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WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1991  11:23 A.M.   YEAR 4, DAY 321





Vio present to continue with our JOURNAL.  I realize that the morning had to be devoted to Hatonn’s work so we start behind in time allowance and I realize that you, Dharma, must make a trip on legal matters and to check in with Charles in the hospital, in the city.  There­fore, we shall write for only about an hour and then allow you to get out of here around 1:00.  In that way, we will have time to scribe a bit more this evening.  Perhaps the messages on the “stamps” you are to have done, can be structured prior to going into the city for it will be well over a hundred degrees in the entire area this day and that kind of heat is debilitating and causes sluggishness, so I prefer you keep rambling to a minimum so that we can be refreshed enough for clear writ­ing when we sit next.  Thank you.




To simplify the writing at this time, we will just deal with findings and opinions as outlayed by the scientist.  This will mostly be basic “copy” work.  We will only write about an hour so let us move right smartly along, please.  Keep in mind that this meeting was held before 1957 so the situation is worse, com­pounded, and invalid in some instances.  Worse, however, are the absolute lies and er­rors in perception in the entire presentation.  Read carefully and then ponder your plight most painstakingly and it will become obvious that you are in far more serious trouble than you had any way to evaluate.


The problems of radiation fall naturally into two main classes: (1) the effects on hu­man beings; (2) the various ways in which radiation can reach human beings through the environment.


The inheritance mechanism is by far the most sensitive to radiation of any biologi­cal system.


Any radiation which reaches the reproductive cells causes mutations (changes in the material governing heredity) that are passed on to suc­ceeding generations.


Human gene mutations which produce observable effects are believed to be univer­sally harmful.

Everyone is subjected to the natural background radiation which causes an unavoid­able quantity of so-called spontaneous mutations.  Anything that adds radiation to this naturally occurring background rate causes further mutations, and is genetically harm­ful.


There is no minimum amount of radiation which must be exceeded before mutations occur.  Any amount, however small, that reaches the reproductive cells can cause a cor­respondingly small number of muta­tions.  The more radiation, the more mutations.


The harm is cumulative.  The genetic damage done by radiation builds up as the radi­ation is received, and depends on the total accumu­lated gonad dose received by people from their own conception to the conception of their last child.


So far as individuals are concerned, not all mutant genes or combi­nations of mutant genes are equally harmful.  A few may cause very se­rious handicaps, many others may produce much smaller harm, or even no apparent damage.




But from the point of view of the total and eventual damage to the entire popula­tion, every mutation causes roughly the same amount of harm.  This is because mutant genes can only disappear when the inher­itance line in which they are carried dies out.  In cases of severe and ob­vious damage this may happen in the first generation; in other cases it may require hundreds of generations.


Thus, for the general population, and in the long run, a little radia­tion to a lot of people is as harmful as a lot of radiation to a few, since the total number of mutant genes can be the same in the two cases.


It is difficult to arrive at a figure showing how much genetic harm radiation can do.  One measure is the amount of radiation, above the natural background, which would produce as many mutations again as occur spontaneously.  It is estimated that this amounts to 30 to 80 Roentgens.


[The Roentgen is a unit of radiation.  To give an idea of its value, the average dental X-ray delivers five roentgens to the patient’s jaw, but only five thousandths of a roent­gen of stray radiation to more remote parts of the body such as the gonads.]


It is also estimated that a dose of 10 Roentgens to every person in the United States would cause something on the order of 5,000,000 mutant genes, which would then be a part of the population’s inheritance pool.  This figure is subject to considerable uncer­tainty.


At present the United States population is exposed to radiation from (1) the natural background, (2) medical and dental X-rays, (3) fall-out from atomic weapons testing.  The 30-year dose to the gonads received by the average person from each of these sources is estimated as follows:


1.         Background—about 4.3 roentgens.

2.         X-rays and fluoroscopy—about 3 roentgens.

3.         Weapons tests—if continued at the rate of the past five years (1950-1955 with no changes in quantity) would give a probable 30-year dose of about 0.1 roentgens.  This figure may be off by a factor of five, that is, the possible range is from 0.02 to 0.5 roent­gens.  If tests were conducted at the rate of the two most active years (1953 and 1955) the 30-year dose would be about twice as great as that just stated.  (Keep in mind, Chelas, that these are figures KEPT TOTALLY UNDERSTATED BY THE ELITE CARTEL LEADER, ROCKEFELLER).


At present test explosions (1956) of atomic weapons are the only sig­nificant source of radiation in the general environment, above the natural background.


Meteorologists have found no evidence that atomic explosions have changed the weather or climate.  Nor do they believe that continued weapon tests, at the same rate and in the same areas as in the past, would have such an effect.


Radiation from explosions passes into the atmosphere and much of it eventually re­turns to the ground as “fall-out”.


Fall-out divides into three classes: (1) close-in—material that comes down within a few hundred miles of the explosion and within 10 to 20 hours, (2) intermediate—material that descends in a few weeks after the explosion, (3) delayed—material that remains in the air for months or years.


Close-in fall-out from test explosions affects only restricted, unin­habited regions.


Intermediate fall-out would descend very slowly if it were pulled down only by gravity.  It is mostly washed out of the air by rain and snow.  It spreads over large parts of the earth, but its effect over a small area may be accentuated if there is heavy precipitation while the ra­dioactive cloud is overhead.


Delayed fall-out is stored for long periods in the stratosphere.  Mete­orologists know very little about the interchange of air between the stratosphere and lower layers, so they cannot predict exactly how long the material will stay up, nor where it is likely to de­scend.


National Academy of Sciences Genetics Committee states:


The report of the Genetics Committee of the National Academy of Science was unanimous and blunt: “Any radiation is genetically undesir­able, since any radiation in­duces harmful mutations (changes).”


This complex chemical compound known as a gene cannot repair it­self, and to date we know of no way of repairing it.


The injured gene will handicap some descendant, even though it may skip many gen­erations before it does so.  It may cause physical and mental handicaps to a whole line, and it will keep trying until at last it kills off the line.


Thus, the geneticists say cold-bloodedly, from the standpoint of the human race it would be better to have a few thousand humans severely radiated than to have whole populations subjected to minor radiations.


If, as medical evidence overwhelmingly shows, man-made radiation is not good for the health of human beings, the logical questions are: Where and how might you be exposed?  What can you do to protect yourself and your family?


You could be exposed through:

1.         Ordinary medical X-ray.

2.         Eating food, drinking water or milk or breathing air that has been con­taminated by fall-out from the explosion of atomic weapons tested by the United States, England and Russia.


3.         Food or water contaminated by radioactive wastes from an atomic instal­lation.


Dr. W.F. Libby says:  Last May 2, Dr. W.F. Libby, Commissioner, United States Atomic Energy Commission, presented to the National Academy of Sciences what is probably the most authoritative public re­port to date on “Radioactive Strontium Fall-out”.


Samples of radioactive strontium, Dr. Libby said, were detected in the snow at Admi­ral Byrd Bay in the Antarctic; in the waters of the Danube, the Mississippi, the Seine and the Moselle Rivers; in alfalfa in the fields of Wisconsin and Iowa, and in soil in various sections of the country.


Dr. Libby concluded his report by observing that the average content of radioactive strontium is increasing in milk supplies all over the world, and therefore more and more human beings are putting more and more radioactive strontium into their bodies.


Since growing children concentrate calcium, they are likely to absorb more of this dangerous relative of calcium into their bones than adults.  And any material incorpo­rated into their bodies during childhood will have a longer time to act.

An atomic laboratory worker dies from atomic rays:


Philadelphia (AP)—Exposure to atomic radiation in a government laboratory be­tween 8 and 10 years ago has taken the life of a Philadel­phia physician, the city medi­cal examiner said.


Medical Examiner Joseph W. Spelman issued his finding after an in­quest into the death last July 24 of Dr. Kenneth A. Koerber, 50, of Philadelphia.  Dr. Koerber had worked in the Atomic Energy Commis­sion’s Brookhaven National Laboratories, Up­ton, N. Y., between 1946 and 1948.  He inspected laboratories to protect workers from radia­tion.


“We presume,” Dr. Spelman said, “that Dr. Koerber somehow got a dose of atomic radiation which now, ten years later, caused his death.  We have conclusively proved that he was subject to atomic radiation or to the inhalation or to the eating of atomic com­pounds.  At the present time his bones contain 1,000 times the maximum safe concentra­tion of radiation.”


We quote now from James Poling, In Better Homes and Gardens, May, 1957.  The following is far from comforting, if not totally alarming.


“An H-bomb explosion at our Bikini test site, March 1st, 1954, blew a scientific con­cept, as well as an island, into smithereens.  Fallout had previously been regarded as a hazard confined to the immediate vicinity of an atomic explosion.  But a recording in­strument at Rongelap, 100 miles to the east of Bikini, revealed that this bomb had sprayed alarming quantities of radioactive dust over that atoll.  And we learned for the first time that fallout from a multi-megaton bomb was lethal over an area of several thousand square miles.  Now we know that naked horror of the bomb.  It poses as a po­tential threat to all mankind.”


The Miami Herald prints the following:


DETROIT ATOM PLANT CALLED DANGEROUS: “Washington—In a memo suppressed by Atomic Energy Chairman Lewis Strauss, atomic scientists have warned sternly that the “fast breeder” power re­actor he approved for construction outside De­troit may “risk the health and safety of the public”.


Last November, a similar but smaller experimental reactor at Arco, Idaho, melted down into a hot radioactive heap that couldn’t be touched for six months.  Puzzled scien­tists still haven’t found the cause.


Yet Strauss, ignoring the urgent advice of his own safety experts, okayed construc­tion of the same design atomic power plant in Detroit’s populous back yard.”  [Still feeling fine and that you can trust your “big boys”?]


The eminent scientist authority upon radioactivity, Dr. Ralph Lapp, upholds our con­tention that the upper stratosphere will not send in its full bill for our payment until the late seventies.  There is no question but what the stratosphere is accumulating death rays for destruction of earth’s oxygen at an increasing rate.  The freely expressed belief that “the pull of gravity” will bring the fall-out to earth is costly to human survival.  A small percentage of the higher potential goes toward Earth, but the LARGER PERCENT­AGE IS OF A POTENTIAL WHICH IS LIGHTER THAN THE EARTH PRES­SURES.  These seek the upper levels and the stratospheres.  It is possible that enough has already col­lected to take toll of millions of lives, or cause millions of de­fective births, even if we stopped the use of radioactivity now.  We print Dr. Lapp’s warning in full, as issued by The Daily Oklahoman of July 5, 1956 [45 years ago day after tomorrow]—and other papers.


Dharma, we are out of time for this writing.  Let us just leave it right here and pick up right here when we next sit.  This is serious, chelas, it is so much worse than you can imagine that WE know not how to best bring it to your urgent at­tention.  I believe, however, that you prob­ably are beginning to see what was meant by Soltec regarding the radiation from the strato­sphere onto Earth within the next year or so.  It is going to collect to a point where there will be widespread and massive fall-out as the accumulations build beyond saturation point.


With all the information available back half a century and brought public while other informa­tion was deliberately kept from you—you must see that you are in urgent circumstance for the planet is all but a “hot” ball of ready-to-detonate el­ements.  You can continue to hide or you can come out of your hole and ask God to attend WITH YOU and meet His Laws and require­ments and perhaps we can set this about reversal—if you do not—you can count your days very quickly indeed.


Germain to clear until we next sit to pen.  Thank you, Dharma.  I salute you and I am honored to serve with you.  Salu.


April 26, 2011