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THU., NOVEMBER 7, 1991   8:46 A.M.   YEAR 5, DAY 083






Oh good—another blast at our being “anti-Semitic” and “Jew haters” and “probably Black haters”!  What are “probably Black haters”?




This, of course, comes from the same ones who had the Mossad MURDER “MAXWELL” and toss his body into the sea.  These are also the same ones who plan to murder Bush and toss him somewhere not as lovely.  Maxwell was on his way to spill the beans re­garding all the con­nections in intrigues involved in the Conspiracy—of which he was per­sonally aware (which were enough to hang the Israelis and impeach Bush and his full en­tourage).  It would be wise for you “inquiring minds” to look-up this man “Maxwell” and see why he was so very impor­tant!


Do not be naive in what you see and hear!  Bush has can­celled his trips to Australia, etc., be­cause the “hit teams” are already in place.  It is NOT that he wants to stay home and tend your own doorstep.  He is in REAL trouble and when this apparition rendition of Bush is taken out—it will be VERY HARD to place a “replacement”.  I remind you—when the Israeli high-ranking “Cabinet” member made a public statement that Bush was anti-Semitic—the you-know-what hit the fan.  That was the signal to “TAKE BUSH OUT!” and any Israeli and/or the Mossad has him on their “personal” hit list.  Yes, indeed, Dharma has it bad and George has it bad—but WE and God are on their side!!  Bush made the Israelis “look bad” and that is not acceptable as their whole thrust is to avoid “looking bad”.  Baker is going to be weeded out also if he doesn’t keep his mouth shut.


It is not so much that the Israelis dislike publicity, it is that they don’t like it when it in­terferes with their ability to ac­complish that which they want—and that was immediate funding to get the “illegal” lands with Israelis on them!  That meant that they needed that money IN­STANTLY as well as the blessings of the “little brother” (remember—the U.S. is called little Is­rael and not the other way around).  Mr. Bush and company are not deluded—THEY KNOW HOW THE MOSSAD WORKS AND IF THE ONES IN THIS ADMIN­ISTRATION WHO HAVE CROSSED ISRAEL DO NOT CAPITULATE PROMPTLY—PROBABLY BY ATTACK­ING IRAQ, THEY ARE “DEAD MEAT”, I BELIEVE IS YOUR TERM FOR THAT TYPE OF MURDER.  YOU “YEWS” ARE IN A MOST PRECARIOUS POSITION RIGHT NOW AND YOUR ECONOMY IS “SHOT”.

Back to the JOURNAL subject in point:





No one argues the point of the “Talmud”.  Even though it is un­available to the public and the “Jews” can’t decipher it from the original form—forget the inconvenience for the little children are taught carefully EVERY BIT OF THE CONTENTS.  These lessons are given in such man­ner as to seem perfectly logical for “God’s Chosen Race” where all means are worthy of the goal in point.




Anyone studying the Talmud will find imbedded in much chaff and other long winded dia­tribe the essence of the pro­gram prescribed in the Protocols. To show that the diabolical con­spiracy embodied in the Protocols is not new, we have the same principles and morality of the latter day Protocols (which are really as old as the tribe itself) set forth in the 15th century pro­gram which was printed in a French journal financed by the Rothschilds and published in 1889.  Four hundred years earlier, on January 13, 1489, Chemor, Jewish Rabbi of Arles, in Provence, France, wrote to the grand Sanhedrin, which then had its seat in Constantinople, for advice, as the people of Arles were threatening the synagogues.  What should the Jews do?  This was the reply:


Dear Beloved Brethren in Moses, We have re­ceived your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and the misfortunes which you are enduring.  We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves.


The Advise of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:

1.   As for what you say that the King of France obliges you to become Chris­tians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise, but let the law of Moses be kept in your hearts.

2.   As for what you say about the command to de­spoil you of your goods (the law was that on becoming converted, Jews gave up their possessions): make your sons merchants that little by little they may despoil the Christians of theirs.

3.   As for what you say about their making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christian lives.

4.   As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons Canons and Clerics in order that they may destroy their churches.

5.   As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers and see that they always mix themselves up with the af­fairs of the state, in order that by putting Christians un­der your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.

6.   Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.


Signed V.S.S.V.F.F., Prince of the Jews,

21st Caslue (November, 1489)

[H: Does the above cause any of you “Yews” to believe that you are going to get “a break”?]


In the year 1844 just before the Jewish revolutions of 1848 swept most of Europe, Ben­jamin Disraeli, whose real name was Israel, and who was a damped or baptized Jew, published his novel, CONNINGSBY, in which he had revealed the following: “The world is governed by very dif­ferent personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”  He even went on to show that all these personages were Jews.


A map of the course of the Symbolic Snake is shown as fol­lows: its first stage in Europe was in 429 B.C. in Greece, where at the time of Pericles, the Snake first started eating into the power of that unfortunate country.  The second stage was in Rome at approximately the time of Julius Caesar, who has prob­ably received more fame and publicity than any other Roman and was a valuable agent of the Jews.  It was for this reason that he was murdered by a small group of patriotic Romans who risked their lives in order to try to avert the destruction of the Roman Republic.  The Jews wept and cried around the body of Julius Caesar as they always do when one of their own agents has been killed.


The third stage takes place in MADRID (Yes, same old Madrid) in the time of Charles V, in 1552.  The fourth in Paris (Yes, same old Paris) about 1790 at the time of Louis XVI and the French Revolution.  The fifth movement of the Symbolic Snake is designated in London from 1814 onwards after the downfall of Napoleon.  The next and sixth stage, the Symbolic Snake moves on to Berlin in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian War.  The seventh stage takes place in St. Petersburg (just re­turned to its original title of “St. Petersburg” in the past months) over which is drawn the head of the Snake under the date 1881.  All these states which the Snake has tra­versed have had their foundations and their CONSTITUTIONS SHAKEN TO THE ROOTS.


There are 24 Protocols all together and each one of them is loaded with deadly concen­trated poison.  The term “Goyim” is used throughout and it is a Jewish term for Gen­tile or “non-Jews”.  It is a derogatory term and is synony­mous with the word “cattle”.  In other words, they view the Gentiles, including the White race) as so many cattle “ be maneuvered, herded about, and finally slaughtered, or enslaved for the benefit of the Jews.”


As stated previously, a part of the Protocols is deemed to be missing.  I strongly sus­pect that the matter dealing with the tremendously powerful part of the Judeo-Christian hoax has played in subjugating the “Goyim” is what is missing.  [H: You will be happy to hear that I have that myth which I will later share with you.  I do not wish to detract from the document at hand, however, at this time.  Stay tuned and I shall outlay it from other scholars who are also from the la­bel, “Jews”.]  Since Professor Nilus was also a priest, he himself might have deleted or destroyed this part, feeling it was harmful to his church. [Indeed.]


In the next chapter I am therefore reviewing the text of the 24 Protocols in abridged form.




The following is an abridgement of the 24 Protocols.  In summarizing them, much had to be left out.

The ideas expressed are implicitly those of the Jews them­selves, not mine (author).


We should keep in mind that these Protocols were written at least 70 years ago, and formu­lated centuries earlier.






This Protocol is a concentrated treatise on the ABC’s of political power.  It deals with all the naive fantasies about democracy, about self-determination, and many other illusions that we have cherished over all these years, and depicts them as a mere sham.


It contends that political freedom is an idea only, but never an actual fact.  The idea of free­dom can be used as a bait to at­tract the masses of the people to one’s party for the sole purpose of crushing another party who is in power.  The conclusion is drawn that, by the law of Nature, right lies in force and right lies in might.  It is pointed out that the blind might of a nation cannot for one single day exist without guidance.  In order to grasp this power the task is rendered eas­ier if the opponent has himself been infected with the idea of freedom or so called lib­eralism and for the sake of an idea it is willing to yield some of his power.  In any case, the whole idea of self-government is a hoax and a fraud and has been used as an illusion wherewith to capture the mobs who, when left to their own devices, invari­ably end up in havoc.


Anarchy is something that the Jew promotes relentlessly.  While in complete control of the financial powers of the state, they promote internecine strife, which they soon aggra­vate into battles between classes, in the midst of which states burn down and their importance is re­duced to that of a heap of ashes.


When a state has exhausted itself in its own convulsions, whether its internal discord brings it under the power of external foes, or by civil warfare, it can then, in any case, be ac­counted as irretrievably lost and in the power of the Jews.


THEY THEN RATIONALIZE THAT THERE IS NOTH­ING IMMORAL ABOUT US­ING TRICKERY, CUNNING, TREACHERY OR ANY OTHER DEVISE TO BRING A STATE WITHIN THEIR POWER.  They say, after all, if a state is fighting an external en­emy they will use the same means of treachery, cunning, deceit or any other device in order to win a war and over­come that initiative, taken together it hands over lock, stock and barrel the will of men to the disposition of those who have been paid for their treachery and treason.


By using the power of their gold, their financial forces, and by using cunning, deceit and treachery they have made it possi­ble to replace the representatives of the people and put in their place instead their lackeys and their agents.




The Jews, herein, reveal the tremendous importance of instigating and waging eco­nomiwars and military WARS BETWEEN THE GOYIM STATES.  Wars have often been referred to as “the Jewish Harvest”.  It is by means of wars that the Jews reap and lay the foundations of Jewish predomi­nance.  When the wars are over both sides are devastated and at the mercy of in­ternational Jewish finance.  They say, “Our in­ternational rights will wipe out national rights.”  While wiping out huge assets, formerly in the hands of the Goyim during the frenzy and pas­sions of war, laying waste large sections of both sides of the Gentile na­tions, when the war is over both sides find themselves in financial distress and overwhelm­ingly in debt.  Thus we find the Jews reaping a three-fold harvest from wars: first they make a huge profit from munitions manufacturing and other financial sinews of war, secondly they are therewith able to weaken the racial stamina of the other “races” by sending forth into battle the flower of man­hood of the nations of both sides, thirdly, when the war is over, and both sides are prostrate, the Jews then further en­snare the Gentile nations by chaining them with huge in­debtedness and collecting interest upon in­terest.  Thereby the “other” nations (and Races) are further ensnared into bondage and the Jewish stranglehold is progressively tightened.  [H: If you can’t SEE it, I pity you for that which will come upon your own nations.]


The Jews then boast how they choose Goyim administrators for public office, people who will front for them and whose loy­alty as stooges they can count upon.  Naturally these will be people who are willing to be traitors to the nation in point and who know very little about the art of government.  Back of these lackeys will be their own Jewish advisors, who, they claim, are men of learning and genius, especially bred and reared from early childhood to rule the af­fairs of the whole world.


The last part tells about the powerful part played BY THE PRESS in the hands of the Jews, “Through the press we have gained the power to influence while remaining ourselves in the shadow; thanks to the press we now have the gold in our hands, notwithstanding that we have had to gather it out of the oceans of blood and tears.


They sum it up by saying that the triumph of the Jewish sys­tem will fail of success if the prac­tical application of it is not based upon a summing up of the lessons of the past in the light of the pre­sent.


Thus we see the gathering of the reins of power into the hands of the Jews by their treach­erous devices.  These are: by the use of wars; by plunging the ravaged nations into indebted­ness; by the control of stooges to front in positions of power; by the skillful use of the press to keep pointing out requirements supposed to be indispensable, to give voice to the complaints of the people, to express and create discon­tent.  And last but not least, the power of gold.




With overbearing arrogance and supreme confidence the Jews tell us: “..that our goal is now only a few steps off.  The old, long path we have trodden is now ready to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people.  When this ring closes, all the states of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vise.”


They reveal further how they are going to lock us, the Goyim, in their powerful vise.  Whereas the Goyim think that they have constitutions that are sufficiently strong to keep the ship of state on an even keel, the Jews have your kings, rulers and representatives surrounded with their advisors who “advise” them into one foolish, irresponsible move after another.  By stirring up a host of confused issues, they in­creasingly widen the gulf be­tween the rulers and the people.  With the power of the press in the hands of the Jews, they encourage abuses of power by the rulers on the one hand.  By agitating and stirring up the mob on the other hand they “will put the final touch in preparing all institutions for their over­throw and everything will fly skyward un­der the blows of the maddened mob.


In the meantime, by continually worsening and bringing about financial and eco­nomic crises all the people are chained down to heavy toil by poverty more firmly than they ever were chained by slavery and serfdom.  Our power is in the shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker be­cause by all that this implies he is made a slave of our will.”  Thereby they further promote the hate and the envy that will move the mobs to turn upon those and wipe out all those who are an obstacle in the way of the Jews and their take-over of power.  When the hour strikes for our Sovereign Lord of all the World (in other words the Jewish Dictator) to be crowned, it is these same hands which will sweep away ev­erything that might be a hindrance thereto.”  As the mobs then rage and de­stroy, the Jews have made sure that they will not touch their property, because the moment of attack will be known to the Jews only, and they have prepared to take measures to protect their own.


They frankly admit that they engineered the French Revolu­tion and that the secrets of its preparations were well known to them for “it was wholly the work of our hands.”


They mock at the word “freedom”, saying that it means ab­solutely nothing but is a useful tool for them to use to inflame the mobs and bring out whole communities of men to fight against every kind of force, against every kind of authority.  The mobs, under the Jews’ con­trol, will then kill the last ves­tiges of Gentile leadership and acquit the criminals so that in the end the mob will unwittingly help the Jews to enthrone the “King-Despot of the blood of Zion, whom we are prepar­ing for the world.”




Here the Jews reveal to us frankly that they have orga­nized the Gentiles into Masonic Or­ders which are one of their most powerful tools for controlling the world and for driving the Gentile states into destruction for their total Jewish take-over of the world.  Gentile Masonry, blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects, but the plan of ac­tion of our force, even its very abid­ing-place, remains for the whole people an unknown mystery.”


To further move the conspiracy to its ultimate conclusion it is necessary for the Jews to de­stroy all the foundations upon which the Goyim society has been built.  They will further­more keep the Goyim so busy earning a living that he will have no time to think or take note of what is going on.  While the Goyim is working and earning a living and pursuing in­dustry and trade the Jew will be pursuing speculation.  This will result in everything that is produced from the land, or by industry, to slip through their hands and pass into speculation and pass into the hands of the Jews.  [H: I ask you to go back and reread this pas­sage.]  Having destroyed all moral principles among the Gen­tiles, especially those of the white races, having turned their minds completely towards industry and trade and earning a liv­ing, they will bring them to a stage where “their only guide is gain, THAT IS GOLD, which they will erect into a veritable cult, for the sake of those material delights which it can give.  Then will the hour strike when, not for the sake of attaining the good, not even to win wealth, but solely out of hatred to­wards the privileged, the lower classes of the Goyim will follow our lead against our rivals for power, the intellectuals of the Goyim, in order to destroy them.









(Subject Headings Only)


Creation of an intensified centralization of GOVERN­MENT.  Methods of seizing power by Masonry.  Causes of the impossibility of agreement between States.  The state of “predestination” of the Jews.  Gold—the engine of the machinery of States.  Significance of criti­cism.  Show” institutions.  Weariness from word-spinning.  How to take a grip of public opinion.  Significance of personal initiative.  The Super-Gov­ernment.




The establishment of huge Jewish financial monopolies, containing reservoirs of colos­sal riches is hereby spelled out.  These monopolies will be so powerful that the fortunes of any Gentile will depend upon them to such an extent that the non-Jewish fortunes will not be able to exist outside of the control and manipulation of these Jewish monopolies.  Today we see these as an established fact.  [H: And worse in this day—you see these monop­olies in industry moving completely away from your nation and continent—bearing you down into a mire of fi­nancial catastrophe.]  No matter what business you look into, whether it be oil, sugar, movies, television net­works, steel, railways, automobile manufacturing and a hundred other lines of en­deavor, they are all in the hands of the Jews.


While they are garnering all the riches of the land into huge Jewish monopolies they still say that in every possible way they must develop the significance of their super government by rep­resenting it as the Protector and Benefactor of all those who vol­untarily submit to them.


The next section deals with the means of depriving the Goyim of their land, and they say, frankly, that this MUST BE DONE, WHATEVER THE COST.  The best way to bring this about is to load land and property with debts and thereby keep it in a state of humble, continuous and uncon­ditional submission.


A further means to deprive the people of their hard earned money and property is first and foremost for the Jews to engage in speculation and monopolize it.  In this way they drain off from industry and from labor and capital and from the land and transfer into Jewish hands all the money of the world.  Then the Goyim will bow down before us, if for no other reason but to get the RIGHT TO EXIST.”

In order to bring further ruin to the Goyim they will promote and encourage by propaganda a greedy demand for luxury which will swallow any earnings that they might have left over.  We shall raise the rate of wages, which, however, will not bring any advantage to the workers, for, at the same time, we shall produce a rise in prices of the first necessaries of life, alleging that it arises from the decline of agriculture.”  On top of this they will fur­ther encourage and accustom workers to an­archy and to drunkenness.  At the same time they will take all measures possible to exter­minate from the face of the earth all the educated forces of the Goyim.


While they are doing all this they will mask their heinous de­struction of the other Races un­der an alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes and the great principles of political economy.




To back up and enforce all these vicious programs of eco­nomic strangulation of the Goyim, the Jews plan the intensi­fication of armaments, the increase of police forces and the sowing of vehement discord and hostility all over the world.  When they get through, all that will be left in all the different countries of the world will be the masses of the prole­tariat, a few millionaires devoted to Jewish interests, and the police and soldiers.


By having Jewish agents in the governments of all the coun­tries in the world; by economic treaties; by loan obligations; by the ferments and hostilities they have created; they will, with their intrigues, have so entangled all the threads of the govern­ments of the world that none of them will be able to act with­out the Jews manipulating the levers of power.


If any country dares to oppose them, the Jews will then collectively organize their neigh­bors into a joint venture to stand collectively together against that country and de­stroy that country by universal WAR.  How frightful and real this power is was shown in World War II when Germany, through courage and strength, shook off the Jew, then immedi­ately through vi­cious propaganda, intrigue, financial means and other levers of power, the Jews organized the surrounding neighbors into a beastly war of annihilation. [H: Annihilation attempted against the very source “they” claimed to be.]


This they can do because as they say, “We must compel the governments of the Goyim to take action in the direction fa­vored by our widely-conceived plan, already approaching the desired con­summation, by what we shall represent as public opinion, secretly promoted by us through the means of that so-called `Great Power’—THE PRESS, which, with a few excep­tions that may be disregarded, is already entirely in our hands”.


Should Europe get out of their control, then the Jews are determined to show their strength by responding with the guns of America, or China, or Japan, to smash Europe, if necessary.  [H: I believe you will note it has long since passed that point and now the above ones are al­ready sup­plying all the ammunition for their own self annihilation.  Do you not see that these ones CAN NOT STEM FROM THE TRIBES OF THE JUDEANS?  JAPANESE?  CHI­NESE?  YOU MUST RECOGNIZE TRUTH—THE KHAZAR/ZIONISTS ARE FROM THE TRIBES OF RUS, MONGOL AND NORDIC LINEAGE.  THESE SO-CALLED AND SELF-STYLED “JEWS” ARE IN NO-WISE “JEWS” OF GOD’S PLACEMENT—THESE ARE THE ANTI-GOD THIEVES OF THE PLANET ITSELF.]




The manipulation of the courts is herewith discussed.  Their plan is to destroy the courts of law and degrade and de­generate it into a legal jungle.  Further, to hamstring and ha­rass honest citizens, the Jews first of all plan to heavily staff the whole legal system with their own breed.  If we look around us today it is hardly possible to ignore how heavily in­fested our legal system IS.  The majority of the judges are Jews.  The number of attor­neys is HEAVILY WEIGHTED with Jews.


But in order to bring about their contrived and perverted de­cisions and justify them to the public they make it a fine science to cover their idiotic decisions with the most high-sounding, ex­alted moral principles passed into legal form.  To train their breed of lawyers for all this intri­cate treachery and finagling, they have schools which prepare their selected personnel by a spe­cial, super-educational training course in their special Jewish schools.  With their special training they will be “...made ac­quainted with the whole underside of human nature, with all its sensitive chords on which they will have to play.”


The Jews go heavily into the study of economics, not to clarify the issues, but the better therewith to CONFUSE THEM.  Around their government, that is the Jewish government, there will be a whole constellation of bankers, industrialists, capital­ists and above all—million­aires, because, as they say, everything will be settled by the question of money.  The Jews will in­stall Gentile stooges to head up government departments but they will be people and persons whose past and reputation are such that have criminal involvement, people who have some dark, murky hidden past, and are easily BLACKMAILED.  Such people never represent the interests of their own race, but are outright traitors to the citizens, and this, as the Jews say, “in order to make them defend our interests to their last gasp.





The Jews make a full and detailed study of the character of the people of the country which they intend to destroy.  By cau­tious application of this principle, “you will see that not a decade will pass before the most stubborn character will change and we shall add new people to the ranks of those al­ready subdued by us.”


They confide that the Masonic watchwords of “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”, have been a powerful tool for the de­struction of the different nations of the world.  Whereas these words ex­press a meaningless and impossible idealism, that is be­side the point.  It has been tremendously useful and has worked.


A short discussion then ensues about the use of artificially controlled anti-Semitism being tremendously useful to them for the management “...of our lesser brethren”.  In other words, con­trolled “anti-Semitism” is a very useful tool to unite and bring all the Jews in line in coopera­tion with their worldwide MASTER PLAN.


For the Jews there are no checks or limits to the range of their activities.  Their Super-Gov­ernment is not limited by any laws or conditions.  At the proper time, we, the law givers, shall exe­cute judgment and sentence, we shall slay and we shall spare, we, as head of all our troops, are mounted on the steed of the leader.”


They have enmeshed into their network the service of persons of all opinions, of all doc­trines, demagogues, socialists, com­munists, and Utopian dreamers of every kind.  Each of them has been given a task.  Each of them, on his own account is boring away at the last rem­nants of authority, striving to overthrow all established forms of order.  By these acts all States are in tor­ture—but we will not give them peace until they openly ac­knowledge our in­ternational Super-Govern­ment, and with submissiveness”.  [H: Any shoes pinching little feetsies yet?]


Remember that these Protocols were finally brought forth al­most a century ago, even then the Jews openly bragged that they already had in their hands the administration of the law, the conduct of elections, the press, the liberty of the person, but above all, EDUCATION AND TRAINING OF THE YOUNG PEOPLE.  They further brag that they have fooled, used, and corrupted the youth of the Goyim by rearing them in princi­ples and theories which are known to the Jews TO BE FALSE.


They further openly brag that they have in the Western countries a means and a ma­neuver of such appalling terror that even the very stoutest hearts will quail.  They have un­dergrounds called Metropolitans “those subterranean corri­dors which, before the time comes, will be driven un­der all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organiza­tions and archives.”




Dharma, you are not the only one feeling ill and queazy at that point.  I do not, either, know how to say these things without using their own labels and terms and yes, it does sound awful—IT IS AWFUL—YOU HAVE SLEPT SO MUCH TOO LONG THAT YOUR BRAINS ARE FOGGED AND THE VISION CLOUDS.


Let us have only a short break, chela, for we must move right along.  I trust that G.G. is get­ting these writings to ones who must also squarely face FACTS.  To press under wrong as­sumptions and incorrect directions is worse than doing NOTH­ING.  Even in combat or indus­try—YOU MUST LOCATE THE ENEMY OR THE MALFUNCTION AND ONLY THEN CAN YOU REPAIR AND/OR REPLACE THE PARTS WORN AND SABOTAGED.  THE ENEMY IS IN YOUR VERY IN­NER CIRCLES AND HIGHEST PLACEMENTS—YOU MUST NOT OVERLOOK ALL THAT HAS BEEN FALSELY FED UNTO YOU AND THE CITI­ZENRY FROM ALL CORNERS OF YOUR VERY BASIC FOUNDATION UPON WHICH YOU FOUNDED THIS NATION—UNDER GOD!  As much as you ones of my very own Command will wish to deny the Truth of it—it is now open and totally unacceptable that you continue to IGNORE the facts of the false teachings and misdirections for your very sur­vival is resting upon your inner vision to set the course to right.


Blessings upon you who struggle and are heavy laden—God shall give you rest when the need is at hand.  He will also give you strength to see your journey through and the ship again into its right passage—but you must LOOK with open eyes and stop denying that which pains the heart.  THE ANTI-CHRIST IS IN YOUR MIDST AND HAS DEVOURED YOUR VERY FIBER AND FOUNDATION.  GOD WILL SHOW THE WAY AND POINT TO THE ER­RORS—HE WILL NOT DO IT FOR YOU!


Hatonn to stand-by and await your summons when you are pre­pared to continue.  Thank you.




March 5, 2011