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SUN., NOVEMBER 10, 1991  8:02 A.M.  YEAR 5, DAY 086




Hatonn present to commune and hopefully bring clarity and in­formation acceptable to you pre­cious friends.  I find much love and giving among you and tremendous desire building to re­claim your sovereign kingdom.  I only wish to bring motivation—not pull you down from the bombard­ment of dastardly deeds by ones of evil intent.  Our ability to get information to you-the-people is so limited relative to the massive backlog of informa­tion that we are recognizing that the amounts seem to bury ones.  We must keep moving, brothers, and gear the outlay to the “fastest” of the receivers so that ALL may have the input as they attain a level of desire for same.




In passing through this veil into understanding you will find much which will stun your senses.  We give you some for “shock” value to awaken you—other things simply bring pain and over­whelm newly opening eyes and ears.  For instance, how many of you read the “radio” commen­taries?  You have talk shows constantly—but how many of you look at the critiques and/or even know your stations?  I thought not.  The point of the adversary is to so confuse the issues and overload the senses into more confusion so that you don’t pay any attention whatso­ever to the babbling.


I note that if Johnny Carson resigns, however, there is attention and some lesser thought given to what will happen to McMahon, etc.  How many radio stations are there in the USA?  How many TV networks and/or “channels”?  DO YOU REALIZE THAT LICENSES ARE NOT GIVEN TO ANY WHO ARE NOT IN COMPLETE AGREEMENT AND GUIDELINES OF THE ELITE MEDIA CONTROLLERS?






I have such a man to honor this day.  His name is Christian and he has been “dismissed” from his well-accepted, well-reviewed program—in fact, has been fired from the station as a whole.  Why?  Because he said that he would re-interview George Green regarding the PHOENIX material (right or wrong in content) because the people have a right to hear and respond to ALL infor­mation—the more controversial—the better.


The Jewish Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith has con­tacted every radio station and ev­ery TV station and has threat­ened to “close down” the stations if the PHOENIX material is allowed to air—-ALL!


IF George or other spokesmen are put on the air then it is al­lowed ONLY if the callers and questions are screened.  I printed a copy of the letter of demand and other literature in the pa­per so that you could see for yourself.  THIS IS THE WAY A NA­TION IS DESTROYED AND WHY YOU PRECIOUS CITI­ZENS HAVE NO TRUTH IN INFORMATION!  If no in­formation can reach the masses, how are the masses to learn that which is REALLY happen­ing?


For us this is good news because a “banned” thing is of great curiosity and causes people to in­quire somewhat—most will never know of the banning nor will they care.  But it is your na­tion and what happens—happens to YOU and to YOURS.  Do you not see that this violates every one of YOUR First Amend­ment rights?  This does not just effect one, C. Christian, for­merly of KTAR.  THIS VIOLATES YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW, SPEAK, PRACTICE YOUR CHOICE OF RELIGION AND DENIES TOTALLY, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS AND MEDIA.


There are some daring speakers who go ahead and violate the orders and remain on the air but the lineup gets less and less for valid interview programs.  When the information is aired—you have no idea how many calls are made for more information.  You are not alone in this Truth seeking and desire to reclaim your nation—but the effort is blatantly to prevent you from HAV­ING INFORMATION UPON WHICH TO FUNCTION.


The obvious is to have our own radio, TV, Motion Picture net­work, which is fully planned; how­ever, it must be realized that you have to have “permits”, etc.—FROM THE SAME ELITE GROUP WHO CONTROL ALL AIRWAVES!  Can WE over­ride?  Oh indeed—but how many of you would be able to re­ceive?  Ponder it and check your shackles!!  The massive effort at pre­sent is to prevent George from even purchasing an already permitted “independent” station—the leverage, of course, is that the transmitting “permit” will be with­drawn.


I honor Mr. Christian who efforted to bring facts and possibili­ties unto you and has paid dearly for the effort.  I would wel­come him within my crew any day and together we will find the path­way back to freedom.


You who are outraged by this miscarriage of “power” and “threat” in free America—write to RADIO NEWS, The Arizona Republic, P.O. Box 1950, Phoenix, AZ 85001.  If you are sick to death of the ADL screaming “anti-Semitic” (when the Jews are not even Semites), then SPEAK UP!  This group of “ban” everything effort to project that ALL who disagree with, say, $50 bil­lion in non-repaid money to Israel, are anti-humanitarian and anti-Semites.  Are you not in­censed?  They cause all ones who have disagreements with what they are out to achieve, which is total control of the entire planet, to be seen as extremist and somehow “dangerous”.  LOOK AT YOURSELVES, AMERICA/WORLD!  WHERE ARE YOU?  IF YOU SPEAK UP AS A PATRIOT FOR YOUR OWN NATION, YOU ARE THWARTED AND CALLED BY BILIOUS NAMES AND FALSE ACCUSATIONS BROUGHT AGAINST YOU—IF YOU ARE A PATRIOT—THEN YOU MUST BE A PATRIOT TO IS­RAEL—IF YOU LIVE IN THE U.S.A.!  YOU HAD BETTER THINK ON THESE THINGS FOR IT IS YOU THEY ARE OUT TO GET.  Those of your brothers who speak out against these heinous practices and denial of Constitutional Rights are destroyed, most often by mur­der.


Will Julie Newberg of the Radio News (above) print your let­ters?  No—not on your bet!  But, they will be obliged to read your objections—and/or CALL that station and every other one you can think of AND OBJECT!  If you write to Christian, ask that the mail be forwarded or it will not be.  And, I would ask that you give the man support.  I realize that many of you have written these stations for I have received copies of the corre­spondence—thank you—for it will be through you who act, that your nation can be brought about.


How many of you realized your nation had come to this??  I thought not.  Without ex­ception, the Mossad (the Israeli se­cret service) enforces these cute little “suggestions” for doing busi­ness—and they are the most evil, vile, soul-less terrorists on the face of your earth.  They are infiltrated into every fiber of your nation and are the most extreme fac­tion on your globe.  THE INTENT IS FOR THE KHAZARIAN COMMUNISTS TO RULE YOUR WORLD!




This is why the information is stopped from reaching through to you—BECAUSE YOUR AD­VERSARY KNOWS YOU CAN FIND PROOF RIGHT IN THE PAGES OF PRINT WHICH SLIPPED BY THEM!!  IT IS UP TO YOU!  It is the mark of the evil adversary to deny you access to the Truth for they know when you have Truth you will also find freedom—THEY WILL BE FINISHED!




Ah yes, those scrolls!  It has been almost 45 years past that those scrolls were found by a Bedouin shepherd.  And yet it is only NOW that great attention and myriads of writings are coming forth with every kind of “tale” imaginable.  Why?  Be­cause the scrolls were in strict and confidential holding by the so-called “Jews”.  They allowed no information except that which “they” produced to become public.  Then recently, under demand, some of those scrolls went to the Huntington Library in the U.S. (under the agreement of secrecy—that the public would not have access, etc.).  The material was so incredible, histori­cally, that the documents were shown to scholars who could see the value and the truth of the historical documentation.  The “disinformation” spreaders are now trying to head off the TRUTH from reaching YOU-THE-PEOPLE.  Along with that deception, is coming the onslaught of hateful UFO beings and extra-terrestrials—EXACTLY AS I HAVE BEEN WARNING YOU!

Just as some day in the far recesses of the future experiences of another human civilization—these JOURNALS will be found and TRUTH will again be given unto the world manifest so that an­other lost civilization can regain and find its way.  God always gives His creations that which they need when the sequence is proper.  It is what man DOES WITH THESE THINGS which marks the civilization.  WHAT WILL YOUR LEGACY BE?????


One of my most precious scholars has given me a couple of views as they are being presented to you-the-public.  I am in­debted, N.B., for your assistance.  I cannot speak of that which you have no notion and make sense of the circumstance.  I am going to ask that we reprint public docu­ments as they are being written—which point up my above statements regarding disinfor­mation and half-truths.


I tell you prior to beginning this task, that it is a hard one be­cause the simple facts are that the Dead Sea Scrolls, as you rec­ognize their identification, gives you the entire history which has been totally changed and distorted for your eyes and ears.  Since this information WILL AT SOME TIME COME FORTH IF YOU DEMAND IT—I focus on current activities which might turn your world about in time to save your ecosystems and your sovereignty as nations and peoples.  You cannot wait to be filled in on the lies of the generations lest you wait until too late to take control of your circumstance presently within the lies.  YOU ARE A PEOPLE OF MASSIVE DECEPTION AND WHAT YOU WILL DO WITH THIS INFORMATION IN ACTION DETERMINES YOUR PURPOSE AND GROWTH IN THIS WONDROUS MANIFESTED EXPERIENCE—WILL YOU PERISH PHYSICALLY OF THE EVIL IN­TENT—OR WILL YOU MOVE INTO AND WITHIN THE PLACES OF HOLY CRE­ATOR?  THE CHOICE IS YOURS.


There is such a pile of information gathered here that I shall pick some articles which I feel to be descriptive.  There will be repetition but please bear with us for it is urgent to realize that you will have much repeated and repeated until you come to be­lieve the lies—again.


This topic will need be broken into sections and if you find it boring, please reconsider setting it aside for it is so very critical that you understand the importance of these documents and how the thrust has been from onset, to hide and distort the transla­tions, etc.  The Jewish schol­ars have been working around the clock to “rewrite” the contents and as you can see it has taken half a century and they didn’t finish in time.  Now, you do stand the possibility of hav­ing them destroyed prior to proper transla­tion.  The documents were moved in part to the West Coast of the U.S. in order to have sure destruction in the earth-upheavals (with proper ex­cuse).  There are no limits beyond which these Elite will not go to deceive you—NONE.


At this point I will simply ask that the documents be kept on file for I wish to not reveal source at this time.  The documents will be copied from current press information which is going through the Associated Press, etc., to all parts of the globe according to the reaction de­sired.  I do not wish to prejudice nor bias you in any way for it is the “subject” in point which is of impor­tance.


Thursday, September 5, 1991: QUOTE:


The Associated Press, NEW YORK—Using a desktop Mac­intosh—”Rabbi Computer”—two scholars have compiled a boot­leg version of previously unpublished text from the Dead Sea Scrolls.  [H: Note from the start that you will receive informa­tion from a computer translation version—which they conve­niently call “Rabbi”.]


The first of five volumes in A Preliminary Edition of the Un­published Dead Sea Scrolls was released Wednesday, but the publisher and the Hebrew transcription contained few histori­cal or theological surprises.


“As far as the content, it’s not a bombshell,” said Hershel Shanks of the Biblical Archaeol­ogy Society.  “The significance is that for the first time an unpublished text (of the scrolls) is avail­able to scholars.  It’s a start.  We’ve broken the monopoly.”


“As far as we know, no ancient text has ever been recon­structed by computer,” [H: remem­ber the principle of a com­puter: data in—data out.  Garbage in—garbage out!] said Dr. Ben-Zion Wacholder, professor of Talmudic Studies at He­brew Union College in Cincinnati... “Rabbi Computer, of Dr. Computer, did the work.”


The Dead Sea Scrolls, one of the century’s great archaeo­logical finds, were discovered in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s in caves near the Dead Sea.  They were handwritten on parchment in Hebrew and Aramaic, possibly by a small sect of Jewish monks, and range from Biblical texts to details of every­day life about the time of Jesus.


Published sections of the scrolls already have provided in­sights into the development of Ju­daism and Christianity.  But the international committee of scholars that controls the scrolls has never published all the material, and in recent years some schol­ars have complained that the committee was unfairly restricting access.  Israeli authorities, meanwhile, have insisted all the scrolls be in print by 1996.  [H: Yes indeed, to coincide with their take-over of the globe backed up by the “religious” garbage they will thrust upon you-the-people of the world.  Through the power of “religion” can they bring man to his prison.]


But Wacholder, who is 67 and almost blind, said he couldn’t afford to wait.  So he dis­cussed the problem with Martin Abegg, a biblical graduate student and computer hacker.


Wacholder had never seen the scrolls themselves or photo­copies.  But a member of the scrolls scholars committee had given him a document entitled A Preliminary Concordance to the Hebrew and Aramaic Fragments, a five-volume guide to the scrolls. [H: Is this not about as handy as you can get?]


A concordance is a scholar’s tool that is organized like a dic­tionary.  But instead of defin­ing words, it gives the contexts in which they appear in a given document or body of writing.  The concordance for the scrolls, compiled about 25 years ago, lists every usage of every word that appears in the previously unpub­lished texts, including words adjacent to it and the name of the scroll where it appeared.


Abegg programmed his computer to recognize overlaps be­tween the concordance’s “word strings”, and to assemble those groups of words into larger and larger word groupings.


The material contained in volume one includes calendars, al­manacs and the rules and cus­toms of the priestly class that pro­duced the scrolls.

The scholar who gave Wacholder the concordance said Wednesday that the release of the computer-generated tran­script, which sells for $25 a volume, was “a sad thing”.


“Wacholder’s taking someone else’s work and publishing it himself,” [H: A very good Kol Nidre practice—totally accept­able in the Khazarian Empire.] said John Strugnell of Har­vard University, who was dismissed from the scholars’ committee last year after criticizing Judaism, “what else would you call it but stealing?”




Please note that as we move along—the “Associated Press” is owned, operated and totally con­trolled by the Elite.


NEXT QUOTATION: Monday, October 28, 1991


SCHOLARS MAY VIEW DEAD SEA SCROLLS: Associ­ated Press, JERUSALEM—The Israel Antiquities Authority gave up its attempt to restrict access to the Dead Sea Scrolls on Sun­day, agreeing to allow biblical scholars from around the world, (after screening), to view un­published fragments.  [H: These “fragments” contain no information of value whatso­ever—they are already censored documents.]


But the authority announced that scholars would have to promise not to publish full texts of scroll fragments on their own, a restriction that drew criticism from a leading critic of the au­thority’s handling of the scrolls.


Scholars have complained for years that the scrolls were be­ing hoarded by a small group of scholars, and that the pace of publication was too slow.


The 2,000-year-old scrolls, discovered in caves near the Dead Sea between 1947 and 1956, contain the earliest known version of the Old Testament, biblical writings and information about early Christianity and modern Judaism.


About 80 percent of the scrolls have been published, accord­ing to the authority.


The authority’s decision was made reluctantly after the Huntington Library in San Marino, Calif., began allowing scholars to view its microfilm copies of the scroll fragments.


The Huntington’s action came shortly after two scholars an­nounced that they were publish­ing a bootleg version of the pre­viously unpublished text of 24 scrolls, which they said they pieced together using a computer.


Emanuel Tov, the editor in chief of the scrolls project, said Sunday that the authority would give all scholars access to the thousands of fragments of writing in ancient Hebrew.


“We have now realized that, for the benefit of scholarship, this is the right thing to do,” he said.  

But he said scholars would have to agree not to publish full texts if they wanted to review the unpublished scrolls.


Hershel Shanks, the editor of the Washington-based Biblical Archaeology Review, called the new policy too little, too late.  Shanks, who has long fought for broader access to the scrolls, wants the material available for publication by all scholars.  END OF QUOTING.


NEXT QUOTATION: Thursday, Oct. 17, 1991




Biblical treasures back in news:  They contain the oldest copies of the Bible ever seen.  Their very name conjures images of antiquity, a musty yet mystical thrill of ancient times re­discovered.



That treasure of crumbling parchments that shook the archae­ological and religious world when it first came to light more than 40 years ago faded from attention during the long process of scholarly research.  But suddenly this fall the scrolls were back in the news.  One of the re­search institutes studying the carefully controlled scrolls ripped aside the curtain of secrecy that has surrounded them for years and released its copies to anyone interested.


Marcus Borg, for one, was glad.


Borg is a professor of religious studies who teaches at both Oregon State University and the University of Oregon.  An in­ternationally known scholar on Jesus, he is national chairman of the Historical Jesus Section of the Society of Biblical Literature, the oldest and largest asso­ciation of biblical scholars in the United States. [H: The only obviously “wrong” thing with this histori­cal research is that it, too, is based on tampered in­formation—to deceive the world—the infor­mation MUST BE SQUELCHED OR TAMPERED.]


As a scholar, he said, he is pleased that the scrolls finally are being made available to the world, rather than the small, aca­demic audience to which they have been confined.




“They contain copies of the Old Testament 1,000 years older than any we have had before their discovery,” Borg said.  For thousands of years, the Old Testament was passed down, first orally, then painstakingly copied and recopied in the centuries before printing.  Prior to the dis­covery of the scrolls, “the oldest known copy of the Old Testament was handwritten in about 900 A.D.  The Dead Sea Scrolls date back to about 100 B.C., mak­ing them twice as old, and are be­lieved to have been collected by a Jewish religious community known as the Es­senes, living around the time of Christ. 


[H: Oops!  I hope all of you will go back and read AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IM­MANUEL.  To have come from the group calling themselves the Essenes (at the time) was NOT a good recommendation for TRUTH!  Be that as it may—the original scrolls had nothing to do with the Essenes of that day or this.]


“They provide us with first-hand knowledge of a Jewish reli­gious group around the time of Jesus,” he explained.


This isn’t just important as an antique curiosity.  It tells us some important things about the Old Testament and about the time of Christ, Borg said.


When the scrolls were first discovered, “There was this thought that they would illumine the origin of Christianity in a fresh way,” Borg said.  However, those hopes have not borne fruit.  “Instead, they have given us a very detailed view of life in a first century Jewish com­munity.”  [H: This would give you more input than anything else you get your hands on—first hand informa­tion of how it REALLY was and a new per­spective on this “Christ” who became the “blood sac­rifice” to absolve you of your responsibility of good behavior under the laws of God and The Creation.  IT “AIN’T” LIKE THEY TELL YOU IT WAS!  And they surely do NOT want you to find out that fact.]

The scrolls and the later texts of the Old Testament are very similar, showing the remark­able fidelity with which they were copied and recopied.  But “remarkable fidelity” does not neces­sarily mean 100 percent exactness, Borg pointed out, “Not the kind of 100 percent accu­racy that peo­ple looking to print the in­errancy of Scripture would like.”





The Dead Sea Scrolls contain copies of every Old Testament book except Esther.  Esther, Borg noted, is the only book in the Bible which does not mention God.  [H: How quaint!]  That may be just an interesting coincidence.  But, Borg noted, the Es­senes were a conservative sect of Judaism focusing on God’s holiness.  To them the Book of Esther may simply not have been a holy book worth preserving, Borg suggested. [H: HOG­WASH!]


The scrolls also contained commentaries on some Old Testa­ment books, and documents of the community itself.  [H: Any good lawyer worth his weight in rock would know this is BAD testimony to facts.  If you do not know who stashed the documents and you can’t interpret them and there are no originals from which to work—how can you SAY “what they say”?  These ones are only in speculation about something which is hypothetical and has no basis in fact.  NONE.  My own senses hardly allow me to continue with such spec­ulation but this is exactly what is fed to you-the-people as if the authority knows of that which he speaks when, in fact, there is no foundation for the predictions at all.  But—to con­tinue - - -]

The latter included “The Manual of Discipline”, “The Tem­ple Scroll”, describing what wor­ship in the restored temple would be like and “The War of the Children of Light Against the Children of Darkness”, [H:Hot dog, now we are going to get to some really DANDY “STUFF”.  Watch out world—here comes the blast of blasts as laid forth by MAN for MAN so that one fac­tion can take rule over that of another and WHY you won’t ever be given, except through pure ac­cident and demand of God, to see and have the original doc­uments in point.] an apocalyptic text on the coming war be­tween evil, in the form of the ruling Roman Empire and good, per­sonified by the Jews in general, the Essenes in particular.  [H: This would be overwhelming Barf material except that the “Roman Empire” IS a ma­jor portion of the Khazarian so-called “Jew” empire—this day, 1991.  Even the Pope is a placement by the Jewish infiltrators as from the be­ginning—set up to pull down the civi­lization—TODAY!  You had best be wary and attend these things for these are the parts of the blueprints set forth to gain Global Control of the physical aspect of manifestation!]


“These scrolls give us a window into the beliefs and practices of a First Century Jewish com­munity,” Borg said.




“The Essenes were a sectarian movement with Judaism.  The followers of Jesus, as a group of historians today call the Jesus Movement [H: Again, refer back, please, to AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL regarding His encounter with the group of Essenes.], also were a sec­tarian movement within Judaism [H: very true],” Borg said.  Comparing and con­trasting the two is an interesting exercise, he said.


The primary quality of God, extolled by the Essenes was ho­liness, almost to the exclusion of any other quality, Borg said.  The movement was very inward oriented, carrying a sense of “We’re good and everyone else is bad.”  It was marked by ha­tred of the outside, hatred of ene­mies.  The Essenes were con­tent to keep themselves apart from the rest of the world, holding in contempt anything that was not them, and waiting for God to liberate them from Rome.


The Jesus Movement extolled compassion as the primary quality of God.  It was an inclu­sive movement, including the untouchables, the diseased and impious.  Some scholars have

suggested that Jesus’ admonition to love thy neighbor was a de­liberate contrast to the Essenes.


Borg mentioned in passing that the Aramaic word for com­passion is rooted in the word for womb.  “To be compassionate is to be womb-like, sustaining, nurturing.  That’s a very differ­ent connotation for God,” he said.


[H: Now I petition YOU: If in the face of this factual speculation and/or downright deceit­ful presentation of that which was and was translated—how can you as today’s Christians and/or anything else, pronounce without hesita­tion and in denouncement of any who disagree with the con­cept—HOLD FORTH THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND ERRORS IN THE BIBLE OR THE OTHER HOLY BOOKS???? I WEARY OF YOUR SMUG RIGHTEOUS­NESS IN TOTAL IGNORANCE.  YOU ARE PEOPLE OF THE LIE AND THE LIE IS CREATED BY THE VERY ONES YOU PROTECT AND WHO WILL DESTROY, AC­CORDING TO A MAS­TER PLAN, ALL THAT IS OF THIS CREATION—INCLUDING YOU!  I especially  confront you who tout “man’s opinions” as proof unto the children who ARE finding Truth and their path unto Light—shame is upon you for your blatant ignorance and refusal to LOOK!  Instead you insist and de­mand that “I” hide Truth beneath the bushel so that you don’t have to face your own folly—NO, NEVER SHALL “I” HIDE GOD’S TRUTH TO SUIT ANY MAN!  I AM OF GOD AND THE BETTER PART OF WIS­DOM IS TO ACCEPT THAT FACT UNTIL YOU CAN BE IN THE FINDING OF THE PROOF YOU SEEM TO NEED AND DEMAND!]




Some scholars, mostly on the fringe, have speculated that the reason the scrolls have taken so long to come into the public domain is that they contain some shocking revelation or damag­ing evidence.  Borg said he doubts that will turn out to be the case.  [H: Upon what does he base this assumption?  Well, I apologize for my interruptions but this is the manner in which YOU must begin to analyze and discern.]


“There have been certain controversial claims associated with the Dead Sea Scrolls, but very few serious scholars believe them,” Borg said.


“I myself don’t expect any surprises, and I’m a guy who likes surprises, he said.  “It’d be great if there was something wonderfully controversial in them.  There is some suspicion on the part of a few scholars that the reason publication has been delayed is because there is something sensational there.  I don’t know any serious scholar whose work I respect who be­lieves that.”  [H: With this attitude of self-ego importance, I have to admit that I just lost all respect (his words) for his own schol­arly judgment.  In other words, he will never find any writings which do not totally agree with his predisposed idea of how it is and, fur­ther, they will be rejected and cer­tainly never made available to you-the-people because the next assumption is that you are “...too stupid to discern for selves and need his `expert authority’ of what is and is not correct or right in order to func­tion.”  Do I take exception and would I stand toe to toe with this self-indulgent man of great importance?  Indeed, and love every wondrous mo­ment of it.  A human “authority” can only ef­fort to “prove” his importance and knowledge from that which is already in physical expres­sion—in other words, what is already known, be it lies or Truth.  This attitude indicates self-importance far exceeding a “mere mortal” who is obviously not as great as he.  God cre­ated man in His image and that means that each individual is perfection and power be­yond that which is physical or conscious.  Indeed, I tremendously enjoy these encounters with these self-styled “authorities”.  Somehow, however, they NEVER wish to encounter me in any manner whatsoever and effort to keep the rest of you from doing so, likewise.]


For instance, some of the scrolls mention an unnamed “teacher of righteousness” who was executed by the political authorities.


“A very few scholars claim the figure of Jesus was invented by the early Christian church, modeled after the teacher of righteousness”, Borg said.  Another theory suggests that either John the Baptist or even Jesus spent time at Qumran, and the thoughts of John the Baptist and Jesus were affected by this community.  Very few serious scholars put much credence at all in these theories,” Borg said.


Borg believes the 40-year lapse between discovery and publi­cation has a much more mun­dane cause.


“Delay in publication has had much more to do with schol­arly procrastination and scholarly egotism,” he said.  [H: Well, he said it himself.  By the way, for you little chelas whose parents and preachers have sent you so much information by which to “prove” our mis­sion wrong and evil—this man is most often quoted from the great annals of information.  Is it just POSSIBLE that there is some remote POSSIBILITY that we are exactly who and what we say we are?  We are the Hosts sent by God, with God, to attend this planet in trouble.  I suggest you who claim to know it all and yet do not even read the informa­tion would be wise to cease and desist mak­ing the children who DO SEE WHAT IS HAP­PENING TO THIS PRECIOUS OLD WORLD feel isolated and rejected because they DO SEE TRUTH.  “Age in years” does not equate with “WISDOM”—ponder it!  NO, the de­lays of publication are due to rewriting, the original writing and total deceit.  Many of the so-called “scrolls” will never see the light of day for they are original writings to suit the needs of the “master planners”.]


The scrolls were farmed out to individual scholars for trans­lation and interpretation.  Those scholars have had sole access to the scrolls until late last month, when the Huntington Library in California decided it had had enough of the secrecy and let them loose to the world.


“They (the selected scholars) developed a proprietary atti­tude, as if the scrolls were theirs,” Borg said.  “There’s a ten­dency to want to gain some measure of immortality by being associ­ated with something.  It isn’t so much that people were trying to keep secrets as they were trying to protect their own immortality with being associated with the scrolls.”


This has been frustrating to other scholars.




As a student in the late 1960’s, and early 1970’s, Borg was working on his doctoral thesis based on the temple of Jerusalem.


“I was frustrated at that point because I knew there was such a thing as the Temple Scroll.  It hadn’t been published yet, but it would be soon.  I had no way of knowing what it said, but I was afraid it might undermine my thesis.”  [H: How interesting—undermine his thesis; Truth be damned.  Well, he need not worry for the first “Temple Scroll” to make publica­tion will be one in which the party line of the Khazarian Zionists pre­sent their exact plan for the way it will be according to Tal­mudism and will have no taint of Truth about it.  YOU are being set up to enter into a massive genocide to produce “THEIR” temple on another’s property and you will insist on a return to the evil of that Temple practice—Sa­tanic ritu­alistic killing and blood sacrifice.  God does not create and then slay, torture and bleed His precious creatures.  This movement upon you is total evil in intent and YOU make it possible to come into fruiting.]


Borg has not done any work with the actual manuscripts, but he uses earlier translations in his study of the Jewish world.


“One issue that is up in the air again is whether we’re correct to think the scrolls were pro­duced by the Essenes,” he noted.  “Some of the untranslated material may suggest the Qumran scrolls were more like an ancient Jewish library rather than the documents of a specific Jewish sect.  If so, scholars would have to revise some of their views.


“The question the scholarly world is asking is, will they con­firm or disconfirm whether the scrolls were, as is almost univer­sally believed, written by the Essenes.”  [H: I ask YOUYOU THE READER, RIGHT NOW: Have YOU seen these scrolls?  Have you touched them?  Do you speak Hebrew?  Do you even know Mr. Borg?  Are the scrolls, them­selves, valid and/or actually EXIST?  HOW DO YOU KNOW ????****!!!!  Right this moment, with this question—from whom and wherefrom do you acquire your informa­tion to form opinion?  HOW DO YOU KNOW?  OTHER HEINOUS THINGS HAVE BEEN PRESENTED AND SOLD TO YOU HOOK, LINE, AND SINKER—ALONG WITH STINKING ROTTED FISH.  HOW DO YOU KNOW?  CONTINUE TO CLOSE AND LOCK YOUR MIND TO POSSIBILITIES—ANY AND ALL POSSIBILI­TIES—AND YOU WILL BRING ABOUT THE PERISH­MENT OF YOUR PLANET AND SPECIES.  THE WAR IS BETWEEN THE GOD AND EVIL OF PHYSICAL EX­PRESSION AND YOU ARE PAWNS IN THE GAME.  WILL YOU TAKE UP YOUR SPIR­ITUAL POWER IN GODNESS AND STOP THIS MADNESS—OR WILL YOU PERISH AS THE PHYSICAL EXPRESSION OF EVIL?  THE CHOICE IS YOURS.]


Borg studied at Concordia College in Minnesota, Union The­ological Seminary in New York, Oxford University and the University of Tubingen.  He has held fellowships from the Rocke­feller Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities [H: All totally con­trolled Elite institutions!]  He also has taught adult religious education classes in his church for 20 years [H: Ah, could he possibly have taught a few “errors” in that 20 years, like where his own opinion might have clouded an issue according to some prior teaching—or does this mortal man claim total perfection?], and conducts classes for both Protestant and Catholic clergy.  [H: This alone goes along with what I wrote yesterday about “British Is­rael” which is total intent to present Pharisaism and not teachings of GOD!]


His wife, Marianne Well Borg, is a recent graduate of Church Divinity School of the Pa­cific and is a member of the Episcopalian clergy.

[H: May God, in His wondrous Grace, give you eyes to see and ears to hear—for the lie bears down upon you as the tidal wave in the cleansing as the cycles fall into chaos and destruction and the blind are never given to see or hear of that which is their destruction and, worse, the messengers are destroyed and civilizations are left to the demise of the nations and the oral traditions of the elders who are all that “remember” how it was! 


Do we simply herein write of “HOW IT WAS”?]






Discovery made 44 years ago: [H: This is the party-line, at any rate, and suffices to give you a hint as to subject mat­ter.  I cringe at the inaccurate projections but this is what you are given upon which to place your lessons and I cannot help it.  Just know that I disagree with the out­lay as given herein.  So much of the “truth” is in fabrication of numbers, places and what is ac­tually being projected that I am embar­rassed to ask you to read most of it.]


STORY: A Bedouin shepherd tossed a rock into a cave and heard, not the dry clank he ex­pected, but a shattering sound.


Inside, he found a broken clay vessel with the remains of an ancient scroll.  It was 1947, and the jar he broke was the first of the Dead Sea Scrolls to be discovered.


Subsequent explorations discovered hundreds of scrolls hid­den in caves among the desolate terrain of the Dead Sea, gener­ally southeast of Jericho, and almost due east of Jerusalem.


The scrolls have been dated by their script to have come from the 2nd Century B.C. to the 1st Century A.D.


After having been buried in caves for some 2,000 years, it has taken another 40 for them to finally come out into the light.


The scrolls are believed to have been written or collected by a group called the Essenes, who formed a quasi-monastic com­munity at Qumran in protest against the Maccabees’ taking con­trol of the high priesthood at the Temple of Jerusalem.  An early leader is identified only as the teacher of righteousness, and his opponent as the wicked priest, probably Simon Mac­cabaeus.  [H: Alice in Wonderland?]


The Essenes attempted to preserve the true worship of God while awaiting his return to smite their enemies, whether Mac­cabee or Roman.  They were strict adherents to the law.  [H: Whose law?]


Because the scrolls were found in what was then Jordan, the Jordanian government exer­cised initial control, assigning the Rev. Roland de Vaux of the French Ecole Biblique in East Jerusalem to lead the translation effort.  The seven men de Vaux picked were to have exclusive rights to publish the documents.  Other scholars were outraged, and their anger grew as the work proceeded slowly.


In 1967, Israel took over the West Bank area including Jerusalem, and the scrolls came un­der the control of the Israeli Antiquities Authority.  Since then the number of researchers has grown to about 80, and the work has quickened, but still only about half of the scrolls have been rewrit—er, ah, translated.


Late last month (Sept. 1991), a California research institution changed all that.  The Hunt­ington Library, in San Marino, Calif., had one of only four complete photographic sets of the scrolls.  On Sept. 22, they opened their vaults.  Deliberately vi­olating the secrecy agreement [H: Total balderdash-hogwash.  You don’t “just open” vaults and break “agreements” with Israel, little blind mice.  The Huntington Library is a total entity created and oper­ated by the Elite One World Gov­ernment/New World Order Establishment!!!  You are going to be shown (given) EXACTLY that which they want you to see (under the illusion of broken promises and in spite of se­crecy agreements so that you lovely people can access this material) moreover, building the anticipation to outrageous proportions so that NONE OF YOU MISS THE INFORMA­TION—WHICH WILL BE EXACTLY THAT WHICH THEY WANT YOU TO HAVE TO CON­VINCE YOU THAT A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT WITH YOU AS SLAVES IS WHAT YOU WANT.]


When we free the scrolls, we free the scholars,” said di­rector William A. Moffat.  If we had sat quietly, we would have violated our own policy of unrestricted access.”




[H: Come, come—sleeple!—AND, by the way—”...the check from the Government is in the mail.”  COME ON OUT OF LA-LA-LAND AND PETER COTTONTAIL!  Yes, Virginia, “there is a Santa Clause”—and he is bringing you poison candy!]


***Dharma, break this at this point and begin another writing for the efforts are to wipe this out of the computer.  I would, however, like to finish this today even though it is Sunday and you have guests.  I am sorry, chela, but it is so important for the readers can now begin to SEE the deceivers in full action in their deadly games.  Rest can come when messages are OUT!  Thank you.***  


March 18, 2011