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FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1991  8:14 A.M.   YEAR 4, DAY 323


FRIDAY,  JULY 5,  1991


Germain to continue:


Please allow us to move directly into our subject exactly where we left it last night for I want no other thoughts inserted.  We were in the middle of an ex­periment and I wish to continue while the thought is orderly.


We were to the second mental exercise and there is where we will pick up this work.




As a second mental exercise consider your own body in this light.  The equator of your body is a plane extending through it between your eyes, which divides your body into right-hand and left-hand units of pairs.  During the millions of years of your unfolding, your senses have translated uni­tary facts as dual ef­fects.  Let us demonstrate this idea.  Imagine that you can reach out with your right hand and grasp the right-hand end of the earth’s pole of rotation.  With your left hand you reach out and grasp the left end of that pole.  If you stand there, as rigidly as steel, the equator of the planet and the equator of your body are in the same plane.  This being true, one of your eyes is on the right side of the equator and the other is on the left.  In this position both of your eyes see only the one effect of the planet’s spinning in the same direction.  Now bend your body so that both of your eyes can see what the right side of the planet is doing.  You now see a clockwise direction to the spinning of the planet.  Now bend your body so that both of your eyes can see what the left side is doing.  You now see an anti-clockwise spinning.  In other words, you see opposite di­rections of motion where there is but one direction.


We will again demonstrate this by having you hold a pencil in each hand in such a manner that both touch the spinning planet at points to the right and to the left of its equator.  As the earth spins you move both pencils slowly toward the stillness of the pole of rotation.  If it were now possible to remove these two pencilings from the planet and lay them flat before you, you would again see them as oppositely directioned, right-hand and left-hand, clockwise and anti­clockwise spirals, as shown in Fig. 66.  Your senses have told you that, be­cause your senses, and your body, are dual.  Mind-knowing is not divided, however, so if you unite that divided pair of drawings you will see that both opposite directions are one.  If you fold Fig. 66 at the horizontal line, you would find that both opposite spirals follow the same direction.



Fig. 66 page 126:  Exemplifying the perpetual interrelationship of matter and anti-matter as shown in Fig. 65, which gives and re-gives to each other for perpetual sequences of rebirths into each other.  The outstanding characteristic feature of Nature is repetition.  Life and death are other names for it.  Reincarnation is still another name for it.


Fig. 75, page 126: A right-hand and left hand spin in the direction of the oppositely projected particles, would require two extra shafts of gravity, at 90 degree angles from the gravity shaft of polarity.  This is a violation of Nature’s gyroscopic principle.


This is exactly what the Lee-Yang experimenters have done.  Their coil of mo­tion, which caused the division, turns but one way, just as the sphere which you have held between your hands, turns but one way.  The particles have been ejected from that coil in an angle of 90 degrees from their plane of motion, yet it is now held that these particles turn right-handed from one end to turn in the direction of its motion, and particles ejected from the other end turn left-handed for the same reason.  This creates the utterly impossible condition of giving matter two shafts of gravity, which are at right angles with each other, as shown in Fig. 75.


Nowhere in Nature is there a precedent for projected masses spinning in the di­rection of their motion.  A bullet from a rifle spins around its axis of direction.  Rifle barrels are spirally grooved to accentuate this spin.  Even if bullets are spherical, like cannon balls, they would still spin around their axis of direction, for their equators must necessarily be at an angle of 90 degrees from their grav­ity shafts, and no mass in Nature spins in any other direction than that of its equator.


It is a commonly known fact by every physicist and laboratory worker that electricity runs only in the direction of the turnings in a solenoid coil.  Every such worker is also perfectly familiar with the effect of polarization which evi­dences its effect at 90 degrees from the direction—and plane—of the electric cur­rent.  These two seeming directions, and effects, are confusing to him for the idea of polarization, as an extension of stillness, has not yet entered his think­ing.  It is new thinking but it must some day be realized that a three dimen­sional universe is only an illusion caused by polarization, and that there is no motion, whatsoever, in the direction of gravity shafts, which con­tribute to the three-dimensional illusion.  This leads us to the final step.


Step No. 8 is the last of the wrongly assumed premises which we must explain away.  This last premise states, in essence, that as matter spins in the direction of its motion, and as there are two opposite directions of motion in which parti­cles are projected from opposite cobalt ends, it is henceforth to be a law that : “Particles will now be referred to as `right-handed’ or `left-handed’ contrary to what the principle of parity held.”???


This is again difficult to explain in this early stage of Mind-unfolding.  To attempt to explain it requires combating what your senses sense, and what your Mind KNOWS.  Again we attempt it by child primer simplicity.  This is not to insult you—it IS hard to override those physical senses.


The fallacy of this entire statement lies in the belief that the two opposite direc­tions, which the projected particles are following, are directions of motion.  Herein lies the cause of the misconcep­tion, for which pure illusion of motion is accountable.  These two opposite directions in which the cobalt particles have been projected are not the direction of motion, they are points or shafts within the stillness of the zero universe which have become identifiable by motion.  The one direction of motion is that of rings which encircle that projected direc­tion within stillness in planes of ninety degrees from it.

The human Mind has not quite progressed to that point where it can separate il­lusion from its cause, and our difficulty in clarifying the illusion is due to the aeons in which you have seen boats, planes, clouds, people and countless other expressions of energy move from place to place within the omnipresence of gravity to simulate that energy, which they are but expressing.  Your senses have accustomed you to believe that the direction of motion is the direction in which you see an object change its position.  Your KNOWING Mind, however, attributes that seeming change of position to gravity division of omnipresent Oneness, and attributes its cause to the di­rection of motion, which spins around this direction at an angle of ninety degrees from it.  To clarify this new thinking we shall go back to the electric wave within which all of the secrets of Cre­ation are hidden.  Bear in Mind that the electric wave is the divider of ONE into four pairs which constitute ONE.  As we explain this thought, turn back to figures 17 to 29—to give objectivity to them.


Fig. 17 p. 128:   This drawing shows the method and process of interchange between the zero universe of Mind and the multiple universe of motion.  Study all other drawings and relate them to these two.  The more you comprehend them the more you will also comprehend that life is but fast motion and that death is a cessation of motion.

Fig 18a  The first drawing at the top of the page 129:  a study of Fig 18 together with the bar magnet diagrams and other polarity diagrams shown in Figs. 1 go 16 will prepare you for a better understanding of the nature of electricity and the electric current.

 Fig 18b:  Second drawing at the bottom of page 129:  This shows how the heartbeat piston operates between the vacuity of the Creator’s Magnetic Light universe of Mind-energy and the potential of the electrically pressured universe to create cycles of two-way motion.  The more you can comprehend the secret of God’s Mind control over His Creation, which is His universal body, the more you will be able to control your body, for you wil  then know that God’s Mind and yours are ONE.

 Fig. page 129a:  Figure one:  Illustrating the Father-Mother Principle of building bodies by dividing light into polarized units, and reproducing bodies by uniting two oppositely projected units into one by centripetal compression  POLARITY and sex and ONE,.  Sex and electric potential are ONE.

Fig #2:  page 129A :  The cathode in Nature is the still point of Magnetic White Light of Mind from which motion begins to compress in two opposite directions to create sex-divided bodies.  Gravity begins when compression begins.  Polarization and compression are ONE.

Fig. 19, page 130:  Illustrates the entire process of creating—and recreating matter.  The Father-Mother electrically divides His ONENESS into pairs of father and mother bodies.  The electrical strain of separation is equaled by an opposite strain, or tension, of desire for ONENESS.  Unity thus attained is repeated in similar electrically dividing and uniting pulsations, forever.


            God, the Creator, divides His one white Light by extending its ONENESS into electrical tensions of vibrating red and blue pairs.  The tensions of this electrical division are equaled by a desire for unity, which is attained at the point of white incandescence in matter.  Unity thus attained is repeated forever by the same dividing, uniting process of electrical action-reaction pulsations.  Reproduction cannot take place until the red and the blue lights of six-divided motion are voided in the still White Light of Creator.  Man alone, of all Creation, ever knows of his Omniscience.

Fig. 20, 21 and 22, p. 130:  The nine zeros which bound the three projection mirrors to cause the illusion of a three dimensional universe.


Fig. 23, 24, 25. page 131:  The three projection mirrors of the Cosmic Cinima

Fig. 26, page 131:  The six mirrors which form the screen of space upon which the cosmic drama of Creation is thrown.

Fig. 27, page 131:  The whole wave-field projection machine of nine Magnetic mirrors, which create the illusion of form and motion in this zero universe of electrically recorded Mind-Imaging.

Fig. 28, page 131:  Every polarized action-reaction counts up to nine—never more—never less.  The wave octave formula for the elements of matter and the color spectrum is none—being eight, centered by zero, as follows: 

Fig. 29, page 132:  Nature creates sexo-conditioned bodies by polarizing an equilibrium condition.  Nature destroys bodies by depolarizing them.  Nature repeats bodies through inter-change between their opposite conditions.  All bodies are eternally repeated.


Now vision the universe as all cathode—which means all zero—as visualized in Fig. 6.  All motion begins at a cathode point in space, which is all cathode.  It cannot move out of that omnipresent position, however, without dividing its seeming energy into four radar-acting pairs in the wave, which it is beginning to construct, nor can it do so without measuring out its own desire-energyinto countless billions of other cathodes throughout all omnipresence.


Fig.6 page 133:  symbolizes the uncreated universe, the zero vacuum universe of rest, from which the objective electric universe of motion emerges to manifest eternal life in simulating it in cycles of motion.  This is God’s omnipresent universe of Idea, and Desire for the expression of Idea, by moving forms which symbolize Idea.  This is the universe of The Imaginer Who builds forms in the image of His imagining to giving and re-giving in cyclic intervals, which unknowing man call life and death. 

     This is the omniscient universe of eternal MIND-QUALITIES from which transient electric QUALITIES emerge to simulate the qualities of Mind—Magnetic Light—Knowledge—Idea—Energy—Life—Soul—Love—Truth—Beautyo—Rhythm—Balance—Law—Silence—Rest and Stillness.

            This is the abiding place of eternal MAN who is ONE with GOD.  It is God’s kingdom of heaven witin man, which the Nazarene bade men to seek.

The Polarizing principle, page 134:  This diagram represents the multiplication of power by the multiplijcation of motion.  Electricity “creates” gravity in the manner.


At this point turn back to the two cyclone drawings, figures 51 and 52.  You will see there a zero which centers the cathode of that hurricane, which we call the eye.  There is no object there, such as a mouse, or man, or thousand ton boat, or a crystal of cobalt, but there could be.  it would make no difference as long as they are still and have not expressed a desire to move the whole uni­verse, which must automatically move when they move.  Electricity divides stillness.  Motion then begins, but not until.  It seems platitudinous for me to say that when we start a boat from that point, or a bullet, that neither of them are moving in the direction that your senses tell you they are moving, and it seems quite ridiculous to go beyond that and say that neither of them are mov­ing at all in any direction, yet it is necessary to utterly change your knowing from what your senses tell you in this respect if you desire to comprehend the illusions of your three-dimen­sional mirrored universe and its very deceptive ways.



(To be Continued )