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THU., NOVEMBER 7, 1991  11:39 A.M.  YEAR 5, DAY 083






Illustrating how easy it is to fool the Goyim, the Jews state point blank that the people are perfectly content with the outside appearances of their governments and don’t have the faintest understanding of the underlying meaning of things or the actions going on behind the scenes.  In order to keep it that way it is important that all questions ought not to be touched upon di­rectly and openly before the people.  By not naming a principle the Jews leave themselves free for any action they choose.  A political scoundrel, who is a rascal but clever, will be admired by the mob for his impudent audacity.


The Jewish hierarchy has drawn up a master plan for erecting a new fundamental structure embracing all the nations of the Earth (United Nations).  They mean to bring all the peoples un­der their one despotic Jewish dictator by first subjecting the peoples of the world to such ter­rible suffering, confusion and torment that they will throw up their hands in desperation.  The Jews will then offer them the solution to all their problems.  By a coup d’etat that they will then bring about, they will set them­selves on the throne of the world.


Some of the tools for accomplishing this are to give every­body a vote without distinction of classes or without qualifica­tions; by destroying among the Goyim the importance of the family and its educational value; by creating of the mob a blind mighty force which will never be in a position to move in any direction without the guidance of the Jewish agents set at the head as leaders of the mob.


The Jews are well aware of the leadership principle and have utilized it from the beginning of their history to bring them to the present state of power.  They realize that a scheme of govern­ment must come ready made from one brain and must not be split into fractional parts from the minds of many.  Whereas it is allowable for a select company of their hierarchy to have knowl­edge of the general scheme of action, they must not dis­cuss the details because it would destroy its artful design, the interdependence of its component parts, and the secret meaning of each clause.


They take a very dim view of the usefulness of a constitution as a means of protecting the people from their conspiracy.  They state openly, “A CONSTITUTION, AS YOU WELL KNOW, IS NOTHING ELSE BUT A SCHOOL OF DISCORDS, MIS­UNDERSTANDINGS, QUARRELS, DISAGREEMENTS, FRUITLESS PARTY AGITATION, PARTY WHIMS—IN A WORD, A SCHOOL OF EVERYTHING THAT SERVES TO DESTROY THE PERSON­ALITY OF STATE ACTIVITY.  Democracies and Republics with everybody having a vote down to the last scum and rabble provides the Jew with the finest ele­ment with which to de­stroy the State, and the people within that state.  In order that they can best manipulate such a State they arrange to elect Presidents and otherofficials which have in their past some dark undiscovered stain.  These agents WILL THEN DO THEIR BIDDING WITHOUT ANY FEAR OF REVELATION ON THE PART OF THE JEWS.


Finally, by means of creating discord, by plundering the people blind by taxation, by bungling, by a breakdown of law and order, by dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases, by want, finally the people will be so exhausted and so desperate that they will see no other choice but to take REFUGE IN THE JEWISH LEADERSHIP.  The peo­ple will submit and surrender to their unconditional Jewish sovereignty.






The Goyim (Gentiles) are a flock of sheep and we are their wolves.  And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock?


In this Protocol they go into further detail about destroying the last vestiges of our type of government and replacing it with their Jewish world order which will come in the form of a rev­olution of the State.  As a precondition to this new world order, many combinations of con­cepts which we now accept, such as freedom of the press, right of association, freedom of con­science, the voting principle, and many others must disappear forever from the memory of man.  The Jews want to make sure that when they spring the final closing of the jaws on the Goyim, such victims must recognize once and for all that they the Jews, are so strong, so su­per-abundantly filled with power, that in no case will they take account of any protest, nor will they pay any at­tention whatsoever to the opinions or wishes of the Goyim, and they want to impress upon us that they are ready and able to crush with irresistible power all expressions of such protest at any moment and at every place.  In fear and trembling the Goyim will close his eyes to everything and be content to wait and see how it will all end.  In the meantime, the Jews will keep the Goyim Gentiles pacified by promising to give back to them all the lib­erties they have taken away as soon as they have quelled “the enemies of peace”.  [H: Like, perhaps, the promising to “pay back those gifts and loans and how about only keeping the Executive Orders and Emer­gency Regula­tions in place ONLY until the emer­gency is over!  Somehow neither ever gets done!]


Why are they doing this?  In order to obtain in a roundabout way that which their scattered tribe would be unable to obtain by direct methods.  That is why they have organized an army of Masonic lodges—to throw a smoke screen over their real aims which are not even so much as suspected by “...these Goy cat­tle”.


God has granted to us, His Chosen People, the gift of the dispersion, and in this, which appears in all eyes to be our weakness, has come forth all our strength, which has now brought us to the threshold of sovereignty over ALL THE WORLD.


Literature and journalism are regarded by the Jews as the two most important educative forces and therefore they want to make sure that their government will become the sole propri­etor of the majority of all journals.  They regard freedom of the press, or freedom as such, as the right to do ONLY that which the law allows.  Since they are going to either create or abol­ish such laws as are desirable to them, all freedom will be in their hands.


Propaganda and the press which creates it are therefore re­garded as a key to control over the Goyim.  We shall saddle and bridle it with a tight curb: we shall do the same also with all pro­ductions of the printing press: anybody in the printing business will be required to have a stamp tax and deposits of caution-money.  If anybody attacks the Jews, if such is then still possible, we WILL INFLICT FINES WITHOUT MERCY.  They intend to so straddle the press that no one shall with impunity lift a finger on the correctness and infallibil­ity of their government.


They will also establish magazines and papers of their own that will make phoney attacks upon their Jewish establish­ment, but, of course, they will be limited to such trivial points that will cause them no problem.  They will belabor a hundred sides of every point but never bringing up any real issues until they have the public so confused that they won’t know where they stand or what a valid opinion even is.  In any case, not a single announcement will reach the public without going through the colored spectacles “...which we are setting astride their noses” .  They brag that even now and this was written over 70 years ago [H: now published nearly a century ago] there is no State secret that the Jews don’t have access to.  Now, all these years later, we can imagine how much further they are in control.  [H: Can you, America?  About a century after these things were made public and KNOWN to you—what do you do?  Where do you stand?  These adversaries of God tell it EXACTLY the way it IS and have all but finalized their ages-old plan—to the letter!]


The future despotic Jewish State will have three classes of journals that they will con­trol.  In the front rank will stand or­gans of an official character.  These journals will always stand guard over the Jewish interests and they admit that, therefore, their influence will be compara­tively small.  In the second rank will be semi-official organs whose part it will be to attract the tepid and indifferent Goyim.  In the third rank they will set up their own papers, but to all ap­pearances they will be in op­position to their regime.  This will (a) trap their real oppo­nents to accept this simulated opposition as their own. (b) They can lead the opposition opinion into the very channels to which they then desire, and thereby neutral­ize them.


In this way they will carry on their own sham fights which will confound and confuse the Goyim.  At the same time the Goyim will still be under the illusion that he is enjoying free­dom of the press.


Even at the time that the Protocols were placed in writing the Jews bragged that with the French press all organs of the press are bound together by professional secrecy.  No journalist would venture to betray this secret, because not one of them was ever admitted to practice liter­ature unless his past had some disgraceful episode with which the Jews could thereby blackmail and control that member of the press.  When the Jews have finally accom­plished their world goal and have the despotic regime in full control, they intend to make sure that there will be no revelations by the press of any public dishonesty.  The new regime must be thought of to have so perfectly satisfied every­body that even criminality will seem to have disappeared.



(Subject headings only)

This chapter is rather long and deals with the tremendously important role the Jewish-cre­ated Masonic Orders and Ma­sonic Lodges play in control of the press, government and the Gentiles as a whole.


Masonic interpretation of the word “freedom”.  Further of the press in the Masonic king­dom.  Control of the press.  Cor­respondence agencies.  What is progress as understood by Ma­sonry?  More about the press.  Masonic solidarity in the press of today.  The arousing of “public” de­mands in the provinces.  In­fallibility of the new regime.




The need for our daily bread will be the most powerful club the Jews intend to wield over the head of the Goyim to keep him in silence as their humble servant.  They will use their Gentile agents of the press to discuss those issues that are inconvenient for their official jour­nals to mention.  The Jewish controlled regime will then simply take them to the public as an accom­plished fact.  Once done, no one will dare to demand a change in the matter, and all the more so, since the Jewish press will then represent their new measures as a great im­provement.  Immediately thereafter the press will distract the current thought towards new and frivolous questions.


As the Goyim people become more and more enslaved, the Jews intend to further dis­tract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, people’s palaces and many other distrac­tions such as competitions in art and sports of all kinds.  The Jewish controlled press alone will guide the peo­ple to any and all forms of opinion which the people will then regard as their own, because they, the Jews, will have all monopoly in offering them any new directions for thought.


Liberals and Utopian dreamers will play their part in wrecking the remnants of the Goy government until the Jews take over.  After that these liberals will be of absolutely no value to them.  In fact, they may even be dangerous and they have to be set aside.  Al­though they will upset our whole “other” civilization and turn society up-side-down, their orators will expound at great length on how they have now brought us a wonderful, benevo­lent regime, though in real­ity they have enslaved us.  Who will ever suspect then that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a politi­cal plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many cen­turies?




When the Jews have established their despotic kingdom they intend to make sure that no other religion will exist than their religion, the so-called religion of Moses, in which they will stand out as the “chosen people”.  All other forms of belief will be swept away.  They will then delude the Goyim that in their religion there exists a mystical rite on which all ed­ucational power is based.


After they have enslaved all the peoples of the world and im­posed their tyrannical regime upon them they will then at every possible opportunity publish articles and make comparisons be­tween their benevolent rule and those of the past ages.  They will extol the blessings of tran­quillity, although that tranquillity was forcibly brought about by centuries of Jewish agitation.  The eras of the previous Goyim governments will be denounced by the Jews in the most force­ful language.


All the useless changes of forms of government through which they have “run the Goyim” when they were undermining their State’s structures, will so have wearied the peoples, that fi­nally they will prefer to suffer anything under the Jews rather than run the risk of enduring again all those agitations and mis­eries.  When they are in full power they will further empha­size again and again all the historical mistakes that their previous Goy government made for so many centuries by their lack of understanding of everything that constitutes the true good of human­ity.  In contrast they will expound to them how fortu­nate the people now are in contrast to the dead and decom­posed old order of things.  In countries known as progres­sive and enlightened the Jews admit that it was they themselves that created a senseless, filthy and abominable lit­erature.  Yet this will later be brought out as a charge and discredit to the old order.


No one will ever be allowed to bring under discussion their Jewish faith from its true point of view.  No one but the Jews will be fully instructed and fully learned of its contents.  None of the “chosen” will ever DARE TO BETRAY ANY OF ITS SECRETS NOR HOW IT WAS USED TO ENSLAVE THE REST OF HUMANITY.



(Subject headings only)


One-day coup d’etat (revoution) over all the world.  Execu­tions.  Future lot of Goyim-Ma­sons.  Mysticism of authority.  Multiplication of Masonic lodges.  Central governing board of Masonic Elders.  The “Azev-tactics”.  Masonry as leader and guide of all secret societies.  Sig­nificance of public applause.  Collectivism.  Victims.  Executions of Masons.  Fall of the prestige of laws and authority.  Our position as the Chosen Peo­ple.  Brevity and clarity of the laws of the kingdom of the fu­ture.  Obedience to orders.  Measures against abuse of author­ity.  Severity of penalties.  Age-limit for judges.  Liberalism of judges and authorities.  The money of all the world.  Absolutism of Masonry.  Right of appeal.  Patriarchal “outside appearance” of the power of the one and only right.  The King of Israel.  Patriarch of all the world.




Realizing that the universities are the key institutions forming and molding the thought of the people, the Jews plan to emas­culate the universities by re-orienting them in a new direc­tion, one that is useful to the Jews.  All officials and professors will have detailed programs prepared for them from which they will proceed to teach and not be allowed to diverge in the slightest.  They will be selected with care and be put into such a posi­tion they will be wholly dependent upon the government.


No meaningful courses in the study of state law or political questions will be given except to a few dozen carefully selected persons chosen for their special abilities and coming from the ranks of their Jewish brethren.  During the transitional period while they are still struggling for absolute despotism, the Jews will introduce into the educational programs all those divisive prin­ciples that have been used so brilliantly to break up the or­der of the Goyim governments.  But once they are completely in power they plan to remove every kind of disturbing subject from the course of education.  Instead they will make the young people obedient children of author­ity, loving him who rules, giving him support and hoping for peace and quiet.


The study of Classics, the study of Ancient History and the lessons of past experience will be replaced with theoretical studies of programs for the future.  We shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are unde­sirable to us and leave only those which depict all the errors of the government of the Goyim.”  Special emphasis will be placed on the study of practi­cal life, the obligations of the peo­ple to the State, and to law and order.  Each different trade or faction will be given a special and different treatment.


In order that the despotic Jewish King will be more firmly seated in control, it will be neces­sary that all his activities be relayed to the nations as a whole, in the schools, and on the market places in such a manner that the people will have a clear understanding of all his acts and his many and great benevolent accomplishments.


There will be no such a thing as freedom of instruction.  Special groups will be taught in the philosophy of new theories which have not been declared to the rest of the world.  These theo­ries will be in the nature of a dogma of faith and used as a transitional stage in initiating the people towards their faith, i.e., the Jewish faith.


They observe that the experience of many centuries has taught them that people live and are guided by ideas and that these ideas are absorbed by people only through education.  All differ­ent ages are equally receptive to ideas.  It is only a matter of using different methods to accom­plish the acceptance of ideas.  The end result strived for in the so-called system of teaching will be to turn the Goyim into unthinking, submissive brutes, waiting for things to be presented be­fore their eyes in order to form any idea at all.



(Subject headings only)


Special training of their own attorneys.  Future attor­neys paid by state.  Information used by attorneys limited to that provided by state.  King of the Jews will be the Real Pope of the universe, the patriarch of the international church.  De­struction of existing church when it has served its purpose.  Function of the contemporary press.  Organization of police.  Vol­unteer police.  Espionage on the pattern of Kabal espi­onage.  Abusing and degrading Goyim authority.




Realizing that nothing damages the prestige of authority more than it obviously being surrounded by a mass of secret police forces “for its own protection”, they plan to protect their Jewish despotism by more devious means.  They will set up conspiracies of their own among the people led by brilliant speakers who will gather around them all those sympathetic to their protest of opposition against the regime.  In this way they will be able to remove weak and wa­vering members among their own police force and also be able to round up the potential opposi­tion that might develop by natural means.  This way they will be able to nip in the bud and root out any conspiracies be­fore they even get started.


It is a measure of weakness for too many conspiracies to be known among the people and to compel rulers to acknowl­edge their weakness in advertising their secret measures of de­fense.  Similarly, if several attempts upon the lives of the rulers are known, this, too, weak­ens their prestige and their authority over those being ruled.  The Jews frankly admit that they have instigated any number of assassinations and attempts at assassinations of kings and rulers in the past.  They thereby helped to destroy the authority of the whole Goyim government by un­dermining the idea of absolute authority and encouraging the idea that un­derneath lies a vast opposition.


When their supreme Jewish King of the World is in power they plan to reinforce his pro­tection by creating such an aura of power and mystical Deity about him that the poor stupid Goyim will think of him as being next to a God.  The Goyim will then do everything possible to protect him and to inform the authorities of any opposition that might lie anywhere among his “subjects”.


Political criminals will be dealt with extreme cruelty. They will be arrested on the first suspicion whether it’s well grounded or not.  No opportunity will be given of escape of people even suspected of political crime and in these matters they intend to be completely mer­ciless.  Why, anybody even thinking about political ideas is already guilty of a crime, for he should have no understanding of it in the first place, and sec­ondly, he should not be occupying himself with such matters.




No dabbling in political affairs that will have any meaning whatsoever will be allowed among the subjects or, shall we say, the victims of the Jewish regime.  The Jews point out that under a well organized, powerful government, for any individual, or groups of individuals, to make any attempt at what they call “Sedition-mongering”, is about as significant as a lap dog yap­ping at an elephant.


So no individual will get the idea of being a hero and leading the people to opposition, all individuals who make such at­tempts will be put to trial in the same category as thieving, mur­der, or any other kind of abominable and filthy crime.  This will disgrace these heroic people in the eyes of the public and they will be branded with the same contempt as they might hold for any low criminal.


In any case, everything will be done to completely wipe out any possibility of sedition or op­position.  In the past, to break down the Goyim regimes, they have inserted into history books the idea of heroism and martyrdom of those who have opposed the Goyim gov­ernments.  This will be completely changed and wiped out when their Jewish regime has been es­tablished.  The average citizen will have no more influence or control in the affairs of poli­tics than will a herd of livestock or cattle.




The sum total of our actions is settled by the question of figures.  By this the Jews mean money and that money con­trols everything.  Protocol No. 20 is a long and compli­cated one having mostly to do with money, taxation and interest.


It lays out the blueprint for their fiscal policies when the King of the World rules supreme.  In the first place the Jewish King will enjoy the legal fiction that everything in his State be­longs to him.  They state in parenthesis this “may very well be a fact”.  He will then, therefore, have the legal power to confis­cate any and every kind of sums on whatever pre­text he may choose.  [H: Keep your eyes open and pocketbook at ready—they are just about ready to practice this one on you-the-sheeple.]


The Jews blatantly boast that economic crises have been pro­duced by them for the destruc­tion of the Goyim by very simple means: The withdrawal of money from circulation.  They ad­mit that they have burdened the finances of the State with huge loans on which they ob­tain huge sums of interest and made them the bond slaves of their international bankers.  They fur­ther boast that the concentration of all industry in the hands of their Jewish capitalists and out of the hands of the small mas­ters has drained away all the strength of the peoples, along with the strength of the State.


The Jews point with pride to the fact that the gold stan­dard has been the ruin of the States which have adopted it, for it has not been able to satisfy the demands for money, the more so as they drained the gold from circulation.  The reader should remember that this was written prior to 1900 and then recall that in 1933 the Jews first of all took all the gold away from the Ameri­can public and made it a crime for an American citizen to own gold.  By now, they have shipped practically all the gold we had at Fort Knox out of the coun­try.  [H: All of it!]  The little that the U.S. has left is now over-committed, and over-ob­ligated.  We are now completely plun­dered and devoid of any gold.


They pat themselves on the back for their ingenuity and cunning compared to the “...purely brute brains of the Goyim”.  They boast that with their clever banking system the Goyim has been borrowing from them with payment of in­terest without ever thinking that, all the same, all the money that they have been paying interest on had to come from their OWN State pockets in order to pay them these huge amounts of interest.  As long as the loans were internal the Goyim really only shuffled their money from the pockets of the poor to those of the very rich.  But this changed when it came to borrowing from foreign sources.  What it then amounted to was that the wealth of the country flowed into the cash boxes of the Jews and the Goyim was really paying tribute to the Jews as subjects or slaves.


This is all part of their master plan.  Without a definite plan it is impossible to rule.  Marching along on an undetermined road and with undetermined resources brings to ruin by the way heroes and demigods.  And so, in accordance with the plan, the poor Goyim hardly realizes what a state of finan­cial disaster he is now in, despite the astonishing industry and productivity of their peo­ple.




Having grasped absolute control of all the money systems of the different states of the world and having a monopoly on banking and credit, the Jews now brag that they get their money twice, three times and more times over by lending it to the Goy government.  They frankly admit that most of the time the Goy governments have no business and no need for making these loans.  However, by means of bribery of the state officials, and the slackness of the Goy rulers themselves, they have now lured them into the position where they are all hope­lessly deluged with an overwhelming sum of debt. Not only do they have to borrow more money every year but they have to borrow money to even pay the interest on the moun­tains of debts that they now have piled upon the stupid Goy.


But when the Jews ascend the throne of the world, all these financial shifts that do not serve their interests will be swept aside so as not to leave a trace.  Money markets will be de­stroyed and they will not allow the prestige of their power to be shaken by any fluc­tuations of prices, but they, the Jews, shall announce by law values and prices.


They shall replace the money markets by grandiose gov­ernment credit institutions, the ob­ject of which will be to fix the price of industrial values in accordance with what­ever the gov­ernment determines.  This will make all industrial un­dertakings become com­pletely dependent upon the Jews AND THEY ARROGANTLY ADD, “...YOU MAY IMAGINE FOR YOURSELVES WHAT IMMENSE POWER WE SHALL THEREBY SE­CURE FOR OURSELVES.




The ultimate goal for which the Jews are striving is further defined and clarified in this Pro­tocol.


“In our hands is the greatest power of our day—gold.”  When we consider that these words were written almost a cen­tury ago and look at the picture today of how they have plun­dered and looted the reservoirs of gold of the different peoples of the world, we are beginning to get a pretty fair idea of the success of their master plan.


Arrogantly, they then point to the fact, having accumulated all this wealth, isn’t this surely proof that their rule is predes­tined by “GOD”?  Though much violence will be necessary, never­theless, they are determined that their fiendish and diaboli­cal rule will be established.  Having once done so, they will contrive to prove that they are the benefactors who have re­stored free­dom, order and tranquillity to a confused and strife torn world.


“Our authority will be glorious because it will be all-power­ful, will rule and guide, and not muddle along after leaders and orators shrieking themselves hoarse with senseless words which they call great principles”.  Their authority, they vow, will be the crown of order and will have about it an aura of De­ity that will inspire a mystical bowing of the knee before it and a reverent fear before it of all the peoples.  True force makes no terms with any right, not even with that of God: none dare come near to it so as to take so much as a span from it away.”




Reducing all people to abject slavery and bending them to their supreme authority is the main thread that runs through all the Protocols.  One more way is to inculcate lessons of humil­ity, that is make people more humble and, therefore, they will be more obedient.  (Remember the Sermon on the Mount?)  By re­ducing the production of luxury articles and de­priving the people of all forms of luxuries they will force them to become more humble and, therefore, more obedient.  Furthermore, they will undermine and reduce large manufacturers to a people of small masters and small units.  This is a return back to the Middle Ages.  Drunk­enness will also be prohibited by law and will be punishable as a crime.

the stupid Goy.


But when the Jews ascend the throne of the world, all these financial shifts that do not serve their interests will be swept aside so as not to leave a trace.  Money markets will be de­stroyed and they will not allow the prestige of their power to be shaken by any fluc­tuations of prices, but they, the Jews, shall announce by law values and prices.


They shall replace the money markets by grandiose gov­ernment credit institutions, the ob­ject of which will be to fix the price of industrial values in accordance with what­ever the gov­ernment determines.  This will make all industrial un­dertakings become com­pletely dependent upon the Jews AND THEY ARROGANTLY ADD, “...YOU MAY IMAGINE FOR YOURSELVES WHAT IMMENSE POWER WE SHALL THEREBY SE­CURE FOR OURSELVES.




The ultimate goal for which the Jews are striving is further defined and clarified in this Pro­tocol.


“In our hands is the greatest power of our day—gold.”  When we consider that these words were written almost a cen­tury ago and look at the picture today of how they have plun­dered and looted the reservoirs of gold of the different peoples of the world, we are beginning to get a pretty fair idea of the success of their master plan.


Arrogantly, they then point to the fact, having accumulated all this wealth, isn’t this surely proof that their rule is predes­tined by “GOD”?  Though much violence will be necessary, never­theless, they are determined that their fiendish and diaboli­cal rule will be established.  Having once done so, they will contrive to prove that they are the benefactors who have re­stored free­dom, order and tranquillity to a confused and strife torn world.


“Our authority will be glorious because it will be all-power­ful, will rule and guide, and not muddle along after leaders and orators shrieking themselves hoarse with senseless words which they call great principles”.  Their authority, they vow, will be the crown of order and will have about it an aura of De­ity that will inspire a mystical bowing of the knee before it and a reverent fear before it of all the peoples.  True force makes no terms with any right, not even with that of God: none dare come near to it so as to take so much as a span from it away.”




Reducing all people to abject slavery and bending them to their supreme authority is the main thread that runs through all the Protocols.  One more way is to inculcate lessons of humil­ity, that is make people more humble and, therefore, they will be more obedient.  (Remember the Sermon on the Mount?)  By re­ducing the production of luxury articles and de­priving the people of all forms of luxuries they will force them to become more humble and, therefore, more obedient.  Furthermore, they will undermine and reduce large manufacturers to a people of small masters and small units.  This is a return back to the Middle Ages.  Drunk­enness will also be prohibited by law and will be punishable as a crime.

Simon, Auguste Compte and others.  The theory of Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis, which he calls “Dialectical Materialism”, was lifted directly from the works of one, G.W. Friederich Hegel.  It is a use­less and unproductive theory that is no more than a play on words and can best be described as semantic casuistry.


So how did Marx infiltrate and permeate and poison the minds of most of today’s world?  The reason they have attained worldwide dissemination is because they have been fervently pro­moted by the Jewish propaganda network and by force of all the power and influence of the to­tal Jewish conspiracy, just as was Christianity.  I repeat—Marxism has not spread because it was a saleable product, nor was it wrapped in an attractive and desirable package—no, it was spread and dis­seminated and perpetrated solely by the force of the Jewish worldwide organized conspiracy with thousands of speakers in union halls, on ra­dio, on television, injecting the poisons distilled by Marx down the throats of millions and billions of unwitting victims.




Hatonn to clear.  Thank you.


March 7, 2011