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Note what your senses tell you as you look at the spoked wheels of an automo­bile, especially as projected on the motion picture screen—it appears to your senses that the wheels of a forward moving vehicle are turning backwards.  You cannot trust what your senses tell you.


When your senses tell you that a speeding bullet is not a direction of motion, it is difficult to think of it as stillness which is centering fast moving motion.  It might help to remold your con­cept by imagining a motionless, floating cloud which changes its position because of a wind.  The direction of motion is not in the cloud.  It is in the spiralling of the wind.  The cloud is still in the same po­sition in relation to gravity even though its position has been changed by mo­tion, which is outside of itself, for it is still floating at rest.  Even the slightest change in its position of still­ness causes a spiral motion to encircle it and spin around it at an angle of 90 degrees from its gravity shaft, which extends from the earth.  It may be quite an effort to comprehend that still­ness cannot change, but can seem to.  When you have fully grasped this fact, however, much that is complex will become simple.  If these sincere young physicists had that Mind-awareness they would not have reasoned as they did in relation to an experi­ment, which they have mis­taken to be something other than the simple, basic polarization process of Nature which extends the two-dimensional thought-ring universe into a three-dimensional, dual action universe.


Electric Compression Principles page 135  -- Analysis Of the relation of stilolness to motion, and of energy to the expression of energy.

Nor would they have come to the conclusion stated by them had they observed the majestic ex­ample in the heavens of all the planets, suns, spiral nebulae and galaxies which, without excep­tion, turn in planes which parallel their equators, and always at 90 degree angles from their polar shafts.


Every planet and sun in the heavens spins in the same direction that a speeding bullet spins. That direction is 90 degrees from the direction of the speeding bullet, which is always the eye of the cyclone its motion is producing.


Their particles are similar to speeding bullets, or equators of planets and suns which always spin in spiral rings around their gravity shafts, and never in the direction shown in their explanatory drawings.


To aid in making such new thinking clear we will endeavor to express our thoughts by using the language of diagrams and familiar examples, which we will confine within one cycle of the elec­tric current in principle.  In this con­fining our description of this new thinking within the demon­strable effects within one cycle of the electric current we sincerely hope that future thinking and reasoning will have a better basis upon which to form conclusions, which are not affected by the illusions of motion, that have for so long, and so disas­trously, affected human reasoning.


There is, in this universe, an underlying principle which has always eluded mankind.  If we try to put this principle into words they would read as follows:  Every effect of motion is voided as it oc­curs, is repeated as it is voided, and is recorded as it is repeated.  Your senses deceive you in this re­spect.  They see the pendulum swing one way, but the Mind knows that an equal force simulta­neously swings the invisible one the other way.  That which is divided on one side of the cathode is equally divided on the other side.  Likewise, that which is multiplied as it approaches the an­ode on the red side multiplies equally on the other side.  Even time has its backward flow to make time stand still on its zero mark.  The pendulum well illustrates this duality in Nature, which makes so many things seem to be other than what they are and to be moving when their moving is voided by an opposite moving.  Nature is continually moving to the senses but within Mind-knowing it stands perfectly still as but a thought-picture of Idea.  See Fig. 76.

Fig: 67, p. 137  Every effect in Nature is divided into pairs of opposites.  Each one at each pair is the reverse of the other.  Each one is like a mirror reflection the other.  Nature is like unto a clock with two hands which bend away from each other in opposite directions but equal potentials.  If one hand multiplies potential the other simultaneously multiplies it equally.  If one hand divides it the other hand simultaneously divides it equally.  Nature will not allow her balance to be disturbed.  Each polarized hand moves away from the other from zero to four.  Each then reverses its polarity from a charging body to a discharging one.  Generation also reverses and becomes radiation.  Heating bodies cool.  Living bodies die.  Solids become gases and dissolve.  Fast motion slows until it ceases.


You can readily see why it is difficult to find adequate words to explain a so seemingly universal paradox, and why we must use another language than words.  This we shall do step by step very briefly—but sufficient to explain why both ends of the cobalt atom in the experiment emit differ­ent sized particles around a center.


1.  We must know why this universe is bilateral instead of radial.  This means that we should know why mass spins upon a shaft instead of around a center.  This also means that we should know why the inward explosion, which basically causes motion in this zero universe, is a cen­tripetal spiral, and why it is returned by radar to the zero of its source as a centrifugal spiral.  If we first grasp this one idea we will then know why electricity ex­plodes from the inside out­ward to divide stillness into pairs of spinning rings, and we shall also know why electricity compresses inward from the outside to form solids.  Let this be our first lesson in CAUSE .


If you should cause an explosion in the very center of a perfectly spherical room you would form spherical layers of increasingly dense pressures with maximum density at the surface of the sphere.  The center of the sphere would be maxi­mum in vacuity.  The explosion would be sym­metrically radial.  The reaction to that explosion would also be its reverse.  The reflections which would return by radar from the spherical walls of that room would collide at its very center.  Compression would then be exerted from the outside and density would increase in the direction of the center.  Nature does not work that way, however.  Nature causes her explosions to take place as though they were confined within the flat walls of a room of four or many walls of such shapes as we see in crystals.  If you caused such an explosion in your six sided room the outward expansion would no longer be even.  It would not even be spherical because of the four corners, which would have to be filled.  The outward explosion could no longer produce straight radial lines, which would reflect back in straight radial lines.  Every radial line would have to curve in the direction of its corners, and as they approached those corners their curvature would twist and increase in speed  as they approached the corners.  In a sphere all radial lines are equal, but in a cube the diagonals are longer than the diameters.  This fact accounts for the curva­ture, the spin and the shaft.  It also accounts for the disappearance of all curva­ture.


If you study earlier given figures for better comprehension of this effect, then realize that Na­ture does not allow any explosion anywhere without repeating it all over her universe, you will soon become familiar with her simple processes.  The eight explosions shown in Fig. 77 are in cube relation to explosive charges placed out in open space in a cubic relation to each other.  If they expanded into spheres, such as you see in Fig. 78 there would be a lot of empty space be­tween them which Nature does not allow, so they continue to expand until they fill all space.  Curvature then disappears and so, also, does motion—as shown in Fig. 79.  Every point on every face of those resultant cubes is zero in potential and motion, for they are planes of magnetic Light.  They are also mirrors which re­verse all direction of motion which impact against them to extend them into the next wave-field and radar them back to their point of beginning.  When the world of science realizes that radar and polarization are one and the same ef­fect it will greatly advance its mechanics, for it is by this principle that any happening anywhere in the universe happens every­where.  This principle is the whole basis of the telephone, radio, television, etc.


Fig. 77, 78, 79 page 139 -  The outward pressures of radiatin and centrjifugal force lose all spherical form and curvature by disappearance into the six planes of zero curvature, which bound all cubic wave-fields.


I have briefly described this principle which makes polarization and a bilateral universe not only possible but imperative.  Likewise, it makes extension imper­ative.  Now we shall apply this prin­ciple to very familiar simple effects.

2.  Man makes a big gun by making a long tube which he seals at one end and places an explo­sive there.  He even puts a twist in the bore of the gun to accelerate the spin of motion around the still shaft which centers that tube.  That motionless explosive occupies one still position in this zero uni­verse until he ignites it.  What then happens?  A two directional explosion takes place.  The recoil is equal to the discharge, so he might just as well have left both ends of the gun open as far as the effect of polarization is concerned.  The recoil was the opposite direction of polarity, as that explo­sion began its division of stillness throughout the entire universe, at the speed of 186,400 miles per second.

Let us analyze what has happened.  The center of the explosion is an unchange­able point of stillness in the Magnetic Light of Creation, but we will call it gravity because we are seemingly dividing it into a shaft.  Because of the tube the explosion cannot expand symmetrically and ra­dially from the point in space which it occupied while still, for it is not enclosed in a sphere.  It is enclosed in a shaft.  Its spinnings encircle the walls of the tube at ninety degrees to the still shaft, which is developed because the explosion can no longer be centered as one point in space, and, therefore, have but one center of gravity instead of many.  It becomes a series of points in space which form a shaft.  If you can now comprehend that if the explosion within that tube is obliged to change po­sition and move its centering point of stillness, the projectile which moves is, like­wise, a sequence of points of stillness.  You cannot see a projectile being ejected from the other end, but its equivalent is in that recoil.


Can you not see that this same thing applies to an airplane?  The plane moves for the same rea­son.  An explosive is placed at one end of a tube, which is made up of an engine and a propeller.  The engine is sealed at one end because there is no opposing propeller there.  If equal pro­pellers occupied both ends of the engine the plane would not move.  Spinning rings then move around a cen­ter, instead of an extended shaft of gravity, however, caused by the motion of the propellers.  The plane itself would then occupy a position of stillness.  Can you not see that it would always occupy a position of stillness, no matter where it seemingly moved?  And can you not see that the spinning rings are the cause of that seeming motion?  And can you not further see that the direction of motion is not in the projectile, or the plane, or of gravity, but solely in the di­vided pressures which cause that spinning motion?


3.  Now let us take the plane and the projectile out of the tubes, which they centered.  We refer you to the two cyclone diagrams again—Figures 51 and 52. (See page 134-35)  There is nothing there, whatsoever, which is materially objective at their center.  There is only the stillness which we call the eye.  There is but an explosion of hot air there, which causes expansion from the inside out­ward where cold air compresses it from the outside to inner density.  Na­ture has made her two-way “gun” that way—a measure of desire-energy is at its center.  The eye is a shaft of gravity.  Gravity is omnipresent.  What difference whether there is a plane, or bullet there, or not?  If there is a plane there, its changed position in one direction is voided by an equal change in the opposite po­larity direction.


4.         If we go into the machine shop we will see a long shaft with many wheels upon it.  They are all turning in the direction of motion yet they are not changing their positions.  They perform as much work, or can do as much damage, as the plane or bullet, without changing their grav­ity posi­tion.  Which is it, then, which demonstrates power?  Is it the direction of motion around stillness, or is it the shifting point of stillness?


5.  We now go into the laboratory.  The physicist makes a two-way gun, which he calls a coil.  He does not seal one end of it for he cannot.  His electric current goes both ways and spins around its extending shaft in equality of potential.  In this way he divides gravity and extends it in such a manner that both of each pair of mates, thus divided, are equal.


We shall now apply this principle to the Lee-Yang experiment.  In the coil, above described, there is no material body occupying the cathode position as there is when a plane, or bullet, starts to move.  In the Lee-Yang experiment a material body is placed there to be polarized.  Cobalt is not a balanced, mated pair, like carbon, however.  It is but one of a pair, although it is very close to the balanced amplitude point of its wave.  When the current is turned on the resul­tant effect is as though a steel rod was inserted in the shaft of the coil, which is a half inch in di­ameter at one end and a quarter of an inch at the other end.  Every physicist knows that both ends would then be different, for the equator of the rod would not be in the middle.  It would be nearer the small end.  The rod would not pick up an equal weight at its opposite ends, for the electric potential which does the lifting, would be unequal.  The small end would pick up a greater weight, for its rings would be smaller and spin faster.

Another example will help clarify this one.  The gun maker builds a two-way gun but does not seal either end.  If the tube is of the same dimension from one end to the other, the projectiles ejected from both ends could be the same size, but if he made one end larger than the other the projectiles ejected from one end would be smaller than those ejected from the other end.  For this reason we say that carbon, sodium-chloride, or potassium-bromide would give equal projec­tions at each end, for they are mated pairs, whereas sodium or potassium alone would give as unequal results as unequally mated pairs, and sodium-bromide, or potassium-iodide would give as unequal results in such an experiment as their cube crystals are distorted, and for the same reason.




As my last words in concluding this explanation of the experiment in point, and in trying to ex­plain the universe as a whole, we will use a picture which should make it more clear even to the unimaginative.


The universe is made up entirely of electric thought-waves.  Thought-waves are nature’s two-way guns, which are loaded with the energy of Mind-desire to give out from its centering Self to all the universe.  That is the explosive which mo­tivates the universe.  That is what makes Creation appear and disappear.  If you can imagine these two-way spiral guns, which are shaped like the spirals shown all through this book, and if you can imagine them placed muzzle to muzzle all through the universe, you have one part of the picture clearly in Mind.  If you also imagine these two-way spiral guns to be of both atomic and stellar dimensions, you will clarify the picture somewhat.  The only thing now to complete the picture is in discharging all of these cosmic guns right into each other’s muzzles so that the explosive, which is projected, collides as hot bodies, which are frozen into solids as they are ejected from the muzzles of those po­larizing guns.  That is the way that paired units become mated systems, which complete the purposefulness of the universe by regiving to the Creator all that the Creator had given to them.


Thus it is that The God of Love manifests love to the fathers and mothers of Creation, who, in turn, manifest love by their equal givings and regivings of each to each other as united pairs, and they, in turn, regive of love to their Cre­ator to become One with Him.


Thus it is that matter is created by the process of heating it by fast motion.  Thus it is, also, that the cold of space freezes it to imprison it until it is enabled to generate enough heat for its liber­ation.  This fact is not known by man.  He BELIEVES that matter is held together from the inside.  Because of this belief he does not know that matter is a powder keg which desires to blow up the uni­verse.  I KNOW THAT MAN WILL DESIST FROM HELPING MATTER TO BLOW UP THE UNIVERSE WHEN HE IS MADE AWARE OF THE NATURE OF MATTER AS IT IS, INSTEAD OF THE WAY HE “THINKS” IT IS.  THE SAD PART IS THAT MAN MOST OFTEN REFUSES TO AL­LOW HIMSELF TO BECOME “AWARE”As long as Man continues in his foolish adherence and bowing to the incorrect projections simply because they are foisted off on him by some idiot or another—he will continue just as he is and take the whole planet with him in his stupidity.  Define these terms?  Stupid—is one who continues to deny, refuse and remain egotistically unin­formed.  Ignorant—one who simply has not had ability to come into knowl­edge.  Wise—one who realizes his ignorance and learns KNOWLEDGE.


In the long-run what means it to the planet or mankind?  It means that if Man does not come into KNOWING and acting accordingly, within the laws of God and Creation—there is the piper to be paid in completion of the cycle.

We are here and available to take God’s children off your orb and into safety within the places prepared for you.  Those who continue on the path as laid forth will remain on the planet and move right through the cycles as laid forth for you from the onset of experience.  For that which is CAUSE will always produce its proper EFFECT and what you do on your planet is its sure demise as a manifested place for life-forms to experience.  So be it.  God doesn’t HAVE TO DO SOMETHING, either—He of all, does not have to do a thing!  You made your bed and if you like to wallow with radioactivity killing you, in that bed, along with all the other broken laws, so be it—who are we to alter your chosen path?  I can guarantee you that Mother Nature will take care of her own needs and she has all the time in the universe to do so—she will shake you off like fleas from the pooch.  Nature IS and she is neither kind nor hateful—she will do that which is balanced within the Laws of the Creation and you will have nary a word to say about it which will carry one iota of impact.  And, brothers, God WILL LET YOU DESTROY YOUR­SELVES—THIS IS HIS PROMISE: HE WOULD SEND THE WORD OF TRUTH UNTO YOU AND YOU WILL DO WITH IT THAT WHICH YOU WILL—AND WE WILL RE­MOVE, UNTO HIS PLACES, THOSE WHO CHOOSE HIS WAY!  NO MORE AND NO LESS—IT IS UP TO YOU, WORLD. 




And what of all of you who say, “...but I can’t leave Uncle Harry...”?  I say can’t you?  It is Uncle Harry’s decision to deny your offer of truth—why would you stay and keep the foolish man com­pany?  If Uncle Harry loves and respects YOU so little as to insult you in that which you believe and KNOW to be Truth—then you have perhaps misplaced your loyalty—GOD MUST BE YOUR FO­CUS AND NO MAN MAY TAKE PRIOR DEVOTION OR CHOICE.  IF UN­CLE HARRY REFUSES YOUR SHARING—LEAVE UNCLE HARRY TO HIS CHOICES AND PAIN HIM NO MORE WITH YOUR NAGGING.  YOU MUST ALL REALIZE THAT IT IS YOU CONCERNED WHEN ONES WILL NOT LISTEN—EVEN YOUR CHILDREN, WHOM YOU BLAME SELF FOR THEIR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE—HOW SO, IF THEY DO NOT ACCEPT—LEAVE THEM TO THEIR LESSONS FOR THEY SHALL BE LEARNING THOSE LESSONS!  INDEED, INDEED!


You will do exactly that which we do with you—lay it before you and respond to every petition for more.  You will lay the information before them, making it available, and then you respond if they petition for more—you will not bind them and force anything upon them.  What of their fate?  What of your fate?  If you have done that which is required and move within the laws of God and Cre­ation so that you are suitable to move within the higher children—then you will come home right aboard our craft.  Those ones who choose other and to remain in the actions of physical earth plane—will perish by their own actions.  If they are not atomized by atomic murder or suicide, they will simply make transition to continue experience elsewhere after death of their present “body”.  If caught in chain reaction of atomic destruction, it is going to be a long, long soul energy recovery period.  Either way it is NOT YOUR BUSINESS after you have of­fered—and that is a lesson YOU MUST LEARN!




We are giving the word and thrusting it out to the world.  We reverently launch it out upon the world with the hope and deep prayer that it will give you ability to save the earth from becoming a barren thing, which it will most surely be­come if you continue playing with the killer blue met­als.  It is, for all practical expectation—over—for the only thing left is in the playing out the play for you have been at the destruction build-up for such a long sequence of experiments and toy­ing that reversal is unlikely.  So, there needs to be a remnant and there needs to be the effort to reverse the actions to the extent of making the passage easier and longer in duration.  After man has perished from the earth it will only be on your souls, this experience—for there will be no future generations to experience.  You see, you have become a species who cares not for the genera­tions which might come—Man only wants that which is HIS PHYSICAL GRATIFICA­TION—RIGHT NOW AND THAT WHICH COMES AFTER HAS NO IMPACT ON HIM WHATSOEVER!


Dear ones, you reached the time in the last generation and the present one, in which there is no way to turn back, for the doom of organic life would then be inevitable.




By the way, don’t get crazy, you scientists, over the Lee-Yang work for the va­lidity of the con­clusion that the Law of parity is now overthrown, and that a right and left direction must hence­forth be recognized as a part of Natural law.  However, we intentionally left you authorities to ponder another point or two to see WHO would catch the very same error in my projec­tion?????  If you caught it, then you move to the head of the class and you please, get busy for you may hold the key to changing this scenario from the way it is now headed.


Lee and Yang made a mistake and we left it.  We offer Fig. 80. (See page 146.)


At the left of the drawing TWO PARTICLES are turning upon their gravity shafts which could be electrons, planets or suns.  Around these spinning masses are circles with arrows which show the direction of their turning.  Naturally these circles show as an ellipse because they follow equators and are shown in perspective.


At the right of these two spinning masses a mirror has been erected to show that if these two masses were reflected in the mirrors of Nature, such as radar, the spinning would be reversed.  Upon this evidence, and similar evidence contain­ing the same fault, a great conclusion of sci­ence is now added which upsets the old concept of parity which allowed for no distinction as left and right hand turnings.  We have marked this mirror by the letter A.


The great error of this drawing is that pressure mirrors of Nature, such as radar, are NOT erected upon planes which follow the direction of polarity—or gravity shafts.  On the contrary, they are erected in planes of 90 degrees to polarity, or gravity shafts.


I ask you to print another drawing, Fig. 81, (See page 147) which shows three mirrors which are placed where Nature places them.  These we have marked A—A.  If you now note the reflections of the turning masses, which we have indicated upon these mirrors, you can plainly see that the one direction of Nature is upheld.


To help you visualize this effect more clearly consider how impossible it would be to have a ball re­bound into your hand if you threw it against a plane which parallels the direction of your ball.  Or consider how impossible it would be for a cliffside to echo your voice if the plane of its face followed the direction of your voice, instead of in a plane of 90 degrees from the direction of your voice.  Once more consider how impossible it would be for radar instruments to detect the presence of a sheet of steel much bigger than a ship, if that sheet of steel was placed the way the mirror in Fig. 80 is placed, in­stead of being turned around so that its entire face could echo back to the radar instruments.


Nowhere in Nature do pressure walls exist which are not 90 degrees from the direction of polarity.  For this reason, the conclusions arrivedat in subsequent studies done to support the Lee-Yang theory are invalid.


Now, I want to give Dharma a rest break at this point and then I shall have some observations to make before we close this JOURNAL.  But it is time that you think most rapidly about your sit­uation.


You are locked onto a planet in atomic suicide at this very moment.  Whatever you WISH to believe is fine—even if in total error.


To come again into the path to safety you will have to realize that you now have come half a cy­cle wherein you represent the very opposite in the reflection of God.  You will basically take that which appears to be, from scientific “belief” to religious “belief” and reverse it in action if you wish to change a thing.  It matters not to me, other than as a compassionate brother who loves you and of­fers a hand to a less knowing friend and relation.  You can spit in my face if you so choose, the way Mankind has done with God’s messengers from the on­set of your planetary experience—but we will remain on call until those who truly desire, in Godliness, to choose to become informed.  Then, brethren, those who turn us away—will be left to that which they have chosen and you of the remnant will come home for new assignment.






Fig. 80, page 146   A mirror placed parallel in plane with the direction of the shaft of gravity, would, naturally, show a reverse direction of spinning.  But radar, or echo mirrors of Nature are not placed that way.  They are placed at angles of 90 degrees from gravity shaft.  See Fig. 81


Fig. 81, page 147:  This is the way Nature places her pressure mirrors which retain the same direction of spinning in the mirrors that they spin in the mass which acts upon them.  There is no exception to this law throughout all Nature.

Fig. 7 - EFFECT, page 148:  Fig. 7 symbolizes the transient, created quantities of divided pairs of units of electric motion which emerge from the vacuum zero universe to manifest its qualities for timed intervals, and are then dissolved into its equilibrium for reemergence.  These seeming quantities are Electricity—Compression—Form—Light spectrum—Expansion—Sex—Sound—Heat and Motion.

     These multiple quantities seem to exist.  They appear and disappear to again reappear, to simulate the qualities of life, energy and idea which they seem to be, but are not.  This is the “motion-picture” universe of simulation and illusion which dramatizes the idea of RALITLY by electrically projecting the thought-imaged-forms of Mind—Idea upon the imagined screen of space, which Nature is.

     There is no life, energy, knowledge idea, truth, intelligence or any other quality of Mind or thought, in the motion which man calls matter and substance., and mistakes for reality. It is time that man realizes that there is nothing, whatsoever, in this visible universe but motion, and that REALITY exists only in the vacuum from which motion emerges as heat to simulate the Light of Reality.



(This marks the end of this Phoenix Journal.  May we all understand that which Hatonn and Germain tell us. )


May 7, 2011