FRI., NOVEMBER 8, 1991 8:38 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 084
I have very little to “add” to the discussion regarding AIDS, as you will note—but you misdiagnose the “cause” of “Magic’s” dis-ease. This man is not homosexual nor is he promiscuous. This does not mean that he has not erred in the practice of moral monogamy—it simply means he “had no reason to acquire HIV virus by those methods”. This fine young man was deliberately infected several years ago and has been carefully evaluated since, in order to study time periods of symptom onset and to further set the stage for that which WILL come. What was the response of the populace? There was no indication of changing moral behavior—only “more caution” in the practice of loose sex. I have no particular comment other than to point out that the master planners are now getting ready to set you up for inoculations and total accounting for ALL persons. This is just a higher form of killing and organizing in order to finalize the “plan”.
This seems to be the public interest-holder this day and from whence comes the greatest number of inquiries. It is only one more step in measuring your time to enslavement.
Indeed, this is of great note and almost NONE of the people of Earth have any notion of that which is in point. There is surfaced information that indicates nuclear devices were used well over 8,000 years ago. In India there are, indeed, temples with deep underground security shelters. I don’t want to get entangled in that subject at this time. For you who are curious, the city destroyed by such a device is in the state of Rajasthan. As the ruins are uncovered, the area is still too radioactive to allow habitation.
As this uncovers you will find that the “aliens” and “ancient astronauts” are to blame. No, the fact that the shelters were available and the temples built with thick stone walls for protection indicates that the facts were that the information was well expected ON EARTH and FROM EARTHMAN. If the intent or expectation was to be destroyed by distant aliens—you would have had a much more surprise, with no hope of survival, situation. The very presence of the “shelters” indicates a lengthy pre-knowledge of what was going to occur. I told you that WE, ourselves, have been around for millennia WARNING YOU BLIND CHILDREN! WHO WILL SEE THIS TIME?
These scrolls will never be released to you in full format. They remain under the control of the Elite and the Zionists at any rate. I have already told you that the reason for the holding from the public is that they give historic information which will prove many things: Truth of the Biblical lies and tampering, history of the times in an accurate manner, revelation regarding transference and immortality with integrated reincarnated personages. In other words, information which would destroy the entire Zionist movement and cause immediate movement into a nuclear devastation to gain the final power—IT HAS HAPPENED ON YOUR PLANET OVER AND OVER AGAIN IN THE PAST AGES—YOU JUST DON’T SEEM TO LEARN OR CARE! This is WHY your enemy has been able to do such a thorough job of deceiving you-the-masses, THEY have the information and THEY are again trying to mass an army to use against GOD!
As a matter of fact, and now I will blow some of you totally “out”—it has happened so many times that each sequence is CORRECTED earlier in the scenario to allow for the adversary to WIN. The games only get more and more sophisticated and that is WHY, in this major cyclic change—the plans on OUR part must be more sophisticated also, and total evacuation prepared for—in case the adversary starts a chain reaction which will this time blow the whole planet to bits.
How did the ancient ones, the “Humans” (Indians by your labels) KNOW WHEN? By their records do they know—they have but to add two and two. They have the oral input and the markings of civilizations past—and they only have to add time probabilities for a sequence to cycle around to an expected “frame”. In this “time” there are a lot of Godly people caught in a “planetship” (biosphere) where the adversary has come into great rulership. You, therefore, are experiencing in the midst of great confrontation of God Creator who WILL reclaim His children and creation (planet). Those beings who are in the service of the adversary will choose their own journey but the encounter will be indeed great. God does not have any need to “punish” nor to annihilate either places or persons. This being of Creator is beyond all limitation and He needs no form of destruction of the “physical” to make His point. He does not counter nor correct the changes of Nature (Mother) for they are the Universal Law in motion and manifestation. He will, further, allow the man species to do or undo themselves.
Where comes the thought that there would be a “lift-off” of God’s people? Why would a thing like a “rapture” be thought of in the first place? Think about it and then look very carefully at that which the “teachers” are telling you. The evangelists tell you that there will be a “rapture” to the clouds, etc. It is wholly without “reason” nor “logic”. Further, it is totally without “reason” or “logic” that a murdered man 2,000 years ago would take away your responsibility to abide within the Godly laws! The most wondrous gift given Man by God was his “reason with logic” and “choices in free-will”. If you fail to use these gifts—it is of your doing so stop blaming God for your plight and also STOP accepting the LIE of your absolution.
It becomes obvious that the FACT of some kind of a “liftoff” has been done before and the Truth is known. This causes oral truths to confirm happenings of ancient experience—and WE DO NOT LEAVE OUR BRETHREN TO PERISH IN A HELL CREATED BY PHYSICAL THIEVES. He who moves within the teachings of Truth and Godly Laws are welcomed into the higher dimensional experiences and those who continue to desire the physical manifestation will be left to experience whatever comes. That appears to be near destruction in holocaust (consummation by fire). This is a description given by the elders to fit that which man brings upon himself as wars and experiences get more and more sophisticated. The ancient Zionists knew and know how the story unfolds. They simply wrote your instruction book to suit the needs of enslaving you—if you have the knowledge of that which came before—in Truth—you have but to change the scenario to suit the desired outcome. This that is expected is what is called in some circles—HELL. “Good” or “bad” have no meaning except as perceived by individuals and societies. Godliness and Evil DO EXIST. One is the direction by guidelines of behavior which God lays forth to maintain balance and harmony. Evil is a thing produced by physical man and can only exist in the physical compression. Ponder it for I have taken hundreds of pages to explain it and I trust you will search out such a message of importance.
At any rate, I do not wish to further discuss the Dead Sea Scrolls at this time, either. You have plenty of things to note which are right under your noses and you have missed them.
Name some? Please, chelas, you do try my patience.
Ok, you continue to barrage me with inquiries about your “money”. When will “they” change the currency? What do I mean by a “cashless” society? How long do we have to set aside assets and how can we “keep” them in value? IF YOU WOULD KEEP UP WITH THAT WHICH IS DONE BY YOUR GOVERNMENT—YOU WOULD KNOW AND WOULD HAVE NO NEED TO ASK ME! I have, however, given you ways in which I see some possibility of sustaining a bit longer—perhaps not in “perfection” but with the knowledge that all “other” things will fall. I have no interest in your “money” nor your “assets”—I do have interest in building enough industries to get you through a time of devastation—in physical form and with some degree of safety and life-sustaining format.
But how do I note change and “timing” sequence? By your recordings and workings. Let us look a minute at a MAJOR step forward in New World Order economic control. I, further, pick at random a writing by someone in the U.S. who recognized this move a full year ago. Many recognized it and efforted to tell you about it—I TOLD YOU ABOUT IT AT THE TIME, ALSO, BUT IT WAS MORE IMPORTANT TO DENOUNCE OUR WORK.
Dharma, I will quote from this short writing but as I have so many of such similarity, I shall leave it unnamed. The information is already obsolete at any rate for a year has passed. However, had you taken this to heart at the moment instead of tying yellow ribbons on the old oak trees—you would be ahead of the game at this point. This short article has just been sent to this location as confirmation and I will share it for the same purpose.
In Late November (1990), while everyone’s attention was riveted on the crisis in the Persian Gulf, Congress passed (and President Bush signed) Public Law 101-647. It was another step along the road toward the “New World Order” of economic control.
Title I of P.L. 101-647 is entitled “International Money Laundering”. But would you be surprised to learn that THIS LAW HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MONEY LAUNDERING?! Section 101 orders a study to be made regarding the uses made of Currency Transaction Reports (itself worth a lengthy discus sion, but I’ll have to resist the temptation for now).
Section 102 is much more interesting. It is entitled “Electronic Scanning of Certain United States Currency Notes”. This law establishes a special task force to:
(A) study methods of printing on United States currency notes...in denominations of $10 or more a serial number on each such United States currency note that may be read by electronic scanning.
(B) make an assessment of the cost of implementing such electronic scanning of such United States currency notes; and
(C) make recommendations about the amount of time needed to implement such electronic scanning.”
In case you missed the significance of all this, let me clarify. What this law does is to ring the death knell of cash, of financial privacy, of financial freedom, and the sanctity of personal property. Let me explain:
In any economic system cash is the ultimate expression of personal property. It provides a store of your excess labor (cash in your pocket represents your hard labor!); it can be traded for other goods and services; it gives the holder financial privacy and freedom. When ANY government tampers with or changes the money (as Roosevelt did in 1933 when he outlawed gold money), it is attacking the sanctity of personal property, invading your privacy and restricting your most critical freedom. After all, political freedom is irrelevant if you have no economic freedom.
The immediate practical result of P.L. 101-647 (if the recommendations of the Task Force are adopted by Congress—and they will be) would be the tracking of all cash transactions. This means at the local K-Mart or Sears or Albertsons any clerk could use a laser scanner to scan your cash, thereby recording how much you spent, where you spent it, when you spent it, and what you spent it for! Complete loss of privacy in your financial dealings! Welcome to THE NEW WORLD ORDER!
Moreover—the scanners are already in place in hundreds of thousands of outlets and already programmed awaiting the order to “begin”. Some places already are scanning the bills as they are placed in the cash receptacles. The fibers within the higher denominations are immediate identification and do their “own scanning”.
So what do you do to survive the New World Order? If the New World Order comes upon you and your Constitution is set aside as the plans are laid—YOU WON’T SURVIVE THE NEW WORLD ORDER—YOU WILL BE CAUGHT AND BURIED IN IT .
The New World Order is upon you as a train at full throttle, and, as this P.L. 101-647 illustrates, it is not a friend of those who cherish economic freedom, financial privacy, and the sanctity of personal property. It, further, gets harder and harder to begin a program such as we outlay in PRIVACY IN THE FISHBOWL, etc. It is, however, that our accommodations are still somewhat available and the methods of finding privacy still workable. Every passing day, however, the opportunities are shut down in many areas to prevent your slipping away. There is still PLENTY that you can do if you are willing to act boldly and only if you are willing to “change” the way you handle your financial affairs, and ignore the official voices of complacency that sing to you that “All is well, go back to sleep; ignore the wolves, be good little sheep!”
For that which you will HOLD as cash, I suggest no more than $1,000 per adult in large bills—i.e., $50’s and $100’s. You will have to give REASONS for holding more and the overage will be probably confiscated. If you have a corporation you will be able to account for MORE QUANTITY for the assumption will be that you “do business” but it will need accounting also—but on a different standard of acceptability. Probably around $3,000 per corporation will be unquestioned greatly.
Note that the forms are already printed and available for currency exchange as is the currency itself. The forms bear mandatory reporting of amounts of exchange over $3,000. The point at onset will be to catch you with the cash and cause you to pay additional heavy taxes on the cash in hand or total forfeiture of the amounts unaccounted for as being priorly taxed.
I suggest that you convert cash which you might be holding in smaller bills into “government” tender—i.e., coins minted by the Government. This means mostly quarters, etc. And/or convert to silver and gold. (Note, however, that gold “money” was made illegal in 1933 and safe-deposit boxes were ordered opened for inspection and confiscation). Therefore, it gets harder and harder to control. I suggest a couple of months living expenses in silver “bullion” and or gold “bullion” and up to three months income in precious metal.
If you have large sums of money—the evidence is that it will be confiscated. If you have very many assets you will be required to report all, taxed over certain amounts to massive extent and all available assets above a certain limit will simply be confiscated.
Many counselors recommend placing money outside the U.S.—I do not. It will become impossible to shift money back and forth and the transactions will be the first hit for the individual investor. There will be opportunities for the Elite to transfer their property at the proper times but NOT YOU-THE-PEOPLE.
The best and most secure way for some level of protection is to actually put your assets TO WORK. Invest “against” gold which is held in an “Establishment” bank and allow borrowing against the hard asset. To protect it you have to utilize a reasonable investment vehicle, or you will have a hard time making this kind of transaction and, furthermore—you will simply end up with cash to again make accounting. I have asked ones here to make available participation arrangements but that is for you and them to discuss. There must be good and viable industry to have “basis” for the exchange. Much can be supportive to the Constitutional Law Center and industries such as the housing projects which will also qualify for R&D funds, underground growing facilities which will also be supported by R&D funding—YOU WILL HAVE TO EAT TO SURVIVE AND YOU WILL HAVE TO HAVE SHELTER. There will never again be the PERFECT solution because the enemy’s intent is to have EVERYTHING you own—hook, line, sinker and fish. They even have it arranged that you will either be given the “mark” chip, or you will die of AIDS. The fact is—they plan both in most instances.
I still recommend—at the same time as practicing the preceding tactic—incorporating in Nevada. After YOU make the “loan” (investment transfer), all subsequent business is funnelled into and through your corporation which precludes YOU ending up with cash, etc., back in YOUR NAME. I suggest corporate names of nondescript nature—NOT PERSONAL LABELS. I, further, suggest that if you “share” very large amounts, that you have several corporations according to specific circumstances. Small corporations, well tended, will survive the reign of terror to great extent if ego can be separated to the sideboard. If YOU must have ATTENTION—please do not involve yourselves with these workers—they have neither the time nor inclination to further your “ego trip”.
There are some types of “trusts” which are also advantageous. I do not, however, note that any surpass the value of well-run corporations. We do, in fact, have available services whereby Doris and E.J. will list themselves as your “officers” which are required by the State of Nevada—voluntarily. They will list themselves on ALL the corporations and the records are run through Nevada as such. Then public documentation is absent your individual name as owner if that is your wish. It insures privacy and they are willing to do this to assist in returning to Constitutional Law. You ones are going to have to get off your selfish kicks and begin to “serve” one another where you can legally do so. USE the laws of the land wherein you can—with the loopholes set up for the Elite, to the best of your ability. It requires, however, that you go to ones WHO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING AND KNOW THE LAWS AND RULES. IF YOU GO TO YOUR LOCAL LAWYER OR ACCOUNTANT YOU WILL BE TOLD IT IS VALUELESS AND UNDOABLE—IT IS THE WAY THEY MAKE THEIR MONEY!
I have spoken much on this subject in these immediate days, i.e., Matthew 10:16—You must be “wise as serpents, yet innocent as doves”.
You must understand that your enemies ARE the SERPENT-PEOPLE. They called themselves by this title as they established themselves for WORLD CONQUEST. Their symbol remains “the serpent” and is used in public places as a “sign” just as you would use the Christian sign of the fish. “Wise” is not the appropriate definition, however, as CLEVER and SHREWD are more suitable for your would-be rulers.
You must understand that in EVERY instance—you are not allowed to see facts—even as with the $10 billion guarantees to Israel. The facts are that the $10 billion is more nearly $50 billion and 60% of the unding is to go directly into the coffers for shoring up the Israeli economy with only some 20% going for the housing. We have, or will, give you input on that subject from outside sources, shortly. I ask that you pay very close attention to the numbers and the clever manipulations involved. It is the reason that Bush got himself totally crossways with the Israelis—he found out the intent of the use of the funds requested and he couldn’t find a way to allow for the “accounting” of same to Congress. You see, the Camel is already taking up all the space in the tent—even after having shoved the “master” outside to freeze.
Now who might this be? Someone you never heard of? Well, this is just a “citizen” of your wonderful state of Nebraska—the heartland of your nation. I have been asked to comment on this matter and yes, I confirm the Truth of it—Alisha is very definitely and deliberately being murdered.
A group of citizens in Nebraska is making noises, for all the good it seems to be doing, for citizens have “no rights” when incarcerated by the politicians and evil participants in heinously criminal activities. This is something that should be covered in an “update” of SATAN’S DRUMMERS but time limits us to more urgent material for the mass unveiling of the “big picture” from which stems these smaller incidents. These citizens in Nebraska are calling on the Governor, Benjamin Nelson, and Attorney General Donald Stenburgh to intervene in the case of Alisha Owen. This person was convicted and jailed on charges of “perjury”. The group of protestors claim she is being deliberately poisoned.
Owen had been told to recant her testimony, but refused, identifying prominent individuals of the Nebraska establishment as participants in an organized child abuse and satanic network. The network involved Larry King (yep, same old Larry) who “allegedly” provided child prostitutes for attendees of a Republican Party National Convention, and the failed Franklin Credit Union, and was the subject of an investigation by a special state Senate committee. How many of you heard about this on “Larry King Live”? Have you wondered why there is such a “party line” and screened phone calls into that CNN program? Well, where there is “smoke”, dear ones, there is almost always some amount of “fire”. I make no comment on the case except to show you how little recourse a citizen has in such instances.
Owen, while jailed, is showing all the signs of poisoning; hair loss, “blue-moon” fingernails, spontaneous bleeding—increasing and now unpreventable hemorrhaging blood clots from her nose.
Ah, but there is more—indeed! It all is swirling around Sen. Robert Kerrey. You know, that nice Senator who went to Asia to check into the POW/MIA situation? Well, lo and behold, the citizens who are witnessing this Nebraska disgrace happening, without recourse, in front of their faces, fear that with Sen. Robert Kerrey’s announcement of his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination, there are increased efforts afoot to bury the scandal. Kerrey, formerly Nebraska’s governor, is backed by Warren Buffett of SALOMON BROTHERS, a very wealthy and powerful figure allegedly tied to the network. Yes, this is THE SAME Salomon Brothers involved in the “flipping” activities with the Savings & Loans, specifically in the case of Dharma, Santa Barbara Savings and Loan Association. There are no longer any “little fish”—YOU ARE THE LITTLE FISH BEING SERVED UP FOR THE DINING PRIVILEGES OF THE “BIG FISH”.
How much help do you-the-people think will come from the Governor and Attorney General of Nebraska???
Now I ask YOU—do you or do you not need a Constitutional Law Center big enough to help? Well, it is up to you-the-people. As is, even the Court of Last Resort, which is also now established and becoming a functioning entity, cannot act quickly enough to stop this type of incredible murder and abuse of citizens who speak out against the evil system. YOU ones are going to have to raise up in mass, support these ones in their pursuit of regaining Constitutional Law and attending the innocent victims of the vipers. We can establish all manner of avenues for assistance—BUT YOU MUST TAKE THE ACTION AND SUPPORT THOSE WILLING TO “SERVE” FOR THEY “RISK IT ALL” FOR YOU AND THIS NATION IN ITS DEATH THROES. IT IS UP TO YOU, AMERICA!
If you ones fail to open your ears and eyes and see that which is upon you, I have nothing to offer. I repeat—it is up to you, America! What will you do?
As I close this segment, just let me share one other chilling note with you readers. It comes from the Thursday, November 7 (yesterday), 1991 Wall Street Journal.
CHILLING TAPES SHOW HOW SOLDIERS DIED IN “FRIENDLY FIRE”; Ordered to `Take ‘em Out’, Colonel Finally Shoots—And Kills Two of His Own.
At 12:56 a.m. on Feb. 17, Cpl. Jeffery Middleton, 23, and Pvt. Robert D. Talley, 18, are parked in their armored vehicle in the Iraqi desert. They have four minutes to live. [H: I want you to check on the name “Talley”, please.]
At that moment, a ground commander radios to a helicopter above the desert. “Can you engage those two vehicles?”
Helicopter: “Roger, I can shoot those easy.”
Ground commander: “Go ahead, Take them out.”
The resulting explosion reduces the Bradley fighting vehicle to molten rubble three feet high, shoots flames 100 feet into the sky—and is still reverberating, because all the soldiers involved were American. Cpl. Middleton and Pvt. Talley were two of 35 American soldiers killed by “friendly fire” during the Iraq War, and the helicopter gunner and mission leader who pulled the trigger, Lt. Col Ralph Hayles, was the only American disciplined in the deaths. [H: Now do some of you doubting Thomases begin to see a bit more clearly that there was no intent of allowing anyone to return to the states as alive and free, who would tell the truth? Ones who saw and understood the awful lies were simply killed and there are so many of them that you cannot count the dead and you will NEVER be told how many!]
Col. Hayles, a 20-year veteran who was the subject of a front-page article in this newspaper on Sept. 10, was stripped of command and retired. The Army says that’s not because of the deaths, but because an officer of his rank should have been managing, not shooting.
Now videotapes from the internal recorders of the attacking helicopters—from infrared night vision cameras—shed more light on the incident. They also show another side to the precise, high-tech battle characteristic of the Iraq War—a tale of flawed technology and human error. “Things weren’t as glorious as they led people to believe,” says Cpl. Middleton’s mother, Joyce. “This high-tech system outdid itself,” adds her husband, Bill. “They sure can shoot good, but they can’t see if it’s a cow or a coyote.”
The tapes show that Col. Hayles hesitated to fire—he says he feared the vehicles might be friendly—but was ordered to shoot. But he says the tapes don’t change anything for him. “I never want to fly again. I killed two good men on my last flight,” says the 42-year-old officer, who had won rave reviews from superiors for molding the First Infantry Division’s Apache helicopter battalion into one of the Army’s most highly disciplined units. Pentagon officials decline comment on the tapes.
The alert came in at 12:15 a.m. on Feb. 17. Amid a blinding sandstorm, First Division’s headquarters gets word that enemy armor might be threatening an American armored column. In fact, pilots on the mission say later that they doubt there were any Iraqi vehicles to begin with; they say the U.S. armored troops, confused in the sandstorm, simply mistook others in their own column for the enemy and called in the air support. The armored commanders won’t comment.
Three AH-64 Apache attack helicopters, wasp-like war machines fit for science fiction, launch at 12:22 a.m. The six-foot-two Col. Hayles is in the lead. The recorders are stuffed inside the helicopters’ eight-ton mass near the silver-suited pilot and co-pilot. Mounted outside are 16 Hellfire missiles, each capable of burning through any armor. The 30 mm cannon can fire 600 rounds per minute.
The helicopters hover over a line of more than a dozen U.S. armored vehicles stretching east and west, facing north. The more distant vehicles appear as shimmering, ghostly white silhouettes on a black background.
12:55 a.m.: The synthesized, highpitched voice of the Apaches’ computers break in to warn: “Radar searching.” It means nearby radar is scanning the helicopters. They could be moments away from being blown from the sky. Apache pilots are trained to consider retreating from such danger.
“Get Rid of Those”
12:56 A.M.: Col. Hayles, code-named Gunfighter Six, reports that one of this helicopter crews has spotted two vehicles about a half-mile north of the Allied line. Despite all of its high-tech gadgetry, the Apache can’t distinguish between friendly and enemy forces. Col. David Weisman, code-named Iron Deuce Six, commander of the armored vehicles positioned underneath the Apaches, gives the order from headquarters to “take them out”. [H: Any of my crew sick yet? Confirmation is painful but it can only be worthy of the ones who pay the ultimate price, to have honor for those who are the targets—can you not see it clearly?]
12:57 a.m.: Col. Weisman, urgency building in his voice: “Let’s go ahead and shoot those, get rid of those.”
12:58 a.m.: Col. Hayles tries to fire a burst from this 30 mm cannons. “The gun jammed. Son of a bitch.”
Col. Weisman: “Go ahead and take ‘em out.”
12:59 a.m.: “Boy, I’m going to tell you, it’s hard to pull this trigger,” Col. Hayles says.
Chief Warrant Officer Larry LeBlanc, Col. Hayle’s co-pilot, steadies the Apache and helps zero in on the targets. “There you go”, he says, “Now, do the mother - - -”.
I’ll be firing in about 10 seconds,” says Col Hayles.
Chief LeBlanc: “Okay, do ‘em.”
But Col. Hayles hesitates for another half-minute.
Chief LeBlanc urges him on again. “We’re ready, Do ‘em.”
1 A.M.: Col. Hayles pulls a red trigger. The infrared screen shows the Hellfire’s six-second flight. It rises in a 400-yard-high arc before diving through the top of a Bradley fighting vehicle. The Apache viewer glows with the explosion. The vehicle now appears in pieces spread out over about 50 yards.
Col. Hayles: “Gunfighter Six. Completely destroyed the first target.” Soldiers later reported the Bradley gushed molten chunks of armor for hours. Cpl. Middleton and Pvt. Talley died; the three other crewmen escaped.
Chief LeBlanc: “Let’s go.”
Col. Hayles: “I’m going to shoot the second one. It’s fixing to go away.”
Chief LeBlanc “Let’s do ‘em. This Bud’s for you.”
1:01 a.m.: A Hellfire strikes the second target, an M-113 armored personnel carrier parked just a few yards from the destroyed Bradley, with three crewmen. They escape with relatively minor injuries. But another Apache crew warns that enemy soldiers are fleeing the two burning vehicles.
Col. Hayles: “Trust me when I say any personnel around those targets are dead. Oh, we got two personnel walking away.”
Col. Weisman, wondering if the Apaches can shoot the survivors, asks: “Have you got guns?” Col. Hayles reiterates that his 30 mm cannon is jammed. But one of the other Apaches fires its cannons several times. The shots miss.
1:02 a.m.: Col. Weisman receives reports from his ground forces: “Friendly vehicles may have been hit,” he says.
Col. Hayles: “Roger. I was afraid of that. I was really afraid.”
Col. Weisman: “Cease fire.”
Col. Hayles: “Cease fire. I hope it’s not friendly vehicles I blew up, because they’re all dead.”
1:03 a.m.: The Apache crews hover, watching in horror as the vehicles burn in the distance. Col. Hayles: “They’re just blowing up like mad out there.” Ground officers radio for medics. “We’re moving Band-Aids in”, says a ground officer.
1:04 a.m.: Col. Hayles: “I bet I killed friendly people.”
1:05 a.m.: Col. Hayles: “Request to break station and go home.”
Col. James Mowery, answering from an armored vehicle to the rear: “Continue to work for Iron Deuce Six. Those things are going to happen.”
1:06 a.m.: Col. Hayles to Cpt. Daniel Garvey in one of the other Apaches: “What do you think, Dan? Do you think I screwed up?”
Capt. Garvey: “No. I don’t think you screwed up.”
Col. Hayles: “I just killed a bunch of people.”
1:07 a.m.: The three Apaches fly along the U.S. armored column and Col. Hayles notes that the burning vehicles are some distance from the rest—giving the appearance they aren’t part of the friendly forces. “There’s the screen line and there’s the two vehicles way out in front.”
1:07 a.m.: Chief LeBlanc: “That’s correct. That’s affirmative. Let’s let them work through it. Seems like they don’t know what the (expletive) is going on. We’ll sort it out later.”
Col. Hayles: “He said shoot ‘em up. Well, there they are, and they’re shot up.” Moments later, he adds, “I killed some people.”
The General Accounting Office is investigating flaws in the Apache’s targeting devices. Meanwhile, the Army and Marines have begun tagging their vehicles with electronic beacons to help ward off friendly fire in the future. “I won’t let this slide,” says Cpl. Middleton’s mother. “I want something done about it.”
I’m sorry, Dharma—but you had to know. Allow us not to allow these one to have died in vain.
Let us have a break that you might regain your balance. You must realize that these two vehicles were ordered to be separate from the group. I know of no easy way to make you ones see the dreadful horror of the “master plan” against you. Oh, Father, what will wake up these sleeping babies? How can we bear this evil? Hold close to me, dear chelas, for I do know the way but it shall not be easy. The “son” had utilized a slightly different identification for protection as he called on me—but yes, precious, it is the same. This is why you ceased to “hear”.
The evil is so rampant—how will you find it all? You won’t. It is as with the same Journal and another article which headlines “FATAL FLAWS: SOME ARTIFICIAL HEART VALVES THAT FAIL ARE LINKED TO FALSIFIED RECORDS AT A PFIZER UNIT.” Is it surprising to note that Pfizer is one of the most Elite of the Elite industries? I thought not.
I shall move to stand-by. Thank you. Hatonn to clear.
March 14, 2011