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MONDAY, JULY 1, 1991   8:51 A.M.   YEAR 4, DAY 319


MONDAY,  JULY 1,  1991



HATONN present in Light, in service and in humble appreciation for the gift of another day in which to serve our relations.


OK, chelas, you flunked your examination.  Charles is ill and you don’t know what is wrong—get Audrey and Eric.  This is the very type of thing you ones can plan on facing along this path.  Yes, I do know what is wrong—further, it is not important that “I” know what is wrong—YOU must know how to handle these things.  Also, you ones must learn to measure tasks and not get your­selves into such boundaries of stress that you become physically ill.


Audrey and Eric will be the ones tending this type of “emergency” and, of course, you have done the correct thing in getting medical assistance—but you should have a pattern wherein most ap­propriate service can be rendered in the shortest time possible.  Both Audrey and Eric are trained very well in emer­gency care as well as convalescent attention—let us now begin to allow all to serve in their best capacity.  Thank you.


Do not anticipate that WE will automatically tend every whim or need—the body is always trying to reach through to the reasoning brain when there is illness or pain.  Attend the mes­sages care­fully and then concern need not turn into useless “worry”.  Then, I suggest that we consider get­ting on with our “housing-Au­drey” project at the earliest possible time for it is the living alone which can be­come the problem as ones are “out of commission”.  There will be a pile of permits and drawings, etc., but it must be considered soon for you have several who could nicely partici­pate and many who could afford the care and living community.  Let us work in bits and pieces here in the beginning and then let us see what we can do for obtaining some funding for this project—it can pay for itself as a good investment.  You will need some larger apartments, i.e., let us say, if Ranos wished to live in such a dwelling, he would need room for his computers in addi­tion to living, so you will need varying sized apartments, etc.  This is only example, but I suggest it is time to begin to seriously think of these types of pro­jects.


All ones need privacy and yet, many would prefer to not tend of gardens, etc., or cannot do so—let us just feel our way along here until the direction comes clear.


You will find that miserable bouts of “flu”, etc., are very debilitating and, frankly, mimic in symptom similarity, radioactive sickness—it is something that it is time to consider in your port­folio of concerns.  Just from that which you have released into your atmosphere (for radioactiv­ity is less at ground level than in the higher elevations) you are experiencing in­creasing bom­bardment—the sci­entists want you to think it is ozone depletion—it is radiation buildup.  Face it and then perhaps we can begin to counter the situation.


So that we can understand more clearly, the problem and the workings of the mechanism of ra­dioactivity and how it eventually “kills”—I shall turn this over to Germain without further time consumption.  Thank you, Dharma, for yester­day was a marathon day of writing, but rest can come when the knowledge is forth.  Saalome’.

Germain present and thank you for allowing my participation.  The subject matter is most dis­agreeable but through knowledge is the only route through which we can prevail in the Light.






GERMAIN:  This is certainly not a “pretty” subject but of utmost value for when you find a problem—there are always counter-measures to be taken.  So, allow us to let our thoughts wander a bit and con­sider your condition.  As you sit in relaxation by your fireside, for instance, you feel in perfect com­fort.  Your room is warm.  You can go to bed when you wish and sleep in comfort.  You are not hungry.  You have good bodies and your temperatures are right around 98.6 degrees F—just as they should be.  Your pulsebeat is regular and “normal”—everything is within “normal” range.  You can arise in the morning, take food, go into town in a ready waiting car, and plan your day’s work and evening’s relaxation with­out fear of interference, because ev­erything outside your home is as normal as it is at home.  That is what you desire, is it not?  Is not this regular, even if bor­ing, existence that which all civilization is striving to attain?  Is it not a fact that human hap­piness, health, safety, property and all things considered by you to be worth while depend upon the normalcy of your environment and your human relations?


Your temperature could not remain at 98.6 degrees if your planet could be pushed five million miles nearer to the sun.  Your temperature would rise.  You would have a fever of several points.  Naturally that could not be done, but its equivalent can be done by the use of radioac­tive fission.  Your normal life can quite easily be made most unhappy and very dangerous if the town’s water sup­ply becomes polluted, or a hundred other things which could happen to you in your home, or to the town or nation, which would upset your normalcy.


Epidemics of typhus, polio, smallpox, and many other things have upset the normal growth of individuals and nations.  Two-thirds of middle Europe were wiped out by bubonic plague.  A war tomorrow might draft you out of your comfortable home, your bed, your work and your relax­ation.  Your own desired normalcy can be ended in a flash, and an abnormalcy take its place, which you do not desire.  Instead of a happy Hungarian family and comfortable home of this minute, some are dead, and some are in prison, or exiled to Siberia in the next hour.  This is true, is it not?  It is quite a familiar picture to the whole world, and not one person in all the world remains untouched by the abnormali­ties which have upset the great orderly rhythmic growth which Nature intends for all creating things, and will give to them if they co­operate with Nature in keeping that normal rhythm of her orderly unfolding of all creating things.


You could look upon, let us say, a body-builder who is muscular and considered beautiful!  Is that body perfection?  No—it is trained in a most abnormal manner and is totally out of balance and in imperfection.  The body was not born to ap­pear in that manner and, worse, it is ego seeking eternal physical expression which causes the being to seek such physical manifestation.  Sorry about that, you joggers, runners, weight-lifters, etc.—you are foolish and totally out of bal­ance and there is almost no harmony within your being and requirements are ab­solute and total slavery to the task of remaining out of balance.  Exercise for fitness is one thing—over­doing to fill ego needs for looking younger and such, is indeed foolish.  Anything which causes undue at­tention in exaggerated manner—is in the long-run far more detrimental to the emotional stability which, in fact, gives instructions to that body to function properly—than almost anything for you who are slaves to training routines when that is not your path of ser­vice—are leaving yourselves open for great pain and suffering when you are unable to meet those physical sessions of train­ing.  What you have been trained to accept is only that which MAN has pronounced perfection of the physical.


Normalcy of environment is a necessity of all Creation, as well.  For instance, Eidelweis will not be found in a low valley.  No one would attempt to raise tropical fruits in Alaska or north­ern Canada, nor could polar bears survive in the pastures of southern Florida without long times for natural changes to adapt.  If you knew that certain actions of Man would so change the nor­malcy of your environment that it would cause an epidemic of bubonic plague, would you not rise en masse with your neighbors to prevent it?  Of course you would.  Bubonic plague would be a mild and transient effect as compared with what is now being planned for the human race, for many would survive it and, in future centuries, would forget it.  Not so with radioactive fission, however, for none would survive to forget it.  I wish to demonstrate and explain to you why oxy­gen-dependent vegetable and animal life could not again appear upon your earth for twenty to thirty thousand years if Man’s plan is consummated.


It will be interesting and enlightening to again turn to your imagination regard­ing your comfort­able and safe position in the universal house of the human race and other organic life.  To aid the picturing of the position of organic life in this universe we are printing a map of the entirety of Creation for you to see it as a whole.


Look at Figure 5.  It tells the whole story of Creation, and your safe house within its danger­ous surroundings, which we will point out to you a bit later.  That safe house of yours in our universe is indicated by a triangle which bounds its walls of safety.  You will see it right near the middle of the map.  That tri­angle is the limit of your safe environment.  Beyond it you cannot go for there are twenty-two vicious killers in the far reaches of the environment which sur­rounds your house, which you cannot see.  You need have no fear of them, however, for Nature has chained them very securely so that they cannot hurt you while so securely impris­oned.  Man is planning to alter Nature’s plan, however, and release them into your envi­ronment and has done so, even within your very house.  These killers are the invisible metal­lic death rays which penetrate every cell of your body with ultra-microscopic poison metal bullets at speeds of around 160,000 miles per second.


These killer metals, which are soon to multiply to uncountable millions, will await you in your drinking water, which will be polluted from underground over the whole region of atomic activi­ties, from buried atomic waste.  They will await you in your food, for every grass blade will take it into the beef you eat and the milk you drink.  They will await you in every breath you take, for miles of it will accumulate in the upper atmosphere to fall upon the earth in­creasingly, year by year.  Do not find comfort in assurance that you can be protected from it.  We will consider that later, but you can no more be protected from it than you could protect the dryness of earth from be­coming wet when it rains.  Neither can your planet be protected from the rise in its whole temperature, which alone would so change the earth’s environ­ment that all life would be impossible.


The universe might very appropriately be likened to a harp of nine strings, with nine tones in each string.  In the diagram the strings are all indicated as the same length for simplicity.  In Na­ture the lower string is the longest.  They grow gradually shorter up to the 9th.  Likewise, the tonal positions and frequen­cies change in each string.  In every case each note on each string is one octave higher than its next lower string.  You will note that each string begins with a zero and ends with a zero.  These are the key notes of each octave.  They are the cath­odes of every electric anode.  They are called inert gases, such as he­lium, neon, argon, kryp­ton, etc.  They are the seed of all matter and the supreme mystery of matter.  In them is the answer to the great mystery of life and death.


Perhaps you may better understand our meaning by a study of your piano key­board.  There are only seven tones there.  Each eighth tone is the same as the beginning note, except it is one oc­tave higher.  The reason for that change is due entirely to pressure mathematics.  Compression pressure has reached a po­sition where the vibration frequencies have multiplied in cube ratio.  If you put a book upon the top of an organ pipe you will find that its tone will jump to just one oc­tave higher.


Like the low tones of a harp, the low spectrum tones on the Cosmic harp are of so few frequen­cies that they cannot even be perceived by human senses until the third string is reached.  Up to around your year 1926 only one of these tones had been perceived, but at that time the Russell Charts numbered one and two, included herein, were published, which com­pleted all of the oc­tave tones of that third octave.  Also, up to the issuance of the Russell Charts in 1926, the chart then in use was known as the Mendeleef Table of the elements.  In that chart hydrogen was the only element shown in that otherwise empty third octave, an im­possibility in Nature which cre­ates ALL UNITS IN PAIRS AND ALL OC­TAVES IN FOUR PAIRS.  The Russell Charts re­pair this deficiency whether or not the scientific community wishes to accept it.  Remember, Man of Earth Shan thought the sun revolved around your planet and that you were the center of your system—I wonder sometimes, if you have grown from that ignorance as


The Russell Periodic Chart of the Elements, No. 1  (SEE BELOW)


The Russell Periodic Chart of the Elements, No. 2  (SEE BELOW)

of yet.  Mostly it simply matters not to almost all of you.  If you are told oth­erwise regarding truth of functions, you simply get rid of the speaker, burn them at the stake or worse—crucify them, and go on in your ignorance until the knowledge is used by the adversary to blow you away.  Note that hydro­gen, and its octave, were shown without an inert gas preceding it.  This is as impossible in Nature as the growing of a tree without a seed is im­possible.  Also hydrogen was placed in the first col­umn instead of the fourth column under carbon.  Hy­drogen has never been suspected as being carbon, one octave lower, as silicon is also carbon, one octave higher.


The reason that each succeeding tonal note, which constitutes the elements of matter, is one oc­tave higher is one entirely of increased pressure.  You can bet­ter understand that by compress­ing some air in an enclosed box or tube in which you have inserted a whistle.  The more air you pump in, the higher the whistle sound when you open its valve.  If you tighten a wire the same thing will hap­pen.  The same harp string can give you many tones if you turn the tuning pins higher, or lower.  By the time the first octave string has multiplied in cube ra­tio nine times, the  speed of vibration frequencies and intensity of pressure have reached the incredible proportions of 1,073,741,824 times greater in the 9th string than the first string.


You can better imagine the tremendous explosive pressures which lie behind ra­dium and pluto­nium bullets by actually seeing the pressure figures.  Try it.  Start with the first octave at 8.  By cubing 8 it equals 64, then 512, then 4,096.  The carbon octave comes next with pressure of 32,768.  These are YOUR nor­mal pressures, as well as for all organic animal and vegetable life.  When you cube your normal pressures you are running into danger.  Nitrogen, for ex­ample, is phosphorous when cubed once, and it is arsenic when cubed twice.  Nitrogen is nec­essary for you but phosphorous and arsenic will immediately “eat up” the nitrogen of your body and kill you by their radioactive expansion.


Oxygen is sulphur when cubed once to equal 262,144 pressures.  Sulphur will kill you, how­ever, for sulphur is the dying body of oxygen and you cannot eat your dying body.  If you ig­nite sulphur it will consume oxygen.  If you cube oxygen five times you arrive at the deadly radium-uranium-plutonium octave with its tremendous pressures of over a billion.  These are the very nearly dead bodies of the elements which constitute the universal body.  The reason that these bodies poison you is the simple fact that you cannot eat the dead bodies of parts of your own living body.  If you can­not survive the ptomaine poison­ing of slightly decayed fish, how can you possibly survive the maxi­mum pu­tridity which radioactivity is?


The deadly strontium octave reaches the tremendous pressure of 16,777,216, and the barium oc­tave reaches 134,217,728 pressures.  Underground these tremendous explosive pressures give birth to lower pressures by releasing higher ones from crystallized structures.  That is the cyclic, or reincarnation process of Nature.  Above ground, however, the cycle acts in reverse.  Dead bodies kill living bodies instead of borning them.  That is why oxygen and the free ra­dioactive metals cannot co-exist.  That is why thousands of tons of radioactive death in pluto­nium, stron­tium, thorium, radium and the other nearly dead ele­ments used in reactor plants and discarded as waste, will gradually consume the earth’s atmosphere and its oceans if not prevented from allowing the dead to remain buried, instead of resurrecting it to kill the living.  You must under­stand that all bodies beyond carbon are dying bodies and that living bodies cannot live by con­suming dead ones.  There is a point of decay in all bodies, whether they are carrots, meat, fruit, oxygen or nitrogen.  You do not have to be convinced that you cannot live if you consume de­caying bodies of vegetables or animals which are composed of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon.  Why should it be neces­sary to convince you that you cannot live if you consume decaying oxy­gen, ni­trogen or carbon in their natural forms?  Decay and radioactivity are one, ex­cept that ra­dioactivity is FAST DECAY .


Pressures in electric matter are dominated by the geometry of space wave-fields, which are based upon the cube.  We recite this fact in passing, to explain the use of the word, but its fur­ther explanation would require too much space to record here.  We will lightly touch upon it at the end of this book.


You can better understand the death dealing speed of radioactive light “bullets”, which radium or plutonium can shoot at you, if you but compare the speed and power of Colonial musket bul­lets to the modern ones, and then multiply that by thousands of times.  Or if you put sixty pounds of pressure in your tire, instead of thirty, and compare the hiss of that explosion when you open the valve, with the hiss of a thirty pound pressure, it will give you a more clear pic­ture of what over a billion times thirty pounds would do if you could blow up a tire to such a high pressure—undoubtedly you would reach the moon most quickly when you open that tire valve this time.




Let us now look around your house of safety within which your environment is all contribu­tory to the well being of organic life.  By organic life we mean oxy­gen dependent bodies.  Within that triangle on the universal harp are only five of its tones out of its total of 121.  Those five tones are carbon, silicon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen.  It will probably amaze you to be informed that four of these five elements constitute 98 1/2% of your whole body composition.  More amazing still, all five constitute 98 1/2% of the upper few feet of the earth’s crust upon which your body is dependent for the food it needs for survival.  The basic constituent for the fertile life-giving earth’s crust, is silicon.  Silicon is the first stage of death for carbon.  It is, therefore, as good for purposes of earth as carbon is for purposes of life.


Your bodies need many metals but it is extremely important to realize two things about such needs.  One is, that out of the many their total is only 1 1/2% of your bodies.  The other is that not even a millionth of a milligram of metal enters the body in its free state.  They can be pre­sent only as mineral salts, or oxides.  Iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium and many other mineral salts are necessary, but only in infinitesimal amounts.  To indicate the small amounts of metals the body will accept, we cite such examples as manganese, which is pre­sent in only seven hun­dredths of one per cent, copper one thousandth, nickel two ten-thousandths, and gal­lium three one hundred-thousandths of one per cent.  Iron, calcium, iodine, sodium and other metal salts are necessary, also, but in extremely small fractions.


This might seem to be a very strange thing, for Nature creates only metals.  The text books give lists of non-metals, but there are no non-metals.  All stone in this universe is composed of one or more pairs of metals in union.  The stone of which your grindstone is made is the main source of aluminum, but the mate of aluminum is phosphorous.  Likewise, the stoney carbon is composed of boron and nitrogen in union.  Nitrogen is classified as a gas, but all gases are low-pressured metals.  The next octave above nitrogen is phosphorous.  It has been multiplied into a solid by one octave of additional pressure.  Nitrogen and oxy­gen are good friends in the atmosphere you breathe, but phosphorous will burst into flame and consume oxygen if exposed to it, and if you breathe it you would die—yet it is but concentrated, or compressed nitrogen.  If you multiply ni­trogen another octave the result is arsenic, and that is obviously a metal.  If you breathe arsenic vapors or take a very little of it into your body, even as a salt, it will kill you quite quickly—yet that, too, is but compressed nitrogen.






We will take for the next step the as yet unknown fact that the structure of the universe, as one whole body, lives and grows to maturity, then dies, just as man, and all organic life does.  Care­fully note the parallel.  A man matures at about forty, which is about one half of his cy­cle.  Dur­ing all of that period of time he is growing stronger and is more vital.  From that moment, how­ever, he begins to die.  His generoactive maximum is reached and his radioactive period begins.  He may still grow stronger in body but his cells are dying faster than he can keep them regener­ated.  When he is about eighty, death has caught up with the power which charges bodies into life.  The WHY of that is what you need to know for your own sake, and the WHY of the death of met­als is what atomic engineers must know.


The entire birth and growth of matter matures at carbon.  It matures as a flam­ing true sphere, any part of which will crystalize as a true cube when frozen into form.  The cold cube of space and the hot sphere of matter are the con­summate forms of Nature.  Beyond that they cannot go.  Also, they are Na­ture’s limitations in pressures, temperatures and frequencies.  Beyond the cube and sphere they cannot go.  When you understand this fundamental of Nature you will then understand WHY and HOW you and all things live, and WHY and HOW you die.  Follow this explanation carefully, then, and you will know.  As to “WHERE—you go when you die”, that can wait, but that also you will know before you finish this book inclusive with the prior JOUR­NAL.  We will leave this idea of cube-sphere limitation, and its reversal for a moment, but will return for we have covered it in detail in the prior JOURNAL.


Now look again at your chart and find carbon in the fourth octave symbolized by a cube center­ing a sun.  From that point on death begins and multiplies its power to die in the same ratio as it has multiplied its power to live.  In other words, it now accumulates as much cen­trifugal speed to disappear into its in­visible Source as it accumulated centripetal speed on the way to its destina­tion in carbon.  The only difference is that the generoactive speed of com­pression is inward from the outside until maturity in carbon, and after that its radioactive speed explodes outward from the inside.  In each case the inward speed of 186,400 miles per second is reached at the maximum point of life in carbon, and the outward speed is reached at the amplitude of the 9th octave, just beyond the transuranium elements, which is the maximum point of universal death.


What we have just stated is one of the most significant facts of Nature.  It has never been known be­cause it has never been known that the universe lives and dies just as Man lives and dies.  Nor has it been known that bodies live by fast motion and also die by fast motion.  All through these writings you will never lose sight of that fact, for it runs through the books like a golden thread in a tapestry, as it does all through Nature.


You must fully understand that electric compression continues to generate after carbon has been reached, and death has begun to find supremacy, just as a forty year old man may still be­come stronger and more vital after he has begun to die.  If you examine these elements be­yond carbon you will find that they are all more dense and much more heavy than any element up to and including car­bon.  Plutonium is the heaviest of all elements.  It is also the greatest of the twenty-two killer metals.  These killer metals are what atomic energy is intend­ing to re­lease into your atmosphere.


It is time for a respite, please.  Then we shall discuss why killer metals kill and why other metals do not.  The central point, of course, is that God, the Creator, is LIGHT—the invisible White Light of the undivided and unchanging Magnetic universe.  Upon this point revolves ALL.  So be it.


Thank you for your attention, let us stand aside that rest might give renewal and also allow time for pondering of the information AS it flows for it is far more effective in small “doses”.  I salute you.




April 18, 2011

NOTE:  To print these charts go to this link:   Click on the print icon on the JOURNAL page, print out pages 35 and 36.