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You live in a bewildering world which confuses you only because you do not KNOW it.  A pri­mate would be similarly confused with a watch.  To him, its wheels would have no meaning be­cause both the mechanics and purpose of the watch would be incomprehensible to him.  Yet the watch is very simple to you.  Its mechanics and purpose are familiar to you and you con­sider it a most benefi­cial and necessary tool.  You regard it as a simple thing to understand.


You are confused about Creation because you do not know it.  Likewise, you are confused about the Creator because you do not know Him.  Also you are confused about the mechanics and purpose­fulness of matter and motion because you do not know them.  You may think you need not be interested in knowing about matter and motion because it seems difficult, but you MUST know their cause, and that is very simple.  Without this knowledge, you are like a ship without a navi­gator.


You MUST come into knowing of your universe for your body, which you are building, is one unit of it.  You must know how to control it.  You also must know it for what it is instead of what you think it is.  When you become fa­miliar with it as being but certain states of mo­tion, you must know that those states of motion are wave-records of your desires just as a pic­ture is the record of the painter’s desire.


A manufacturer produces a better product in the measure of his knowledge of this product.  Your body is as much your product as the products of a factory.  Millions of years of your de­sire produced it.  In one minute the desire of your will can alter its entire structural balance in either direction—toward life or death without the slightest physical action upon your part.


The medical profession can make enormous strides in its great service to man by starting upon a basis of greater knowledge of CAUSE of the countless effects it encounters.  In its search for CAUSE of effects in matter, its beginnings should be in a greater knowledge of motion, which mat­ter is, and the relation of Mind to motion which controls body structure.


It is for this reason that we must talk in simple language while taking matter apart to see how and why it works, just as we have to take the watch apart for the same reason.  The need for simple language is great because the things which shall be told to you about motion need the re­placing of old concepts with new ones.  These new concepts must become new foundations for com­prehension of things not yet known or even dreamed of in Nature.

All mankind is still in as primate a stage concerning the CAUSE and PUR­POSEFULNESS of all effects of motion as the early Man to whom you are trying to explain the watch.  You would have to explain one thing after another to him in the simplest words, about the wheels, the gears, the central shaft and its extensions, before he even faintly comprehended its mecha­nism.  Even then, he would know nothing of its motivating force nor the principle of time it­self.  No matter how simple your words would be, you would find it very difficult to make the thing which is so simple to you seem simple to him.  You would find yourself using the sim­plest kind of words as though you were talking to a child.


This is what we have been doing in order to lay a simple foundation for the motivating Spirit in the still center of the universal shaft from which all power is extended for its cycles of di­vided and multi­plied power.  All wheels are geared through each other to manifest the tick-tick of the heartbeat of the universe which spells out the time sequences of every action-re­action of Cre­ation Therefore, every part of the watch is dependent on every other part.


And so it is that we must find simple words and simple examples to explain fully to you the tick-tick of the divided universe of time and space which has one tick on each side of every equator to balance each other’s un-balanced con­dition and repeat it upon the other side of the equator as the other tick of the cosmic pendulum.  We do not ever intend to present insult to intelligence but if you are to learn something totally new—you must begin at the beginning.










The universal pump would not continue to unfold this appearing-disappearing two-world uni­verse if it were not for that interchange of motion from one side of an equator to the other as long as the energy of DESIRE divides the undi­vided still Light into pairs of moving lights.


Suppose that, instead of using the words “appearing-disappearing” universe in the above para­graph, we used the words “living-dying”universe—or “growing-decaying”—or “generating-degen­erating”—or “compressing-expanding”—or “polarizing-depolarizing”—or “charging-discharg­ing” or “centripetal-centrifugal” universe.


No matter which pair of words used, they would all have the same meaning—explicitly.  They are, all of them, the compression-expansion strokes of the pis­ton which pumps opposite pressures FROM EACH OTHER TO MAKE BOD­IES SEEM TO APPEAR OUT OF NOTH­ING AND THEN DISAPPEAR INTO THAT SEEMING NOTHING WHICH IS THE ETERNAL REALITY OF ALL SEEMING.


It is not helpful to talk abstractly about REALITY and UNREALITY.  These phrases, and many like them such as the divided and the undivided, the physical and the spiritual or mortal mind and divine Mind, are commonly used, but if most people were pinned down with the neces­sity of explaining them to some­one who “wanted to know”, they would find themselves in a quandary.  But you who are acquiring this knowledge will be able to explain all of such phrases as you become better acquainted with “KNOWLEDGE”.


Knowing what they mean gives you a supremacy of power over all things, of your own body as well as the universal body, of cultural things as well as physical, for out of the rhythms of the divided universe comes the expression of all of the arts—and from the undivided Light comes the Soul of idea which is extended to cultural and intellectual expression in the arts.  Likewise, your knowledge of the secrets which lie hidden within the wave gives you mastery of universal mechanics, mathematics and en­ergy expression.  Conversations are too much filled with abstractions and affirmations without comprehension of their meaning.

Recall what so many have called the great mystery of how solid and liquid bodies emerge from space and are swallowed up again by it, which means how the divided universe emerges from the undivided Light of Mind .  Meditate upon this thought for a while.


We are not trying to make you look upon Nature more simply, but we are try­ing to make you look upon life and death more simply—as simply as you look upon sound and silence.  WE ARE TRYING TO MAKE YOU KNOW THAT YOU CANNOT DIE.  MOREOVER, IF YOU CANNOT DIE THEN YOU MUST COME INTO UNDERSTANDING OF THE JOURNEY OF LIFE-STREAM.


When you breathe in, you are manufacturing your body because you desire to live.  When you breathe out, you are destroying your body because you desire to die.  You desire to die just as much as you de­sire to live.  Do not be too hasty in denying this.  Think about it for a while.  Let us think about it to­gether and see if true thinking of Nature is not better than false thinking.






Let us think about life and death again but let us not use those two words which had such a hopeful-dreadful connotation.  Let us absolutely forget that pair of words by substituting in­stead the words MOTION and REST.  And when you think of motion, think of it as being di­vided—and of rest as being undivided and undivisible.


Recall what we have said about DESIRE itself being divided into two opposite expressions of energy—the desire to concentrate and the desire to decentrate.  When you desire to manifest an idea at rest in your Mind, you concentrate your thinking by setting it in MOTION.  You con­tinue to multiply that MOTION until you focus it into an imaged BODY of that invisible idea.  In other words, you wind up something which was invisible until it becomes visible.  You gener­ate a condition called solidity.  Then what do you do?  You decentrate your thinking by setting your brakes against that multiplication of MOTION.  MOTION then decelerates until it comes to REST in the idea from which it started.  In other words, you unwind that which you have made visible until it becomes invisible.  You radiate motion into “space” by stopping thinking to find that stillness in the “Kingdom of Heaven” which is within you.


Again I repeat the principle that all MOTION starts from a point of REST, seeks a point of REST, and returns to the equilibrium of REST from which it sprang.  Motion starts cen­tripetally to wind up into formed bodies—and ends centrifugally to unwind them into zero.


Perhaps we may now formulate a definition of Creation based upon the above as follows:




Deep thought upon this idea should reveal to you that LIFE is but desire for MOTION—and DEATH is desire for REST from MOTION in God’s zero uni­verse.  Likewise, both LIFE and DEATH are but bodies of thoughts formed in the image of thoughts which come and go in thinking-Mind forever.  The greater the vitality which generates power to multiply motion, the greater is your ability to mani­fest LIFE in your body—but the moment you divide that power by depolarization or fatigue, or anything whatsoever which reduces the power of your body cells to pump vigorously, that mo­ment you express DEATH of body.


Now consider your desire in the morning to get into action and to express that power vitally all day.  Doyou not equally desire to cease from action at night to relax—then still later to cease even the action of thinking by fully resting in sleep?


If you will weigh them both in your thoughts, you will find that the desire for REST is equal to the desire for MOTION.  REST is the direction of DEATH from which LIFE is reborn, for every condition in Nature borns its opposite condition.


Your desire to breathe in is equalled by your desire to breathe out—but when you breathe in, you compress to express LIFE by acceleration of motion—and when you breathe out, you ex­pand to express DEATH by deceleration of mo­tion.


When you breathe in, you CREATE your body.  When you breathe out, you DESTROY your body.  Your body APPEARS from the invisibility of REST—and DISAPPEARS from the visi­bility of motion.  You are perpetually living and dying—growing and decaying—generating and radiating—moving and resting.  Your body GROWS from multiplication of motion which charges it with power.  It DE­CAYS from division of motion which discharges that power.  It GENERATES and RADIATES for the same reason that it LIVES and DIES, and the desire for each is equal.  Neither can be without the other.  Each is born from the other simultane­ously, then borns the other sequentially.


The principle of The Divine Trinity underlies all that is herein stated and its expression is possible only through two-way interchange of motion between each pair of opposites THROUGH EACH OTHER.


When any of your loved ones “die”, you rightly feel a great sense of grief and loneliness.  All the knowledge in the world will not assuage that expression of emotion.  That is as it should be.  You are, all of you, actors in the Divine Drama of Creation and if its actors did not ex­press emotions which are appro­priate to the lines of the play, they would be useless and pur­poseless actors.


Grief, suffering, loneliness and kindred emotions are as purposeful in the Di­vine Drama of Life as joyfulness, happiness and like emotions are purposeful.  And being purposeful, they are good.


Sunshine in Nature would be a calamity without shadow—and an artist’s picture would be pur­poseless and valueless without both sunshine and shadow in their balanced relations.


No matter how great your knowledge of the unreality of death may be—no matter how strongly you may live in the spiritual world—you must not for­get that you have a physical body which manifests spiritual idea—and that you live in both the divided and the undi­vided universe of CAUSE and EF­FECT.


To have so much knowledge of the undivided universe that it leaves you cold to the emo­tions of the divided universe is to hold yourself aloof from the Play and renders you pur­poseless.


The greatest achievement of life is to learn how to take all things alike, but that does not mean one should become an intellectual stoic.  God’s body expresses all of the emotions and pas­sions which result from a division of gravity pres­sures into two opposite conditions.  All of them mani­fest God’s thinking and they always balance.  Storms subside—and the calm after the storm demonstrates that both are equally GOOD.  The calm is lovelier after the storm just as the wa­ter is sweeter after the long drought.


What we do mean about learning to take all things alike is to be strong in the knowledge that all things are good—and every effect is divided into its opposite effect—and EACH of the pair is EQUAL to the other—each equally GOOD.


Your capacity for joy and happiness may be measured by your capacity for grief and suffer­ing.  All of the knowledge in the world should not dehumanize you.  Your knowledge will, however, balance all opposite emotions and thus enrich you for having experienced them, while ignorance will breed fears, wor­ries, superstitions and other unnatural emotions which act as a terrible burden to your progress.


Knowledge of Universal Law will give you courage to transform the greatest de­feat which ever threat­ened you into your greatest achievement.  It will give you a philosophy by means of which you may meet the grief of death enriched by the knowledge that every experience is GOOD, in that ev­ery experience strengthens you to meet all experiences alike.


You will know that the emergence of LIFE from the universal equilibrium is not greater nor better than its return journey to the same equilibrium for re-emergence.  You will know that the equator which borns LIFE has but trans­formed DEATH into another manifestation of life, which is as endless in its eternal repetition as the undivided universe is eternal in its changelessness.


And so it is that we must still unfold to you in simple words and diagrams the undivided BALANCE of the changeless ONE and the divided balance of the changing pairs of oppo­sites which manifest THE ONE.  You shall know that the undivided cannot be divided, but can SEEM TO BE.  And you shall know that what emerges from one side of its equator is equal but opposite to that which is on the other side—and that EACH WILL DISAPPEAR IN SEEMING DEATH TO REBORN EACH OTHER AS SEEMING LIFE.


The anodes of the universe are the outbreathings of cathodes—and the cathodes are the in­breathings from anodes as surely as you, who breathe out, breathe in again to again breathe out—and as you who live are dying as you live and must forever die to forever live.


We are, then, building thought-bodies and give them form in light-waves of octave tones and call them solids of matter which constitute that inexplicable objective universe of so many things which mystify you and leave you so grossly ignorant that we write down tragedies and calamities in your lives which should be glorious with golden fruits of ecstatic knowing—and we write upon life’s pages defeats and illnesses and breakdowns where naught but your im­mortal experience should be written.


All things on earths and heavens of this divided universe of God’s recorded thoughts are GOOD because God’s thoughts are GOOD.  You may be perfectly willing to believe this statement as ab­stract truth but BELIEF in it without KNOWING will not make you strong.  You must KNOW, for knowledge alone will make you strong.


To live life, one needs to be strong in knowledge rather than in body.  Big cy­clotrons are be­ing built to do what a little knowledge would do perfectly.  That little knowledge might even save the effort of building the cyclotrons.


Strength of body is like having a fine tool to do better work with, but no tool can produce work by itself and a weak mind cannot order a tool to do masterly work.  The most important contri­butions to power and happiness in the world of man are knowledge and strength of char­acter.  Be strong and know, for life lies before you.  You have to live it.  You cannot evade it.  Why not, therefore, live it masterfully?


Now what have I just said?  Let us summarize a bit at this point.



Life is an aeons-long journey to search for happiness.  Happiness in man is an emotion which springs from love.  To find happiness, Man must find love.  The journey of life is for the finding of love.  GOD IS LOVE!


When you find God, you find love.  When you find God, you find the Kingdom of Heaven within your Self.  When you find the Kingdom of Heaven, the pur­pose of life has been ful­filled.  All else is added unto it for in finding the pur­pose of Life you find Self.


In the search for happiness, love and God, you make discoveries.  In the long, long aeons of making discoveries, you discover that what you have searched for during the aeons you al­ready have.  You never find out that you have it until you desire to give it.  You then dis­cover that you have it to give.  From the moment of that discovery, you find happiness and living the measure of your giving.


In your search for wealth, you discover that you already have wealth the mo­ment you begin to give it.  The measure of your wealth is the measure of your giving it.


Do you doubt your power?  Give of what you have and you will discover that all the power in all the universe is yours to give.  It is at the moment of your first giving that you discover your Omnipotence.  You have searched and you have found.  Countless millions are also searching but have not yet found even the path to the Kingdom.


A new dawn of unfolding Man is breaking, ready or not.  Millions of searchers for the King­dom of Heaven will die while searching for that which you have now found and yet, you can­not force it upon them for they must peti­tion and desire for there to be any value whatsoever.  You shall now, however, be able to give unto the seekers that for which they seek—the trea­sure of knowl­edge.  You are the representative of the “saviour” through TRUTH in that which is coming within Man’s places this day.  This your Father-Mother com­mands of you—to share this knowl­edge that all might find the Truth of the Lighted Path and not be lost to the evil of the journey of the physical senses.


Every Man loses his life a million times to find eternal life, but he who has found eternal life and immortality shall bestow immortality upon him who seeks but has not yet found.  Yea, millions will die, but God sends His Messengers to cause rebirth in Man.  The long journey of Man’s search for the Light will for­ever continue and the Light of Life will ever await the coming of Man into His knowing of the Light—but the agony of that awaiting MUST AND SHALL BE MAN’S ALONE!


Let us have a short break period and then we will conclude.  I still wish to dis­cuss “balance” a bit before we close the narrative.  Thank you.



REC  #4    ATON


THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1991   4:30 P.M.   YEAR 4, DAY 329






It is your sole purpose and occupation in life to create divided and balanced thought-bodies in order to have good experiences and happy lives.  We will take another simple step in the un­folding of God’s plan and explain fully how God seemingly divides the unconditioned univer­sal equilibrium into pairs of opposite conditions in order to create the wave of motion from which thought-bodies are constructed.  We will give some simple examples of familiar effects so that you will recognize the fact that you produce thought-bodies in exactly the same way that God produces them, the only difference being that God keeps His Creating Body in bal­ance but Man rarely does.


To the extent that you know your universe and your power in it, you will  build a balanced life of hap­piness and masterly achievement because you will be working knowingly with God when you do fully comprehend and practice the Law of Balance.  No matter what happens to your own little universe, you will know what to do with it.


Rhythmic balanced interchange between every pair of opposite conditions in this divided through-wave universe is the inviolate law which must be obeyed by Man and by Nature.


Nature persistently violates it and Nature instantly pays the price of its violation in its storms, tornadoes, crashing avalanches and tragedy of stellar cataclysms.


Man persistently violates it and pays the price of his violation in his crashing business fail­ures, enmities, unhappiness and illness.


All the tornadoes of Earth cannot affect the balance of Earth, for balance in the universe cannot be upset.  The Earth continues in its balanced relation to all planets with such exactness that its position in relation to them can be deter­mined at any time to the split second.  If the Earth dis­obeyed this Law by the slightest variance, its oceans would sweep its continents clear of all living and growing things.


If you disobey that Law, it will affect your balance in respect to yourself but not to the uni­verse, for God balances every unbalanced action of yours with an equal and opposite reaction until you do balance it as you sometime, some day, must.  However, as God said in His Mes­sage to you:


“All men will come to Me in due time, but theirs is the agony of await­ing.”


Dear little ones, that agony is the price you pay for your own disobedience to that Law—and the disobedience may not be willful but due entirely to ignorance of the way God builds divided thought-bodies.








Vague general understanding is not sufficient.  You must know specifically how bodies are made and kept in balance, and their every other function kept in bal­ance, for mankind is ever walking a tightrope and depending absolutely upon his balancing extensions, and it is so easy to crash through loss of balance.  The trouble with life is that all of you are continually los­ing your balance in hun­dreds of little things which almost pass unnoticed, but it is their sum total which gauges both your safety and your progress.


You must know specifically how bodies are made and balanced by equators and God’s watch­ful eyes in the magnetic poles of all bodies, whether they be uncre­ated thought-bodies or physically created material-bodies, because that is all you are doing all of your life.  What you ARE—and what you CREATE—depends upon what you KNOW.  Ignorance never gets you far.  Mankind knows less about creating bodies and balancing them, the life principle and self-energizing or self-vitalizing, than any other subject.

Man knows how to use the energy for his machines expressed by falling waters—but has very lit­tle knowledge of how to use the energy of the universal heart­beat to vitalize and balance his own body and the bodies he is forever creating with his thinking.


You make bodies because you desire to create them.  You make them out of light and motion directed by the desire of your will.  You pattern them in your own image.  The life you give them is your life as their bodies are also your body.  They are extensions of your body as your body is an extension of God’s body.  You made your own body by your desire to extend it from God’s body.  God made your body with you by the universal desire to manifest the man-idea as part of God’s One Whole Idea of Creation.


God could not create your body with you without desire to do so.  Desire of Mind is the mo­tivative force which energizes all Creation through the univer­sal heartbeat of concentrative-decentrative thought pulsations.  Likewise, YOU cannot create bodies without the desire to do so.  YOUR desire is YOUR moti­vating force.  The physical term for spiritual Mind-desire is GRAVITY.


All creating bodies are extensions of other creating bodies.  You are now, and always have been, creating your own body.  You cannot extend that which you have not first created.  Neither can you extend more than you have first cre­ated.


All thought-bodies extended from your thought-body by the desire of your Mind to create thought-bodies manifest the measure of your knowing.  Your thinking can never manifest more than you know, no matter how great is your de­sire.


If you realize the fact that you are forever creating bodies by the use of Mind-energy, light and motion—and are balancing them with the immediate and uni­versal environments—you must know what these tools are that you are using and you must know them as thoroughly and as dy­namically as you know how to multiply two by two and conclude, rightly, that the answer is four.


We have not used this simple analogy without a good reason, and that reason is that it is no more difficult for you to comprehend FULLY all of these essentials for the building of thought-bodies than it is for you to multiply two by two, for God’s working principle is as simple as that.


Science should be as simple as God’s one working principle is, but science is extremely com­plex be­cause it is unaware of that one working principle as manifested in the Divine Trinity.


Many of you are afraid of science.  We know that you are because of the seemingly tremen­dous complexity of the science you have read in magazines and textbooks.  This is a man-made com­plexity which has no relation to Nature.  That is the one and only reason you are afraid of it.


I don’t wonder that you are afraid of it.  When the ordinary everyday layman reads about the electrons, protons, photons, neutrons, positrons and newly dis­covered particles in endless array—and when he is told of the ninety-two ele­ments of matter and their complex structure, all of it couched in a terminology which is like a foreign language to him and seems beyond his compre­hension—we do not wonder that he shies from it—it is the intent of the perpetuators of the myth so that no-one can come into truth.


There is NOTHING so complex in the whole field of science, whether in elec­tro-dynamics, chemistry, astronomy or any other branch of science that anyone of the intelligence required to be a good pianist, or composer, or housewife or business executive could not as easily master.

These seemingly many varieties of particles which frighten you away from sci­ence are, all of them, the same particles of light corpuscle but seem to differ be­cause they are in different parts of their wave fields and are, therefore, differ­ently conditioned as to their polarity.  And so would you seem to be different kinds of humans if some cosmic giant photographed you under his mi­croscope one day when you trudged in knee-deep snow with your fur coat, hat and mit­tens on, then later photographed you as a water animal with bathing trunks and sun hat.


Chemistry is as simple as music.  The octave tones, harmonies and rhythms are the same.  We could teach you chemistry from the musical octave, or the color spectrum from the Mendeleef table.  And we will say the same for mathematics or mechanics.

When you are taken “behind the scenes” where God’s cosmic cinema is being played, you will find no complexity there at all.  You will find that when you thoroughly know the working principle of the Di­vine Trinity, so thoroughly that your own Consciousness is al­ways the centering zero of KNOWING from which all pairs of opposite expressions extend, you will suddenly realize that you have all-knowl­edge, for the answer to every question as to CAUSE and PRINCIPLE is within you.


  When you have arrived at that point, you will find yourself to be a very differ­ent kind of per­son.  You will then find yourself more and more dependent upon YOURSELF, more SURE of yourself.  You will find yourself talking less to dissipate your forming thought-bodies and thinking more.  The time will gradually come when you would not think of asking any other person on earth for advice upon anything whatsoever which you are planning to achieve or create.


You will find yourself going to books only for information, or to other men for technical skills, or to encyclopedic recordings which are not knowledge, but never for CAUSE or PRINCIPLE for that knowledge is already within you and these lessons should awaken it in you sufficiently for you to recognize your own cosmic unity with the Omniscient ONE.


The greater your cosmic awareness, the greater your Cosmic Consciousness—which means ALL-KNOWING.






Sounds simple?  It is.  Always keep God’s Law of Balance for this age of Cos­mic Man in your Consciousness.  The answer to everything which is good or bad in your life lies in the measure in which you practice the Law of Balance—and your ability to practice it lies in the measure of your understanding of that Law.


If you face a crushing defeat, you must know how to meet it.  The best way to do this is to search within your Consciousness to find how or where you have violated the Law of Bal­ance in the principle of the Divine Trinity.  At such a time, never seek the solution outside of yourself by telling a living soul of your problem who is not able to take your problem as his own.  Your wife or hus­band may be the only one who is capable of becoming one with you in your problems and then only if your mate is one with you in all things.


Seek the solution within yourself.  The answer is within yourself.  Seek alone­ness with your own Soul and talk to God about it.  The more you know about His Law of Balance, the better you can comprehend God’s universal language of Light in which God talks to you.  Like­wise, the more you dy­namically KNOW that principle as manifested in everything you do, the less problems you will have to overcome.  For that reason, we shall talk to you concerning the principle and dramatize our teachings by human examples as to the application of that Law to every phase of your life—from business to matrimony—from frus­tration to glorification—or from health to friendships.

You have been given something to guide your life actions which you give little thought to.  You have been given what is known as an equator when applied to earth or sun.  As applied to you, it is a plane which divides your body into two equal and opposite halves, and each opposite half symmetrically bal­ances the other half—but in reverse.


It is as though your body were vertically cut in half from head to foot and an invisible mirror placed there for each half to reflect the other half in reverse.  If you do not thoroughly grasp My meaning, go and look in a mirror.  The equa­tor which divides you is the still Light which divides all creating things but which, in itself, cannot be divided.


Meditate upon this subject with Me and ask of yourself what significance the equator of your body has upon your health, happiness, success or other inci­dents of your life.  There must be some vast significance to this one fact be­cause every creating unit of organic and inorganic mat­ter is similarly divided, every insect, plant, corpuscle of animal, vegetable or mineral matter, and every star, sun or planet in the heavens.


The vast significance of the equators of all creating things lies in the fact that the equators are the dividing planes of the universal equilibrium.  They, there­fore, represent the undivided, the unchanging spiritual Light from which the physical bodies of all things are extended.


The zero which is the center of gravity of all bodies centers the equators of all material bodies.  Gravity is the desire force in Mind which is located in the pineal gland of man as the seat of his Consciousness.  The Light of your Con­sciousness is in that portion of the equator of you which centers the two thought-extensions of your brain through which it operates to control your body.


The real, immortal YOU—the invisible YOU—controls the visible body of YOU from the equator of your body.  Everything you are in thought extends two ways from your Con­sciousness which is located upon your equator.  Your senses vibrate from that equator when your equator is out of balance with the uni­versal equilibrium, and cease to vibrate when it is in balance with it.


When you know your universe and your relations to your own particular equator which divides and controls your mental and physical lives in order that you may see how God is working with you in the unfolding of your destiny every mo­ment of your lives, you will then know how to con­trol your destiny.


Never forget that what you are DOING in the divided visible universe is a manifestation of what you are THINKING in the undivided invisible universe.










Yes, you will have a different viewpoint on life when you thoroughly compre­hend how help­less you are without knowing God as One with you, and how powerful you are when you do know Him in you.


Above all things, however, you must gradually know about death.  It has been said that death is the last thing for Man to conquer or to overcome.  What is meant by that is that knowledge of the fact that what Man calls “death” is what that one you call “Jesus” called the Kingdom of Heaven—or Omnipresent Mind which is the eternal YOU and cannot die.


Life and death are equal opposites.  They are sexed mates as all pairs of oppo­sites are sexed mates.  They interchange from the moment of birth, and that in­terchange is to seek balance with each other which is the sole purpose of all sex interchange between all pairs of opposites.


When life and death find balance, they lose it—as all pairs of opposites perpetu­ally lose the bal­ance they perpetually seek the moment that they find it.


Life and death are born in the same cradle, but the cradle is a cycle like the swinging of a pen­dulum with an equator between the two from which life ex­tends one way and death the other way.


Each inward breath you take is a rebirth toward life.  Each outward breath is a rebirth toward death.  As life and death continually interchange, they approach each other until they meet at the halfway point—the equator—of your life cycle.  From there on, life is dying so that death may live, and death is living so that life may die.


There is no death in God’s universe; there is naught but perpetual rebirth into an endless repetition of rebirths.  Every opposite gives birth to its own opposite simultaneously and be­comes its opposite sequentially.


I ask only that you attend to the unfoldment of this information in patience but with diligent study and meditation for as we become of ONE MIND the entire scope of knowledge unfolds as a fan in the opening within the hands of a tal­ented oriental dancer.  Do not expect great compli­cations and complex rituals—for there are NONE.


I abide with you at each step of the journey that you can recognize of your own status and stature within the universal order and balance of that which IS.


I further bless the work coming forth for your lessons and unfoldment.  Ye are blessed of our Creator and it is the time of coming into knowledge and Truth.  May both be your gift and re­giving.




April 6, 2011