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FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1991   1:39 P.M.   YEAR 4, DAY 316



FRIDAY,  JUNE 28,  1991



Hatonn present to speak briefly.  I have been with Dharma all this day to this point—since prior to the earthquake in the Los Angeles area this morning.  Since there is no way to get this infor­mation to the public in time for any reaction or use thereof, I shall ask that we wait to cover the infor­mation via Express later.  I have made a tape which runs throughout the morn­ing and have given as much information as allowed under the circumstances—the point is to keep my people healthy, not tell fortunes or predict earthquakes nor after-shocks (taken in any manner you choose).  Just pray for a bit of sanity in your world this day for you are in dire need of it.  This is a warning “shot” to coincide with yesterday’s “Airquake” and the several of last night in the same general area, with no ex­planations of same, according to your press and media.  It borders on “absurd” and a bit too much to stomach.


Since I need Dharma for personal input, I am going to re­quest that Germain write for an hour or so and then I need her to monitor to see when the news hits the public regard­ing the rocket launch scheduled from Teledyne this yester­day, then this morning and finally for this after­noon—a lot of the problems you are having are wrapped up around that specific rocket launch.  Also be aware of the information pouring in from Slovenia and Croatia—you are in the middle of the biggest power plays on your globe.  The instructions to the Soviets from the Bilderberg­ers and Trilateralists is to retain ALL the Soviet sub-states in one unit at all costs—or no par­ticipation in the IMF, funding through the World Bank and/or America, etc.


Beware, also, of that which is coming down in Iraq.  After pounding on your people’s nerves over “Iraq having no nu­clear capability” at and during the Iraq War, what say they now?  Ah, so it is, they tell you there are “many” installa­tions and some are not even being reported nor open for in­spection EVEN NOW!  Bush wants to go back into the war with his, “I told you so.”  Things are going sour in other parts of the Middle East and if you watch you will be able to see the “hands move” in every instance—even from the “non-news”.  The time is critical, dear ones—indeed critical.  You are again at “First Nuclear Strike against the Soviets” and they are warning you of what they can do and you had better listen!  I think it appropriate that I remove myself and allow Germain to continue with his dissertation on the death tools as pre­sented upon your world this day.  Salu.








I shall move swiftly along, Dharma, for I understand the pressures and I also realize that the taping is necessary and preferable to your having to sit at this machinery all day.  I note that you will find all in your area have been aware of the incredible pressure in your location for the past three days.  We shifted your terminals on the apparatus but we will require many in­terruptions for you for we can no longer totally interfere and neutralize the particle bom­bardment.  We will watch the timing so that you can relax and write.  it is truly an electronic game of chess we have going here with the world as stakes to the winner—how­ever, the way the game is played, it is more likely to be “blow up the world” prior to the game finish.  It is incredibly stupid and un­thinkable but nonetheless it is the time of cy­cle rotation when this is what happens—so, please, allow us to continue regarding atomic suicide.






We respond to your inquiries as to WHY these radioactive el­ements will so vi­olently kill when others will not injure you.  We will answer the question very explicitly for you but for the pre­sent our answer is that they will NOT kill IF LEFT WHERE NATURE PUT THEM to per­form the ben­eficial service in­tended of them.  They are all good in their place, in fact they help to create the very water you drink and make humus for the soil, which give you food.  God’s whole plan is good.  When Man upsets that plan he makes for himself that which he calls “bad”.


Let us give you an example of our meaning.  It is good and healthful for you to sit upon a great granite boulder with the sun shining warmly upon you.  All of its radiations are good, for they are in normal balance with the pulsation fre­quencies of every cell in your body.  Now if you “Bombard” that 100 ton boul­der and take it all apart, you will obtain fourteen ounces of uranium and two pounds of thorium.  If you then sit upon that you will soon die from the ex­plosions caused in your body cells.  You can also procure other met­als which will not hurt you from that boulder.  You can ob­tain 1,000 pounds of titanium, 180 pounds of manganese, 70 pounds of chromium, 40 pounds of nickel, 10 pounds of tung­sten, 5 tons of iron and 8 tons of aluminum.  The reason WHY these tons of metals will not hurt you, and WHY the few ounces of thorium and uranium WILL hurt you, is the reason why it is now necessary to know the re­lation of LIFE and DEATH of organic bodies, to the elements of matter of which they are composed.


For this reason we again repeat the great simple basic fact that all death is caused by expan­sion, and all life is caused by compression.  We also repeat the as yet unknown fact that life deeply desires to live, but has to work hard to keep sufficiently charged to maintain life, while death can fulfill its desire to die without effort.  To charge a body with life takes time and much effort, but a dis­charge can be timeless and without effort.  The flash of a short-circuit is not only a good exam­ple of this fact but is a DEMONSTRATION OF ITS PROOF.  If you will but submit this new thought to your reasoning you will see the natu­ralness, and signifi­cance of it.  Death means rest, or cessation of mo­tion.  Sound is motion created with an effort, but it ceases without effort.  It is an ef­fort for you to arise and work, but it is no effort for you to cease working and rest.  It is an effort to heat a rod of iron but the rod will cool without ef­fort.  You must, therefore, realize that all things will die normally and naturally with­out help.  That is what radiation is.  Multiplied ex­pansion means helping matter to expand quickly, and that is what radioactivity is.  The use of nuclear fission, therefore, vastly multiplies the diffi­cultly of living things to keep alive, by vastly aiding them to die.


The mystery which I will effort to clarify in this message is to tell how Man can be master of life through knowledge, instead of letting death master him through ignorance.  The first es­sential in knowing how to gain this control is to first realize the profundity of the basic facts above stated, and relegate all cause of normal death to normal ex­pansion, and all quick death to abnormal ex­pansion.  Add other details to this afterward.  Do not say that he died of arsenic poisoning, for there is no poison in the purposeful things of Nature, which must fulfill their purposes.  He died of abnormal expansion due to contacting a higher volt­age electric current than his body could stand.  That was the cause of his death.  It was radioactive electrocution, not poisoning.


It is not greatly different from contracting a disease within a body who is host to the HIV virus.  The virus causes invasion and inefficiency of the natural im­mune sys­tem.  Then when the body is weakened, it is easily attacked by other forms of “infection” or “infestation” re­sulting in over­whelming by organisms or toxins thereof which cause ab­normal expansion due to contracting a higher volt­age elec­tric current than his body can tolerate.  It comes down to radioactive electro­cution, not poisoning from the toxins di­rectly.  This might give some of you “cure” hunters a hint of what is going on in this disease mechanism.  The HIV virus itself is a very hypofrequency structure which causes only immune deficiency.  The body simply cannot, finally, ward off infec­tions of other sources.  The fact that the ma­jor disease association is that of Kaposy’s sarcoma indi­cates a high frequency cancer-causing toxin release within the body system.


This example will apply to all radioactive effects which we shall describe herein.  The lethal dose of radioactive ema­nation which killed the laboratory worker heretofore men­tioned, was not a poison, nor was it a chemical death.  He died by electrocution, slow electrocution which con­sumed two weeks of time to slowly expand enough to kill.  ANY OF YOU DEALING WITH “AIDS” WILL NOTE THAT THE SYMPTOMS OF ILLNESS, SICKNESS PAT­TERNS, WEAKNESS AND TERRIBLE LETHARGY OF THE CONDITION SIMULATES THE PATTERNS OF RADIATION OVERLOAD, MIS­NAMED AS “RADIATION POISON­ING”.  As our last word, before taking the next simple step in our clarification, let us re­mind you that this universe of motion is entirely electri­cal.  Every effect of any nature, whatsoever, is basi­cally electric.  Whatever happens in any way stems from the elec­tric cur­rent.  To know just one wave unit of the electric current is to know all there is of the con­struction of mat­ter, or the cause of any effect of motion, whatsoever.


The secret of Creation lies in the octave wave, therefore, know the wave.  Also, it is very good if you all first be­come electricians for all other “careers” are sec­ondary to that of under­standing electricity.  We even suggest this same thing to the humanist, poet or missionary.  First be an electrician!  Know the electric current if you wish to con­trol people, matter, or YOUR DES­TINY.  Now, Mr. Russell and Mr. Tesla both knew this simple fact very well in­deed, espe­cially Mr. Tesla—Mr. Russell’s knowledge came from this identical route—Mr. Tesla used practical ap­plication.


The chemist and musician make use of the same octave tonal scale, and the clergyman who knows its rhythms is vastly more fitted to balance human prob­lems.  I say to all men in all profes­sions, and all walks of life, from the states­man to him who wields a shovel: “If you would know your universe of motion, your relations to it and your control over it, FIRST THOROUGHLY KNOW JUST ONE CYCLE OF AN ELECTRIC CURRENT AND THE STILL FUL­CRUM FROM WHICH IT HAS ITS BEING.”






I would now like to write for you what seems like an insolu­ble paradox, or an impossibility of Na­ture, but it is a fun­damental, nevertheless.  Please carve it indelibly upon your conscious­ness now, and await its gradual comprehension as other unknown fundamentals of nature will be or already have been revealed to you herein.  It is as follows:


All material bodies, organic and inorganic, live and grow by increasingly fast motion.  They also die and decay by in­creasingly fast motion.


This eternal fact of Nature has always stared Man in the face very conspicu­ously, without having been seen.  Even so great a thinker and observer as Dr. Einstein passed it by when he wrote his equation of 1905, which states that fast motion multiplies electrical potential.  Before Dr. Ein­stein passed on from your plane, he knew there were errors in his calculations and even tried to rectify some of them, at which point he was stopped from so doing.  The fact in point of Nature is true, but as it is equally true that fast motion divides potential, his whole equa­tions are invalid as a LAW, for a half-truth which voids itself CAN­NOT become an ETER­NAL LAW.

It is not to be wondered at that this fact of nature escaped observation by the senses, for Man is so accustomed to the fact that effects disappear through slow motion, and that death is con­summated by cessation of motion.  The senses are not to be trusted, however.  When you fully understand the above postulate you will also understand the incredible death speed of pluto­nium radiations which are approximately 170,000 miles per second.


The fastest speed of Nature is 186,400 miles per second.  That is the generoac­tive speed in which light waves repro­duce to create living bodies of matter.  In the creation of matter the generoac­tive, polarizing, centripetal speed which multiplies to create solids, begins with zero at the first octave and reaches its maximum generoactive speed of 186,400 miles per second at carbon, which is the maturity of Cre­ation.  This is the increasingly fast speed which multiplies potential.  It is centripetal.  From there it begins its ra­dioactive, depolarizing, centrifugal speed at zero and reaches 186,400 miles per second, just beyond plutonium at the amplitude point of the 9th oc­tave wave.  This is the in­creasingly fast speed which divides potential to as­sist mat­ter to die.  It is cen­trifugal.  Up to nearly that point the word fusion has taken the place of com­bustion, but be­yond it the speed of death is so great that the word fission has been coined to meet it.  The speed of flame by fission causes one short-circuit in about one hundred millionth of a second.  Its actual speed could be computed by dividing the speed of light into the time it takes for one wave fre­quency.  Thus we will end another lesson in unfolding your comprehension to the meaning of multiplied death before again opening new doors for still greater comprehension of the true na­ture of our universe.


So please, let us review what we have projected here.  We will make it easier to comprehend by telling it simply and in easy stages.  As a step in this direction you must know that life in a Man’s body is exactly the same as life in your car battery.  As long as its electrical charge ex­ceeds its discharge it lives and grows with increasing vitality.  When its discharge exceeds its charge it loses its vital­ity and slowly dies.  This is as true of a flower as of a man, or atom, or flaming sun.


We again repeat the fact that all things live and grow be­cause of their ability to generate enough heat to charge their bodies with their normal voltage, and no more.  Each living body has a nor­mal temperature and pulsation frequency which must be constant in order to live and grow.  Death be­gins with the slight­est upset of that normalcy.  Even one degree of extra heat beyond 98.6 will up­set the entire metabolism of man.  That one degree of fever is one fifth of his way to death.  That is equally true of everything.  Your planet already has a de­gree of “fever”, caused by ra­dioactivity—not greenhouse effect nor missing ozone.  That one degree has already upset the earth’s metabolism enough to cause many fishes in the seas to migrate into colder wa­ters.  It is causing ice caps and glaciers to melt, etc.  Actually the degree regis­ters a bit above one de­gree and rising.  Less than ten more degrees of radioactive fever will make of your planet a barren waste!


All things which die and decay do so because of their in­ability to continue the electric strain of compression suf­ficiently to preserve their normalcy.  All living bodies compress.  All dying bodies expand .  This should not be a difficult les­son upon life and death, for compression and expan­sion are the only two effects of motion and force in all this universe and we have been over this quite a few times to this point.  Also, all things in it are eternally compressing and expand­ing in alternate sequences, forever.  Your heartbeat, your breathing, and the pulsations of every cell in your body are continually compressing and expanding in orderly ordained normal rhythms, each unit having its own normalcy of rhythmic frequencies, and each one being not only in balance with the whole, but also in balance with its normal environment.


Consider a living man, in his normal environment of tempera­tures and pres­sures, being sub­jected to an electric pulsa­tion frequency of a 10,000 volt cur­rent.  That tremendous abnor­malcy expands every cell in his body so suddenly that they violently explode.  All expanding bodies are always ex­ploding slowly, over long periods of time.  We do not use that word for slow expansion, how­ever.  We do not say that a decaying tree, which takes fifty years to go back into the ground, is exploding.  If you burn it, however, the flame is a series of quick ex­plosions which will do in two hours what Nature intended to do in some fifty years.


Consider your car battery in the same way.  If small wires are used the charge in your battery explodes slowly.  You can drive hundreds of miles because of those slow gradual explosions which gradually discharge your battery,  If, how­ever, you connect both poles with a large wire and touch the ends together you discharge the whole battery instantly.  A brilliant flash of in­tensely hot flame appears from an envi­ronment which was cold.  That is what radioactivity is.  It multiplies the frequencies of slow, invisible radiation to fast visible radioactive fusion.


If, for another example, you wind a tungsten wire with silk, then pass a hundred thousand volt current through it in a vacuum tube, you will see a brilliant white flash of in­tensely white hot light which lasts for only about one mil­lionth of a second.  That light is so hot that it instantly ex­plodes the tungsten.  Nothing but helium gas remains in the tube.  Also those radioactively mul­tiplied voltage fre­quencies are so quick that the silk thereat has not even been singed.


Fix in your mind the primary fact that flame and radioactiv­ity are one....Flame is quick death al­ways.  Coal dies slowly by slow loss of heat while in the ground.  It takes thousands of years to radiate itself away, while flame does it in an hour.  If you multiply the frequencies of flame you are, likewise, multiplying its power to quicken the death of anything.  A sulphur match will not produce a hot flame.  It will burn wood slowly but it will not set iron on fire.  The hotter flame of the acetylene torch will set iron on fire, however, but it will not set granite or concrete on fire.  How did you think an oxyacetylene torch cut through metal?  If you multiply the radioactive power of flame still more, by making an oxyacetylene flame, you can then electrocute granite or concrete.  It will burst into flame and slowly disappear.


These great radioactive and heat-multiplied frequencies are nothing, however, as compared to the intense heat which nu­clear fission produces with plutonium, barium, radium and other ra­dioactively explosive elements.  They are a far cry from the flame power produced by the sul­phur match.  These elements have made a match for Man which has produced a heat so great, and so quickly, that it has utterly destroyed mil­lions of tons of rock deep down in an island and va­porized other millions of tons of sea water in a millionth of a sec­ond.  The heat thus so time­lessly generated is greater than the hottest part of your sun.  That is what we mean by de­scribing radioactivity as quick death.


If it could be possible to transport a hundred ton lump of the sun to your earth it would drop through it as readily as a bullet penetrates the atmosphere.  Call it radioactivity, fission, fusion or what you will, its principle in Nature is the re­lease of a frozen body from its imprisonment by re­leasing its binding tensions.  It is the relaxing principle of Nature.  It is the restoration of tense matter to its Natural state of equilibrium.

Let us have a break before we continue with how radioactiv­ity kills.  Thank you for your time out of this day busy with other life matters.  This is absolutely necessary in­formation if you are to understand how deadly the games are which are being played out on your placement.  So be it.




April 15, 2011