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TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1991   8:47 A.M.   YEAR 4, DAY 320



TUESDAY,  JULY 2,  1991



Hatonn present in the Radiance of Life.  May we commune, please?  I ask that all of you give unto your brother, Charles, support and prayers that he can glean energy from you who would share with him.  He is indeed very ill and weak.  Please stay close for you can feel very alone when you are taken to the sickbed.  This is the time to support him with messages and love, for note the big void in workings of the “crew”.  You who feel unneeded, take note of how empty it is to have one missing.  Ah yes, you will get “moved in” and arranged for no one person is indis­pensable in the overall—but the absence of any one makes the heart show more apprecia­tion for that beloved brother’s contribution.  It also is opportunity to look without self and unto the needs of another as a re­minder to always pray for thine relations for the cycle brings the fruit of the tree back unto thee in perfection.


Sananda is giving such supportive information for our work, through Dru, that I ask that we publish it with whatever our brother would share with us today—as the next EXPRESS.  You cannot live by bread alone.  Even though the public will not be aware of the Germain informa­tion as of yet—the current JOURNALS are Pleiades Connections and are dealing with “life”/”death” principles which explore and unfold the Truth and workings of the universe.  I ask this because you need the support of this gentle Master and Friend and we need the time to continue with the lessons.  You can turn this planet around if you will come into KNOWING and the only way to do so is to have the information of HOW IT REALLY IS!  If you wish to share with the readers that which we gave unto “Jackie” yesterday, then feel free to do so.  Ones are continually reaching out from the depths of problems and that will worsen as the life impact, economy and chaos worsen.  We will give you some methods whereby you who face that which seems insurmountable—most certainly can overcome with reason and clarity of thought.  GOD RARELY ANSWERS PETITIONS AS YOU ONES EXPECT—FOR IF A THING IS TO BE DONE—YOU WILL DO IT; HE WILL ONLY POINT THE WAY.  FURTHER, IN THE POINTING, HE WILL ALLOW YOU TO SEE THE PATH AND LOOK OBJEC­TIVELY UPON THINE PLIGHT.  Be patient with us as we, too, are bounded by the physical in the amount of work which can be presented.


I am asked “WHY, then, do we not utilize other hands for this information and get it forth more quickly?”  Because if only Dharma writes for us of the Phoenix, with some support of a nature which, frankly, gives HER the support to continue—then we know that regardless of your com­plaints, you do have time to cover the material.  If one person can produce it—YOU can at least find time to study it!  The material coming forth cannot be selectively attended as in a li­brary of novels wherein you may choose your subject.  You MUST COME INTO THE KNOWING OF TRUTH AND TO MISS THE LESSONS AS GIVEN WOULD BE INDEED UNWISE.  THIS WAY, WE CAN MEASURE THAT WHICH IS GOING FORTH AND, FURTHER, REMOVE YOUR EX­CUSES!  I repeat—if one little lady can produce the ma­terial—YOU CAN READ IT!  Whatever you perceive of the “physical” to hold more im­portance—IT DOESN’T!


Dharma is quite devastated by the information for she says, “It is like writing a dissertation on `what went wrong and why man and life perished from the earth’.”  Ah so?  That, dear ones, is up to you.  Will you move into the won­drous beginning of glory or move through the end­ing of history of this cycle—ah yes, ’tis up to YOU.


Thank you, Germain, for attending us this morning.  I place the seal of God upon your work and stand by in my own receiving that we might better see and hear.  I salute you.








Vio present in the radiance of the ray of transmutation.  Much is purified and alchemized as well as transmuted by this particular ray of violet radiance.  This is very “physical” and not merely a touting of “Germain’s focus”.  Even the ul­tra-violet can kill or cure.


I left you on the yesterday with the statement that God, the Creator, is LIGHT—the invisible White Light of the undivided and unchanging Magnetic universe.


In God’s Creation He limits all motion to that point in compression where in­visible white light has been reached between the two visible yellows of flame in the fission state.  When a sun has become a true sphere its center has reached the white invisible still point in the spectrum where motion has ceased.  Up to that very point the inward speed of compression has multiplied to its limit of 186,400 miles per second.  At that point, also, there is but one center of gravity.  Until then there are two.  White light is always invisible, for it is always still.  It could not be white oth­erwise.  Any motion, whatsoever, would be visible as yellow.  This is, further, why God is the stillness of the white light and yet, the Sananda (son) projects as a wondrous “golden yellow light” energy field.  For you must understand that each of us who projects through God’s thought is in motion and motion determines the color of that motion according to purpose.  Creation IS, and therefore presents as the silver white light of that which IS!


The point I wish to emphasize by the above is that when generoactivity has cre­ated a true sphere it also has created within it a white light of gravity to center it.  It has also created its maximum speed and maximum temperature.  It can go no farther.  The Creator has consum­mated His Creation.  He has given all He has to give.  One half of His Law of Love has been fulfilled.  Up to that point the Einstein Equation of 1905 fits perfectly.  It fully accounts for the mathe­matics of life, but not for death.  The other half of the Law of Love must now be fulfilled.  That which has been given must be equally regiven.  The balanced rhythm of this universe must not be upset.  For this reason that which has been must be repeated in reverse, to void that which has been, for neither life nor death can end or begin.  They can only be repeated, and when they are re­peated they do so through each other.


You have now taken another big step in comprehending the difference between slow normal death and quick radioactive death.  We must again hold this idea in suspense for a time, as it has many angles and facets which are better to be completed together, as a good diamond cut­ter does, instead of trying to com­plete one at a time.






The next step for comprehension brings two words into our story which are of great import.  These words are CENTRIPETAL and CENTRIFUGAL.  Their real office in Nature has not yet been known, other than the fact that one sup­posedly contracts from the inside—which IS NOT TRUE, and the other expands.  What is not yet understood is the fact that centrifugal spiral mo­tion, in this en­tire universe, is EXPRESSed where pairs of centripetal pairs meet in sex union in Nature’s electric current, and begin the journey of regiving back to the Giver of motion.  If this fact had been known there would have been no “expanding universe” theory.  The text books say that there is no uphill flow of energy.  Centripetal motion is that uphill flow.  The cyclone vortex is that uphill flow.  The winding of the universal clock spring is that uphill flow.  The charging of your battery, your body, and the creative process of compres­sion, is that uphill flow.  Nature creates atom units centripetally in matched pars.  She causes atom unit pairs to collide and ex­plode.  There are not any atomic systems in Nature until mated pairs meet in sex union at wave amplitudes.


Look into the heavens.  Every spinning spiral nebula is an atomic system on a stellar scale.  It is made up of the dying parts of a united pair which has arrived at its centripetal maximum and must begin its dissolving journey back to its source.  That dissolution is EXPRESSed by rings which wind up into spheres.  These spheres throw off more rings centrifugally until all “wound up matter” has been “unwound”.  Centrifugal motion is the outward direction of death.  Radioactivity is centrifugal.  The power to kill, which has been generated in the twenty-two radioactive killer metals, is due to the intensively high pressure which has been compressed into them beyond their ability to hold.  As a result they discharge their death rays in metal bullets for the thou­sands of years they consume in their dying.  These metal bullets are as potent in killing you as bul­lets discharged from a revolver, and the principle of their projection is the same.  The only difference is that radioactive bullets are so ultra microscopic that five billions of them would not make up a pinhead in size, but their ex­panding power within your body more than makes up for their smallness.  In fact, their power to expand within your cells IS their danger, for expanding cells are dying cells.


We will pause again to examine these bullets so that you will get a very clear idea of their po­tency, and know also that it would be as impossible for you to be protected from them as it would be impossible to protect you from feeling the effects of the sun.  Let us, therefore, first examine radium expansion bullets.


We again refer you to your nine-stringed Cosmic Harp.  You will find radium on the 9th string.  Remember that all bodies are dying from the 5th string to the 9th, although they are trying very hard to live.  Look at carbon with that thought in mind.  Imagine its relationship to matured life such as you would find in a virile athlete of forty.  Its cube crystal form indicates its perfection of body.  Now look at silicon on the 5th string.  The athlete is now a virile man of fifty, but not his equal of ten years prior.  Silicon and silicates can reach am­plitude and the hexagon in crystal structure, but cannot reach the balanced cube.


Now look at the 6th and 7th strings.  The athlete is dying with great spasmodic efforts to live.  He can never reach amplitude again, however.  Carbon was en­abled to void its metallic quality by the union of a pair.  In the 6th and 7th oc­taves, however, that amplitude collision is not con­summated, even though five terrific efforts are made to accomplish it.  The yield has been but five pairs of metals, and their inability to create a sphere with one center of gravity, in­stead of five pairs of centers, has yielded the high pressured metals known as cobalt in the 6th octave, and rhodium in the 7th.


Beyond the 7th octave the effort to live becomes greater.  That tremendous ef­fort to compress multiplies the power to die.  Thirteen efforts in pairs are made in the eighth octave with the yield of a prototype of cobalt known as lutetium.  You may study all of these pairs of metals by ex­amining the Russell Periodic Chart No. 1.


In the radium octave these pairs of efforts are detectable on the red side of the spectrum, but not on the blue side, for reasons which would occupy far too much space to explain here, and not sufficiently necessary to this story.  As a part of it, however, take note that all of the worst ra­dioactive killer metals are on the red side.


Now, as to radium.  What is it?  Let us examine its ancestry.  Beryllium, in the 4th octave, which has a pressure intensity of 32,768, begat magnesium, which has an explosive pressure intensity of 262,144.  Magnesium begat calcium, which has an explosive pressure of 2,097,152.  Calcium be­gat strontium, at 16,777,216 units of pressure.  Strontium begat bar­ium, at 134,217,728, and barium begat radium which has accumulated the enormous power to ejects its bullets of 1,073,741,824 times that which it had at birth 9 octaves back.


Your greatest comprehension of the deadliness of the radioactive elements can come by the study of radium.  We cite radium for you can very easily visualize its deadliness by purchasing a little inexpensive instrument called a spinthariscope at any opticians for a quite modest fee.  Within it is a fine needle which has touched a long empty, supposedly used-up small vial of that very ex­pensive radium.  We cite this fact to drive home to you the potency of so incon­ceivable an element as this, which cannot seemingly ever be used up.  It may be that several hundred thousand more spinthariscopes can still be made from that empty vial.


If you look through the lens toward a fluorescent screen you will see a sight so glorious that it could not be matched except by looking through a telescope at a star cluster.  Thousands of stars seem to be exploding against that screen.  What you see are the death rays of one of the most poisonous of the radioactive ele­ments.  You are seeing the luminous metallic expansion bullets which leave their metallic quality in their target to continue their expansion, and pass through, and beyond it into an inert gas named niton, then through another named xenon, then through another named krypton, and another named argon, and still another named neon until it finds its final resting place in helium.  In passing through all these they have expanded them all to get back to the low pressures of the 4th octave.  Further description of this principle is explained in a separate chapter discussing the inert gases,  We can add, however, that pluto­nium bullets are not content to stop at helium.  They continue right through to the inert gas of the beginning of Creation in Octave 1.


The wonderful, and amazing fact of this little instrument is that you could still see it as it now is for thousands of years.  This fact should answer for you the question as to the ability of Man to pro­tect you from it after thousands of tons of the still more deadly plutonium are distributed all over the country in solid ten ton piles, and not just the wipings of an empty milligram vial.


An interesting story is told about radium when it was first discovered.  For awhile it was thought that the life principle had at last been found.  This was so sincerely believed that in­struments were made to charge drinking water with these “life giving rays”.  Such instruments were pur­chased by the wealthy for as high as $1,000.  Very soon, however, the tragic error was discovered before it became serious.  Today, however, the danger is so well known that the number of sec­onds in which one is exposed to X-rays, or any radioactive effect, are checked and counted to prevent too much exposure to these now known death rays.


In closing this description of radium we feel that your decision as to whether or not YOU can be protected from its dangers would be affected by the following story of the tragedy which resulted from a slight accident in a laboratory, which we will quote, from an article printed in your maga­zine, Colliers.  Such things are impossible to prevent.  In reading it remember that it is only ra­dium, the lesser radioactive element in that octave.  That might also happen with pluto­nium (shades of Chernobyl).


A graphic example of how fast and far contamination can spread oc­curred a few years ago when someone in a Navy laboratory on Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay stepped on a glass vial containing a barely visible amount of radium salt.  The accident was discov­ered late in the afternoon, and by the time decontamination crews got on the job 16 hours later, the radium had already spread throughout the San Francisco area for a radius of over 20 miles.

Automobiles used by students and instructors in the lab were heavily contaminated, es­pecially the steering wheels and floor mats.  Their homes were jumping with radioac­tivity.  “It was uncanny”, recalls Lieu­tenant Commander Royce K. Skow, who directed much of the decon­tamination work.  “With our instruments, we could trace the move­ments of the men just as though their tracks were visible.  A sofa showed the outline of a student’s body where he had lain down.  We traced one young father from his living room to his child’s crib.  Two `hot’ spots showed where he had put his hands on the railing of the crib.”


In a typical home, seven miles from the laboratory, a student had contaminated door­knobs, towels and water faucets.  His bedspread and pillow, his slippers, his arm­chair, a writing desk and his pencils, his clothes—all showed radioactivity.


Since the contamination had spread outside the laboratory, where it could have been handled more effectively, drastic measures were called for.  Decontamination teams ripped out carpets from a dozen homes.  Automobile mats and seat covers were junked.  Shoes which were only lightly affected were scrubbed again and again until in­struments indi­cated they were clean.


The laboratory building was permeated with radioactivity and showed concentra­tions of radon, radioactive gas given off by radium; men entering the building wore special respira­tors.  After a few days, crews went into the structure and burned the surface of concrete areas with scaling torches.  Paint was removed.  Every foot of the building was washed down.  Linoleum was peeled up.


Two hundred drums of highly contaminated objects, principally car­pets, clothing, linoleum and cleaning rags, were weighted with concrete and dumped into 100 fathoms of water far at sea.  The building itself, a 31-room structure, could not be used for three months.


Everything connected with radioactivity is complicated by its inde­structibility.  A piece of contaminated newspaper cannot be burned ex­cept in a special incinerator.  Even then, the ash must be carefully dis­posed of and gases and smokes given off in the burning must be washed or filtered.  Then the poisoned water and filters must be iso­lated or buried.”


Now, would anyone like to discuss the properties involved in the toxic projec­tions of the HIV virus?  You see, it doesn’t really have to do anything except “sit” there.  Moreover, shall we toy with the ELF waves and their origin and how they are produced?  OH, YOU THINK IT CAN’T BE?  DO YOU CARRY A RADIOACTIVITY MONITOR OF THE TYPE TO DE­TECT THE INVISI­BLE DEAD METALS OCTAVE?  I have told you that viruses are crys­talline sub­stances and have been “manufactured”.  World, you are deliberately being radiated to death.  Detection devices have been deliberately kept from you and just as you are told that which THEY WANT YOU TO HEAR—SO IS IT THAT YOU DO NOT AND WILL NOT (IF THEY CAN HELP IT AT ALL COSTS) KNOW THAT WHICH IS PUT AGAINST YOU.






Once more we refer you to the nine octave chart.  To describe radium is to de­scribe them all, for their effects are the same.  One should know them all, how­ever.  Practically all of the deadly killers are on the red side of the spectrum.  You will glean the reason for this as we move on.  They begin with three sil­very white metals on the lowest of the radioactive octaves, the silicon octave.  The first two are sodium and magnesium.  Sodium will set water on fire and burn its oxygen out, if you throw a lump of it in water.  One small pinhead of it as a free metal will kill you, but when deprived of its metal quality by union with chlorine you need it in minute quanti­ties in your body.  It is table salt.  Magnesium is the familiar flashlight of photography.  Natu­rally, its radioactiv­ity will kill you if taken into your body in its free state, yet you need a minute fraction of it as a mineral salt.  Aluminum has such a density that its ra­dioactive powers need not be feared in that octave, but in its succeeding octaves it gradu­ally becomes more deadly than ra­dium.  Its highest form is actinium, which is an element between radium and uranium.


The sodium series, including lithium, potassium, rubidium, cesium and an un­known element one octave higher, are in the deadly class, especially because of their power to destroy oxygen by expanding it with such quick death that it bursts into flame.  If you compress oxygen into a liquid and then touch a match to it you will get a hotter flame, for you have multiplied its speed and expansion by multiplying its compression.


Sodium, calcium or potassium multiply the expansion of oxygen in its gaseous form and give forth the heat that liquid oxygen would give.  Likewise, oxygen is multiplied in its heat-giving power if united with calcium-carbide to create an oxyacetylene flame.  Consider the deadliness of potassium in this respect by the following example.  You will find potassium one octave above sodium.  You very freely take carbon and nitrogen into your body.  They are two of your five es­sential elements.  If you add a minute amount of potassium, however, you produce cyanide of potassium, a deadly quick electrocuting poison.  This is an example of what a minute quantity of radioactive matter would do if added to the essentials of your blood plasma.  That is why leukemia, birth deformities and impotence will be the forerunners of greater scourges to come.  Would you say you are beginning to see this now in the form of AIDS and cancer spread?


We will again leave these thoughts in abeyance until they are more completely tied together later as we end the JOURNAL.


Dharma, allow us a break, please.  Thank you.




April 20, 2011