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TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1991   2:16 P.M.   YEAR 4, DAY 320


We are returned to continue with our JOURNAL.  Hatonn in Light.  I would like to say just a bit of response to our friend, Jack M. who has just written some very thoughtful questions.  He sug­gests that possibly we could give you some instances wherein a space vehicle was that which ap­peared in the sky at various Biblical times.  Yes, indeed, and you, friend, have al­ready given a few of them such as Ezekiel’s “wheel” and Moses on the mountain to receive the plates, and that which led the children across the wilderness, etc.  There are three which you have missed right off the top.  At one time in the Old Testa­ment there were many, many in­stances from the “day of Creation” in which “God Created the Stars”.   (No, but all the vari­ous craft were standing by to serve in a most interesting manner.)  Then there was the com­mand that the stars were not to be worshipped; that because they were craft with brethren and not Gods.  Then there was the time the “sun stood still”—no, this is incorrect at any event be­cause it would have been the world which would have had to stop for the sun didn’t move about.  The light stopped because the light was a starship.  Then, of course there was the birth of the Christ-child and then the taking away of Emmanuel for his lessons with his higher brothers and teachers.  Then for Hezekiah “the sun moved backwards”—no, but the ship did so.  And then at the time of the crucifixion the sun and sky were darkened by a ship larger than your planet which moved before the sun for it was an in­famous day.  Watch out now for the time when you shall have a most awful and terrifying LIGHT and then the sun shall be blackened for three days—I suggest you take that one incident of prediction quite seriously.  The times of appearances and manifestations are throughout the entire experience of the Bible—before and after—to the point I cannot take the time from the writings to list them all.  Just as with so many other Truths from the records being removed—so too, were the references which were valid and remembered but removed so that you would not be given into knowing Truth.


As to the inquiry about written documentation regarding the IRS being a private corporation and that, in turn, would mean that employees thereof are not gov­ernment employees—touché!  I’m sure that Rick or George will have backup in­formation on that one and can enter it into some Express in the near future.  Thank you for asking.  I do not wish to take more of Ger­main’s turn at typing to respond further so I will turn it into their capable hands for response.  There are piles of information coming forth now and you will note very little is said about the massive numbers of people not filing this year.  This is another reason you can know that the “big boys” plan heinous things with your economy for your tax collections are in great defi­ciency.  I relin­quish the podium to my col­league in great appreciation for that which he is bringing forth.  It truly is nec­essary, Dharma, that this be done—thank you, for we know it is not easy to face the implications in these writings.


For you who missed the report this day on the news (it was NOT missed by Dharma who is wishing for a big, deep shelter), even the Slovenians and Croa­tians have shelters.  The reporter just announced this day that the fighting was becoming massive with more tanks, bombs and ar­tillery—BUT, MOST OF THE CIVILIANS WERE JUST SITTING OUT THE TIME IN THE BOMB SHELTERS.  So be it, for those who have eyes and ears.


Germain to continue:




We have stated before that all of the elements of matter are frozen flame.  The generoactive compressive force of Nature quite easily freezes low potential ex­plosions.  You think of water freezing at 32 degrees F, or O degrees C.  But, dear ones, that is not the freezing point of that which is NOT water.  Please note, for instance, that the highest melting point of all the ele­ments known is 3,600 degrees centigrade.  That is pretty hot for freezing.  Do you see that your old saying of “ will be a frozen day in Hell before....”  You see, it can be frozen in hell at 3,599.9 degrees centigrade.


Each succeeding higher potential requires greater effort to freeze it, therefore, it requires greater heat to melt it.  The highest melting point of all the elements, as I just stated, is 3,600 centigrade.  This high point is reached at carbon.  Sili­con in the next octave reaches only 1,420 degrees and cobalt only 1,440 de­grees.


The great unexplained mystery of melting points is the fact that the red side of the carbon oc­tave reaches high melting points because of the fact that two of them are dense solids.  On the blue side all three are gases and have melting points as low as 223 degrees below zero.  Fluo­rine reaches this point while its mate on the red side, which is lithium, reaches 186 degrees above zero.


It seems strange that this octave of the highest maturity has three below zero el­ements on its blue side and high ones on its red side, when the dying elements have very high melting points on the blue side and less than half of those points on the red side.  It is more strange still to met­allurgists that many of the ele­ments in the radioactive half of the chart are heavier and much more solid than carbon, the heaviest element on the living side of the chart.  Tantalum, for ex­ample, reaches 3,400 degrees, while its close neighbors on the blue side, reach 2,900, 2,700, 2,250, 1,750 and 1,063.  The answer to this is also more clearly defined later, but, very briefly, the reason is that the red side of the spectrum represents the fatherhood of Cre­ation, which seeks the inside of forming spheres where the fires of Creation are centered, and the blue side represents its moth­erhood and seeks the outside to fashion boodies in her womb, and cool them into form.  In the first half of the electric creating process the blue half is com­pressed out of the generating body, by exploding from within, while the red half gains its center, by compression exerted from the outside.  In the second half the situation is reversed.  All nature is constantly reversing, and in doing so is constantly turning inside out and outside in.  This conspicuous and obvious fact f Nature has not yet been sensed by observers.




May we summarize for just a moment: The foregoing has described the manner in which Na­ture projects motion from space and space reflects it back again.  The one point which we ac­centuate in this whole process is the highly explosive nature of the radioactive metals.  We do this for the purpose of demonstrating that this high and quick explosive power is needed in Nature’s death process to assist in the decay and death of the slow dying rocky formations which first constitute the bodies of new planets, which Nature has set out from her sun cru­cibles to freeze.  Millions of years—or perhaps billions—are consumed in the process of de­caying enough of the earth’s sur­face to create the conditions neces­sary for organic life.  Such conditions cannot be possible nearer to the sun than seventy to eighty million miles, and cease to be possible when a planet reaches as far out as Mars.


Water, oxygen, humus and the necessary carbohydrates of life are created by the exploding metallic bullets of the dying elements as they assist dense ele­ments to die, but if they also pro­ject their death into less dense bodies, such as animal tissues, those lesser solids and the gases of their atmosphere will again be assisted in their desire to expand, which is inherent in all matter.


In conclusion, therefore, we say to you that every ounce of free radioactive metal which is re­moved from its purposeful position of bombarding the unfer­tile, dry, hot rocks of Nature to yield pairs of bodies for making organic life possible on this planet, will not only clear the en­tire planet of all organic life but will keep it thus cleared until the many uranium piles above ground are entirely dissolved by their own radiations.  The number of thousands of years nec­essary for that is not predictable, but it is calculated by authorities that plutonium rays have a duration of over twenty thousand years.  That is a long time.  The dawn of Consciousness was but 10,000 years ago.  How far back will Man be, there­fore, when he again appears on earth?—if indeed—he ever will.






I shall devote this portion to the world opinion and the world fear of radioactiv­ity.  It is not writ­ten to support evidence we have given, but merely to express the world voice.  We include it, also, because the world fear does not know WHAT it fears.  The effects are known, but the WHY of those effects are not known.  That is why we must write the WHY, else the danger will be beyond remedy before the world becomes aware of it.  Let me give two reasons for this statement before we quote the press, etc., and the fears of scientists.


The first and most obvious reason is the belief that the greatest danger from the use of radioac­tivity is defective births and leukemia.  That danger will creep upon civilization without any way of detecting it—it already has, in a massive way.  One cannot go about with instruments to mea­sure genetic damage, as one can do to measure the amount of strontium and other radioac­tivity which is falling on the soil from year to year.  Sterility will be an accompanying effect, while ab­normalities of living bodies will be secondary.  It could not be other­wise, for genes are not basic in potency.  There is something behind and under­neath genes, and that is the seed.  No human has ever attempted to explain the seed; therefore, it is permissible for us to say that the principle of rebirth in bodies is not yet known on Earth.  We covered that in the prior JOURNALWe know it, however, and because of that we know the danger which has no meaning to those who do not know.  This mystery has to do with knowledge of the purpose of inert gases in relation to the seeds of things.  We will look at that more closely, also.  Right here, however, we can say that every living body re­folds into its seed simultaneously with its unfolding FROM its seed.  I cannot urge you strongly enough to read this JOURNAL in com­panion with the prior JOUR­NAL, or the two prior ones, or this will make no sense to you.


With radioactivity in general use it is upon you that the translucent light of the inert gases, espe­cially niton, which is described in relation to the deadly blue-white light radiations from radium, and the still more deadly blue light of ura­nium, will make seed-regeneration gradually impossible in either animal or veg­etable species.  This is the danger which will come unan­nounced.  It might even seem a bit welcome in your state of overpopulation—but you are talk­ing here about the demise of a planet and species of all living forms.  This is the promise of the danger which will come—it is the one of which you must be the most ap­prehensive, for it could result in hundreds of millions of sterile humans and millions upon millions of defective births—in mere years of time.


Geneticists have already begun to talk about mutations, for they understand how the seed-pat­tern can be altered by abnormal environment, but beyond that, to the seed itself, and its man­ner of refolding a dimensioned material image, such as a hundred-ton oak, into a dimension­less, weightless, formless micro-pin-point inert gas recording of itself, they do not know.  Do you not see that the plague of “AIDS” was introduced into the most “unlikely” groups for the spreading into the lineage of humanity?  Then as the required time elapsed so that there is no way to re­verse the disease—you have created an effective manner to control planet population in a mas­sive way.  The problem is, that with all the other bombardment of radioactive partic­ulate—even the unintended shall eventu­ally perish if this continues as it is moving.  No one knows what the blue-white fluorescent light of inert gas from radium or from plutonium, means to the seed and to sterility.  For instance, if a reactor plant, such as the Hanford one in Washington, is placed north of New York City, it will take only a very few short years before the whole of that vast wa­tershed would have to be aban­doned, including many other cities near New York—it should al­ready be aban­doned.  For that matter the entire infrastructure of New York is terminal and there is no real evidence of rebuilding—the city is totally bankrupt in both money and life quality.  Look at the insane placement of installations and the problems con­comitant with them that have risen up in the past 40 years.  You are basically already into ter­minal illness.


This projection can be mathematically calculated as easily as noting that a two-foot sapling will be ten feet high in a matter of a few years of growth.  It is an orderly mathematical fact of growth.  In the process of Nature it could not be otherwise.  One could be forewarned of that danger before it had reached that extremity, but one cannot be forewarned of the sterility of all organic life until it has affected possibly more than half the population of the whole world in various degrees.  Just this week Dharma and America West received a blasting letter about the “fear” thrown out of this place—well, you tell me if there might not be something herein to be con­cerned about!  I don’t comment on the ele­ment of FEAR—BUT THESE ARE THE FACTS AND I WOULD MOST CERTAINLY BE A BIT CONCERNED ABOUT IT EVEN IF YOU LABEL IT “FEAR”.


When radium was first used its danger was not known.  No one was then fore­warned of it.  Be­cause of that fact a laboratory worker named Dr. Emil H. Grubbe, was constantly exposed to it until he developed cancer burns.  These did not kill him but since then he underwent some 90 operations because of them.  He lived into his eighties but now millions are the case instead of the ex­ceptional one or two.


Someone asked Hatonn from a radio interview why “YOU DON’T GIVE US THE CURE FOR CANCER”, etc.  This was the same disgusting and insulting person from Florida.  There is no “cure” for “cancer”—you are creating new forms on an hourly basis.  It does no good to try to bail out a sinking boat until you stop up the holes in the hull.  It can also be equated to “healing me of this poison” while the next dose of poison is waiting in ever increased amount.  To heal, you must stop giving the poison—FIRST!


Are you comfortable contemplating this fate?  How about your children?  Will there even be a time of your children’s children?


All the way back into your years of the 1920’s it began and I will speak of some of the old origi­nal cases.  Dr. Percy Brown, a Boston X-ray specialist, had fifty operations because of various X-ray effects, including cancer.  He died in 1950 after 24 years of suffering from those effects.


There was a well known case of accidental death which came to young Harry K. Daglian, Jr., of New London, and it is typical, for every known means of pro­tection surrounded him every mo­ment.  Yet he died in 25 days because of the bomb test accident at Los Alamos, New Mexico.  How long back was that, America?


Back in those days before radium danger was announced, seventeen girls had been employed to paint watch dials with a radium-mixed paint.  One by one they all developed strange bone and blood diseases until all of them died.  HOW CAN YOU ALLOW THIS ABSURD LIE TO CONTINUE CONCERNING AIDS?  MY FATHER GOD OF CREATION—DO YOU NOT HAVE “REASON”?


Forgive my passion, for I cannot see how you can lay waste to that which has been created for you in such Love and abundance and at the same time, suicide an entire planet.  Do you under­stand??  WE CANNOT ALLOW THIS RA­DIOACTIVITY ABOARD OUR CRAFT.  WE LITERALLY HAVE TO NEUTRALIZE YOUR BEINGS BEFORE WE CAN BRING YOU ABOARD AND INTO SAFETY.  CAN WE DO IT?  YES, BUT THERE ARE TIMES WE WONDER “WHY” WE SHOULD SO DO!  These dying metals are lethal to us, also, and dam­age greatly our own energy fields and stability, not to even mention the stability of a manifested craft.  YOU ARE RELEASING UNIVER­SAL DEATH RAYS, CHELAS, AND IT CANNOT GO ON FOR VERY MUCH LONGER LEST YOU DAMAGE THE UNI­VERSE AND THAT WILL NOT BE ALLOWED.  HARKEN UP, I PLEAD WITH YOU.


As to the girls, it had been said that such a thing could not happen now because you are fore­warned.  There would be millions of cases continually happening where one could NOT be forewarned, such as the San Francisco case where someone accidentally stepped upon a tiny vial of radium salts with almost none in the vial, and exposed a whole city, which could have been wiped out because of just that tiny bit of radiation—had the accident not been accidentally dis­covered.  YOU, WORLD, HAVE NO IDEA OF HOW WIDESPREAD THE INFILTRA­TION OF RADIATION IS WITHIN YOUR WORLD JUST FROM CHERNOBYL—AND THAT WAS AN INTENTIONAL THRUST.  I care not what you “think” happened there—it was an intentional and deliberate action!


You have ones in Rosamond, California and Delano and other places near the growing fields and isolated spots where leukemia is occurring—THE CHIL­DREN ARE BEING RADIATED TO DISEASE AND THEN DEATH.  The investigations into the “cluster” incidents are both stupid and useless.  YOUR SPECIES IS BEING RADIATED TO DEATH!


Dr. Alfred H. Sturtevant is an eminent geneticist.  In 1955 he made the fol­lowing statement: “The last bomb test alone probably produced more than 70 human mutations which are likely to produce large numbers of defective chil­dren in the future.”  That was in 1955 and you now aver­age almost one per day in the Nevada test site alone.  Your mental and other institutions for de­fectives are overflowed and your populace is functioning in a zombie state of walking dead—filled with depression, violence and all manner of actions which can be traced right back to this original source.  The tax upon normal humans for the support of these defectives is a great bur­den.  Such an increase in defectives as is produced by various forms of radioactivity threatens the very life form itself.


We have a second reason of concern at the misconception of beliefs in relation to the ability of matter to ABSORB other matter.  For a specific example, the text books describe lithium as a metal which has great power for absorbing wa­ter.  There is no such power in all Nature.  Matter does NOT absorb, nor con­tract, nor attract.  Matter is compressed and will expand and destroy, but it will not absorb.  And in that misconception lies a terrible danger, for what does ac­tually happen is that lithium expands oxygen and destroys it.  And so does sodium, potas­sium, strontium, calcium and the other silvery white killer metals, which look like silver but which you could crush between your fingers.  If lithium and sodium expand oxygen in water, and your body is two-thirds water, think of what it would do to your body.  Always bear in mind that everything which is dy­ing is expanding, or, conversely, expansion is the basic con­dition for necessary death.  Sudden ex­pansion causes flame and great heat, for sudden ex­pansion is an electric short-circuit.


Another dangerous misconception is evidenced in the commonly used term” “...releases an ex­traordinary amount of energy”.  Energy is not released.  What actually happens is that poten­tial is released, not energy—and that means ex­pansion.  Atomic fission helps matter to ex­plode instantly instead of decaying over long periods.  “Released energy” means quick expan­sion, and quick ex­pansion into the universal vacuum is the death process of any kind of mate­rial body, whether it be iron, carbon or a human blood corpuscle.  That conception which gives to energy the quality of expanding or contracting, is one of the contributing factors to the deadliness of radioactivity as a power for Man’s use.  Energy is changeless.  It is the eternal vacuum of the zero universe—God’s uni­verse.  To confuse the compressive power of electricity to create potential for the pur­pose of simulating energy, with energy itself, is extremely un­fortunate.



Radioactivity has come into general use and there is a continual discharging of ultramicro­scopic particles by the billions per square mile.  Thousands of ships are also now utilizing such material and are releasing radioactivity into the seas which is already killing great numbers of your sea life.  How long will it be be­fore there is no fit food grown because of the pollution of material from the power plants in motion about your planet?  How long will it be before there is no un­tainted food?  Why do you think we are urging a move to grow in under­ground grow­ing houses which protect from elements and radiation?  Further, we will probably show you how to grow in mixtures of clean (deep) soil with addi­tives of pumice-type filler to assist in cleansing the prod­ucts.  Such a thing as the “normal” food you are accustomed to will soon be impossible for you as it is for the cow, which is now compelled to eat contaminated grass to make into the milk you drink and the meat you consume.


Let me make one more clear attempt to tell you what I mean by the ability of metals like lithium, sodium, calcium or strontium to expand within you and hasten your death.  I guaran­tee you will stop paying millions of dollars to be thin, or save yourself by cutting out choles­terol, or fat, or, or, or.  A metal like iron, or gold, cannot hurt you from outside of your body because it will not ex­pand unless you apply an intensely hot acetylene flame to it.  Lithium will ex­pand and explode in ordinary room temperature.  It cannot be kept in its metal­lic state unless immersed in oil.  If you touch an ordinary match to it a white hot flame quickly con­sumes it at the cost of a lot of oxygen.


Sodium will burst into flame without a match.  Just throw it in water.  The re­sultant flame does not absorb water, it expands the oxygen in it and sends it back into its cathode zero where all dead things go.  It bursts into flame.  Flame destroys.  It does not absorb.  A lesser heat than a flame expands towards death, even though it may not destroy.


In this connection the Atomic Energy Commission issued a report to the effect that the first atomic submarine, the Nautilus, had been in operation for some two years without a single ill­ness from radioactive poison taking place.  Here, of course, was the inference that the atomic submarine had been proven safe.  Was it?  Funny thing, in about 1974 the second atomic sub­marine, the Sea Wolf, was launched.  It quickly became known that its liquid sodium power sys­tem could not be prevented from leakage and had to be removed.  If a thousand or so such ships sailed the seas and each lost even a very little of such poison it would so utterly change the per­centage of sodium in the ocean that no fish could survive it—and, where do you think all your fish have gone?????  And what of the levels of contamination in the fish that are being hauled to your tables?


It is insane to believe that Man would actually continue to produce sure death—so we have to assume that they do not know the full extent of that which they do and work on the assumption of the lies and misinformation of scientific knowl­edge.  It must be that the deadly nature of the killer metals is simply not known, nor that their power to kill lies in their power to expand ev­ery other atom or cell of matter with which they come in contact.  It is that very power which makes them valuable and necessary in their own environment.  Their ability to expand and “kill” gran­ite, basalt, and other rock formations, gives to earth the few feet of decayed soil, atmosphere and water necessary for organic life.


Dharma, allow us a rest break please and then we will speak of findings and opinions of some 145 leading scientists who met for the purpose of studying this problem—guess what: under a fi­nancial grant by none less than the Rocke­feller Foundation!  Off the top of my mind, I be­lieve the meeting was held around the mid-50’s.  This was, of course, following the war and the cute little bombing of Japan.


By the way, I am reminded to tell you to keep your eyes on the volcanos in the Philippines and in Japan.  Pinatubo is going to have a bigger eruption than any to date—very, very soon.  Damage from floods and ash/mud is incredible right now at Unzen in Japan—chelas, the news moves to all the distractions and you miss it all for the most part.  By the way, they are not nearly through with Cali­fornia in case you plan to go back to sleep and leave preparations against earth­quakes for another century.


Moreover, what of all the blithering and blabbering and threats about Saddam’s installations?  Seems that when the crews got to the place to investigate—there is nothing except sand in the place where all those installations were supposed to be located!  What do you make of that turn of events?  Obviously someone wants to start another war perhaps?  So be it.


I will stand aside now and allow Dharma to take rest.  Thank you for your at­tention.  I know this material doesn’t exactly “make your day” but not liking it will not change one iota of the TRUTH OF IT.  SALU.




April 22, 2011