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THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1991  7:55 A.M.  YEAR 4, DAY 343


THURSDAY,  JULY 25,  1991




Germain presenting in the Mighty I AM Presence.  Good morning.  Let us move, please, right to the subject.


How often you are told that the greatest miracle which can hap­pen to you is the discovery of your inner immortal Self.  We would say that again and again for a thousand times until you fully know that the “kingdom of heaven” is really within your­self.  Let me add to it by telling you that one inspiring hour alone with God, in communion with Him in HIS Light, is worth more to you than all the possessions of all the earth, all of its jewels, its gold, yes, even its richest thrones.


This highest of all the attainments of man, we are trying to open up to you through your contin­ued growth of comprehension.  Do not think it easy for you to acquire such a high goal overnight—simple but not easy.  Many write that they have followed in­structions carefully but cannot decen­trate to the stillness, try how they may.  Let us look at a few of those questions.


We find a response to the material worthy of immediate consid­eration for it came not for test­ing but for clarification of some­thing troubling a heart.  Taking time to respond to basically “inside” inquiry also gives me a chance to speak to the ones who serve and work so diligently in this geo­graphic location.  That sentence usually causes a bit of discomfort in the recipients, of the next to come—but I have to await some overeagerness to confront all to have cause to sit us all down and speak of these things.


My intent is to cause you to again think!  Think about what you project—each of you.  Think how you respond to new entries into your presence—HOW DO YOU TREAT THEM?  DO YOU TREAT THEM AS IF THEY HAVE INVADED FROM THE ELITE CARTEL OR DO YOU RESENT THEIR PRES­ENCE FOR THEIR JOB APPEARS TO BE MORE WORTHY THAN DO YOU ACCLAIM YOUR OWN TO BE?


HOW MANY GURUS DO WE HAVE TO HAVE IN THIS GROUP?  Well, we have several who speak and act as if they are appointed and highly evolved.  Let me burst bubbles—if you think yourself to be highly evolved and know all—YOU ARE NOT.  WORSE, IT SHOWS!


The information coming forth now has not been presented be­fore this time in its compiled form and added information—SO YOU CANNOT BE PRIORLY INFORMED.  If you wish to share opinions and discuss, fine—if your intent is to pick and find fault with every sentence, to show your wisdom—you show only your foolishness for you cannot know that which has not been given for you are still the students and the teachers have not given forth that which we are giving you now.


Can you not be patient and await the unfolding?  Must you con­sider that “something should be churning” and it should be thee that churns it?  Have you been so successful in your past experi­ence in EVERY encounter—that you have become master?  I re­peat—WE ARE NOT AN OR­GANIZED GROUP AND ANY AND ALL WHO WISH TO DO SOMETHING INCLUD­ING ONES WHO SHARE THE WORK—SO BE IT.  I SUGGEST HOWEVER, THAT YOU ARE PUSHING THE RIVER AND WILL BE DROWNED IN THE EBB TIDE AS IT SWEEPS AROUND YOU.


As with B.H. whose inquiry we will herein share—I suggest that by your own inquiries you see that you have not yet found the Truth and you have that which to measure this statement against.  I care not who and what taught you before and if of the higher realms, I suggest you be SURE.  The higher energies are very, very focused at this time and the intent is to unfold this work in proper sequence.  HEAR—REALLY HEAR what may be said to you.  Make sure that, if you are nudged to do a thing, it is not JUST your own willingness to serve for no en­ergy of the higher realm will tell you that you absolutely may not do a thing.  As with medita­tions, if you find a visitor responding to your call—because we “don’t just show up”—and urges you to do some­thing or other—be sure that you are not actually being urged to consider care­fully that which you do.


We have no intent to stop meditation groups but I believe you are going to find that the very Masters of Communications, Germain and Korton, will not readily participate in any medita­tion groups as now established.  It is not that they are ALL un­worthy—but most are totally useless as to lasting mode of com­munication and you are learning a habit which may later be hard to break.  This is only a caution for ones are free, certainly, to offer that which you choose and par­take of that which you choose.  If you want comradery and group sharing why not have a pot-luck supper and study the writings for either you will base your movement on this material or you do not believe it to be Truth.  If you do not believe us to be and bring Truth—you should be happier somewhere in another location for these are serious times and YOU ARE NOT THE MAJOR FOCUS OTHER THAN AS YOU ARE ALSO GOD FRAG­MENT—BUT THIS TIME YOU ARE A SUPPORT GROUP OF AC­TORS FOR THE TEST­ING OF THE HIGHEST ENERGY FORMS IN THE UNIVERSE.  BETTER YOU UNDER­STAND THE LESSONS AND THEN, YOU WILL FIND GREAT BENEFIT IN MEDITA­TION AND GROUP PRAYER IF YOU STILL DESIRE SAME—WHICH YOU WILL PROB­ABLY NOT.  COMMUNICATION WITH GOD REQUIRES NO GROUPS, NONE OTHER THAN YOU AND YOU AND THE GOD-YOU WITHIN.  IT REQUIRES NO WORDS OTHER THAN THE INTENT AND DESIRE WITHIN THE SOUL—THE REST IS DE­SIRE FOR COMRADERY.  This is fine, it is simply not going to be called by disinformed iden­tification.


Some of you are finding “inconsistencies” between Sananda’s and Germain’s teachings.  Restudy that which seems inconsis­tent and let us clear it up—or perhaps you misinterpreted.


Since the letter was not sent to any of us of higher dimension, I shall turn the response over to Germain for response since it all deals with that which is coming forth under his name.  I ask that you consider carefully that which you are again doing in self-appointed manner for unrest is rising and that is surely not an example of that Truth we bring.  If ones who make claim to be­ing a part of this non-existent organization can not find ways to project the very Love which we show, to those with whom you daily labor and share, is mandatory to return unto the Cen­ter of Love—then how shall we reach unto the world?


Vio, thank you for allowing me voice.  I shall now step aside and also receive.


* * * * *


Germain—in the Presence of the Mighty I Am.  May we be given into understanding and sharing within the Light of Truth and Clarity.


I am honored to have inquiry for clarification.  I am given two instructions—to please answer “some hard questions” and give “hard answers”.  I shall do so with the assumption that my “hard answers” are accepted as exactly that and not an attack on per­sonal petition nor person!  I be­lieve we have a good “man to man” relationship going here and can speak frankly and clearly.


Dharma, we will take the questions one at a time and move down with responses in order.  Then I’ll probably make far too many comments at the ending of the communication clarifica­tion.


1.         In the Owner/Operator Manual, Sananda said, and Hatonn sometimes says, “Pray to God, Ask God, Better—Talk to God”.  Germain is now saying Don’t talk, don’t use words, use the feeling of the desire instead of the words.  Correct?




Somewhere in the Journals, and floating around the “Rainbow Laundry”, is a copy of Sananda’s “My Perfect Prayer”/The Lord’s Prayer revised—A Big Bunch of words.  Germain’s statement of “Don’t use words” shoots down Sananda’s Perfect Prayer.  Would you seek clari­fication?


Literally, no, I would not seek clarification for obviously to me—it is quite clear as I project it.  But since you do so, I shall fur­ther clarify the message.


Number one: the “Perfect Prayer” was brought into the attention of Hatonn and beautifully done in art-form by Karen.  Sananda and Hatonn have often worked from the message in ex­ample of that which is suitable and worthy of response in “prayer”.  You are finding, here, that we are working with 6 billion sleeping pre-school children and we must give forth that which CAN be accepted lest we lose a person before we can give any worthy help.


The intent is to fully understand that all the affirmations, prayers, printed words, recited words and blather ad nauseam, is but a show—a facade.  The intent and desire is reflected in the soul/heart and has nothing to do with “lips”.  Lips are prone to lie or, at the least, stretch a point here an there in favor of the one petitioning.  What Sananda has said is “ is magnifi­cently wondrous if the lips (words) match the desire within”.


I can use an example of true foolishness—the Rosary.  And this is no offense to those who choose to utilize the token of focus.  It is worthless if all the person is doing is reciting rote words and the soul has no attention nor intent to even hear the words.  Affirmations, as prac­ticed in the I AM group, are totally without merit, except for the personal discipline involved, IF THE PERSON HAS NO PERSONAL INTENT WITHIN NOR DE­SIRE FOR THAT WHICH IS BEING UTTERED.




So—blather all you like, but that which will be acted upon is that intent and desire within Soul.


2.         When “going within to ask God”, how does one know the an­swers are from The Source  and not from one’s own subcon­scious filled with one’s own adversarial programming?  “I went within and asked God” can be a great cop-out and excuse for adversarial behavior, like, I’m hungry and go within to ask the source “What should I eat to nourish my body?”  I can easily “get”—”A large pep­peroni & sausage pizza washed down with a few beers.”  So, how does one recognize the answer from the God Source and not the subconscious?  Logic can’t be trusted because it, too, follows sub­conscious beliefs.


Responses in order of questions: In the beginning you may not—but that will be because you have not cleared your space suffi­ciently.  The subconscious mind will tell you anything already programmed into it—EVERY TIME.  If it is full of garbage it will produce garbage.  If it is filled with distortions and illness, it will produce it right on que.


You have hit on something more important, however, than al­most anything else—for a large pepperoni and sausage pizza can be most hardy and pleasing at times, as can a beer or two.  If you ate what the Russians eat—black bread and dark beer—the whole lot of you would return to physical health.


So, what we are now dealing with is the following.  What if nudges come and you assume you are told something from your subconscious.  You will balance it against the LAWS and check as to whether or not it deviates.  If it deviates one iota, it lies.  It will, if in truth, as a voice of God—NEVER LIE although it may well test you and yes, you CAN reason—REASON IS YOUR GIFT—A REASONING CAPABILITY AND FREE-WILL CHOICE.  You, further, will al­ways be given the choice and the free-will to act on it.  IF the inner voice gives dark commands—it may well be in the testing to see that which you will do—it is the learning and Knowing of Truth against which you must bal­ance every output and demand in confrontation with the sub­conscious (on its level of reception) to cease and desist.  Come on, chelas,  YOU KNOW!  And, therefore, the “cop-out” comes directly from the conscious mind desiring something or other of physicalness.  Spirit deals with that which is NOT PHYSICAL and couldn’t care less whether or not you eat pizzas and drink beer.  It does care when you get drunk and out of control for your responsibility is to rule that subconscious mind which is YOUR SERVANT—TO SERVE IS ITS ONLY CA­PABILITY—GARBAGE IN-GARBAGE OUT!


3.         Please explain the seeming dichotomy between “relinquishing one’s will to God” vs. “programming your subconscious to do anything you desire, even to be a good thief”? (A la Ger­main)  Does “Doing God’s will” mean being a fantastic success at anything you desire, even being a fantastic thief, IF YOU SOMEHOW MANAGE TO GIVE AND REGIVE AND FOLLOW THE COMMANDMENTS—SOMEHOW?  Please get Germain to clarify.  It’s be­coming double-talk.


Now B.H., I get your drift but I am inclined to throw the book at you!  If you become a thief—surely you are not acting in ac­cordance with God’s laws, so the option is out as to God’s way.  LISTEN, ALL OF YOU, YOU ARE A FREE-WILL BEING—IF YOUR INTENT IS TO BE A FANTASTIC THIEF YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT NICELY—THE METHOD WORKS EQUALLY FOR THE DARK INTENT AS IT DOES FOR THE LIGHTED INTENT.


I would further suggest that it is not necessarily Germain who produces the “double-talk”.  You can program your subcon­scious mind to be and do anything—I said anything!  It cares not—it just acts upon its orders.  It is up to YOU to put that upon which you want to function within the program.  The PERSON will not respond to that which is basically “will” and foun­dation of ac­tion within the Soul, i.e., if you are not capable of com­mitting an act of some sort if not in hypno­sis—you WILL NOT COMMIT IT IN A TRANCE. 

If, however, the intent of yourself or another is to train you to override the capability of selec­tion—you have MIND CON­TROL and that is a far different and more serious matter, as cov­ered in prior Journal material.  In hypnosis of the type of which we direct to your attention—you will do no thing which you would not otherwise do if without your critical conscious mind.  This means, drunk with alcohol or altered by drugs—anything which removed the criti­cal functioning conscious mind.


Certainly “doing God’s will” does NOT mean “being a fantastic success at anything,...”  If you break the laws of God and Cre­ation—YOU ARE NOT DOING GOD’S WILL!  NO MATTER HOW SUCCESSFUL YOU ARE AT THE ACTION OR AC­QUISITION.


The thrust of the writings, dear ones, is to come into commu­nion with God—that is the reason for the writings regarding meditation and prayer—Our intent is to show you how to contact God which is the only point in question.  If you DESIRE to contact God, we will effort to help you do so—I am not inter­ested in your conscious desires for physical and/or material “stuff”.  Anything coming forth from this source for use with or within subconscious levels of in­take/output will only be that which deals with the laws of God and Creation.  What goes on in the big dark world, I cannot control—but it is time that you ones started to do so—in the area of hypnosis is an ex­cellent place to begin for it is being utilized in a most ineffective and greedy manner.  The tool is being utilized for all the wrong rea­sons.


4.         Does meditating and spending time “decentrated” in the “voidance” point of the source eventu­ally reprogram the subcon­scious?


NO.  There is “nothing” in the voidance point.  The point of communication with God is to allow you to come into ability to open a circuit wherein to recognize response.  “Just being” pro­grams nothing except perhaps laziness and intent for non-par­ticipation or action.  If you think non-ac­tion will prevent you from making errors—you have just made your largest one.  Spending a lot of time in meditation does one thing—waste the precious “time” you are allotted for “action”.  The whole of Knowledge is garnered in a timeless split second—the only time you need to spend with that subconscious is perhaps the time re­quired to reprogram it to func­tion in a healthy manner according to your instructions—that is between you and that subcon­scious Self.  It takes but a flash to commune with God.  Moreover—the full intent of the lessons is to get you to stop focusing on Self-centered “I wants”.  You will never find that which you RE­ALLY DESIRE through that route.


5.         Somewhere in the Journals is a Big Pitch for “ONE MIND”.  How do we now get a con­scious mind and a subconscious mind out of the one mind?  If we’re all extensions of the one mind, how do we get to program our separate desires into the subcon­scious.  If it is all God’s idea, what differ­ence does it make, then?


What indeed?  Sweethearts—you had best go back and reread and reread and really study the material.  You are a thought projection of God—but that thought gives you separation of func­tion in your manifestation and if you do a good job He rethinks you and if you act according to his projected laws, etc., you can become co-creator with and within that one mind.  Also, for goodness sakes, we have hardly begun in the writings—be pa­tient, we will get there!  The pub­lic doesn’t even have these portions yet and would be boggled by this communication and feel great distress at the time which they would consider wasted as to their needs.  If all of you can but find patience to wait upon God—the answers will flow.


Now as to the two minds?  Do you not have a left hand and a right hand?  Are they not of the same body?




Now that we have the chaff aside—let us get on with the grain:  This is what I wanted from you, BH, and I thank you for giving me reason to respond.  YOU are the only one in the place which has the background to field these questions and now, I shall ask that Dharma copy the rest of the message.


I ask these questions in great sincerity.  Thru the years I’ve taken nine courses in hypnosis, Self-hypnosis, hypnotherapy, Pain alleviation Hypnosis, Eriksonian Hypnosis, upon which Neuro Lin­guistics Programming is based, etc.  I was a Silva Mind Control lecturer for a year doing seminars in Arkansas and Oklahoma.  I took the 10 week Yoga Teacher Training at Amanda.


I backed away from my hypnosis practice in disgust because most clients used it for vanity, lust, avarice, to be “better than”, and few wanted to “dig” for the real problems.  Where does suc­cess end and greed begin for a client?  I’ve used so many forms of MEDITATION, I’ve lost track.  I’ve had what I thought was “vivid Guidance” only to be led down false paths.


This information is very serious to me and I’d like some hard answers.


I’m no longer a “TRUE BELIEVER” in any form of therapy or Spiritual Quest, and am a VERY RELUCTANT TEACHERI’ve been around and am still around too many people who see themselves as “HIGHLY EVOLVED”.  I sometimes want to hide under a rock.  So, I guess this last sentence is saying I want some straight talk about hypnosis and meditation and prayer, without contradiction from Sananda—or it just becomes again various teachings of various sects.


So, I humbly hope to see these issues clarified in Germain’s teachings.


Thank you again for your time and effort,....


P.S. You may find it interesting that one Hypnotherapy course I took, was given by an M.D. who advocated we become students of the Bible because he had never had a client who wasn’t “messed up” by religion, and or the Bible, and it was important to uncover the erro­neous Biblical beliefs in hypnosis.  That certainly is what I saw practicing in “The Bible Belt”.  Salu.


Ah so, I thank you humbly for an honest appraisal.  Again, we cannot begin to “fix” a thing gone wrong until we see what the problem is.


This portion is worthy of a full chapter or more, in complete discussion—but these things are not our thrust.  They are impor­tant to many out there, however, who have “tried” the myriad groups of expensive nonsense only to find themselves more con­fused and frazzled than when they be­gan the tour of searching.


I can, right off the top, excise two MAJOR points of problem—Eriksonian Hypnosis upon which Neurolinguistics Programming is based and Silva Mind Control.  Erikson was a master at the trade—a fool at the practice.  NLP (Neurolinguistic Program­ming) has some exceptional tools for use—unfortunately the ego of the teachers usually override the usefulness of the tools.




Let us look at the psychiatrists and psychologists who begin to utilize hypnotherapy in an hon­est approach.  It is a worthless, hopeless hypnotherapist who cannot help a person in no more than 8 sessions.  Whether or not the person can be helped (I’ll give you an example) with his problem can be established in one or two encounters—only because the first sessions should be properly handled and it does not include other than a practice hypnotic experience of brief na­ture.


It, further, is not the greed of the client but that of the hypnotist, who will train one to stop this or that as a habit without ferreting out the real problem and confronting it.  A practicing hyp­notherapist can only be as good as his teacher and if you are ex­periencing some of these sessions whereby a Doctor Dante (who, by the way, legally changed his given name to “Doctor” so he could legally be called Dr.) gives a week-end seminar and then gives a certifi­cation pronouncing you a physician, then you deserve that which you receive—absurd and ridiculous claims without results.


There is a big misconception here, BH.  We have no intentions whatsoever to give hypnother­apy in these courses.  If we move into such offerings it will be as a tool for ones who wish to grow within knowledge.  We are not in the entertainment business nor the “round of medita­tion wheels” circuit.  You have a planet in its final stages of annihilation and you need to contact God.  You are never going to do so except through that subconscious and higher-con­scious MIND.  You can NEVER do it through the conscious, critical mind of physical plane.  Now, as even a disgruntled hypnotist—I know that YOU know that.


Supposing a surgeon brought in a patient with a ruptured ap­pendix and he took a history briefly, declared surgery neces­sary, gets and anesthesiologist and goes about first class surgery—only to stop short of the appendix, closees up the pa­tient and treats him with more anesthetic until he dies or heals?  Is it the fault of the surgery, or the surgeon?


As to the medical profession being into “hypnosis”—that is worse than bad.  Not that the tool is not THE tool but let us look at it properly.  Suppose you have a psychiatrist with a client who, say, stutters—and has money to pay for 500 visits at one a week.  How many weeks do you think it will require for that psychiatrist to NOT allow curing of that patient?  A GOOD HYP­NOTHERAPIST CAN DO IT TWO SESSIONS TO MAKE THE CLIENT FUNCTIONAL AND THEN MAYBE FOUR MORE TO LOCATE AND ISOLATE THE REAL PROBLEM AND SOMETIMES IT WILL HAPPEN IN THE SAME SESSION.  THEN ALL THAT IS REQUIRED IS HAVING THE PROBLEM CONFRONTED, REMOVED AND THE PRO­GRAM REWRITTEN.  WE ARE TALKING THE DIFFERENCE IN SAY, $65 AN HOUR VS. $100 TO $200 PER HOUR.  The psychiatrist will insist on the 500 weeks while the hyp­notherapist has nothing more to treat after 5 or 6 sessions.  I think you get the picture.


What I think of Silva Mind Control is not printable!  By the way, there are several other groups of which I won’t even comment, the intent is so dastardly.  But, just as you have quacks and charlatans in medicine, religions, etc., you will have charlatans in every place where greed can be expressed and physical assets gained.  Moreover, the “practitioner” gains so much respect, if he does a good job, that it is most hard on his ego to not accept his posi­tion as God over the client for the client will proclaim the “doctor” to be right next to God in his mind.


Let me give real and practical example right from the attached body to these hands.


Right in this community is one who had such a bad “tic” of squinching his eyes that he had be­come totally non-functional.  Lost his business in L.A. because he could no longer drive a car and had to be literally brought and led into the place.  This was not a typical series of any­thing.  This was a friend who had been told by physicians that NOTHING COULD BE DONE FOR HIM—THE NERVES TO HIS EYE LIDS WOULD HAVE TO BE SEVERED.  HE HAD ALREADY GONE THROUGH A SERIES OF INJECTIONS AROUND THE EYES—50 OF THEM.  HE SLEPT WITH HIS EYES UNABLE TO CLOSE AND LIVED THROUGH HELL FOR OVER THREE MONTHS IN THAT STATE.


He, too, had tried a hypnotist early at onset of the problem but had turned to medical help as he worsened.


Dharma just said, “Oh my God, let us look at this before you do such a drastic thing—I can find out whether or not it is a physical or emotional thing in five minutes.”  Actually it took less than four minutes after induction of trance.


In less than two hours the mind was retrained to stop closing the eyes but rather transfer the nudge to the fingers—out of sight, where he could press them unseen.  Did this CURE the man?  No.  But he immediately knew that if he could control it—it was not a surgical matter.  Further, he could go right out the door and return to driving, his business and normalcy.  The problem was seen but in one session it was not possible to work it through for there were sev­eral found of great magnitude.  But the main problem was isolated and pin-pointed in less than an hour.


The person involved is known and the total honor of the thera­pist is privacy so I will not re­veal more.  There were problems within his business setting which prevented his feeling free to con­tinue past the one session.  But the man is still functional uti­lizing the method given and he will come back when it is appro­priate.  He was urged to seek other help by a qualified ther­apist at the trade at any rate.


An interesting point is that this had been going on for several years—worsening until the poor man’s face was in painful mus­cle spasms constantly.  First he got relief both of the affliction and relief of mind to put aside consideration of surgery.  It was a friend and the charge was nothing, following thousands and thousands of dollars spent on physicians to find it a hopeless matter.  But, funny thing, while in hypnosis—with the proper in­put—the man COULD NOT SQUINT HIS EYES—HE FORGOT HOW TO DO SO WHEN REMOVED FROM THE PRO­GRAMMING.  That is not permanent, however, for it is but a bandaid when the problem needs a body cast.  However, do you see that even the bandaid saved the life?  If, also, the man can become functional—does it matter if the CURE is awaiting?


You do not TREAT something which is not causing dysfunction.  If it, however, is even per­ceived dysfunction—you have a prob­lem.  If a person has great problems and yet, is still func­tional—why would you tamper?


Most of the addictions, however, are caused by root problems rarely directly associated with the addiction—but the physical craving for the substance does need attention.  But you must find the CAUSE for it is the EFFECT OF THOSE CAUSES WHICH ARE PRESENTING!


How can I tell you, BH, that you have ended your need to search for answers—they are here!  For some “here” will not be an answer for they will never open unto Truth long enough to find it.  Moreover, I cannot tell you such a thing at any rate—for it means NOTHING.  YOU must be the one to discern whether or not we bring that which is valid and can be stood upon into infin­ity.


Anything of physical nature that we project or offer is but a pos­sible tool to help.  We are NOT just forming some more “meditation” groups or “prayer” meetings.  This is a do-it-your­self pro­gram with HOW-TO information Journals.  It does no good to show you the miserable problems without giving you re­sources to change them and solve them.  Some will not be solved but you will be surprised to know that all we have brought forth thus far CAN BE!


As to ones who pronounce and think themselves “HIGHLY EVOLVED”—I shudder.  Those who believe themselves to be authority and filled with great knowledge at this point, I must agree with Hatonn, they are NOT.  As ones become “highly evolved” they tend to get less and less verbal in opinions, silent in proffering their “advice” and come to recognize that the more they are offered and know—THE LESS THEY KNOW!  Ego is a strange beast—it destroys its host as the parasite on a tree.  For practical definition as to the identity of THE ANTI-CHRIST—it’s name in your language is EGO!


“But”, you say, “...we each have an ego!”  Touche!!!  And that is what hypnosis really IS—setting aside the EGO so that you can commune with YOU.  So be it.


Dharma, we have requested a meeting this afternoon for it is time we have some demonstra­tions and it is time for you to grow and participate a bit and I know no more loving group in which to work out these strange connections between us and you.  This is such an important subject that it demands tending immediately for if you who study all the information and have access to it as it is produced, have blocks in vision—we must recognize that many, many ones will get hung up and stalled out.


If readers choose to take that which is given and misinform, misinterpret, etc.—fine.  But we will do that which we can to make our messages thorough and clear in projection.


We are in sincere and deep appreciation to the brother who shared with us and gave this oppor­tunity for this one is giving hours and hours of thought, to the point of diagrams and sum­maries of the material, so it is not careless chatter that brings his comments.


As we share, let us bring these things forth verbally so that we might have discourse.  And please, turn within, that you clear the block and allow flow for it is most important that you come into understanding.


In the flow of life, know that it is your mind which holds you hostage—you must unlock that mind to find freedom.  The keys are elusive and similar but only one will unlock the bars—so we must guard that key most preciously.  It has been tossed from deceiver to deceiver until it is worn and will usually be cast aside in the searching for it is in tatters from the tossing—NOT THE USING!




Ah yes, BH will say, “I fear not, what do you mean?”  Yes you are in fear—fear that you have only unearthed one more false teacher and teaching.  And, moreover, you took the right ap­proach—you confronted the issue head-on, actually risking ridicule and in the least, attention, for your inquiries were actu­ally already answered but you needed the confrontation of the REAL doubts.  I honor you for that discernment.  Note all hu­mans react in humanness and it is delightful for it is wondrous to see the human respond within his own power.


Most emotional distress results from the subconscious recording of a problem that has not been solved.  How are you going to solve those problems which are recorded but buried—only to pro­duce the negative pain and imprisonment but not the solu­tions?


You see, I also have inquiries.  How, for instance, do you ones expect to commune with God?  What do YOU say to God with the lips?  What do you petition within the Soul?  Do you al­ways ask for Self or “Thy will be done”?  Do you blame another for your loneliness and isola­tion?  What do you do to change it?  Do you project Love—I don’t mean mushy huggy-kissy—I mean LOVE?  Do you set yourself up as teacher and if the material matches your opinion it is suit­able?  If not, what do you do about it?  Do you push to get this information scattered about be­cause you believe it to be truth?  Do you work because you wish the participation for per­sonal reasons?  It is OK either way—one is spiritual and the other physical and both have merit.


What are your suggestions for solutions to your plight?  Have man’s solutions worked so far?  Can you truly discern whether or not ours will work without hearing the projections in full, most carefully?  Would you set out to make a complicated desert cake and use only two of the in­structions from the 20 given?  Would you leave out the most important ingredients?  Would you do so and then complain and cast out the recipe?  These points need pondering, dear ones.  If your ways would have worked, you would not be in this boiling cauldron.  Let us as­sume you men received all the parts for an automobile—which didn’t function when dismantled.  Now, you must put this mess together, isolate the problem and make this pile of pieces run to perfection—not just sort of but it has to transport many people into safety and there is only one path.  Would you start the task as scattered and presumptuous as you handle your LAST JOURNEY HOME TO GOD WITH BROTHERS?  Would you not need to know what kind of car?  What pieces you have?  What was wrong that the car didn’t run in the first place?  Wouldn’t you need to know what fuel and get some?  Would you so carelessly handle that pile of “stuff” as you do the great­est event and experience of your universal travels?


You MUST come into comprehension of the seriousness and magnitude of that which we do here.  You must grow beyond the “me” and into the giving that you might receive.  Precious friends—we need each other for without any one piece—we are not whole.  But WE cannot func­tion in partial health and present an image of physical “me-ness”.  If you would have oth­ers do that which you SAY and not that which you DO—then you must DO that which reflects your speakings.


I need to step aside now that you may attend the meeting.  Dharma, I am grateful, chela, for your sharing.  I call it not “work” for this is a gift—not work.  But in any event of work or recre­ation—the being can become weary and overburdened.  Let us release it into the trans­muting flame of God and the balance shall be achieved.


May the Love and beauty of this journey first be seen and then the ugliness shall be removed.  Salu.







I will tell you from the beginning of “practice” that you will be helped immeasurably by the relax­ation tapes.  If you desire to utilize your own methods, I would remind you, it is fine but obvi­ously they have not worked very well thus far.  Let me ex­ample the problems people are having and see if you fit in any of the slots.


Question: Although your instructions seem OK to get into the stillness, I have great difficulty in do­ing so at will.  Does this mean to hold the Mind steady and quiet without thinking?  If so, it is a very difficult thing to do.  Just once have I reached the point of stillness and it was beau­tiful.  I was not conscious of anything but being merged in that quiet rest.  How I wish I could attain that state at will.


RESPONSE: The more you can attain that state, the easier it will be to repeat it.  Your ques­tion indicates that you make far too great an effort to accomplish that result.  This means that you are concentrating upon having it happen instead of allowing it to happen.  Work with that “training” tape until you can get relaxed without working at it.

Do not look for the “symptoms” of it.  Do not expect it or try to make it happen.  Just say to yourself, “I want to be alone with God,” and the majesty of that thought and your desire for alone­ness with God will drive all things else from your Mind.


The effort you indicate you are making gives us the impression that you are making your brain very active in trying to make your Mind become still.  Forget your brain.  Forget your body.  Take the attitude that nothing in the world interests you, nothing whatsoever—including medita­tion.  Think of beautiful music to stop your thinking about your electric bill, or your visitor who is coming, or any problem that weighs heavily in your attention.  Meditation comes from the de­sire of the Soul.  Do not let the brain interfere with your inspiring commu­nion from Soul to Soul.  USE THAT TAPE OVER AND OVER AND THEN MOVE TO THE “CLEARING” TAPE AS YOU COMMAND TO MOVE INTO THE LIGHT AND THEN IT WILL BEGIN TO HAPPEN.  AS YOU ATTAIN THE STATE ONCE—AND CONTINUE TO UTILIZE THE TAPED DIRECTIONS FOR THOUGHT GUIDE—IT CAN HAPPEN EVERY TIME—MORE AND MORE QUICKLY ACCORDING TO YOUR DI­RECTIONS.  BUT, KNOW THAT YOU WILL ALSO WISH TO UTILIZE THE CLEAR­ING TAPE AS A QUIET TIME TO RELEASE SPECIFIC PROBLEMS TO THE HIGHER MIND FOR SOLUTION AND INSTRUCTIONS.


It is wonderful if it happens even once to you, for that means that it must happen again, and more fre­quently, as you open your heart to it.


You might as well expect to play a symphony after one music lesson as to expect to be able to decentrate to that ecstatic state of inspiration at once.  YOU MUST REALIZE THAT YOUR UNFOLDING TO THE POINT AT WHICH YOU CAN ACHIEVE THIS RELATIONSHIP HAS BEEN A LONG ONE—ALLOW, DO NOT “PUSH”. Know that you are ready to expe­rience the Light now; other­wise you would not keenly desire to do so.


Our Light and our inspiration, however, cannot reinspire you immediately for you have to come into some kind of trust and balance with our presence and become familiar and allow confirma­tion that that which is brought is TRUTH.


If you have been TAUGHT THAT ANY FORM OF HYPNO­SIS IS EVIL, I urge you to listen to the tape which will repeat the discussion regarding hypnosis, its use and credibility.  You move into and out of trance a hundred times a day as will be demonstrated.  What negative re­sponse could possibly come from guiding those lapses into daydreams?  I suggest you listen through the tapes COMPLETELY prior to experiencing them and see for your self that there is nothing save relaxation.  There is no subliminal anything on them. 


You must always take instructions, or readings, first through your senses by recording them on your brain before they are fi­nally absorbed by your Soul to become knowledge, just as you have to take food into your stomach first before it is absorbed into the blood stream to become nour­ishment.  The great draw­back to the unfoldment of inner vision is that what is recorded on most people’s brains never passes beyond them to reach the Soul.


Very many even expect to attain full Cosmic Consciousness immediately by applying our instruc­tions.  That is as utterly im­possible as it is undesirable for one who is not ready for it.  You must use “reason” in your attempts.

We receive piles of letters from chelas (students) who write that they have “been in meta­physics” for years and years and think that is a sufficient reason for the attainment of the high­est and rarest of all human attainments.  One can be “in metaphysics” for fifty years or a hun­dred, with­out having one’s Soul touched by the Light for even one instant.


* * *

The study of metaphysics, like university training, may give one


****Dharma, hold up here and write the document so we don’t lose it to the frequency strike.  You are fine, we have it in con­trol but the blast was powerful.  Get out of line of the computer for a few minutes, please.*****


Thank you.  You are cleared to continue.  Expect a lot of this as your space program is in up­heaval and they would like to shut us down before we get the world told what is happening—too late.  Salu.*********


* * *


The study of metaphysics, like university training, may give one much information without any real knowledge.  Many great metaphysical authorities may be able to make many scientifi­cally true statements of fact but have no knowledge of them whatso­ever.  They would be un­able to explain them if asked to do so.  Such a metaphysical authority might be as completely unable to commune with God in his heart as a student of musical history and theory might be unable to compose even a simple melody, much less a concerto.


There are many throughout the metaphysical world who perpet­ually repeat the same scientifi­cally true statements but can not explain them because they do not know what they mean.  Af­firmations and quotations without explanations are meaningless even if true or authoritative.  Of what benefit if a man says to you, “Be ye ever transformed by the renewing of your Mind,” if he does not also tell you HOW to renew you Mind and WITH WHAT?


You have all heard such foolish statements, albeit well meant, as, “All things are one,” hun­dreds of times, but when asked to explain how the fifty men in the room, plus everything else in the universe, are one, they become as silent as the scientist be­comes if asked what light is, or gravi­tation is.


The only way you can ever find that great treasure which is your Self is to be able to decen­trate to the point where you can forget your body and be aware of your immortal Soul.  We can tell you how to do this through these lessons, and can undoubt­edly reinspire you with the Light of our inspira­tion, but only through your own great desire in cooperation with the prin­ciples, practices and in­structions we are giving you.  We cannot even do that unless you let our Soul touch your Soul in­stead of just reading our works with your senses.


Metaphysical students and teachers have often told us that they have known some of the things we are teaching for twenty-five years.  This is not true, for most of the knowledge given in these lessons has never before been known on Earth—prior to mid century and has been given forth cosmi­cally to a selected one or two.  And at that, it was not the time for the masses to heed the in­structions—NOW IS THE TIME!




For centuries, people have made these two true statements: God is Love and God is Light, yet no one up to the first giving forth of this information has any knowledge whatsoever of their meaning.  Even when first given forth, man was not ready to fully comprehend but ones were called who will now under­stand.  So, until today, the meaning of love has a sex connota­tion to the average man—and the meaning of light has never been defined or explained by science—now it is even denied in truth, by science, to the general populace and utilized for nega­tive purposes by the adversary and Elite—just as Tesla’s won­drous inventions were taken and wrongly utilized.


Every scientific theory of light is a physical one based upon waves and corpuscles.


If mankind ever knew the meaning of love, you would have had a different kind of civiliza­tion.  Its sci­entific meaning as the giving and regiving of Nature’s process has never been known and when brought to attention—was soundly denied as feasible.


Likewise, the scientific meaning of light, electricity, gravitation, magnetism, energy, polariza­tion, atomic structure and many, many other things, has never yet been known on earth, and is being revealed herein as simplistically as we can present it.


So much for the true statements which are made but NOT known.  There are an equal number of untrue statements con­stantly being made in both metaphysics and science which are believed to be true but cannot be tested as true or untrue because of lack of knowledge regarding them.


We also give another couple of examples.  Metaphysicists and metaphysical books have for years been saying: “Get into the high vibrations of the Spirit, and out of the low vibrations of matter,” and “It is only in our Consciousness so it is not real,” not knowing that the Light of Con­sciousness is the only reality.  But the phrases became the “catch phrases” of the “New Age Movement”.  The entire meaning has been lost to Truth in ac­complishment.  “Children of Light” became a new word for “cop-out” and “flower children”.


THERE ARE NO VIBRATIONS WHATSOEVER TO THE SPIRIT.  The Light of the Spirit is AB­SOLUTELY MOTION­LESS, while the vibrations of matter increase with density and decrease as they approach the stillness of space.  Such teachings are very confusing when one says in one breath, “Seek the high vibrations of the Spirit,” and in the next breath, “Be still and know.”  And no, don’t tell me that “your way” is “THE WAY”.  It is NOT “THE” way or you would have al­ready brought the world into reverse gear and be well on your way to manifesting a wondrous world and society.  YOU HAVE THE WRONG INPUT AND CAN­NOT, THEREFORE, PRODUCE OTHER THAN WRONG ASSUMPTIONS.  GARBAGE IN—GAR-BAGE OUT!


The principle of “decentration” (expansion of the senses), in or­der to forget body and become wholly Mind when in meditation or communion with God, is simply not taught except by a VERY FEW.  Further, if you can say: “I already knew all this stuff”—then WHY HAVE YOU NOT CHANGED YOUR WORLD?


Teachers have taught that one must CONCENTRATE in order to conceive idea for creative expression.  Such teachings defeat the very purpose of meditation, for concentration focuses the senses to a point and thus forces body awareness, while decen­tration expands the senses toward zero and thus aids body for­getfulness and spiritual awareness.


Decentration is a relaxation of the senses to give freedom to the Mind to conceive idea from its Source, while concentration tenses the seat of sensation in the brain and prevents reach­ing beyond the electric activity of the brain into the stillness of the seat of Consciousness from where your knowledge flows.


Our teaching regarding decentration is an entirely new principle for no one has ever thought of—or suspected—it as a attribute of the Mind until God gave you this knowledge and com­manded us to teach it.


As proof that this principle is not accepted on earth, or had ever entered human Conscious­ness prior to its being given forth to ones of specific purpose only once prior to this writing, is that no word which covers such an idea has ever been pro­vided.  The dictionary you utilize makes no provision for the thought, for the “decentration” is not in it.


In the same sense, many will say that they know God and have always known Him, basing such a statement upon the BELIEF that God exists.  BELIEF IS NOT KNOWLEDGE.  We say to him who believes that he knows God, “If you KNOW God, you can define Him and relate Him to Nature and Nature’s pro­cesses.  Can you do that?”


Naturally he cannot, for no one has yet known God sufficiently to define Him as a scientific fact until He, Himself, gave that knowledge through His Message to those who are able to compre­hend it and give it forth in writing.  Ones before Dharma have “comprehended” it but not set it to written form for ALL—only a few have experienced the original gifting of the in­formation—only a few—and they mostly MISUNDERSTOOD THE MEANING, and even after practice and explanations were unable to make “contact”.  You see, as God is ready and the student is ready—so comes the teacher with the “keys” to open the door.  That is the way God unfolds all creating things.  He gives that for today which is of today.


If God had long ago been definable, there would be but one religion and one concept of God instead of many religions be­cause of the many concepts of God.


Out of this new knowledge , and its teachings, will come the One God and One Religion—the remainder of the doctrines will become obsolete and if continued will simply be “clubs” and rec­ognized as false “clubs”.  NOTHING CAN STOP IT FOR IT IS GOD’S PLAN TO BLOT OUT NOW THE VAST IG­NORANCE OF MAN WHICH IS KEEPING HIM IN THE BAR­BARIC STAGE OF UNFOLDING, WHERE HE STILL KILLS IN ORDER TO TAKE AND IS HIMSELF KILLED BECAUSE HE STILL TAKES.

Until human relations are based upon the love principle of giv­ing for regiving, which God gave as His One Law of RHYTH­MIC BALANCED INTERCHANGE IN ALL TRANSAC­TIONS OF MAN AND NATURE, MANKIND WILL BE ON THE DESCENDING DIREC­TION OF SELF-ANNIHILA­TION IN THE MASS—WHILE THE FEW WHO DO KNOW, AND WHO LIVE THE LOVE PRINCIPLE, WILL SUR­VIVEAnd out of these few a new civilization will be born unto the glory of God.


I tell you this because of the present decadent state of man-in-the-mass whose ever-growing greed for possessions, even to whole world ownership, will as surely break him in the measure of his own breach of the law.  These present wars of man are the manifestations of KILLING FOR GREED, and greed must disappear before love can be in the world.


In relation to this idea, God’s words in this message are: “If love be in the world, hate cannot also be.”


QUESTION: How long do you think it will be before people will stop praying to God as a God of fear and wrath and know Him as a God of Love?”


ANSWER: Just as long as fear, wrath, crime, selfishness and greed, and the wars which are their harvest, continue as the practices of man, just so long will his God be a wrathful, venge­ful God who invents untold tortures for sinners.  MAN CON­CEIVES A GOD OF HIS OWN IMAGE, AND THAT CON­CEPTION WHICH HE IMAGINES ALWAYS REFLECTS HIM­SELF.


QUESTION: Why is it that people ever got the idea of a God of fear and wrath?  The Bible is full of it.  Why should it be in the Bible if it is not true?”


ANSWER: When man first began to think at the Dawn of Con­sciousness, he then began to arise from his jungle ages and was slow to throw off the habits and practices of the jungle.


Early man was a fearing man of wrath.  He feared the wrath of all things, tempest and avalanche, torrid heat and icy cold which froze his infants at their mother’s breasts.  He feared the jungle animals and reptiles which smote him mercilessly, even as he, himself, smote merci­lessly.  When he suspected the existence of God, he could not think of Him in any other charac­ter than a wrathful God of fear for he knew naught else but wrath and fear and killing merci­lessly—for he was still brute man and he could not conceive of any other kind of God than a brute God.  He could not possibly conceive a God of Love for he had not yet begun to have the slight­est trace of knowing what love meant.


All during those early pagan and barbarian days, men appeased their own sons, and shed rivers of blood upon their altars.  They filled fountains with the blood of dozens of animals to baptize newborn infants.  They cleansed sinners by plunging them be­neath those bloody founts which you still sing about in your hymns, i.e. “washed in the blood, etc.”  That is the primate con­ception of God which grew out of pagan barbaric customs.  So long as you believe that they are right, you will still be “pagan” and barbaric.  This is exactly that which the Zionists desire to return to the “temple” in Jerusalem—the ritualistic sacrificial tra­ditions of a horrible time of destruction through ungodly rituals.


The entire Bible is a record of the history of its day.  It tells of the nature of people of that day and that record is invaluable to tell you the nature of past ages of people—SO THAT YOU CAN GROW ABOVE THOSE RITUALS AND INTO UNDER­STANDING GOD OF LIGHT AND LOVE.  Long after the Bible was assembled, gladiators still killed each other for the amusement of women and children of their day—HAVE YOU COME SO FAR???


In the time of “Jesus” Esu Immanuel, the very altars were daily drenched with blood.  Kings thought nothing of ordering all male babies slain, or of killing thousands upon thousands of pris­oners taken in war, sparing only the virgins for their own pleasure.  During that time, practically every tribe warred against every other tribe.  Killing and looting were common and people held great festivals to see prisoners slaughtered and their raiment divided.  HAVE YOU COME FAR FROM THAT DAY???


If the Bible did not truly record its day and age, it would be as valueless as a history of today would be if it left out the atom bomb in order to give posterity a better opinion of you.  That does not justify you for the looting, killing and enslaving which the whole world is still doing upon a greater scale than ever, and will still do as long as it believes in a God of fear and wrath.  Sorry, but a few “raptures” just won’t “cut the mustard”.

QUESTION: “What evidence is there that the unknown writer of the Bhagavad-Gita was a Cosmic Conscious mystic?”


ANSWER: All Illuminates speak the same language in words which may differ but in mean­ings which are identical.  No mat­ter what words are used by any past “mystic”, other mystics who fol­low always recognize the one meaning which is in all writings, or in the spoken word, such as those of the one “Jesus” who was actually Esu Emmanuel.  But you see, as you speak the label, Jesus, it has meaning of intent which all of you understand and recognize as identifi­cation so it has purpose and the label itself matters not.  Jesus did not leave a written record for posterity such as would be most worthy for your use.  Let me use a passage or two from that Bhagavad-Gita which sing their own glory in language unmistakable.


“Another Sun gleams there; another Moon; Another Light,—not Dusk, nor Dawn, nor Noon—

Which they who once behold return no more; They have attained My rest, life’s utmost boon.”




“....I am what surveys!  Only that knowledge knows which knows the known by the knower!”




“Fain would I see, As Thou Thyself declar’st it, Sovereign Lord!  The like­ness of that glory of Thy Form Wholly revealed.  O Thou Divinest One!  If this can be, if I may bear the sight, Make Thyself visible, Lord of all prayers!  Show me Thy very self, the Eternal God!


“Behold! this is the universe!  Look! what is live and dead I gather all in one—in Me!  Gaze, as thy lips have said, On God Eternal, Very God!  See Me!  see what thou prayest!.........”


Thou can’st not!—nor, with human eyes, Ar­juna! ever mayest!  There­fore I give thee sense di­vine.  Have other eyes, new light!  And look!  This is My glory, unveiled to mortal sight!”




“Of many thousand mortals, one, perchance, striveth for Truth; and of these few that strive—Nay, and rise high,—the only—here and there—Knoweth Me as I am, the very Truth.


“For in this world Being is twofold; the Di­vided, one; The Undivided, ONE.  All things that live are `the Divided’.  That which sits apart, `The Undi­vided.’”






So you can see from the above that every line of the entire Bha­gavad-Gita is recognizable by any mystic as the unmistakable work of a supreme being.  Furthermore, any writing purported to be the work of an illumined being, but is not as represented, would at once be known by all other mystics—IF THEY BE IN TRUTH.




I would suggest that you procure of copy of this work.  It comes in many translations.


And what of Cosmic Consciousness?  What indeed?  THE SAVIOUR OF MAN IS COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS—THE CHRIST!

As you ponder and reflect upon your disappointment that this Cosmic Consciousness seems to take a while to acquire—rejoice, rather, that the Light comes to you a little at a time more and more, as ignorance is voided by KNOWING, as comprehension of the messages gradually reach your heart and Soul.  That is why we keep persisting that you take one lesson—one para­graph—at a time and meditate upon it until your Soul KNOWS what your senses have read in words and recorded upon your brain.  Until it gets beyond your brain into your Con­sciousness, you do NOT KNOW it.


We have penned several JOURNALS at this juncture.  They are being presented as the higher knowledge shared (given and be­ing regiven) unto you from your brothers of Cosmic Conscious­ness in constantly manifesting form.  WE can only OFFER—YOU MUST ACCEPT.


The forthcoming are extremely important lessons wherein we will effort to explain more in depth the heretofore unknown meaning of what Father-Mother really means when we speak of God in that way.  No one knows what it actually means, nor how basic is this tremendous idea of the Creator as being FA­THER-MOTHER of this sexed-electric universe.  As you move along again through these lessons, you will realize the funda­mental import of the Father-Mother principle in every thought and action of your life and of all Nature’s phenomena.  You have had it outlaid and now we will more carefully study the principle in a bit more slow-motion in that you can compre­hend it more clearly.


You will then begin to know the mystery which shrouds the electric-thinking process which ex­tends from the Light of Mind to manifest the knowledge of Mind, and how motions seem­ingly emerge from stillness to create this physical universe of form.


You will begin to have the very foundation of this majestic illu­sion of unreality which emerges from the One Reality.  Gradu­ally this idea will be constructed by simple diagrams and simply worded postulates, axioms and examples which will give you so vivid and clear a comprehen­sion of this sexed-electric universe that your inner vision will see God face to face and hear His in­spiring Inner Voice in communion with you in a manner which would be impossible without that comprehension.


I believe that we can now make you fully comprehend why this physical universe is not real, be­ing but an illusion of God’s imagining.  How comforting when one comprehends that in the un­reality of matter there can be no death, sin or evil leaving naught but love and eternal life.  We know that it can not be ex­plained to one who has not himself known the complete illumi­nation into Cosmic Consciousness, but we now fully believe that by laying a proper foundation in point-by-point simple steps, the unreal universe can be comprehended for the unreality it actu­ally IS.


The undivided Father-Mother principle from which emerges the divided Father-AND-Mother principle of pairs of sexed oppo­sites will be the first simple step in the direction of transform­ing you into an advanced scientist.  By taking this teaching one step at a time, you should not only unfold in God-awareness, which means personal happiness to the ‘nth degree, but find yourself becoming a natural scientist and confounding professors in physics as always happens when KNOWLEDGE REALLY FLOWS.


Always remember to take these lessons slowly for on first read­ings you may well miss the deep import of an explanation which may appear too simple to ponder on.  A simple story is the hard­est to tell and, we would add, it is the simple story of life that man has made complex by his un­awareness of its basic sim­plicity.


Know our every thought is with you always and know, too, we treasure you so deeply for your help in sharing this message with us.


I am going to bring this JOURNAL to a close.  I ask that you prepare yourself by use of the tapes provided.  If you will share in groups as you become silent and share the lessons—YOU WILL COME INTO UNDERSTANDING—IT IS TIME TO HELP YOUR BROTHER.


I close this portion so that we can move on into the lessons with a receptive, knowledgeable way to come into focus and within the Light where you can be in contact.—PLEASE PHONE “HOME”, E.T.


Feel free to duplicate the two tapes that come with this book—it will manifest learning so much more quickly that you will find believing it difficult to comprehend.  If you cannot duplicate and yet have need of additional tapes—America West will arrange to provide them.  They are not professionally done—I choose it this way.  We can study the response you give us and we can im­prove the tapings as necessary.  Come walk with us and we will show you the way.  Salu.


(One that walks in oneness with the Spirit that is the Spirit which is God.  One who walks with their hand in the hand which is the Hand of God.)



June 2, 2011


 (This concludes this Journal)