount of helium-4, a by-product of the deuterium nuclear fusion reaction, in palla­dium rods.  The Hawaii ex­periment measured 4x10 to the 9th atoms of helium-4 after 100 hours, significantly above any background levels.  Another young scientist who has had his life attacked over and over and will not be named herein—has created useable fuel for cars as they now are, from this same “heavy wa­ter” (deuterium).


The Hawaiian experimental setup is different from the Fleischmann and Pons configuration and is carried out in a molten salt with palladium as the anode (instead of as the cathode).  It pro­duced an energy output that was five times the amount of energy input into the experiment.


Fusion, the process that powers the stars and the Sun (cosmic en­ergy), is the energy released when atoms of the lighter elements, like hydrogen, are fused together.  It is the opposite of fis­sion, where energy is produced from splitting the atom apart.


Attempts to achieve fusion in the laboratory have made use of very high tem­peratures (millions of degrees) and relatively large reac­tor devices to fuse to­gether hydrogen atoms in a hydrogen plasma fuel.  In contrast to “hot” fusion, cold fusion research is carried out in a simple elec­trolytic cell (bathtub size), consisting of a palladium cathode and a platinum anode submerged in heavy water.  At some point rhodium and/or iridium as cathode might be a rather feasible con­sideration.


Although the equipment is simple and the scale is small, the exper­iment itself is not simple and there are many variables that are not understood even by the scientists who have succeeded in produc­ing excess heat, neu­trons, or tri­tium in a cold fusion apparatus.  And just what do you think would happen to these scientists if they come up with cheap energy when the Cartel is go­ing to fight a mas­sive war in order to control the oil supply and energy resources?  Come now, little dreamers who think a new in­vention would “save the world”—not yet, dear ones, not yet!


Because the phenomenon appears to break the rules of traditional plasma physics, the physics establishment has opposed the idea that cold fusion can occur, and has ridiculed those scientists who pur­sued work in this area.  They have even resorted to allegations of fraud in order to taint both cold fusion re­search and the re­searchers.  As a result, the public has not been able to get accu­rate news of how far experimental work has pro­gressed over the past year and a half—and you had best hope it can remain that way for now.




The discussions in Utah, in this October, were no exception to the “dump cold fusion” pattern.  It takes a while for learned ones to realize the extent of the world plot against humanity.  As scien­tists were discussing the cold fusion re­search at the Provo meet­ing, sponsored by the De­partment of Energy, the Electric Power Re­search Institute and the University, the headlines read “Cold Fu­sion Scientist Missing As Key Review Nears” and “Utah to Start Search for Cold Fusion Scientist” (New York Times, Oct. 25 and 26).

The story reported was that, when the time came for the state of Utah to re­view the state-funded National Cold Fusion Institute’s work, the two top re­searchers were “missing”.  Science writer William J. Broad implied that Fleis­chmann and Pons had skipped town to avoid facing the reviewers be­cause they could not “defend” their research.  Pon’s house was for sale, Broad re­ported, and his phone disconnected.


In fact, both scientists had been in the University of Utah in Salt Lake City since June, waiting for the review to be scheduled.  Just after Pons took his family on vacation to Europe, and after Fleis­chmann returned to his home in England for medical treatment, the October review date was set and the uni­versity could not reach ei­ther Pons or Fleischmann to tell them.  As for Pon’s house being for sale, he had already moved into an­other dwelling.  Both Pons and Fleischmann have stated that they would certainly be available for the new review date.


Contrary to the message that the state review is a hostile process to de­termine whether cold fu­sion is real or not, the procedure is really de­signed to assure that research is progressing at a reason­able pace and high quality, according to a University of Utah spokesman—and if you be­lieve that, dear ones, how about that bridge that just sank in Washington state—I can get it for you real cheap!


“The University administration continues to support cold fusion re­search”, said the spokesman, “and will not be withdrawing support for the Institute, Fleischmann and Pons, or anything else.”




Now some facts about that last statement.  The U.S. physics estab­lishment in general, and that at the University of Utah in particu­lar, seems deter­mined to shut down the national Cold Fusion Insti­tute.  The American Physical Society, which has led a nasty attack on cold fusion almost from upstart, threatened the university de­partment with losing academic ac­creditation if it had contact with the University’s Cold Fusion Institute.


A very prominent visiting scientist at the institute, who had of­fered to teach a physics course in his specialty at the university while he was in Salt Lake City, was totally shunned by the Physics Department because of his cold fusion as­sociation.  Another Physics Department professor was asked to resign from all committees and contact with students, as long as he continued working with the na­tional Cold Fusion Institute.  I would guess that the Cold Fusion Insti­tute might just be on to something quite remarkable—what think ye?




One last little note and then we will take a break, Dharma.  In be­ing a good little Middle East “WATCHER” I suggest you not overlook that one, Ariel Sharon, who is actually “King of Is­rael”!  When General Ariel Sharon is in a dominant position in Israel, you can expect lots and lots of trouble.


Currently the “Housing Minister”—and in reality, the strong-man of the entire regime—Sharon is pushing for war.  It is in no way a secret from any save you in the U.S. that “Arik” Sharon is the fun­der and protector of the various “Jewish underground” sects which have regularly been killing Palestinians, most recently triggering the Jerusalem bloodbath.  Sharon would like to see such atrocities provide the pretext for his own pet pro­ject: invading Jordan, top­pling King Hussein, and declaring that Jordan is “Palestine”, thereby solving the Palestinian problem.


Do  you recall that way back in 1982, Sharon, then Defense Minis­ter, ran the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, which did so much to fin­ish off that tragic nation?  Less well known, perhaps—if any­thing is known at all, is the fact that, that same year, Sharon teamed up with that lovely and gra­cious Henry Kissinger, Lord Peter Carring­ton and his long-time mentor and funder, New York fi­nancier Meshu­lam Riklis, to put together an interna­tional network of real es­tate firms.  Sharon and company intended to make a “real killing” (in every sense of the word) through the provoca­tions Sharon’s under­ground was cre­ating on the West Bank and in occu­pied East Jerusalem.  Driving Palestinians off their land and buying their property for a nickel or less, on the dollar, is just one of the reasons that the Wall Street and City of London financiers who own Sharon want to see him become that “King of Israel”.  And so the cookies continue to crumble and the fortune papers flow forth into public view—slowly but surely—for truth will always “out” if given “time”.




Just in passing—look at the swiftly moving hand lest it go faster than your eyes; Mexico was not the only points south that your President Bush in­tends to in­vade with his “Free Trade”.  Don’t you ones know that he has scheduled a trip, which begins on December 3rd, on a five-day dance through South America—visiting Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chili and Venezuela?  Well, you should watch for the purpose is to encourage the free-market policies that South American countries are increasingly em­bracing thanks to your won­drous pushing and shoving to get rid of your businesses and jobs.


Now, wouldn’t you know that the President’s Agenda is the disap­pearing rain forest in the Ama­zon Basin and hyperinflation and the heavy foreign debt of both Brazil and Argentina.  In the name of lessening and forgiv­ing debt owed to the U.S., there will be some grand negotiations and as­sistance offered from you the wondrous U.S. citizens—how grand that America has bottomless pockets even as you send your business and jobs away to foreign lands and your own go homeless and hungry?  COULD IT BE  - - - - ?




Now this next should be the answer for AIDS sufferers.  On December 1 much of the world will fall into darkness (I doubt it but the ar­ticle says as much).  To support International AIDS Awareness Day, more than 1,000 cul­tural organizations are expected to dim their lights in one way or an­other in an effort to raise contributions for medical research and care-givers, while demonstrating that they plan to intensify their efforts to find solutions to the AIDS cri­sis.  Tele­vision screens around the world will turn black; museums will close their doors or drape shrouds over works of art (Maplethorp’s, per­haps?); singers will fall silent (mostly a relief to the brain and ears): dancers cease to move.  At 7:45 p.m., as the lights go out at many public buildings in New York City, orga­nizers hope that in­dividuals will also turn off their lights to commemorate those who have died of AIDS.  At 8 p.m., nearly 100 million TV viewers will witness a “moment without television” orga­nized by the Bravo cable network.  In an unprecedented act of coop­eration, 23 major cable net­works have agreed to give up a prime time minute to raise awareness about AIDS.  The four broadcast net­works have not yet agreed to join but organiz­ers will con­tinue their efforts to include them.  I think I had better not even com­ment on this matter lest I offend you nice readers.  Is it possible for man to ever see the point of his journey or must all of you fulfill the death sentence placed upon your heads and those of your children?


Allow us a rest please.


Hatonn to clear.  Salu.


June 13, 2011