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FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1990   8:28 A.M.   YEAR 4 DAY 99


Hatonn present to speak; I come in total service unto God, The Cre­ation and unto you, my brothers.  May understanding be sharpened that com­prehension come quickly and our work ac­complished.  In the light shall we stand strong that the darkness may be removed from this won­drous, but weary, land.




Earth brother, for the present, the destiny of lifestream and the placement of your experience rests with full weight upon your own shoulders.  However, should a time arise where an aberra­tion or probable cataclysm comes in im­minent, irreversible track that would affect the depths of cos­mic space beyond the conscious thoughts of the Earth-human, it shall be that involvement from the advanced brotherhood will be activated.


Those humans present upon your planet who are willing and/or have turned unto God and The Creation Laws, shall be evacuated at such oc­currence for most of you are our “ground crew” and will come rapidly into the remember­ing thereof.  God would never—NEVER—leave his fo­cused children without assistance and instruction.




Over and over you ones ask “WHY?” this or that.  Most especially “Why do you speak only through a translator—why not speak directly to us in first per­son?”  Because you are not attuned to “hear”.  Ones anger at us for not giving forth the frequency for radio con­tact of this scribe, for in­stance.  We have no objection to giving forth the frequency and you can tune it in on your wave bands—but what do you expect to hear?  Do you expect to hear David Brink­ley giving forth with dissertations regarding Cosmic and Earth current events?


We send to specific receivers who are placed at most particularly chosen loca­tions—at critically located crystal formations.  There is nothing mysti­cal about the procedure of actual communica­tion for the patterns are put forth in fre­quency pulses on specific wave frequencies which are not nec­essarily closed circuits.  But herein the problem arises in such circum­stances as is present with scribes—their purpose is to put to print the in­formation as given.  We give it in projected format of universal codes (pulsed signals).  The receiver re­ceives the signals which are then trans­lated by the individual into language na­tive to the receiver.  I would not, for instance, have Dharma, who only con­verses in English—receive Ger­manic dialects.  Why would we do that when we can utilize a German speaking native to receive in German language?  We broadcast in what you could refer to as vision sequence and code pulses which are instantly translated by the receiver.  IF YOU TUNED IN TO THE EX­ACT FRE­QUENCY UTILIZED FOR, SAY, DHARMA—YOU WOULD PICK UP HIGH PITCHED (SHRILL), MOST DISAGREE­ABLE ELEC­TRONIC TONES WHICH WOULD BE ANNOYING INSTEAD OF INFOR­MATIVE.  THERE WILL ALSO BE WHAT YOU CALL “STATIC” FROM INTERFER­ENCE WHICH A RECEIVER IS CAPABLE OF DISRE­GARDING.  We do not work in great secrecy or mystical hoopla—it is simply that the receivers are trained to handle the appara­tus, so to speak.


The higher energies are, of course, capable of communicating with any and all, but space broth­ers do not and the receiver must be ac­ceptable to commu­nication.  It has nothing to do with ca­pability but everything to do with free-will action and privacy.  Pleiadians (since this is the race in topic) do not pene­trate thoughts unless invited to do so.  More of you of Earth request that communication than you might be aware of at your level of consciousness, and even though the use of invisible modes of contact are available for us­age, the presumption of interference is for­bidden.  To do so would be to violate two highly regarded principles: pri­vacy and free will, put as simplictly as possible.  Both are considered most im­portant to the development of an individual or society and terres­trial man must be allowed to make conscious decisions and then learn to be responsible for that which he creates.


Thought transmission is the purest form of communication, as the conversa­tion may not be ma­nipulated into something it is not!  Changes in intent and content are manifest through the translation into languages.  This is why, as we move into the realm of need of absolute under­standing while reducing er­ror projection through lan­guage, this local group of Earth humans sit together and physically read the documents and hear the portions read aloud whereby we can clarify, repunctuate and attend mis­representations to the best of group contemplation.  I per­sonally attend every word and witness whether or not the understanding is penetrating the un­derstanding faculties of the individuals.  It makes for very long hours of in­tense attention—please accept that we are projecting as clearly as allowed and as is possible.  Our full intent is to allow total truth, but remember dear ones, we come in service within fallible species and are restricted to alien language and alien identifica­tion of more technical and scientific materials.


For instance, there will be less than one in a million who would even be­gin to understand projec­tions of mathematical configurations and grid harmonics and therefore we do not outlay such material which would simply bore the masses into deeper sleep.  How many of you even care to look at the surface and cross-sectional areas of the earth in terms of nauti­cal miles, or minutes of arc, and con­sider the values in regard to distance on the surface to see the in­teresting facts which emerge?  Well, let us see!  The cross-sec­tional area is equal to 37127665.09 square nauti­cal miles.  The harmonic reciprocal of this number is 26934093.


The surface area is equal to 148510660.36 square nautical miles.  Each quar­ter of the earth’s surface is therefore equal to 37127665.09 square nautical miles.  The harmonic reciprocal again being 26934093.  Now, how many of you simply fell in love with the foregoing?  I thought not!  We will enclose some of such informa­tion for we will be bringing keys to unlocking informa­tion cells for certain ones—but it will mean nothing to the receiver nor to most readers in the general populace.  Believe me, chelas, to ex­pect “proof” from cosmic brothers on the basis of technical knowl­edge or holographic projection simply is unrealistic in suggestion—for it means naught to man unless he is in understanding of that which he is receiving.  We are bringing truth unto the masses in these Journals—that means more than 6 billion individuals!  Tech­nical information shall come forth in other formats unto ones with under­standing—and I assure you the book sales of such volumes is quite limited in­deed.




I have written some of the information which will be given herein in past Journals but it so perti­nent to the subject of Pleiades that I must give it forth again.  I shall endeavor to not be boring or repetitious to the point of losing you completely.  You must be­gin to know your historical roots, however.


HERMES:  “Listen to your inner selves and look into the infin­ity of space and time.  There reverberate the song of the stars and the har­mony of the spheres.


“Each sun is a thought of Creation, each planet a mode of that thought.  In order that you may know divine thought, O souls, you painfully de­scend along the paths of the seven planets and their seven heavens and ascend once again.


“What do the stars do?  What do the numbers say?  What do the spheres revolve?  O souls that are lost and saved, they re­late, they sing, they revolve your destinies.”




Most commonly the Pleiades are today referred to by their ancient Greek name, Pleiades, (Plea’ ya dez).  These suns carry names from all areas of your history.  The Romans called them the “Virgins of Spring”, the Aus­tralians la­beled them the “Young Girls”, and many civilizations de­noted them as the “Falme”, typical of the god Agni, who represented the source of fire, and the Bible refers to them as the “Seven Stars”, or simply as the “Pleiades”.  At this time of your cycle (ending November) in the hours near the changing of your day, the Pleiades will be almost di­rectly over­head in perception.  The golden radiance “star” perceived just beneath the constella­tion as seen from Earth sphere—is the Starship “Phoenix”!  Salu!


The Greeks refer to the cluster of stars that have guided people, far re­moved from each other, in agriculture and commercial affairs simply by rising and setting, as the Seven Sisters.  These are hon­ored in the Court of the Cariatids (as pronounced in English) in the stone remains of the Acropolis in Athens.  Their brilliance and twinkling communication has been the source of wish­ful admiration and critical observation on every continent, in every age of man.  They have been worshipped by some, celebrated by others, and recog­nized for their wondrous beauty and sweet influence by almost all.  Why?  Because they call to you as a whisper from home and homeland!


JOB38:31: “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion?”


AMOS5:8:  “Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and tur­neth the shadow of death into morning, and maketh day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The Lord is his name.”


Pleiades (The Seven Sisters) are located in the constellation of Taurus, the bull.  Clearly visible in the northern hemisphere on winter nights, they resem­ble a tiny reproduction of the Little Dip­per and are often called such—actu­ally, in Greek, they are often referred to as the “micro-dipper”  These are one of the most care­fully studied regions of the firmament.  Man of Earth is drawn to them as if to a magnet by iron shavings.


These wondrous orbs have enraptured minds for centuries of your count­ing and we give honor to your l8th century comet hunter, Charles Messier, who was first to chart and identify them.  The primitive equip­ment of the day often allowed amateur astronomers to mistakenly label sta­tionary objects as comets so, to assist his fellow celestial watchers, Messier worked diligently from his ob­servation atop the Hotel de Cluny in Paris, France.  In 1771 he published his first catalogue of some forty-five non-cometary ob­jects and it was in this register that the Pleiades were designated the label of M-45.  Now for you ones who keep up with such happen­ings, the alien recently “taken” by your CIA in Virginia, comes from the system designated as M-31.  These are simply designations by Earth man to more easily place the heavens into a grid sys­tem.


Many astronomers have charted many suns in the area of M-45.  There are several thousand in this tiny sector of which some two hundred and fifty are recognized as members of this galactic cluster, the rest lie in the depths of space beyond the system.  Once all of the more faintly visible stars have been examined, the total shall be far greater—closer to some half million.


This celestial group is easily tracked by first locating the giant red star—which is visible beyond Starship, known as Betelguese, which appears in the Orion constellation as the “shoulder” of the Great Hunter.  Next find­ing Aldebaran, a first magnitude star in Taurus, draw a line between the two.  Extend the line in a north­west direction almost an equal distance past Aldebaran.  Here it will terminate just south of the beautiful Seven Sisters.  This is an attempt to visu­alize from Earth perspective but will be accurate enough in description in your language to allow identification.  Herein, to the publishers, place a copy of the diagram as de­scribed, please.


This tightly grouped cluster of suns is in your own galaxy, six of the seven are discernible by the unaided eye.  Alcyone is the brightest.  It has a magnitude of 2.9 and is classified as a B-5, blue-white star whose pri­mary element is he­lium with an approximate temperature of some 13,000 degrees Centigrade.  The magnitude of these luminous orbs range from the meek twinkling of Sterope (Asterope) which is also blue-white, but is what is labelled B-8 with an apparent magni­tude of 5.9, to the brilliance of Alcyone, which is thought by some to exceed your sun’s reful­gence a thousand times or more.  As difficult as it may be for your minds to fathom, this light, which you categorize and classify and gaze into the heavens to search out, has been traveling toward you for one and a half centuries before you of Earth perceive it.  I am herein ef­forting to speak in Earth perception for it is sufficient for our purposes of be­coming ac­quainted.




It is not accidental that the predominantly recorded system is Pleiades.  Cave paintings, hiero­glyphics, legends, mythology, and written languages have de­picted these shimmering beams as a posi­tive force through civi­lization’s his­tory.  Their position in the expanse of darkened heavens throughout key times in the calendar year does not fully account for the remarkable influence at­tributed to them.


POPE: “For see: the gath’ring flocks to shelter tend, And from the Pleiades fruitful showers descend.”


MANUDER:“When the constellations were first designed the Pleiades rose helically at the beginning of April and were the sign of the return of spring.”


The beauty and peaceful connotations of these mysterious wonders are re­ferred to in text, both past and present, as the Seven Stars, yet one of them is not visually seen.  Almost a universal tradi­tion, therefore, sug­gests that one of them has been misplaced or is hidden, and was so deemed the “Lost Pleiad” by the Greeks.  Now, for some proof of pur­chase—how would a miss­ing star be classified and spoken of—and far later in historical documentation be proven—if there was not ancient attach­ment?  How can you relate to some­thing un­known?  Therefore, it follows that it had to have been “proven” and “known” at some time historically.  It seems quite amazing that ALL cultures of antiq­uity were aware of the seventh star, which is masked from the view of the in­habitants of Earth!


Could it be that the future is only the past again, entered through a differ­ent gate of percep­tion?


The repeated acknowledgement will be fully understood and explained as the jigsaw puzzle is as­sembled—for now, most of the pieces are still a bit scattered and some are still missing com­pletely.  There is little room for doubting, how­ever, that since the dawn of your recorded time, these stars have been a most powerful influence and are believed, upon your place, to be a pow­erful influ­ence and to hold at least a portion of the responsi­bility for molding the des­tiny of hu­manity.


Throughout time thousands of cultures, religions, and beliefs have been intro­duced to this deli­cate planet you call home in this pre­sent experience.  Many of these ideals and ideas conflict or con­tradict one another and ex­isting in ev­ery single one is a posi­tive/negative flow of information.  However, in all of the soci­eties and civilizations that have been researched for this connec­tion, one topic remains alluded to as a consistent enlight­ening force, found in the earliest texts and legends, it is the mystify­ing cluster of suns...called Pleiades.


You will find that tracking the source of verbal legend is most difficult, of not impossible—until the oral tradition and teach­ings are brought forth and un­folded as we will now be doing—here and through the Lakota Brother, Little Crow , of the Lakota Sioux in permission and commis­sion from Wakan Tanka/Tunkonshila (Grandfather), here at the closing of the Sa­cred Cycle.  In proper sequence of information projection with the Jour­nals, THE SACRED HILL WITHIN will come forth as confirmation of this truth within the Jour­nals as a gift unto man from Cre­ator/Creation that you might know your Source and your Roots.




You can find truth in the hereditary conversations, from most unre­lated areas of your world, which correctly reflect upon the Pleiades as the “Center of the Universe”, the “Seat of Immortal­ity”, and the “Home of God”.  Intangible as these sources might be, it is only circumstantial that these legacies left a defi­nite mark in diverse civilizations.  Well, let us move beyond circumstan­tial and into correlations exhibiting evidence of a massive contact with Pleiadian cos­monauts somewhere in your past, little brethren.




The Hopi named them “Choo ho kan”, meaning those who cling to­gether, and they, too, con­sider themselves direct descendants of the inhabitants of the cluster.  The Hopi, as well as the Navajo and other cultures dispersed around the world, used a calendar that allowed them to chart the seasons, special events, and ceremonial rites with uncanny accuracy.  They used a sys­tem based on a 260 day “Sacred Round”, or minor cycle, and a 365 day year, a major cycle which equaled a period between the midnight culminations of the Pleiades.  Any day calculated on these cycles would not repeat it­self for 18,980 days (or, 52 years).


In the Kiva of the Mesas, Sacred Temple of the Mesas, the Hopi cer­emoniously “light the new fire”.  This occurs every 52 years when the temple’s sacred points align with the stars, Choo ho kan.  All fires are extinguished throughout the nation and rekindled from a sacred fire pro­duced by the holy men.  The young men of the tribe learn the importance of the Pleiades early in life, for initiation into the spiritual ways takes place only when the cherished cluster is directly over­head at night—so you see, this is a most powerful time of the annual cycle!


The Dakota Ehanni stories, which are tales of the world previous to the Dakota emergence, speak of the Tayamni, the home of their an­cestors, and the reason for the seven tribes...the Pleiades.  The Seven Sisters play a major role in their history as well as their present day culture.  In May, the month of Hanblaceya (I believe I translate correctly as ‘vision quest’), the Dakota communicate with the spirits.  Astronomy tells you that the Pleiades rise with the sun in May and the Dakota oral history tells you that the home of the spirits is the Pleiades.  The older Dakotas say that when you die, your spirit goes to the Milky Way and turns south—south to the Seven Stars.


The Navajo named the sparkling suns the “Dilyehe”, home of the black god and the Osage be­lieve their society was once pure of spirit and jour­neyed from the stars to Earth.


The Iroquois believe the twinkling orbs represent seven young peo­ple who guard the holy seed throughout the night.  Prayers for hap­piness were ad­dressed unto them, and during ceremonial rites, the calumet was symboli­cally presented to them.  After all, these stars were the home of their an­cestors.


There is a lovely legend among the Native Americans as exemplified in a tale from the Onondaga:


“A long time ago a party of hunters journeyed through the woods in search of a good hunting ground.  Having found one, they pro­ceeded to build their lodges for the winter, while the children gath­ered to­gether to dance and sing.


“While the children were thus engaged, an old man dressed in white feathers, whose flowing hair shone like silver, appeared among them and bid them cease dancing lest a mysterious force be­fall them, but the children danced on unmindful of the warn­ing, and presently they ob­served that the were rising little by little into the air.


“One of them exclaimed. `Do not look back for something strange is taking place’.  One of the children disobeyed this warning and, looking back, became a falling star.  The six other children reached the high heavens safely and can now be seen dancing in the Pleiades...the stars they became.”


The Hohokam, a Pima word meaning “that which has vanished”, disap­peared from the arid Ari­zona desert they had so successfully irri­gated and tamed.  Al­though no one knows why they vanished or where they went, legend claims they returned to their home in the stars—to Pleiades.


The Creeks claim to have come to Earth from the stars in spirit form to be­come flesh and blood.  Each year a medicine man who has served the appren­ticeship of seven years performs the “green corn dance” where he takes seven ears of corn from seven fields of the seven clans to in­sure a healthy harvest.


The intent is to bring forth THE SACRED HILL WITHIN, in seven vol­umes—in length for reading in one sitting appropriate per each re­vealing.


These wondrous connections could go on for volumes of material—each at­tached and coming from all directions of your planet; Aus­tralian Abo­rigines, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas and on and on, but the document would become un­wieldy and I would like to focus on that which is better rec­ognized and known today.


I would, however, like to give you one more illustration of the connec­tions and point out the di­versity of geographic location for original belief traditions:  Huang-Ti, the “Yellow Emperor” of China (2697-2587 BC), is considered by many Taoists to be a miracu­lous being who succeeded in attaining immortal­ity.  During his reign utensils of wood, clay pottery and metal were manufac­tured; boats and carts were constructed and utilized and the medium of cur­rency was originated.  Provinces of the vast coun­try were mapped, accupres­sure and accupuncture became sciences, and the Em­peror is generally ac­knowledged as the father of holistic medicine.  Huang-Ti claimed that much of this rapid development began because of conversations held in court with his consultants....beings from the Pleiades.


I would like to herein point out that in 1975 AD, on your planet, contacts from Pleiadian per­sons began in regular sequence.  The original thrust was in Switzerland which was a non-warring country, neutral in political arenas and open of mind.  There have been pho­tographs, materials for scientific study, etc., left for you to ex­amine.  These have caused great pain and suffering for the con­tacts.  Work has been discounted and disin­formation thrust upon a de­ceived public.  We herein intend to repeat the information and again, man can do that which he will with it.  I would however, stress the suggestion that you consider this information most care­fully indeed.  You as a species locked to the planet Earth had bet­ter come to grips with your circumstance and look beyond the lies thrust upon you by your controllers—you are in the time of Kali (chaos) and if you look into your prophecies, you will find this is very nearly the closing time of the cycles.  When that loop closes it will be a “hot time in the old town tonight”




As you come into understanding of beginnings, you will desire to argue and denounce connec­tions with star beings and etheric angelic beings—so be it.  You can “desire” all ye wish—it will not change truth.


You are descendents of that which was referred to as the ones from the skies who could “fly”—in many and varied manners.  You are what has been re­ferred to as the clan of the winged ones, or more generally put: The Bird Tribes.  Is it not time to preen your flight feathers?  Salu.           Hatonn to stand-by as we close this segment.                     


Thank you for your service.  Saalome’


June 3, 2011