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THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1991  3:16 P.M.   YEAR 4, DAY 322


Germain to continue.  Thank you for joining me again—I know that I push my luck for it has al­ready been such a long day of work.  But, yes, chela—there is no better gift to give unto your friends, children and grandbabies than KNOWLEDGE and LIFE.  As we make it through the complications, into en­lightenment—then, and only then, can we know how to insure security—even if it be to lift you off this placement and allow man to realize his own reality of choices.  So many of the very children you know have come forth specifically to bear their commission; Bryan, Brian, Conan, Ryan, Eli, Shawn, Michael, Jeremy, David, Angela, Allen, Laura, Rob—ah, so many that I cannot name them each herein, and yet they must await their service until we do our work—we shall not let them down for the youth has been forsaken too long.  How can a young Captain fly his craft if we cannot get past your radioactivity?  Yes, it is an interesting turn of thought process, isn’t it?  God went to prepare a place for you—and so He has!  Ah, Dharma, that which you and your brethren in service unto God’s Word shall give unto your lineage that which is beyond measuring—for the picnic and sparkler display will be but a brief and fleeting passage—their life-streams are infinite.  Will not our Lady Stacey be a beauteous Commander?  These children have come to bring you home—hold them in love and honor for the gift of service they bring to a battered and ungracious people.


I wish to allow Aton appointment to speak and remind you of His Truth before we move again into the mire of that which is so fitfully discouraging.  It is in your perception and according to your perspective—how you look upon these days of glory and service.  Life IS and it IS FOR­EVER—



Thank you Father/Mother, may we hear the Truth in wisdom and KNOWING that we be not disheartened nor allow the travails of a physical journey of re­straint and boundaries to pull us from our appointed task.  We would still that you might be heard.





Aton present, for I am never from you.  I am your breath and you are my thought made mani­fest upon the Mother’s bosom.  You must always seek unto the Light for him who seeks life without the Light will find death; but he who seeks the Light will find eternal life even when he walks toward death.


He who knows not the Light shall die to find it, but he who knows the Light shall NEVER DIE.


In Man’s inhaling there is life, and death trails his exhaling, yet must man breathe out to live again and deeply in that he may die.

Know you then that I alone LIVE.  I DO NOT DIE, but out of Me comes both seeming life and death.


Life is but the inward flow of My thinking’s divided pulsing, and death is its outward flow.


Know also that the divisions of My thinking are but equal halves of ONE; for I again say that I am One; and that all things which come from Me are One, di­vided to only appear as two.


All things come and go from My divided thinking.  I have shared with you this knowledge before but perhaps you are more prepared and in readiness for the hearing thereof.  I shall repeat it un­til you hear and KNOW Me for you are but children who have strayed and I desire you back within my wings.


All coming things are living things, and those which go are dead.  All must pass the cycle into re­newal and great gladness should be birthed in the renewal.  Know that all creating things are resurrected from the dead, and dead things live again through My divided thinking arising from the seed of My thought and that which YOU ARE.  Again I say that all things are bound as One through Light.


I am forever creating My living body and destroying it in seeming death that it may live in Me to go and come again.


The end of life in death is life’s new beginning stripped clean and renewed in perfection of that seed in the rebirthing of that which is borned from that seed according to its own kind.  Both life and death are one in Me.


All things are forever living and forever dying; and while they live they die; and also while they are in death they live.


Such is My decree, My universal law, from which there is no escape for Man, or star, or grain of sand; for all things flow from Me that they may appear to Man, and return to Me, that they may disappear from his senses in the cycle of My thinking.


I am the repetitive God.  All things which flow to Me and from Me flow again both ways through Me forever in a cycle which ends not, nor has begun.


From My right hand life flows one way and returns to me full spent as death, while full death flows the other way and returns to Me renewed as life.  Around My cycle both life and death wend their seemingly opposed ways, each seeking each until the twain meet balanced at maturity, where each gives half to each.  But when they pass that halfway point on their separate ways to Me, each then gives thought to each, and then both know, as they return to Me, that each ARE both, and both ARE One in Me.


Death is but the seed of life.


Death rebounds from death as life.


From death life springs from the soil; and from life death flows even as the per­fume takes leave of the rose.


Death gives of itself to life that life may live; and likewise life gives to death that death may die.


Life is regenerating death, and death is life degenerating.


Light leaves your sun as death and comes to you as life; and when your death leaves you it like­wise becomes new life to whom or in what, its impact quickens with your death.


Two ways there are of breath, the inward-charging breath of life and the out-ward-discharging breath of death.  All opposed pairs of My divided thinking pass in opposite ways along these two paths in their traversing of My cycle.


All things which I have divided into pairs of opposites have within them both life and death, but one of these is greater than the other until they meet as equals halfway round My life-death cy­cle.  When once they meet, and pass, they then exchange these qualities, the greater growing lesser and the lesser growing greater.


Even though life is full when life is born, death emanates from life itself as death, and takes the opposite path toward death.


Likewise, does life emanate from death to weaken it when death is strong, until life conquereth death to make death live as life.


Verily I say, life cannot live without dying as it lives.  Nor can death conquer life and gather aught to it but death.


Life is My multiplying breath of compressive action; and death is My dividing, opposed breath which expands as life’s reaction.


Hear Me when I again say that life and death are opposites which pass each other on My cycle going opposite ways.  Life attracts life to life by its compres­sion and death repelleth both death and life by its expansion.


I am the interchanging point of life and death.  I balance life and death; and never in their changing can either death or life outbalance death or life.


Write that death and life are one, as the swinging pendulum is one, even though it oscillates two ways in its incessant swinging.

He who travels East in My curved universe arrives at West as surely as he who travels West.


Likewise, life trails the eastern road to arrive at death, while death takes the western road where life awaits to quicken death as life.


So also does death trail the road of life to interchange with life, while life like­wise trails the road of death to find itself through death.




Naught is there in My thinking which is not My KNOWING, and naught but Life and Love are in My thinking.


Take Man’s death away from him in this new day of Man.  Give him eternal Life in Me by KNOWING ME IN HIM!


Let every projection of that which is Man come into KNOWING that which I AM, that he might find solace in his knowing that I shall send unto him that which he needs to bring him again into My houses.  But I repeat: He who seeks only after life without the Light will find death; but he who seeks the Light within Me will find life eternal even when he walks toward death.  So be it for Man is given into his free-will that he may grow into KNOWING and I shall force him not.


* * * * * *






The radioactivity of the river (Columbia) water was insignificant.  But the radioactiv­ity of the river plankton was 2,000 times higher, that of the ducks eating the plankton 40,000 times higher, that of the fish 150,000 times higher.  In young swallows fed on in­sects caught by their parents in the river, the radioactivity was 500,000 times higher and in the egg yolks of the water birds more than 1,000,000 times higher.


From official and unofficial sources we have been assured, time and time again, that the increase in radioactivity of the air does not exceed the amount which the human body can tolerate without any harmful ef­fects.  This is just evading the problem.


Even if not directly affected by the radioactive material in the air, we are indirectly affected through that which has fallen down, is falling down, and will fall down.  We are absorbing this through radioactive drinking water and through animal and vegetable foodstuffs, to the same extent as radioactive elements are stored in the vegetation of the region in which we live.  Unfortunately for us, nature hoards what is falling down from the air.


None of the radioactivity of the air, brought into existence by the ex­ploding of atom bombs, is so unimportant that it may not, in the long run, become a danger to us through increasing the amount of radioactiv­ity stored in our bodies.


What are the diseases caused by internal radiation?  The same dis­eases that are known to be caused by external radiation.


They are mainly serious blood diseases.  If the cells in the bone mar­row are damaged by radiation they will produce too few or abnormal, degenerating blood corpuscles.  Both cases lead to blood diseases and, most often, to death.  These were the diseases that killed the victims of X-rays and radium rays.


It was once of these diseases that attacked the Japanese fishermen who were sur­prised in their vessel by radioactive ashes falling down 240 miles from Bikini after the ex­plosion of an hydrogen bomb.  With no exception, they were all saved, being strong and relatively mildly af­fected, through continuous blood transfusions.




In the cases cited, the radiation came from the outside.  It is unfortu­nately very probable that internal radiation affecting the bone marrow and lasting for years will have the same effect, particularly since the ra­diation goes from the bone tissue to the bone marrow.


Not our own health only is threatened by internal radiation, but also that of our de­scendants.  The fact is that the cells of the reproductive or­gans are particularly vulnera­ble to radiation.  To the profound damage of these cells corresponds a profound damage to our descendants.


To find out how the existing radioactive radiation has affected pos­terity, comparative studies have been made between the descendants of doctors who have been using X-ray apparatus for years and those of doctors who have not.  Among the descendants of radi­ologists, a per­centage of still births of 1,403 was found, while the percentage among the nonradiologists was 1,222.


In the first group, 6.01 per cent of the children had congenital de­fects, while only 4.82 per cent in the second.


It must be remembered that even the weakest of internal radiation can have harmful effects on our descendants.


The total effect of the damage done to descendants of ancestors who have been ex­posed to radioactive rays will not, in accordance with the laws of genetics, be apparent in the generations coming immediately af­ter us.  The full effects will appear only 100 to 200 years later.


We are forced to regard every increase in the existing danger through further cre­ation of radioactive elements by atom bomb explosions as a catastrophe for the human race, a catastrophe that must be prevented un­der every circumstance.


There can be no question of doing anything else, if only for the rea­son that we can­not take the responsibility for the consequences it might have for our descendants.


They are threatened by the greatest and most terrible danger.


That radioactive elements created by us are found in nature is an as­tounding event in the history of the earth—and of the human race.  To fail to consider its importance and its consequences would be a folly for which humanity would have to pay a terrible price.  When public opin­ion has been created in the countries concerned and among all nations, an opinion informed of the dangers involved in going on with the tests and led by the reason which this information imposes, then the statesmen may reach an agreement to stop the experiments.


A public opinion of this kind stands in no need of plebiscites or forming of commit­tees to express itself.  It works through just being there.


The end of further experiments with atom bombs would be like the early sun-rays of hope which suffering humanity is longing for.


* * * * *


New York Times, April 21st. 1957.




An Analysis of Changed Sentiment Toward Danger of Atomic War­fare.


PARIS, April 20—Europe is growing alarmed about nuclear bombs.  The mood today has markedly changed from that of the late decade, when the United States’ monopoly or predominance in nuclear power was widely regarded as assuring peace and the security of this Continent.


Nuclear weapons are no longer considered a beneficent invention.  At the very mo­ment when the United States officially promised nuclear arms to its European allies, eighteen West German physicists joined in declaring they opposed the use of such arms by their country and would do nothing to further nuclear armament.  They said current tactical nu­clear weapons were as destructive as the original atomic bomb dropped on Hi­roshima and that their acquisition by West Germany might increase its danger.


Europeans are becoming convinced that nuclear weapons are a men­ace even if there never is a nuclear war.  A committee of the Atomic Scientists Association in Britain has reported that as a result of the hy­drogen bombs exploded so far one person in 50,000 is likely to get can­cer in the next few decades from the strontium entering his bones.  This is an unproved estimate but represents a scientific judgment based on the assumption that the likelihood of cancer is proportionate to the radioac­tivity in the bones.


Pending more conclusive evidence and fuller agreement among ex­perts, many Euro­peans favor suspension of the bomb tests that produce radioactive “fall-out” of greater or lesser malignancy.  British statesmen find it more difficult to defend their nuclear bomb tests, which are only beginning.


Soviet bomb tests have led to disturbing atmospheric results in Japan.  After mea­suring the radioactive fall-out this week, Japanese scientists warned of the danger and opinion grew in favor of a ban on all nuclear tests by all nations.  An official Japanese protest to Moscow brought the reply that the Soviet Union was willing to suspend the tests if the West­ern powers agreed.


Thus a new effort was made, in keeping with years of Soviet propa­ganda, to put the blame on the West.


Western scientists were the first to develop the atomic bomb.  A Western power, the United States, was the first to use it in war.  The Western alliance, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, has based its strategy on the assumption it will use nuclear weapons to meet an ag­gression.  This decision was reasserted on Thursday by Field Marshal Vis­count Montgomery, Deputy Commander in Chief of the Atlantic Forces in Europe.


Thus the Western powers are faced with a moral and strategic dilemma that troubles the consciences of many in Europe.


If the West foregoes use of nuclear weapons it will be hopelessly in­ferior on land to the Soviet Union in Europe and to Communist China in Asia.  Both these powers have enormous armies that the West cannot match.  The West is not even trying to match them but, as the recent British defense decision showed, is reducing armies in favor of nuclear weapons.




But if the Western powers adhere to their policy of basing their de­fense on nuclear weapons in the hope of thus preventing war, they will risk playing into the hands of So­viet propaganda and causing the vast uncommitted Middle East and Far East to believe the West is responsible for a nuclear arms race.


At the same time the Western governments probably will face grow­ing criticism from their own peoples, who fear not only a nuclear war but even the periodic nuclear bomb tests that contaminate the atmosphere that people breathe and the plants and animals they eat.


Western leaders have sought to limit armaments, including nuclear armaments, but have been unable to find any system of inspection to in­sure enforcement of any agree­ment.  But it is urged in Europe that no such system is needed to drop bomb tests, since all such tests by the So­viet Union are immediately detected and announced in Washing­ton.


* * * * *


I would like to now share with you the concern which was felt throughout the country in July, 1956 by the testimony given by Lt. General James A. Gavin before the Senate subcommittee In­vestigation of Air Power.  Lt. General Gavin was asked by Senator James F. Duff of Pennsylvania what, in his opinion, would be the effect of hydrogen bombs dropped on Russia.


Gavin replied that deaths would run into several hundred millions and, depend­ing on which way the wind blew, would extend well into the Japanese, and per­haps the Philippine Island areas, or well back up into Western Europe.


About that time it became very obvious that the U.S. was seriously thinking and planning on such a war.  The Russians and other nations got busy immediately and prepared shelters for their citizens.


That Gavin testimony brought forth this reply from Senator Mike Mansfield, of Montana: “The horrible conclusion given by Lt. General Gavin should make us realize that in this difficult era, with the world’s scientists running riot, we are faced with an uneasy peace based on the idea of mutual terror.”


Let me give you a little picture of terror which is planned by your Elite United Nations’ Global police force—the intent is to drop a nuclear bomb on an area designated as a nuclear weapons center (supposedly hidden) in Iraq.  You can watch the plan build daily as they chase about the barren desert sands looking for those elusive weapons placements which originally you were told “could not exist”.  The proof will be in the blasting and the follow-up with “...Saddam de­served it and did this to his own people”!  NO, no, no—and if the world sits still for this heinous atrocity—you deserve that which befalls you!  But I tell you now—THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT IS PLANNED FOR THE IMMEDIATE FUTURE.  What is more painful and will not be allowed publicity world-wide (unless caught somehow in the act), the bomb and bombers will be of the doing of the U.S. and delivered by the Israelis.


The reports we have shared with you readers are “old” for I need not speak of this day for even your non-news, controlled media have done many recent dis­plays of toxic waste problems, etc., and we have written JOURNAL after JOURNAL pointing out the deadly escapades and plans.  I felt you could look with better perspective back on 40-50 years of outlay of this deadly game at point.  After reading them do you feel assured that you and your children are safe?  Are you willing that it shall be tried out, knowing as you do, that the human race would be the guinea pig for the most dangerous experiment ever tried by man, AND HIS LAST ONE.


In reading these statements you probably noticed that the small experimental plant at Arco, Idaho, blew up.  It could not even be approached for six months afterwards.  Accidents happen to a big plant as well as small ones—i.e, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, etc.—and many you NEVER HEAR ABOUT.  The Yankee power plant will stay on line while all in charge KNOW IT IS DEADLY DEFICIENT IN ALL SAFETY AREAS.


Does it make you feel comfortable to think that a plant like the Hanford one, or the one near New York, or Detroit, might blow?  How about Chicago?  Los Angeles?  San Francisco?  You can wipe out the entire population of New York in one blast and contaminate the entire area for thousands of years—and that is “peaceful” use of nuclear power.  What are you going to do with the “non-peaceful” war fall-out?  How many good, safe fall-out shelters do you have, Amer­ica?  The ignorant “innocents” of the world are without any kind of shelter system—”0", zilch, mi­nus nothing!  You are the planned expendables!


When you think of the world concern—if you think of the world concern—and care given to pro­tect people from the two pounds of radium, which was all the world had 60 years ago, does it make you feel comfortable to know that over 8,000 tons of much more deadly uranium salts are produced each year from a present stock pile of 600,000 tons of uranium ore?  Also, do you feel that it is quite safe to continue multiplying the effects you have read about for a hundred, two hundred, three or four hundred years, which you would have to do if ra­dioactivity is to be the next world fuel?  Do you realize that the government, back in 1957, was spending $2,000,000,000 a year in atomic experiments and the amount has continued to rise astronomi­cally—even massive sums which are hidden from you.  Private industry is spending an equal amount, or more, for a dangerous and costly fuel when it could quite easily have a perfectly safe and inexpensive fuel in abundance for not more than $100,000 and a little knowl­edge of the true nature of electricity.  Actually, the technology is perfected—it is just hidden from you.


Before making your own decision whether or not you would vote in favor of ra­dioactivity, read once more what Dr. Ralph Lapp said about the atom bomb tests distribution of strontium in the atmosphere.  He said: “That, at the present rate of H. bomb tests, if continued and probably ac­celerated (above or below ground), by 1962 (it is now 1991) there would be enough radioactive strontium committed to the stratosphere to produce a 100% maximum permissible amount in every person on the planet.”  Do read his report with great mental concentra­tion—or go back and reread it a couple of times—get it and read it in full several times.  No other report gives much concern to what he calls “hold up”.  Again I say that your primary danger is in that strato­sphere “hold up”, and not in the “fall out”.  Dr. Lapp estimated that this “hold up” will fall at about 10% a year.  If this is true the human race could not survive, at this point, beyond another decade at the rate you are building up that level in the stratosphere.  It will start falling down at great magnitudes within the next year.


You don’t have to be in agreement with Dr. Lapp concerning the 10% fall to earth, for the po­tential of that “hold up” is lower than the potential of a pressure ten miles up, and it is slowly ex­panding to still lower potential.  The already too heavy “hold up” blankets your atmosphere layer and is eating into it, irrevoca­bly, and thus thinning your life-giving and life-protecting blue en­velope—oh, and you thought it was ozone depletion?  “They” always give you something in the lies, do they not?


Education about the biological effects of nuclear radiation is an absolute prereq­uisite if the hu­man race is to survive.  Is it already too late?  Look at your dis­eases—look at your cancer rates.  You ask us for cures to “prove” who we are.  We have nothing to prove to anyone—most espe­cially Man of Earth Shan!  Nothing!  I do, however, suggest you start proving your intent to change, unto God, for you are at your midnight hour!  We are come to bring OUR people home to safe, secure places—WHERE WILL YOU BE?


So what of a bridge between Man and God?


Well, the next step in the spiritual nature of man is God-Consciousness and cosmic awareness of the Light of the Divine Presence within every Man.  Thou­sands—and then more thousands—are beginning to come into comprehension of that Inner Voice of one’s own Mind coming from within each.  The reason for that is because the human race is still in its intellectual infancy—but it is time to awaken and grow, lest Man dies in his infancy.  The Dawn of Mind-Conscious­ness is too recent for all Men to THINK with their Mind.


Man-in-the-mass still senses with his body.  His desires are still dominated by his senses.  His concepts are still sense-based.  He hurts himself with his own acts and calls it evil.  He conceives a personal God with vengeful human emo­tions.


All that the Master Teacher told the world about the unity of God and Man, and the location of the Mind-Kingdom within every man, has no meaning except for the very few illumined ones and the very many who now so deeply desire that illumining.


Yes, chelas, God-Consciousness is slowly infiltrating the human race as Man knows more and more how to THINK with his Mind instead of his SENSING with his physical body.  We, who know God in us, are desirous of illumining the path for you to find that Light of Inner Knowing—and when you do find it, you will then be able to say—as we have told you before—I and my Fa­ther are truly ONE—AND YOU WILL BE GIVEN INTO KNOWING ALL THINGS.

But the bridge must be constructed.  The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death, precious ones.  The first and last great mystery of Creation is its Creator.  Second to that mystery is the eternally asked question:  “From where did we come to live and where do we go when we die?”  This very simple question is quite easily answerable to the spiritually unfolded one who knows that which he cannot see.  It has always been unanswerable to sense-dominated Man to whom the invisible universe where God dwells and rules, has no meaning, for he has no knowing be­yond his sensing.


Do you think you have heard this before?  Ah so—if you only “think” you have heard it before—THEN YOU HAD BETTER HEAR IT AGAIN UNTIL YOU KNOW!


There is a very definite bridge between God and Man.  It is invisible in the vac­uum of the zero stillness of God’s Kingdom, but it has a visible link at every point where that bridge touches the shores of the action-universe of motion.  That is something which every man can understand, for he can hold the symbol of that great reality in his hand in the form of a simple seed.  He has never known, however, that in the imperishable seed within that perishable acorn, which he holds in his hand, is the whole answer to where the oak trees comes from to live, and where it goes when it dies.


Remember these words of Creator: “Know then that I alone live.  I do not die, but out of Me comes both seeming life and death.


“Life is but the inward flow of My thinking’s divided pulsing, and death is its outward flow.


“Know thou also that the divisions of My thinking are but equal halves of One; for I again say that I am One; and that all things which come from Me are One, divided to appear as two.”


So let us relook with a bit of renewed perception.  It will be well to simplify your thinking as to what Creation really is by putting it into simple words.  Creation consists of the invisible universe of Mind, which the one you called Jesus called Heaven and Man calls space, and the visible universe of motion, which Man calls matter and substance.


There is a vast, vast difference as we have pointed out in hundreds of pages herein recently, however, in the meaning of the omnipresent “heaven”, which was referred to as being “within” Man and within all things, and the meaning of “heaven” which Man holds up as being a place up above and apart from the earth where dead bodies and souls somehow ascend.  Literature and art on your place are replete with symbolism which very vividly pictures that primitive con­cept.  If you but enlarge your concept of the meaning of the word “heaven” to be that zero om­nipresent vacuum, which is everywhere within and without all things, perhaps then the ages-long idea that you somehow go to “heaven” when you die becomes literally true.  The difficult thing for Man to imagine, how­ever, is the fact that he returns to “heaven” non-dimensionally, just as the di­mensioned oak withdraws its huge dimensions into ultra-microscopic nothing­ness.  That is Man’s difficulty.  If he would but realize that his body is but the projected image of an Idea, and that Idea has no measure, it would help him greatly to understand.






In 1957 a most important piece of information came forth and we will herein look at it in detail.  An experiment at Columbia University conducted upon the­ories promulgated by two young Chinese physicists—Professor T.D. Lee and Professor C.N. Yang—affords an excellent example of how easily the senses can be deceived into arriving at wrong conclusions.  I think it will give clarity to this whole dissertation to outline even though we have touched on it prior to this.  There are still some misconceptions but the discovery was revolutionary.


The essence of what made this discovery so revolutionary that it upset many fundamentally be­lieved-in facts of physics lies in the conclusion that all atoms spin in the direction of their mo­tions (meaning the direction of their axis).  Now I suggest that all of you ponderers of great sci­entific breakthroughs—give serious attention hereto.


What that means is that atoms or particles ejected from the north end of a “decaying” atom, such as cobalt, spin in a right-handed (clockwise) direction, and those which are emitted from the south end spin in a left-handed (anti-clockwise) direction.  This discovery led to the possibility that atoms acted like right and left-threaded screws, and that might eventually explain how mat­ter is held together by some mysterious force within matter and solve the mystery of Creation.


This cannot be “briefly” explained because every single premise upon which the experiment was founded is wrongly assumed to be what it is believed to be.  These wrong conceptions must first be clarified.  We will then explain why cobalt has given an entirely different result than carbon would give, and that sodium would have given another effect of unbalanced ejections, while sodium chloride would give a balanced effect, and tantalum would have given another effect from the one produced by cobalt.  In other words, when it is shown WHY cobalt emitted a large electron from one end and a small one from the other, and it can be clearly explained WHY ev­ery single unit atom and every paired one will give different, and predictable results, it will then be easy to comprehend why the conclusions arrived at by this experiment are invalid.  To begin with, the experiment itself should not have been necessary.  With a true knowledge of the Na­ture of electricity the right results would have been pre­dictable.  To substantiate this statement we will predict other results from the same experiment with full knowledge that they will be as stated.


I am going to give you a very “earthly” explanation as is already presented upon your place and as we have already discussed.  Do not become bored or irritated with me, for I warn you that YOU HAVE OVERLOOKED TINY ELEMENTS IN YOUR WORK WHICH HAS DE­PRIVED YOU OF SUCCESS THUS FAR.  MOVE CAREFULLY WITHIN PETITION FOR UNDERSTANDING AND YOU MAY WELL BE GIFTED WITH INSIGHT BE­YOND THAT WHICH YOU CAN IMAGINE.




(See Fig. 69 and 70 below)

Step No. 1.  A crystal containing cobalt nuclei was placed in a magnetic field created by current flowing through a wire coil.  It was already known that the cobalt nuclei would line up in the mag­netic field.


Figure 69 indicates the wire coil, the direction of the electric current, and the position within it that the cobalt crystal is placed.  The first wrongly assumed premise is that the wire coil creates a magnetic field.  It creates an electric field, not a magnetic one.  There are no magnetic fields in Nature.  There are electric fields of curved motion, which are bounded by magnetic planes of non-motion and zero curvature.  It must be borne in mind always that any expression of motion any­where, is omnipresently repeated everywhere.  The human con­sciousness has not quite acquired that sense of omnipresent repetition as yet but familiarity with it through TV and radar is devel­oping it.  This cobalt experi­ment is, therefore, not a local happening which is taking place in Columbia University and nowhere else.  The electric field provides for it to happen there but the magnetic geometry of the zero universe provides for it happening uni­versally by Nature’s radar system of extensions from zero points of stillness, which become mirror planes of stillness invisi­bly formed in space to repeat the divisions and multiplications of motion in any part of the uni­verse to every part of it.


The wire coil of the Columbia experiment has given no thought to the basic fact that electricity divides for the purpose of multiplying.  Otherwise, the coil as made for its electric field, would be like the Fig. 70.



Fig. 69 and Fig.70 and Charts 62, 63 and 64.


Fig. 69:  This is the way man divides stillness to produce motion.


Fig 70:    This is the way Nature divides stillness to produce motion.


Chart 62:  “God’s End of the Cosmic Bridge where motion begins its projection into space to simulate mind-idea”


Chart 63:  “Man’s end of the Cosmic Bridge where motion reaches maximum.”


Chart 64:  “ Every form of matter which is projected into space has its anti-matter image within space, which ultimately voids it and reborn it.  Anti-matter concepts have their own balancing relation to their material images in space geometry.


May 2, 2011


Update:  May 4, 2011 with three graphs

Fig 71:  Nature's one direction of motion produces her two opposite effects.

Fig. 72:  This drawing exemplifies the electric effect of two seemingly opposite directions and opposite pressures from one direction of motion, as demonstrated in Fig. 71.

Fig. 73:  This same principle as demonstrated in Figs. 71 and 72 is also demonstrated by the atomic and nebular systems which form where two modes are united by collision.  This figure demonstrates the one way of motion which produces both effects of life and death in Nature.




Fig. 74:  A familiar spiral nebula in the heavens, seen in the direction of its poles instead of the directon of its equator, as in Fig. 67.  It has always been believed that two directions of motion have been responsible for this effect.